Who and why built Egyptian pyramids. For which the pyramids were built

Almost any representative of modern society at least once in his life asked for someone who or whose help great historical monumentsWhat tools, guns and mechanisms used in the construction process of our ancestors and is there any answers to the riddles of the pyramids of antiquity?

To begin with, we offer first to get acquainted with some concepts, moments in history, as well as with the opinion of various people.

What is a pyramid?

From the point of view of architectural science, the pyramid is a construction, which is a polyhedron, as a rule, with four triangular faces. Ancient people of this kind of building were served as tomb (mausoleums), temples, or simply monuments.

The history of the pyramid begins a countdown in about 3rd millennia to our era. These figures are confused by numerous historians. It is difficult to believe in the presence of advanced labor tools in people, if the descendants of some of them are still engaged in hunting and collecting, which is characteristic of the primitive level of development.

Modern scientists allocate several main points of concentration of the ancient pyramids.


It's no secret that "Country Pyramid" is the second name of Egypt. Such a metaphor is quite deserved. It was here that the very first pyramids in the world were built. They are on the Plateau Giza, in the territory of an ancient cemetery.

Until our times, only some pyramids of ancient Egypt have been preserved. These are the pyramids of Heops, Mixer and Hefren. According to scientists, they used to exist much more.

Heopse pyramid is considered to be the most important, because it is the highest pyramid. Formally, it is she recognized as one of the wonders of the world. Its height is 147 meters, which is comparable to the five ten-story houses height. The sides of the foundations, in turn, have a length of about 230 meters. The area of \u200b\u200bthe building is 50 square kilometers.

Hope's pyramid in due time was amazed by the Great Napoleon. According to it, the stone blocks with which they were built pyramids of EgyptIt would be enough to completely surround France with a three-meter wall.

Pyramid Hefren was built as a tomb for the Son of Heops. Its dimensions are slightly smaller than the previous one.

It is worth noting that the composition of this funeral complex, unlike other pyramids, includes the famous Big Sphinx. According to one of the legends, the explosion of the Sphinx is aimed aside aside in the depths of which, in the ancient legends, secret knowledge is sharpened.

It is considered the smallest and "young". Its height is 62 meters, and the length of the parties is equal to the length football field. There are assumptions that before the pyramid was a little more, since the original structure was covered with a red granite facing, which may have been lost as a result of Mamiluk raids. During the construction of this pyramid, Mencur ordered the use of stone blocks, much large in size than in Hefren and Heops pyramids. He also allowed the working processing stone not carefully. The fact is that Pharaoh wanted to complete the tomb to his death and trying to speed up the construction process. However, before his end, Mencur could not live.


It would seem that Meternrachia to Egypt is not so far, the conditions for construction and materials are almost the same, therefore, the approach to the architecture does not particularly differ from them. But it was not there.

The pyramids of Mesopotamia are unique cult facilities - zigkurats (translated from the Babylonian "Top Mountain"). The external structure resembles Egyptian pyramids, but, unlike them, the levels of zigarate were connected with the help of stairs, and on the edge of the wall, in turn, special ramps were sent (gentle lifting), which led to the temple.

Another feature of the structure of zigkurats is a broken line of the wall formed by protrusions.

In the event that the presence in the construction of window outlook was required, they were created, as a rule, on the top of the wall. They were a narrow gap.

It is noteworthy that the peoples of Meternrech did not use zigkurats as funeral structures for the reason that they had not seen any connection between the conservation of the body of the deceased and acquiring them on the light of immortality, as the ancient Egyptians did.


At one time, Sudanese kings were revived the ancient Egyptian tradition, associated with the use of pyramids as farces of the country's burial.

By and large, the culture of ancient Egypt and Sudan were closely related to each other. Consequently, a lot of common has and architecture.

In Ancient Sudan, there were the following types of pyramids: classical structures (according to the principle of the structure of Egypt) and Mastabi, having the shape of a truncated pyramid. In contrast to Egypt, Sudanese structures have a coolest slope.

