Dealing with non-standard guest requests. Hotel service: from savagery to curiosity

    Marina Levchenko. Sevastopol

    About the training: How to attract customers to the store at minimal cost

    The training was really very intelligent, Olga Borisovna is a practitioner and works with many. It is a pleasure to listen to it, even when there are contradictions. If someone wants to increase sales, this is Olga Borisovna Sergeeva!

    Marina Salnikova

    Good afternoon I attended this training yesterday. Olga Sergeeva is a very strong business coach! Three hours of useful and structured information, clear answers to specific questions. In a word, it was interesting, useful, I advise everyone!

    "Wonderful training"

    About the training: Conflict-free sales master

    Briefly, of course, it is difficult to express my impressions, but I will try to immediately thank you for the wonderful training. Everyone liked it very much, the main thing was that they showed us those weaknesses where we are not improving. They showed us how it should be and indicated the direction in which we will move. Such trainings are very useful, they make you see your work from a different angle, identify mistakes and, with the help of a coach, correct them together. I hope for a long-term, fruitful cooperation with your company.

    "Everything on the case, it was very interesting to listen"

    About the training: Finding and attracting new customers and how to keep existing ones

    Olga Borisovna, first of all, is a wonderful woman! Great coach! For which many thanks! The information is accessible for perception, everything is to the point, it was very interesting to listen to. Learned a lot of new things. I realized my weaknesses that need to be worked on. I got a positive vibe from her. The most important thing that I saw and felt is a living example of success)). I needed this!!!

Today, the hotel business is flourishing not only abroad, but also in our homeland. With this in mind, it would be quite logical to consider this environment as a potential place of work. What vacancies exist here? What are the responsibilities of working in hotels? And who do they even take?

Who is needed in the hotel?

Each hotel is unique in its own way, and therefore it is quite difficult to talk about them in general terms. At the same time, their individuality is manifested not only in the interior or in the sophistication of the rooms, but also in the kind of staff working there. For example, if a small hotel can manage with an administrator and two cleaners, then the staff of a five-star hotel can include up to 50 specialists.

And yet, despite all the variety of vacancies, among them there are those that are most in demand.

Hotel manager

The administrator is the first person after the manager or general manager. He is responsible for almost everything in the hotel: settling clients in rooms, organizing work schedules, purchasing the necessary equipment, resolving conflicts, and so on. Frankly, this is the most difficult job in the hotel, and therefore the highest paid.

The main problem is that getting a job as an administrator is quite difficult. Especially when it comes to large hotels or hotels. Management understands that a poorly trained employee can make a mistake at any time, which will jeopardize their reputation. Therefore, they prefer to appoint only those specialists who have experience in the hotel business to the position of administrator.

In addition, this type of employee must have the following qualities:

  • Sociability, as work in hotels implies continuous communication with customers.
  • Organizational skills, because most of the duties of an administrator are related to setting and adjusting tasks for
  • Ingenuity - without it, nowhere, since non-standard situations will constantly arise out of the blue.

Sometimes the owners impose additional requirements on applicants for the position of administrator. For example, they may only hire people with higher education or weed out those candidates who have poor diction.


Most hotels have a reception at the entrance - a separate area designed to meet guests. It is here that customers first turn to book a room or find out the necessary information about the services of this institution.

Most often, in small hotels, the administrator sits at the reception. But expensive hotels, on the contrary, prefer to hire separate staff for this position. This is due to the fact that their reception area allows much more visitors to pass through, which justifies the additional cost.

Working in a hotel at the reception does not require higher education. However, in order to apply for this position, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have excellent diction and manners.
  • Have a presentable appearance.
  • Know English at a conversational level (this is due to the fact that some hotel visitors may be foreigners).

Hotel maid work

Every hotel has its own maids. After all, it is these employees who are responsible for the cleanliness of the rooms, as well as their improvement. However, it should be understood that the duties of a maid go far beyond the scope of a simple cleaner.

