The ships are larger than the titanic pictures. The largest cruise ships

The tragic story of the Titanic has become so iconic that the image of this ship will now be referred to endlessly. The other day I noticed in LiveJournal a whole series of posts dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the disaster. However, I was much more interested in the post of one of the friends Compare "Titanic" with ...
Since it is very voluminous, I decided to make a small "squeeze" out of it. Those who are especially interested can see the original at the link (a lot of pictures and bukoff).

This is how you can roughly compare the legendary Titanic with a modern liner. And what is this modern ship? Some call him the most big liner in the world. However, we know that the most big liner in the world it is Oasis of the Seas and it is 361 meters long. And what do we read about this giant? Somewhere 362 meters, somewhere 361, and somewhere 360 ​​meters. Do you know how this is explained? And here's how: along with the twin ship Oasis of the Seas is the largest passenger ship in the world as of November 2010: the length of both cruise ships is about 360 m (depending on temperature), and Allure of the Seas 5 cm longer than his sister.

After all, the designers, well, they would have made a couple of meters for sure! In general, we will consider that this ship is one of the largest in the world.

"Allure of the Seas" and "Titanic":

Here's another comparison:

Commissioned at the end of 2010 is a w11-deck vessel weighing 225282 tons can take on board 5400 passengers who will be accommodated in 2700 cabins
« Allure of the Seas»is divided into seven thematic areas, which include: Central Park, Boardwalk, Royal Promenade, Pool and Sports Zone, Vitality Sea Spa and Fitness Center, Entertainment Place and Youth Zone.

Several shots of the liner "Allure of the Seas":







Ships are different, large and small, passenger, cargo, military. All of them have their basic specifications. In particular, among the basic indicators for each vessel, its weight appears. This is an important indicator, based on which it is necessary to select the engine, its power, chassis and other elements. The possible load on water transport, other performance characteristics are also calculated taking into account its weight. Thus, the calculation of this indicator must be carried out with maximum accuracy. But how do you weigh a ship?

One can imagine a motor boat put on the scales, but even a small yacht can hardly be weighed in this way. But the ships are very large in size. It is impossible to imagine a huge aircraft carrier standing on the scales. So how is the weight of ships calculated? Many inquisitive people ask this question. It is not difficult to provide an answer.

Displaced water and the law of Archimedes

In fact, everything is not so difficult. Weigh an aircraft carrier or any other ship could still Archimedes in his ancient ages. After all, it was he who discovered the law according to which the weight of a body is equal to the weight of the water that was displaced during its immersion. Thus, you can get the result by simply launching the ship into the water. As soon as you build a ship, placing it in its native environment, you can find out exactly how much it weighs, with maximum accuracy.

How is the volume of water displaced calculated?

But water is a very plastic element, it is extremely problematic to determine the volume that was displaced when an object was immersed in an open reservoir. Of course, objects for weighing are placed not in the open sea, but in a special dock. But this is relevant only in the case of small-sized objects that can be placed in the dock using the loading method. In this case, the water will rise to one or another mark, which will allow you to calculate the weight, given that all the dimensions of the dock are exactly known.

If we consider the option in which the ship enters the lock or dock under its own power, it will be obvious that some of the water will leave the dock when the ship enters its gate. The approach will be inappropriate, the data will be inaccurate. This situation forces us to use a radically different approach. We have to make complex calculations, taking into account a number of design aspects, while taking into account the hull and the features of its shape, the magnitude of its draft from the waterline.

It happens that there is simply no information about that part of the ship that is under water. This is true primarily for military courts. And in this situation, only the approximate weight can be calculated water transport, it will not be possible to clarify the exact data on it. The result can only be its approximate tonnage.

You can find out the weight of the ship before it is built!

There is an even easier way to find out the weight of a ship. Moreover, its total mass with this approach will be known before it is launched, even before its creation. Each of the elements that make up the vessel. Has its own weight. Given the mass of each part, adding up the indicators, you can find out the exact weight of the vessel with a minimum error.

Interesting fact: modern engineers learn other indicators of the ship even before its construction - its displacement is known in advance, the volume that falls on the underwater part. Calculations carried out in advance eliminate errors in the construction of the ship, allow you to make it as efficient as possible in operation.

But it is worth remembering that the base weight of the ship, calculated before its construction by engineers by summing up the mass of equipment and parts, is not all. Ballast is used to provide the ship with a stable position on the water, and in addition, the ship always has additional cargo on board. It is worth remembering the weight of crew members and passengers, if any, furniture and things on board, cargo carried, and so on. It is impossible to overload the ship, while its landing decreases, there are problems with control, the risk of flooding.

Density of water and other nuances

It is also worth remembering that water in different reservoirs has a different density. After all, the salinity of water bodies varies, there is a difference not only between rivers and seas, but also between different parts of the oceans. Depending on the density of the water, the mass of the ship, of course, does not change, but the draft varies, and this factor must be taken into account.

Thus, the weight of the ship is determined mainly by calculations. There are no special devices, scales or other equipment for this. Knowing the weight of each of the parts, you can get a total figure for the entire ship. But it is also necessary to keep in mind the weight of the team, the loaded things, in order to have the most accurate figure for the current moment.

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Maritime dominance has always been a top priority for the world's leading powers. “He who owns the seas rules the world,” they used to say in the old days. Previously, there was no such technology as it is now, so water was the only way to get from one continent to another. Needless to say, this often became the cause of conflicts between nations, as a result of which many ships went to rest forever in the depths of the seas and oceans ...

For those whose house has nothing to do with the raging sea, you should pay attention to designing a country house of your own. This will be a real home that will never go to the bottom.

1. His Majesty's Hospital Ship Britannic

The Britannic was created by the same company as the well-known Titanic, Harland and Wolff, commissioned by the White Star Line. The ship was built some time after the death of the "unsinkable" Titanic. To protect its reputation, the company has made some technical improvements to the design of the ship: increased the number lifeboats on board, strengthened the hull from the side of the boiler, engine and other compartments, the most vulnerable in a collision with an iceberg.

When the construction of the Britannic was completed, the ship was even larger in size than the Titanic. He could easily be great. cruise ship if the First World War had not begun. The British government confiscated the Britannic, turning it into His Majesty's hospital ship. The ship was scuttled by enemy artillery fire a year later, as it first launched. On board were just over one thousand passengers. Almost all of them were saved. In total, about 30 people died.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau discovered the sunken Britannic a few decades after her death and was quite surprised that the ship's hull was perfectly preserved. Since the 1990s, researchers have made many expeditions to the site of the sinking of the Britannica. The latter was organized in 2012 with the aim of installing special equipment on the ship that can track the growth rate of bacteria.

2. British transatlantic passenger liner"Lusitania"

The passenger liner Lusitania was considered the largest cruise ship in the world, however, for a short time. Its construction was completed in 1907.

Eight years later, the ship was sunk by the German submarine U-20, which caused a huge resonance in the world community. The Germans were accused of violating international law because they opened fire on a non-military vessel without warning. However, as it turned out later, Britain used the Lusitania to transport ammunition in the hope that Germany would not attack the passenger liner. This, in turn, was also a violation of international law.

The remains of the ship "Lusitania" rest on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, 13 kilometers from the Irish town of Kinsale. The liner was poorly preserved, unlike the Titanic and Britannic, because it sank at a much greater depth.

3. Spanish galleon "Nuestra Señora de Atocha"

The Nuestra Señora de Atocha (Spanish: Nuestra Señora de Atocha) was a prize ship of the Spanish Navy that sank with one of the greatest treasures in maritime history on board.

It happened in 1622. The galleon "Nuestra Señora de Atocha" was heading from Havana to Spain. It was carrying quite a valuable cargo: a huge amount of gold, silver, jewelry, tobacco, copper and other things. On the way, the Nuestra Señora de Atocha got into a severe storm. The ship's hull was significantly damaged, so it quickly sank along with passengers and expensive cargo on board.

For many years, the Spanish authorities have tried to find the wreck of the galleon "Nuestra Señora de Atocha" and return the lost values, but to no avail. The ship was discovered in 1985 by professional treasure hunter Mel Fisher. The most interesting thing is that the galleon is pooped and remains unfound to this day. As you know, it was in this part of the ship that the Spaniards transported the most valuable things several centuries ago.

4. Pirate ship "Ouida"

The Whydah Gally was owned by the pirate Black Sam Bellamy. He was considered the most successful pirate of all time: he sank and captured a huge number of treasure ships worth more than $ 120 million (translated into modern money). However, Bellamy could not fully enjoy the loot he had stolen. His ship Ouida sank in 1717 as a result of a severe storm, sending the captain, half of his crew and all the valuables on board to the bottom.

In 1977, researchers managed to find a sunken ship with the help of old map, compiled by a man who explored it immediately after the crash more than two hundred years ago. On the ship's bell, they found the inscription "Ouidah, 1716", which did not give them the slightest doubt as to who owned the ship.

5. "Queen Anne's Revenge"

"Queen Anne's Revenge" went down in history as one of the most sinister pirate ships. He owes this status to his captain - Blackbeard. The ship was captured by a famous pirate in 1717. Twelve months later, it ran aground. Rumor has it that this was a deliberate move by his captain.

Once the most big ship was the Titanic. But today there are ships that are several times the size of the Titanic. In this article we will talk about the largest ship in the world.

The Titanic was a cruise ship. Everyone remembers his story. He collided with an iceberg because he was very huge and could not turn sideways in time. It seemed that such liners could not exist, they are very bulky and their fate was not comforting. But it turned out that such liners can exist, while being several times larger. For today the most large liner this is Oasis of the Seas. Photo below:

It is indeed several times larger than the Titanic. Look at this image:

Royal Caribbean International wanted to build a ship that would be the best for years to come and on October 28, 2009, Oasis of the Seas was launched. It immediately became the largest cruise ship in the world. The vessel also became the most expensive, as its price amounted to 1.24 billion dollars. average price stay of the ship in the port 230,000 dollars. And this is for a few hours of stay!

The dimensions of the liner are striking; its length is 360 meters, the width is 66 meters, and the height at the very high point was 72 meters.

The largest ship: characteristics

Correctly they say that this is not just a ship, but a whole Small town. The dimensions of this liner are five times larger than the dimensions of the Titanic. On board can be 6360 passengers and 2160 crew members. On the ship a large number of various entertainment centers. From swimming pools to real theatre. There are 4 pools on the liner, which together make up 23,000 liters of water. There are 12 thousand plants and 56 large trees on the ship. There is a park, a climbing wall, 10 spa cents. It is so huge that it is even divided into thematic zones.

The largest ship has several restaurants, its park is similar to a park in New York, so classical American music will be played there. There's a lot more to be said about the ship.

Dockwise Vanguard

Sure, the Oasis of the Seas is the largest liner, but there is also the Dockwise Vanguard, the world's largest heavy-lift ship.

On February 12, 2013, the ship made its first voyage. Dockwise Vanguard arrived in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2013. The cargo he carried was 56,000 tons, but the maximum load could be 110,000 tons.

The vessel was designed by Hyundai Heavy Industries for Dockwise Shipping. It was launched in 2012. In terms of performance, it does not surpass the liner "Oasis of the Seas". Displacement 91238 tons, deadweight 117000 tons. Length 275 meters, width 79 meters, draft 9.5 meters. Maximum speed 14.4 knots, average 12.9 knots.

The way of loading onto the ship is also unique. Special compartments are filled with water and the ship is slowly but surely submerged under water. After the ship is under water, cargo is loaded onto it.

To service the ship, 60 people will be required, who are located in the hold of the ship.

The well-known "Costa Concordia", which crashed in January 2012 off the coast of the island of Giglia (Tuscany), will be transported using this ship. Let me remind you that the Costa Concordia is several times larger than the Titanic.

Most big ships in the world

The largest and most famous for the tragic events passenger ship in the world is Titanic. Everyone knows the unfortunate story of this greatest achievement of the 20th century. The ship was launched in 1911. On its first voyage, it collided with Atlantic Ocean with an iceberg and sank. , weighing 163 thousand tons, took with him to the bottom about one and a half thousand lives. It was possible to save only 700 people, they were picked up by a steamer passing by.

After the incident with the Titanic, the level of security on all liners has increased. All engineers and designers involved in the construction of passenger ships began to give priority to the conditions for ensuring the safety of human lives. As you know, one of the reasons for the mass death of people was the lack of a sufficient number of spare boats on the ship.

The best ships of the 21st century: top 5

The title of "The largest passenger ship in the world" passes from one ship to another every year - the rating is constantly changing. Ship models are constantly being improved, new requirements are being set at the local and international level, and high technologies are being created. In this regard, it is possible that in the near future the list will be replenished with new names of sea giants.

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