Montreux city switzerland. Switzerland, Montreux - upscale European resort

Arriving to relax on the Swiss Riviera, many tourists stay in Geneva or Montreux. And this is not surprising, because these cities are considered the largest pearls on the coast of Lake Geneva. Montreux, which began as a small fishing village, is now famous for its expensive boarding schools, aesthetic medicine clinics, nightclubs and entertainment venues. However, apart from just "hang out", there is something to see and admire. It was in Montreux that they rested world famous this, when holidays at foreign resorts were just beginning to come into fashion, noble aristocrats and artists of Russia such as Tolstoy, Gogol, Vyazemsky, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky began to come here (by the way, the local concert hall is named after him, in which the jazz festival is held annually ). It was in Montreux that the writer Vladimir Nabokov lived with his family for a long time, they rented several rooms in the Montreux Palace Hotel. There are no official tours there, but if you come to see, they will not refuse. The Nabokovs arrived in Montreux from America in 1960, and not immediately, but nevertheless, for a long stay, they chose the Montreux Palace Hotel, where they rented several rooms on the sixth floor, one of them was for the secretary. I wonder why he didn't buy a house in Montreux? Maybe because Russia was the only home for him? Vladimir and Vera Nabokov were buried in the town of Clarence, not far from Montreux.

But the most famous and popular monument in Montreux is probably the only monument in the world to Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the band Queen. It was here that the famous singer spent last years of his life, he bought a recording studio in Montreux and recorded the last album of his life with Made in Heaven in it. Finding a monument is not at all difficult, it is located right on the embankment, on the market square.

Also, there are monuments to B.B. King and Miles Davis in the city, but forgive my ignorance, I don't even know who these people were.

And if you turn east from the square and walk literally not much at all, you can almost literally get into a flower paradise, more precisely, into the Flower Promenade. This is a very quiet and secluded recreation area where cars are not allowed to enter, the maximum you can ride a bicycle. And what is even more pleasing is that you don’t even hear the noise from nearby roads. The flower promenade is a long alley with all kinds of flowers and trees along Lake Geneva.

You can walk here for hours, and such walks simply cannot get bored, because there is nothing more beautiful than wildlife.

That is why, probably, dozens of expensive hotels were built along the flower promenade, it is very convenient to sell a chic view on this, you can earn good money without making any special efforts.

In the vicinity of the Grand Hotel Swiss Majestic, the promenade turns into a "stone park", where very interesting flower beds are created, decorated with marvelous figures made of stones of different shapes, colors and sizes.

Arriving for a walk in Montreux, tourists are simply obliged to visit the Chillon Castle, this is one of the few European castles that has been preserved almost in its original form. It was built by the Count of Savoy in the 13th century (according to some sources, the castle was built even earlier, in the 11th century) in order to control the main road between the North and Southern Europe, which ran just between Lake Geneva and the Alps. For such an important goal, the count chose a strategically convenient place on a rock that rises quite a bit above the lake. The castle was not only a fortress, it also served as a prison at all times, Jews were imprisoned and tortured here, who were suspected of poisoning the water during the First World War. But Chillon Castle became widely known thanks to Byron, he was impressed by the visit and wrote the poem "The Prisoner of Chillon" - a story about Francois Bonivard. On one of the columns of the castle, Bpynor himself left the inscription "Byron was here" (even great writers love to dirty the walls), and this inscription is shown to all tourists without fail.

Now the castle is a museum. Here you can see living rooms, a chapel, front rooms and prison cells, as well as a collection of ancient weapons. All rooms and decorations have been preserved almost perfectly.

A small note - there are no restaurants and cafes near the castle, a shop with juices and sandwiches does not count, so you will have to take care of provisions yourself.

(100 km from Geneva) has the right to be called one of the most luxurious resorts in Switzerland. Montreux is located in the caton of Vaud. The nature of this small town surprises with a variety of tropical plants. Along the waterfront you can find palm trees, almonds, and cypresses with magnolias. And all this thanks to the unique microclimate. Landscapes are very reminiscent of Sochi and Crimea. If not for the snow-capped Alps on the opposite side of Lake Geneva. The air here is so clean that you immediately want to quit smoking.

During the day, mostly transit tourists walk along the Montreux embankment, who, passing along the coast of the lake, stopped here to explore the beauties and sights of the city. If you have the opportunity during your vacation to visit this wonderful Swiss resort, this Riviera of Switzerland, then first of all I advise you to see the Freddie Mercury monument on the embankment.

Statue of Freddie Mercury in Montreux.

