Ecologist Suren Gazaryan - O "Putin's Palace", Tkachev and the Olympic construction site. Tkacheva's cottage increased by new sites where the cottage of Tkacheva is located

In the entire coastal strip of the Black Sea, under the guise of "aquaculture development" and "import substitution" form a "security belt" for official cottages

The scandal around the publication of the RBC IA is about the fact that in front of the so-called Putin Palace in the village of Praskoveevka (Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory) will begin to breed oysters. As the environmental watch found out, according to the same scheme from the sea, it is supposed to cover the other Black Sea VIP-object - the country of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the former Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev, as unambiguously indicates the minutes of the meeting of the interdepartmental commission "to determine the borders of the fish farmers plots in the inner waters of the Russian Federation. " Officials approved the proposal of CJSC Agrocomplex - Family Enterprise Minister Tkachev - about creating such a plot at a distance of about half a kilometer from the shores opposite the notorious cottage.

<…> Like the journalists from RBC, Ekovacht also carefully examined the protocol mentioned above and found that, in addition to the plots near Putin's Palace, the Commission as part of representatives of the Russian Federal District, the Department of Rosprirodnadzor on the South African, the Black Sea Fleet Navy, the administration of the Krasnodar Territory and other departments approved the formation ( With the subsequent setting for auction), more nine sites throughout the Black Sea coast - from Anapa and Large to Border with Abkhazia.

The list of these sites is the "fishing section No. 10" in the blue bay area and the village of Bizhid Tuapse region, the initiator of the formation of which, according to the protocol, was made by CJSC Agrocomplex. "Agrocomplex" - a family-owned enterprise Minister Tkachev, a huge agricultural business empire with a large variety of assets and activities - up to the food production of the full cycle and grocery retail (after Tkachev became a minister of agriculture, "Agrocompleks" increased his assets).

As follows from the protocol, the proposal of the Agrocomplex on the formation of a fish-water area in the stated coordinate points on an area of \u200b\u200b54.5 hectares was approved. The proposal was supported by representatives of the Azov-Black Sea Research Institute of Fisheries, present at the Commission meeting.

Applying these points on the map, we found out that the "fishing site" "formed" in 450-500 meters from the shore south-west of the coastal buildings of the cottage, including Marina for yachts.

For which official goals of ZAO "Agrocomplex" needed a piece of marine water area - it is still unclear, but here, in general, there are no explanations from Rosrybolov: It is quite clear that CJSC "Agrocompleks" simply took advantage of the time to talk about "development Aquaculture »To realize the same scheme of the cover of the dacha Tkachev from the sea, which was implemented with the help of South Citadel LLC for Putin's Palace.

It is worth recalling that the territory around Dacha Tkacheva is a "matryoshka" from land plots of various categories and accessories. Land, belonging directly to Tkachev (the smallest "Matryoshka"), is surrounded by land plots recorded on the relatives of Tkachev, some Strozhenko and Krivnev, as well as the beach, which is lease from LLC Rest, in which in 2011 appeared as The founders are all the same Storostenko and all the same Krivneva. And the plot of the State Forest Foundation, which is illegally fenced with the capital fence, for whose "damage" of which the environmentalists of Suren Gazaryan and Yevgeny Vitishko were convicted, is lease from CJSC Agrocomplex. But, as you can see, all this seemed a little - it was necessary to create a "buffer zone" also at sea.

However, as in the case of fishing sites around the Putin Palace, the approval of the proposal of CJSC Agrocomplex does not mean that the same organization will receive a plot to use - most likely it will use to affiliate or a special one-day firm. Information on the auction for the right to conclude a fisheries agreement on the "fishing section No. 10" in the Blue Bay area on the portal, however, is absent.

"The preparing seizure segment is a logical continuation of the policy on the creation of buffer zones around the" Residence "now the federal minister of Tkachev. Naturally, no oyster and shrimp there will not be breeding there, but it will be a reason to limit the movement of vessels in the coastal zone, and not only fishery, but also tourist ", - commented on the creation of a "fish farm" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe blue coordinator coordinator Dmitry Shevchenko .

Ekovacht continues to study documents relating to the creation of fish farms on the Black Sea. We are confident that the "aquaculture" and "import substitution" are going to cover from the sea and others located on the coast "Interesting" objects.<…>

Inf. Environmental Watch in the North Caucasus

Does the Head of Minnesiest have a "secret residence" and assets related to the "gang of the kings"?

