Arrow of Vasilievsky Island where it is located. Memorial Sign "Spit of Vasilyevsky Island"

Located on the very banks of the Neva, Strelka Vasilyevsky Island has always attracted both residents of St. Petersburg and its guests. It is from here that the most picturesque view of the city opens. From the stone shore you can admire Peter and Paul Fortress, the Hermitage and the Admiralty.

On the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, a tradition has developed to hold weddings and commemorative celebrations. And just recently there was another reason to explore the area. In 2003, a memorial sign was installed here in honor of the tercentenary of St. Petersburg, donated by the city customs service. The sign is a bronze circle with a diameter of 240 centimeters, located on a granite pedestal. The plate depicts buildings that create architectural ensemble Arrows of Vasilyevsky Island.

The solemn opening of the memorial sign took place on November 14, 2003. The main architect of the unique monument was Yuri Anatolyevich Nikitin, historian and professor, author of several books on the history of architecture. The sculptors who brought the idea to life were Alexander Sergeevich Kunatz and Dmitry Mikhailovich Nikitin. Alexander Vasilyevich Timofeev was chosen as the designer of the bronze bas-relief.

In addition to the 300th anniversary of the Northern capital, the commemorative sign symbolizes another historical event. On November 12, 1703, the first merchant ship from Holland delivered a cargo of wine and salt to St. Petersburg. This date is considered the founding day of the Northwestern Customs Service.

The place for the installation of the bronze monument was not chosen by chance. It was in the buildings located on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island that the customs service of St. Petersburg was once located. Each building is captured and signed.

History of the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island

This architectural ensemble is located in the easternmost part of Vasilyevsky Island. Going down to the banks of the Neva, it blends harmoniously into the landscape and is the standard of St. Petersburg architecture.

The history of the island begins in the twenties of the XVIII century. It was then that Peter I decided to organize a business center of the city here. According to the project of Domenico Trezzini, the Building of the Twelve Collegia and the Stock Exchange were built. Also in the plan of the chief architect were designated Gostiny Dvor and the Cathedral.

The building of the Twelve Colleges was made in the style of Peter the Great Baroque and was intended to accommodate supreme bodies state power. Today it houses St. Petersburg State University and the Pedagogical Institute.

A separate building was built to accommodate the City Exchange, but soon the Naval Museum was organized in it, which existed there until 2010 and then moved to the Kryukov barracks. Now the issue of using the former building of the Exchange has not been resolved. At the same time, buildings were erected for the Kunstkamera and the Academy of Sciences. Port services were located on the northern bank along the Malaya Nevka River: customs, a warehouse and a trade exchange.

In the second half of the 18th century, the untouched territory of Vasilyevsky Island was determined for the construction of the northern warehouse, which became the main building of the Exchange Building. Today, the premises house the Museum of Soil Science named after Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev. The author of the northern warehouse project was Giacomo Quarenghi, a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts.

Since 1805, the construction of the building of the new Stock Exchange began. Main architector Jean Francois Thomas de Thomon executed it in the antique style and decorated the area in front of it with two Rostral columns. At the foot of each of them are statues symbolizing the great Russian rivers: the Neva, Dnieper, Volga and Volkhov. In front of the Exchange building, a square was laid out, consisting of an eastern and a western part. The first of them is called Exchange Square, and the second - Kollezhskaya.

At the same time, Cape Strelka of Vasilievsky Island was being developed. The built stone ledge above the water served as a front pier. For its construction, soil was poured into the bed of the Neva, the total height of the embankment was 123 and a half meters.

The flood that occurred in 1824 severely destroyed the Exchange building. To restore the structure, the northern and southern warehouses had to be rebuilt.

For a long time, the architectural ensemble of the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island remained untouched. But modern high-rise buildings gradually destroyed the harmony created several centuries ago. Developers and local authorities are waging an uncompromising struggle for the territory.

Rostral columns got their name in connection with the ancient Greek tradition of decorating structures of this kind with a military trophy, in this case the prow of a ship, which in Latin sounds like "rostra". This symbol personified the power and strength of the country.

