Historical places of France. Shikhans in Bashkiria

Holidays in Italy are not only seaside resorts and unique cuisine. Every year, millions of tourists go to this country to see architectural structures of stunning beauty and significance in world history. Why not do it in November?

The cultural heritage that Italy carefully preserves is available to every traveler. The main thing is to know what to see in Italy. BiletyPlus.ru offers an overview of the most important Italian must-see sights.

1. Prehistoric caves

Valley of the Temples (Sicily)

One of the most breathtaking pieces of architecture from the prehistoric period can be found in Sicily. The Valley of the Temples in Agrigento is a fragment of ancient structures that date back to the 5th century BC!

Cave city of Sassi di Matera

Unlike the Sicilian Valley of the Temples cave city The Sassi is an urban housing complex from the prehistoric era. These are simple caves located one above the other and forming a whole labyrinth of underground passages which store the oldest evidence of human life.

2. Ancient Roman buildings

Roman ruins (Val Camonica, Lombardy)

One of the largest valleys of eastern Lombardy in the Alps has become the center of archaeological excavations and is under the protection of UNESCO. Scientists have been able to discover here the numerous remains of fortresses, castles and villages of the ancient Roman period. But the main pride of the archaeologists of the Val Camonica valley was a collection of several hundred thousand petroglyphs that were discovered at the excavation site.

Roman Forum (Rome)

Italy is a paradise for archaeologists. And one of the most significant excavations for scientists was the Roman Forum, located in the valley between the Capitoline Hills and the Palatine. Here it was possible to discover and restore the plan of the forum, to determine the location of many buildings and roads. The Roman Forum is evidence of the highest skill and professional calculation of ancient Roman architects. And tourists have the opportunity to see it all with their own eyes.

Roman Colosseum (Rome)

The sights of Rome are not limited to the Forum. One of the most recognizable buildings in Italy in the world is the Colosseum. The typical amphitheater, which embodied the technical marvel and architectural excellence of the ancient Roman world, became the standard for architects in many countries where similar structures were erected. Every year, the Roman Colosseum collects rave reviews from millions of tourists who have visited Rome and Italy.

Ancient Pompeii (near Naples)

To visit Italy and not see Pompeii, buried in a layer of volcanic ash in 79 AD. e., it means to be left without a fragment of the historical mosaic of Italy. Once the volcano Vesuvius was considered just a huge hill in the vicinity of the Gulf of Naples. But on one of the August days, lava flows swept the city of Pompeii and its inhabitants from the face of the Earth. Silent evidence of an ancient catastrophe can be seen in the excavations of Pompeii, for example, in the Garden of the Captives.

3. Medieval buildings

Scaliger Castle (Sirimon)

If you are partial to castles, this majestic building of the 13th century will surely appeal to you. The history of creation and the structure of the castle are especially distinguished. It is located on a steep bank in the vicinity of the resort of Sirimone, and you can get into the castle only from one side through a suspension bridge. The castle is surrounded by a moat where swans and ducks live. Now the buildings are used for concerts, exhibitions and other cultural events.

St. Mark's Basilica and Grand Canal (Venice)

What to see in Venice, the most romantic city in the world? Of course, Piazza San Marco, where the famous basilica with the ashes of St. Mark is located, and the Grand Canal, passing by this square and six other districts historical center Venice. The length of the Grand Canal is more than three and a half kilometers, and along its banks are the most famous architectural sights of the city on the water - the palaces, churches and bridges of Venice.

Assisi (Umbria)

The small town of Assisi became prosperous tourist center Italy thanks to the numerous medieval ruins and streets, the majestic Basilica di San Francesco, where the relics of St. Francis are kept, and the frescoes of the 13th century, which tell about the life of the saint. Almost all local architectural sights are protected by UNESCO.

4. Architectural masterpieces of the last centuries

Leaning Tower of Pisa (Pisa)

One of the most recognizable architectural buildings in Italy. The leaning tower was designed and built as usual, but during the construction of the third tier, it sank due to poor quality foundations. With each tier, the slope became more and more noticeable, and now the architects are trying to figure out how to strengthen the Leaning Tower of Pisa, so that descendants in decades could appreciate the uniqueness of the building.