The most famous pyramids are the cities of Mero. In the second half of the sixth century before our era, the capital was transferred here, which a little later became the cultural and religious center of the state.

Modern scientists in Mero were counted several dozen pyramids, preserved to the present day. In 2011, these archaeological structures were officially announced by the World Heritage Monument.


Here, according to custom, the pyramids were erected in honor of God Alla. Ancient people believed that it was possible to contact the Divine through these structures. They believed that on the tops of the pyramids, his abode is located.

The official discovery of these religious structures took place only in the 30s of the last century. Then, the famous archaeologist Jones made some photos of the pyramid for his own archive (however, they were published only eighty years later).

In his opinion, the buildings of Nigeria were built much earlier than the pyramids of ancient Egypt, as well as that the local civilization is much older than many others. Unfortunately, the pyramids have survived to this day in a rather worn condition.


With antiquity, this country inhabited the people to which modern historians attribute rich mythology and cultural heritage- Aztec.

Although the flourishing of civilization dates from the XIV-XVI centuries, the pyramids of the Aztec were built long before that. So, for example, known which occupies 3rd place in the world in size and only seven meters below the tomb of Heops, according to historians' calculations, was erected at about 150th BC.

The pyramids of Teotihuacan, in turn, consider the monumental attempt to realize the eternal blessed utopia.

For seven centuries, the Aztec pyramids were a certain guide star, whose radiance called all the thirsty to taste a noble dream. It is believed that the city of Teotihuacan was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200border and regularity. However, love and harmony did not interfere with the flow of human blood in the blades of barbaria and inhumanity. Each disadvantageous Aztec ruthlessly killed and sacrificed the gods.

The pyramids, where these sacrifices were made, had some similarity with Mesopotamian zikcrats: they also had a "stepped" form, also attended Ramp (he was the only one leading to the top of the construction).

Unfortunately, not all the pyramids of Aztec were able to exist yes of our days. Most of them were destroyed during the invasion of the territory of Mexico of European colonialists, which occurred in the XVI century.


Of course, part of the readers, seeing this subtitle, was greatly surprised. After all, the Chinese pyramids practically do not speak and do not write.

Total scientists have about one hundred such structures. They performed in the role of Kurgan Tombs for the rulers of famous Chinese dynasties. The shape of the pyramid had a truncated appearance (as well as a Sudanese scale). Due to the peculiarities of the local flora, some large structures took the type of overgrown hills.

Quite interestingly the origin of the pyramids. The fact is that in written sources that are dated to the fifth century to our era, the buildings are already called "ancient". Is the pyramids really appeared much earlier than the moment of writing the document? It should be recognized that humanity is unlikely to know about it. A detailed study of structures, as is done in Egypt, it is practically no possible: excavations on zones where they are located, often prohibited by local authorities.

North America

In the XI century, when endless wars were conducted on the territory of Europe, at the other end of the hemisphere, in the Mississippi Valley, the civilization of the Indians was peacefully developed and flourished. They quickly built housing, developed the infrastructure.

Also, the ancient Indians had a habit of building special embankments, an area of \u200b\u200babout several dozen football fields. Here they did almost everything: celebrated holidays, they held religious, sporting events, etc. Quite often, the mound served to people and as Kurgans (burial sites). One of the largest concentrations is Kakhokya - a group consisting of 109 Kurgans. She was also announced by the World Heritage Monument.

Who and why did they still build them?

Through this question, people have broken over for many years. It is unlikely that someone can meet the fact that the construction of a pyramid at the level on which the ancient people did, even today is a rather complicated process, given modern methods and technologies. As, for example, the Egyptians have drained the stone blocks weighing 7-10 tons to the height of the ten-story house, and how did they manage to handle them perfectly (sometimes there can be even a blade between loomed blocks)?

