Tour to Japan at the time of flowering Sakura. Tours to Japan Japan Excursion Tour Blossom Sakura

Tour program

Departure Day: Departure to Tokyo

Night flight from Moscow to Tokyo.

1 day: Arrival in Tokyo, accommodation in the hotel

Arrival at Narita Airport. The meeting is a Russian-speaking guide, a group transfer to Tokyo (time in the way of about 1.5 hours).
Optional (for an additional fee) - Night admissance of Sakura's garden with illuminated.

Day 2: Tokyo Excursion

Tokyo excursion. The program includes lunch.
First of all, you will go to shinto Sanctuary Mayji Jinggu, dedicated to the Emperor Mutsukhito (Maidzi) and admire Sakura in the park at the temple.
Further excursion will be devoted to meeting the most popular areas of the city. You will visit the modernist district of Shinjuku and the fashionable Quarter Harajuku. From the bulk island of Odaiba, which is leading a picturesque rainbow bridge, you will open an amazing panorama of all Tokyo.
You will visit the complex of hot springs "Legends about Edo," where we walk along the recreated streets of medieval Tokyo, will plunge into thermal baths under open sky And get acquainted with traditional Japanese cuisine. Then the colorful representation of the geish is waiting for you.
If desired (for an additional fee) - a cruise with dinner in the Tokyo bay on a comfortable ship Simphony (19.00-21.30).

* IMPORTANT! A visit to hot sources to people with tattoos is strictly prohibited.

Day 3: Continued Tokyo Excursion

Tokyo excursion. The program includes lunch at the Japanese restaurant during a tour (buffet). Delight of rare varieties of Japanese tea (from sakura, pumpkin tea, chestnut tea, oolong tea, match tea, ginger tea, rice tea, herbal teas) - Included in the program.
The Central Tokyo Quarter of Gindza is called the Parade Showcase Tokyo, here you can feel the atmosphere of one of the main shopping centers of the world. Hindza symbol - built in 1894 the building of the Vaco department store with a turret with a clock, which every hour beat off time. Central building national Theater Kabuki, which pleases the eye perfectly correct Lines of Japanese architectural style.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe Imperial Palace, where more than 2,000 Japanese pines "Matsu", which are considered in Japan with a symbol of longevity. Arched stone double bridge Nijubashi, who led to the inner quarters of the Imperial Palace. IEYASU, the first of the Sögunov clan Tokugawa, began to build his castle in 1590. During the Edo period, his descendants turned the castle to the world's largest. The emperor and his family live in the western part of the territory of the Imperial Palace, which was restored after World War II. The audience is allowed twice a year: on the birthday of the emperor and the New Year holiday.
Walk through the eastern kindergarten of the Imperial Palace, which is a vivid example of the Palace Garden Art of the National Style.
Loving Sakura B. famous parks Tokyo. This mandatory for all the Japanese Spring Ritual is called "Khana" - admirement with flowers.
Samurai Park Hamariky, where modern Tokyo architecture and traditional landscape design are bizarrectically intertwined. Initially, these were hunting grounds of Tokugava Sogun, and in memory of these times these days in the park there are demonstrative hunting performances and exhibitions of hawks and falcons. Later, the park became the resting place of the imperial family, and in 1945 he was transferred to the Government of Japan. Since then, the park has been declared the cultural property of Japan. A special place in the park is a black pine "Kromacu", landed back in 1709. This is the largest pine in Tokyo.
Weno Park Many consider the best place For love Sakura in Tokyo. In 1873, Emperor Maidzi ordered to smash in an extensive territory on the hill of the city park on the European sample. Along the three main alleys, trees and bushes were deposited from all over the countries, which turned Weno into a similar similarity of the Botanical Garden. Especially a lot of Sakura was landed various varieties. And since then, every spring Oeno becomes a place of pilgrimage of tens of thousands of residents and guests of the capital who want to admire the blooming Japanese cherry.
The historic Quarter of Asakus is rich in souvenir pavilions, where the fragrance of pre-war Tokyo is preserved. Buddhist temple of Sense-Dzhi, the land that Great Sigunov, founder japanese capital Tokugawa Ieeasu. In the main hall of the temple, the original image of the goddess of mercy is cannon. The treasury of national crafts is Nakakse-Dori shopping street, which is now famous for the huge selection of souvenir products. Bell, who beat off the time in Edo era.
If desired (additionally paid pre order) In the evening you can visit the National Show Geishe and Samurai with dinner. Group transfer to the show, back to the hotel - independently.

