Kailas where is located. Kailas - Sacred Mount Tibet

How many copies were broken, how many scholars came together in the "Battle of Truth", how many theories of scientific, near-scientific and not scientific appeared due to the mysterious and unknown mountain Kailas. How many religious flows merged together, and agreed at one point of being. Let's try to figure out (well, or even more confused).

As we always say (and we will talk) - every square centimeter of our planet is worthy of attention. Naturally, we simply have no right to pass by the sacred mountain Kailas. Especially considering how many things are embarrassed around it.

To start a little geography. The Kailas Mountain Ridge is located in the southern part of Tibet (today Tibet is the autonomous region of China, but there are differences between them). Mount Kaylas is the most significant and beautiful vertex of the same ridge.

Mount Kaylas on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (31.067112, 81.311697)
  • Distance from the capital of China Beijing about 3300 km in a straight line
  • To the nearest Simicot airport about 130 km south

Mount Kailas has an interesting and geometrically proper pyramidal shape with a permanent snow cap on top. Her faces are almost oriented on the sides of the world. It turns out a sort of giant compass visible from space.
The height of the pyramid is one of the subjects of the scholar dispute. Different groups of researchers intended the same different heights, but all the dimensions were put on the interval from 6,638 to 6,890 meters. This is enough high mountainAlthough I am inferior to the famous Everest (8848 meters) and the most high mountain On the planet in the absolute expression of Mauna Kea (10203 meters). At the expense of the height is the opinion that it is equal to 6666 meters. At least, in many sources of isoteric themes, it is this height.

The southern part of the mountain has in the middle of a smooth debris from the top to the foot. As if it was cut by a knife. In addition, this crevice again crosses the horizontal crack in the middle. As a result, when the sun is sitting, the shadows of these cuts form a swastika. Therefore, Kailas is sometimes called the Mountain Wastie.

It is worth doing an important addition. Swastika is an ancient image that symbolizes the sun or sun. Many nations are connected with our luminaire. Slavs also had a kind of swastika called Kolovrat. Please do not confuse the well-known Nazi swastika Hitler's times with the ancient runes.

To the peculiarities of Mount Kailas include its stepped structure, which makes it more like a pyramid.

Mount Kaylas in Religion

The oldest religions of the surrounding countries give Kailas supernatural strength and consider sacred Moz. Hindus, Buddhists, followers of Jainism and Bona (these are also trends in religion) call it the "heart of the world" or "the axis of the Earth". Mountains raise prayers, worship and committed around it ritual bypass. This pilgrimage is called bark.

Hindus argue that Shiva lives on Mount, and Kailas is an image of a measure - great Mountain In the center of the Universe.

Buddhists say that the peak of the mountain is the abode of the Buddha. Buddhist pilgrims from all over the planet every year gather at the mountain in the feast of Saga Dava, who is dedicated to the Buddha.

The followers of Jainism believe that on the mountain, the liberation and enlightenment of the Kshatriy Mahavir himself reached - the founder of this religious flow and the main holy.

Followers of Bona religion empower the Divine properties of Lake Mapham-Yumzo, located 34 kilometers south Mountain. They consider the lake the center of the oldest country of Shangshung, in which Bon appeared. Mount Kailas they call the nine-storey mountain swastika. She is the soul of the whole religion, and here it came from Tonpa Shenrab's sky - the founder of religion.

It is noteworthy that representatives of the first three religions bypass the mountain clockwise, and the followers of the bond on the contrary, counterclockwise.
The length of the route around the mountain is 52 km. To overcome it, you need very good physical training. It is believed that making a bark (bypassing the mountain), a person enlightens and gets rid of sins. Moreover, it is advisable to get around the mountain in one day, which is very difficult. Especially honorable is the bark committed 13 times.

In religious books about Kailas there are such inspiring lines: "None of the mortals dares to enter the top, where the gods live. Who will see the faces of the gods, must die. " In the legends it is said that the mountain will throw off any brand name, having watched to climb. And even if you simply touch it, I have no healing ulcers.
All of the above religions are honored by two lakes of 34 kilometers of south of Kailas. This is Mapham-Yumztso and Langa-Tso. The first is fresh - it is considered to be a lake of life, and the second one - the saltwater is a lake of death.