In particular, the following tasks fall on her shoulders:

  • Maintaining order in the room: wet cleaning, dusting, changing bed linen, disinfecting the bathroom, and so on.
  • Checking the material base. The maid without fail inspects all the furniture and objects in the room in order to make sure of their integrity. The same applies to electrical appliances, showers, locks, and so on.
  • Control of some paid services. For example, in order for a guest not to be left without drinks, she should look into the mini-bar every day.

And this is just a small list of those responsibilities that work in a hotel (hotel) is fraught with. It should be noted that the management of such institutions can implement their own services. For example, some prestigious houses provide laundry and ironing services. In this case, the maids enter the rooms every morning, collect specially left clothes, and in the evening, after a thorough cleaning, return them back.


Any self-respecting hotel has several employees in its staff, first of all, they are responsible for meeting customers at the entrance to the building. They should greet visitors and politely open the door for them. If necessary, they are also obliged to answer all the questions that have arisen or indicate the way to the reception.

In addition, working in a hotel can turn into the following tasks for a doorman:

  • Assist guests with loading and unloading luggage.
  • Taxi call.
  • about sights, places for walking, shopping and so on.
  • Assistance with parking (in expensive hotels there is a separate category of employees for this).
  • Reception of letters, calls and documents of guests.

Who else is needed in the hotel?

Hotel work is multifaceted. Therefore, in addition to all the above positions, there are other, no less popular specialties. Let's quickly go through them:

  1. Cooks. Most hotels offer their customers the opportunity to eat within the walls of their establishment. The cuisine here can be both trivially ordinary (scrambled eggs, oatmeal and black coffee), and very sophisticated (French, Italian, oriental dishes). However, any of the options involves the presence of your own chef and his assistants.
  2. Dry cleaning workers. Prestigious hotels prefer to use their own laundry, as it is much cheaper to maintain it than to use the services of other companies.
  3. Loaders. They are needed both to perform the usual tasks of the hotel (receiving linen, food, household chemicals), and to help guests (delivering things to the room).
  4. Economists. The more prestigious the hotel, the greater its profit. Therefore, management often recruits an entire economic department: personnel managers, marketers, PR people, accountants, and so on.
  5. Support staff. In order to stay ahead of their competitors, hotels will often implement in their service Additional services. Therefore, it should not be surprising that some of them recruit massage therapists, fitness trainers, experienced guides, translators, and so on.

Features of working in the hotel business

The main feature of this work is that each employee is responsible not only for himself, but for the entire team as a whole. After all, any mistake falls as a dark stain on the reputation of the institution, thereby endangering all its employees.

In addition, work in hotels in Moscow, as, in principle, in any other major city commits to perfectionism. This is due to fierce competition, which allows only those institutions to survive, whose employees perform their duties to five plus.

In general, a lot depends on the specific place of work. For example, in some hotels, the staff is more than satisfied with the working conditions and salary, in others, on the contrary, no one stays for a long time. Therefore, experienced people are advised to thoroughly study the future place of work before going there for an interview. For example, you can find reviews of employees who have already worked there on the Internet and check them. But, of course, if we are talking about a presentable expensive hotel, then for the most part reviews of such establishments, as a rule, are more than positive.

Another important point is knowledge in English. Now more and more employers indicate this item when Therefore, if you want to get a job in a prestigious hotel, then start learning a foreign language in advance.

The reception is the first thing a hotel guest sees (hears on the phone), so everything must be perfect. So that the Guest does not have to wait long (at the counter, by phone or in the lobby). So that the settlement on the reservation goes "without delay" ... To fill out a simple registration form or just sign (and the staff will fill it out themselves). It's easy to get the keys and be sure that things will be delivered to the room.

Question: How to properly handle incoming calls? Are there any nuances, features here - in comparison with outgoing (or so-called "cold") calls?


a) Of course there is. There are many different tasks. It is necessary to take into account the context: incoming calls to the reception can be quite heterogeneous in terms of topics and situations:

  • sometimes you just need to "give information",
  • sometimes - "encourage" to book (at the same time, very different people can call: a potential Client or, say, an office manager booking a business trip to the boss),
  • sometimes - to order a taxi to a hotel tenant who called from a room or from a city,
  • or the tenant in the room has something broken,
  • sometimes one of the agents calls, etc.

This first feature.

b) Second feature: at the reception, an employee may be forced to do several things at the same time, and at that moment they called. And the Client, standing opposite, begins to get angry that they interrupted the conversation with him and he is waiting. And behind this Client there are two more, and they are surprised "why is it so slow when there are only 3 people" ...

Another example of an error: The client ordered a taxi from the room and went downstairs to the reception, warning that he was already there and waiting for a taxi. But the girl at the counter was torn and "did not tie". And when the taxi driver arrived, the girl called the number. And of course she didn't call. The client, of course, is angry: "You said that you would arrive in 10 minutes." The girl replies: "And I called your number ...", etc. In general, a scandal.

And a lot of other "emergency" situations. Each of them should have its own speech module and so on.

Moreover, the Constructor of speech modules should contain ready-made phrases for each such case. Contact.

V) Third feature: when the business process at the reception is not organized (example: "fill out the form", although the Client booked online; "fill out the form" instead of making a photocopy of the passport and then driving it in), with large flows, non-separation of functions at the reception and guest relations and others create overlays. And they willy-nilly fall on the reception.

Operations have different durations: "give the key", "calculate", "answer the call", etc. Since they, by virtue of the very specifics of the process, "fall" randomly, "traffic jams" in the business process are very likely.

G) Fourth feature: different loading at different times of the day. And at the junction, errors are possible.

Question: What do you think: should receptionists be trained in telephone etiquette? What exactly is telephone etiquette?

Answer: Of course they should. But not etiquette in general, but etiquette built into the context of the business process (see above).

Question: Is it possible to divide clients by types, well, to make it easier to communicate with them?

Answer: Certainly. Firstly, they are already separated: Clients, agents (who, in a sense, are also Clients), conference and seminar providers, etc.

Within each group, it is better to divide not into "types of people", but into situations that need to be able to work out. Work at the reception with clients is fast. The contact time is short. If you think about "types" - there will be both a brake and a breakdown.

Question: Should front line staff have clear instructions on how to conduct the conversation? Should the receptionist already have a prepared list of questions and answers?

Answer: Certainly. As well as "behavior algorithms" in non-standard situations. And trainings that bring these skills to "useful automatism." Contact.

Question: How important and necessary is improvisation in incoming conversations?

Answer: Need not. And in many cases, harmful.

Question: What are your tips on how to deal with objections? (Explain with specific examples.)

Answer: Agree with them (this is called "rationalization"). The client is not malicious, and we are not looking for the truth with him. If the Client is not drunk, not hooligan, etc., I see no reason why he should object on any issue. What kind of objection can arise at the reception? Even if some overlay occurred due to the Client’s mistake, the maximum that can be done is to say what exactly happened (and even then, if the Client is angry only because he does not understand the cause of the failure), and then say that everything These are trifles and the customer is always right.

If the Client disputes the invoice, you should friendly invite him to the office and make a reconciliation. That is, if possible, do not sort things out where other Clients are.

Question: How to deal with non-standard questions? What is the responsibility of a receptionist?

Answer: In electronic there is a proprietary standard:

"When we encounter a non-standard request or do not know the answer to the Guest's question, we do not refuse (we do not use phrases "We don't do that to anyone", "That's not how we do it" etc.), but we always answer: "Please, I'll check this with... (and name the position of the relevant specialist ) and will inform you within … minutes".

During N minutes from the moment an unusual situation arises, we transfer the request to the administrator and immediately inform the Hotel Guest exact time response.

If the Guest's request, however, cannot be fulfilled, we immediately apologize and invite the administrator."

If we talk about competencies and work standards, then they are spelled out in detail in. And not just the reception.

Question: Miscalculations and mistakes: how it is forbidden talking to a hotel guest?

Answer: Equally. Moreover, from above. A guest, by definition, has a higher status than any receptionist. It is no coincidence that the word "Guest", like the word "Client", we write with a capital letter.

You can go to the same tripadvisor and search exactly negative feedback foreigners for the service of some Russian hotels. You will see a lot of things that answer the question: what should the staff be taught and what should they not do.

Everything that an employee "should" and "should not" is included in the Receptionist's Corporate Standards (in). Here are just a few of them:

  • "What would you like?" ,
  • "You are wrong" ,
  • "Trust me" ,
  • "Don't know" ,
  • "They didn't tell me"
  • "I thought it wasn't urgent",
  • "It's not for me"
  • "Don't be rude to me!",
  • "Sorry, that's not part of my line of duty".
  • "Called - didn't get through" etc.

The guest is not wrong. Even when the Guest wrote "Kharasho" - this is not a mistake at this moment. Even if the Guest said "Put" - this is correct at this moment.

If the Guest of the hotel seemed unusual to us, we simply remember the nearest planning meeting or figure out in our mind how many suitcases fit in the trunk of a taxi. Respecting privacy, neither by a look, nor by a gesture, nor by a movement shall we show excessive curiosity about the customs, traditions or clothes of the Guest.

When a Guest makes a complaint, we never explain "why it happened", but act as follows:

a) we listen calmly, silently, looking at the Guest's chin (regardless of height), without interrupting or assenting (no: "I understand you", "You see ...", etc.);

b) when the Guest finishes the conversation, we accept the remark with only "two points":

  • "Yes, of course. Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience"(Apology)
  • "I'll contact (service...) right now"(Function)

c) in the event that the issue cannot be resolved immediately, we inform the Guest about the exact time of the answer ("Sorry for the inconvenience, in ... minutes I will correct / find out ...")

Even when the Guest is not around, we do not conduct personal conversations. So the musicians in the pauses do not make unnecessary sounds.

Our workplace is in order. Order means nothing superfluous and nothing personal. And when there is nothing superfluous and personal and everything is clear - this is comfort. We create understanding and comfort even where they only dream of order."

The full version of company standards for receptionists (and not only) is contained in. Contact.

Question: How important is correct speech in a conversation, do the "callers" pay attention to it?

Answer: Of course it's important. Even if they literally "do not pay" attention, many people are actually unnerved when the answer is not "in the form." Examples are given above.

Question: There is such an opinion: "the customer is always right". How does this phrase apply to the first conversation?

Answer: Of course, always right. Even if the Client is inaccurate in the first conversation, this is the job at the reception to explain everything to him.

« It is well known that without proper training, employees cannot act effectively. Responsibility for training falls on the shoulders of managers to a greater extent, regardless of whether the company has a training center or not,” believes Inessa Yermishina, head of the training center of the network "Coffeemania".

Direct supervisor, line manager, has greatest influence for the daily development of each employee. The reason for this is availability. Learning can take place progressively, theory is immediately supported by practice. Progressive companies develop their managers' training and mentoring skills.


“The Law of the Harvest: What you sow, so shall you reap. The same is true for customer service… Plant the seeds of friendly, courteous and fast service and reap a rich harvest of respect, loyalty and success.”
John Shoal, President, Service Quality Institute

Undoubtedly, the quality of service is one of the most important success factors in the restaurant business. As a result of the research, it was revealed that most of the guests' expectations are directed directly to the behavior of employees: reliability, competence, courtesy, sociability. It is not enough to simply say, "We must serve our guests well." It is necessary to do this. And this is not about a fashionable slogan, but about how the company's work is organized.

Obviously, each employee must have specific knowledge, skills and behaviors that guests will recognize and appreciate. Maintenance is a complex and multifaceted process. The ability to serve others is not an innate trait; service professionals are not born, they are made.


What needs to be done to make guests happy? In modern business there is an answer to this question - quality management. Service quality management involves the creation of standards of behavior and performance of work procedures for various categories of employees, the organization of a personnel training system, a clear setting of tasks, monitoring and evaluating the results of work based on the declared standards. To use a football metaphor, one can say that the task of a coach is to bring players to the field who are ready to win. That is, it is important to create a system that is extremely clear and convincing for each employee. Then people do their work efficiently and with enthusiasm.

Romanov Alexander Olegovich

Standard "Serving guests with a reception and accommodation service"

  1. Greet guests cordially with a smile.
  2. It is necessary to talk with the guest only while standing.
  3. If you know the names of the guests, address them in such a way that they know that you remember their names.
  4. Know how to establish personal contact with each guest, accompany every appearance of the guest with a smile.
  5. Give all customers equal attention, as they are all equal.
  6. Let the guest know that he is noticed, even if you are very busy. You can't keep guests waiting. It should always be remembered that for us there is no more important person than a guest.
  7. Always offer help to guests and don't wait until they ask for it.
  8. Before moving on to serving the next guest, you need to ask the previous guest if they need anything else.
  9. All special wishes of regular guests must be taken into account and carried out automatically.
  10. We apologize for any inconvenience to the customer.
  11. Be attentive to the needs and wishes of the guest, make decisions based on their interests.
  12. When a guest makes a request: listen carefully; absorb all the information; if something is not clear, ask again; provide the necessary assistance.
  13. If a guest makes a request that obviously seems impossible, in no case should you refuse.
  14. Personally deal with the guest's request, try not to send him to another department or to another employee. If the guest's request is beyond your competence, invite a competent employee or accompany the guest to him.
  15. Any request of the guest must be fulfilled as quickly as possible, quickly and clearly report to the guest about its implementation.
  16. The requests of the guests are fulfilled in such a way that the guest is satisfied with the result.
  17. Provide guests with accurate and full information. Employees are required to know the hotel, premises, opening hours of services and general information about the hotel.
  18. Always have information ready:
    1. about car rental,
    2. ordering a taxi;
    3. dry cleaning, laundry;
    4. excursions;
    5. conference room services;
    6. shops, markets, shopping malls and etc.
  19. Professionally recommend various hotel services to guests.
  20. Saying goodbye to the guest, you should definitely smile at him, wish him all the best and thank him for the visit, this must be done sincerely. Each guest should have the impression that he is always welcome at the hotel and on his next visit he must definitely stay here, where his opinion and mood are valued.
  21. Always remember:
    1. the guest is always right, the guest must always be satisfied;
    2. the guest is the most important person in the hotel, whether he is present in person, in writing or by telephone;
    3. the guest is a living person with his own prejudices and the right to make a mistake;
    4. the guest is an integral part of the business, not an outsider.
  22. Hotel employees are strictly prohibited from:
    1. show the guest whether you like him or not;
    2. read morals to the guest;
    3. ask the guest about his personal life;
    4. listen to the conversations of the guests;
    5. discuss personal or work-related issues, political and religious issues with guests;
    6. swear with colleagues in the presence of guests;
    7. show your disapproval to a drunk client.
  23. Always speak positively about the activities of the hotel. No negative comments, always emphasize the advantages of your hotel over competitors.
  24. Become a member of a single team - help, support and share experience with your colleagues.
  25. Maintain silence in the guest service area.

Standard "Telephone conversations"

  1. All outgoing calls must be answered no later than the third ring.
  2. Greeting: “Good afternoon (morning, evening)! Hotel "X". Christina. How can I help you?".
  3. The answer to an incoming internal call should be: “Good afternoon (morning, evening)! Reception service (security service, business center, etc.). Christina. How can I help you?"
  4. A hotel employee should always talk on the phone with a smile.
  5. The voice of the employee should be pleasant, speech should be clear and intelligible.
  6. The hotel employee must have all the necessary information about the services provided and the equipment of the hotel.
  7. Listen carefully to the requests of the guest.
  8. A guest should never be rushed during a telephone conversation.
  9. Repeat the guest's request to avoid misunderstandings.
  10. The name of the guest should be mentioned at every opportunity (if the call came from a guest).
  11. The caller should not be put on hold without their consent.
  12. If a call requires forwarding, remember that you can only forward a call once, so make sure that the forwarding is correct. Before you transfer the call, be sure to notify the guest of your intention.
  13. Never ask a guest to call back.
  14. Save the guest from having to repeat what he has already said. Briefly state the essence of the question to the employee to whom the call is forwarded.
  15. Never transfer a call to another department or to a guest's extension until it is answered.
  16. If no one answers this extension number, the hotel employee should invite the guest to leave a message.
  17. If the subscriber insists on a new connection, the hotel employee must return to the line every 20 seconds.
  18. Do not leave a call on hold for more than two minutes.
  19. The standby music should be classical.
  20. Back on the line, thank the guest for waiting.
  21. A hotel employee should not connect a subscriber to a room without knowing his name.
  22. Express regret if a guest's wish or request cannot be met.
  23. When you need to take another call or have an urgent distraction, ask the guest if they can wait, wait for an answer.
  24. Do not use the words "no", "impossible" and derivatives from them.
  25. At the end of the conversation, the employee should thank the client for the call. Make it clear that all the promises you made will be kept.
  26. You can hang up the handset only after the interlocutor has already done it.

Business Directory: BLEF TECHNOLOGIES

Nowadays, the market, especially on the Internet, is filled with a variety of neologisms: blockchain, startup, mindmap and much more… The current abundance of new terminology is, in fact, a double-edged sword.

There is a need for a guide to technology "business bluff”, which will save you hours of studying online resources and books. Each article tries objectively consider the issue from all sides, show where and when technologies under catchy names do not work, and in what cases they can still help.

Standard "Complaints of guests"

Upon receipt of a complaint from a guest, the receptionist should act as follows.

  1. Determine the level of authority required to review and resolve the issue.
  2. Once you are face to face with the guest and their complaint, take a break from your current work and focus all your attention on the guest.
  3. Listen carefully to the guest's claims, do not interrupt, give him the opportunity to speak.
  4. Listening to what the guest says, show him respect, make it clear that you share his feelings (put yourself in his place).
  5. Thank your guest for their trust. Explain why you appreciate the complaint. For example, you can say: “Thank you for pointing out the error to me” or “Thank you, thanks to your complaint, we will improve the work and will do everything to make you proud to become our client.”
  6. Be sure to apologize regardless of whether the mistake was made by you, someone from the staff or management. Do not try to explain who is to blame.
  7. Do not make excuses or accuse the guest of dishonesty until it is proven that he is lying.
  8. Show genuine interest and sincere concern for the situation.
  9. Never try to prove to the guest that he is wrong. Never argue, do not object to the guest and avoid manifestations of aggression.
  10. When dealing with dissatisfied guests, do not explain or refer to the established management procedures and general policies of the hotel.
  11. Never blame employees of other departments or specific individuals. Take personal responsibility for solving the problem.
  12. It is necessary to remove a guest who violently expresses his dissatisfaction from the guest area.
  13. Promise to take immediate action.
  14. Find a solution to the problem and agree on your solution with the guest.
  15. To begin with, offer the guest the most acceptable, from your point of view, solution to the problem, and then alternative ones. Give the guest the opportunity to choose the most suitable option.
  16. Suggest joint actions, for example, you can say: “What do you think we can do together for you?”
  17. Gather all the necessary information. Find out what the guest is expecting. Take notes and do not hide notes from him.
  18. Specify the time needed to resolve the issue.
  19. Do not take any action unless you are authorized to do so.
  20. Be sure to deliver what you promise and only promise what you can deliver.
  21. Try to solve the problem before the guest leaves the hotel.
  22. If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, contact the manager immediately and pass on the solution to the problem.
  23. If the guest wants to express his remarks or comments in writing, invite him to fill out a book of wishes and comments. Try to get the name and address (fax, telephone and office address) of the disgruntled guest. In this case, the management will be able to bring him a personal apology.
  24. Keep the guest updated on the current status of the issue.
  25. Make sure the guest is happy with the solution to the problem. Once again express your gratitude to him for his complaint: send a letter of gratitude (preferably on behalf of the head of the enterprise).
  26. When receiving a complaint from a guest, always leave information about this in the Shift Transfer Log, and also report all claims and complaints to the hotel duty officer.
  27. Analyze the complaint, establish all the reasons for the claims: why the guest was dissatisfied, what caused the error. Keep records and analyze all customer complaints to improve the quality of service.
  28. If you have received a complaint in writing, give a response to it within two days, do not delay the resolution of problems.
  29. Do everything to restore quality service.
  30. Guests who make complaints are assigned VIP status. Be sure to inform the guest about this.

Standard "Appearance of an employee of the reception and accommodation service"

General requirements for appearance employee:

  1. A prerequisite for working in the reception and accommodation service of the hotel "X" is the wearing of uniforms.
  2. The uniform serves as the obligatory and only form of clothing during working hours.
  3. All employees are required to wear a name badge (badge) on the left side of their uniform during working hours.
  4. The uniform must always be in perfect condition, clean and ironed.
  5. The jacket should always be buttoned up, except when you are sitting.
  6. Wearing a uniform outside of working hours is strictly prohibited.

Requirements for the appearance of male administrators:

  1. The uniform set is a men's suit consisting of trousers, a jacket, a long-sleeved shirt and a tie.
  2. The shirt must be buttoned with all buttons, including the collar and cuffs.
  3. Pants should be well ironed and worn with a suitable belt.
  4. The tie should be tied into a neat, strong knot at the collar of the shirt.
  5. Socks should be dark colors (preferably black).
  6. Shoes should be exclusively classic style, black and closed.
  7. Hair must be clean, neatly trimmed and styled so that it maintains its proper appearance throughout the working day.
  8. Hair neither on the sides nor on the back of the head should touch the collar of the shirt.
  9. The face must be carefully shaved. Wearing a beard, mustache, sideburns is not allowed.
  10. Men are prohibited from using decorative cosmetics.
  11. Nails must be clean and neatly trimmed. Men are prohibited from using nail polish other than colorless.
  12. The fragrance of cologne should be light - persistent odors should be avoided.
  13. Jewelery allowed to be worn wrist watch traditional design and wedding ring. Wearing bracelets and earrings is prohibited.

Requirements for the appearance of female administrators:

  1. The women's uniform set consists of a skirt, blouse and jacket.
  2. Wearing a full set of uniforms is mandatory, except for the summer period (without a jacket).
  3. The blouse must be long-sleeved and fastened with all buttons, including the collar and cuffs.
  4. The length of the skirt should be no more than 5 cm from the knees.
  5. Regardless of the season, it is obligatory to wear during working hours tights or stockings of flesh or black color without a pattern and not denser than 20 denier.
  6. It is obligatory to wear only closed shoes with a heel no higher than 4 cm, classic style, black.
  7. Shoes should always be polished and repaired.
  8. Hair must be clean, neatly trimmed and combed. Women's hairstyle should be compact, wearing bulky hairpins in bright colors is prohibited.
  9. You can wear loose hair only if their length does not reach the blouse collar.
  10. Hair color should look natural.
  11. Makeup should be as natural as possible. It is forbidden to use dark and bright tones of shadows, lipsticks, blush.
  12. Nails must be clean, neatly trimmed and polished. It is allowed to use nail polish only in neutral tones.
  13. The fragrance of perfume should be light - persistent odors should be avoided.
  14. Unscented deodorant must be used daily by all employees.
  15. The wearing of jewelry during working hours should be limited. Of the jewelry, it is allowed to wear one thin chain around the neck, a wristwatch of traditional design, one simple and / or wedding ring, one set of simple, small earrings (without pendants). Ankle bracelets are not allowed.
  16. Tattoos and piercings are prohibited.

Dusenko SV Professional ethics and etiquette: textbook. allowance for students. / S. V. Dusenko. - M .: Academy, 2011. - pp. 168-174.

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