Day 4: Excursion to Mount Fuji

Excursion K. sacred Mountain Fuji. Lunch with dishes of local Japanese cuisine during an excursion - all the dishes are cooked on the purest waters of the source, which are famous for the locality at the foot of Fuji.
Rise by bus on the 5th station of the Sacred Volcano Fuji (about 40 minutes, the rise is performed with favorable weather and road conditions). From this station, located at a height of 2305 m, in the summer they make hiking on Peak Fujiyami, which is pararit at an altitude of 3776 m above the ocean. In 2013, the Volcano Fuji, which the Japanese since ancient times is called the border between the Earth and the sky, received a new birth - he was entered by UNESCO to the World Cultural Heritage.
To the 5th station leads winding mountain road Subaru Line with a length of 30 km, with which the travelers are watching an exotic landscape: frozen streams and lakes lava, placer gravel and black boulder blocks.
From the bus window we will observe the mysterious forest of ghosts. Among his twisted trunks of trees, in the jamming gray fog, in the dead silence they are hidden, as they say, the souls of those who threw abacus with life on Fuji. In this forest, Aiu-Ghara takes place the famous novel "Black Sea Trees" Matsumoto Satio. The ghost forest is considered one of the most terrible places on Earth, and fans of acute sensations from around the world seek to get here.
In case of unfavorable weather or road conditions, instead of the 5th station, we will visit the Fuji Museum.
The ensemble of the old and samurai houses "Minka" at the foot of Fuji, where you can get acquainted with the life of the inhabitants of medieval Japan. Here are samurai armor and swords, silk cocoons, rice mats tatami, various craft products and even vintage children's toys, some of which are very reminded by Russian nestresses. Here you can enjoy the dishes of old cuisine and take a picture of memory in an exotic environment. 18 houses with rice straw roofs are a fantastic landscape of ancient Japan against Fuji. The samurai or female kimono comes in the outfit, we will become an organic part of this landscape and capture the memory in such an exceptionally exotic form. (Dressing into national outfits is carried out several times during the day, an additional board in place).
Visiting winery, free wine tasting.

5 day: Free day in Tokyo

Free day.
For those who want additional group excursions (preliminary booking, preliminary payment is required):
- Hakkadzima and Yokohama entertainment park with RG by train and taxis with input tickets (without lunch).
Impressive oceanarium with numerous inhabitants of ocean depths, bright show with marine animals, Museum of the Japanese noodle "Raman" with tasting, Chinese quarter, viewpoint Skyscraper Landmark Tower with a high-speed elevator listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
- Excursion to Nikko is a place that, as his name says, exudes solar radiance.
We will cross the Red Bridge of Sincan, according to which only Messengers of Syogun could have been walking before, we will see the hall of the three Buddhas of the Kninno-Dzhi Temple and the Bronze Pipple of the World, which was summed up with 1.000 Buddhist sutors. Alley of cryptomeries lined in the 17th century will lead to the gate of thorium at the entrance to temple complex Tosua. Here - and the first seismic building, built in the 17th century, and the sacred stable with the world's famous worldwide the bas-relief of three wise monkeys, whose poses say: "I don't see evil, I don't hear evil, I'm not telling evil." We also visit the amazing temple of the Sunning Dragon Chondzido. The 200 stone steps will lead us to the Bronze Pagoda of Sooto, under the arches of which the ashes of the Great Songuna Tokugava Iseasu rest.

6 day: Excursion to the city of Kamakura and Yokohama

Extract from the hotel.
You will go to the ancient Kamakura and modern Yokohama. The program includes lunch.
Kamakura - the ancient capital of Japan and the city of the resort on the coast Pacific Ocean. You will certainly see the bronze statue of the Buddha Amida, created in the middle of the XIII century height of 13.5 meters.
In Kamakur, you can also visit the Shinto Samurai Temple of Tsurugaoka Khatimanu, dedicated to the Deity of Warriors, walk along the bridge of eternal life, thrown through the pond with the lotus. True pleasure will take you a walk on a wide road leading from the sea to the temple, along which there is an alley from Sakura trees on both sides.
After visiting the ancient capital of Japan with its preserved originality, you will go to modern Yokohama, where you will get acquainted with the beauty of the Japanese nature in the garden Sanway-En, which in 1906 created a rich secretary Solk Sanway Hara. The garden is a Japanese cultural monument. In this landscape park on a huge area of \u200b\u200b180,000 square meters, in addition to delightful plants, 16 architectural structures are located, which were brought from different parts of Japan. This, in particular, built in the 16th century three-story pagoda brought from Kyoto, Villa Rensyunkaqua, built in 1649 and tea house Tsyukaku. With the life of ordinary people introduces a typical medieval peasant house transported from Gifu Prefecture. Everyone can take part in traditional Japanese tea party.
An independent transfer to the hotel in Narita Limousine Bus on the Shuttle bus (included in the program), settling, rest.