In the vicinity of the mountains, there are 4 main rivers of this region - Ind, Sutland, Brahmaputra and Carnia. The myths say that they all start with Kailas. But actually threads with mountain Ridge Initially, Langa-Tso Lake, and the SathLege river flows out of it.

Occurrent and not scientific hypotheses and myths of Mount Kailas

Some sources indicate a mystical figure of 6666 and it is argued that it is at such a distance from the mountain of Stonehenge, the North and South Poles. It is said that Kailas lies on one line with egyptian pyramids and mysterious Easter Island.

We sat a little over the map and realized that with distances some confusion, for example, to Stonehenge 6920 km in a straight line. If the poles were at the same distance from the mountain, it was supposed to be located at the equator - and this is not. And the pyramids with Easter Island are not quite on the same line are. Therefore, we will assign similar data into the category of unconfirmed. But, if we were mistaken somewhere, please let us know about it.

There is also a mass of pseudo-obvious hypotheses. Here and the stories that the time around the mountain goes several times faster, so that men in a few hours turn weekly bristles. And that Kailas is entrance to parallel worlds. And that the mountain is inside the hollow, and there are many saints in it (among which even mention Jesus Christ, Buddha and Krishna), and all in one place. They are not just like that, and until the moment mankind does not go crazy and does not reach the verge of self-destruction. That's no one, besides the highest strength, can not protect a person from himself.

To be honest, that these hypotheses still have little common with science, and more refer to myths and legends.

How to conquer Mount Kailas

In no point. Remember at least the most high point Planets, Mount Everest. She is conquered by all who are not laziness and deep elders, and teenagers and even people with limited features. And this height almost 9 kilometers, there almost nothing to breathe, but people hardly make ascension. What is Kailas? Surely no one conquered the top? And there is. Mount Kailas is never once, nobody was conquered. And the main factors here are two. The first (mystical) factor is that according to the unknown science for reasons, the overwhelming majority of climbers, right before the ascent of "nerves," they simply refused their desire to climb up. And even if someone, defeats internal resistance, still started climbing, he immediately returned back or died.

Locals worship the mountain as a shrine, and naturally do not even think to conquer it. Everyone wishes to do it foreigners. So, for example, Italian Reinhard Messen, who received permission to climb, in 1985 arrived at the place, but in the last moment changed his mind. The incomprehensible feeling of fear and hopelessness covers everyone who thinks to eat at Mount Kailas.

The second factor that prevents conquest local residents. They literally block the path to the crisp. In 2001, an expedition from Spain, paying considerable money only for the opportunity to climb the top of the mountain, was stopped by a group of pilgrims. Thousands of believers stood on the path of the Spaniards. Dalai Lama himself and even the UN protested against the climb on Kailas, and the climbers had to give up. Thus, to this day, the mountain is not conquered.

Reinehold Messner later spoke, referring to the Spaniards: "If we defeat this mountain, then we will defeat something in the souls of people. I would suggest go and climb something a little more difficult. Kailas is not so high and not so heavy. " We will remind, he himself still did not decide to climb.

  • The ridge, where the mountain is, is considered young, so he is still growing. " Its height increases annually by 5-6 mm
  • Scientists have established that the age of Tibetan Mountains is about 5 million years old, but the Mount Kailas itself is only 20,000 years
  • The name of Mount Kailas is translated from Sanskrit as "Crystal"

Mount Kaylas is a mysterious and incomprehensible secret of Tibet, a place that attracts thousands of religious pilgrims and tourists. Highest in his area, surrounded by the sacred lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas (lively and dead water), uncompressed by a single climber, the top is worth seeing her with his own eyes at least once in his life.

Where is the mountain Kailas?

The exact coordinates - 31.066667, 81.3125, Kailas is located in the south of Tibetan Highlands and shares the pools of the four main rivers of Asia, water from her glaciers flows into Lake Lang-Tso. Photo high resolution From a satellite or aircraft resemble eight petal flower of the right shape, on the map it does not differ from the neighboring Groz, but significantly exceeds them in height.