"Secret Cottage" Minister of Agriculture?

As you know, officials are prohibited directly to control business assets, as well as use various services of commercial organizations. It seems that the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev neglected the norms of Russian legislation and "chose" real estate in the Zhirakovsky district of Kuban near the village of Pervomaysky, where, according to rumors, there is one of the alleged personal residences Alexander Tkachev.

No need to confuse "Ministerial Label" in the Vysoksk district with the scandalously famous Dacha Tkacheva, located on the Black Sea coast in the Blue Bay (village of Bizhid, Jubg City Settlement, Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory).

According to Rosreestra, Alexander Tkachev himself owns land plots for the fence of the residence in the village of Bizhd (plots 23: 33: 0102001: 18 and 23: 33: 0102001: 72), his probable relative Sergey Putrozhenko (plots 23: 33: 0102001: 19 and 23: 33: 0102001: 75), as well as Elena Krivneva, born in 1975 (plot 23: 33: 0102001: 17). Fences between Tkachev and Storozhenko sites are not, they have a communal pool. The beach leases LLC Rest. The fence closes the beach of the beach, these territories, as well as the additional 5.4 hectares of the forest fund.

Non-random coincidence

Unlike the dacha Tkachev in the Blue Bay, his probable possessions in the Zhoskovsky district extend to the territory of about 500 hectares. Basically, we are talking about hunting grounds.

There is a number of specific coincidences between the proposed residence of Tkachev in the Vysoksk district and its cottages in the Blue Bay. First, the "Dacha Tkacheva" in the Tuapse region is officially referred to as the basis of the recreation of JSC "Agrocompleks", and the alleged possessions of Tkachev in the Zhoselkovsky region are also officially called.

After the Tsapkov was planted, who belonged to them, the North Kuban Group of Companies (40,000 hectares of the Earth) in the summer of 2014 went to Agrocomplex. Formally "North Kuban" owed on loans to Rosselkhozbank, and "Agrocomplex" paid debts, picking up the assets of the debtor to himself.

Interestingly, still being the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Tkachev allocated the company Sergey Tsack (ARTEX-AGRO) more than 160 million rubles from the regional budget. It is worth noting that the arms did not have to give testimony against influential Krasnodar officials, as he died with very strange circumstances, and Tkachev himself was removed from the leadership itself and transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Mysterious shareholders

Corporation "Agrocomplex them. N. I. Tkacheva ", which is named after the late father of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev, is considered a financial support for the Tkachev clan, but at the same time never reveals its shareholders.

But the data on the founders of the "Agrocomplex" are known. 29% of them are nine Kuban agricultural enterprises, including CJSC Niva (the Nibyman of the Minister Anastasia Tkacheva bought land within the boundaries of this CJSC approx.). About the rest of 66% said "Others", but in the list of the Board of Directors, Tkacheva, the Roman Batalov is first. There is in this list and spouse of the head of the Vyselkovsky district Nina Firstkov.

Alexander Tkachev, head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

In 2015, "Agrocompleks" bought the Kuban Bacon LLC. Prior to this, this enterprise almost fully belonged to the daughter of Alexander Tkacheva Tatiana Batalova. At the end of 2015, Tkachev's Corporation has become the largest producer of milk in Russia.

Land Baron

The expert community has the opinion that to get out of the leaders of agricultural production in Russia "Agrocomplex them. N.I. Tkacheva "allowed the recent acquisitions of farms. And together with the farms "Agro-Structure" Tkacheva "Hapnul" and a tremendous amount of land (for example, huge pastures for walking cattle, fields for sowing, etc.).

The Land Fund "Tkachevskaya" firm is expanding literally "not by day, but by the hour." Only when buying five crop and livestock farms "Wimm-Bill-Danna" (included in the Pepsico group) "Agrocompleks" acquired 30 thousand hectares of land.

But, bought at the beginning of 2015, Valinor's assets, "Agrocompleks" became the largest landowner in Europe. The land bank of this company for 14 years has grown from 80,000 hectares to almost 500,000 hectares. Not weak, right?

Zyatya company

The Minister of Minister Roman Batalov is considered to be "right hand" Alexander Tkachev in matters of control over family business. It is worth noting that in the family of the novel and Tatyana Batalov "Locomotive of Business" is precisely the husband to whom Tkachev provided patronage at the time when he was the governor of the Krasnodar Territory.

Mr. Batalov is the founder of the Krasnodar LLC Intercomplex, the daughter of which is OJSC Gallery Krasnodar.

