Russian Maltese Dictionary online. Russian-English phrasebook for tourists: we are going to Malta Russian Maltese Dictionary

Official language Malta. The second official language of the republic is English. Citizens of Malta own both languages \u200b\u200band often in a conversation mixed words from English and Maltese. At Malti, the Maltese people call their tongue, 372,000 people communicate. The small people managed to preserve the National Language, and the Australian Diaspora created his own dialect - Maltraljan (Maltese Australian). Language from the Semitic Language Family, is close to the Magreb dialect.

History of Maltese

In the IX-III centuries BC e. The island was the colony of Carthage, during this period the population of Malta spoke in Phoenician. The tradition has been preserved during the domination of Rome and Byzantium, which lasted until the end of the IX century. e. The Arabs who came to replace the Byzantines brought their tongue to Malta close to Phoenician. Arabic Malta was not classic and existed simultaneously with the People's Sicilian-Arabic language.

At the end of the XI century, Normans invaded Sicily, and later in Malta. Arabic abandoned Sicily with previous conquerors. In Malta, the Sicilian version preserved, modern Maltese is the same tongue with elements of Romanesque. Finally, the Arabs left Malta after 150 years, from now on the Arabic and Maltese languages \u200b\u200bwere divided. The unification of Sicily and Malta lasted four hundred years, during which many Romanesque borrowings were included in the language. The poem "Il Cantilena" is considered the first literary work in Maltese.

A significant impact on the formation of Malti was the Knight's Order of St. John, who ruled the island in the XVI-XVIII centuries. In writing, used mainly and, but preserved samples of literature in Maltese. So, in 1672 the poem Bonamiko was established, and in 1752 - Katechisis Vizzzino.

Malta was attached to the UK at the beginning of the XIX century, but influence in English It is not traced in Maltese. This period includes a dictionary, the grammar of the Maltese language and the translation of the New Testament belonging to Vassalley.

The twentieth century gave Malta self-government. According to the Constitution, Italian was also on the constitution. In 1964, Malta proclaimed independence, and the Italian place was taken by Maltese.

  • Only Maltese in the Semitic Group uses the Latin alphabet and the direction of the letter from left to right.
  • School studies in Maltese was introduced only in 1924, before this language was transmitted through oral speech.
  • Maltese is complicated for study, because it connects the Semitic grammar and characteristics Romanesque languages.
  • Languages, at different times, came to the island, changed almost to unrecognizable. An isolated position turned one of the Arab dialects (Magrib) to an independent language.
  • Maltese people understand the Arabic language well, while Arabs Maltese are mastering with great difficulty.
  • Malta has always been a bilingual island, and it never caused a protest from the inhabitants. At the end of the XIX century. Patriot Scientist Mikiel Anton Vassally tried to introduce school studies in Maltese, but his undertaking was not supported. The language received international recognition without the efforts of Maltesers - independence island state And the entry into the EU made a language official. Malta residents perceived the news about the new status of the national language without delight.
  • Currently, Maltese and English and English, all Maltese Bilingva, and, it seems, do not notice the difference between languages, do not carefully coexist in Malta.

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