Haad Yao Beach is a place where “let the whole world wait. Western beaches of Koh Phangan Mae Haad beach

Haad Yao Beach is located in the western part of Koh Phangan. Haad Yao beach is considered one of the most popular beaches in Koh Phangan according to guidebooks. We stopped at Had Yao for a few days to form our opinion about this beach and show you what it really looks like.

Overview of Haad Yao Beach

The beach is quite big. Some even consider it the longest on Phanagna. The coastline is about 700 meters. During low tides, the beach becomes wide, and in the high tide season, on the right side, the water can reach almost to the palms. The sand is light, almost white. Walking barefoot is nice.

Hotels near Haad Yao beach

  • See Through Resort
  • Sun Moon Star Resort
  • Haad Yao Bayview Resort
  • High Life Bungalow
  • Longbay Resort Koh Phangan

All hotels on Koh Phangan

On the right side (if you stand facing the sea) there is an inaccessible place. There are boats, even smaller and the bottom is more rocky. Swimming should go to the left side.

Almost the entire coastline, except for a few sections, is built up with hotels. In several places massage "parlors" are equipped. Massage costs 300 baht. Several beach restaurants. The prices are adequate. There is even one Indian costume shop. But what we like most about Hat Yao is the tall palm trees!

Few tourists

There are few vacationers on Had Yao Beach. Even on the eve of the Full Moon Party, there were no crowds here. And on ordinary days, the beach can be almost deserted.

The contingent of vacationers on Had Yao is European youth, especially during the Full Moon period, and middle-aged people. There are tourists with small children. There are few Russians, in 6 days only one Russian-speaking company was heard. By the way, European girls are now in fashion with large tattoos on the floor of the thigh or back. Literally every first Euro-girl in Koh Phangan with these weird tattoos.


There are no sun loungers on Had Yao. Only near the hotels for the guests of these hotels can be sun loungers. On the beach itself, you can only stay on your own bedding.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
Ordered a taxi online, paid by card. We were greeted at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You have already talked about your experience In this article.


There is very little natural shade. If there is shade in the morning until 12-13 o'clock, then in the afternoon there is almost no shade left. This is due to the fact that the beach is western. In the afternoon, the sun shines from the sea and there is almost nowhere to hide from it. A little shade can be found in the central part under coniferous trees.

Where to eat on Haad Yao

There are several beach cafes in the central part of the beach. Also in the depths of the area there are 7 Eleven. All hotels have restaurants. Therefore, there will be no problem with food.

Where to swim on Haad Yao

It seems that everything should be fine, the beach is large and beautiful, the water is blue, there are few people. So why such a question? In fact, it turned out that swimming on Haad Yao is problematic due to the shallow sea and the rocky bottom in most of the beach. All tourists swim on the left side of the beach near the Haad Yao Resort hotel and the IBIZZA cafe. For swimming in the sea, choose these bright glades with a sandy bottom.

There is no depth, but you can swim even at low tide. The water does not go away completely, it remains somewhere knee-deep, at best waist-deep. Therefore, swimming at Haad Yao is not swimming, but just sitting at the bottom.

Everyone here does it, they went in and flopped into the water. You won’t be able to swim further, since the dark spots in the sea, which can be seen in the photo, are stones, corals and algae. But people like on Had Yao. We ourselves have also become accustomed to this feature of the western beaches of Koh Phangan, we wallow in shallow water with pleasure. The main thing is that the water is transparent and there are no waves.


Sunsets are visible every evening on Haad Yao. You can admire the sunsets from a restaurant at dinner or just during an evening stroll along the beach.

By the way, while watching the sunset, we noticed that a pig was running around on the left side of the beach. We learned that she lives in one of the cafes as a pet and sometimes she is let out to run around to the delight and surprise of tourists. We also saw a big green parrot. Perhaps he also lives in a cafe and sometimes flies out for a walk.

Also, dogs come out on the beach in the evenings, like on all the beaches of Koh Phangan. Therefore, walking in the evening may not be very comfortable. Especially if you have reheated food from 7-11 with you in the package.

Haad Yao videos

Watch an overview video of the beach from different angles.

It is populated no less densely than the southern one, and in terms of beauty and picturesqueness it is in no way inferior. The main difference between the beaches probably lies in the fact that the south of Koh Phangan is long, kilometer-long beaches, and the west is a series of small cozy beaches, some of which do not exceed hundreds of meters in length. There are of course a couple of long beaches, but they can be ignored. Why? You can read more about this below.

In our opinion, if you are looking for a quiet, relatively inexpensive beach holiday on Koh Phangan, and apart from the beach itself and swimming, a good hotel is also important for you, then it is best to look at this side of Koh Phangan.