Tours to Japan are quite expensive, especially compared to other countries. But Japan is so mysterious, a varied and unusual country that many tourists prices for tours almost do not worry. But still it is envisaged a relatively inexpensive travel option to Japan - burning tours.

The price of such tours is significantly lower than the standard, and you can save on journey. INTERTOUR offers optimal options for tours in Japan. These are exciting tours with excursions in Tokyo, visiting the ancient cities of Kyoto, Kamakura, Nara, walks by national Parks and reserves, ascent on sacred Mount Fuji.

Summer in Japan wet and roast, from June to mid-July lasts the rainy season. But in the summer you can plan a tour to Hokkaido Island, which rains bypass. The most favorable time of the year for the tour in Japan is spring and autumn.

By ordering the burning tour in the spring, you can admire the flowering of Sakura, and in the fall - the bugger leaves of Japanese maples. Even in winter in Japan, dry weather reigns without strong frosts, only on ski resorts Hokkaido temperature drops below zero, snow drops. Whenever you decide to go on a tour to Japan, you can be sure that you are waiting for a lot of bright and unforgettable impressions!

This country is very violently developing and changing. The Japanese are changing. And the most decisive changes are not external, but internal. The main features of Japanese character are accuracy, modesty, patience - seems to be gradually destroyed. It is said that the consequences of this is hard to predict now.

This can only be convinced by going there, thanks to cheap trips to Japan. In fact, you will not bother you on how much a ticket costs to Japan is, because there is so beautiful that the price does not disturb, and the walks will be exciting and interesting. The Japanese is noticeable almost from the first acquaintance with them - in the mass of it is not religious.

They are happy to be wary in the Christian Church (no matter what - Catholic or Orthodox, just to be beautiful). Although on New Year Look at your shiny church to buy an amulet. Funeral in the world of other residents of the country of the rising sun Buddhist monks.

In the whole history, Japan did not know religious wars and religious intolerance. Even the persecution of Christianity at the beginning of the XVII century was carried out purely political painting, as the father-of-the-Jesuit here are quite fair as the agent of the Western colonial powers that have come to the Far East.

True, the Japanese always believed in Earth, but from this no less significant value - thrift, accuracy, modesty, the ability to endure, praise and believe in the future, respect parents, bosses and others, strictly fulfill their duties in small and large.

If it is said to stand at the crossroads on the "red light" - you have to stand. If you are tightened into the instructions, twist the nut for five and a half turn - will do this, and not otherwise. If the Japanese is learned closer, you can find out how talented are they. After all, they first invented such a system for building buildings, with the expectation to maintain in the summer coolness and protect the structures from earthquakes.

BUT transport They work as a well-established mechanism - always comfortable and safely. To find out even more about culture and life local residentsunlikely fly there, especially since now tours to Japan from tour operators are offered by burning trips to Japan and inexpensive tours to Japan. In the capital of the Rising Sun - Tokyo - every tenth Japanese lives.

  • So, people who make a tour Japan - Bali and Tour Korea - Japan, and not only, can easily find here their compatriots, for whom a trip to Japan, the cost of it, they are not interested, because in the past they found them here For yourself, the home home and remained in this country forever.
  • The image of Tokyo embodies the most specific traits Portrait of this country. When we talk about the national identity of the Japanese, you do not always pay yourself aware that many of the features of their life and behavior are generated by close. It is she who forces people to live as if "pursing the elbows", which is the essence of Japanese ethics. On the territory of a little more Finland lives more than 120 million people - just a little bit less than in Russia.
  • In addition, most of Japan is occupied by the mountains. The face of the Japanese capital is not the streets and not a building. These are people. The city simply amazes their gigantic cluster. Tokyo's soul is the element of the crowd embodied in endless human and transport flows and in equally erratic savings of houses. But all this in the Namig is forgotten when the spring time and the bloom of Sakura in Tokyo does not have places that would personify the Japanese capital, like the Kremlin - Moscow, and Big Ben - London.
  • Even the Geographical Center Tokyo - the Imperial Palace - does not dominate the city and from the side is perceived as an obsected Park. By the way, Tokyo initially called Edo and gained his current name only just over 130 years ago. In 1868, Emperor Maidie removed from the power of Segunov - military leaders who traditionally managed the country, and moved here from the ancient capital - Kyoto.
  • Memorial complex Maidzi and the park and the largest in the capital, the synthone temple, it is necessary to visit how to visit both Asakus, where the most interesting Buddhist temple is located, around which the fair-looking Fair has been spreading.