Walking along Vasilyevsky Island, you can wander into the narrowest street in St. Petersburg - Repin Street. Its width is only 5 meters and 60 centimeters. Previously, it was called Pesochny and Solovyevsky lane. The road appeared due to its favorable location on a hill, where it was convenient to lay a trail.

Another interesting fact lies in the fact that the image of the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island is imprinted on a fifty-ruble bill. On the one hand, there is a statue of the Neva at the foot of the Rostral Column, on the other, a view of the Strelka from the river. If you look closely at the foot of the sculpture, you can see the erroneously depicted sixth toe.

Around the Strelka of Vasilievsky Island there is more than one legend. Among them is one that says that the lions located near the descent to the river help to get married. In order for a girl to find a groom, she must kiss the animal's nose. And for those who have already found their happiness, a ring sticking out of the lion's mouth will help strengthen relationships. To do this, it is enough to hold on to him together.

You can see St. Petersburg from the most picturesque angle by walking along the Spit of Vasilevsky Island. Here is located a large number of historical museum buildings. Guests and residents of the city will certainly get the best impressions.

    Spit of Vasilyevsky Island- a cape in the eastern part of the island, washed by pr. Bolshaya Neva and Malaya Neva. At the end of the XVI century. on this territory there was a small village, in 1703 an artillery battery of Vasily Korchmin, an associate of Peter I, stood here. on S. V. o ...

    ARROW- 1) a narrow alluvial strip of land, a long spit of sand, shell rock, gravel, protruding towards the sea (for example, the Arabat arrow in the Crimea). 2) A piece of land, usually in the form of a sharp wedge between two merging rivers, or the end of an island at … … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Islands- Islands. A significant part of Leningrad is located on the islands of the Neva delta. The city center is located on Admiralteysky Island. Islands close to each other form groups: the islands of the Petrograd Side (Petrogradsky Island, Aptekarsky Island, ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Islands- A significant part of Leningrad is located on the O. of the Neva delta. The city center is located on Admiralteysky Island. O. close to each other form groups: the islands of the Petrograd side (Petrogradsky island, Aptekarsky island, Petrovsky ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    arrow- And; pl. genus. lok, date lcam; and. 1. Reduce. to Arrow (1 2 digits). 2. A thin and narrow plate rotating on an axis with a pointed end, which serves as an indicator of something. in various measuring instruments. Hour, minute, second s. S. compass,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Islands of Petersburg

    Islands of St. Petersburg- There is no clarity about how many islands are actually located in Saint Petersburg. As of 2002, there are 33 islands with official name. Besides, in Gulf of Finland there is a so-called Kronstadt archipelago ... Wikipedia

    ARROW- 1. Cape or part of the territory, which looks like an acute angle between 2 merging rivers. 2. Part of the island (for example, in Leningrad, the upper part of Vasilyevsky Island and the lower part stone island), which has an acute angle in plan view. 3. Long narrow ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

    ARROW- ARROW, and, wives. 1. see arrow. 2. A thin and narrow plate rotating on an axis, which serves as a pointer in various measuring instruments, watches. C. compass. Minute s. 3. A sign in the form of a dash, two short ones depart from the end to the swarm at an acute angle ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Arrow- Arrow: Arrow symbol "→". Pointer pointer, for example, in hours (clock hand), in pointer measuring instruments. Strelka is an astronaut dog who successfully returned from an orbital flight. The arrow is a place at the confluence of two or ... Wikipedia

Address: Birzhevaya Square, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199034

Coordinates: 59.944101, 30.306671

Nearest stations: Admiralteyskaya, Gorky, Vasileostrovskaya

How to get there

From Art. metro station Admiralteyskaya. When exiting the metro, turn left to Malaya Morskaya st. and to the right to Nevsky prospect. Then to the left to Palace Square and further to the Palace Bridge. Across the bridge to Birzhevaya Square. Approximately 14 min walk.

From Art. metro Gorkovskaya. When exiting the metro, turn left through Aleksandrovsky Sad to Kronverskaya emb. Further to the right along the embankment to the Birzhevoy Bridge. Across the bridge to Birzhevaya Square. Approximately 27 min walk.

From Art. metro Vasileostrovskaya. When exiting the metro, turn right along Sredny pr. to nab. Makarov. Further to the right along the embankment to Birzhevaya Square. Walk approximately 22 min.


Spit of Vasilyevsky Island - a historical architectural ensemble of St. Petersburg. One of the most recognizable symbols of the city and its popular attractions.

The ensemble of the arrow is made in the Neo-Greek style, i.e. in classical Greek style. Here are such famous sights as: the Stock Exchange Building, the Rostral Columns, the Kunstkamera, the Zoological Museum, etc.

In Russian speech, a long and narrow cape, which is located at the intersection of water streams, is called an arrow. So, for example, in St. Petersburg there are several such arrows: “Small”, separating the Malaya and Bolshaya Nevka; then located on Galerny Island, and the most famous Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, which belongs to the main historical symbols of the city.

This is truly one of the most beautiful ensembles located on the Strelka, couples and newlyweds love to walk, tourists from all over the world come here to admire the amazing view of the city from the island. From here you have a stunning view of Palace embankment, at the Peter and Paul Fortress.

At present, the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island is a very recognizable place. High red colors attract the attention of citizens and guests cultural capital. But earlier, 300 years ago, it was not columns that towered at this very place, but structures stood for fifteen years, but later radical changes awaited the territory. According to the plans of Peter the Great, Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg was the best suited for the city center.

So, in 1716, a plan was signed, according to which work began on the development of the area under the leadership of Here it was planned to rebuild the houses of influential people of St. Petersburg, imperial palace, central square, as well as the Mytny Dvor, the Academy of Sciences, etc. Unfortunately, the grandiose plans of Peter I and his great architect were not destined to come true. After the death of the emperor, the construction of houses on the island was suspended, and people left the city. The only thing that saved Strelka - Trading port. Ships that came from distant countries were unloaded here, the stock exchange worked here, customs carried out its activities. again became the center of life of the city. It was called the "place of the marketplace", "Dutch Exchange", "Vatrushka", "Bird's Conservatory". Thanks to trade, Strelka was famous throughout the country. Only here it was possible to buy various foreign outlandish goods, here sailors rested and ships were unloaded. In the nineteenth century, the coast of this island of St. Petersburg was expanded and strengthened, a wide pier was built here for the convenience of merchant ships.

The famous lighthouses, decorated like rostral columns, by which we recognize the Spit of the Island, were built in 1810 in order to make it easier for sailors to navigate along the way. For a long time their lights showed travelers the way to the Bolshaya and Malaya Neva. The columns were decorated with images of the prows of ships and various figures symbolizing major rivers Russian Empire.

The spit of Vasilevsky Island is currently one of the most beautiful architectural monuments of the city. Here, in the square, an anchor was set up in honor of the tercentenary of St. Petersburg, one of the largest and most beautiful singing fountains in Europe was opened. Museum of the Navy, Central

Spit of Vasilyevsky Island - Observation deck in the very center northern capital. The eastern tip of Vasilyevsky Island really resembles an arrow dividing the river into two branches - Big Neva and Malaya Neva.

Birzhevaya Square, located on its “edge”, plays an important role in the panorama of the city. Its facade depicts a sculptural composition headed by Neptune. In front of the exchange building, the architect installed Rostral columns, embodying the power and greatness of the Russian fleet. On the columns there are symbolic bows of the ships - "rosters", symbolizing the defeated enemy ships, which served as beacons, marking the edges of the island in the fog for the ships. Now, in honor of the big holidays, a fire is lit on the columns.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the architect J. Thomas worked on the creation of the square near the newly built exchange building. According to the project, they made a rounded embankment, arranged granite embankments and slopes to the Neva. It is said that the sculptor S. I. Sukhorukov carved the stone balls located on these slopes from the rock without using any measuring instruments.

In 1925, a square was laid out on the arrow, designed by the architect L. A. Ilyin. By the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, a relief bronze plan of the spit of Vasilyevsky Island appeared in the square.

Nearby is another gift for the anniversary of the city: a real ship's cat anchor, made in 1723 at the Olonets plant and found in 2001 on Vasilyevsky Island itself.

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