Book blue angels read online. Chingiz Abdullayev - Blue Angels Blue Angels

Masterfully written detective novels capture the reader's attention for a long time. And if they are written on the basis of real events, the fans of a detective genre simply do not have a chance to pass by such books. Roman "Blue Angels" Chingiz Abdullayev wrote back in the late 1980s, but due to the fact that it opened important political information, he did not immediately become available to the masses. The writer well transfers the atmosphere of that time, criminal environment, the work of secret employees. The book will have a lot of shootouts, faunions, threats to life. The constant atmosphere of danger will not let you get bored, and wants to immediately take the reading of the next book.

The effect of the novel occurs in different points of the planet, constantly moving: in Europe, in the south-east of Asia, in the United States and in other places. Western agents of the Special Committee work around the world, they skillfully hide, making their work so that no one notic anything. They seem invulnerable. But only seem. When a whole group of agents cease to get into touch, it becomes clear that something is wrong here. Subsequently, it turns out that they are all killed. So, among their own traitor.

To investigate this case, three scouts are elected, among which the expert known to nicknamed DRONGO. And it is given not in vain. He knows that any criminal will leave footprints, no matter how much he was. That's just these three do not even suspect that they are waiting ahead.

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Chingiz Abdullayev

Blue angels

Criminal organizations that organize trading and smuggling drugs have the most modern technical means, a well-established agent network and a large, branched staff of the performers. The fight against them in modern conditions is becoming even more severe than before.

From the report of the Permanent Committee of Experts on Crime Prevention and Control with It under the Economic and Social Council of the UN

Belgrade. The first day

The plane took a course on Belgrade. The most familiar motors drowning other noises. Passengers dreamed in their chairs. Friendly stewardess spread tea, coffee, juices.

Coffee, monsieur? - one of them turned to the passenger who was sitting in the third row.

Yes please. - He nodded his head, smiling. A strong burning coffee is now drinking not only in his homeland, and he did not see the reasons to refuse him here, far from native city. Charles Dupre - so now his name is. And this name will be with him during the entire duty. As a matter of fact, regional inspections are replaced twice a year - so exhausting and incredibly difficult to work. "There is no no one else, if, of course, reaching until the end of the deadline," thought Dupre. - Of the five regional inspectors, on duty before me, only two returned home. What kind of damn sector "C-14"! " So now he flies to place ahead of time. Dupre remembered - attention was paid to the encryption: the regional inspector with two helpers had disappeared before him and still does not submit any news, which is strictly prohibited by the charter.

He pulled out a passport. From the photo, the face of a young man of thirty - thirty-five was watched on him. Rounded chin, good-natured brown eyes, fashionable hairstyle did it least look like a superagent that; In essence, he never considered himself.

People like him always avoided the loud phrases, as they did not even love to talk much, because the work itself did not have any job, but when they returned home, the phenomenon of resuscitation was attacked, as the inspector was joking. Dupre was duty twice already, though, in other squares, but every time, returning home tired and happy, he, like others, did not want to be alone. The need for simple human communication, when it is not necessary to lie and feather, sick and adapt, to be extremely attentive and wanted to watch your interlocutors, was so great that it could not even shove the huge sense of fatigue.

Charles remembered his first duty. Newbies, as a rule, were not sent to difficult areas, realizing how difficult will be such work even for professionals who were found in an unfamiliar situation. Usually inspectors gave two or three helpers for more successful business. But then, in his first duty, the assistants from Dupre did not have - the area was considered calm and quiet. If you do not count two or three "minor incidents," it was possible to report that the first duty was calm. In any case, in his report, he also pointed out, "forgetting", that during these "minor incidents" he was wounded in a brush of his left hand. Details of his injury Dupre preferred not to remember, but the Regional Commissioner, who learned about it (so far, Charles did not know how), made him a remark for excessive hotness. The second duty was much more difficult, but this time everything went well, although these six months were not the best in life Dupre. And here is the third duty. Sector "C-14". When he found out about it, after reading the encryption, I felt pride. There were sent only the most prepared, most experienced. One of the two returned from this hell was Siegfried Melzer himself, now the Regional Commissioner in North America. And now his turn.