It is better to visit it in the spring, because at this time blooms, famous for the whole world, Japanese cherry. When Sakura's bloom begins, tours to Japan invite travelers on excursions, and the beginning of the summer will delight with huge rice fields, but can and upset rainy weather accompanied by typhoons that come from the Pacific Ocean. Since summer is a beach season, the inhabitants of this country are dedicated to rest on the shores of Okinawa.

Use the case and the journey to Japan, the price of which will disturb you little, will be yours. You can come here at any time of the year, here is beautiful and in winter, and in spring or summer, and in the fall, when the red leaves fall out. And in the winter of many tourists attract ski tours In Japan and the Snow Festival, which is held annually in Sapporo.

well and new Year's tours Japan will decorate your arrival and make stay in the country festive. Another remarkable place - The Bridge of Nihonbasi, from which the old Tokaido tract began once. A trip to Him to Kyoto - riding or in Palalankina - earlier took almost a month. Now this can be reached by express - in just two hours.

Open in 1882 Zoological Gardens Oeno - the oldest Zoo of Japan. Here, on the area of \u200b\u200b14 hectares, animals from all over the planet live in comfortable conditions as close as possible to their real habitat. For his long history, the Zoo Weno became a house for more than three thousand animals of 400 species. In addition to the opportunity to spend time in the fresh air and chat with animals, the park guests are offered a variety of training and entertainment programs.

Tokyo is not rich architectural ensembles. However, this does not mean that there is no beautiful places. It's nice to walk near the imperial palace, to which the Palace Center of the city of Marunouth and the Park Hibiya is adjacent. It is interesting to wander among the Sinjyuk skyscrapers, where the old entertainment area is still enriched with high spirits. It is worth remembering that there is a left-sided movement, public transport Comfortable and comfortable. For people who are accustomed to save on the passage, the bus will suit, as the Japanese taxi is considered very expensive.

But since they gathered a tour trip to Japan, you should know that before the delay is issued tourist visawhich makes it possible to arrive in this country for no more than 15 days. Mandatory condition is the order of hotel rooms for the entire period.

And tourist tickets to Japan will help you save and enjoy staying in this country. Also there are combined tours in Japan Japan simply in Japan proposed by travel agencies that will help you navigate with visas and passport control.

Consult about the carriage of animals, as well as your baggage, and of course inform you about how much a trip is in Japan. In addition to his chaoticness, Tokyo was and remains a mysterious labyrinth not only for visitors, but also for locals. There are practically no addresses in our understanding here. For example, the name of the gindza is rather a spatial concept than the street. This is, first. And secondly, the numbering of houses is not conducted through the streets, but along the perimeter of the camp in the order of their development.

Therefore, before you go to some Japanese to visit, it would be nice to get a schematic plan, how to get to him. Japan is a delightful country that amazes with its ancient history and traditions. Stay here will be unforgettable and informative.

About Japan

Location: The total length of the well-developed coastline of Japan exceeds 30 thousand km. Almost 80% of the territory of the country occupy low mountains and a plateau, and only 10% are meridionally extended highly durable ridges separated by narrow tectonic rocks.

The highest mountain range is located in the central part of Honshu Island. Here is the highest peak of Japan - Volcano Fujiya (3776 m). The last eruption of Fujcian Volcano occurred in 1707. The volcanic asset that was then elevated from the crater, located at a distance of 100 km Tokyo.

Plains, which occupy no more than 10% of the country's area, are very thickly populated and almost completely occupied by arable land. The most important industrial regions of Japan are concentrated on the plains.

Population: Modern Japanese are the people extremely hardworking and disciplined. In a society, where people aged 20 to (34 years old, women are more prevailed than men (103: 100). Along with the Japanese, constituting 99% of the population, small communities of Koreans, Chinese and Americans live in the country.

The most densely populated the southern part of Honsu, as well as the north of the islands of Kyushu and Sikoku, where the density of the population reaches 1000 people / sq. km (with average density in the country of 335 people / sq. km). The least populated Hokkaido Island, North Honsu and the southern part of Kyushu. Most of the people of Japan are concentrated in cities. Territory: 377,800 square meters. KM

Climate: The northern regions of Japan lie approximately 45c p. sh. (The latitude of the Crimea and Venice). In Europe, this latitude is very roast on this latitude, and the winter is soft. A other business is the North-Eastern Hokkaido coast, where under the influence of the cold flow of Ossaio (the Curil for Honce-Washing Honsido and Northeast Coast) The sea is covered with ice in winter.

In the south-west and west of the shores of the Japanese islands, the warm current of Kurosio is washes, thanks to which numerous coral reefs increased around the islands of Ryuku. Due to the considerable length from the north to south, the Japanese Islands are located immediately in three climatic belts: moderate warmth in the north, subtropical in the center and tropical in the extreme south. A wet monsonic climate is superimposed on a latitudinal explanation, covering its influence all the islands of the archipelago.