The answer to the question: what is the height of the mountain contested, called scientists range - from 6638 to 6890 m. On the southern slope of the mountain, there are two deep perpendicular cracks, their shadows form at sunset the scenes of the swastika.

Mount Kailas is mentioned in all ancient myths and religious texts of Asia, it is recognized as sacred among four religions:

  • Hindus believe that at its peak there is a favorite abode of Shiva, in Vishnu-Purana it is indicated as the city of gods and the space center of the universe.
  • Buddhism is the place of living Buddha, the heart of the world and place of power.
  • Jaina worship the mountain, as the place where the true insight found and interrupted by Sansar Mahavir - their first prophet and the greatest saint.
  • Bontes call the mountain by the place of concentration of vitality, the center of the ancient country and the soul of their traditions. Unlike the believers of the first three religions committing a bark (cleansing pilgrimage) embonodged, followers of Bon go towards the sun.

Parabanoic concepts about Kailas

Kailas's mystery concerns not only scientists, but also lovers of mysticism and transcendental knowledge, historians engaged in the search for traces of ancient civilizations. The extended ideas are very bold and bright, for example:

  • The mountain and its surroundings are called the system of ancient, destroyed by the pyramids. Supporters of this version note a clear step (only 9 protrusions) and the correct arrangement of the mountains of the mountain, almost exactly coinciding with the parties of the world, like complexes in Egypt and Mexico.
  • E. Muldashev's theory of stone mirrors of Kailas, gates to another world and hidden inside the mountain artifacts ancient humanity. According to him, it is constructed artificially, hollow inside the object with an initial height of 6666 m, whose concave sides twist time and hide the passage into a parallel reality.
  • Legends about sarcophagus hiding the Genofund Christ, Buddha, Confucius, Zarathustra, Krishna and other antiquity teachers.

History History on Kailas

The question "Who conquered Kailas" to ask senselessly, due to religious considerations, the indigenous people did not attempt to conquer the top, all officially registered expeditions with this directivity belong to foreign climbers. Like the rest of the ice-covered mountains of the pyramidal form, Kailas are difficult, but the main problem is to protest believers.

With difficulty, the Spanish Groups received the resolution of the authorities in 2000 and 2002, the Spanish groups did not pass on at the foot of the camp, in 2004, Russian enthusiasts tried to lift the rise without high-rise equipment, but returned due to adverse weather. Currently, such ascents are prohibited at the official level, including onn.

Hike around Kailas.

Many firms offer for delivery to the original point of the cortex - Darchen and Guide accompaniment. Pilgrimage takes up to 3 days, the transition by the most difficult area (dolma pass) - up to 5 hours. During this time, the pilgrim takes 53 km, after passing 13 of the circles, passage to the inner ring of the crust is allowed.

Those who wish to visit this place should be remembered not only about the good physical preparation, but the need for Permta is a kind of group visa to visit Tibet, the design takes 2-3 weeks. The policies conducted by China led to the fact that it is almost impossible to get to the mountain Kailas independently, individual visas are not issued. But there is also a plus: the more people in the group, the cheaper the tour and the road will cost.

Mr. Kailas is one of the riddles unsolved humanity. Many secrets and legends surround this incredible beauty and power of a mountain range. In this article we will dive into the world of Tibet, study the facts and learn a lot of interesting things related to the Kailas Mountain and its hidden strength.

Mount Kailas - uncompressed pyramid

Mount Kailas, or Kailash (depending on the pronunciation so called this queen of all mountains), is in Tibet. In order to climb it, a special permission obtained from the authorities of this region is required. And yet, none of the mortals have yet been able to climb to the top of Kailas, and after all, it is not the highest mountain on Earth.

It is known that in 1985, Rainhald Messen, who was submitted by several eighties, also tried to climb the top of Mount Kailas, but someone or something prevented him to make plans. If we consider objective reasons, there are information that the weather conditions have deteriorated sharply during the climb, which is why further advance is impossible. And for this reason, many people are referred to, trying to get to the peak of Mount Kailas. According to another version, it is believed that Reynhard on the day he received some message in the form of vision and refused the venture himself.

