Central area of ​​the vein. The main attractions of Vienna with photos and descriptions

When planning a vacation, people are increasingly choosing not a beach tour, but a trip to Europe. Ancient cities, historical sites, palaces, cathedrals, architectural monuments that charge you with their energy cannot leave any tourist indifferent. What to visit first? Which city deserves special attention?

Vienna - the cultural heart of Europe

The capital of Austria is deservedly considered one of the most noble and refined cities in Europe. Vienna is the seat of kings. It has always been a favorite place for poets and composers, singers and artists, artists and scientists. It is worth mentioning the famous representatives of the creative elite who lived or visited Vienna.

Mozart, Strauss, Schubert and other composers have made it the capital of world music. The works of the father of psychoanalysis, Freud, the creators of new trends and schools of psychology, Adler and Frankl, give Vienna the right to be called the birthplace of modern theories of personality development.

It was the home of the famous physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger and other scientists. Each of them left a piece of himself in Vienna. Walking through the streets of this city, you hear not the roar of engines, but music, not the smell of exhaust gases, but the scent of flowers. Vienna is the greenest capital in Europe.

There are many hills around it, from which an amazing view of the old City located near the Danube and Alpine mountains. Of course, in Vienna itself there is something to see. It is not for nothing that it has been the residence of emperors for so long.

This is a city of palaces and parks, cathedrals and churches, concert halls and museums, and to visit all interesting places it will take more than one month. Everyone will find in Vienna what he is interested in. The city is growing and developing, attracting more and more tourists.

Sights of Vienna: photo with description

Arriving in Vienna, you can just walk along the streets and squares, admire the architecture and historical monuments. But there are a few places that cannot be ignored.

Schönbrunn Palace

The place got its name due to the source of the purest water, discovered nearby. The palace has a long history full of various events. First, a summer house was built in its place, then, for decades, Schönbrunn was used as a royal hunting castle.

At different times, it was owned by emperors and empresses, ruined by the Turks, completed and rebuilt by new owners. Everything changed until the castle became the property of Maria Theresa. During the era of her reign, it becomes not just a permanent residence of the royal family, but the center of social and political life in Austria.

Schönbrunn is considered the Austrian analogue of Versailles. It was built in the Baroque style and is surrounded by a unique wrought iron lattice made by the best craftsmen. Two obelisks are located to the left and right of the gate, a little further a couple of symbolic fountains. The palace has 1440 rooms that are richly decorated: gold, silk and velvet, sculptures and paintings.

Tourists can visit 45 rooms in the palace, which display various collections, including the collection of carriages, the pearl of which is a golden carriage. Also on the territory there is a zoo, which is considered the oldest in Europe and a beautiful palm greenhouse.

Schönbrunn is located at the address: Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47-49.

The palace is open all year round from 8-30. But the completion time is different:

  • 17-00 in April-June and September-October;
  • 18-00 in July-August;
  • 16-30 in November-March.

Those wishing to visit the park can do so from 6:30 to 17:30 in winter or until 20:00 from April 1 to September 15.

Ticket price with audio guide:

  • for adults 1 - € 11.5;
  • for children - € 8;
  • for disabled people and students - € 10.5.
  • Those wishing to go on a guided tour pay an additional €5 per adult and €4 per child.

Vienna Opera

The construction of the building was completed in 1869, the first work that was performed was Mozart's opera Don Giovanni. And now operas and ballets performed by famous world troupes are regularly performed on the stage. Annual income from performances is more than one hundred million euros.

Thanks to excellent acoustics and rich decoration, the Vienna Opera is rightfully considered one of the main attractions of Austria. This building, built in the Renaissance style, is an architectural monument. But it is impossible not to mention sad story befell its creators. The phrase about the insufficient grandeur of the building, carelessly spoken by the king, caused the suicide of one of the architects and a heart attack of another.

After the Second World War, most of the decorations were lost at the Vienna Opera, and the building itself was almost destroyed. The era of rebirth began for her in 1953 under the leadership of E. Boltenstein. The second discovery was in 1955, this time the music of Beethoven sounded.

The building is located at: Opernring 2, 1010 Wien.

Performances at the Vienna Opera go after 16-00.

You can buy tickets from 8-00 to 18-00 on weekdays and from 9-00 to 12-00 on weekends.

Tours take place at 14:00.

Now everyone can visit the Vienna Opera and watch the performance. But keep in mind that the cost is quite high, from €50 to €200. For those who are not interested in art, but only in the luxurious interior of the building, daily excursions are available for €4 for adults and €2.5 for children.

Cathedral of Saint Stephen

It was built on the site of a small church in the 13th century. The first mention of the temple dates back to 1221. The building was rebuilt several times and acquired its modern look only in 1523.

Now the cathedral has two towers.

South, 137 m high. To get to the observation deck, which offers a view of the Danube, the Alps, and the entire Pannonian Valley, you need to overcome more than three hundred steps.

North, 68 m high (it was never completed). It is crowned with a renaissance-style dome, under which the country's largest bell is located. For its production, it took 180 guns captured after the battle with the Turks.

Second World War brought the cathedral nothing but destruction: the building was damaged in a fire, and the bell fell and broke. The Austrians spent seven years on the restoration of the temple, only in 1952 it again became available to parishioners. Now services are held in it on Christian holidays, and the bell, like a hundred years ago, notifies the townspeople about this.

In the cathedral you can see sculptures and images of saints, monuments and gravestones, altars made by famous masters. Also, the temple is the tomb of the kings and representatives of the creative elite of Austria.

The cathedral is located at: Stephansplatz 3.

Opening hours: on weekdays from 6-00 to 22-00, excursions at 10:30 and 15:30 from 7-00 to 22-00, excursion at 15-00. south tower in operation from 9:00 to 17:00.

Tour ticket prices:

  • €4 for adults;
  • € 2.5 for high school students;
  • € 1.5 for children under 14 years old.

Entrance to the south tower:

  • €3 for adults;
  • €2 for high school students;
  • €1 for children under 14.

Museum of Art History

Built by order of Emperor Franz Joseph I, opened in 1891. This Renaissance building houses one of the largest museums in the world. The basis of the collection are art objects that belonged to the crown.