So we will work, the Charles thought usually. People who dedicated themselves to this dangerous case, like Dupre, did not think about awards; Life itself without adventure seemed to them fresh and boring. I barely return from the task and did not have time to rest, they stretched again where the dangers were forced to squeeze the nerves in the beam, where life was so madly pulsed and it was not very expensive. It was not a paradox. Like drug addicts, once with the "charm" of nonsense, like climbers, once we conquered the top, they again and again went to the unknown, because they felt - otherwise they could not live. A person who truly loved at least once in his life, will not be able to live without love. A man once breathed in full breasts, he will not be able to breathe in prison. A person who experienced the power of life on the edge of the abyss must constantly walk along this edge, approved by his own forces and fascinating the others by his example.

So Dupre. He saw the meaning of his existence in this life, full of unknown charms and charm. He, for the twelve years, risking life first in the bodies of counterintelligence of his country, then in the ranks of the "blue", could not and imagine what would do, do not suddenly this work.

They are a bit. Very little. But they always go and win. The second, third, fourth one comes to replace the second, the third, but they triumph in the dispute with their killers because they are replaced by others. They protect the right thing and therefore always win. But the victory goes not easy for them. Too often in the country where they live in the city where they are waiting for, a short note comes: "Take condolences", "Blue Angels" and Interpol employees are paid too much. And too expensive fee - their own lives - becomes immensely low magnitude in comparison with the safety of all mankind.

"But still" C-14 "," Dupre remembered. "Pride is pride," he sighed, "but the life, which is not talking, is quite a good thing, and it's just that I just want to give it."

"Our plane goes to land. We wish you all the best, "the stewardess declared in several languages, and a friendly revival was immediately coming in the cabin. Passengers buried, moved, lasted belts, began to shift newspapers, magazines, books in their bags. The bright sun beat into the portholes, and the soft yellow-blue sunlight was poured through the plane salons. Dupre clicked belts. The plane, smoothly decrease, went to the landing.

Belgrade. Second day

All hotels have their own specific smell that remains conscious for life. The smell of starch, which smells of sheets and pillowcases, the smell of old melting carpets and something unpacable resembling the smell of moths and old wood.

Sometimes you can feel the tart smell of the human body. But if each house has its own, special, unique fragrance, here, in the hotel, it seems, and people equally smell.

Blue angels

Part I.

Criminal organizations that organize trading and smuggling drugs have the most modern technical means, a well-established agent network and a large, branched staff of the performers. The fight against them in modern conditions is becoming even more severe than before.
From the report of the Permanent Committee of Experts on Crime Prevention and Control with It under the Economic and Social Council of the UN