In 2000, a group of Spanish climbers received a long-awaited permission to travel to Tibet, and Mount Kailas was also their goal. But at the very beginning of the climbing pilgrims, which can often be seen in these places, blocked the path of Spanish conquisites of the Holy Mountain Kailas. The obstacles on the way were the fact that the Dalai Lama himself, and even the UN protest was expressed. Consequently, the Spaniards had to return the ravis of nonolon bumping.

Thus, not a single mortal appeared, who would have reached the top of this temple complex, this great Mount-Pyramid Kailas. But there are legends that Tonpa Shenb, the founder of Religion Bon, descended from heaven to the top of Kailas to convey knowledge to people. And the greatest poet of Milarepa, the greatest poet of Milarepa, managed to rise to the top of Mount Siva and grab the "rays of the sun."

Sacred Mountain in Tibet - Kailas. Roll theory

The Holy Mountain Kailas in Tibet has long been attracted to himself out of only idle travelers, professional climbers, pilgrims, yogis, followers of Bon religion, worshipers of Shivaism (and many other religions), but also esoterics, on which this mountain acts in the literal sense magnetically.

The entry of Ernst Muldashev on this mountain is also talking about us about. Muldashev believes not only that this sacred complex is the Earth's Energy Center, but also that the new race is born inside it, those who will inherit the land after us. There is an opinion that inside the Kailas Mountain there is a cavity, which, in fact, is a temple, a palace, a cradle of the development of new races on Earth.

According to Blavat, the first race was an angelic race, after her the people of water came. Then - the so-called civilization of Lemurians, and after her - well-known many Atlants, whose heirs we are. If you follow this theory, now inside the Kailas Mountain, the new, sixth race is born, but her time will come soon. And, perhaps, by the time, humanity will reveal the riddles of the sacred mountain Tibet, which spawned so many questions, the answers to which are still unknown or carefully hidden. Perhaps it is not by chance even the arrival in this place and the number of pilgrims is strictly regulated by the authorities. Is it really that there is something to hide? And most importantly: is it really about the secrets associated with the mountain, someone knows much more than we can open, and therefore limit the study of these places and raising climbers to the mountain?

Tibet and mountain Kailas: secrets and secrets of the sacred mountain

The secrets and secrets of Mount Kailas tried to find out long ago, but in the 20th century the organization created by order of Hitler may have come to the opening of the Tyne closer than all. Anenbe is an organization that existed in Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945, - sent several expeditions to Tibet, and including to explore the Kailas Mountain. The Germans tried to establish the origin and history of the race, which now lives on Earth. And the name of this race is Aryans. The Germans tried to prove that only their people, German, has Aryan origin. In fact, those people who now inhabit the earth are just called the Aryans, the heirs of the Atlanta.

There is also belief that Sarcophag Nandi is located near the Kailas mountain range, in which the great teachers of mankind are still in the state of Samadhi: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and others. They also say that the entrance to this sarcophagus is connected by the tunnel with Kailas. In order not to go deep into the description of the state of Samadhi, which is considered one of the signs of achieving enlightenment in the tradition of yoga, and which species can be samadhi, you can only point out an example of a person of our era in such a state. This is Lama Ityiglov, who came to the physical body in 1852, and it is still incompressible. Many also believe that the mountain complex Kailas is nothing but temple complex, inside which at an altitude of about 6000 meters is the city of the gods created by the highest civilizations. It is not difficult to believe in it, if you look at at least externally to the central grief of this complex - it has the shape of the pyramid.

If you try to explain the form of ordinary weathering, the action of elements to the creation of her faces, although it would seem that it looks like a scientific, in fact deeply unscientific. It is difficult to imagine that only natural phenomena Create a form of almost perfect pyramid, especially if you take into account the fact of the location of the central mountain.