Here in Switzerland, in Montreux, "Queen" and Mercury rented a recording studio, here they worked a lot. The monument is easy to find, it is located right on the embankment.
Another attraction of Montreux, which, I think, is also a must see is the monument to Vladimir Nabokov. The monument is located near the hotel where he lived with his wife from 1960 to 1977. By the way, he moved here from America. The hotel is also easy to find, everyone knows it. The hotel is called Montreux-Palace. Here they rented a room on the sixth floor. They walked along these streets, went to the nearest cafes to drink coffee or tea. In Montreux, more precisely, not far from Montreux, in the town of Clarence, Nabokov was buried with his wife, who died in 1992.
In the hotel itself, in the lobby, if you go inside, there is a gift from Y. Luzhkov. More precisely, a gift from the Moscow mayor's office. This is a sculpture by V. Nabokov.

It is not surprising that the bohemians of society rested in Swiss Montreux, namely such celebrities as L. Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Including Charlie Chaplin. By the way, he also moved here from America and lived in Switzerland for twenty years. In the VIDEO of Montreux, a monument to Chaplin is visible. So this is not in Montreux, but in Vevey. Vevey is a town next to Montreux, if you go towards Chillon Castle. There are also monuments to B.B. King and Miles Davis. Montreux is a city of music. It hosts an annual jazz festival, and the Montreux-Palace Hotel hosts competitions for guitarists and pianists. If you're lucky, you can get into these contests, because. the entrance is free. A jazz festival is held in concert hall them. Stravinsky. As you can see, Russians loved to relax in Switzerland, and especially in Montreux, and therefore Russians in Montreux are still respected. Rich Russians.

However, what is remarkable is that the embankment is now full of all sorts of different street vendors. In my opinion, these are simple (or not simple) migrant workers-emigrants on earnings. They sell all sorts of nonsense: cheap watches, knives, etc.
The resort of Montreux in Switzerland is not for rich people, but for the very rich. The most famous and richest people on the planet send their children here to private closed schools, which, in turn, attend private closed nightclubs, bars and casinos. And their parents, coming to visit their offspring, make an appointment at the local expensive clinics, SPA-salons. If you are lucky, you may meet some famous people on the streets of Montreux.

We did not manage to swim in Montreux. The shore is littered with stones and the water is not at all for swimming. We were in Switzerland in Montreux in the spring, at the beginning of June. And we swam later, when we went to Chillon. Indeed, the water is cold in Lake Geneva, but we simply could not help but swim. For memory.
Vineyards spread over the city itself, and opposite, on the other side of Lake Geneva, your gaze opens up a stunning view of the Swiss Alps. If you use the rack railway, you can get to the top of Mount Rochers de Naye, about 2000 meters above Montreux, and enjoy a magnificent panorama. This tour passes through the vineyards and you will be very lucky to have good weather. Especially in summer. Otherwise, you will see nothing and waste your time. jagged Railway, this is a type of funicular from two or from one trailer. At the top there Observation deck. The cost of the tour is something around 30 euros (I don’t remember how many francs it will be).
From Montreux you must go to Chillon Castle. But that is another story.

The enchanting beauty of local landscapes, a high-class level of service, and interesting sights attract tourists to small, but so cozy Switzerland. Montreux is considered one of the most popular and prestigious resorts not only in Europe, but also in the world. In summer, wealthy travelers come here to enjoy the view of the Alps, wander along the embankment, which at one time inspired many writers, poets and composers to create masterpieces.

The town is located on a small hill, it is surrounded on one side by a calm and on the other - a mountain range, which Switzerland is known for. Montreux is surrounded by a very mild climate, which is why it is also called the "Pearl of the Swiss Riviera". The unique microclimate is reflected in the local vegetation. The city is buried in the greenery of magnolias, laurels, cypresses, palms, almonds. Along the coast there is a boulevard decorated with flowers and interesting sculptures. All this is reminiscent of the annual international jazz festival held in Switzerland in the middle of summer.

Montreux cannot be ranked among the cities with a breathtaking history, a huge number of architectural monuments. He is very rich, not everyone can afford to relax in this area. Luxurious hotels stretch along the coast, striking with their appearance. Active tourists will not be bored; in Montreux, horseback riding, tennis, hiking into the mountains. In the evening, you can have fun in a bar or casino, dance to incendiary music in a disco, taste local cuisine in one of the many restaurants, taste the famous white wine of the canton of Vaud, which Montreux is so proud of.