A variety of exhibits are collected under one roof:

  • oriental antiquities;
  • coin collections;
  • paintings by famous and little-known masters;
  • Egyptian artifacts;
  • ancient monuments;
  • works of European sculptors.

The art gallery deserves the most attention, as it is the fourth in the world in terms of the value of the exhibits presented, and the collection of Egyptian antiquities, containing everything from scarab beetles and papyrus to sarcophagi.

The museum is located at: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Maria-Theresien-Platz.

Working hours: from 10-00 to 18-00 Tuesday, Thursday-Sunday; from 10-00 to 21-00 on Wednesday; day off - Monday.

Tickets: €14 for adults; € 11 for pensioners, students, disabled people and their accompanying persons.

Danube tower

The construction was completed as part of the International Garden Exhibition in 1964. It is located in the Donaupark and is the best observation deck in Vienna. The height of the tower is 252 m. You can climb on one of the two elevators, the ascent time is a little more than 30 seconds, or along 779 steps.

The observation deck is located at an altitude of 150 m. There are two restaurants rotating around its axis, located at an altitude of 160 m and 170 m, shops with souvenirs, as well as a bungee jumping in the summer.

The tower is located at: Donauturmstrasse 4.

Opening hours: on weekdays from 6-00 to 22-00, excursions to 10-30 and 15-30; Sunday and weekends from 7-00 to 22-00, excursion to 15-00 . south tower in operation from 9:00 to 17:00.

The cost of excursion tickets: € 7.5 for adults; € 5.2 for children.

What tourists say about Vienna

Everyone who has visited this city will remember it forever. The most striking impressions usually leave palaces, castles, parks and cathedrals built during the reign of the Habsburgs. Vienna, as a museum of history, can lift the veil of secrecy and tell a lot interesting facts about the lives of famous people.

Those who are not alien to music and are interested in Austrian composers get a lot of impressions from visiting places such as:

  • house-museums of Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Strauss;
  • house-museums of Schubert, where he was born and died;
  • viennese opera;
  • Vienna Musical Society.

You can also visit Mozart's house at.

There are many museums in Vienna that can tell everything about Austria and not only... Art connoisseurs are satisfied after visiting exhibitions and art galleries, the most vivid impressions are left by:

  • museum of art history;
  • galleries and ;
  • Vienna House of Arts.

Tourists interested in filmmaking and directing especially highlight the Museum of Cinematography and the Museum of Theater. Interesting reviews left by those who visited the Museum-house of Freud, the Jewish Museum, clock and tobacco museums, because not every city has such places.

Of course, most of all tourists are attracted by the history of the Habsburgs, their palaces and treasures. Visiting the royal residences, you feel like an aristocrat, one of the guests of the royal family. Powerful buildings and picturesque parks did not leave indifferent any tourist.

But the life of the city did not end with the rule of the Habsburg dynasty. Now this modern metropolis has become the headquarters of the UN, OPEC, OSCE. It often hosts conventions and congresses, seminars and conferences. The city has business centers and modern shopping malls. And after visiting historical sites You can go to a disco or a casino.

About Vienna can only be found positive reviews. Take a trip and see for yourself. The main thing is to choose in advance those places that you want to visit, and plan your time correctly.

You should also pay attention to, the capital of Hungary, as well as to the capital of the Czech Republic. In addition, we recommend that you read the articles and. In all these countries there are many historical monuments, impressive castles, cozy streets and extreme European atmosphere.

Don't rush to leave! Here are some more interesting articles:

  • Sights of Linz - open-air museum

  • The Wachau Valley and its secrets - shrouded in the mystery of antiquity

Vienna is the city of dreams and ultra-modern architecture, the city of lovers and politicians, the city of poets and the author of the theory of psychoanalysis, the city of famous waltzes and opera premieres. Here the soul rests while walking through the Vienna Woods. You must visit here at least once.

When planning a trip through Austria to Vienna, admire and admire along the way.

Museum named after the founder, Duke Albrecht of Saxony-Teschen.

Here is one of the largest collections of graphics: from the late Gothic to the present day. There are works by Michelangelo, Raphael, Rubens, Durer, Klimt.

While still the king of Hungary, Duke Albrecht began to collect a collection of engravings, initially it was kept in Bratislava. In 1795 the duke purchased a palace in the center of Vienna and the assembly moved to Austria. Since 1822, the collection has been available to visitors, but only for those who had shoes on their feet.

In 1919, the collection became the property of the state, and the palace became a museum and in 1921 received the name Albertina.

Address: Albertinaplatz 1-A 1010 Wien.

Telephone: + 431 534 830.

Working mode:

  • Wed: 10.00-21.00,
  • other days: 10.00-16.00.

Price: 11.90 €.

The famous military leader Prince Eugene of Savoy, having decided to build himself a luxurious residence, ordered its project to a man whose name was also very famous in Vienna in the 18th century - Johann von Hildenbrandt. Two palaces were built: one - the Lower Belvedere, the prince's residential apartments, decorated in the Baroque style.

In the Upper Belvedere, no less luxurious, a representative residence of the commander was arranged. After the death of Prince Eugene, the palace was bought by the royal family, and the upper Belvedere housed a collection of paintings, and a magnificent garden became available to the public.

At the very beginning of the 19th century, the gardens were reconstructed, and the Frenchman Dominique Gerard turned them into a magnificent example of French landscape architecture.

The Lower Belvedere is known for the fact that at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries Duke Ferdinand lived there, with the murder of which the First World War began.

It was here, in the Belvedere, in 1955 that the allies signed an agreement that put an end to the post-war occupation of Austria.

The art gallery exhibits paintings by Renoir, Monet, Klimt, van Gogh.

Before Christmas, a Christmas market opens in the park.

Address: Prinz Eugen-Str. 27 1030 Vienna.

Telephone: +431 795 570.

Working mode:

  • Wed: 10.00-21.00;
  • other days: 10.00-18.00.


  • adults: 12.50 €,
  • pensioners and students: 10 €,
  • children under 18 free of charge.

The symbol of Vienna is the Vienna Opera. Not without reason, Vienna is considered a musical Mecca for lovers of classical opera. The building was built in 1869 and opened with Mozart's opera Don Giovanni. The history of the Opera also has sad pages. The magnificent building is now admired, and immediately after the construction it was criticized by everyone, even the Kaiser himself. And the architect Vann der Nul, unable to withstand unfair criticism, hanged himself, the second architect, Augusto Sikkarlsburg, died of a heart attack.

The famous annual Viennese balls are held here. On a February night, both the stage and the auditorium become a large dance floor. Ladies' diamonds sparkle, and gallant gentlemen in tailcoats invite you to dance.

In 1945, the building was badly damaged by the bombings, it was restored only in 1955, at the same time the balls resumed.

The facade is decorated with figures from Mozart's "Magic Flute"

The stage of the Vienna Opera has seen many triumphs and immortal theatrical premieres. Almost every year "Swan Lake" is given here, for many years the main male part in it was performed by Rudolf Nureyev. The theater has 1313 seats, the price of which varies from 200 € to several thousand euros. But there are also 102 standing places where you can buy a ticket for only 5-11 €.

The princes of Liechtenstein have always been lovers and connoisseurs of painting, and as early as the 16th century they began to collect paintings by famous masters. Although the collection did not begin with paintings at all, but with pieces of furniture and jewelry owned by Charles the First. His descendants continued collecting. The collection was replenished especially quickly by Johannes II, who bought many masterpieces by the great Dutch and Italians.

In 1807 the collection was opened for inspection at the Liechtenstein Palace. Today it has 1600 paintings, there are works by Rubens, van Dyck, Rembrandt and many other great masters of the past. In addition to paintings, the collection includes objects made of gold, ivory, porcelain and a unique exhibit - a golden carriage in the rococo style of Prince Josef.

Now it is the most famous private collection. In 2011, the Prince of Liechtenstein closed the museum to the public.

The palace complex, which served as a residence for the Habsburg dynasty. Back in the 13th century there was built gothic castle, today only the Castle Chapel remains of it. Then each ruler rebuilt and completed the palace. The modern appearance of the palace took on in 1913. Now it is the residence of the President and one of the largest museum complexes in Europe. On the territory of the Hofburg there are 19 palaces and many different buildings. There are two parks here: Burggarten and Volksgarten.

In the Treasury of Hofsburg, a holy artifact for all Christians is kept - the Spear of Destiny.

The National Library is located here. Tourists are usually invited to visit the Sisi Museum, the Silver Collection and the Imperial Apartments.

Address:Hofburg-Michaelerkuppel A-1010 Wien.

Telephone: 431533 75 70.

Working mode: daily, 9.00-17.30.


  • adults: 10.50€
  • children under 18: 6.50 €.

Summer residence of the Habsburgs. In the 16th century, the Katterburg manor was bought by the Habsburgs.

like a hunting ground. The construction of the castle, called Schönbrunn, began. It was almost destroyed by the Turks. The castle was restored in the style of Versailles. In the 18th century, a zoo was built here, which is considered the oldest in the world. At the same time, greenhouses and greenhouses were built, where a collection of tropical plants was collected.

Napoleon lived in the palace at the beginning of the 19th century. Franz Joseph made the palace his permanent residence, he constantly rebuilt and reconstructed it. Schönbrunn was partially destroyed during the bombings in 1945 and restored by the end of the fifties.

Now, out of 1441 rooms, only 40 are available for visiting. Visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the imperial family. Visit the palace galleries, ceremonial hall, dining room and other apartments.

Address: Schönbrunner Schlossstraße, 1130 Wien.

Telephone: +431 811 13239.

Working mode: 8.00-17.00 daily.


  • adults 11.50 €,
  • children under 18: 8.50 €.

This forest is sung by many poets and glorified by composers. It is covered with romantic legends. He is 1000 years old, according to records kept in the City Hall of Vienna. In the 19th century, the forest was saved literally by a miracle. It was sold for felling to replenish the empty state treasury. But the stubbornness of officer Schöffel, who raised a whole wave of protests, saved the forest.

Now it is a favorite place of rest for the Viennese and guests of the city. Huge centuries-old trees, hills, picturesque glades still inspire the creation of poems and songs.

On the outskirts of Vienna in the forest stands imperial palace Blue courtyard, harmoniously blending into the surrounding space. "Tales of the Vienna Woods", sounding in the melodies of Strauss, are still alive.

The museum consists of the apartment of the Freud family, here you can still see the doctor's waiting room, his office, where the doctor's personal belongings and the famous couch for patients are preserved. Freud lived here from 1891 to 1938.

The museum houses the largest library of books on psychoanalysis in Europe. The exposition of the museum allows you to understand how the very idea of ​​psychoanalysis was born. There are showcases that house a constantly changing exhibition of contemporary installations.

Address:Berggasse 19.1090 Wien.

Telephone: +431 319 1596.

Working mode: daily: 9.00-17.00.

Cathedral - the identification mark of Vienna. The modern appearance of the cathedral, which was constantly rebuilt from the 12th century, was formed by 1511. In April 1945, the cathedral suffered a great fire that destroyed its organ. Now a new organ with 10,000 organ pipes has been installed here.

Of the relics in the temple, the miraculous Pöch icon is kept.

Under the cathedral there is an ancient cemetery - catacombs, where the hierarchs of the Austrian church are still buried.

There are 23 bells in the belfry of the cathedral. The New Pummerin, a large bell weighing 21,383 kg, is installed on the North Tower. It rings only on the biggest holidays, only 11 times a year. There are bells hanging here, designed for different events: some ring during the funeral service, others sound if the archbishop himself leads the service, and there is even a bell that rings at the hour when all pubs close.

The building was built in 1883 by architect Van Hansen in the Greek style, with the aim of reminding parliamentarians of the values ​​​​of democracy, the cradle of which was Greece. In front of the palace there is a fountain with the figure of Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom. At her feet are allegorical images of the rivers of Austria-Hungary and sculptures, symbols of legislative and executive power.

Antique quadrigas were erected on the roof of the building at the corners. On the stairs in the building there are sculptures of philosophers and historians of Ancient Greece.

The main entrance is a portico of sixteen columns.

But the hall of the National Council is decorated in a modern style, very restrained, from the decorations only the coat of arms of Austria - a steel eagle.

Address: Dr. Karl Renner-Ring 3, A-1017 Wien.

Telephone:+ 431 401 102 400.

Working mode:

  • weekdays: 8.30-18.30;
  • Saturday: 9.30-16.30.


  • schoolchildren, students
  • pensioners: 2.5€
  • adults: 5€.

This unusual building was built by the architect Hundertwasser. He denied the dullness of the world, faceless buildings, all sorts of standards. Therefore, he created an "ecological house", which was supposed to become a model of modern multi-storey construction.

The house is pure eclecticism. Here, trees grow right on the balconies, the windows are at different levels, the columns have a bizarre shape, the floors are painted in different colors along the facade. 50 apartments have a unique design. According to the architect, all this should bring a person closer to nature.

The Vienna City Hall is a building that everyone in the city knows, it was erected at the end of the 19th century in an eclectic style. Outwardly, it resembles the Flemish town halls, thus hinting at the political freedom of the townspeople. The town hall has seven courtyards, which make it look like a baroque palace.

front hall decorated with sculptural images of famous citizens. City balls, concerts, exhibitions are held in this room.

Above the town hall rises a tower 98 meters high, where 256 steps lead. At the top is the figure of the guardian of the tower, made of iron. This is the symbol of Vienna.

Those who have been to Brussels involuntarily recall two more cities that resemble this city in their setting. , and , really complement the picture of the old streets and the spirit of the city that goes back centuries.

Vienna beckons and calls. I want to drop everything and come here. Stand among the crowd of opera fans, wander through the rooms of the Schönburn Palace, listen to the birds singing in the Vienna Woods.

In the article we will talk about the main historical sights of Vienna. After all, rich palaces, beautiful historical buildings, the town hall are known to the whole world, and it is impossible to come to Austria and not visit these greatest buildings.

Map of Vienna with attractions

To make it easier to navigate and understand where everything is in the city, I post a map of Vienna with attractions that you can download. If you need metro and tram maps, you can find them in the article "".


  • : Hofburg
  • Hofburg address: Michaelerkuppel, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there
  • Working hours: 9:00 — 17:30
  • Ticket price: 13.9 Euro; but other types of tickets are available

The Hofburg is a former imperial palace in the very center of Vienna and the winter residence of the Habsburg dynasty. Currently, the residence of the President of Austria is located in the Hofburg. The palace stands on Heldenplatz Square, created during the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I. On the territory of the entire complex, consisting of 19 buildings and courtyards, you will see beautiful fountains, sculptural groups, parks, gates. Currently, museums operate on the territory of the complex, National Library, concert hall. Here you will see the rich interior decorations.
The complex occupies an entire block: dozens of buildings, nineteen courtyards, two parks and countless indoor squares. The Hofburg acquired its present appearance by 1913. Now museums, galleries, the national library and concert halls are located on its territory.

Vienna City Hall

  • The name of the attraction German : Rathaus
  • City Hall Address: Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there

Vienna City Hall - majestic building in neo-gothic style. The building was erected between 1872 and 1883. Currently, the building houses the city hall, provincial government, parliament, senate and other important municipal departments. The length of the building is 152 m, the width is 127 m, the height of the central tower is 98 m. The building has 1575 rooms, 5 towers and 2035 windows. The area of ​​the premises of the building is 113,000 m2. The main hall of the town hall is used for exhibitions, concerts, receptions and balls. Approximately 800 various events. In winter, the largest in the city is erected on the square in front of the town hall, where you can drink mulled wine, buy New Year's gifts and chat with friends.


  • Attraction name in German: Burgtheater
  • Theater address: Universitätsring 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station is Herrengasse (line U3)
  • Ticket price: the ticket price depends on the performance - from 3.5 Euro for standing places to 61 Euro for seated places on weekends and holidays

The Burgtheater is the royal theater located opposite the City Hall. The theater was founded by order of Empress Maria Theresa in the 18th century. At all times, this theater was considered one of the most prestigious drama theaters in Europe.

  • Attraction name: Austrian Parliament Building
  • Parliament Address: Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring 3, 1017 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station Rathaus (line U2)
  • Working hours: from 1 to 5 excursions per day from 10:45
  • Entry fee: free as part of a group tour

The Parliament Building (Hohes Haus) is a monumental majestic imperial building with an area of ​​13,500 m². The building has 100 rooms: the chambers of the National Council, the Federal Council, meeting rooms, libraries, lobbies, bars. If you look closely, you can see elements of different styles in the architectural appearance of the building: neoclassical, Byzantine and antique. And opposite the building there is a sculptural composition of Pallas Athena with a fountain.

St. Stephen's Cathedral

  • Attraction name in German: Domkirche St. Stephan zu Wien
  • Cathedral Address: Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there
  • Working hours: 6:00 — 22:00
  • Entry fee: tour of the entire cathedral 19.9 Euro; climbing the tower 5 Euro

St. Stephen's Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in the center of Vienna on Stephansplatz Square, the national symbol of Austria, the Metropolitan Church of the Archbishop of Vienna and one of the main symbols of Vienna. You can often notice that the cathedral is called the Austrian national sanctuary.

The cathedral was founded in 1137, and its construction was completed in 1160. The cathedral has 4 towers, the highest is the southern tower, 136 m high, where there is an observation deck. So observation deck you will be able to see up close the colorful patterned tiled roof of the cathedral, consisting of 230 thousand tiles. On one side of the cathedral, the mosaic forms a double-headed eagle, which is a symbol of the empire ruled from Vienna by the Habsburg dynasty. On the north side are the coats of arms of the city of Vienna and the Republic of Austria.

The cathedral houses Austria's largest organ of 10,000 organ pipes, catacombs, a tomb, 23 bells and various sculptural decorations. For example, the sculpture of St. John Capistran.

plague column

  • Attraction name in German:Wiener Pestsäule
  • Address: Graben pedestrian street, Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station is Stephansplatz (lines U1 and U3)
  • Cost of visiting: for free

Plague Column - a column dedicated to the Holy Trinity, installed on the pedestrian street Graben. The baroque monument was erected after the Great Plague in 1679. This is the most famous sculptural group in Vienna.

Karlsplatz square

  • Attraction name in German: Karlsplatz
  • How to get there

Karlsplatz is a city square on the border of the first and fourth districts of Vienna. It is also the largest transport hub of the capital of Austria, because. 3 metro lines intersect here, the most important tram and bus routes pass.

The following buildings are located on the square:, the Technical University, the library of the Technical University, the concert hall of the Vienna Philharmonic Musikverein, the Resselpark park, the Vienna House of Artists Künstlerhaus, the Secession House, the Catholic Church Karlskirche.

The dominant feature of the square is just the Karlskirche 72 meters high. The church is very unusual, because. it combines different elements of style: an ancient Greek portico, ancient Roman columns like Trajan's Column, two Baroque pavilions and a large dome reminiscent of the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral.

Vienna Philharmonic

  • Attraction name in German: Musikverein
  • Address of the main building of the Philharmonic: Musikvereinsplatz 1, 1010, Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station Karlsplatz (lines U1, U2 and U4)
  • Ticket price: from 5 Euro for standing room to 31 Euro

Vienna Philharmonic with chief concert hall Musikverein on Karlsplatz is considered one of the best symphony orchestras in the world. On the stage of the concert hall, both local bands and bands from abroad perform. If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of the 18th century, come to the costumed musical performances.

  • Attraction name in German: Wiener Staatsoper
  • Opera address: Opernring 2, Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station Karlsplatz (lines U1, U2 and U4)
  • Ticket price: 116-208 Euro

The Vienna State Opera is the largest and most famous opera house in Austria. For the sake of the theater, many tourists just come to Vienna. The theater building was built in 1869 in the Neo-Renaissance style by the famous Czech architect Josef Hlávka. Accommodates 1,709 seated and 567 standing.

The repertoire of the Vienna Opera is one of the richest in the world. The repertoire includes 50-60 operas and 10 ballets: Carmen, Faust, Peer Gynt, etc. Performances are shown every day.

Dancing musical clock Ankerur

  • Attraction name in German: Ankeruhr
  • Watch address: Hoher Markt 10-11, Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station Schwedenplatz (lines U1 and U4)
  • Entry fee: for free

The Ankerur Dancing Musical Clock is a large clock and quite an interesting attraction, which is located near St. Stephen's Cathedral. Ankerur is a large clock in the form of a bridge between two buildings. The watch is 10 meters long! The clock was created by the artist Franz von Mach in the Art Nouveau style, the clock face is made of mosaic. For twelve hours, 12 figures of people who left an important mark on the history of Austria pass along the bridge. Among the figures you can see the emperors Marcus Aurelius, Charlemagne and Maximilian I, Empress Maria Theresa, composer Joseph Haydn, Prince Eugene of Savoy.

Pedestrian streets Kärntnerstrasse and Graben

  • Attraction name in German: Kärntner Straße and Graben
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station is Stephansplatz (lines U1 and U3)

Kärntnerstrasse and Graben are the main pedestrian streets in the center of Vienna in the area of ​​St. Stephen's Cathedral. Kärntnerstrasse starts at the Vienna Opera and ends at St. Stephen's Cathedral. As on the pedestrian streets of other European cities, there are many souvenir shops, cafes, coffee houses, hotels, clothing stores, casinos, perfume shops and luxury brands. Before Christmas, these and neighboring streets are beautifully decorated with lights.

Hundertwasser House

  • Attraction name in German: Hundertwasserhaus
  • House address: Kegelgasse 36-38, 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: nearest tram station Hetzgasse (tram number 1)

The Hundertwasser House is a residential building in the center of Vienna with 52 apartments, which was designed by the Austrian expressionist artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Hundertwasser did not like identical box houses, so he created such unprecedented and unusual projects around the world. In Vienna, we see a multi-colored house that lacks straight lines, and the amount of color on the facade is amazing. If you look closely, you will not see the same windows in the house. The facade of the house is pasted over with multi-colored glazed tiles. The beauty of the house is added by green spaces on the roof. In the house you will find cozy cafe and a souvenir shop with outlandish houses and crafts that you can bring as a gift from Austria.

City park and golden monument to Strauss

  • Attraction name in German: Johann Strauss Denkmal
  • Address: Am Stadtpark, 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station Stadtpark (line U4)
  • Entry fee: for free

One of the symbols of musical Vienna is the golden monument to Johann Strauss, located in the City Park (Stadtpark). In addition, the park contains sculptures of Franz Schubert, Franz Lehar and Robert Stolz, a marble statue of the artist Hans Makart, a bronze bust of the composer Anton Bruckner. The park is perfect for relaxing from the bustle of the city: in spring and summer, beautiful flowers bloom in it, there is a flowerbed with a clock like in Geneva, a pond with ducks. The largest building in the park is the Kursalon, which used to be a spa, but now this building is used for balls, congresses and parties.

Prater park

  • Attraction name in German: Prater
  • Address: Riesenradplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest metro station is Prater (line U2)
  • Working hours: Ferris wheel 9:00 – 23:45
  • Ferris wheel cost: 10 Euro

The Prater is one of the largest urban parks in Europe. The length of the park along the Danube River is 5 km. On the territory of the park, local residents love to play sports, because. there are good running and bicycle paths, a velodrome, a stadium, and sports grounds. In addition, the pavilions of the Vienna International Fair, the hippodrome, the stadium and the Action & Fun amusement park are located here.

If you come with children, you can ride them on a miniature railway. Please note that one of the symbols of Vienna is located in the Prater - the Vienna Ferris Wheel (Wiener Riesenrad), built in 1896-1897, which for a long time was the highest Ferris wheel in the world (wheel height - 64 meters). Be sure to ride the wheel and admire the panorama of Vienna. One of the interesting attractions in the amusement park is the Prater Tower, the world's tallest chain carousel with a height of 117 meters!

On the territory of the park there is a Madame Tussauds wax museum, where tourists like to take pictures with the following celebrities: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gustav Klimt, Napoleon, Nicole Kidman, Mozart, Freddie Mercury, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Danube tower

  • Attraction name in German: Donauturm
  • Tower Address: Donauturmstraße 8, 1220 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station Kaisermühlen VIC (line U1), then through the park 1 km
  • Working hours: 10:00 — 24:00
  • Entry fee: 9.90 Euro

The Danube Tower is a 252 m high television tower in Vienna, built in 1964 during the Vienna International Garden Exhibition. This is the most popular observation deck in Vienna. The observation deck is located at an altitude of 150 meters, and two restaurants "Panorama" and "Danube Waltz" at an altitude of 160 and 170 m. The Danube Tower is the tallest building in Vienna and the second tallest in Austria. There is also a bungee jumping platform on the observation deck, from which Nastya Ivleeva jumped in the program Eagle and Tails.

Palace Belvedere

  • Attraction name in German: Belvedere
  • Belvedere address: Prinz Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest tram stop at the Upper Belvedere Quartier Belvedere (tram no. 1,18) or metro station Karlsplatz at the Lower Belvedere (lines U1, U2 and U4)
  • Working hours: 9:00 — 18:00
  • Entry fee: 15 Euro

Belvedere is a historical baroque palace complex in Vienna. The complex includes two palaces - the Upper and Lower Belvedere. In the Upper Belvedere there is a museum with paintings by mainly Austrian authors such as Gustav Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka and others. In the halls of the Upper Palace there is the most famous painting by Gustav Klimt "The Kiss". The palace complex is especially beautiful in spring and summer, because at this time its symmetrical garden with cascades of fountains is decorated with tulips and other flowers. Numerous sculptures of goddesses and nymphs, as well as hedges, add beauty to the complex.

Schönbrunn Palace

  • Attraction name in German: Schloss Schönbrunn
  • Palace address: Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47, 1130 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: 600 meters walk from the nearest underground station Schönbrunn (line U4)
  • Working hours: 8:00 — 17:00
  • Entry fee: 14.20 Euro for adults, there are many options for combo tickets

Schönbrunn Palace is the Viennese summer residence of the Austrian emperors on the outskirts of the city. This is one of the most important architectural structures of the Austrian Baroque. The palace at different times was used by the following prominent figures: Ferdinand II, Charles VI, Franz I, Napoleon, Elizabeth "Sissi". Currently, the palace has 1441 rooms, and 45 rooms are open to the public. Especially visitors are struck by the Ceremonial Hall. During the year, the complex is visited by 6 million tourists, and the palace itself - 1.5 million tourists. One of the decorations of the palace complex is the park, where the Glorietta Pavilion (building on the top of the hill), the Palm House and the zoo are located. On the territory of the complex there is a museum of very beautiful rare exquisite carriages that belonged to various rulers of Austria-Hungary.

On the territory of the palace complex is the Schönbrunn Zoo, built in 1752 as an imperial menagerie. This is the oldest zoo in the world. The zoo is home to 4,600 animals. Here you can see rare animals, for example, a panda. Currently, Schönbrunn Zoo is considered one of the most modern and best zoos in the world. One of the main attractions of the zoo is a huge tropical pavilion and a greenhouse. Zoo ticket price: 18.5 Euros for adults and 9 Euros for children.

Monument to Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of Austria from fascism

  • Attraction name in German: Heldendenkmal der Roten Armee
  • Address: Schwarzenbergpl., 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station Karlsplatz (lines U1, U2 and U4)

The monument to Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of Austria from fascism is made in the form of semicircular colonnades and was erected in honor of the heroes of the Red Army who fell during the battle for Vienna in World War II. The memorial consists of a triumphal arch and a figure of a soldier 12 meters high, depicted with a Shpagin assault rifle on his chest. The names of the fallen soldiers are inscribed on the walls of the monument.

Church of Francis of Assisi

  • Attraction name in German: Kaiserjubiläumskirche or Mexikokirche
  • Address: Mexicopl. 12, 1020 Wien-Leopoldstadt
  • How to get there: Nearest underground station Vorgartenstraße (line U1)
  • Entry fee: for free

The Church of St. Francis of Assisi is a neo-Romanesque Roman Catholic church. The church looks very interesting, because the monumental three-aisled gray brick basilica with a heavy tower above the middle cross and two bell towers on the western facade is one of the largest church buildings in Vienna. Not all tourists get to the church, because. it is not located in the center, but on the banks of the Danube. The church began to be built at the end of the 19th century, and completed in 1913. The church was erected in honor of the 50th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Emperor Franz Joseph.

Every traveler will be able to find interesting historical sights in Vienna, I will list some more that were not included in the list: Heldenplatz Square, Am Hof ​​Square, Kirche am Steinhof Church, Liechtenstein Palace on Fürstengasse (Gartenpalais Liechtenstein), House Museum of Mozart.

In order to optimally inspect all these buildings, palaces and squares, I advise you to mark all points of the route on the offline map before the trip. And, having arrived in Vienna, you can stroll through all these iconic places. If you prefer to explore new cities with excursions, then I advise you to read our article "". In the article, we talk about the most popular and exciting excursions that will be of interest both to people who came to Vienna for the first time, and to those who have been here more than once.

The second option for optimal sightseeing is buying an offline author's route "from reliable agencies of official dealers of Aeroflot, S7, Ural Airlines and all famous airlines in the world.

Vienna occupies worthy place in a galaxy of brilliant European capitals. From its very foundation in ancient times, the city experienced several architectural upsurges, but it began to turn into a real masterpiece after the accession of the Habsburg dynasty in the 13th century.

Vienna is associated with the life and work of the musical geniuses Mozart, Schubert, Haydn. Here are the magnificent palaces of the Austrian emperors, the bells of majestic cathedrals ring, real court balls take place.

For tourists, the capital of Austria is attractive all year round. In between sightseeing, they sit in cozy Viennese coffee houses, tasting delicious Austrian sausages, enjoying fresh pastries from pastry shops on Kärntnerstrasse. And in the evenings they arrange promenades in the parks and admire the illumination of the Danube promenades.

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What to see and where to go in Vienna?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and a short description.

The palace is the former city residence of the imperial family and embodies the very spirit of the once great Austro-Hungarian Empire. The complex occupies an entire block: dozens of buildings, nineteen courtyards, two parks and countless indoor squares. The Hofburg acquired its present appearance by 1913. Now museums, galleries, the national library and concert halls are located on its territory.

The summer residence of the Habsburgs, built in the pompous style of the Austrian Baroque. The palace is surrounded by a huge landscape park, especially picturesque in spring and early summer. It grows hundreds of species of flowers, shrubs, trees and exotic plants. 40 rooms and halls of the residence are open for visiting, where you can look at the imperial bedrooms, reception rooms, ballrooms.

Another pearl of the 18th century palace baroque style. The palace complex is often referred to as the "Viennese Versailles" for its beauty. Belvedere belonged to the brilliant Austrian commander Prince Eugene of Savoy. Now the halls of the Lower and Upper Belvedere houses a museum complex of medieval art, the Baroque period and impressive collections of paintings from different eras.

Symbol of the Vienna Musical, one of the best opera houses in Europe. Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Maria Callas and other great performers performed here at different times. Regular productions include works by Strauss, Mozart, Verdi and Ravel. modern building theater appeared in the 19th century, it was immediately headed by Gustav Mahler. At the opening in 1965, Don Giovanni by W. A. ​​Mozart was performed for the audience.

A well-known concert venue, one of the centers of the musical life of the Austrian capital. The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and guest bands perform here, many come on tour from other countries. The Philharmonic is popular with guests of Vienna, as musicians in costumes of the Mozart era often perform here and create a unique surroundings and atmosphere of the 18th century.

Royal Dramatic Theater of Austria. It appeared at the behest of Empress Maria Theresa in the first half of the 18th century. The building is located near the Hofburg and City Hall. The theater was destroyed by bombing during the Second World War, and it took a lot of time and effort to restore it. Today, the Burgtheater is a well-known and popular venue hosting the world's leading theater groups.

The building is located in the Inner City (the central district of Vienna) and serves for administrative purposes. The town hall houses the parliament - the Landtag, the municipal assembly, and also houses the mayor's residence. During the construction, the model of the Brussels City Hall in the neo-Gothic style was used. The interior decoration is more like a palace with rich decorations, huge crystal chandeliers and large halls.

An architectural complex with elements of neoclassical, Byzantine and antique style, designed and built by the architect Baron Hansen in the 19th century. He specifically created such a project to remind future parliamentarians of the birthplace of democracy, Greece. Since the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, the National and Federal Councils have been sitting here, before that the Chamber of Deputies was located.

The palace-museum, which in the past belonged to one of the oldest and noble European families - the princes of Liechtenstein. The building houses a large private collection of art objects, which the family began to collect from the 16th century. Among the exhibits are the works of Flemish painters, paintings of the Renaissance, Romanticism, jewelry, antique furniture, collections of weapons, household items from different times.

The castle is the family home of the Liechtenstein family. This magnificent example of medieval architecture is located in the Vienna Woods. The history of the castle began in the 12th century along with the history of the family. Over the centuries, the building was repeatedly destroyed during the fighting. After the bombings of World War II, it was restored at the expense of the townspeople, and Liechtenstein leased the castle to the Vienna municipality.

Kreuzenstein is one of the most visited Austrian castles and is located a few kilometers from Vienna. The fortress arose on the site of an ancient Roman fortification, in the XIII century it passed into the possession of the reigning Habsburgs. After being destroyed in the 17th century as a result of the Swedish War, the castle lay in ruins for almost two centuries. Only in the 19th century, the Wilczek family bought the land and reconstructed the castle in its original form.

Gothic cathedral of the XIV century with magnificent interior decoration, a true symbol of the Austrian capital. The temple went through many reconstructions, by 1523 it acquired the form in which it has survived to this day. From the observation deck on one of the towers offers a breathtaking view of Vienna. In the cathedral catacombs are the tombs of E. Savoy, Frederick III, Rudolf IV and other representatives of the royal dynasty.

Baroque Catholic church with elements of Rococo, Byzantine, Greek and even Arabic style, built by order of Emperor Charles VI in the first half of the 18th century. The reason for the construction was the terrible plague that hit Vienna in 1713. The emperor promised the Lord that he would build a church in honor of his patron Saint Charles if the city got rid of the terrible infection.

A striking monument of neo-Gothic architecture of the XIX century. It has the most typical elements for this style: openwork decorative patterns that create a “flying” airy image, lancet window spans and arches, high spiers of the main towers. The temple is built of white sandstone, so the building often requires reconstruction. The church appeared as a token of gratitude to God from Emperor Franz Joseph.

One of oldest churches capital, built under Emperor Leopold I. The dome of the temple was designed in the image of the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican. According to some historical sources, in 792 there was a church founded under Charlemagne. The first direct mention of the temple dates back to the 12th century. The building in the Romanesque style burned down in the 17th century, ten years later the modern church of St. Peter was erected in its place.

The apartment in which the great composer lived with his family in the period 1784-1787. Here, one of his main creations, the opera The Marriage of Figaro, was born. The museum was opened on the 150th anniversary of Mozart's death and reconstructed 100 years later. Only the stove, window openings and doors remained from the original furnishings. In the museum you can see various items that belonged to the composer's family.

An outstanding collection of paintings, initiated by Duke Albert (Albrecht). The gallery has several dozen halls, which exhibit works by Renoir, Monet, Picasso, Rubens, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt. In addition to the art exhibition, the Albertina has a library with a reading room. A restaurant and a souvenir shop are open for tourists, where you can buy art history books.

Museum organized in the house of the founder of psychoanalysis Z. Freud. The expositions tell about the activities and researches of the scientist. Visitors can look at the psychoanalyst's waiting room, office, waiting room. The museum also contains an extensive library of three hundred volumes devoted to the study of psychoanalysis. Freud and his family lived in this house until the German occupation in 1938.

Two museums in the style of the Italian Renaissance, located close to each other. Both buildings were built according to the design of the masters Baron von Hasenauer and Gottfried Semper. Between the museums there is a picturesque landscape square with small fountains, alleys and topiary trees. The interior decoration is also luxurious, the interiors are reminiscent of the imperial palace.

Located in the Museum Quarter of the capital. The expositions are dedicated to the work of contemporary Austrian artists. The gallery exhibits works by Oskar Kokoschka, Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt. The basis of the museum was a private collection of the Leopold family. In 1994, the Austrian government bought more than 5,000 paintings from them, established a museum, and Rudolf Leopold was appointed its director for life.

Observation tower on the territory of the Danube Park with a height of 252 meters, the most high point Austrian capital. From the summit in clear weather, visibility reaches 80 km. You can climb on two high-speed elevators, or by breaking the stairs of 779 steps. The tower has two restaurants on a rotating platform. In summer, bungee jumpers organize buckle competitions from the observation deck.

The building appeared in the XVIII century. and served as a shelter for people with mental disabilities. This is one of the oldest madhouses in Europe. In 1786, the sinister tower was given over to the museum of pathological anatomy. The exhibits of the museum are human organs and parts of the body (as well as the whole body), subjected to mutations as a result of diseases or genetic pathologies, stored in alcohol solutions. The exposition is part of the Museum of Natural History.

The home of the avant-garde artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser with an interesting and unusual design. The eccentric creator himself called it an "ecological home." On the one hand, the architecture of the building is somewhat reminiscent of the famous creations of A. Gaudi: smooth asymmetrical shapes, bright colors, balconies decorated in the Art Nouveau style. And on the other hand, the fabulous home of the hobbits from The Lord of the Rings.

Picturesque natural area and a well-maintained resort area, located on the spurs of the Alps in the vicinity of Vienna. The forest has been recognized by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve due to its unique ecosystem. Valuable beech and oak trees grow here. Many folk legends and legends are associated with the Vienna Woods, united under the general name "Tales of the Vienna Woods".

Public park, laid out in the 19th century. by order of Emperor Franz Joseph. popular place for walking local residents and rest from the bustle of the city. On the paths there are busts and statues of famous personalities: Schubert, Strauss, Lehar, Bruckner. Concerts are constantly held in the park, dance floors are arranged, cafes and restaurants are open. The territory is decorated with flower meadows, curly bushes and fountains.

The street encircling the central part of Vienna, one of the main city arteries. The Ringstrasse was built on the site of the old city walls. The most famous sights of the capital are located along the boulevard: the Hofburg complex, the Vienna Opera House, the Parliament building, museums, parks, monuments. There are busy transport routes. The street stretches for 5.3 km. in length.

It is located on the left bank of the Danube. Until the 18th century, imperial hunting grounds were located here, then, at the behest of the royal family, a park was laid out - coffee houses, carousels, and pastry shops appeared. People were entertained by clowns and street performers. Since the 19th century, the Vienna Fair has been held on the territory. The park has a Ferris wheel, recognized as one of the oldest in Europe. Prater - favorite place recreation of Viennese families with children.

The world-famous Viennese coffee house, located on the first floor of the five-star hotel of the same name. The cafe is open to everyone and has fairly affordable prices. Here you can drink magnificent Viennese melange and taste the famous Austrian Sacher cake, the recipe of which is still kept in strict confidence (only the cafe's confectioners own it).

Aquarium and terrarium in one area, where a wide variety of marine life and amphibians are represented. It contains jellyfish and stingrays, rare species fish, sharks, turtles and snakes, crocodiles, spiders and lizards. About 10,000 animals live in aquariums and tanks. The House of the Sea is located in the building of a 45-meter tower, on top of which there is an observation deck.

The zoo appeared in the 18th century at the request of Emperor Franz Stefan (the monarch had a craving for natural sciences). Nowadays, the zoo is recognized as one of the best in the world; several hundred species live here. Special pride - giant pandas, a rare endangered species of animals. Newly appeared panda cubs are sent to China at the age of 2 years, because. this country is the owner of all pandas by treaty.

Photo of Vienna, famous European capital able to please almost anyone. We have compiled a versatile selection of beautiful photos for your enjoyment and travel excitement. Let's start with general views of the city, architecture, streets and squares.

Here they pay due attention to parks, landscaping and care for nature. Therefore, living and relaxing in Vienna is especially good in summer and spring.

Sights of Vienna

Let's start showing photos of Vienna's sights from the world-famous opera house, where the best performances take place.

Definitely worth a visit to Schönbrunn. This luxurious palace was the summer residence of the Austrian emperors.

And be sure to take a walk through the halls and corridors of this palace. The original decoration will take you back to past historical eras, into the life of the Austrian upper class.

And this is a photograph of the Belvedere palace complex, built in the Baroque style. The two palaces of this complex currently house the Austrian Gallery.

Another attraction, extremely unusual, is the Hundertwasser house. It was built in the eighties of the twentieth century and instantly became world famous for its appearance. The house is residential, there are 52 private apartments and 4 offices. Would you like to live in this?

The imperial past makes itself felt. Palace again. This time - the Viennese residence of the Habsburgs, known as the Hofburg.

St. Stephen's Cathedral, which is called one of the symbols of Vienna. Its grandeur and scope are extremely as if to be displayed in a photograph.

And this is his interior. Perhaps you will feel the atmosphere of this place.

Zoo Lainzer Tiergarten, located in the southeast of the city. In the past, it was the fenced hunting grounds of the family of Ferdinand I. Now it is open to everyone and is a kind of hybrid forest park, botanical garden and a free range zoo.

And one more unusual look at Vienna. The city stands on the banks of the Danube River. And the river in this place bifurcates into two large channels, forcing the inhabitants to build a large number of double bridges.

Photo of Vienna in winter and at Christmas

Winters in this city are quite warm, although accompanied by snow. Many tourists from Russia calmly walk without a hat, it is quite comfortable.

At Christmas, Vienna transforms into a fabulous city, acquiring decorations and festive fairs.

Well, about the popularity of the celebration of Christmas by the inhabitants of the Austrian capital and tourists, you can judge by this frame.

We hope you enjoyed your visit to the pictures of Vienna. On our site you can look at almost any country.

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