In all Japan, with the exception of Okinawa and Ryuku Islands, there is a clearly pronounced change of four times. The January temperature ranges from -6 -10s on Hokkaido and -4 - 0s in the northern and central part of Honshu Island to + 64c on Kyushu and 14 - 18C on the Ryuku's nominated to the south.

In the summer months, when the warm and wet monsoon blows from the southeast, the temperature differences in different regions are less pronounced: from + 28c in the south to 18-20s in the north. As the temperature is lined in the mountains, regardless of season, it decreases on average by 0.6s every 100 m. The climate of Japan is generally wet. The average annual precipitation increases from the north to the south, rangeing from 800-1500 mm on Hokkaido and Honsel to 2000-3000 mm on the Ryuku archipelago.

The summer monsoon blowing from the ocean brings abundant rains in the east and south of the country, while the winter monsoon coming from the depths of Asia, covered in snow all the north-west.

Capital: Tokyo.

Religion: Sinto, Buddhism, new religions (a mixture of Sintoism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Confucianism), Christianity

Language: Japanese

Currency: The yen, exchange large amounts best at the airport of arrival, as the hotels change no more than 300 USD per person per day, and in banks the exchange procedure is difficult to bureaucratic formalities.

It is possible to pay common credit cards, but it must be remembered that in a number of restaurants "credit cards" do not accept. The best course is at the airport and hotels, it is most profitable to exchange usd. Rubles change it impossible.

Time: In the summer, the difference with Moscow is 5 hours, and in winter 6.

Transport: The main types of transport in the country are railways and sea ships. Superior high-speed trains are divided by trains far follow And local lines, which are divided into simple expressions, limited expressions ("Semi-Sprons") and ordinary electric trains going with all stops.

All trains are equipped with soft chairs, coffee machines and soft drinks, they also have a toilet, urban phone and scoreboard in Japanese and English.

For movement by railways Comfortable ticket Japan Rail Pass (valid only for visitors with tourist visa And it is purchased in advance), which gives the possibility of unlimited movement on trains, buses and ferries of Japan Railways, as well as on some trains of private companies during a certain period (one, two or three weeks). Ticket registered, transmitting it to another person is prohibited, when checking, you need to show a passport with the ticket.

Intorodsky railway lines Select color. The fare on them is 120-300 JPY, tickets are purchased in special machines at stations (long queues to them - not uncommon) and surrender from the train at the destination station. When moving from the branch of one company, a new ticket is bought on the branch.

For a ticket you can pay extra at the destination station. Japan also has a well-developed system bus routes. Most of them work from 7:00 to 21:00, some buses serving remote areas work from 5:30 to 23:00. At each stop indicates its name, route and its number (most often only in Japanese).

Payment is made when landing on the bus. In the city, the trip costs about 200 JPY, outside the city - depending on the distance. There is a one-day travel ticket worth about 1200 JPY (600 JPY for children under 12 years old), which in some cases valid also for travel on the subway.

The shops: Department stores work every day from 10:00 to 21:00 or 22:00. Private shops, as well as hotel stores work in their graphics. There is a network of small stores that work around the clock, but offer a limited set of goods, including, however, everything is needed.

Self dear shops Located in the quarter of Shinjuku, on Ayama-Dori Street, Tokyo "Elysee Fields". The youth prefers to dress in the Sibuya area, there are many inexpensive supermodic stores. The department stores in Japan call "Deupato" (from the English Department Store) - they are here truly huge, much more Parisian Gallerie Lafayette and Printemps. The most important Japanese department stores are "Mitsukoshi", "Matsudzakaya", "Matsuya", "Isethane", "Cayio" and some others are located in the Ginza and Shinjuku districts.

Electricity: Voltage in the network 100 V, and the frequency (Hz) is different. To work from the local network, each electrical appliance must necessarily have a function of automatic shift of 100/220 V. V. If it is not, no adapter will help.

Customs: There are no restrictions on the import of foreign currency. You can import 500 g tobacco to Japan, 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars, three tanks of wine-vodka products (each - no more than 760 ml), two ounces (56 ml) of spirits, gifts and souvenirs with a total cost of not more than 200,000 JPY.

When importing animals or plants, you must contact a quarantine rack. The import of firearms, pornography, drugs (for drugs is threatened by deportation and a lifelong ban on entering the country), as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. There are restrictions on the import of fur, medical preparations (especially containing 1-deoxyeffed) and cosmetics.