Currently, there are several theories and hypotheses that are the most believable.

I. The existence of highly developed pratvilization

Everyone was accustomed to think that a person today is a highly developed and enlightened creature, which is sometimes subject to Mother Nature itself, and many thousand years ago people were savages living to meet their primitive needs. However, few people wondered that there was no longer on our planet there was no such civilization with a high level of intelligence and technologies. Maybe they knew a lot of what we reoperate today?

According to one of the versions, this civilization may be atlanta, who either themselves built pyramids with the use of inaccessible to other technologies, or helped do it.

According to another, the ancients were able to find and quickly adapt to the use of the technology of previously existing, but disappeared highly developed civilizations.

Another version states that the ancient people (the same Egyptians) themselves were at a fairly high level of development both in the mental and technological plan.

All this may refute the only fact - contacts with any supercivilization never mentioned in ancient manuscripts.

II. Alien intervention

This theory of origin of the pyramid is the most common and discussed. According to her, various kinds of structures were helped by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

For starters, let's figure out why suddenly the aliens from the space (if they also had a place) to help people build the pyramids of the world at that time?

According to one of the versions, the structures served as representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations as a source of energy, while incomprehensible humanity, or as intermediaries for communication between the planets (a rather strange form of the pyramid is also attributed here, as an architectural building as a whole).

There is another theory. It lies in the fact that the ancient people, entering into contact with the aliens, could take them for the gods.

In an aliens, with their technologies and "fire chariots", there was a huge number of opportunities than people and used, addressing representatives of highly developed civilizations for help in such a business as the construction of the pyramids.

Many ufolog scientists interested in the question of who built the pyramids is of interest to the relationship between the location of the pyramid and the starry sky. In their opinion, this connection is immediate, since, for example, the well-known complex of Giza in Egypt, which we have already spoken today, corresponds to three largest stars located in the Constellation Orion. Perhaps, the basis of this pattern is the fact that this constellation was symbolic for the Egyptians: it personified the God of Osiris - one of the most important deities of ancient Egypt.

But the other question immediately appears: why did the names of the gods of the Egyptians associated with the stars? According to the same specialists, it may have been a kind of connection between these "gods" and their abode.

As another proof of the presence of aliens on Earth, various drawings can be given, where incomprehensible circles are depicted, and sometimes human-like creatures. Are real creatures are imprinted on these drawings or is it just the artist's works with a rich fantasy?

It is worth mentioning and the ancient Egyptian manuscripts, which speak of a certain war of powerful gods. What or whom people could call the gods, which was this war, did it exist in reality or is it just a fabulous myth? Answers to these questions have long been resting in oblivion.

III. Skeptic theory

According to her, the ancient people were able to independently build the pyramids of the world. According to scientists who adhere to this point of view, people could have enough incentives for the construction of such structures: religious considerations, the desire for the work performed to receive means for existence, the desire to stand out in terms of unique architecture.

The ancient historian Herodotus was the first Greek scientist, who in his writings could describe in detail famous pyramids Giza. In his opinion, for the construction of a construction of such a type in a short time (if you believe descriptions, the construction period of one pyramid was usually 15-20 years old) it was necessary to use at least one hundred thousand working hands.

It does not receive a gratuitous work of slaves and prisoners who are thousands of construction sites from diseases, hunger and thirst for construction, hunger, hunger, hunger, hunger, hunger, hunger. Unlike them, Kamenotokov, architects, builders received money for building ancient pyramids.

Conventional peasants could be attracted to the construction of the pyramids. This process could have a kind of a kind of labor service, that is, the same people called for work at a certain period of time (most likely, once a year or two for a period of several weeks). Thus, the Egyptians had the opportunity to easily update workforce.

It is possible that between the workers involved in the construction of the pyramids, a kind of "competitions" was carried out, the winners of which could be determined by the number of work done both in the group, and for one, its quality, etc., those who were able to stand out among others received Various promotions.