In 2008, the son-in-law of Tkacheva created and headed Kuban Development Group LLC, which includes the following companies: ADELERINVEST LLC, ADELERINIRINING LLC, OOO "AFERPROEKTSTROY", Alionstroy LLC, Anapa Bilding LLC, Anapa LLC LLC INVEST ", LLC" ADLERINVESTSTROY ", OOO" ALIONINVEST ", BILD-INVEST LLC, OOO" Bilding-Market ", OOO" Bolivroy ", LLC" Gelendzhik Bilding ", OOO" Gelendzhik Resource ", OOO" Gelendzhiklavstroy ", OOO "Gelendzhikinzhiniring", LLC "Land of Chernomoria", LLC Earth-Kubani, LLC "EarthStroy", LLC "INVEST COMPUT", LLC INVEST-PARITET, LLC INVESTYUGPROEKT, OOO "Infrastructure South Kubani", etc. (A complete list of companies controlled by the son-in-law Alexander Tkachev is available on the link).

Roman Batalov, Tkacheva nephew

One of the co-owners of Kuban Development Group LLC is Kuban Financial Financial Company OJSC. She was established by OJSC Krainvestbank, with whom, for several years of his governor, was affiliated and Alexander Tkachev himself. It is rumored that he and now through the proxies can control the part of Crainvestbank shares.

Previously, the Accounts Chamber found the fact that one of the deputy Tkachev on the provincial order was extinguished by Cranevestbank loans for a budget account.


In addition to the spouses of Batalov, Tkachev, it seems, "connected" to business and other relatives. For example, the niece Alexander Tkacheva (daughter Alexei Tkacheva) is a co-owner of two pipe factories - LLC "South Pipe Plant" (YUTZ) and LLC "Plant for Pipe Isolation" (Zit). In both plants, Anastasia Tkacheva belongs to 10% of the shares. But for these 10% there are part of multi-million income from the activities of these enterprises.

Thus, the revenues of Yutz, for example, in 2008 amounted to 182 million rubles, and net profit - 21 million rubles. But the revenue of the Zit in the same year - 618.9 million rubles. With net profit of 7.7 million rubles.

Anastasia Tkacheva, nephew of the Minister

Thus, 10% of these multimillion sums formally got young Anastasia Tkacheva. But maybe this young girl independently dispose of these promotions? Moreover, the first mention of the assets belonging to Anastasia was published in the press back in 2010, when Tkacheva was only 22 years old.

Most likely, she owns these shares in the interests of the most ex-governor, who apparently actually receives millions of ETZ and Zit. Also Anastasia Tkacheva belongs to 30% in a large developer Masterstroy LLC. And she also owns a company that has invested 3 billion rubles. In the poultry complex - "Yugptiecer". Here Tkacheva belongs to 22.5%, and the project annual revenue - 4 billion rubles.

By the way, the fact that all these assets are located in the Krasnodar Territory are especially important. Obviously, relatives of the Minister Tkacheva are engaged in business in his interests, and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture itself can personally control many commercial structures. According to experts, if investigators will check the links of Tkachev with business, then he will lose his ministerial post.

Tkacheva's cottage increased by new sites

The governor of Tkacheva's governor did not legitimately affect new areas.. Governor Tkachev grabbed another piece of territory - for "his cottage" - Photo

In the history of lawlessness, which was conceived at the facility built for the recreation of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev and his family in the Blue Bay (village of Bizhid, Tuapse district) - the so-called "Tauchev" - a new black page inscribed.

July 22, 2014 Environmental Watch activists in the North Caucasus held another public environmental inspection near the cottage. This inspection revealed, for which another section of the forest fund and the Black Sea strip was embossed.

The fact of installing the new fence of the forest site on the Black Sea coast of about one hectare, which is not part of the territory, leased by the company Agrocomlex, or other affiliated with the Kuban Governor organizations, was identified by Ekovacht activists at the beginning of May of this year. In response to the appeals of Evs on this fact, the officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory and the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Southern Federal District reported that there was no fear of allegedly and that this territory allegedly was part of the forest area previously leased by CJSC CJSC. Another departure to the "Dacha Teksheva", carried out in June 2014, showed that large-scale construction began on the seized site, during which the coastal water area of \u200b\u200bthe Black Sea was filled.