Visa: For registration of a visa, the following documents are required: a passport, valid within 6 months from the end of the tour and with at least two pure pages, two photos, two filled questionnaires, certificate from the place of work indicating the position of tourist, certificate from travel company The fact that the tour was bought in this company (it provides a tour operator), the attorney of the tourist for the delivery and receipt of documents by employees of a travel company.

If a child rides a child up to 18 years old without one of the parents, it is necessary to provide a notarized permission of the power of the second parent on this trip and a copy of the domestic or foreign passport of this parent to reconcile signatures in the passport and by attorney. Visa timing - from 10 to 14 days, cost: from 100 USD.

Kitchen: In Japanese cuisine, fresh and raw products are widely used, and at its basis - rice, fish and algae.

Most popular dishes: "Susta" (or "Sushi") - more than 200 species of rice balls with various fillings, "Sasimi" - Slices of raw fish, which are served with seasoning from soy sauce and green horseradish "Wasabi", and "Sukiyari" - fried beef, Vegetables and soy curd.

In Japan, you can try "marble meat" - the meat of the bull, which is grown as a survey, samp with beer and massage, and also taste the famous heated vodka "Sake".

In some restaurants there is no menu on english languageBut in this case there are usually presented photos of dishes.

Hotels: As the theater for the viewer begins with hangers, and the country for the tourist begins with the hotel where he stopped. He will lead their first impressions from here. As we met, as placed - the level of service determines the level of hospitality and will certainly play a role in creating the country's image. There is a set of international laws that determine the category of hotels, her "star".

In Japan, such a classification, both in Europe or America, from one to five stars, is not. There is a different gradation: There are standard hotels in the cheapest, hotels in National-style - Ryokani, business hotels, Superior and De Luxe hotels. All hotels are completely different, everyone has its own features, their face. But unites all Japanese hotels perfect cleanliness without exception, a complete lack of even a hint of any mess, as well as attention and respect for the guest.

Beaches: Since Japan is surrounded by the ocean, there are many beaches there.

Most of them are open from July to August, although the initial period varies depending on the location. Wakayama is white sand beachlocated on hot springs. You can get to it in 5 minutes by taxi or in 15 minutes by bus from the train station, as well as 15 minutes from the airport that has been operating from May to August. Okinawa Beach is on west coast Emerald Green Ocean.

The best months for the visit will be April - October.

Tip: Giving "tea" in Japan is categorically not accepted: 10-20% for maintenance are already included in the account. Guest from the West better save your generosity for other countries and be sure to wait until the last Jena, if he does not want a taxi driver or waiter to chase him down the street with several pieces in his hand.

Tour Operator Japan KMP Group offers you a wide selection of various tours to Japan, from excursion tours and rest in Japan, to business and yacht tourism, SPA tours and treatment, as well as family tours with a visit to Disneyland.

Japan - One of the most mysterious countries and visit it stands at least once in life. Despite the fact that the culture of the rising sun in due time has experienced a very strong influence of Chinese culture, it is distinguished by an uniqueness and amazing special aestheticism.

Location and climate of Japan

In many ways, this originality is due to the location of this country. Japan consists of more than four thousand islands, the most important among which are Hokkaido, Ryuku, Sikoku, Honsu and Kyushu. The country has access to several seas: from the west of its coast is washed Japanese sea and the Korean Strait, from the East - the Pacific Ocean, from the North - Okhotsk MorceAnd the southern coast is washed by the East Chinese Sea.

Quite most of the territory of Japan make up mountain areas, and on its territory is enough a large number of Volcanoes, several of which still exhibit seismic activity.

The climate of Japan is also very dependent on the region. In the north of the country there is a moderate climate: in the summer months, the air temperature is heated here up to +30 s, the winter here is sufficiently harsh: the thermometer column can descend to -15 S.

In the south, the tropical and subtropical climate prevails, which causes high summer temperatures: up to +38 s (in the winter about +16 c) and a large amount of precipitation per year.

Popular resorts

Tours to Japan will transfer you to a special world. This world lives in its laws, existing for several centuries.

KMP Group Experts are studying Japan for many years, we travel to this country regularly, but even for us it continues to remain a source of new discoveries and inspiration. Japan is a country with a special aesthetics, special culture and history, here even nature is permeated by some special charm, which makes you again and again come here to admire the red autumn maples or flowering Sakura.

The country of the rising sun provides a huge selection of places and attractions. We tried in the framework of the excursion tours of Japan to choose for you the most interesting routes, during which you better learn this country, its culture, its past and present. The Japanese managed to realize the Buddhist ideal of the "mid-way": an amazing combination of opposites. Here you will see harmony of technological and attention to ecology, incredible performance and relaxed absence, respect for nature and the use of the latest scientific developments.