The first three beaches, if you move from Thong Sala along the west coast - Play Laem beach, Ao Wok Tum beach and Hin Kong beach are very long and practically unaffected by the tourism industry. There are almost no hotels here, and on the picturesque coast, under hanging palm trees, you can always retire and take a break from the hustle and bustle or take a walk through the coconut groves. Such a quiet paradise. However, all this splendor is shattered to smithereens on one underwater, or rather land stone - swimming here, even at maximum tides, is not easy at all. During low tide it is not possible. Water is not that little - it is not at all. Those. This area is perfect for a beach holiday. Mostly people settle here who are looking for silence and leisurely village life. However, if you have your own vehicle, then getting to the swimming spots is not difficult.

Sri Thanu beach

Passing these long beaches you will find yourself in a fishing village called Baan Sri Thanu (however, it seemed to us that there were few fishermen there) and on the beach of Sri Thanu (Ao Sri Thanu). Starting from this place, the beaches become more conducive to swimming, note that it is for swimming, and not for swimming. The beach itself is very wide, even at high tide and there are always plenty of places to lie on the white coral sand. There is a reef about 100-150 meters from the shore where you can try to snorkel. But expect something fantastic from this action is not worth it. The village has many cafes, restaurants and even several Thai food stalls, you can also find macaroons. They say there is a good and inexpensive Big Mountain restaurant with Indian cuisine, but we did not visit it and therefore we cannot say whether it is really tasty and inexpensive. To be honest, Indian food in Thailand sometimes turns out to be simply inedible and resembles an Indian dish only in name. With fruit, it seemed to us that things were not very good there. Let us pay special attention - further to the village of Chaloklum, located already on the northern coast of Koh Phangan, it is almost impossible to find decent and inexpensive Thai cafes and fruit markets with reasonable prices. Catering outlets will be represented mainly by hotel and beach restaurants and cafes. The cost of housing in the Sri Thanu beach area is on average 300-600 baht, but of course there are more expensive ones. You can swim, but at low tide it is rather shallow. The beauty and scenery of the beach did not impress.

Haad Chao Pao Beach

Further north of Koh Phangan is a rather cozy and beautiful beach of Haad Chao Phao. We managed to jump on it only for a short time and we don’t have much to say about it. However, the beach made a good impression: clean, spacious, a lot of greenery and very comfortable. The possibility of swimming, as on the previous beach, greatly depends on the strength of the low tide. A reef and rocks were visible, probably you can try to snorkel there. Housing is represented by resorts with a cost of 500 to 1500 baht per day, but there seems to be more expensive. Some hotels have swimming pools. I repeat, in general, the beach made a positive impression.

Secret beach

In general, in this area we were looking for a tiny beach called Secret beach - Secret Beach. Painfully tempting was the name and the rumors about it. If my memory serves me right, then we found it right here, between Shri Thanu and Ao Chao Pao, but I could be wrong, just in case, here is a photo of the pointer to it.

If you arrive on a bike, it is better to leave it on the road near this sign. The exit down is in the best traditions of Koh Phangan, it is very steep, but it is not yet paved and washed out by the waters from the slope. It's not worth the risk. However, the Secret beach itself is not worth it. There is nothing special there, the only thing we managed to swim tolerably and even swim a little at low tide. There are several very inexpensive bungalows for living on the coast, and at the northern end of the beach there is a large and apparently not very budget resort. You will not find silence and solitude here, however, and special views.

Haad Yao beach

Well, here we got to the business cards of a beach holiday on Koh Phangan, it is the photographs of these beaches that can most often be seen on advertising brochures. The first beach in this series will be Haad Yao Beach, or as it is also called Long Beach. The beach is really beautiful. Lots of greenery, lots of clean and white sand. Water at low tide, however, not very much, but still enough to swim. Svetlana, having shown some perseverance and skill, even managed to swim there during the period of maximum low tides. On the coast and on the slopes, everything is strewn with attractive resorts, however, at the same time, it is quiet and calm here. The exception is the resort ... in whose bungalow we were lucky enough to spend three "wonderful" nights. Before settling on this beach, a few words about this fun hotel can be found. Bear in mind that in the evening and at night sounds travel particularly well and over considerable distances.

In short, Haad Yao Beach is one of the best places for those who are looking for a classic beach holiday, and in the evenings they like to enjoy the sunsets sitting in a cafe or at a table right on the beach. Despite the fact that Had Yao and the rest they offer are not to our taste, we liked the beach itself. The only thing you should not believe in travel agencies is the promises of excellent snorkeling. There is nothing interesting in terms of the underwater world here.