Where is the mountain Kailas

Mount Kailas, where, according to the texts of the Vedas, resides, is located on one meridian with Egyptian pyramids, stone idols of Easter Island and Inca Pyramids in Mexico. Also incredibly interesting is the fact of the geographical remoteness of Kailas from these points. So, from Kailas to Stonehenge - 6666 km; to the North Pole - the same 6666 km; If you consider the distance from Kailas to Easter Island, then it is again the same 6666 km; And if you go even further, then the distance from Kailas to the southern pole is equal to 6666 km multiplied by two. To top it off, you must say that the height of the mountain Kailas itself is 6666 m. What is it? Is there really so technologically more developed civilizations, after which such a legacy remains?

Perhaps the information that we are given in the Vedas that Shiva is on the top of the Holy Mountain Kailas, dancing the eternal Tandavan, forcing the whole world to constantly stay in motion and develop without stopping, and there is a great truth of the world's creation. And only if it stops dancing, the world will be destroyed in order to be created new instead. Could this mean such a fact that the end of the tandava leads to the change of civilizations on Earth: the previous one is destroyed, and the following is starting its existence. And so will continue forever.

How many conversations are underway on the subject of time in this Tibetan region. We know that the mountainous temples of Kailas, as they are often called them, are located on the spirals and on top, in the center of the spiral there is a mountain Kailas. Why the flow of time changes in this place can be explained as follows. The slopes of the mountains are peculiar giant mirrors, some of them are concave, like those who created the Soviet scientist Nikolai Kozyrev. And with the help of them, it was possible to change the course of time that could send a person to the past or the future.

Mountain Cylas Mountain

So in the Tibetan mining complex, the presence of a mirror effect affects the energy component of the place, and therefore on people nearby. Therefore, there are cases when the flow of time is accelerated so much that in one day people grew a beard, nails grow rapidly. There is also evidence of the opposite impact of staying in those places on the body: people, on the contrary, the younnels and charged energy.

There are official data on how a group of foreign climbers managed to get into the Kailas complex, but in the area just above 5,800 meters, in the "Death Valley", descended from the usual path to which you need to go. When these people returned from the expedition, they quickly raised and a year later died, and doctors could not determine the cause of such rapid aging of the body.

Most likely, you can really explain this by the influence of the "mirrors". And what causes a sacred thrill in believers can be understood as the impact of physical laws. After all, if Kozyrev managed to create a time car and even existed a documented evidence that with the help of its design, traveling both in the past and the future, then why there can be no "natural" prototype engineering design? Although who said that the origin of the Kailas complex is natural?

A small continuation of the opening of Nikolai Kozyrev and his time car

For some time, the experiments continued, and the results exceeded all expectations, but later the Soviet authorities suspended the development of research without further renewal plans. However, who knows, perhaps, for a wide audience of information is presented in this way, and in reality things are different. And, perhaps, work on the transition to various measurements, the passage in the "Casmodian" was carried out all these years, and its results are available to a strictly limited circle of people dedicated to research.

Whatever it was, Mount Kailas still continues to attract many tourists. And you should not be afraid and avoid the action of giant mirrors, because if you do not plan to rise too high - in the area of \u200b\u200b5000 meters and above, - then you do not threaten anything. You can stay at the foot to see this majestic creating nature or ancient civilizations, admiring the monumental view of the mountain pyramid of Kailas.

Around Kailas have long arises disputes. It is believed that this place is mysterious and surprising. Read on why. Mount Kaylas - Mountain array, which rises above the rest of the vertices. Kailas has a pronounced pyramidal shape, and the faces are centered on all sides of the world. At the top of the peak there is a small snow hat. Kailas is not yet conquered. No person visited his top. Coordinates of Mount Kailas: 31 ° 04'00 "s. sh. 81 ° 18'45 "c. d. (G) (O) (I) 31 ° 04'00 "p. sh. 81 ° 18'45 "c. d. place, where is the mountain Kailas - Tibet.

Located Kailas in Himalayas, not far from the main top of the world -.

Mount Kaylas - Tibet's mystery

According to scientists, Kailas is a huge pyramid. All the faces of its vertices are clearly directed to the sides of the world. Scientists argue that this is not at all the mountain, but a giant pyramid. And all the other small mountains are small pyramids, thus, it turns out that this is a real pyramid system, which is much larger than all those who are previously known to us:, the most ancient Chinese pyramids ,. Mount Kaylas (Tibet) is very similar to large pyramidBecause read - is the Himalayan peak of natural origin really?
To find out this, read the article further.

Mount Kailas (Tibet): Swastube and other phenomena

Each of the mountain slopes are called face. South - from the top to the foot neatly in the middle is cut with a smooth straight cleft. Layered terraces form a giant stone staircase on the walls of a crack. At sunset, the shadow game creates an image of a sign of a swastika sign on the south side of Kailas. This ancient symbol of spiritual power is visible for tens of kilometers!

Exactly the same swastika is on top of the mountain.
Here it is formed by Kailas ridges and the mainstream ridges of the four great rivers of Asia, originating on the Glacier Cap of Mountains: Ind - from the north, carnapi (Ganges's influx) - from the South, Sutland from the West, Brahmaputra from the East. These flows supply water half the territory of all Asia!

Most scholars are converged at one point, mount Kailas (Tibet) This is nothing more than the biggest point on Earth, where energy accumulates! A unique feature of Caislantic mountains is that the Kailas literally adjoins various kinds of concave, semicircular and flat semi-mounted facilities. In Soviet times, the development of the "time machine" was carried out. These are not a joke, really came up with various kinds of mechanisms with which people would have been able to overcome time. One of our compatriot genius, Nikolai Kozarev came up with such a thing, the system of mirrors, on the coating system. The time machine is a kind of concave aluminum or a mirror spiral, bent clockwise on a half turn, there is a person inside it.

According to the designer, such a spiral reflects physical time and at one time focuses different types of radiation. Following all experiments, time inside this design was 7 times faster than outside of it. After the experiments carried out on a person, further development was made to close, people began to see various ancient manuscripts, flying plates, and many more, because we will not tell you everything with you.

But the results were staggering, people saw the past on the mirror reflections as in the cinema, moreover, it turned out that with the help of this system mirrors, people can exchange thoughts at a distance. Spent a very interesting experience, people placed inside the spirals had to betray the image of the ancients to the other people who at one time were in.

And what do you think, people not only got and were able to reproduce seen, but in additions to it also grabbed several previously known ancient ancients, to invent that it is impossible. Anyway, but the Soviet authorities were scared of something and developed were closed. The same principle of operation we can see here!

The Kailas system is almost the same in large-scale sizes, you just imagine a copy of a 1.5 km long and a width of Paul. In the system of Kailas mountains, in the center of the whole spiral from various mountains located mountain Kailas.. The strain of time near the vertices confirm many priests, and Buddhists, well, everything is clear with them, they always believe in sacred places, but there was one case with the Soviet Expedition. By the way, Kailas in all peoples living here are considered a sacred place. As well as many other Buddhists and believers, Kailas is a great mountain.

A group of researchers who went to Kailas, going close to the mountain, began to make a "bark". The bark is a sacred bypass around the whole mountain, after which the legend is completely reported from bad karma to them for several lives. And so all the participants who committed "Cora" for some 12 hours that they went, raised for two weeks. All participants rose two weekly beards and nails, although they only walked 12 of our hours! This suggests that the biological activity of a person in this place is many times faster. We can not believe, but people come here to flew their life in a short time.

Many yoga spend their amazing meditations for several days. Surprisingly, if you meet such a person, then from the eye he just rites endless kindness and light, next to such a person is always very pleasant to be and do not want to leave at all. It can be assumed that Kailas is a building created by someone artificially for collecting and concentrating the energy of the future (from space) and the past (from the Earth).

There are assumptions that Kailas is built in the form of such a crystal, well, that is, the part that we see with you on the surface continues with a mirror reflection in the ground. When Kailas could be created too unknown, in general, Tibetan Highlands formed about 5 million years ago, and mount Kaylac Well, quite young is its age about 20 thousand years.

Near the Mountain there are two lakes: the previously mentioned Manasarovar (4560 m) and Rakshas Tal (4515 m). One lake was separated from another narrow cage, but the difference between the lakes is huge: water from the first can be drunk and swim in it, which is considered to be a holy procedure and cleanses from sins, and in the water from the second lake it is forbidden to enter monks, because it is considered damned. One lake is fresh, the second is salty. On the first always calm, and the second buffet winds and storms.

The region near the Kailas mountain is an abnormal magnetic zone, whose effect is noticeable on mechanical devices and is reflected in accelerated metabolic processes of the body.

Mount Kailas: Mystery of the number 6666

In some places mountain Kailas. It has such a kind of plaster. It can be seen the detachment of this some kind of coating, for the strength of anything that is not inferior to concrete. For this stucco, the monolith of the mountain itself is clearly traced. How and by whom these creations were erected, remains a mystery. Who could create such huge palaces, mirrors, the pyramids are not clear from the stone. How was these earthly civilizations, or this interference with unearthly minds. And maybe all this created some clever civilization, which has some gravitational knowledge and magic. All this remains a deep mystery.

There is very interesting geographic featureassociated with Mount Kailas! See if you take and spend the meridian from the Kailas mountain to the legendary Egyptian pyramids, then the continuation of this line will go to the very mysterious Island Easter, the pyramids of the Inca also turn out on this line. But it is not all, it is very interesting that the distance from the Kailas mountain to Stonehenge is exactly 6666 km, then from Mount Kailas to extreme point The hemisphere of the North Pole distance is exactly 6666 km. And to the southern pole, exactly twice 6666 km, notice not less than exactly twice, and what is the most interesting - the height of Kailas is 6666 meters.

There are many in the world unique places With unusual properties. However, from such "places of force" - Mount Kailas in the Alpine Valley of Tibet. South-West China will come to the southwest of China to make a ritual bypass around the mountain - Corra

Until now, scientists argue about the history of this amazing mountain. Cailas artificially created pyramid or mountain of natural origin? Today there are no reliable information about this, as and how many years ago, Kailas originated and why it has the shape of the pyramid, the edges of which exactly indicate part of the world. Surprisingly and inexplicably also the fact that the height of the mountain is 6666 m, the distance from Kailas to Monument Stonehenge is 6666 km, and the same amount to the North Pole, and to the southern - 13 332 km (6666 * 2).

Kailas is places shrouded with thousands of secrets and legends. And so far the top of the sacred mountain was not conquered by anyone. Kailas does not allow simple mortals to the top, where the gods live according to legends. Many tried to climb around in spite of everything. But no one could overcome the invisible wall, which, as the grief-travelers assume, arose on their way, preventing the sacred top. Kailas as if pushing them, allowing only those who very believe - to perform ritual barks.

From Kailas originated 4 the greatest rivers Asian possessing powerful energies. It is believed that when a person commits around Kailas, he is in touch with this power. Kailas is a very powerful power center. It carries the energy dissolution of all old. Making a bark is filled with energy and vital power to help people.

Bypass around Kailas is a custom. Custom faith containing great strength. On Kailas, they say that the one who passes the Corre with the faith and a sense of unity with God - finds a special divine force here.

The big bark around Kailas takes 2-3 days. Throughout the path, a person passes through the strongest energy centers, where the divine streams are felt. Kailas is like a temple. All stones on the way have a certain charge. Pilgrims believe that demigods or higher souls live in the stones. According to ancient legends, many divine creatures that visited here once - turned into stones. And now these stones have a special divine force.

The first day of the cortex is the wait, lightness, mental lift. On the second day, the highest and complex pass passes - the passage of death. It is said that during this period you can experience the experience of death. For example, a person can fall and enter the trance. Many say that during such a trance they felt their body on the top of Kailas.

Pass drill-la symbolizes a new birth. People try to leave something personal in this place. It is believed that so man cleans his karma. This is a symbol of leaving the past, some dark, negative part of the soul. Having dropped on this pass everything is superfluous, go further becomes easier and freer.

Around Kailas you can go either by an external circle - large, or in small - internal. Internal allowed to pass only to those who went around the external one. They say that immediately go there, the high divine energy blocks the path.

There are beautiful lakes on the inner cortex, the water in them is sacred. On the shore of these lakes there is a monastery. People believe that enlightened still live there. And if someone is lucky enough to meet them - he will be blessed.

When the pilgrim passes Corra, he turns to the highest forces and appeals to them with a prayer. Kailas is a symbol of the highest deity. And the external journey to Kaylasu is actually an inner journey to your deity.

There is a belief that Shiva god lives on Kailas. For Hindus Shiva is power and energy capable of creating and destroying worlds. They believe that there are three main forces in the Universe: creation, maintenance and destruction. Shiva strength is a connection with universal energy.

On the way of a wanderer, obstacles often appear, both physical and spiritual. Kailas checks a person for strength and indicates weaknesses. Overcoming all difficulties in pilgrimage is best way Clean and change.

When the pilgrim leaves from Kailas, goes down below - he understands that there is no need for happiness. We have air that we can breathe, eat food, roof over your head - and this is enough to happiness external material, everything else needs to look inside.

Millions of years, people come here and bring prayer in their heart. Lake Manasarovar, as well as Kailas, revered as sacred. To the right of him - the peak of Gurle Mandhata. According to legends, she was the king in the past life. Then there was no water and the king began to pray. Once God heard his prayers and created the lake out of his mind. This is a lake and there sacred Lake Manasarovar.

Another lake next to Kailas, called Rakshas Tal is considered damned. It is separated from the sacred lake with a narrow ister. Surprisingly, with such a close arrangement, these two reservoirs have huge differences. You can dip in the sacred lake, the fish and water can be drunk there. Water in this lake is fresh and is considered healing. Lake Rakshas Tal, on the contrary, salted and dip it in it. And the places where the source with dead and living water is located nearby, since ancient times is considered to be places of power.

There is Kailas and another sacred lake - Gaurikund. According to legend, it was created by Shiva for his wife Parvati. She helped people a lot, because of which her body was very exhausted. Oakdating in this lake, Parvati gained a new body, and since then no one else can be touched upon its sacred waters. There are many legends about the death of people who touched Lake Gaurikund.

In the vicinity of Kailas there are 4 caves. One of them, the cave of Milafy, is located in the south-east of Kailas next to the sacred path. According to legends, the great yogi of Milarepa put two stone blocks at the entrance of the cave entrance, which set a huge granite slab. This slab cannot be shifted from the place of hundreds and even thousands of people. And Milarepa pushed her out of granite and laid with his spiritual power. And it is in this place that he reached his enlightenment.

There is a legend that Milarepa and Bonn Priest Naro Bonchung fought for power over Kailas. During the first opposition of supernatural forces on Lake Manasarovar, Milarepa told his body over the surface of the lake, and Naro Bonchung rose to the water surface from above. Not satisfied with the results, they continued to fight, running around Kailas. Milarepa moved clockwise, and Naro Bonchung - against. Having met at the top of the Dolm La Pass, they continued the magical battle, but again to no avail. Then Naro Bonchung suggested on the day of the full moon immediately after dawn to climb to the top of Kailas. Who will rise first, he will win. On the appointed day of Naro Bonchung riding on his shamanic drum flew to the top. Milarepa calmly rested at thenime. And as soon as the first rays of the sun reached the peak of Kailas, Milarepa seized for one of the rays and instantly reached the vertex, having received power over the sacred mountain.

Cailas hang prayer flags everywhere. These are protective symbols. People hang them to succeed in some good endeavors. These flags are also called "wind hits." The symbol of prayer flags is the horse carrying the jewel. It is believed that he fulfills wishes, brings well-being and prosperity. Flags make five main colors symbolizing five elements of the human body. Mantras are applied on them, which are activated upon contact with the wind and distribute encrypted messages around the world.

Kailas is the place of spiritual strength that the believers awakens, cleans their minds. People seek here to pronounce a prayer that everyone carries in his heart. It is believed that the one who will perform this pilgrimage will be cleared of all his sins and knows the mystery of the universe.

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