Which are of interest to many tourists, boasts both ancient and modern historical, architectural and cultural monuments. Fans of ethnography can be recommended to look into the Museum of Old Montreux, which tells the history of the city from its foundation to the present day. In the old part, near central station, on market square, there is a statue of the famous soloist of the group "Queen" - Freddie Mercury.

Switzerland is also known for its chic castles. Montreux has one of the famous fortresses, which was built in the XIII century. On a small rocky island, which at one time struck Lord Byron, he wrote the poem “The Prisoner of Chillon Castle”. Tourists can see with their own eyes the ducal chambers, the knight's hall of Justice, dungeons and dungeons, a wooden chapel. It seems that everything here is thoroughly saturated with the spirit of the struggle of the Dukes of Savoy with the Protestants.

Montreux hotels are waiting for guests throughout the year. Switzerland is beautiful in any season, and the favorable location of the city allows you to go to every corner of the country. Not far from Montreux is Lausanne with a magnificent Roman amphitheatre, Roche, where the Organ Museum is located, Aiglie with the Museum of Salt and Wine. Not far from the city is the world's largest labyrinth, water park, children's parks, zoos.

On the shores of Lake Geneva lies the pompous and fashionable town of Montreux. It is Montreux that is most often called the capital of the so-called "Swiss Riviera".

Up until the 1960s, Montreux was the name of a small village at the center of 24 vineyard communes scattered across the neighboring hills, from picturesque Clarens in the northwest to Territet in the south. But the tourist boom of the late 20th century and the beauty of the region led to the rapid growth of villages, and now this entire coast is a series of chic suburbs, all year round hosting with great benefit crowned persons, heads of governments and corporations, literary and artistic bohemia from all over the world.

Attractions Montreux

The city of Montreux is known throughout the world for its closed private schools and beauty institutes, nightclubs and cabarets, bars and casinos, jazz and classical music festivals, the Golden Rose TV festival and the festival of laughter. The exhibition center constantly hosts various expositions and fairs, including the prestigious International Telesymposium. Many great writers and musicians lived in Montreux, including Vladimir Nabokov, who is buried in the cemetery of the Clarens suburb. And on the waterfront near the Place du Marche stands a bronze monument to another famous resident of the town (or rather, the suburb of Territe) - Freddie Mercury - the only one in the world, by the way.

Strict modern building Casino Montreux on the Rue du Theater was erected on the site of the famous original complex, which opened back in 1883 and was destroyed by fire on December 4, 1971 (it was this event that "accompanied" the Frank Zappa concert that served as the impetus for the creation of the famous Deep Purple hit - Smoke On The water). Now this majestic building is open again daily, admission is free.

Around Montreux

On a small rocky peninsula, 3 kilometers south of Montreux, rises the famous Chillon Castle, or Chiyon (XII-XIII centuries), with medieval dungeons, a knight's hall, a hall of Justice, a ducal bedroom and a wooden chapel. Built to control the strategically important coastal road from Northern Europe to Italy, it is one of the most effective fortifications on the continent. With its small size and extremely simple device, it was never taken by attack (except for a two-day siege by the Bernese in 1536, which rescued the prototype of Byron's famous poem, the Swiss patriot Francois Bonivare, from prison). For a long time the castle was a prison, and now there is a museum (

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Montreux located on the coast Lake Geneva, in the western part. The city is part of the French-speaking canton of Vaud and is one of the most visited resorts, especially since it is located between and Villeneuve, in the heart of the country's central wine region.


Montreux is well known in tourist map peace. The purest air and mild climate, developed infrastructure, abundance excursion routes, excellent conditions for sports and the extraordinary beauty of these places annually attract guests from all over the world. Many celebrities, including movie and pop stars, politicians, businessmen and influential people, own villas and cottages right on the coast of Lake Geneva, just a couple of kilometers from the city limits. Every year Montreux hosts various concerts, exhibitions and celebrations. The loudest of them is the famous Jazz Festival, which takes place here in early July and regularly gathers thousands of fans of this musical direction. Also, the resort is known for its grape treatment, widely used at the end of the 19th century to get rid of various diseases. Many interesting sights are waiting here for inquisitive travelers who want to enjoy the grandeur of ancient castles and stroll through the narrow streets of the Old Town. Here, great importance is attached to nightlife, so lovers of dance and music can have fun until the morning in local discos, clubs and entertainment venues.

general information

The urban area of ​​Montreux is small, and the population is about 23,000 people. Local time behind Moscow by 1 hour in summer and 2 in winter. Timezone UTC+1 and UTC+2 in summer. Telephone code (+41) 21. Official website

A brief excursion into history

In the Middle Ages, Montreux had the status of a tiny fishing girl, whose inhabitants were engaged in winemaking, agriculture and fishing. At the beginning of the 18th century, noble representatives of the royal family began to come here and gradually the reputation of these places acquired a different color. As a result, by the end of the 19th century, the village had significantly increased in size, cozy comfortable hotels appeared on the lake shore, and Montreux became a popular climatic resort, where such important personalities for Russia as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Igor Stravinsky, Vladimir Nabokov once rested. , Lev Tolstoy. Some legendary people who visited the shores of Montreux at different times have monuments that are of great tourist interest.


On climatic conditions The resort is strongly influenced by the Alpine peaks located in its vicinity and the waters of Lake Geneva. Winters are relatively warm here, and during the summer months there is almost never a strong heat wave. It rains regularly throughout the year, but they are not protracted, and therefore do not cause significant difficulties for vacationers. In the period from May to September, the bulk of tourists come to Montreux, although the resort also receives guests in winter.

How to get there

International airports and are located 188 and 86 kilometers from the city, respectively. From them, as well as from nearby, trains and regular buses run daily to Montreux. The railway route from Interlaken is extremely beautiful and spectacular, allowing you to appreciate all the grandeur of the natural landscapes of Switzerland along the way of the train.


Within the city limits, it is most convenient to use a bicycle or move on foot, since the territory of the city is small and not very suitable for traffic. To overcome great heights are actively used cable cars, and funiculars in Switzerland have long become traditional and are equated with a regular mode of transport.


The famous medical clinic La Prairie, which specializes in cosmetology, plastic surgery, help with the elimination of excess weight, as well as problems associated with the nervous system, is very famous in Switzerland. The center employs competent specialists who are ready at any time to give professional advice and prescribe the patient not only an effective course of treatment, but also control the stages of recovery.


One of the main historical sites of the city is the Montreux Palace Hotel, built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and today considered one of the most popular hotels throughout the Swiss Riviera. On the Market Square, a monument dedicated to the great musician Freddie Mercury is striking, and not far from it, the eye opens up amazing beautiful view on the coast and magnificent groves of magnolias, palm trees, cypresses and almonds, in the greenery of which numerous mansions and villas are buried. Approximately 3 kilometers from the city rises a unique architectural landmark of the region - the graceful Chillon Castle, built on a rocky island and connected to the mainland by a bridge. Gothic windows, characteristic battlements and medieval turrets remind of its glorious past and the times when the castle was the residence of the Dukes of Savoy. At one time, its majestic appearance was repeatedly described by Byron, Alexandre Dumas and Victor Hugo, who were in Montreux in different years. Among the interesting sightseeing routes, special attention should be paid to a cruise on Lake Geneva, a train journey through the vineyards of the canton of Vaud with visits to wineries, a walk through the Bouvray park and wandering through the world's largest labyrinth - Evionne.


A huge selection of ways of exciting pastime allows guests of the resort to easily decide on the right direction, depending on their passions. Extremes and adherents active species Sports activities include mountain climbing, cycling or horseback riding. Also in Montreux there are excellent opportunities for water skiing, tennis and golf. Those who are not averse to having fun at night are advised to visit the local nightclubs and bars in the city center. Those who want to spend large sums of money in order to satisfy the bouts of excitement can go to the city casino. During the Jazz Festival and the Festival of Laughter, a lot of people gather on the city streets and unbridled fun begins. On such days, an unforgettable atmosphere reigns at the resort. Children always enjoy visiting the Pere Noel park with a skating rink and a mini-train that moves through its territory.


For true gourmets and connoisseurs of culinary traditions, Montreux is real paradise. There are many different restaurants offering various international dishes, as well as drinks and confectionery. An extremely wide selection of Swiss and Italian wines. The restaurant with the most chic views of the surrounding landscapes is Le Palais Oriental, which has a unique romantic aura. In the evenings, a fair amount of people who want to admire the peaks always gather here. alpine mountains and evaluate the quality of the local cuisine.


Most of Montreux's shops are concentrated in the Market Square area and along the promenade, as well as on the main city street, Grand "Rue. The shopping rush is especially great during Christmas, when the city hosts a market fair with free wine and chocolate tasting. This magical time is especially memorable children, who are more than ever at the resort on the eve of the New Year.

Every year Montreux gathers an impressive army of tourists who come to the shores of Lake Geneva with pleasure to have a good rest in the bosom of nature, enjoying the enchanting views of the Swiss Alps and traveling through the historical lands of the French, which always greets its guests with exceptional hospitality.

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