KMP Group offers you to choose exactly the tour to Japan, who is suitable for you. Journey to Japan can be very different along its excursion program and on the duration of the tour. It can only be 3-4 days or a few days, it can be different regions of the country of the rising sun, but one thing remains unchanged - a special one with anything that is not comparable to the "taste" from travel.

In the course of tours to Japan, you are unlikely to resolve before local cuisinewho already won his fans worldwide. The abundance of seafood, specially cooked vegetables and rice, and, of course, Japanese tea that turned into a real ritual is all this is a mandatory part of the program. All this makes it possible to understand how completely ordinary everyday things like cooking or contemplation of cherry blossoms can turn into a special sacrament, imbued with sacred beauty and timeless meaning.

Tours to Japan combine both traditional Japanese aesthetics with the concepts of "Vabi Sabi" and modern megalopolises with the latest technologies. Moreover, all this is often available to you in the same place.

And, most importantly, tours to Japan are the clearest impressions, positive emotions and touching the centuries-old wisdom of the Japanese people. We guarantee you all this!


Any acquaintance with Japan we recommend starting from her capital - Tokyo. Here you will see an amazing combination of modernity and traditions. The Japanese is tearing careful attitude towards their culture, nature and in general to all alive. This is largely dictated by the influence of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, the combination of which and created the amazing peculiarity, which Japan is so famous.

In Tokyo, be sure to visit the Park Shinjuku Göen, Samurai Museum, Odaiba district, National Museum The advanced science and technology "Mijankan" and the oldest Tokyo Buddhist Temple of Sense-Ji. However, the number of attractions of the Japanese capital is not limited to these places, and besides Tokyo, you will definitely be to visit Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nikko and Canadzava.

Write to us, we will be glad to help you get to Japan!

Group tour to Japan. March. Sakura!

March 22-28 2020 (7 days / 6 nights)

Tokyo - Nara - Kyoto - Canadzava - Tokyo

Pink "Snowfall"

When billions of petals fall out from cherry trees, it may seem that the earth is covered with pink snow. Suddenly, the petals come off from the branches and fly in the graceful dance to the ground. A strong gust of wind picks up "snowflakes", spreading them everywhere. The Japanese call this phenomenon of Sakura Fubuki, or pink "snowfall". The earth will rip out a gentle pink carpet. The fallen petals of Sakura - a rare beauty spectacle - give peace and calm.

"Khana", admiring the blooming Sakura, is the most favorite tradition of the Japanese. But, despite the fact that literally "khana" is translated as "loving with flowers", it is no less firmly associated with a good snack and drinking on a picnic with family or with friends under blooming trees.

Now in Japan there are more than 300 types of Sakura, although not more than 10 species are natural. Sakura flowers were also a favorite plot of many famous artists. They appear in countless paintings, poems, and later in photographs and films, not to mention the fact that Sakura is the most popular ornament of female kimono.

But not only the Japanese asses the beauty of Sakura flowering. Anyone who will visit Japan at that time will come to delight when it sees blooming trees trembling in the wind ("HanAducation"), as well as sakura flowering at the light of the moon or paper lamps ("Eugeakura"). This impression will continue in memory for many years.

21 March. Moscow - Tokyo.

Departure from Moscow in Tokyo by a regular flight of Aeroflot or Jal.

March 22. Tokyo.

Accommodation at Narita Airport.
Meeting with a Russian speaking guide.
Transfer to Tokyo.
14:00 Arrival in Tokyo.

18:00 Arrival in the hotel, accommodation.

March 23. Tokyo.

Breakfast in the hotel.

9:00 Tokyo's excursion.
District of Sinjuku Skyscrapers, "Alley of Memories" Omoidhe Ekoto.
The sanctuary of Maidji Jingu.
Youth district Harajuku.
Asakusa district, Temple Senseodji, Souvenir street Nakamse.
Akihabar Electronics Quarter.
The fashionable area of \u200b\u200bGinza is the "showcase of the city".
Square of the Imperial Palace.

During the excursion - lunch.

18:00 Return to the hotel.

March 24. Nara.

Breakfast in the hotel.
8:00 Extract from the hotel.
8:30 Transfer to Kyoto on the Sinkansen speed train.
11:00 Arrival in Kyoto.
Transfer into the vy.

12:30 Excursion to Nare.
Todaji Temple with the statue of the Big Buddha.
Sanctuary Kasuga Beat.
Park manual deer.

During the excursion - lunch.

17:00 Transfer to Kyoto.
18:30 Arrival in the hotel, accommodation.

Hotel: "Hotel Intergate Kyoto Shijo Shinmachi", 4 *.

March 25. Kyoto.