Trevi Fountain (Rome)

If we mention the numerous sights of Rome, we simply must remember about the elegant work of art in marble - the Trevi Fountain. Connoisseurs of classical art consider this Roman fountain a stunning example of Baroque elegance and the taming of the water element. The most valuable landmark of Rome boasts an extraordinary history of creation, which will be told to you during the tour.

Medici villas and gardens (Tuscany)

Seeing the numerous objects built for the Medici family in Tuscany is worth every traveler. There are 12 villas and two parks, which are combined into a single composition. The main values ​​of the Medici princely residences were considered to be harmony with nature, patronage of art, science and knowledge. Medici villas combined a residential building, a garden and the surrounding landscape and for a long time were the standard for the construction of aristocratic residences, both in Italy and throughout Europe.

And this is not all noteworthy architectural and historical monuments of Italy. This list can be continued endlessly! But it's best to go to Italy now, when the cool weather allows you to view unique architectural monuments and wander among the ancient ruins in the absence of sweltering heat. Autumn is the time for spiritual trips around Italy, useful for the mind, heart, and wallet.

We have provided you with a selection of the main historical places in Ukraine, where you definitely need to visit in order to plunge headlong into the past.

1. . This castle existed in the times of Kievan Rus, but then it was made of wood. Already stoned over Lithuanian princes Koriatovichi. In 1362-1434. the fortress with the fortifications of the city was the main outpost of the Lithuanian, and in 1434-1793. - Polish authorities in Podolia. The old fortress consists of 11 towers, which are connected by defensive walls. There are also barracks and a siege well on the territory. Now the Old Fortress is often used as decoration during various festivals and historical reenactments.

2. Bakhchisaray. It is located in the Central Crimea on the slope of the Inner Ridge, in the valley of the Churuk-Su River, 30 km southwest of Simferopol. The name translates as "palace in the garden." At one time, the residence of the Girey Khans was located here, who ruled the Crimean Khanate for the entire period of its existence - for 350 years, until 1783.

3. Museum-reserve "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". In the very "heart of the birth of Kievan Rus" - on the right bank of the Desna, 270 km northeast of Kyiv - back in 989, the town of Novgorod-Seversky was founded. In the middle of the 11th century, the city was already a fully formed social organism: with a princely court, temples, trading quarters, houses of artisans, etc. The reserve was established here in 1990. Today, there is also the museum "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", which consists of a restored princely tower, a powerful defensive Transfiguration Monastery (one of the oldest in Ukraine), the Peter and Paul Church, towers, galleries and a dungeon. And on the site of the ancient Russian temple, from which Prince Igor Svyatoslavich went on a campaign to the Polovtsian lands, the Spassky Cathedral of the 12th century was built.

4. Residence of the metropolitans of Bukovina and Dalmatia. It is rightfully considered the main attraction of Chernivtsi. On June 28, 2011, at the 35th session of the UNESCO committee, the residence was included in the list world heritage. The monument was built on the site of the old episcopal house in 1864-1882. Nowadays Chernivtsi National University named after I.I. Yuri Fedkovich. Project of this architectural ensemble performed by the famous Czech architect, scientist, academician Josef Hlávka. He designed a rather unconventional complex of buildings in the spirit of eclecticism, in which elements of the Byzantine and Romanesque styles predominate. Especially among the premises of the main building, the Synodal Hall is impressive - one of the most beautiful in Europe.

5. Chersonese. At different times it had different names: in Byzantine times - Kherson, in the Genoese period - Sarsona, in Russian chronicles it was designated as Korsun. Once upon a time here on the Heracleian peninsula southwest coast, there was a policy founded by the ancient Greeks. This city-state was destined for a long life - almost two thousand years. So his story is part of history Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Byzantium. Today, the Kherson settlement is located on the territory of the Gagarinsky district of Sevastopol.

6. Big Livadia Palace. In the past - the summer residence of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, today the palace is one of the main attractions of Yalta. In the Livadia Palace Complex, not counting Grand Palace, also includes the retinue building, the palace of the minister of the court, the palace church and the Florentine courtyard. Particular attention deserves the White Hall of the palace, in which in February 1945 meetings of the Crimean Conference of the heads of government of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain were held.

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Places where every cultured person dreams of visiting.

Experts from the world's largest travel site TripAdvisor have compiled a rating of 25 cultural sites that have been most highly rated by tourists from around the globe.

In general, if you have not yet decided on your vacation plans, in this review website you can find some great ideas. For the next 25 vacations.

1. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, recognized as one of the New Wonders of the World, is located on the territory of modern Peru, on top of mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. It is called the "city in the sky" or "the city among the clouds", sometimes called the "lost city of the Incas". Some archaeologists believe that this city was created as a sacred mountain retreat by the great Inca ruler Pachacutec around 1440, and functioned until 1532, when the Spaniards invaded the territory of the Inca empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

2. Sheikh Zayed Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

The Sheikh Zayed Mosque is one of the six largest mosques in the world. Named after Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, founder and first president of the United United Arab Emirates. Unlike many other Muslim temples, everyone is allowed into it, regardless of faith.

3. Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The Taj Mahal mausoleum is one of the most recognizable landmarks not only in India but throughout the world. The construction was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and also a symbol of eternal love.

4. Mesquita, Cordoba, Spain

Walls decorated with intricate patterns, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - this is how the Cathedral Mosque of Cordoba appears today. Many centuries ago, there was an ancient Roman temple on this site, then it was replaced by the Visigothic church, and in 785 Mesquita appeared. It became the second most important mosque on the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordoba was even equated with the hajj to Mecca, which is obligatory for every Muslim. But then the Catholics replaced the Moors, and Mezquita was turned into a Christian church.

5. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, St. Peter's Basilica is one of the main attractions of Rome. Here you can see ancient Rome from a bird's eye view, admire the interior of the cathedral from the top of the dome, defend the mass and even receive the blessing of the pontiff.

6. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Cambodian temple of Angkor Wat is the largest religious building ever built, with a history of almost 9 centuries. Even its name speaks about the monumentality of the temple complex, because Angkor Wat literally translates as Temple City. It covers an area of ​​200 hectares and is surrounded by a moat 190 meters wide. This colossal building is dedicated to the god Vishnu, revered in this area.

7. Bayon Temple Complex, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Bayon is one of the most amazing temples located on the territory of Angkor Thom and was its religious center. The "highlight" of the Bayon is the towers with many faces carved from stone, silently looking from a height on the vast territory of Angkor Thom, and in the heyday of the state - on the whole Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized the 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers have survived.

8. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, better known as the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, has become the only Russian attraction on Trip Advisor's list. Spas-on-Blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only with the splendor of its domes and interiors, but also with an unusual history that has given rise to many legends and conjectures. Many of them are connected with the fact that the temple was erected on the spot where on March 1, 1881, I. Grinevitsky, a Narodnaya Volya member, mortally wounded Alexander II, who was popularly called the Tsar Liberator for the abolition of serfdom.

9. Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

10. Walls of the old city, Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO contributed Old city Dubrovnik on the World Heritage List, including a large part of the city's ancient walls. They surround the city from all four sides and keep a venerable collection historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. These defensive stone walls have protected their citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the 6th century.

11. Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar

The Shwedagon Pagoda is the highest spiritual building in Myanmar, or, as it is also called, the Land of Pagodas. The entire complex of the giant pagoda occupies more than five hectares of land, on which, in addition to the main structure, there are many smaller spiers and countless sculptural images of mythical and real animals : golden griffins and elephants, dragons and lions. Such as it is today, the Shwedagon Pagoda became in the 15th century, during the reign of Queen Shinsobu. It was then that the giant temple was finally given the shape of an inverted begging bowl and sheathed with gold from top to bottom.

12. Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Washington DC

The Lincoln Memorial is a majestic temple, made in the ancient Greek style and somewhat reminiscent of the Parthenon. It is supported by 36 white marble columns, representing the number of states that belonged to the United States at the time of President Lincoln's death. In the center of the temple is a statue of the world's most respected American president, seated in an armchair. Its height is 5.79 meters.

13. Ancient City of Petra, Petra / Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the heart of Jordan, in the Wadi Musa valley, deep in sand mountains located amazing city antiquity of Peter. Initially, Petra was a temporary home for the nomadic tribes of the Nabataeans. From several fortified rocky caves, it gradually grew into a large fortress city. There is only one way to get to the city - through the narrow gorge of the Siq, which was once the bed of a mountain stream. Petra still belongs to the Bedouins, who welcome guests to their land.

14. Section of the Great Wall of China Mutianyu, Beijing, China

No other section of the Great Chinese wall restoration work was not done as well as at the Mutianyu site. This site, with 22 watchtowers that have retained their original appearance, is a real architectural masterpiece. The phrase Mutianyu with Chinese translates as "a valley in which you can admire the views of the fields." Among all sections of the Great Wall of China, Mutianyu is the longest fully restored section open to tourists.

15. Ancient City of Ephesus, Selcuk, Türkiye

The largest and best preserved ancient city on the shore Aegean Sea and second in importance after Pompeii in the Mediterranean, ancient Ephesus- the most visited attraction in Turkey. Legends connect the appearance of the city with the name of Androclus, the son of the ruler of Athens Codras, who, on the advice of the oracle, arrived in these places to lay the temple of Artemis. The city got its name from the Amazon Ephesia, beloved of Androclus.

16. Alhambra, Spain

Alhambra (Arabic Al Hamra - literally "Red Castle") is ancient palace and the fortress of the Moorish rulers of the province of Granada in southern Spain. The castle occupies the top of a rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name Alhambra probably comes from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks from which the castle walls are made. However, some historians suggest that the name comes from the "red flame of torches" that illuminated the long-term construction of the castle, which went on around the clock.

17. Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia

The Australian War Memorial is the main memorial dedicated to the memory of soldiers who died during the First and Second World Wars. Today it is considered one of the most significant monuments of its kind in the world. The memorial is located near the Parliament building, from the balcony of which a panoramic view of the monument opens.

18. Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to the annals, at the beginning of the 13th century, the inhabitants of the city-state of Siena, which acted as the main rival and opponent of Florence, “called on their leaders to build a temple more magnificent than that of their neighbors.” So between 1215 and 1263, the Duomo of Siena was founded on the site of the old temple according to the plan of the Gothic master Niccolò Pisano. Today this majestic temple is the main attraction of the city.

19. Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

The most important place in Milan is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nashente (Duomo), the pearl of Italian Gothic, which was built from 1386 to the beginning of the 19th century. The third largest Catholic church on the planet can safely be considered one of the wonders of the world. Its hundred-meter spiers rise above the center of Milan, and the golden statue of the Madonna on the longest spire (four meters high) is visible from many parts of the city.

22. Statue of Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most famous and popular monuments in the world. Every year, millions of tourists rise to its foot, from where a stunning panorama of the city and the bay opens with the picturesque Sugar Loaf Mountain, the famous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, a huge bowl of the Maracanã stadium.

23. Teotihuacan, San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico

The name of the ancient settlement Teotiukan is translated from the Aztec language as "the city where people become gods." According to legend, after the Flood, the gods returned to Teotihuacan to re-create the world. Modern researchers believe that the area of ​​this ancient settlement was 26-28 square kilometers, and the population was about 200 thousand people. This is one of the oldest and major cities western hemisphere, exact age which is still unknown.

How many attractions do you think are located on the territory of the largest country in the world? We think no one will name the exact number, because there are so many amazingly beautiful and unique places in Russia!

This country is rich in both natural and man-made attractions, it will surprise you with historical buildings and cultural traditions. In Russia, you can find both incredibly beautiful wooden temples and picturesque corners created by nature just for a pleasant stay.

Of course, most of the tourists begin their acquaintance with Russia from Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the tourist infrastructure is especially well developed. However, today tours are becoming more and more popular, for example, on the lakes of Karelia, on Baikal and Altai.

Popular hotels and hostels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Russia?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photos and a short description.

Probably the most famous Russian temple, bright and unusual, a real visiting card not only of Moscow, but of the whole country. St. Basil's Cathedral is remarkable not only for its location right on Red Square, but also for its history, architecture, original decoration and a collection of icons and church valuables.

2. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

The Kremlin is not just an amazing historical building, but also a symbol of Russian power. You can talk about everything that can be seen on the expanses of Red Square and the Kremlin for a very long time, this object is still the subject of study by scientists and creates more and more new legends. Of course, visiting Russia and not visiting her heart would be a huge omission!

Every schoolchild knows that Baikal has the deepest depth on the planet. But to say it's just the most deep lake- means not to note the amazing atmosphere and beauty of this place. Be sure to rate the cleanliness blue ice Lake Baikal, its amazingly delicious fish and just take a break from the bustle of the city alone with nature.

This valley looks like it was transferred from another planet. This is the most extensive territory with geysers in the world and the only one in all of Eurasia! If you want to see one of the Seven Wonders of Russia, take a helicopter tour, which is conducted according to strict rules and only under the supervision of a guide.

This amazing creation is located on an island on Lake Onega and is unique in its kind. The openwork church, built, just imagine, without a single nail, exclusively with an ax, the bell tower, a beautiful fence and the unique color of the Kizhi ensemble leave no one indifferent.

6. Kazan Kremlin

It's not just a historical site. cultural heritage, and a museum-reserve, the only center of Tatar culture and traditions on the planet. The Kazan Kremlin is perfectly preserved, saved its unique features and appearance. This Tatar fortress is located in the very center of Kazan, so you definitely won’t pass by.

Built back in the 16th century, the Kremlin in Novgorod surprises with impregnable walls with narrow loopholes, blind towers stretching for several levels, and fortifications. The Cathedral of the Archangel Michael is also located here. Until now, the Kremlin remains the cultural and administrative center of the city, there are two museums and the Center for Contemporary Art.

Of course, the ring is symbolic, uniting eight ancient Russian cities. Routes along the Golden Ring have become very popular tours weekend, during which you can see the most interesting places of Suzdal, Vladimir, Rostov the Great and so on. Monasteries, churches, original souvenirs and just beautiful nature will make a trip around the Golden Ring memorable and interesting.

A masterpiece of world architecture, an elegant building that stands on a meadow, in a place where the Nerl River joins the Klyazma. This architectural monument is surely called the most lyrical, unusual and beautiful. The temple, standing alone on the banks of the river, harmoniously blended into the surrounding nature, it seems to be an integral part of it.

The largest Russian museum, which has collected a lot of masterpieces by Russian masters and not only. Starting with a private collection, today the Tretyakov Gallery is known throughout the world and is a federal museum. You can wander through the halls of this gallery for hours, and many paintings deserve a separate story, they are so important for world culture.

11. Hermitage

This St. Petersburg museum magnificently celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2014 and is one of the most extensive collections of artistic masterpieces on the planet. The Hermitage collection contains more than 3 million exhibits, including not only paintings, but also sculptures, numismatics, archaeological artifacts, as well as objects of applied art.

One of the most important, significant opera and ballet theaters on the planet. The Bolshoi Theatre, which not so long ago "survived" a large-scale reconstruction, is located in the center of Moscow and attracts not only theater-goers, but also those who would just like to get to know its features and magnificent decoration. We warn you that it will not be easy to get tickets for the premiere at the Bolshoi Theater, and their price may unpleasantly surprise the provincials.

Luxurious, truly royal residence near St. Petersburg, founded by Peter the Great, is known for its parks and fountains, magnificent decoration of the Grand Palace and pavilions. The system of cascades and fountains of Peterhof is the largest in the world! Moreover, all the fountains are decorated in the same style, with numerous sculptures.

The most famous street in Moscow, sung by poets, writers and artists. Now the Arbat is the most touristic street in the capital, closed to cars and famous for its souvenir shops, shops, street musicians and artists. It is nice to sit in a cafe here, just take a walk along the street, which has retained its historical charm.

Mamaev Kurgan during the Great Patriotic War played a very great strategic importance, became a place of bloody battles. Now there is a memorial complex here, the most noticeable part of which was the statue "Motherland Calls". The complex has become the most visited in Russia, due to its location it is clearly visible from a distance of tens of kilometers.

The need to build bridges that should connect different parts of Vladivostok scattered along the banks of the Golden Horn has been discussed for more than a hundred years. However, this large-scale project, which changed the face of the city, was only realized in 2012. Now Vladivostok is adorned with two of the largest cable-stayed bridges countries, and the bridge to Russky Island with the longest span on the planet is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The Manpupuner Plateau is located in the northern part of the Urals and is famous for its weathering pillars - massive stone statues created by nature. Now it is a reserve, which can be visited only on the basis of a special permit. The height of individual pillars reaches 42 meters; this place was important in the religious beliefs of the Mansi.

This is the pearl of the Urals - an ice cave, which is considered the most beautiful of all the gypsum caves on the planet. Today Kungur cave located in the same ancient city, is the only one in the country specially equipped for excursions. You can walk between the frozen "sculptures" of ice and stone, visit the restaurant at the entrance and stay right at the local hotel.

It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of Kamchatka are not afraid of their volcanoes. They are not very active, decorating the landscape with their dark silhouettes. Which of the Kamchatka volcanoes is the most beautiful? You can argue about this for a very long time! Usually called Kronotsky, Koryaksky and Klyuchevsky volcanoes, which have become real symbols of the region, as the highest.

This natural Park located in Yakutia, on the Lena River. Boat tours along the majestic pillars created by nature, simply striking in their size and unusual appearance, are very popular. In general, the complex consists of two separate sections, occupying total area about 81 thousand hectares.

This is already a landmark, if you can call it the largest hydroelectric power station in the country, created by man. It took a very long time to build the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, faced with such difficulties as cracks in the dam. In 2009, a major accident occurred at the station, and it was only possible to restore it in the fall of 2014.

According to legend, after Russian troops took Kazan in the 16th century, the mosque was burned to the ground, and Kul Sharif himself, the warrior and prophet of Muhammad, was killed. However, the outlines of that mosque remained, which simply amazed the conquerors. As a result, Ivan the Terrible repeated them in St. Basil's Cathedral. The mosque in Kazan was rebuilt and opened in 2005 and has now become an ornament of the whole city.

23. Shikhans in Bashkiria

This is the highest rocky massif of the entire Upper Urals, three mountains that appear to be warriors protecting this region - Kush-Tau, Tra-Tau and Yurak-Tau, the three brothers of Shikhan. The fourth mountain was almost completely used in the extraction of raw materials for the plant in Sterlitamak. Shikhany in Bashkiria are known for their wonderful nature and amazing geology - they are from coral reefs, because the Ural Sea once raged here.

The most high mountain Russia. And if we take into account the fact that there is still no clear border between Europe and Asia, then throughout the European territory. Of course, not everyone can climb its 5642 meters, but the surroundings of Elbrus still enjoy the fame of one of the most beautiful regions of Russia, with its ancient history and special atmosphere.

The Trans-Siberian is the longest railway line in the world. This highway stretches for 9298 kilometers! Almost across the country. Transsib connects European part Russia with Siberia and the Far Eastern regions, plays a huge role in the history and economy of the country. The construction of the Trans-Siberian began in 1891, so now the authorities intend to reconstruct the line.

Steppes and tundra, semi-deserts and mountains, pristine lakes and amazing caves, fast rivers and alpine meadows. In the Golden Mountains of Altai, cedar forests have been preserved, it is here that the highest mountain of Siberia - Belukha, the Altai pearl - Lake Teletskoye and a lot of other interesting things are located.

Just a few kilometers from the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk is the Stolby nature reserve, which was founded back in 1925. The main feature of the reserve is the cliffs that rise above the taiga, surprising with their variety of shapes and colors, as well as their sizes - up to 100 meters. The nature of the Stolby reserve is very beautiful and diverse, which attracts tourists.

One of the most inaccessible nature reserves not only in Russia, but throughout the world, is located in the Arctic and is primarily known as a favorite place for polar bears, whose females breed their cubs here. In winter, Wrangel Island is very deserted, but in summer, on a polar day, you can come to admire the untouched nature of the Arctic.

It makes no sense to describe the most famous Russian ship. Everyone who studied in a Soviet school is well aware of the song dedicated to him, and the history, and participation in the 1917 revolution. Now it is a museum cruiser, which has now left the "eternal parking" and went to the shipyards for a major overhaul. To the pier northern capital Aurora is due to return in 2016.

Yakutia is the coldest of all inhabited regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Exactly locality Oymyakon was recognized as the coldest place - the temperature here dropped to minus 71.2 degrees! In honor of this, commemorative sign, the so-called "Pole of Cold". Even at minus 50 degrees locals hear the "whisper of the stars", a noise that is more like wind or falling grains. It actually freezes the person's breath.

The name of Moscow, the capital of Russia, comes from two words of the Old Slavic language "mosk" - "flint" and "kov" - "to hide", in translation it turns out "stone shelter". A similar name stuck to the river. But it was not possible to establish the exact date of the founding of Moscow, of course, there is a mention of it in ancient texts, for example, in the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1147, but at that time it already existed. And the archaeological finds of scientists made it possible to conclude that the very first settlements on the territory of the present Moscow Kremlin appeared in the second millennium BC. The statement that Moscow is located on seven hills is also not entirely possible to confirm, since the hills under the city smoothly flow from one to another. Moscow has an eventful history: it was besieged many times, set on fire, attacked by foreign invaders, but it survived and grew. There are a lot of interesting, memorable places related to history, but you should not expect that you will be able to see all these sights in one day. It is best to come to Moscow for a few days. There will be no problems with accommodation, as there are many different hotels. We recommend staying at the Molotoff Hotel, located in the center of Moscow, on the site molotoff-hotel.ru you can find out about the conditions of accommodation in individual capsules at affordable prices. Next, we will talk about the significant places in Moscow.

Moscow Kremlin. What is the capital of Russia without the Kremlin? It includes a large complex of monuments: history, religion, culture, and is located in the very heart of Moscow on Borovitsky Hill, right above the Moskva River. Powerful Kremlin walls and towers, golden domes of cathedrals, ancient colored towers and magnificent palaces - this unique architectural and artistic ensemble is under the protection of UNESCO. The area of ​​the Moscow Kremlin is the oldest part of the city, which throughout the history of its development has played an important role in the social and political, as well as spiritual and religious spheres. The Kremlin complex is considered the largest of the existing fortresses in Europe. From an architectural point of view, the Kremlin complex is an irregular triangle, one side of which overlooks the Moskva River, the second - to the Alexander Garden, the third - to Red Square. The Kremlin walls are three and a half to six and a half meters thick, and their total length over two thousand meters. Along these walls there are twenty towers, of which the highest is Troitskaya - its height is almost eighty meters. The Moscow Kremlin is the official residence Russian President. The territory of the Kremlin is vast, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin" is located here. It, in turn, also consists of very interesting objects for acquaintance:

- "Armory"- where precious items from the royal treasury and the patriarchal sacristy, items from the Kremlin workshops and gifts received from foreign embassies are stored. Also here are stored the ancient regalia of the Russian state, ceremonial royal clothes, coronation dress and vestments of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, monuments of weapons art and craftsmanship, a rich collection of carriages with items of ceremonial horse attire;

- "Tsar Bell"- a real monument of Russian foundry art of the eighteenth century, cast according to the imperial decree of Anna Ioannovna by the Moscow foundry workers Motorins. Even today it is the largest bell in the world, weighing about two hundred and two tons;

- "Tsar Cannon"- an outstanding work of Russian weapon craftsmanship, it was made by the royal order of Fyodor Ivanovich, in the sixteenth century by the court caster Chokhov. In terms of its caliber - 890 millimeters - this is the largest gun in the world, its weight is about forty tons;

- "Assumption Cathedral"- built by decree of Ivan Kalita, after Moscow acquired the status of the capital city. This is the greatest shrine of Russia and the spiritual and political center of the country since ancient times, when great princes were crowned here, then emperors were crowned, state acts were proclaimed, and high church ministers were elevated to the rank;

- "Arkhangelsk Cathedral"- a stately building of brick and white stone, in the style of the Italian Renaissance. Since 1508, the Necropolis has been located here, where the relics of the Great Russian princes are buried. To date, there are fifty-four burials;

- "Annunciation Cathedral"- built at the end of the fifteenth century by Pskov masters;

- Bell towers of Ivan the Great- at the base of which is the church of St. John of the Ladder;

- "Spasskaya Tower"- in which the main Kremlin gates are located, and in the tower tent there are clocks famous not only for the whole of Russia, but also for the whole world - the Kremlin chimes;

- « Diamond Fund» - an amazing place where unique nuggets of precious metals, stones and jewelry made of precious metals and stones of great historical and artistic significance are stored.

Red Square. The next interesting place in Moscow is Red Square. This square is a symbol of Moscow and a must-visit place for all guests of the city. It is located near the walls of the Kremlin. The following metropolitan attractions are located on Red Square:

- "Forehead Place"- this is a kind of elevation that is surrounded by a stone fence, where royal decrees were previously announced and solemn public events were held;

- "Monument to Minin and Pozharsky"- a bronze monument erected in honor of the victory over in 1612, dedicated to Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, who were the leaders of the second people's militia during the Polish intervention in the "Time of Troubles";

- "Mausoleum of Lenin"- location of the remains of the leader of the proletariat;

- "St. Basil's Cathedral"- the most recognizable cathedral, built in the middle of the sixteenth century by order of Ivan the Terrible, as gratitude for heavenly patronage in the conquest of the Kazan Khanate;

- "Kazan Cathedral"- its exact date of construction is unknown, but presumably it was erected by Dmitry Pozharsky in honor of great victory over the Poles in 1625, the main relic of the cathedral is the "Kazan" icon of the Virgin Mary with a reliquary;

- "Historical Museum"- Founded at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Here you can get acquainted with the history and culture of Russia, from antiquity to the present day.

Tretyakov Gallery. The State Tretyakov Gallery is a magnificent museum, a visit to which is a must for both foreigners and our compatriots. It was founded in 1856 by a merchant, collector, philanthropist P. M. Tretyakov. The gallery houses the richest collection of works of Russian fine art. Not only Russian painting is stored here, but also graphics, sculpture, and objects of decorative and applied art, from the eleventh century to our time.

Arbat. The Moscow Arbat is its unspoken symbol, immortalized in poems and songs, about which so many films have been made. Why is this amazing place in Moscow so interesting? Well, perhaps, let's start with the fact that this is the oldest pedestrian street in the city, and the first mention of it is in the annals of 1565. Previously, archers and nobles settled here, but since the nineteenth century, the Arbat has become a prestigious place of residence and here, like mushrooms after rain, rich mansions, beautiful wooden houses, and gardens began to appear. And from the most families-residents of the Arbat, one can name: Tolstoy, Rastopchins, Gagarins, Dolgoruky, Kropotkins. Arbat is a favorite pedestrian zone for citizens and guests of the capital. There are many cafes and restaurants, souvenir shops, as well as street artists, musicians, and artists offering their services. On the Arbat there is the museum-apartment of A. Pushkin, the house-museum of M. Tsvetaeva, the house-museum of M. Lermontov.

Grand Theatre. The Moscow State Order of Lenin Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia is famous all over the world. It is located on Theater Square and is considered the largest in Russia and the most significant in the world. The theater was founded in March 1736 by Prince P. V. Urusov. But the original building of the theater burned down several times, was rebuilt, and only after 1853 did it acquire its final appearance. The theater building can accommodate 2100 spectators, and in terms of acoustic properties it is one of the best in the world. It hosts not only opera and ballet performances, but also state and public celebrations.

Novodevichy Convent. The Novodevichy Bogoroditse-Smolensky Monastery is another interesting historical place in Moscow that is a must-see. This Orthodox nunnery, in given time both a functioning monastery and a branch of the State historical museum, and the Church Museum of the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2004, it was included under the protection of UNESCO. The Novodevichy Convent was founded by the Grand Duke Vasily the Third Dark in 1524, in gratitude, after the capture of Smolensk and in honor of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria".

The life of this monastery has always had a close relationship with the Kremlin and with the royal court: here women who belonged to the royal family, as well as girls from noble boyar families, were sheared as nuns. In addition, the life of the monastery was inseparable from the historical events of Moscow: Boris Godunov was elected to the kingdom here, and Princess Sophia was also imprisoned. Today, the museum Novodevichy Convent, has almost twelve thousand exhibits in its collection: collections of ancient Russian painting, fabric, manufacture of the sixteenth-twentieth centuries, items made of precious metals and stones, an extensive collection of documents from the monastery archive, a large library of handwritten and early printed books.

Gorky Park. This park was founded in 1928. The park is divided into two parts: ground floor and Neskuchny garden. Muscovites themselves and numerous tourists love to relax here. It is located almost in the center of the city - on the Crimean shaft. The area of ​​the park is almost one hundred and twenty hectares. It is wonderful to walk here in the summer in the shade of trees and surrounded by flowers, but it is also very good in winter. Muscovites like to go to the park to play sports. Everything for this is available here: the sports complex has been renovated, there is a running and chess club, a playground where they play badminton, volleyball, beach football. There is also a bike rental in the park, as well as equipped paths for cyclists and roller skaters, there is a platform for skateboarders. In winter, Gorky Park is filled with outdoor ice rink. The kids don't get bored here either: they have playgrounds, a creative workshop "Shardam", and in winter - a hockey school, there is also a mini-zoo and an eco-club.

Probably, we will stop at these sights of the capital, since interesting places there are a lot in Moscow, and you can’t list everything. We think that we were able to convince you of the need to visit the Capital of Russia in order to get acquainted with its rich history and architecture.

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