Belgrade. The first day

The plane took a course on Belgrade. The most familiar motors drowning other noises. Passengers dreamed in their chairs. Friendly stewardess spread tea, coffee, juices.
- Coffee, monsieur? - one of them turned to the passenger who was sitting in the third row.
- Yes please. - He nodded his head, smiling. A strong burning coffee is now drinking not only in his homeland, and he has not seen the reasons to abandon him here, far from his hometown. Charles Dupre - so now his name is. And this name will be with him during the entire duty. As a matter of fact, regional inspections are replaced twice a year - so exhausting and incredibly difficult to work. "There is no no one else, if, of course, reaching until the end of the deadline," thought Dupre. - Of the five regional inspectors, on duty before me, only two returned home. What kind of damn sector "C-14"! " So now he flies to place ahead of time. Dupre remembered - attention was paid to the encryption: the regional inspector with two helpers had disappeared before him and still does not submit any news, which is strictly prohibited by the charter.
He pulled out a passport. From the photo, the face of a young man of thirty - thirty-five was watched on him. Rounded chin, good-natured brown eyes, fashionable hairstyle did it least look like a superagent that; In essence, he never considered himself.
People like him always avoided the loud phrases, as they did not even love to talk much, because the work itself did not have any job, but when they returned home, the phenomenon of resuscitation was attacked, as the inspector was joking. Dupre was duty twice already, though, in other squares, but every time, returning home tired and happy, he, like others, did not want to be alone. The need for simple human communication, when it is not necessary to lie and feather, sick and adapt, to be extremely attentive and wanted to watch your interlocutors, was so great that it could not even shove the huge sense of fatigue.
Charles remembered his first duty. Newbies, as a rule, were not sent to difficult areas, realizing how difficult will be such work even for professionals who were found in an unfamiliar situation. Usually inspectors gave two or three helpers for more successful business. But then, in his first duty, the assistants from Dupre did not have - the area was considered calm and quiet. If you do not count two or three "minor incidents," it was possible to report that the first duty was calm. In any case, in his report, he also pointed out, "forgetting", that during these "minor incidents" he was wounded in a brush of his left hand. Details of his injury Dupre preferred not to remember, but the Regional Commissioner, who learned about it (so far, Charles did not know how), made him a remark for excessive hotness. The second duty was much more difficult, but this time everything went well, although these six months were not the best in life Dupre. And here is the third duty. Sector "C-14". When he found out about it, after reading the encryption, I felt pride. There were sent only the most prepared, most experienced. One of the two returned from this hell was Siegfried Melzer himself, now the Regional Commissioner in North America. And now his turn.
So we will work, the Charles thought usually. People who dedicated themselves to this dangerous case, like Dupre, did not think about awards; Life itself without adventure seemed to them fresh and boring. I barely return from the task and did not have time to rest, they stretched again where the dangers were forced to squeeze the nerves in the beam, where life was so madly pulsed and it was not very expensive. It was not a paradox. Like drug addicts, once with the "charm" of nonsense, like climbers, once we conquered the top, they again and again went to the unknown, because they felt - otherwise they could not live. A person who truly loved at least once in his life, will not be able to live without love. A man once breathed in full breasts, he will not be able to breathe in prison. A person who experienced the power of life on the edge of the abyss must constantly walk along this edge, approved by his own forces and fascinating the others by his example.
So Dupre. He saw the meaning of his existence in this life, full of unknown charms and charm. He, for the twelve years, risking life first in the bodies of counterintelligence of his country, then in the ranks of the "blue", could not and imagine what would do, do not suddenly this work.
They are a bit. Very little. But they always go and win. The second, third, fourth one comes to replace the second, the third, but they triumph in the dispute with their killers because they are replaced by others. They protect the right thing and therefore always win. But the victory goes not easy for them. Too often in the country where they live in the city where they are waiting for, a short note comes: "Take condolences", "Blue Angels" and Interpol employees are paid too much. And too expensive fee - their own lives - becomes immensely low magnitude in comparison with the safety of all mankind.
"But still" C-14 "," Dupre remembered. "Pride is pride," he sighed, "but the life, which is not talking, is quite a good thing, and it's just that I just want to give it."
"Our plane goes to land. We wish you all the best, "the stewardess declared in several languages, and a friendly revival was immediately coming in the cabin. Passengers buried, moved, lasted belts, began to shift newspapers, magazines, books in their bags. The bright sun beat into the portholes, and the soft yellow-blue sunlight was poured through the plane salons. Dupre clicked belts. The plane, smoothly decrease, went to the landing.