Dacha Tkachev
"Kolyuk" goes around the perimeter of summer

The rest of the area is covered with stylgrid - metal network, allegedly to strengthen the slopes

At the time of the last inspection, the new building at the "Dacha Tkacheva" was already completed. The captured area of \u200b\u200bthe coast, which still recently represented the territory of the undisturbed wildlife, turned into a stadium. It also built aquapark and a volleyball court. From the side of the Bay of Inal on the border of the captured site, a concrete fence rose, from which in the sea leaves the mall with mounted on top of a wooden fence. To fully protect this section of the shore from ordinary Russian citizens on the line of the fence, a security booth was also built with a guard around the clock on her. At the same time, on the steep coastal slope adjacent to the booth, the initially established fence was dismantled. Instead of the fence, the slope is covered with stylgride - an "anti-erosion" metal grid, reinforced ring rings from steel cables. Get along the slope covered with such a grid is impossible. Stylgrid is installed on the slopes where the stoneplaes may be, but the slope of the forest slope over the "Dacha Tkacheva" does not apply to the stone-hazardous. The grid was not installed against the stonepads, but against people. At the same time, on the upper gesture of the slope, closed from the eye of the guard, in addition to the stylgrid, the fence from the fence and barbed wire is still installed. "Know-how" with a slope covered by Stylgrid has been introduced with an obvious goal - so that the control bodies have a formal reason to argue that there is no "continuous fence around the plot".

Metal metal with "Dacha Tkacheva"

Before the newly built concrete fence on the seashore, a dump of metal structures, discharged from the territory of the Dacha Tkacheva, was organized. And about a hundred meters from the new fence towards the Bay of Inal on the seaside slope, preparation was prepared for the installation of another fence - the metal bases for poles were driven into the ground and concreted. So what happened capture in order to expand the country's territory is obviously not the last.

All these facts suggest that the level of lawlessness, which was conceived under the cover of the Kuban Governor in the Blue Bay, simply shrinks. As well as the level of contempt for compliance with the rights of citizens to unhindered access to the shores of the Black Sea and the lands of the forest fund, which are common-fashioned. All this became possible thanks to the coating and inaction of various control bodies, whose responsibility is to combat similar violations of the law and the rights of citizens. However, the times of impunity of crimes on the part of the "Strong World of this" will sooner or later end. And the Tkachev will sooner or later have to answer and for the seizures of nationwide lands, and for illegally built fences, and for the impact on the judicial authorities, as a result of which the activists of the ecological watch Evgeny Vitishko and Suren Gazaryan were uninformed "for damping. One of which is serving now the term in the colony, and the other was forced to go abroad.

["Ecological Watch in the North Caucasus", 07/28/2014, "Censor on the forum The topic for the seizure of land on the" Dacha Tkacheva "was blocked 4 hours after its appearance": Today, the popular Kuban Forum occurred next The act of censorship in relation to the topic affecting the governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkacheva - the topic "Dacha Tkacheva" was blocked. The topic ", in which there was a discussion on the next seizure of the lands on the Black Sea in the summer residence of the head of the Kuban in the Blue Bay. Also on the forum, the coordinator of the ecological watch in the North Caucasus, Andrei Rudomakh, who began this discussion.

Forum a few years ago ceased to exist as an independent information resource and is currently monitored by the administration of the Krasnodar Territory through the Special Advertising Technologies Limited Liability Company (ORT LLC). - Cutting K.Ru]

Tkachev's cottage. Results. June 13th, 2011

Today it was possible to document that "Cottack Tkacheva" on the Black Sea coast, near which I and my comrades were detained by the police at the end of February of this year, really belongs to the Kuban Governor.

We got department of State Cadastre Real EstateFrom which it follows that Tkachev owns a land plot located right in the center of this protected estate on the coast.

It is this area of \u200b\u200b999 square meters. meters and located on it mansion with an area of \u200b\u200b388 square meters. M are referred to in the Declaration of Tkachev for 2011. On the public cadastral map of Rosreestra, the Tkachev region refers to the lands of specially protected territories and objects.

February 28, the day after our detention and arrest, the director of some LLC Rest Peter Kotov said: "Our Ltd." Rest "rents a portion of the beach - for the purpose of its arrangement and subsequent operation. No allegedly" Dacha Tkacheva "in our territory is not ..."

On March 1, the press service of the edge administration also refuted the information that the environmentalists were detained from the cottage belonging to the governor. However, it is now obvious that on February 27, we were detained only 50 meters from theaten of Tkachev, who is now repaired (Evgeny Titova).

On May 29, we again conducted a public inspection of the Dacha Tkachev. It turned out that instead of a slaughter from barbed wire, which surrounds the estate since 2006, a new solid metal fence is an impact pace, at the top of which the bare wires will go. The new fence surrounds already twice the larger area of \u200b\u200bthe forest than the old one.

According to the Public Map of Rosreestra, three land plots are located on the protected area inside the fences. A section of Sergei Storozhenko is adjacent straight to the Tkachev plot, and a slightly farther from the sea is a section of Elena Krivneva. Citizens of Storozhenko and Krivnev are co-founders of that largest LLC LLC, in which, allegedly, "There is no dacha teaching". However, most of the buildings hidden behind the fences are located not on these three small sites, but on state lands, not fixed on specific persons. This means that the building shown below was illegally and for their placement, the state did not receive a penny of rent.

"Note" building on general lands

"Nonty" building on a public coastal strip

Buildings without owners on general lands

Undoubtedly, rental savings makes it possible to preserve significant personal funds necessary to weaklyow, Storozhenko and Krivnee for the maintenance of CHOP "Neva". Which, allegedly, do not protect their personal sites and illegally captured government lands, and the recreation center of CJSC Agrocomplex.

The construction of the fence in the forest fund, which violates the right of citizens as provided for by the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, is obviously illegal. But the construction of fences the governor did not limit himself. On the lands of the State Forest Foundation, the red-born Pitsundsky pines are illegally cut down and new mansions are also illegally erected. At the same time, the Department of Forestry of the Krasnodar Territory in response to the appeal of the Watch indicates that the check did not reveal the facts of cutting the trees in this area!
Illegally, without a mandatory state environmental impact assessment, a marina was built with two moles for the governor's yachts. Olloly built fences on the seaside, blocking access to the publicly available coastal strip provided for by the Water Code of the Russian Federation.

8 Agency Greenpeis-Russia Sergey Zickchenkov Ponaldmitry Medvedev Letter an ecological watch that calls for the President to take measures to eliminate disorders of environmental legislation related to the construction of Tkachev's cottage. Listing the letter, Sergey said: "One example I will give: this is the Tuapse region of the Krasnodar Territory," Agrocompleks ". It can be seen that there are the interests of the governor are represented. Maybe it explains what everything is easy to go there. By the way, the local population is confident that this is a gift of one, I will not call the last name. "

Then at our disposal there was not yet a document confirming that Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev owns the cottages on the Black Sea coast.

The existence of the "residence" A. Tkachev confirmed. According to him, it is located in the Bay of Inal and is now a recreation base for workers of the agricultural enterprise "Agrocomplex".

"Let not the most, of course, a cult place - the rock hangs, a few dry trees. They began to build it in the late 90s. And she was completed for a long time. By 70% - this is the property of the Agrocomplex, in which I worked," - A. Tkachev said, whose words quotes the press service of the regional administration.

Ecologist Viktor Chirikov, sentenced to fifteen days of arrest, holds a hunger strike in the MVD Tuapse special dealer. On August 27, Chirikov and his comrades were detained in the Blue Bay from the governor of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev.

- You are not for the first time you spend shares from the Dacha Tkachev in the village of Bizhid. Why is she interested ecologists?

- Because we saw that there are disruption of forest and water codes. Around a large area of \u200b\u200bthe forest area of \u200b\u200babout 10 hectares is a solid fence, and on the Black Sea shore, it continues, there is a concrete wall there. People cannot pass. And the fence is cut down two or three hectares of Pitsundski pines, which are listed in the Red Book. All this is done without the laws of projects, public discussions, environmental impact assessment. And this is a challenge for society: the governor allows himself in fact a criminal offense - cutting of red-born species.

- When did this construction begot?

- Back in 2005. But intensively in the forest fund invade and build walls they became at the end of 2009. At first it was fenced with barbed wire forest, then began to build a capital fence and walls on the shore.

- Does Tkachev himself live there?

- He happens there. They say that it arrives at a helicopter. It is now captured by 10 hectares, and according to the statement from the state land in Cadastre, Alexander Nikolayevich Tkachev belongs to 10 acres. This plot is on his rental rights, he even pointed it in the declaration. And around this section of 10 hectares is simply illegally fenced with a fence, such an estate.

- And you managed to penetrate there?

- We fell on mattresses. They can not care all the sea. We sailed somewhere around, and they could not do with us. They were very evil, as eyewitnesses tell.

Wiki: RU: Tkachev's cottage

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