As evidence of the theory of Herodotus, multiple burials of workers and architects detected by archaeologists during excavations, as well as ramps near the unfinished pyramids, for which, most likely, rock blocks were raised. On the same burials, it can be judged about how difficult the work of the construction of the construction time of the workers was. This conclusion can be done, exploring the remains of ancient people: numerous traces of healing fractures were discovered on their bones.

Moreover, the components of the device were found, which is most likely a prototype of modern unlikely that the construction of the pyramids accelerated and facilitated only through the use of this mechanism. It is not excluded that there were many other devices.

Skeptics also have certain views and the construction technique of the pyramids.

Let's start discussing the process from the very first stage of creating this kind of structures - the production of building blocks. It has been scientifically proven that those who built the pyramids, as the main materials used "soft" limestone, as well as solid: granite, quartzite and basalt. However, opinions on exactly how construction began, somewhat divided.

According to one of the versions, the mining of blocks was carried out in special careers located near the places where the pyramids were built. The lack of theory is that the use of these quarries would only complicate the construction process, and the transportation of blocks would have made a practically impossible process.

Another hypothesis reads: the casting of the blocks was produced in place, from limestone concrete. Its adherents are confident that those who built the pyramids were able to make concrete mixes from various solid rocks. However, there are opponents of this theory of construction of ancient structures. They argue their point of view, referring to the fact that in some localities where the pyramids were built in large quantitiesSimply there are no resources for creating a binder concrete solution.

Speaking about the hypothesis of moving blocks, it is worth mentioning that the opinions of specialists are divided.

The most common about this is the version of the drawing of blocks. As evidence of this theory, historians lead one of the ancient Egyptian frescoes, which depicts about one hundred and fifty people drawn by the monument of the Jerhuty Hatchepa. At the same time, workers use special Sani Volokushi. It is noteworthy that their share, as shown on the fresco, is watered with water, which is most likely used to reduce friction and facilitate the process. This hypothesis has the right to refute the fact that the process is quite laborious and hardly those who built the pyramids could make it quickly.

Another theory discussed is an ancient people of various kinds of mechanisms. The most famous hypothetical devices are the so-called "lulent" mechanism, the technology of a square wheel (using a special track), internal ramps, etc. But, according to many, these technologies have not yet been available at the time.


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the question of who built the pyramids and what their main purpose remained relevant at all times. Most likely, it is never to know that mankind. Over time, everything goes out: manuscripts, frescoes, drawings. And such historical sources today and so little.

The fact that the puzzles of the pyramids will never leave the person indifferent.

There are several hundred pyramids on Earth - from relatively small to buildings with a 30-storey house. But scientists still have questions about their functionality.

Common features

Despite the fact that the pyramids scattered throughout the planet differ in their sizes, forms, as well as the time of construction in them, significantly more common features than may seem at first glance. Researchers celebrate in many ways to handwriting the construction of the pyramids. This applies to both the processing of stone and its styling. Some pyramids, in particular, Mexican and those that are in the ocean depths, combines the presence of a "stylized head" endured from the monolith.

Scientists of the University of California recently caused all the famous pyramids on a map and found that they are located about one line. If you take the pyramid of Giza for the reference point, then this line ends on the Pyramids of Guimar, erected on the Canary Islands.
According to the Norwegian traveler Tour Heyerdal, the similarity of ancient megalithic buildings is explained by the fact that there was an exchange of experience between the islands and continents. Heyerdal proved the possibility of swimming ancient people to sufficiently long distances.


The most popular hypothesis of construction Pyramids is the desire of contemporaries to perpetuate the name of the earth ruler, building a tomb for him. For these purposes, according to most historians, special funeral chambers created in Egyptian pyramids, which were equipped for the posthumous life of Pharaoh: he left jewels, homemade utensils, furniture, weapons. And false corridors and stone doors, in common opinion, should have been protected by Pharaoh from unreasonable guests.