Breakfast in the hotel.
9:00 Extract from the hotel.

Excursion to Kyoto.
Temple of Kinkakuji ("Golden Pavilion").
Temple Röandji with a garden of stones.
Temple of "Clean Water" Kiyimizudera.
Temple Thousand Buddha Sanzusiangendo.

During the excursion - lunch.

17:10 Transfer to Canadzava at the near train.
19:15 Arrival in Canadzava.
Transfer to the hotel.
20:00 Arrival in the hotel, accommodation.

Hotel: Kanazawa Tokyu Hotel, 4 *.

26 March. Canadzawa.

Breakfast in the hotel.
9:00 Extract from the hotel.

Excursion to Canadzava.

Japanese garden Kanoku-en.
Castle Canadzawa.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe ancient samurai houses.
Medieval tea street Higashi tea.

During the excursion lunch.

16:00 Transfer to Tokyo on the Sinkansen speed train.
18:30 Arrival in Tokyo.
Arrival in the hotel, accommodation.

Hotel: "Moxy Tokyo Kinshicho", 3 * or "Courtyard Tokyo Station", 4 + *.

March 27. Tokyo.

Breakfast in the hotel.

Free day. Additional tours will be offered for those who wish.

March 28. Tokyo - Moscow.

Breakfast in the hotel.
Meeting with a Russian-speaking guide in the hotel lobby.
Extract from the hotel.
Transfer to Narita Airport.
Departure to Moscow Regular flight of Aeroflot or Jal.

The cost of the program on the 1st person as part of the group

Payment in rubles on the company's course at the time of payment.
In brackets indicated the price calculated at the rate of Central Bank + 2% on March 5, 2020

Included in cost:

  • accommodation in hotels;
  • excursions with a Russian-speaking guide;
  • entrance tickets for the program;
  • food: breakfast in hotels and dinners during excursions;
  • transport service software, railway tickets to Sinkansen speed trains;
  • visa application.


  • airfare Moscow-Tokyo-Moscow;
  • medical insurance.
07:00 – Breakfast in the hotel.

09:00 - In the morning in the lobby of the hotel you will be met by the guide and you will go on a tour of the city Kamakura!
Located on the picturesque coast of the Pacific Ocean of Kamakura - is the oldest capital of Japan, it is a small town with a large number of ancient Buddhist temples, a quiet and picturesque. Kamakura - one of the most ancient cities in Japan, was founded in 1192.

10:00 – Daibuda Statue - Great Buddha
This statue of the Buddha is the second largest in Japan (the first is in Nara). The height of the statue is 11.4 m, the weight is 93 tons. Buddha sits in an open sky, green hills create a beautiful background. The statue was cast in 1252. The statue was probably made in the Hisomon or Tansi Hisatomo, leading Japanese sculptors from the bronze of that time. At a certain period of time, the statue was gilded. Until now, there are traces of gilding near the ears of the statue.

11:00 – Temple of Haseder

The temple was built in 736. You are amazed by the statue of the 11-headed Cannon goddess, 9.5 meters high. Another landmark of the temple is a gigantic bell, cast in 1264, is the most ancient in Kamakur. It is declared the most important cultural value of Japan. You fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 12th century, feel like a part of the Great Past

13:00 – Lunch in the restaurant (Japanese cuisine).

14:00 – Temple Hatimanu
The Khatimangu Temple is an important shrine of Kamakura. It was founded in 1063 by the representatives of the Minamoto family. The temple is dedicated to the God of war, as well as the memory of the legendary emperor Obin Hatiman. Here, the warriors Yorito practiced in Yabsame - archery from a horse. In order to get into the temple, you need to go from the embankment through the entire center of the city along a long, wide aisle with a few Tori goal along the way. The main hall is on the terrace at the top of a wide staircase. The main hall is located the temple itself and the museum, where shrines are stored, such as swords, masks and documents.

15:00 – Departure to Yokoham..
Yokohama - Megapolis, the largest port of Japan, be prepared for the fact that the reality will exceed your wildest expectations.

16:00 – Tower Landmark Tower
The highest building of Yokohama and third in height structure in Japan. Building height - 296.3 m. The construction of the building was completed in 1993. The skyscraper is located the highest visibility platform in the country.

17:00 – Port of Future Minato Mirai
The most famous area "Minato Mirai" is located in the central part of Yokohama and translated from Japanese means "port of the future". Here are high-rise office buildings, luxury hotels, shopping centers, restaurants, conference rooms, exhibition complexes.

19:00 - Return to Tokyo Hotel.
* Night at the Tokyo Hotel 3 Stars "Toyoko Inn Tokyo Shinagawa-Eki Konan-Guchi Tennozu".

See also: