Walk through Warsaw old town. Order excursions Online

The Old Town in Warsaw, or "Starówka" (in colloquial Polish), is of great historical importance for the capital of the Republic of Poland. The ancient city was founded in the XIII century, it was from here that the development of the Polish state began. The development of city streets reminds of the Middle Ages, when there was a market in the center. In those days, it was in the market that people gathered, fairs were held and important events took place in the life of the city. From the market square in four directions there were streets strictly perpendicular. Of course, there were wars, fires, but the city was rebuilt and expanded over time.

Unfortunately, most of the historical monuments were destroyed during World War II by the Nazis. In 1944, the Germans systematically destroyed the city. Warsaw turned into ruins. After the end of the war, the architecture of the Old City was restored bit by bit, mainly thanks to the surviving paintings and photographs. Wherever possible, crushed stone and brick of the surviving facades of buildings were used. The old city is now a restored copy of historical buildings and structures. In the 20th century, UNESCO listed the Warsaw Old Town as a World Cultural Heritage Site. On the Market Square in Warsaw, museum exhibits are captured for the memory of posterity about the horrors of war. Consider what attractions will interest tourists in this historical place.

Sights of the Old City

When a visitor first visits the old part of Warsaw, he comes to the Castle Square. It is in the center of this square that there is a monument to the famous historical figure of Poland - King Sigismund III. Nearby is the Royal Castle, which was the residence of the kings after the transfer of the capital from Krakow. This happened in the 17th century, when Warsaw began to develop more actively. After Poland gained independence, the former Royal Castle became the residence of presidents. This building was also heavily damaged by the war, so the interior decor of the castle is somewhat reminiscent of a modern setting.

The sights of the old town in Warsaw are represented by many unusual statues and monuments. The most famous of them:

  • Statue of the Little Mermaid;
  • Monument to King Sigismund;
  • An ancient bell in Kanonia Square;
  • The narrowest house in Warsaw;
  • Barbican, decorated with four towers.

Interesting! All the houses of the old city have one feature - instead of numbering, a figurine of an object or an animal is placed on the facade of each house. So the buildings are called - the house under the ship, the house under the lion.

The symbol of the Old Town is the Warsaw Mermaid. Around her gather artists and musicians playing the ancient hurdy-gurdy.

In the depths of the old city there is a famous temple - the main Catholic cathedral of Poland, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. The most famous citizens of Poland are buried there, for example, the writer Henryk Sienkiewicz, King Stanislaw August Poniatowski. Thanks to the excellent acoustics of this temple, organ concerts are held in it today.

It is also interesting to visit Kanonia Square. Previously, there was a medieval cemetery here, then a statue of a bronze bell was installed. This bell was cast in the 17th century for the belfry of the Jesuit College. Due to cracks in the case, it is unsuitable for ringing. Kanonia Square also has one interesting attraction - it's a "thin house". The owner of this building decided to save money by circumventing the land tax law. Instead of a wide facade, he built a house with thin walls. The Barbican is also interesting, where nowadays festivals with knightly tournaments are held.

As you can see, there are many historical buildings here. Nowadays, there are many cafes and restaurants for tourists here. At any time, many guests and locals walk in the center. Many souvenirs are sold at the Market Square. You can try national cuisine at the eateries.

We advise you to come to the Old Town of the Polish capital on Christmas Eve, when all the buildings are decorated with bright lights. To fully enjoy the atmosphere of ancient architecture, you can ride in a carriage drawn by three horses.

How to get to the old center of Warsaw

How to get to the old city? The historical center is located near the main transport hubs of the capital. Warsaw has a well-developed transport network of buses, trams and metro. Therefore, you can use any of these modes of transport.

If you arrived in Warsaw at the Chopin Central Airport and you have limited time, you can get to the Old Town by taxi in half an hour. For this purpose, bus number 175 is suitable, which will take you in 40-50 minutes. You will have to get off at the Opera House stop and walk about 500 meters. You can always ask the driver of the vehicle or passers-by for directions. From the central station can be reached by metro, having traveled two stops. From Warszawa Zapadnaya station, you can get directly by taking bus number 178.

Location on the map:

If you already live in the city, then from different parts of the capital you can get to the center by buses No. 116, 180 and 144N. You need to get off at the stop "Kapitulna". You can take the tram to the Stare Miasto stop. Numbers 4, 20, 23, 25, 28 and 13 will do.

In any case, in order not to get lost, it is better to download a map of the city. In Warsaw, as in any European city, there are traffic patterns everywhere on the streets. Also, 4G Internet catches well on the streets of the city, which will not give a chance to get lost. So, we can say that any tourist will find something interesting for himself by visiting the historical center of Warsaw.

Over the seven centuries of existence, Warsaw has experienced several conquests and destruction. The entire historic city center was razed to the ground during World War II. For decades, restorers painstakingly studied documents, old engravings and photographs and literally brick by brick restored the capital of Poland from ruins.

As a brilliant example of restoration, the historic center with its squares, castles and churches was included in the UNESCO heritage list. Nowadays, a tourist, walking along the Market Square and contemplating the powerful royal castle, will hardly guess that these sights are only a few decades old.

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What to see and where to go in Warsaw?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Historic city center. In the 13th century, the first stone of the future Polish capital was laid here. For centuries, life was in full swing around the Old Town - merchants gathered for fairs, itinerant artists staged street performances, crowds of onlookers gathered to stare at the bonfires where witches and sorcerers were burned. Of the historical buildings, almost nothing has survived, only the basement floors and cellars, but the Old Town does not lose its charm from this.

The palace is 10 km away. from the Polish capital. It was erected in the 17th century for King Jan Sobieski and his wife Maria Casimira Louise. At the request of the Queen, during the construction, the creators were guided by the French architectural school (the Baroque style prevails). At the beginning of the 19th century, one of the first art museums in Poland was opened on the territory. During the Nazi occupation, the museum's collections were looted, but then they were returned back to Poland.

An architectural and cultural monument in the center of Warsaw, erected in the 16th-17th centuries by the Lithuanian prince Sigismund. During the Northern War, the castle was plundered by the Swedes and gradually dilapidated. It is noteworthy that in 1829 the Russian emperor Nicholas II was married here to the kingdom of Poland (at that time the Commonwealth was part of the Russian Empire). The modern Royal Castle is a copy of the structure blown up by the Nazis during World War II.

The central square of Warsaw, surrounded by the main attractions. Located within the Old City. In the center of the square there is a memorial column in honor of King Sigismund III Vasa. From Castle Square begins the Royal Route, which leads to the country residence of Jan III. In the Middle Ages, this place was the concentration of city life, all major events took place here.

Another central square, surrounded by houses with multi-colored plaster. Each building is unique, each facade has a different pattern and color. The Market Square was the trading pulse of Warsaw in previous centuries. It was always crowded, lively and fun. Taking a leisurely walk around this place, you can feel the real atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

A powerful fortification of the 16th century in the system of fortifications of the Old City, built according to the project of the Italian master D. Batista. The building did not perform defensive functions. At the base of the barbican tower there is a monument to the Siren. According to legend, in ancient times, the Siren emerged from the river and informed people that a great city would soon appear on the banks. Today, an exhibition gallery is located on the territory of the fort.

Russian fortress of the 19th century, built by order of the imperial authorities after the November Uprising. It housed a prison for political prisoners and rebels. Important historical milestones of the Polish national liberation movement are connected with the fortress. After the occupation of Poland in 1915, the citadel passed into the hands of the Germans. But they were expelled in 1918. The fortress went to the newly formed Polish independent state.

A monument commemorating the fallen Polish patriots during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. It was officially opened in 1989 on the very spot where the freedom fighters were hiding from the German occupiers. The composition depicts two groups of rebels who seem to rise from the ruins and courageously rush into battle. The monument is one of the most interesting and visited monuments in Warsaw.

The Polish name of the temple is St. John's Church. This is the oldest Catholic church in the capital, which was built in the XII-XIV centuries. Important events have taken place here for centuries: coronations, the conclusion of peace treaties, magnificent funerals of monarchs. The church played the role of the spiritual center of the Polish state. The modern building of the temple is a remake, as the historical building was demolished during the German occupation.

Church of the XVI century, which also could not escape the fate of being destroyed in the Second World War. In the middle of the 19th century, a statue of Jesus carrying the cross stood in front of the temple. The church is notable for the fact that in one of its walls there is an urn with the ashes of Frederic Chopin. In the 20th century, the temple was completely rebuilt, but work on the exterior and interior decoration continued into the 21st century.

The temple was founded by the ruler Jan III and his wife in the 17th century at their own expense. Inside is the tomb of the Polish princess - the daughter of Jan III. The church was built in the style of classicism and baroque with strict observance of geometric proportions according to the project of the architect T. Gamerski. After the bombing, only the garden of the 17th century was preserved. The temple was rebuilt in the middle of the 20th century.

The current cathedral, which arose thanks to the generous funding of Princess Anna Radziwill. Her ashes are buried inside the church. Due to numerous reconstructions, a single style is not traced in the architectural composition, a mixture of elements from different eras prevails. The bell tower of the church is used as an observation deck. According to legend, if a young couple gets married in the Church of St. Anna, then the marriage will be long and prosperous.

Frederic Chopin is a famous Polish composer whose creative path was connected with Warsaw. The exposition of the museum consists of items belonging to the musician. In addition to letters, musical scores and personal items, you can see the piano at which the master worked. In addition to the traditional exhibition, there is a multimedia exposition where you can learn about the details of Chopin's biography.

Museum dedicated to the research and life of the famous female physicist Marie Skłodowska-Curie. Thanks to her research, the table of chemical elements was replenished with two new elements - polonium and radium. The name "polonium" was given to the substance in honor of the motherland of the scientist - Poland. Maria was twice awarded the Nobel Prize. The museum was organized in 1967 through the efforts of her daughter Eva Curie.

Museum dedicated to the Polish Armed Forces. The exposition covers the period from the emergence of the Polish state to the present. The open-air exhibition presents samples of weapons from other countries: artillery pieces, tanks, fighters, armored vehicles. Inside are collections of medieval weapons, armor, banners. The museum houses the cocked hat and saddle of Napoleon Bonaparte.

A scientific interactive museum where visitors are invited to experiment on their own. It is one of the most advanced museums of its kind in Europe. The inner space is divided into several thematic zones, telling about the whole layers of human knowledge. The first permanent exhibition opened in 2010, and after 1.5 years the museum was visited by about 2 million people.

A high-rise building, almost an exact copy of the Stalinist skyscrapers in Moscow. It was erected by the Russian architect L. Rudnev by order of I.V. Stalin, who thus wanted to make a gift to the Polish people. Offices, cinemas, a large conference hall, museums and exhibition galleries are located here. The spire of the building dominates all the buildings in Warsaw and serves as a reference point for tourists who do not know the city.

The former residence of the Elector of Saxony and King August II, an exact copy of the building of the XVII century, which was destroyed during the Second World War. Since 1975, the castle began to be restored from the very foundation, in 1981 the Center for Contemporary Art was opened on its territory. Today, Ujazdowski Castle has become a venue for numerous creative festivals, screenings of auteur films, art salons and photo exhibitions.

Another former residence of Elector Augustus II the Strong. This majestic and picturesque building was called the “palace by the water”, since its foundation was set right on the surface of the river. The palace complex consists of the main building, baths, the White House with galleries and pavilions. Inside the main building there is an art gallery, where more than 2 thousand paintings are exhibited.

A picturesque quiet park surrounding the Lazenkovsky Palace. It was created as a nature reserve, but eventually became a public square. Since the beginning of the 19th century, the entrance to the territory was allowed for all people. The park has a monument to F. Chopin - a copy of the monument of 1926, which was destroyed by the Nazis. It is pleasant to walk along the well-groomed park alleys and paths on a fine summer day.

We spent less than a day in Warsaw, on the way from to. We stayed at the Dizzy Daisy Hostel Riviera, in the very center of the city. The hostel attracted us with its location, walking distance to the central railway station in Warsaw and, of course, a reasonable price. The hostel turned out to be terrible - dusty, dirty with an unpleasant smell. I won’t talk about the hostel here, the article isn’t about that, and we already talked about it in some detail, in the previous article, if you wish, you can.

Naturally, you can’t sit in such a hostel for a long time, so we went for a walk in the center of the evening Warsaw. They walked, without any purpose to see or visit something, just walked through the streets, delirious, wherever their eyes looked. Our route ran mainly along the following streets of the city - Marszalkowska, Mokotowska, Nowowiejska, Aleje Jerozolimskie (Jerusalem alleys) and some other small streets and lanes.

Warsaw, as well as the whole of Poland, does not impress, except that, in addition to the historical quarters in cities, they are also called old cities, if in every European town. The "Old Town" is one or two quarters in which the architecture of medieval Europe has been preserved and is maintained. In Warsaw, such a quarter is called Stare Miasto or Starowka.

So Warsaw, like any city in Poland, is basically gray shabby buildings, garbage on the streets, a large number of drunks and homeless people, tastelessly dressed people constantly hurrying somewhere with gloomy expressions. Why go far, go outside, the picture will be exactly the same. Only our roads are worse, prices are more expensive and the quality of goods is lower.

Walking along Mokotowska street

We came across the square of the savior (Plac Zbawiciela). The area is quite large, with many cafeterias and small restaurants.

The undoubted decoration of the square of the savior is.

We turned left, we go along Nowowiejska street.

We went out to the wide central street Marszalkowska.

There are many eateries on both sides of the street.

We came across a small market square with tents. The tents were imported, when they went from the station to check into the hostel, there was no market yet. The tents sell honey, cheeses, sausages, oils, spices, dates, sweets and much more.

Hungry, we went to eat at Kebab (kebab). Kebab establishments in Poland are the main source of street food, here they are at every turn. We ordered a kebab for 11 PLN each and a bottle of Coca-Cola 0.5 liters for 5 PLN. The bill was 27 PLN (Polish zlotys).

Satisfying hunger, we continued on our way. Stumbled upon a building of beautiful architecture. We do not know what was previously located in it, at present the building belongs to the bank.

We came across the Warsaw Palace of Culture and Science. The palace building is famous for its architecture and history, attracting tourists with an observation deck located at an altitude of more than two hundred meters. We talked about the palace in detail in one of the previous articles. Read .

Opposite the Palace of Culture and Science is a small shopping center. Nothing remarkable is sold in the center, ordinary clothes and other things of everyday use.

But if you go behind the building of the shopping center, you get to the Chmielna pedestrian street. On both sides of the street there are numerous catering establishments. Life was in full swing on the street, people were walking, having fun and drinking coffee in cafeterias. There was even a Russian "entrepreneur" who, entertaining honest people, played the guitar and sang Vitas' song "Mama". There was a Pole on the backup dancer, he danced in tattered clothes and barefoot.

And we, succumbing to the general mood, decided to sit down in one of the coffee houses and drink coffee with a cake. Coffee, cake and buns in Poland are not tasty.

Ordered two cappuccinos, two muffins and a cake. The bill amounted to PLN 44.50. Coffee for 12.50, buns for 4, cake - PLN 11.50.

We returned to the Palace of Culture and Science, and walked along the Jerusalem Alley (Aleje Jerozolimskie).

On the right, near the Palace of Culture, there is a drama theater (Teatr Dramatyczny m.st. Warszawy. Scena im. Gustawa Holoubka) and a museum of technology with fountains at the entrance.

We walked a little more, went to the main entrance of the Warsaw Central Railway Station - Warszawa Centralna. We went into the station building, we had to buy tickets to Modlin airport (Modlin). It was from this airport that we flew to at six o'clock in the morning.

How to quickly and cheaply get from the center of Warsaw to Modlin Airport and vice versa.

The railway tracks and station stations are located on the basement floor, that is, underground. Cashiers - on all floors.

To the right of the central entrance to the station there is a shopping center - House Złote Tarasy. Opening hours of the shopping center - from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 22:00 hours, on Sunday from 9:00 to 21:00. Exact address: Złota 59, 00-120 Warszawa Poland.

The building of the shopping center has a rather interesting shape.

Small area near the shopping center.

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Warsaw consists of 18 districts that play an important role in defining the character of the city: Mokotów, Prague Poludne (South), Wola, Ursynow, Bielany, Śródmieście, Targuvek, Bemowo, Ochota, Prague Pulnoc (North), Bialolėnka, Wawer, Zoliborz, Ursus , Wlochy, Rembertow, Vesola, Wilanow.


The area is located on the western part of the city and is its natural border. In the south it borders on the railway, in the east - on the airport. In the west, the area covers the countryside and almost reaches the edge of the Kampinos Forest.


The district forms the northern border of Warsaw. It is located along the roads leading to Bialystok, Gdansk, Ostroleka, Suwalki. Many industrial enterprises are located in the southwestern part of the district.


The area is located in the northern part of Warsaw on the left bank of the Vistula, in the vicinity of the Kampinos National Park and is one of the most beautiful and green areas of Warsaw. The characteristic features of the district are: the Bielany forest, the Mlochyny park, and the Bemowo forest. The Bielany forest is an ideal place for tourism. The area has retained its ecological character and creates good conditions for housing and development.


The district is located on the left bank of the Vistula. In the south it borders on the districts of Wilanów and Ursynov, in the west with the district of Wawer, in the east with Vlochy and in the north with Ochota, Śródmieście and Prague Poludne. Mokotów is a residential area. Embassies, residences, foreign delegations, well-known companies and government agencies are located here.


The district is located in the southwestern part of Warsaw. It borders on the districts: Śródmieście, Wlochy, Wola and Mokotów. Its proximity to Śródmieście is definitely an advantage and attracts investors. Many offices of foreign companies are located along Yerozolimsky Avenue for 3 kilometers. Okhota district covers an area of ​​972 hectares, of which 200 hectares are landscaped

Prague Noon (South)

The dynamic development of the area can be seen everywhere. In addition to many residential areas built more than 10 years ago, such as Gotslaw Lotnisko, Przycholek Grochowski or Ignashka, new and architecturally interesting residential complexes are being created. The area is home to one of the most attractive residences in Warsaw, it is also called "Saxon Start" - an exclusive area of ​​villas, whose hallmarks are the style of buildings of the 1920s and 1930s, although it slightly reinterprets the Polish architectural trends of those years - from historic cottage style to extreme functionalist classical buildings, many embassies are located here.

Prague Pulnoc (North)

The district is located on the right bank of the Vistula. In the south it borders on the district of Prague Poludne, in the east on Targuvek, and in the west its neighbors are the districts of Zoliborz and Śródmieście


The area is located on the far eastern bank of Warsaw, which makes it, in a sense, a gateway to the East and an entrance primarily for Belarus and Russia.


The area can be called the cultural and recreational center of the capital. Located on the left bank of the Vistula in the very center of Warsaw, it is possibly the most important area in Warsaw and probably the most important area in Poland. The word "srodmiescie" in Polish means "city center". The area is bordered by the railway line passing through Warsaw Gdańska station in the north, Jan Paul II and Nepodlegloszcz avenues in the west, and in the south it runs to the end of Batorego, Boy Zhelensky, Spetserov and Gagarin streets.


The district is located on the right bank of the Vistula. In the south it borders on Prague Poludne and Rembertów, in the east on the district of Prague Pulnoc and in the north on Bialolenka. It occupies an area of ​​2436 hectares, i.e. 5% of the total area of ​​Warsaw.


The district is the smallest of all districts in Warsaw. It is located in the western part of the capital, 9 km from the city center. It has an advantageous location in terms of communications, because it is at the confluence of international highways and railways. About 1 km from the northern border of Ursus is the international road E-30 (Poznań) from East to West. A few kilometers south of Ursus, there are already 2 international roads from North to South: E-67 (Katowice) and E-77 (Krakow)


The area is located almost entirely on the Warsaw Plain, located at an altitude of 20-30 meters above the level of the Vistula River and extending into the southern part of Warsaw. There are three nature reserves in and around the area. The location of the district on the border of Warsaw and the number of nature reserves play an important role for residents in the modern ecosystem of the city. In addition, the area is almost free from industrial plants, buildings and equipment that can be harmful to the environment.


The district is located on the right bank of the Vistula, in the southern part of Warsaw. In the north it borders on Rembertów and Prague Poludne and in the west on Mokotów and Wilanów. The area of ​​the Wawer district is 7971 hectares, of which forests cover 34.5%. Thus, it is a green area known for its climatic qualities and traditional recreational areas. It is also known for its rich forests that form the Mazovian Landscape Park.


The district is located in the eastern part of Warsaw, on the right bank of the Vistula River, and covers an area of ​​23 sq. kilometers. The area of ​​Vesola is comparable to the districts of Rembertów and Prague Poludne. Compared to other districts, Wesola occupies the penultimate place in terms of the number of inhabitants in front of the 13,000th district of Wilanów. It is also one of the least urbanized areas, with a population density of only 650 people per sq. km.


The district is located in the southern part of Warsaw, on the left bank of the Vistula. In the West, the border of the Ursynov region, in the north - Mokotow and in the East - Wawer, located on the right bank of the Vistula. Wilanow is one of the most beautiful regions of Poland. It owes its fame to King Jan III Sobieski, who decided to build his summer residence here.


The area is located in the south-western outskirts of the capital, far enough to prevent city noise from reaching it and at the same time close enough that communication with the city center is not a problem. Anyone who wants to live in this area will surely appreciate the charm of its small buildings. However, it is the presence of an airport nearby, rather than aesthetics, that influences the building height constraint. Favorable location also matters - two main roads leave Warsaw: Krakowskie and Jerozolimskie avenues


The area is located in the western part of Warsaw and is bordered by industrial Żoliborz in the north-western part, by the district railway, Jan Paul II Avenue, Jerozolimskie Avenue, Warsaw Railway (WKD) in the north-western part, by the railway lines in the section Warsaw Wlochy - Warsaw Zachodnia in the south , in the western part with the forest of Kolo, in the northwestern part with the avenue of the Home Army


The district is located in the northwestern part of Warsaw, on the banks of the Vistula River. Two main arteries pass through it: the route of the Krajvoi Army, linking the Eastern and Western parts of the city, and Wislostrada, linking the North with the South. In the western part of the district there is an industrial zone and the Povezki cemetery.

Shopping is one of the reasons why Warsaw and Poland as a whole are the best places in the world. Today we will tell you about the best shopping centers in Warsaw, where you can happily spend your hard-earned money and buy everything your heart desires.

Zlote Tarasy

Address: ul. Zlota 59
Parking available: yes.

The most important shopping center in Warsaw. It is located right next to the central railway station, as well as the bus station of many city routes right there. In the shopping center itself, you can not only buy in different stores, but also spend your leisure time. For example, go to the cinema. There are also many restaurants and cafes, ranging from food courts to good restaurants. The center occupies 4 floors, and on the ground floor there is a grocery supermarket. There are also services such as laundry.


Clothing and fashion stores Restaurants and cafes Services
triumphEmpik CafeBank Millennium
InglotBurger KingJatomi Fitness
Victoria's SecretIl PatioTUI currency exchange
BershkaKFCCurrency exchange Itaka
CroppMcDonald'sSuper-Pharm Pharmacy
H&MNorth FishManicure Express
Hugo BossSphinxOrange
Pull & BearsubwayVirgin Mobile
United Colors of BenettonThai wokT Mobile
ZaraGreen Caffe NeroLaundry 5 asec
VansCosta CoffeeBank ING
Ry?koSo! CoffeeJean Louis David hair salon
TimberlandHard Rock CafeTeletorium
Zara HomeClub 35mmVarious ATMs
ApartWikingKiosk Ruch
PandoraItalian Corner & CafePijalnia czekolady E. Wedel
CrocsVelvet BarOptics


Address: al. Jana Pawla II 82
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 - 22:00, Sunday: 9:00 - 21:00
Parking available: yes.
Buses: 205, 409, 500, N12, N46, N62
Trams: 1, 11, 17, 22, 27, 28, 33, 35, 41

One of the best shopping centers in Warsaw, located just 15 minutes drive from the center. There are about 230 shops, a huge number of cafes, restaurants and a large food court. The center is also convenient for those who have children - there is a convenient children's area. In general, Arcadia is considered a family center, and the shops and assortment here are very good, so you will definitely find what you are looking for. There is also a large selection of equipment and electronics in stores: Saturn, Komputronik, Fotojoker, etc.

List of some of the shops and establishments:

Clothing and fashion stores Restaurants and cafes Services
GuessBerger KingCalypso fitness
ZaraKFCCinema City Arkadia
BershkaMcDonald'sCiti handlowy (bank)
housesubwayMillennium bank
LeeBubbleologySuper-Pharm Pharmacy
New YorkerNorth FishAutonatura car wash
QuiksilverCukiernia sowaWiek currency exchange
Pull & BearSkok na sok juice barPoczta Polska
SpringfieldThai wokTUI Centrum Podrozy
SwarovskiPizza HutLaundry 5?sec
EmpikCosta CoffeeBank ING
SephoraE.Wedel Pijalnia CzecholadyEuronet ATM
Yves RocherGrycanChildren's room

Galeria Mokotow

Address: ul. Wołoska 12
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 - 22:00, Sunday: 9:00 - 21:00
Parking available: yes.
Buses: : 165 189 218 317 365 401
By tram: 17,18,31
Parking available: yes

Gallery Mokotov is located in one of the most prestigious areas of the city. There are 260 shops located on 3 floors. Large parking, as well as the largest entertainment complex compared to other shopping centers. This is a very modern center, which even has a secure bicycle parking, a children's multimedia room and free Wi-Fi throughout the center. The Mokot Gallery always hosts some fashionable events. When you come here on the weekend, you are not only a buyer, but also a spectator of some show. There are always popular and trendy establishments here, such as Starbucks.

List of some of the shops and establishments:

Clothing and fashion stores Restaurants and cafes Services
ZaraJeff'sCalypso fitness
YESKFCcinema city
H&MMcDonald'sCiti handlowy (bank)
Liu JosubwayMillennium bank
MontblancBubbleologySuper-Pharm Pharmacy
Pandoracinema cafeAppolo currency exchange
swatchCukiernia sowaKwiaciarnia Camomille
noble placeFive o'clockVision Express
SwarovskiStarbucksTUI Centrum Podrozy
HollisterMonique bakery and wineLaundry 5 asec
VistulaLa passion du vin20 Manicure Pedicure
TimberlandFragolaEuronet ATM
ReservedGrycanChildren's room

blue city

Address: Al. Jerozolimskie 179
Parking available: yes.
Buses: 172, 159, 127, 158, 178, 187, 191, 517, 717 i N35, N85
Parking available: yes

A large center where you can buy whatever you want, does not fundamentally differ from previous centers, the set of shops and establishments is approximately the same. The only thing you should consider is the location, as Blue City is far from the city center. Here you can connect the Internet at the UPC office, buy electronics at Saturn, connect to Play or Orange mobile operators.

List of some popular shops in Blue City:

Clothing and fashion stores Restaurants and cafes Services
BershkaBali cafeAfrodyta MediSpa
big starbiowayCar wash
H&MMcDonald'sCiti handlowy (bank)
Go sportsubwayMillennium bank
IntimissimiBonapetitoRaiffeisen Polbank
new lookCieslikowskiAlior bank
New YorkerCukiernia Blikle ConfectioneryDeutsche bank
NikeFive o'clockPress
Pull and BearMisiankaTUI Centrum Podrozy
TK MaxxMK Cafe?Itaka travel agency
triumphPizza HutMENNICA ZŁOTA
VansRedberryMobile operator Play
ZaraGrycanPoczta Polska

wola park

Address: ul. Gorczewska 124
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 - 22:00, Sunday: 9:00 - 20:00
Parking available: yes.
Buses: 109, 154, 171, 190, 523, N43
Parking available: yes

Good shopping center located relatively close to the center. It will be especially convenient for those who live or are located in the Wola and Bemowo areas. A notable feature of the center is the two-story Auchan store, where you can buy groceries on the ground floor and non-food items on the second. The supermarket in this shopping center is very large and many come here just for it. There is also a cinema and fitness, popular clothing stores (Cropp, House, Springfield), currency exchange, laundry. There are popular chain restaurants in the food court area (McDonfald's, KFC, Kebab, Sphinx, etc.).

Atrium Reduta

Address: Al. Jerozolimskie 148
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 - 22:00, Sunday: 9:00 - 20:00
Parking available: yes

This mall is right across from CH Blue City. It is not that big, but it has more than 100 stores. Atrium Reduta has recently been redesigned to be more modern. It's definitely worth going here. Here is a short list of some of the shops you can visit here:

  • Male Siolo
  • Cropp
  • Empik
  • Fotojoker
  • house
  • Komputronik
  • RTV Euro AGD

Atrium Promenade

Address: ul. Ostrobramska 75c
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 - 22:00, Sunday: 9:00 - 20:00
Bus: 168 225 502 514 520 525 (stop "CH Promenada") and 151 (stop "Rechniewskiego"), N02 N25
Parking available: yes.

Another complex from the Atrium chain, which is located in the Praga district and includes about 100 stores. Suitable for you if you are in that area, and it makes no sense to go there just like that. The center includes the usual set of shops and a food court. There is also a grocery store here.
Here is a list of several establishments and shops that are here:

  • Starbucks
  • Timberland
  • Swiss
  • Strefa mocy

And many others.

Galeria Wilenska

Address: al. Witosa 31 (Dworzec Wilenski)
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00, Sunday: 9:00 - 20:00
Bus: 120, 125, 135,160, 162, 166, 169, 170, 190, 338, 509, 512, 517, 527, 718, 738, 805, E-3, E-7
By tram: 6, 13, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 74
Parking available: yes.

The original combination of the shopping gallery in the station, in total, more than 90 shops and points of various services work for you in the gallery. From clothing stores you will find New Yorker, Big Star, GO Sport and others. There is also RTV EURO AGD and Starbucks. If your route runs through this station, then this is a great option to have a good time. Also, if you are leaving this station, you can arrive here early to walk through the gallery.

This is our list of shopping centers in Warsaw, if we forgot something or did not add it, then write in the comments, we will add it.
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