Nevertheless, according to archaeologists, mummy in the pyramids never found. The burial was made in necropolia. For example, Mummy Tutankhamon was found in the valley of the kings, Ramses II - in rock tombs, and the mummy of Heops - the "host" of the largest Egyptian pyramid was never discovered.

Vault knowledge

One of recent versions The functional purpose of the pyramid suggests that they were erected as a repository of knowledge of preceding civilizations, in which astronomical and geographical information is expressed by the geometry language.
Domestic and foreign scientists, including the British mathematician John Leong, conducting numerous calculations of the faces length and base of pyramids, their volumes, areas and even distances between the pyramids found strict patterns of multiplicity of series of numbers.
In particular, the ratio of the perimeter of the base of the Heopse pyramid to its height is equal to the number 2pi. Relying on this fact, scientists conclude that the pyramid serves as a cartographic projection on a scale of 1: 43200 of the northern hemisphere of the Earth.

Navigation station

French researchers A. De Belizal and L. Schomerie expressed an unusual assumption that the Great Pyramid of Egypt made the role of the transmitting station. According to researchers, thanks to the enormous mass of the pyramid and the peculiarities of its shape, which was a "false vibration prism", an opportunity was created for powerful emissions.

Radiestezic studies conducted by French experts, in their opinion, showed that radiation could be recorded at a very long distance using a reduced model of such a pyramid. This allowed the ancient people without a compass to orient the ship route to the sea or caravan in the desert.

The calendar

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Olga Dlizhnevskaya suggests that mexican pyramid Cukulkana could perform a calendar function. Around the entire perimeter, the construction is surrounded by stairs: on each side 91 level - in the amount of 364, which is equal to the number of days a year of Maya calendar. The stairs are divided by 18 spans, each of which corresponds to the month - precisely so much as the Mayan calendar.
Moreover, the location of the pyramid is very clearly oriented on the sides of the world, which in the days of equinox creates an opportunity for an unusual visual effect. When the rays of the sun fall on the steps, something similar to a huge snake is formed: her head appears at the base of the stairs, while the body extends up throughout the pyramid.

Transformer energy

According to one of the hypotheses, the pyramids are the most powerful generators who are capable of converting negative energy into a positive one. So, it is assumed that the accumulated energy of the Hope's pyramid focuses in the royal room at the location of the sarcophagus.
Russian engineer Alexander Hogod indirectly confirms the functional purpose of the ancient pyramids, while engaging in the construction of the so-called energy pyramids, which, in his opinion, harmonize the structure of the surrounding space and positively affect the person. However, official science is skeptical to the theories of the Russian researcher.


Recently, scientists are increasingly inclined to the version that the ancient pyramids were observatory. In particular, the "Astronomical orientation" of the pyramids indicates: at sunset during the summer solstice, and at sunrise - during the winter solstice.
The Egyptologist Nikolai Danilov says that the Great Pyramid as the Observatory was also mentioned by Arab historians. However, for a long time it was not clear how astronomers could climb the smooth walls of the pyramid, or as the inner structure of the pyramid corresponded to the tasks of the observatory.

The answer found the English astronomer Richard Proctor, studying the work of the ancient Greek philosopher of the puncture. It was noted that the Great Pyramid was used as a observatory when it was completed to the level of a large gallery, which went on the square platform.

Modern researchers puzzles one fact: why ascending tunnel Great Pyramid Suddenly replaces the gallery, whose height exceeds 8 meters? Proctor explains this convenience to monitor the stars. "If an ancient astronomer needed a big observation gap, which exactly divided by in half a meridian through the North Pole to observe the passage of heavenly bodies, what would he demand from the architect? Very high tunnel with vertical walls, "concludes a researcher.

The first hint that the location of the ancient pyramidal complexes on Earth is subordinated to a certain plan, is apparently in the "Secret Doctrine", E.P. Blavatskaya (submitted to the epigraph). Taken in quotes "Four corners of the world" force to assume a reference to some source with a description, what kind of corners are so and where they are located. The author was not able to find out where these 4 corners came from Elena Petrovna, but the use of such a turnover is not accidental. Be otherwise, it would be possible to expect phrases like "scattered throughout the world" or "found everywhere", or something like that. However, the whole "secret doctrine" consists of hints and non-renewability, so the only thing that can be said here is that the location of the complexes is probably not accidental.

In today's times, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe global system of the pyramid was widely (among those interested in this topic) advertising, thanks to the works of Professor Ernst Muldashev. "The sensational results of a Tibetan scientific expedition, organized by the weekly" AIF ".

Indian pyramid of Brikhadshwara.

This pyramid is located in the city of Tanjavur (India) and is part of the Big Temple dedicated to God Shiva. This is a very beautiful and intricate pyramid: difficult in its architecture, decorated with color figures ... very unusual! According to some sources, the age of this pyramid is much more generally accepted. For example, scientists of "Alternative History Labs" consider it one of ancient pyramids The world, miraculously survived to this day ...

But what they write about this pyramid-temple on the Internet:

"It is believed that this is the largest temple of India dedicated to God Shiva. This church was previously performed at the same time two functions: it was a fortress and a temple. Brichladeschwara is the richest chivy temple.

A temple in the form of a pyramid, which was built in the era of the Chiol dynasty. For that time, this temple was built very quickly - in just 25 years. The height of the pyramid is 58 meters, and the length of each of the four temple walls, forming a rectangle - 152 and 76 meters.

It is also considered that in this temple a huge treasury, which contains the most incredible treasures. For many centuries, the rich people who revered Shiva, dancing God, gave this temple of jewels and land. The servants of the temple carefully protect the mystery about what it can be in the treasury "

China's pyramids.

The existence of Chinese pyramids was revealed only in the middle of the twentieth century. For many years, the Government of China prohibited the seekers of other countries to attend the ancient buildings. In photographs from the satellite, near the city of Xi'an is sixteen pyramids.

Australia's merchant Fred Mayer Shrider in his diaries, written in 1912, mentioned the ancient pyramids in China. He drove caravans and traded with many countries. Another caravan, passing by the Mongolian-Chinese border with Mongol - conductor, he said: "We will drive the pyramids. Their seven, and they are located near the city of Xian. " And after a few tedious days, an amazing picture was opened before the merchant: a very beautiful structure with four edges of the right shape and a flat vertex. He was struck by the greatness and power of the pyramid, he thought about people who built such a majestic structure, their knowledge and strength to create such things. The caravan approached the pyramids from the east, in the main group the pyramids were three large, and the rest gradually decreased to the smallest located in the south. The chain of the pyramid stretched around ten kilometers long.

For many years, these pyramids were not known to anyone, the Chinese government carefully hid their existence. The largest pyramid of approximately three hundred meters in height and at the base of about five hundred meters. This pyramid is much more Pyramid Heops. This pyramid is strictly focused on the sides of the light and painted in different color: red - south, north - black, white - west, and the East is green-blue. The edges of the pyramid were steps going to the very top of the pyramid, but now these steps were tremended with time. You can only go up to the middle of the pyramid, as the lower steps are large and represent a step with an area of \u200b\u200babout one square meter.

In China, all the buildings were from clay and the pyramid, too, no exception. On the slopes of the pyramids grow trees and shrubs, giving the pyramid similarity with natural object. According to the ancient books, these pyramids are more than five thousand years old, in them the pyramids are indicated as existing many centuries before writing these books. And just not many have seen these pyramids, nobody is allowed to them. The Chinese authorities keep the existence of these pyramids in the secrecy.

It is very interesting that these pyramids are located on the 34th degree of northern latitude, and the location plan is very similar to Egyptian. Egyptian pyramids are located on the 30th degree of northern latitude, and there exists a geometric compliance with a pyramid, which suggests that one civilization has built the pyramids. Long around the circumference, between the pyramids of Chance and Heops, is 3849 degrees 5333 minutes of arc magnitude and corresponds to 64,15888 degrees. This number, erected twice in the square corresponds to the harmonic equivalent of the masses. The same number is obtained from the distance between the pyramids No. 4,5,6 in chance and the Great Egyptian pyramid.

These calculations are impressive and suggested that the compliance of the harmonic equivalent of the mass and the location of the complexes of the pyramids on the planet has a certain connection, and they were built as a single integer with a certain goal. In these groups, the pyramids are laid out that they allow to resonate in unison with all harmonic fields. The construction of the pyramids is possible with electronic processes associated with transferring information to huge distances. According to the data from the Egyptian pyramids, there were special electronic devices inside them, allowing to produce certain oscillations. These oscillations were intensified by the pyramids and were transmitted to a huge distance. All data about it were lost, since many ancient books were destroyed. Perhaps the transmissions were not limited to the earth, the pyramids were used as a huge transmitter-receiver to communicate with other planets located at a huge distance. This mystery is not solved, since we have never reached the exact information about their appointment. But today it is already known that the pyramids did not build the rulers with which they are attributed.

Pyramids Tibet.

In 1999, the expedition of scientists from Ufa as part of four people (E.R.Muldashev, R.Sh. Mirkhaidarova, Seliverstov and R.G. Yusupov) went to Tibet in search of the fabulous city of the gods. Its result exceeded the most bold expectations of researchers: they were detected the most large group Pyramids in the world! All pyramids are very ancient. Their age is much higher than the age of Egyptian pyramids, which, unlike Tibetan, have been preserved much better. For comparison, if, in average, the age of the Great Egyptian pyramids is about 4,600 years, then, according to some estimates, the age of Tibetan pyramids is approximately 1,000,000 years!Since most of the pyramids, due to their amazing antiquity, significantly suffered from time to time, then the question arises: and could someone see the pyramids where they are simply not? In other words, confused the bizarre outlines of the surrounding mountains with the form of the pyramid? After all, Tibet is one of mysterious places Planets, for many people he is sacred. Every year, hundreds of pilgrims come there different countries World, as well as tourists. Why did None of them noticing the pyramids before this expedition?

First of all, despite big destruction, if you look carefully, you can clearly see the fairly clear contours of the pyramids. However, so as not to be mistaken, scientists have entered the data obtained to the computer (photography, sketches, video photography), which processed them. As a result of this processing, it became clear where the pyramid was taken, and where the usual mountain. Why people did not notice them before, too, quite explained. The fact is that the psychology of pilgrims is very specific. These people are immersed deep in themselves. Overcoming many difficulties in their path and reaching holy places, which certainly is Tibet, they are immersed in meditation and disconnect from reality. Scientific view for them is alien and not needed. At the same time, any information about staying in this area of \u200b\u200bscientific expeditions is not available. Here was Nikolai Roerich, but he could not achieve sacred Mountain Kailas, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich, a complex of the pyramids was discovered. Even the Ufa Expedition itself managed to receive a scientific expedition in the area with great difficulty in China's authorities.

In total, scientists discovered about 100 pyramids, as well as various monuments, clearly focused on the sides of the world and located around the most sacred and revered for the whole eastern world of Mount Kailas. It is the main pyramid and height has 6,714 meters. All other pyramids in form and sizes differ quite different from each other. Their height ranges from 100 to 1,800 meters. For comparison, we recall that the highest Egyptian pyramid - the pyramid of Cheops originally reached 146 meters. Now, when the main part of the cladding is lost over the years, its height is only 138 meters!
Among the pyramids there are rather strange stone formations with concave or flat surfaces, called the members of the Expedition "Mirrors". As it turned out, they have a very curious purpose. In addition, something was discovered, very similar to the huge stone statues of people

Material from the site http://razrusitelmifov.ucoz.ru

Egyptian pyramids built by aliens, if you believe to supporters of this point of view, were a cosmodrome where their spaceships sat down to land, including to refuel.

At the top of the hop pyramids are now flat. According to scientists there was a triangular stone Pyramidion, but maybe it was not there at all. It is difficult to imagine that he just disappeared, because his weight was about a hundred tons.

Why now aliens do not use pyramids for their intended purpose? Experts agree that although extraterrestrial creatures continue to visit our planet, they have not needed the pyramids. In view of the technical progress they now have other ships that do not need such a cosmodrome. In this way, pyramids of Egypt - This is a kind of outdated aliens space equipment.

In the pyramids, signs are preserved, pointing to the placement of there with special alien equipment. So, in a large gallery on the walls there are 28 recesses. It seems that they contained something, perhaps some mechanisms and devices, with the help of which, in particular, the energy for the functioning of ships was produced.

Where are all these devices? Most likely, they were destroyed by aliens themselves. After the invention of more advanced means of movement, the old technique has not been needed.

In the middle of the pyramid, in the royal room, there is a large bin made of granite. Perhaps it was stored in alien fuel. It is also an opinion that in this room there were various chemical processes because it is not by chance that this room is finished with granite, not limestone, because granite is much harder and more reliable. The room is completely sealed, except for two tunnels that scientists believe in ventilation mines. But is it?

In the tunnels there are 20 x 20 cm inlet openings, they are located on the walls at a distance of 1 m from the floor. The coincidence is that at the same height is the top of the granite box. Another oddity - the walls of the tunnels are made of large stone plates, which suggests that it flows not water, but something else. It can be concluded that the tunnels have received fuel to refuel the ships.

At the bottom of the pyramid there is a room with a non-aligned bottom. It is strange, because all other rooms are perfectly aligned. Perhaps there was a warehouse, so it did not begin to bring to the perfect state. The room has a tunnel leading up. Most likely, the tunnel was moved by an elevator carriage from a warehouse.

Yes, and the aliens moved inside the pyramids with the help of special elevators, such as capsules on numerous tunnels. After all, not all these tunnels have such accurate dimensions.

How did the aliens build up the pyramid? It can be assumed that the stone blocks they moved not manually, but by air with the help of special rays, which were generated by aliens ships.

Why information about aliens hide

There are two main reasons why information about the alien civilization is so thoroughly hidden.

The first reason is to prevent panic from the population. It is known that the US government created a special project " Blue book" According to official information, he had to study alien phenomena. In fact, he developed a variety of ways to hide from the inhabitants of the planet the fact of the existence of aliens.

Another reason is that global powers seek to bypass each other in the study of alien technologies. After studying the high-tech equipment, you can gain the opportunity to apply extraterrestrial knowledge to produce unsurpassed weapons.

Despite such secrecy, an increasing number of residents of the planet believe that we are not alone in this universe.

The version of the construction of the pyramid is highly developed civilization

This theory also does not apply to officially recognized, but comes down to the fact that the pyramids are built by people.

Supporters of this theory believe that once there was already civilization on Earth, having a high level of consciousness and technologies.

According to one of theories, such civilization was Atlanta (residents of Atlantis), built pyramids or provided assistance in this residents of Egypt.

According to another version, the ancient inhabitants of Egypt managed to find and apply to the construction of the pyramids of technology that existed in the past civilizations. Again, anything is not known about the existence of such civilizations by historians.

Another theory comes down to the fact that the ancient Egyptians themselves stood at an extremely high stage of development.


Summing up, you can come to the following conclusion.: The one who built the Pyramids of Egypt unequivocally possessed a high level of development in the field of technology. Such a level of knowledge could have only an extraterrestrial civilization or how we are called them - aliens.

See also: