Zaeltsovsky park in Novosibirsk. Zaeltsovsky park

On weekends, when the weather is fine, the best place Novosibirsk parks are for recreation, where you can have a good time in the bosom of nature, including the largest of them - Zaeltsovsky, which is one of the favorite places not only for a picnic, but also for wedding photo shoots. There are a lot of beautiful corners that are great for making original and memorable photos.

Zaeltsovsky Bor - a unique forest area of ​​the city with its stunning emerald expanses, untouched by civilization, receives up to 80 percent of the townspeople on weekends. Its area is thirty-five hectares of plantations with picturesque meadows, bizarre paths, secluded places, relic pines.

And although Zaeltsovsky Park is considered a country park, it can be reached by car from the city center in just five minutes. There is a very large free parking lot at the entrance.

Starting from a very beautiful station, which the newlyweds often use as a decoration for a photo shoot, works on the territory. Bicycle and rollerblade rentals are also open here during the summer months.

In general, Zaeltsovsky Park offers a lot of entertainment: it is a cinema where movies are watched in the car, and horseback riding.

The entire territory is segmented into zones that differ in their design, but are united by the same theme of the railway. This idea begins to be traced already from the design of the central entrance. Zaeltsovsky Park is literally dotted with stylized elements of railway tracks, road barriers, bridge spans, steam locomotives - samples of the war period, expositions from details of earlier times. Trains and locomotives in various designs are a distinctive feature of the park. Forged sculptures, which perfectly convey the railway theme, also attract attention.

A huge number of pavilions and playgrounds that Zaltsovsky Park offers for recreation make it possible to choose a corner for a heart-to-heart conversation or organize some kind of event on a real stage.

At the service of lovers of active pastime there are rope trails, paintball, mini-golf and roller skating grounds, various attractions. In winter, those who are not afraid of frost come to Zaeltsovsky Park to go skating and skiing.

The history of this place of rest is inextricably linked with the history of the city itself. Since 1926, when Novonikolaevsk was renamed Novosibirsk, the image began to change gradually. Particular attention was paid to the issue of greening the city. There was even an idea to turn it into a garden city.

However, at that time there was not much greenery in Novosibirsk: only a few gardens and groves - Trukhanovskaya, Svoboda, Starokladbischenskaya, Sosnovka and Alhambra. But behind the Yeltsovsky district there was an excellent forest, which in 1930 it was decided to turn into a place of rest for the townspeople. This is how Zaeltsovsky Park appeared. Initially, it was supposed to build one-day holiday cottages, a water stadium, an exhibition center, etc. here. A competition for the planning of the territory was even announced.

The opening of the park took place in June 1932, and three decades later two truly grandiose projects were launched here - a children's railway and a zoo.

In the north-west of Novosibirsk there is a unique forest area - Zaeltsovsky pine forest. Relic pines, sunny glades, air filled with coniferous aromas - a place, as if by nature itself, intended for a person to relax in silence, away from noise and din, enjoying the beauties of the Siberian land. And if in summer the eyes rejoice at the riot of greenery, then in the cold season, after a snowfall, this corner resembles a real winter fairy tale.

Part of this forest, or rather, its southern tip, when our city was just beginning to develop rapidly, it was decided to turn it into a city park. The decision to allocate a huge forest area for a park was adopted in the fall of 1930. Soon, in the spring of 1931, work began on the improvement of the territory. And already on June 1, 1932, a new city recreation site was opened, called the Zaeltsovsky Park.

Today it is not only one of the oldest parks in Novosibirsk. It is also the largest in the city. The area occupied by it has already exceeded 35 hectares. However, although officially the boundaries of the park, of course, exist, it is not just located next to the Zaeltsovsky Forest, but is part of it, and the visitor, walking along the winding paths, and not along the alleys, must exercise reasonable caution so as not to inadvertently delve into the most real forest.

Since the territory of the Zaeltsovsky Park is simply huge, and even without going beyond it, it is difficult to navigate, especially for the convenience of visitors at its entrance and in several other places on special stands there is a map of the park indicating the alleys, paths and the most interesting objects.

And if someone is tired of the city roar or smog, misses nature, wants to escape from the closeness of the metropolis for a while and just take a walk among the pines, then it is not at all necessary to go somewhere far away. Our city is unique. What other large industrial center can boast of the fact that not only inside it, but also very close to the center, there is a huge natural forest in which you can even get lost.

Zaeltsovsky Park did not immediately become what it is now. Yes, and there were quite a lot of disputes with its main concept: some believed that it should be adapted for sports and the main building should be a stadium, others saw it as a modern exhibition center. The idea of ​​an exhibition center in the Zaeltsovsky Park was not developed, but anyone can go in for sports in it. There are treadmills and winter ski slopes, various sports grounds, bicycle rentals and sports. inventory.

For children, there is simply expanse. You can run to your heart's content, and not only along the paths, but wherever you like, ride bicycles, velomobiles, scooters and roller skates. There is a wonderful children's town with various attractions and the funny name "Zaelcosha".

Rope park "Weak?!"

A few years ago, the Slabo rope park with children's tracks was opened right on the territory. Now children can also climb trees, without forcing parents to freeze in fear for their child, because experienced instructors will take care of his safety.

However, "Weak" has already managed to fall in love not only with children. Adults are also happy to take part in this extreme entertainment. Of course, the tracks for them are both more interesting and more difficult, and are located much higher.

museum under open sky"Ethnovillage"

A walk in the park can be combined with a visit to an unusual open-air museum. This museum is called "Ethnosettlement", the entrance to it is free. While it is still small, only a few chums, it gives an idea of ​​the way of life of the peoples of Siberia. Those who wish can shoot from a real crossbow or leave a hatchet in an open shooting range, however, this is already for a fee. The tea yurt will offer tea prepared according to traditional recipes.

Novosibirsk Children's Railway

Here, in Zaeltsovsky Park, the Children's Railway originates. In the summer, trains run along it, on which you can ride directly to the zoo.

Alley of enterprises

The alley of enterprises is very beautiful and well-groomed. Each enterprise of the city, one way or another connected with the West Siberian Railway, is allocated a small area and given the opportunity to equip it to its own taste. Beautiful pavilions, small ponds, bridges over them, models of steam locomotives give this part of the park a special flavor. Here, railway workers often celebrate their holidays. The zone is not closed, and anyone can walk along the alley, sit in any pavilion.

There are very few sculptures in Zaeltsovsky Park, just a few pieces. And for some reason they are concentrated in one place - the central part of the alley of enterprises. But all of them are quite interesting: a huge hourglass, a metal globe, also a metal tree.

The elegant bridge looks beautiful, on which lovers have already hung locks.

An owl sits next to the birches and strictly looks at everyone. Not far from her are a funny bear and a hare.

There are no sculptures in other parts of the park. But there is no shortage of benches. After a long walk, you won't have to look for somewhere to sit down and rest your tired legs.

Picnic in nature

Active recreation, sports, quiet walks and unity with nature - often this is what attracts people to the park. But many people like to relax in nature with their warm company. Especially for them in the park there are many large and small gazebos for picnics. Rent is quite inexpensive - for using the gazebo you have to pay only 300 rubles. at one o'clock. Each gazebo has a barbecue. It is strictly forbidden to make fires in the park itself. But renting a gazebo, you can also treat yourself to kebabs cooked with your own hands.

Drive-in cinema

Another "feature" of the Zaeltsovsky Park is a drive-in cinema. Just like in America: I drove my car to the site in front of the big screen and watch a movie right from the car. Since the cinema is located directly under the open sky, it works only at night and only in summer.

For thrill-seekers, there is a paintball club "Lair" in the park. And with him is a bathhouse in which you can wash off the “war paint” after a gambling battle.

The bank of the Ob near the forest occupies a beach. True, this is already an independent object and the entrance to it is paid.

Not every city park can boast such an abundance and variety of entertainment for both children and adults as Zaeltsovsky. From time to time, it also hosts various entertainment programs, concerts, folk festivals and festivals are arranged.

The park is open all year round and around the clock. Entrance to it is free.

Park of Culture and Leisure "Zaeltsovsky" is located on the territory of a unique forest - Zaeltsovsky pine forest. This park is the largest in the city of Novosibirsk, and rightfully is a favorite vacation spot for citizens. The territory of the park currently includes more than 35 hectares of forest plantations and cozy meadows.

2. Boron start

The history of the Zaeltsovsky park is inextricably linked with the main milestones in the development and formation of the Zaeltsovsky district.

In 1871, the survey team of engineer Garin-Mikhailovsky outlined the line of the bridge across the Ob River in the area of ​​the First and Second Eltsovka. Subsequently, this direction was rejected due to the upcoming major land work. Places in the area of ​​the First and Second Eltsovka turned out to be attractive for the location of manufacturing enterprises there. One of them is the city's slaughterhouse, built in 1905 and bringing a large steady income to the city. The first streets of one-story houses in the future Zaeltsovsky district appeared near enterprises under construction: a military sugar factory, a meat refrigerator, and leather industries. All this significantly influenced the prospective construction in the area.


In 1925, under the chairmanship of the city engineer Rodyukov, a commission was created to prepare the initial data for the redevelopment of Novonikolaevsk. In November 1925, I. I. Zagrivko submitted for consideration to the VAI (All-Russian Association of Engineers) a preliminary design of the city plan, which was discussed at a meeting of the association's branch in Novonikolaevsk.

In the plan of I. I. Zagrivko, a number of solutions were proposed, which were preserved in subsequent plans for the reconstruction of the city. The Ob River became the most important landscape element in the panoramas of the city's development and contributed to the improvement of the climate. Particular emphasis was placed on the preservation of the forest park area in the north-west of the city (Zaeltsovsky forest park).

4. View of the Ob.

With the transformation of Novonikolaevsk into Novosibirsk (02/12/1926), the appearance of the city gradually changed. The plans for the "capital of the new Siberia" were grandiose. Particular attention was paid to the greening of the city. Squares, boulevards, parks, as conceived by the architects, were supposed to decorate Novosibirsk, turning it into a "garden city". At that time there was not much greenery in the city: only the gardens "Sosnovka", "Freedom", "Alhambra", Turukhanovskaya and Starokladbischenskaya groves. But behind Eltsovka there was a good forest. It was decided to adapt it for the public to relax by organizing Zaeltsovsky country park(Decree of the Executive Committee of the Novosibirsk City Council people's deputies No. 131 dated 10/18/1930). In the forest, they wanted to build dachas, rest houses, a summer theater, sports grounds, and baths.

There were several options for the layout of the new park. Some proposed to build a stadium here, others - the Siberian Exhibition Center, others - a water station and a water stadium. Plus daycares and kiosks. Interesting ideas of those years include the idea of ​​setting up a zoo or an ethnic park. They wanted to send future employees to study in Moscow - to use the experience of Moscow parks. On September 19, 1930, an agreement was concluded with the Moscow branch of the All-Union Scientific and Architectural Society to organize an All-Union open competition for the design of the park.

However, work on the improvement of Zaeltsovsky Park began only in the spring of 1931. The opening of the park took place on June 1, 1932.

Gradually, asphalt paths were laid across the territory of the park, attractions, summer stages were installed, and a children's town was equipped. Over time, the adjacent coastal zone was ennobled, making the Ob bank a natural extension of the zone cultural recreation townspeople.

7. The sun has almost set

Decades later, only one of the first grandiose projects was implemented - the zoo. Later, a unique Children's Railway was built, including 3 stations (Zaeltsovsky Park, Sportivnaya, Zoo) and 2 sidings (Lokomotiv, Yeltsovsky). The ChRW train started its first flight on 04.06.2005.

10. The views towards the city are a dull mess of houses, so I hardly photographed them

13. good views from the window of this house :)

14. Stop river. Eltsovka

At the dawn of the birth of the city of Novosibirsk, which at that time was Novonikolaevsky, much attention was paid to appearance city, which was planned to be turned into a "garden city". And in one of the districts of the city, namely in Zaeltsovsky, on the site of a pine forest, a large, beautiful and green Park- "green pearl" of the city. Zaeltsovsky is one of the oldest parks in Novosibirsk. This park is over 80 years old. In the early summer of 1932, this place of rest was opened. It is known not only for its stunning nature, but also for a variety of entertainment for every taste. Here you can watch a movie without leaving your car, climb ropes at a height of 8 meters and taste tea prepared according to an ancient Siberian recipe.

The abundance of greenery and fresh air are conducive to walking along the paths of the park. If you go straight. Without turning, your eyes will soon see the sign "Ethnosettlement". This is one of the attractions of the park - a very original institution, an open-air museum dedicated to the life of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. Here you can see how people lived, roamed, hunted, settled on the Siberian land a long time ago, touch a wooden idol - a copy of those who were once worshiped. lovers active rest can shoot a bow or throw axes at the shooting range. There are also two very cozy yurts here, which serve special tea according to ancient Siberian recipes.

A little further there is another “highlight” of the Zaeltsovsky park - a drive-in cinema. From the inside of your car, you can enjoy watching retro films on a huge screen. Entertainment exclusively at night: in sunlight, you can’t see anything on the screen. The first session starts at 23:00. Another unusual "chip": a film for viewing is chosen by voting. Opposite the drive-in theater there is a rental of small-sized vehicles - bicycles and so on. Food stations are also located here.

If you do not have a car and you still travel on foot, then you have the opportunity to become a visitor to the special Slabo? rope park. "Weak?!" literally hangs above the ground: it is located at a height of eight meters. Here you can climb the stairs and pass the obstacle course. There are two separate tracks: adult and children. You will be given a detailed briefing before the ascent.

To the right of the rope park at the fork you can see Train Station. Trains leave from here on the children's railway. This road is a very unusual project, it pursues several goals at once. Firstly, the road connects two recreation areas - Zaeltsovsky Park and the Zoo. Secondly, Children's Railways is an opportunity to organize summer leisure activities for children. On the children's railway, the working staff are children. On the outskirts of the Zaeltsovsky Park stretches the track of the railway with a length of 2.63 kilometers.

If you do not turn to the children's railway, but go left instead, then in the dense greenery of the trees you will find the building of the Lokomotiv sports base. Next is the descent to the beach. Entrance is paid, visiting the beach costs 100 rubles, you need to pay separately for towels and other accessories for relaxing on the sand. But relaxing in the sun and hot sand is worth it.

Zaeltsovsky Park is one of the favorite places for recreation in Novosibirsk.

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