Well, take into account what we wrote about food in these parts, be prepared to spend significant amounts on it. To save money, we recommend walking to the 7-Eleven store. If you don’t know what kind of stores these are, we recommend reading the article 7 eleven stores in Thailand. The store is located on the highway passing over the beach. If you need rum or beer, then you should definitely not be lazy. We also recommend that you stock up on drinking water. And, if you go up the road that goes from the northern end of the beach, about 50-70 meters before joining the highway, you can find a couple of not very expensive cafes that do not belong to hotels. With fruit, a complete ... ambush.


Mae Haad beach

Mae Haad beach is located at the northernmost point of the west coast of Koh Phangan and is considered one of the most beautiful and best beaches on the island. We will not say how true this is, we will only say that we really liked Mae Haad in many ways. It is very picturesque, wide, a lot of greenery, it has very clean sand and the sea. In addition, here is the best place for snorkeling in Koh Phangan. Not that you can see something amazing, but of all the many places on the island where we dived, this is the most interesting. But the reef, unfortunately, is being intensively destroyed by the anchors of yachts and ships that bring snorkelers here. It will probably be completely dead in five years.

During the day, Mae Had beach is quite crowded due to its popularity. A lot of people come here to dive, swim, just sunbathe, but there is enough space for everyone, and there is no crowding. In the evening, the beach is empty, only those who live here remain, and since there are not very many hotels, there are few people. Accordingly, it is quiet and calm. Well, another feature of this beach is the sunsets! We will not praise and describe. Just come and have a look. Of the minuses - all the same problems with food and fruits.

As a brief summary, let's say the following. During the period when we were looking for accommodation, Mae Had beach was one of the main candidates. And although we chose Chaloklum, people still came here very often to swim and enjoy the sunsets. See all the hotels of Mae Haad Beach General conclusion If you are going to Koh Phangan for a beach holiday and at the same time dream of peace and tranquility, take a closer look at the west coast. Perhaps this is just what you are looking for. But don't expect to find nightlife here. If suddenly during your vacation you still need it, then you can easily go after it to the South coast of Koh Phangan.

updated: April 10, 2017 by: Sergei

They are very different from each other. Therefore, it is very important not to make a mistake when choosing a place of rest, otherwise lovers of silence may well find themselves on the party Haad Rin and, on the contrary, active youth - in the wilderness, where they will have to ride a motorcycle or tuk-tuk to get to entertainment. In total, there are more than three dozen beaches on the island, if you count the smallest ones.

List of Koh Phangan beaches:

The main tips for choosing a vacation spot are as follows. In the east and north of Koh Phangan there are secluded places where, apart from hotels and a few restaurants, there is practically nothing else. Some do not have a normal road at all (even gravel) and have to be reached by boat. Such inaccessibility makes them not very popular with tourists and, as a result, there are few people there, in general, an ideal place for those who want to retire.

For party-goers, it is simply not better to find than the southeastern beaches of Koh Phangan. It is here that the famous Haad Rin is located, where every month they take place - a grandiose disco on the coast, gathering thousands of people. On other days (during the high season) music usually plays after sunset, so this is not a place for a quiet holiday. But if you arrive in the low season, for example, in May, and do not get to the Full Moon Party, then in the evenings the beach is quite calm and there are few people.

The west coast of the island is not homogeneous - there are calm sections of the coast, where there are only a few hotels with bungalows, and there are also more lively ones, where there are even bars with music. But in any case, they do not reach Haad Rin and it is not particularly noisy and there are a lot of people here.

Haad Rin Nok, Sunrise Beach

There are parties every day on this beach, and once a month there is a Full Moon Party. Had Rin Nok - for lovers of big companies and entertainment until the morning. To do this, there is everything you need - bars with powerful acoustic systems, restaurants, a large selection of accommodation, water activities, volleyball and football on the beach. This is the most youthful beach on Koh Phangan.

Video of Haad Rin Nok

Haad Rin Nai, Sunset Beach

The second name "Sunset Beach" speaks for itself: there are very beautiful sunsets here. But for a beach holiday, this is not the best place, since its width is only a few meters, and in some areas the water generally comes right up to the trees that stand on the shore.

Despite this, there are plenty of hotels, because from here you can walk to Haad Rin Nok, where the main party of Koh Phangan is located. There is also a pier here, from which you can sail for 200 baht. Nearby there is a small town that has everything: restaurants, clubs, bars, massage parlors, travel agencies, banks, motorbike rentals and much more.

Video by Haad Rin Nai

Mae Haad

The beach is located 3 km west of the bay and the village of Chaloklum. One of the best places for diving and snorkeling, as Mae Had is surrounded by a magnificent coral reef.

The coast is divided into 2 parts - western and eastern. There are many more hotels and tourists in the west, as this part is longer and more comfortable. In the east, there are much fewer vacationers; it is not as clean here as in the western part. It is mainly used by the locals to store their boats. But the main feature of Mae Had is the Koh Ma island located opposite it, which at low tide can be reached on sand in 3 minutes, and at high tide - knee-deep or waist-deep in water. The island also has its own beach.

Western Had Yao (Haad Yao West)

One of the most touristy beaches in the west of Koh Phangan. There are quite a lot of entertainment here: bars, restaurants, supermarkets, souvenir shops, massage parlors, car and motorcycle rentals and many other attributes of civilization. This is a place for those who do not like to be bored.

Chao Pao (Chao Phao)

A popular beach on Koh Phangan with a developed infrastructure and an inexpensive cost of living. It consists of several bays and bays, fenced off from the rest of the beaches by rocky formations. Here the depth of the sea does not depend on the ebb and flow, as in most other places. You can rent a boat and go for a ride on the sea. At 150 m there is a coral reef, so this is a good place for diving and snorkeling.

Had Salad

There are quite expensive hotels on Haad Salad Beach, but there are several places with bungalows where you can stay much cheaper.

It is a popular tourist spot on Koh Phangan with a supermarket, restaurants, bars, massage parlors, ATMs and internet cafes. Many travel agencies have their offices here. You can rent a kayak if you wish. At 200 meters there is a coral reef - a favorite place for divers.

Seekantang Beach

This beach on Koh Phangan is popular because it is located behind Haad Rin, but at the same time it is not very crowded. The place is very beautiful, there are not many people. It is quiet in the evenings (especially in the eastern part), only on the days of the Full Moon Party you can hear music from your neighbor. In the west, in, there is a bar with a speaker system, so sometimes discos are arranged here.

Seekantang beach video

Ban Kai Beach

In ancient times, gold was mined in this area of ​​Koh Phangan, and now there is a fairly popular beach with bars, hotels and shops. But it is much calmer here than on Haad Rin.

Ban Tai

Another beach for lovers of entertainment and nightlife. The Black Moon Culture Parties are held here once a month. The party takes place in the western part of the coast, closer to Ban Kai.

All life is concentrated near the coast and if Haad Rin is full of bars, restaurants and hotels away from the sea, then there is none here. In the western part of Ban Tai there is a pier from which you can get to Koh Samui.

Chaloklum beach

One of the ports is located in Chaloklum, so there are quite a lot of ships and local boats. There are cheap seafood for sale.

It is believed that here is the best place on Koh Phangan for surfing, as high waves often occur in the sea when the wind is strong. But for swimming, only the eastern and western parts are suitable (rather shallow), since there is a pier in the center, and the beach there is not very pretty. The infrastructure is well developed, there is a 7/11 shop, restaurants, hotels. But since this is more of a Thai village, you will not find discos and special entertainment. In general, in our opinion, this is not the best place for a beach holiday, it is hard to feel a tropical idyll here.


This is the main settlement on the island of Koh Phangan. It is here that almost all ships from the mainland, the islands of Koh Samui and Koh Tao arrive. Here is the best place for shopping, a large selection of inexpensive guesthouses (in the low season you can stay for 300 baht in a room with air conditioning, a refrigerator and a TV), many travel agencies and motorbike rentals (almost at every step), there is a night market and the only supermarket on the whole island Tesco Lotus with groceries and some household goods such as hotplates.

If you come to Koh Phangan for a beach holiday, then it’s better not to settle here, as the proximity to the pier leaves its mark - the sea is not very clean, there are many boats, the coast is narrow. Although a compromise can be found, since it is really possible to walk to the neighboring sparsely populated and good Nai Wok beach in 15-20 minutes. There is no nightlife in the town itself, but on the way to the east you will find drinking bars with affordable girls.

Bang Charu

Bang Charu Beach is a great alternative to Thongsala. They follow each other, but the coast of Bang Charu is very personal, there are few people. At the same time, shopping in Thongsala and bars on the main road will be available to you. The coast is wide, there is a lot of sand. There is also a stadium and a Thai boxing school.

Srithanu Beach

If you are interested in the real life of Thais, then settle on this beach. Nearby is a village, the life in which is the same as many decades ago on Koh Phangan. You will see how the locals lived before the “conquest” of the island by tourists. One of Srithanu's attractions is Laem Son Lake, which has impromptu rides on the water. There are not very many people resting on Sritana. At the same time, if you move a little from the coast, you will meet travel agencies, a 7/11 store, and motorbike rentals.

Thong Nai Pan

The beach is located in the northeast of Koh Phangan. It consists of two sections, similar to each other and separated by a rock. The infrastructure is more developed in the south - there is even one here. Since it is not so easy to get here, the prices in shops are higher than in other places. Thong Nai Pan is quite crowded, there is an observation deck with a magnificent view of the island and the bay. Housing is available both expensive and cheap. It is quite possible to get on a motorbike through the center of the island. True, the road turns from asphalt to gravel halfway, so it’s better for novice bikers not to risk it. Thong Nai Pan is a good place to meet the sunrise (at about 6 am).

The beach is isolated and with its own small infrastructure. The entire beach can be walked along the coast from edge to edge in about ten minutes, and on a scooter along the road, it will be possible to slip through the entire area even faster. The entire first line is occupied by bungalow resorts, and I must say that according to my observations, this area is a popular place among Russians, Russian speech is often heard here.

Haad Yao Beach is a secluded, beautiful, quiet place on Koh Phangan. If you decide to live here for a while, it is better to have transport at hand.

Although, if you think about it, this advice is relevant in general for all areas of Koh Phangan, provided that you are not going to sit on the beach all your free time all the time. But if you are going, then on Haad Yao it is in principle possible. Nice sandy beach, everything you need to eat and seal is here.

Entry into the water, depth and waves

To my delight, it turned out that Haad Yao is a white sand beach. No matter what enthusiastic vacationers tell, the beaches of Koh Phangan do not suffer from an excess of snow-white coral sand - the geography is not the same, unfortunately. But thank Buddha - there are separate beaches where the color is as close to white as possible.

In the pictures, my sand is wet, so its color gives off yellowness. As on the whole island, at high tide the sandy strip at Haad Yao becomes narrower; this is inconvenient when you walk along the beach, and coastal cafes put their tables right on the sand. Sometimes you have to bypass chewing people right on the sea, knee-deep in water.

A large role in the appearance of the beach is played by the ebbs and flows, and in bathability too. The bottom is flat, gently sloping, no surprises. When the water leaves, there will be wet sand with shells and walks under the sun. When the water comes in, there will be chest-deep depth five meters from the shore and full bathing. On the other hand, if you came to Koh Phangan with children, then such a beach would be perfect for them.

Sun beds and shade

As you understand, on the western coast of any island of the planet, the shadow is only until noon, until the sun reaches the zenith. Khaad Yao is no exception. There are more than enough shadows here: there are casuarinas and palm trees interspersed on the shore, although you will have to respect the invisible boundaries of the resorts.

Despite the fact that all the beaches belong to the royal family and the passage should be free anywhere in the kingdom, the Thais prefer not to remember this law and may ask you to leave or pay for the stay on the beach in front of their establishment. So it is preferable to throw your things under the trees in no man's land. If all the trump places are occupied, then you can sit down in a cafe.

I didn't notice sun loungers on Had Yao.

beach photo

Near Sea Through and Ibiza Bungalows

In the morning, the shadow reaches the water - very cool for a beach holiday.

Closer to Haad Yao Bayview Resort

And a fly in the ointment: the blue pipes are the drain from the bungalow. Usually the pipes are not visible under the sand.


I would not say that this is a place with a developed infrastructure. There are massage parlors, several cafes, but in general - you skip the whole area on a bike without noticing, it is so small. Basically, people are content with the infrastructure of their resort or hotel, whose employees will feed you, give you a massage, offer a rental, and send you on an excursion.

Haad Yao has a 7-Eleven mini-market, the assortment of which is quite enough to meet the needs of this micro-district. It's very cool, by the way, for any beach to have its own 7-Eleven or FamilyMart. This immediately increases its attractiveness for tourists who plan to stop for a long time and do not want to spend money on renting a car or risking renting a scooter. Of the more or less well-known establishments - on the shore.

Local infrastructure, a mini market on such a small beach - it's very cool

Houses and hotels on the beach

Haad Yao, despite its relative diminutiveness, is full of housing of various categories, from guest houses to decent resorts with a good rating. For example:

I lived right on the border of the beaches of Haad Son and Haad Yao, at the Haad Son Resort but it is on the mountain.

Here, many beaches are in lowlands and are separated by passes with ascent and descent, and so my hotel was on such an ascent. Going to Haad Yao beach is fun, but it’s already hard to climb, although you can only go to the hotel beach. .

Be sure (and I insist) to check for discounts or special offers on an excellent service. It will quickly and easily show you discounts in all existing booking systems. In the same Asia, for example, there are a lot of offers on Agoda.com, which are much more interesting than exactly the same hotels on Booking.com.

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