Belgrade. Second day

All hotels have their own specific smell that remains conscious for life. The smell of starch, which smells of sheets and pillowcases, the smell of old melting carpets and something unpacable resembling the smell of moths and old wood.
Sometimes you can feel the tart smell of the human body. But if each house has its own, special, unique fragrance, here, in the hotel, it seems, and people equally smell.
Dupre held the 1409th room at the Serbia Hotel. He liked this hotel for a long time. First, she stood somewhat away from the busy center; Secondly, bus stops were near the hotel; Thirdly, there were always tourist groups, which changed almost daily, and one of the person could not remember immediately; Fourth, with this hotel, Dupre were connected with personal pleasant memories.
However, now it was not before the memories. He lives here for the second day and does not yet receive any instructions. Last night, he again visited the People's Museum, but to no avail. Today he will go for the third time and again, as and yesterday, at eight in the evening will be waiting for his connected. It was another difficult part of their work - the ability to wait. It often depended on her very much, and Dupre never hurried time. The phone call brought it out of thoughtfulness.
- Mr. Dupre? - heard in the tube.
"Yes," he confirmed.
- You are worried about the porter. Please descend down. You are waiting for one person here.
- Me? - Surprise asked in surprise.
- Yes, Mr. Dupre.
- And ... now go down ... - "Strange, very strange. Who else can you wait here? " - Charles thought, getting out of bed. Tighten the tie and put on the jacket was a thing of one minute. Dupre has already taken the door handle when it seemed to him that some kind of rustle and quick steps were heard in the corridor. He silently retreated back, quietly took shoes and, silently putting a chair to the edge of the door, climbed on him, trying to get up so that in any case you could bother into the room anyway.
Above the door was a glass partition. Almost all rooms in the hotel were such. Dupere sniffed to the window, having time to inspect the corridor for some seconds of a second. Literally three meters from him, two men, raising the pistols, aimed in his face. His reaction was flawless. He was already on the floor, when glass fragments fell right on his head. "Here is the scum," Charles was sadly grinned, "professionals. They shoot with silencers so that nothing has been heard. " There was a few more dry clicks, obviously, this time they decided to exist the door.
"I wonder what I will do if they tried to enter," thought Dupre. - I have no weapon. "
But behind the door was quiet. "So," Charles thought, "hence, they don't know that I have no weapon, and they are afraid to enter. Or maybe removed. Hardly. Until they see the corpse, do not leave. - He raised his head. - Well, the beginning is magnificent. It seems that this is only breakfast, and I still have lunch. " Dupre crawled to the phone and scored the number.
"Yes," voice heard.
Already having heard the voice, Charles could put the phone with a calm conscience - it was clearly not the voice of the first "receptionist", but he decided to test everything to the end just in case.
- You speak from the 1409th room. My surname Dupre. From you called to me in a room five minutes ago?
- From 1409th? Now check. No, Mr. Dupre, nobody called you.
- Thanks. Please send me a maid. - He put the phone. Well, that, it should be expected. Seeing outsiders, they will remove. This is not in their interests.
But who they and where did they know his last name and place of stay? There is an obvious leak of information. Explicit. Whatever it was, today it is necessary to be from the People's Museum. Or maybe use the backup channel of communication? Dupra's hand reached for the phone. No. It is necessary to find out to the end with the first option, and the backup to the extreme case.
Someone's steps in the corridor. It seems female. Go calmly. Stopped at the door. So, it seems to be swears. She probably thinks that I have nothing to do broke the partition and sparkled the door. Now we must calmly open it. Surely those two have already been cleaned. He took up the door handle, listened. Silence, only grumble with an old maid. Dupre was opened by the door, retreating deep into the room. A woman who clearly did not expect it, for a second was silent, staring at Dupre. That's that. Charles jerk pulled a woman to himself. She tried to scream, but after a moment the nasal handkerchief Dupre made this attempt with absolutely unpromising.
"I apologize," the monstrously confused words, said in Yugoslavsky Dupre, tying the torn sheet of the hand of the maid. "It's good that she is old, but I would have thought that I was trying to rape her," Charles thought sadly. But in any case of trouble with the Yugoslav police, he will now be debugged.
He looked around the room, carefully moved a woman on the bed, apologized once again and quietly left the room. Several fragments fell on the other side of the door. He cautiously crushed them into the room and slammed the door. With you, he took only a small suitcase. "The ability to part quickly with your own things is also the privilege of the agent," one of the commandments of their school remembered. In the corridor nor soul. Dupre, cautiously looking around, headed for the hall. Suddenly, at the end of the corridor, someone appeared. One, no, two, three, five. Charles turned the spirit. Tourist group. Women, children. Now the stairs down, and as quickly as possible. It is necessary to go out, of course, from a spare output - he knows all the moves and exits here.
It seems that came out. Everything is fine. We take a little right. Here is the kiosk. Calmer. We buy a newspaper. So far nothing is unusual. Won seems to have a taxi. Something very on time it appeared. Let's miss it. Here is the second. No, no, it literally followed first. There is no time, but no need to hurry. So but now our. Stop.
- Where will we go? - asked Elderly Belgradez.
"In Chukaritz," Charles said, making the wrong emphasis.
The chauffeur, sighing, turned on the ignition. The car moved down the streets rather slow. Dupre managed to be free from most of her papers, and some of the most important he shifted into the sacrifice, taking it to "destruction." The suitcase was slyly arranged. If someone else tries to open it, not knowing the digital code, it will instantly ignore all the documents in it will be destroyed.
The car smoothly slowed down from a large gray building.
"Chukaritsa," the driver said indifferently, without turning around.
"Thank you," in German thanked his Dupre and, paying the counter, quickly left the car. "It seems that the Yugoslav police will lose my trail at least for a while," he thought. "There should be a passage yard here." There he is. Okay. Quickly to the side. Luck. Someone's passing car seemed from the corner. The driver slows down sharply.
- Square Terazie? - Says quite purely dupress, showing to the side.
"Sit down," the car enthusiast will find out.
Charles plunges on the seat.
- Faster Faster. - These are the only words that he can pronounce without an accent. If this motorist is a chatter, everything is gone. No, it seems, silent. And if he speaks? Dupre began to look for a handkerchief. You will have to pretend that I have a runny nose. Damn it. The handkerchief remained in the room. Well, nothing, there are still a few of my dirty shirts and an old brush. It is a pity, of course, brushes, but when your life is on one cup, and on a different brush with dirty linen, you do not have to choose. Neither some scales in the world will preserve the equilibrium with such an uneven distribution.
The car turns past the main station to the Terrazie Square. From here it is not close to the People's Museum. Generously paying with the driver, Dupra goes to the square.
It seems that there is no surveillance. Up to eight for another two minutes. The connected will wait five minutes and a minute more. With a bouquet of red carnations. But it can attract attention. There are still a few minutes in the reserve.
Already coming to the museum, Dupre saw a small crowd standing in the Republic Square. "What is there?" - He asked the bearded guy with notebooks under the arm, obviously, the student. It is good that this bearded turned out to be an intellectual and everything explained everything. Although no, rather showed. A man stood peacefully, no one touching, and suddenly the car, the trach-ta-rarah, and ... no man. Some abnormal, twisted bearded from the temple, and they themselves ran away. It is necessary, a man was shot down and escaped.
Dupra looked at the sidewalk. The body was already covered with a sheet, but the scattered bouquet of bright red carnations was highlighted in bloody spots on a white pavement. Charles realized that he was late.

Paris. Third day

Morning Paris is not at all like a night. He has already heard this phrase, but only now managed to make sure of her justice. Tired, dissatisfied persons, everyone is in a hurry somewhere, hurry, not heard laughter, not visible joyful, lively faces. Most bars are closed. In these morning hours, Paris lives the life of a multi-million city occupied by his problems and alarms. Something he resembles a beauty that woken in the morning after night cute. She is surprised to find that for the second hour of the day, that today she slept alone and that, finally, it's time to get up long ago. Pretty woman jumps out of bed and fits the mirror. Funeral after the goals and deprived of all cosmetics face, a carelessly made-up barbecue, disheveled hair - no, this is not the woman who fascinated men yesterday. But after a few hours, she will put themselves in order and will shine in society. The hair will be laid in an elegant hairstyle, the outfits will be magnificent, cosmetics, how can it be possible, men will be afraid and go away because of her crazy. But it will be later, in the evening. And now - now she stands in front of the mirror and notices wrinkles under the eyes, a little fallen cheeks, an already beginning to appear the second chin and the chest lost elasticity. So and Paris. He will charm his guests at night, he will make them fall in love and make madness, but during the day he lives the life of a typical millionth city, and a guest who accidentally hit this early hour on his streets, he may be praised around and not immediately understand where Paris. But Paris still remains Paris, and beauty, even devoid of cosmetics, is still a beauty. And the morning Paris, devoid of part of their cosmetics, after all, the very Paris, who fascinates, admires, pleases and amazes.
He looked around. "And after all, I breathe in the air of Paris," for some reason he thought and laughed. Rare passersby, turning on him, too smiled. "Paris," he thought again, "I walk along his streets and touch these stones, touching something unknown and beautiful that I worry the soul and excites blood. Great poets and writers walked along these streets. Great painters and architects breathed this air. Here they were happy and grieved, they fell in love and desperately, lived and dying. The word "Paris" itself has such a magical sound, such an inexplicable beauty that makes you dreamingily smiling even gray men and twisters the romantic haze eyes of young girls. "
He stood on De Gaulle Square. On the right, the coast of the Seine, the Eiffel Tower was visible, no less famous than the city where it was built. In front of him there was a sneaking of the Triumphal Arch and the famous Champs Elysees. And there! It was enough to go straight, not folding, and you could see a big and small palaces, and go to the area of \u200b\u200bconsent, and visit the famous street of Rivoli, watch Louvre, Palee Royal, Saint-Germene Church, "Comedi Frances" and Tuilery Garden.
He grinned sadly. At its disposal just three hours. Arriving this morning, for the first time in his life, he is forced to be content with only a ragless inspection of the city. The most offensive, he thought, that he would never tell anyone about his trip to Paris. Or maybe it's for the better. There will be almost nothing to tell. He did not even have time to go to the coland of the Seine and visit the districts of the Latin Quarter and Montmartre, see the Luxembourg garden. Do you see Paris in one day! "To learn Paris, not enough of life," he remembered someone's phrase, raising his hand. Taxis smoothly stopped at the sidewalk.
"Montmartre," he said, showing the driver to the side. He has a little more time, and he simply could not resist without passing at least for Montmartra.
- Montmartre, Monsieur? - Asked a smiling Frenchman. He snapped his head, because the map of Paris was still able to get. Here is a visual advantage of our work, he sighed. You do not have time to transfer from one aircraft to another and see the entire city from the windows of the car, which rushes you directly between two airports.
"And as much as possible in the Montfermey area," he asked the driver in English. Frenchman, realizing that in front of him, a foreigner, who admires His city, was pretty smiled and turned right.
The areas of Paris are flashed outside the windows, Bobigny, Le-Pavignon. The car drove in the monferme. Miguel did not take a look from the windows. It was his first independent departure abroad, and he, terribly pleased, a little crazy from happiness and tension, from time to time the sweaty hands fell a pocket, checking whether a wallet with documents was on the scene. A gun given him two hours ago by a connected, was the subject of his special pride. Still - now he is an assistant regional inspector. And this is at his age. Prior to that, he only twice visited abroad, and even then to participate in technical operations. And here is an independent job. He managed to go through an inconceivable selection and get into the number of "Angels". The present name knew only a few people in his homeland and the Regional Commissioner.
Miguel Gonzalez, employee, 25 years old. Worker of one of Paraguayan companies. Host. These miser data were communicated to the customs service of France, where this modest community arrived as a guest.
- MONFERME, - repeated the chauffeur for the third time. Miguel woke up from his thoughts and, paying the counter, got out of the car. Now just not to confuse. Here, it seems, at the same house, it should be waiting. And there is. The car is at home.
Blue Ford. Miguel sinking. This is what, and in the brands of cars he still understood poorly, although, of course, the truck from the passenger car was distinguished. It seems the number coincides. She is. Miguel fits on the left side and sit behind the chauffeur. That silently, just looking at the rear mirror, touches from the spot.
The first five minutes Miguel is still trying to understand where they go, but on the sixth understands all the meaninglessness of their observation. Places are completely unfamiliar. The car makes so many turns as not to keep track. Finally they stop at some house.
- Come out, - shows the hand of the chauffeur.
- Thank you, Monsieur, - in French pronounces Gonzalez, entering the house.
In the front dark, absolutely nothing can be seen.
"Now I will hit my head, and my cold corpse will find in the Seine," he has time, smiling, think Miguel when the light is lit and the voice is heard: "Go upst".
Gonzalez rises to the second floor. Big brown door. We will enter, solves Miguel and enters the room.
At the table sits a smiling rose-colored male about fifty years old. On it a gray striped suit and a bright red tie. Round eyes on the face are constantly moving, it seems that he emits energy, so restless and nervous movements.
"Mr. Gonzalez, well, finally," he waves his hands, getting up. - Come in, enter, we are waiting for a long time. - Miguel, cautiously stepping on a soft carpet, time to celebrate the luxurious situation and responds to a handshake.
- I ask you to sit. Smoke, - offers pinkish.
"Here is the old chrych," Miguel thought. - After all, it knows perfectly that I do not smoke. And for sure, it knows my favorite dreams. "
"I do not smoke," he answers one after one. The conversation goes in English, and Miguel is forced to respond short.
"Yes, I know," goes to Spanish pinkish and nods his head with a smile, "I completely forgot. "You probably probably," Miguel smiles, it also goes to check, we know you, "forgetful." Try to take a cigarette - say, there is no will of the will, the interlocutor imposes his his own.
- Mr. Gonzalez, let's not waste time. Your Regional Commissioner, - Begins Rhovozhekiy, - recommended you as an assistant regional inspector in the S-14 sector. This area is not yet familiar with you. I warn the sector of increased complexity, but your qualifying criteria give us the opportunity to believe in you. You have a good one to own weapons, you even have some excess of intelligence in the average mass of our employees, but, unfortunately, the physical side leaves much to be desired. You need to pay the closest attention to it, Gonzalez, the most close way. Here your preparation is somewhat lame.
Gonzalez tilts his head, agreeing with the interlocutor and having understood himself: "What, this type of physical education teacher, or what?"
-. Nevertheless, the choice fell on you. You have another, the last, test, especially different from others. I emphasize, last and special.
- I'm ready. - Miguel tries to get up, but the fat man waves his hands.
- Sit, sit. This test is the last but the most serious. Now you will replace your combat cartridges at idle and give three hours of time. During this short term, you must bring more than a million new francs here.
- Where to bring? - Miguel is extremely concentrated. Rose-colored smiles like an old good dad.
- That's the task that this million you will have all. I warn you: you do not have the right to kill anyone, you have no right to apply physical or mental injury. The whole task is just that you will bring money here, leaning exclusively on your ... Intellect. Well, and the gun is only for protection. I warn you: if in the process of your operation you are committing illegal actions and the French police will arrest you, you will be punished in accordance with the laws of this country and should not count on our help. I emphasize: you must be silent about your task that you would have happened to you. Money will be returned to their legal owners. I warn again: no damage is even moral. Did you all understand?
- Understood nothing. - Gonzalez highlighted from the chair. - Bring a million new francs after three hours, without killing anyone, not robbing, not stealing and not even frightening. So?
- So.
- Well, how is it possible?
- This is your business, Mr. Gonzalez. My advice to you: Do not take rapid decisions. It depends on this test, will you fly to the "C-14" area or not. Act. And your people will go to your people. You familiar with him, he brought you here. He is a Frenchman and helps you navigate in the city. In addition, he will keep you from rapid acts. Have a good trip.
Miguel shook a little hand and, saying goodbye, came out. In his head, he reigned full fog.

After a half an hour, Gonzalez and his silent satellite were part of the same house. Again the dark front room, again the same voice: "Go up". Probably, the tape recorder, Miguel thought. Rose-colored sitting at the table.


Being a person - it means to feel that you are for everything in the answer.

Instead of accession

When you've been waiting for a phone call every minute, and he calls at three o'clock in the morning, then it is probably there is its own incomprehensible pattern. Siegfried extended his hand to the tube. For the fourth month, the phone stands on the table, next to the bed.

- Is it Park Bergshtrasse-Odenwald?

"No, you made a mistake with the number," he tried to answer as calmly as possible, but he felt that the voice was tremitching.

- Strange, I call for this phone for seven years and never mistaken. Sorry, "a strangers said clearly, and long beeps rang in the tube.

Melzer slowly lowered his hand. Apparently, something very important happened if permission was given for such a conversation. Reclamation events last daysHe mechanically began to dress, not paying attention to the handset, which remained lying on the bed.

Three hours ago, the plane of the West German Airlines "Lufthansa" "Boeing 737" was kidnapped in Mallorca. The plane took the course to Italy. According to the data received, there is a woman among terrorists. Local browsers directly indicate that the kidnapping of the aircraft can be continuing the lobster. As you know, on September 6 of this year, the Chairman of the Federal Association of German Employers Hans Martin Shleier was abducted from his car. All Four Clean Bodyguards were killed. In connection with these events, a visit to Bonn British Premier Callagan was postponed. Chancellor Schmidt personally headed the headquarters of the Pleyer's search.

As already reported, the Boeing-737 aircraft landed in Rome, sophisticated yesterday. After a short stop, the liner took the course to Egypt. The representative of the organization of the liberation of Palestine categorically denied all sorts of rumors about the involvement of its organization to this abduction. According to coming from Bonn, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany analyzes the situation.

Two days ago, the plane of the German airline "Lufthansa" arrived today on the island of Crete, landing on the NATO military base. Despite all attempts by representatives of the Egyptian authorities who persuaded terrorists to surrender, the plane rose into the air. According to Cairo, our correspondent, a special envoy of Yasser Arafat, who did not manage to solve the hostage problems in negotiations with terrorists. According to Bonn, the opposition block XDS-HCU demanded the introduction of new laws providing for the death penalty for terrorists.

Melzer looked around with interest. For two years, he was not here. The church erected at the beginning of the XVII century was not far from the Gothic Cathedral of St. Remigue, built on four hundred years earlier.

Someone's steps were heard. On this Sabbath Day, Bonn lived his usual lifeless life.

We hurried by students to the University of Friedrich Wilhelm, who was very close. He heard English speech. Siegfried instinctively strained. No. This group english touristsGuided to the Beethoven house.

- Sorry, not you Mr. Reinhart?

Siegfried turned around.

Before him stood a smiling fatone of fifty years. Melzer did not even notice where he appeared, and already he had testified to the high professionalism of the arrivals. The fat man was pulled all the time, despite the pretty cool weather, and kept in his hand a big blue handkerchief, who constantly wiped his face. From his eye there were silent wrinkles, all he sparkled merrily, the mouth was stretched in a smile, but his eyes ... Eyes, wary looking at the interlocutor, were attentive and cold.

Being a person - it means to feel that you are for everything in the answer.

A. De Saint-Exupery

Instead of accession

When you've been waiting for a phone call every minute, and he calls at three o'clock in the morning, then it is probably there is its own incomprehensible pattern. Siegfried extended his hand to the tube. For the fourth month, the phone stands on the table, next to the bed.

Is this the park Bergshtrasse-Odenwald?

No, you were mistaken by the number, "he tried to answer as calmly as possible, but he felt that the voice was tremitching.

Strange, I call on this phone for seven years and never mistaken. Sorry, "a strangers said clearly, and long beeps rang in the tube.

Melzer slowly lowered his hand. Apparently, something very important happened if permission was given for such a conversation. Reciric events of the last days, he mechanically began to dress, not paying attention to the handset, which remained lying on the bed.

France press from Madrid. October 13, 1977

Three hours ago, the plane of the West German Airlines "Lufthansa" "Boeing 737" was kidnapped in Mallorca. The plane took the course to Italy. According to the data received, there is a woman among terrorists. Local browsers directly indicate that the kidnapping of the aircraft can be continuing the lobster. As you know, on September 6 of this year, the Chairman of the Federal Association of German Employers Hans Martin Shleier was abducted from his car. All Four Clean Bodyguards were killed. In connection with these events, a visit to Bonn British Premier Callagan was postponed. Chancellor Schmidt personally headed the headquarters of the Pleyer's search.

Associated Press from Rome. October 14, 1977

As already reported, the Boeing-737 aircraft landed in Rome, sophisticated yesterday. After a short stop, the liner took the course to Egypt. The representative of the organization of the liberation of Palestine categorically denied all sorts of rumors about the involvement of its organization to this abduction. According to coming from Bonn, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany analyzes the situation.

United Press Internevonal. October 15, 1977

Two days ago, the plane of the German airline "Lufthansa" arrived today on the island of Crete, landing on the NATO military base. Despite all attempts by representatives of the Egyptian authorities who persuaded terrorists to surrender, the plane rose into the air. According to Cairo, our correspondent, a special envoy of Yasser Arafat, who did not manage to solve the hostage problems in negotiations with terrorists. According to Bonn, the opposition block XDS-HCU demanded the introduction of new laws providing for the death penalty for terrorists.

Bonn. October 15, 1977. Church of Jesuitov

Melzer looked around with interest. For two years, he was not here. The church erected at the beginning of the XVII century was not far from the Gothic Cathedral of St. Remigue, built on four hundred years earlier.

Someone's steps were heard. On this Sabbath Day, Bonn lived his usual lifeless life.

We hurried by students to the University of Friedrich Wilhelm, who was very close. He heard English speech. Siegfried instinctively strained. No. This is a group of English tourists who sent to Beethoven's house.

Sorry, not you Mr. Reinhart?

Siegfried turned around.

Before him stood a smiling fatone of fifty years. Melzer did not even notice where he appeared, and already he had testified to the high professionalism of the arrivals. The fat man was pulled all the time, despite the pretty cool weather, and kept in his hand a big blue handkerchief, who constantly wiped his face. From his eye there were silent wrinkles, all he sparkled merrily, the mouth was stretched in a smile, but his eyes ... Eyes, wary looking at the interlocutor, were attentive and cold. Siegfried could not answer the greeting, the eyes of the alien eloquently spoke about the specifics of his work. "Yes, I was not mistaken," thought Melzer.

No, "he answered," but I am his close friend, and Mr. Reinhart asked me to come instead of him.

It seemed that the fat man was even delighted.

Very kind on his part. Very, - he repeated and, without changing the tone, offered: - Let's go to the town hall. - Twenty steps they made silently, looking at each other. Siegfried waited patiently when she finally spokes up. The fatulter somehow strangely exhaled and started quietly:

You are obviously aware, why did we need this meeting for?

Yes, - honestly answered Melzer, - I know. True, before that I thought that you could do without our participation in this operation. However, I, apparently, became mistaken, otherwise the federal government would not have to resort to our help.

You are right, "the algered agreed quickly," the situation is now administered. After the events of the sixth of September, everyone was waiting for some act. We have taken security measures, but we could not foresee. Chancellor personally appealed to Mr. Regional Commissioner with a request for help. All surprises should be completely excluded, he stressed in a conversation with me. The death of hostages can cause great consequences, and not only in our country.

And why this operation is not assigned to the Vegener group? - asked Melzer.

The GSG-9 group is already connected to this case, "the interlocutor answered, stopping at the Town Hall, - However, our government would like to have guarantees.

Kidnappers are known? - Kmuro asked Siegfried, deciding that it was time to move on to business.

Yes. This is the red grouping of anarchist terrorists. RAF.

Did the communist? - Melzer huddled incredulously.

They are the same communists as Joseph Strauss - he agreed his interlocutor, "although they call themselves" red "," and, satisfied with his joke, looked loudly.

However, it does not concern me, "Ziegfried threw it coldly. - You know, we do not interfere in politics.

Of course, of course, he hurried to agree with him his companion, sharply breaking the laughter, - we strictly warned about everything.

The kidnappers put forward the conditions?

Yes, they demand the liberation of their leaders.

See also: