Thassos where better to rest. Real estate in Greece

Tatyana Solomatina

Top 5 Best Resorts for Leisure on Thassos Island in Greece

Hello, friends! This year, Greece again occupies a leading position - this is one of the most popular areas of summer holiday from Russian tourists. Therefore, I continue publication about the best corners of the country.

Today we consider rest on the island of Thassos Greece. I will talk about the main resorts and beaches of the island, which are most often choosing for holidays. For dessert, I prepared you a wonderful video "Tasos from a bird's eye view." It will perfectly complement this article.

Cape Aliki, the city of Limenaria, the village of Pakhis and the village of Rock Rahoni, the village of Rock Panagi - these resorts are worthy of attention even the most demanding tourists. Read on, learn photos and watch the video, will be interested.

Greek land nature generously gave excellent opportunities in order to offer tourists to rest for every taste. But a beach holiday in Greece is especially famous. Some of the best are considered chic sandy beaches of Tasos Island (Thasos) - the green island from the number of numerous large and small, which are part of modern.

On the island, you can find not only sandy beaches bordering the turquoise waters of the sea, but also marble rocks, small waterfalls in forest areas, green hills, pines and spruce, approach almost the very sea from the shores. It is not surprising that the Greeks themselves gave the island of Tasos nickname "Emerald Brilliant"!

Resorts on the island of Tasos, as a rule, choose true connoisseurs of natural beauty, calm and quiet, but at the same time, a full and high-quality organized beach holiday. So, where to stop if the vacation did you decide to spend on this wonderful Greek island? Consider the best resorts and beaches of the island.

Cape Alika

Cape Aliki is a touch of history and maximum opportunities for a relaxing holiday.

With confidence it can be said that from Cape Aliki you will accurately capture the spirit! Obtaining in the sea, it forms two very beautiful and comfortable bays for rest. In addition, Cape Alika has a richest history and is widely known for its historic monuments.

Walk to the east of the bay will allow you to familiarize yourself with the shrines who have preserved the shrines dedicated to Apollon and Diosts. Since ancient times and at sincere faith of many, to this day they protect sailors running in swimming.

Since since ancient times, they were engaged in the prey and selling marble, then today, and at sea, and on the beach, and just on Earth, you can meet pieces of marble, which have long become a certain "distinctive feature" of this area.

Aliki is an ideal place to relax people who are looking for calm and silence. The beauty of local nature, as well as crystal clear water in the sea, will become a pleasant addition to the peaceful conditions for a full-fledged rest. Bays at Cape Aliki Many are rightly called one of the most picturesque and beautiful on the island of Tasos.

Tourist infrastructure is quite developed and allows you to spend an excellent vacation here, saturated with bright impressions and tranquility. The azure waters of the sea and the proximity of historical monuments complement all this, giving the tourists a great mood!

City of Limenaria

Limenaria is a resort that is suitable for fans of a noisy rest in a lively atmosphere.

The city of Limenaria is the most popular and loved by active tourists resort on the island of Tasos. There are always a lot of people here, there is a port, a lot of fishing boats and yachts. Therefore, this area for recreation should be chosen to those who want to stay in the center of tourist life and not be bored in the evenings. From here you can easily get to the best beaches. Excursions are organized on interesting sights.

Even during the usual walk through the city you can look at the most beautiful local houses built by the Turks, there are several buildings in the neoclassical style in the city, they are especially impressive, attracting attention from the first minutes of exploring the resort.

A huge number of shops and souvenir shops, taverns and bars, restaurants and cafes for every taste are working along the promenade of the city. There are various levels of comfort Apartament and tourist accommodation, clubs and other entertainment facilities.

The climate in Limenaria is particularly soft, promotable to rest and relaxation, many tourists are happy to come to this resort. Not the first time! In Limenaria, it is very convenient to observe the life and life of the local population, their culture and customs, because even with the development of the tourist industry, they have not changed, retaining their own characteristics.

If you want to look at local attractions, you will certainly visit the monastery of Archangel Mikhail (it is 25 km from the city). The monastery is located directly on the rocky break, it opens a gorgeous panoramic view of the entire island of Tasos.

Limenaria beaches are not too big, the most popular among tourists is enjoyed by the sandy beach of Tripitis (located 2 km from the city), which is distinguished by an excellent infrastructure and amazing beauty.

City of Pakhis and Rahon's rock

Pakhis (Pachis) and Rahoni's rock (Skala Rachoni) will donate true connoisseurs of paradise landscapes!

The small coastal town of Pahis is known for its chic beaches - the purest sands, which on the one hand bordered with the turquoise waters of the sea, and on the other - green mountains. The beaches here stretch on many kilometers in both sides of the central part of the city, then narrowing in the sand strip, then turning into broad sites. Right from the water on the coast in Pakhis, trees grow, so that nature itself gives guests here excellent conditions, surrounding them with landscapes of unique beauty.

A huge amount of taverns is working along the coast, in which you can try the best fish delicacies without any problems, as well as Tasos's homemade kitchen.

There are no large settlements, only small villages that are as if they are lost in the abundance of local nature. Tourists in reviews note that there is often a feeling in Pakhis, as if you are in the territory of a huge and well-maintained Park!

Not far from the resort, just 1 km away is the village of Rock Rahoni. Tourists love her for a number of indisputable advantages. Here is a beautiful coastline with small snow-white sand and cozy bays, shallow and clean sea. On the beaches of Rahoni's cliff, umbrellas are not needed from the sun, gorgeous pine trees grow along the shore, they stretch to the water itself and create an excellent shadow. Olive groves spread around, for which it is pleasant to walk. There are no housing problems, it is not difficult to rent apartments or a hotel room, and the evening can be carried out in one of the many taverns.

In the village of Rahon's rock, the authentic atmosphere of the Greek village is still preserved, which is so like lovers of measured and relaxing. At the same time, there is a fairly developed infrastructure - large supermarkets, entertainment centers, cafes and bars work.

Golden Beach and Rock Panagia

The locality with the beautiful name of the rock Panagia (Skala Panagia) is widely known to tourists thanks to one of the longest, purest beaches on the Aegean coast. We are talking about "Gold Beach" (Gold Beach), whose name is easy to explain - on the sand beach of white-gold color.

This place on the island of Tasos is great for families with children or adults who do not know how to swim. The entrance to the sea is flat, without sudden drops of depth.

Entertainment at the resort of Rock Palagia is enough - tennis and beach volleyball, snorkeling and riding on aquatic banana, catamaran and much more. Local restaurants offer to enjoy gorgeous "maritime" delicacies and a real Greek cipuro (popular fiery drink), as well as buy worldwide-friendly Greek olives and fragrant honey.

Village Potos and Beach Pefkari

Potos village (Potos) - a place where a lot of entertainment and boils nightlife!

Resorts on the island of Tasos are traditionally perceived by tourists from all over the world as a place for a relaxed and measured rest. But from any rule there are exceptions. In this case, this can be considered the village Potos - a place where, in addition to the sea and chic beaches, there are many nightclubs, noisy pubs and restaurants, bars and cafes. Rhythm and lifestyle lifestyle is somewhat different from the measured life of other towns and settlements of the island.

However, such "specifics" in no way affected the natural beauty and environmental component of the rest. The village of Pokhos literally the word is drowning in greenery, and the local Beach Pefkari (Pefkari Beach) is surrounded by chic pens.

10 kilometers from the poult, the village of Feologos is located. Until today, the village is considered the most traditional settlement throughout Greece. Here, tourists come to admire the authentic houses, go to the folklore museum, look at the traditional Greek wedding ceremony, try vintage dishes of Greek cuisine. Many are happy to go from here to cycling in the mountains, discovering new horizons and beauty of local nature.

Limemas and Marble Saliara Beach

A few kilometers from the city of Limimas (this is the capital of the island of Tasos) there is a place with the beautiful name Macciriammos, which is famous among tourists developed by tourist infrastructure and gorgeous sandy beaches. And at 6-7 kilometers to the right of the road leading to the settlement, at the entrance is unique for Thassos and Greece as a whole - Marble Beach Saliara (Saliara Beach).

If you go here by car, you will have to close the windows, as the road literally covered with marble dust. There is a quarry for the extraction of marble, which explains the presence of marble crumbs on the beach instead of traditional pebbles or sand.

The marble beacon is able to charm any tourist, even the most demanding and capricious. Marble pebbles on the shore have long been running around with marine waves and turned into balls of different sizes. They create a landscape in their beauty on the beach. And in crystal clear water, it is sparkled under the rays of the sun, creating a real "game of flowers" and simply a magical effect. Especially beautiful on this beach in the morning when water is not yet encouraged by tourists and local residents.

Of course, the marble beach is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful on the island of Tasos. It is comfortable, fully equipped for recreation. There are not only the most necessary objects (toilets, shower, locker rooms) on the beach (toilets, shower, locker rooms), but also a cafe with soft drinks and snacks for every taste, sunscreen umbrellas and sun beds.

A visit to the beach is free, but to take advantage of the sun, you will need to buy something in a local cafe or bar. Since the marble beach is relatively far from local hotels (approximately 30-40 minutes by foot), then there is practically no crowded here.

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Tatyana Solomatina

The country with a centuries-old history, ancient monuments, friendly people, besides, also an Orthodox religion, generously awarded nature - the hot southern sun, a favorable climate and four seas. In the northern part of the Aegean Sea, 30 km from the resort of East Macedonia Kavala, is the island of Tasos - almost a few years ago, almost unknown to our compatriots, he has already managed to conquer recognition and love.

And the attention of Tasos really deserves. The stern of excellent beaches with white sand and purest water, it has the fact that a few greek islands can boast due to dry climate, - violent vegetation. Olive, pine and fir groves, cedar, plane fees are growing throughout its territory. Another wealth of the island is marble (because of what the Greeks also call the island "Marble"), there it is mined from ancient times, and now its industrial mining is also. Gold earlier, but now its reserves are exhausted.

The capital is the city of Limemas, has the second name Tasos - the same name with the island. This is a small cozy town with a wide sandy beach, inexpensive fish taverns, souvenir bears, where unhurried locals are welcome, but tourists meet with dignity, thanks to their attention and interest in their small island.

Getting there most conveniently through thessaloniki, from where you need to go along the sea about 170 km across the high-speed track to the port of Keramoti. Next - landing on the ferry of Keramoti-Thassos, which goes about an hour. There is a second option to get to the island - from Cavala: there are ferries several times a day to the port on Thassos, the rock.

Accommodation on the island is not a problem - luxury boutique hotels and tourist complexes for several thousand numbers you will not find there, but small hotels are many. You can choose for every taste and wallet - especially for foreign tourists there are several hotels working on the All Inclusive system, but small family hotels are most common, where tourists are serviced by the owners themselves, as well as apartments (many holidaymakers in Thassos - Greeks themselves from Thessalonikov and Cavala As well as residents of Eastern European countries that come here sometimes for several weeks). Local prices for accommodation, food and souvenirs are pleasantly surprised - they are about 30% lower than on the mainland.

But, despite the beauty of local beaches, it is not only for the beach holiday. On Thassos there is something to see. Thanks to the ancient history, historical and archaeological monuments have been discovered there. It is worth visiting the Archaeological Museum in the capital of the island of the same name, there is also the territory of the ancient market (Agora) and the ancient theater. Another unique place is located near the resort village of Aliki - this is the zone of archaeological excavations, the territory of an ancient settlement Alikos, where they found a partially surviving antique temple, the Sanctuary of Dioscurov, as well as the quarry; Archaeologists suggest that in this place there was a construction site operating from the seventh century to our era. Not far from Alika is the current Women's Monastery Mikhail Archangel - amazing in beauty and peacekeeping place. A part of the nail is kept in the monastery, which Jesus Christ was crucified. Another famous monastery is St. Panteleimon, he was built in the XIX century next to the cave, where the Saint Pantelemon himself lived at one time. The cave was preserved to this day, it also has a source whose water is considered healing. July 27, on the day of memory of St. Panteleimon, thousands of pilgrims gather here to honor his memory and drink water from the holy source.

In addition to historical monuments, it is worth visiting the picturesque local villages located on the slopes of the mountains. We wander through the paved streets, drink water from mining sources directly from huge ancient plates, in the trunks of which cranes are specially installed. Visit the ancient transformation on the production of olive oil, the owners of which produce it already in the fourth generation, to watch the process of manufacturing the oil in old and modern technology. Buy dried olives - the best in Greece, fragrant fir and orange honey ... and make a desire to ever come back here.

Getting to the island of Thassos from Moscow is not as easy as to some other islands of Greece, such as Crete, Rhodes and Kos. The fact is that at Tasos there is no own airport, so it is impossible to get directly to the island. As a rule, a trip to Tasos from Moscow includes flights to one of the two nearest airports (Thessaloniki and Cavala), a trip to the ferry terminal and crossing the island on the ferry. About how to get to Tasos from Thessaloni and Cavala airports, we have already told in a separate article. Therefore, in this article we will tell only about how to get from Moscow to these airports.

Direct flight

It is clear that the direct flight from Moscow to Thassos cannot be (at least as long as), but you can directly fly from Moscow to Thessaloniki Airport on Aeroflot and Ellinair airline flights. An option, of course, convenient, but usually the cost of air tickets to direct flights from Moscow to Thessaloniki is higher than the cost of flights for flights with a transfer.

Flight with transfer

This option is usually cheaper, but, of course, not everyone likes to make a transplant in some other airport. If you fly from Moscow to thessaloniki with a change, the transplant can be in places such as Athens, Heraklion (Crete), Rhodes, Istanbul (Turkey) and even Belgrade (Serbia).
To judge the profitability of this or that offer is not only for the price, but also on other criteria, such as the duration of transplantability, the possibility of free luggage, choice of place, etc.
Another advantage of traveling from Moscow to Thassos with a change is the ability to land at Cavala airport, which is much closer to the ferry port of Keramoti than Thessaloniki Airport. This means that you will spend very little time on a trip from the airport to the Thassos Island, as you will need to be about 15 minutes for a trip to the ferry port from Cavala Airport and somewhere 40 minutes to cross-ferry. Flight from Moscow to Cavalu is carried out with a change in Athens.

What's next

In whatever two airports you arrive (Thessaloniki or Cavala), you will need to get to the ferry port of Keramoti or Cavala, and from there already to make a ferry to the island of Thassos. More often and faster ferries go from the port of Keramoti, but sometimes the port of Cavala is a more convenient option. More about how to get to Tasos from airports, you can learn from another article on our website.

In the very north of Greece, in the Aegean Sea, there is an amazing piece of sushi - the island of Thassos.

Its area is about 400 square meters. km, in shape it is almost round: 22 km from west to east and 25 km - from the south to the north, the perimeter is about 90 km.

It would seem that in a couple of hours it is easy to drive around by car, but as you can go on this island without stopping in order to admire it with fir and oak forests, chestnuts and planes, beaches with snow-white sand and the natural shadow, which pine growing sometimes At the very edge of the azure water.

Drinking water in Thassos Purest and drinks from any source.
Here you love to relax the Greeks and so far very few Russians. Almost completely covered with forests, the island is often called "Emerald".
The beaches on it are half empty and nine clean.

You can only get here on the ferry: it's at the same time a lack of Tasos, and what protects it from the destructive influence of the Big World.

A bit of history

Tasos - island rich. In addition to the deposits of gold, copper and marble, there were always forests, of which the ancient ships built. That is why Tasos has been an apple of discord for three thousand years ago between various nations.

Initially, the Thracians lived on it, but in the II millennium BC. e. They were pushed by the Phoenicians. Then at different times of this land owned by Athenians, Spartans, Persians, Romans, Byzantines, Venetians and Turks.

In VII B BC Thassos became the center of a huge republic, where trade was trade. The vessels from the fault, which was taken from the island for sale, are still found at different ends of the world, including in Russia.

At various times, after this, Tasos was part of the Roman Empire, then after it became part of the Byzantine Empire, but at any time suffered from the attacks of pirates.

However, the largest damage to the local population was delivered by the Byzantium Turks-Ottomans: a significant part of the inhabitants were killed, and from 60 thousand people in Thassos remained only 2.5 thousand.

The island became part of Greece only in 1912, however, during World War II, he was donated by Hitler of Fascist Bulgaria, but for a while - in the summer of 1945, the island again entered the Eldla.

How to get

From mainland Greece, Tasos separates only 12 km of the sea. But in the cities of Kavala and Keramoti, of which ferries go to the island, there are no international airports, so get to the destination, if you intend to relax on the "Emerald Island", you can only with transfers.

When buying a tour of the tour operator at home, you are most likely flying to Athens, and from there internal airlines to Cavala. In the camala you will sit on the ferry and after half an hour will be on the Greek Thassos.

If you are going to visit the island yourself, then from the Russian capitals there is an opportunity, bypassing Athens, to fly immediately to the northern capital of Greece - Thessaloniki. Next you have two ways:

  1. In Thessaloniki rent a car and go on it to Cavalu or Keramoti, and from there on the same ferry to cross the Thassos (transportation of a small car will cost 25 euros). This car will use you when inspection of the island.
  2. To get from the airport by bus number 78 (fare 1 euro) to the bus station of thessalonikov KTEL Macedonia and there to take on a regular bus to any of the two cities - Cavala or Keramoti. Cavala - 15 euros bus tickets - 15 euros, both ends - 26 euros, travel time 2.5 hours, distance - 153 km. Next - on the ferry (adult ticket 3 euros, children's - 1.5 euros). Time in the way of flights is approximately the same. The only difference is that the ferry from Cavala goes to the port of the brought, and from Keramoti to the capital of the island of Limenas.


Capital of Islands - Limimas City. Previously, he was called the city of Tasos, so it is sometimes designated on the maps to this day, but from the 19th century, local residents began to call him Limemas. This is one of the ports of Tasos, where tourists come from the mainland.

The capital is full of hotels, taverns, cafes and restaurants.

In the evening there is noisy and fun, music is heard. People walk and get acquainted, spend time. Nightlife beats the key on many embankments, along the beaches where bars and restaurants are concentrated.

Prices should be European, dinner for two with wine, meat and fish dish, plus salad, will cost at least 40 euros.

If you move away from the coast a little deep into the island, then almost every quarter you will meet the remains of the old buildings: the old gate, the magnificent columns and the walls of the ancient buildings.

Stroll by the old port, there you will definitely offer a maritime excursion on one of the numerous ships that will be lucky with the picturesque bays where you can swim, and even to divide.

In the same area, it is impossible not to see the mountain hill towering over the city with the ruins of the ancient theater, and if not lazy and raise above, you will be awarded a magnificent view of the island from above, and you will see an ancient fortress on the top of the top.
Getting here in the evening, you can observe a stunning beauty sunset.

By car in Thassos

Along the coast, along the perimeter of the island passes the road.

In general, all cities and settlements of Tasos are connected by asphalt roads with a regular bus movement, which are often branches from the main - ring.
But it is much more convenient to use the services of Rent A Car (from 40 euros per day) to independently examine the island.

Going out of the capital and turning left, you will fall on one of the few plots, which takes place not near the sea.

The first settlement will be Panagia (Most Holy Virgin). The church of the same name stores the most valuable and revered icons of the 14-17 centuries, as well as the banner of Richard, the lion's heart, which he carried with him during the crusades.

The streets are pretty narrow, there are many tourists, so it is better to leave the car at the entrance.

In the center of the village, on the left side of the main street there is a vintage oilloboynya, working so far. You can immediately see it in action, and at the same time visit the store, more similar to the museum.

In addition to oil, handmade soaps are sold here and Tassoic olives. You will not buy anywhere in Greece anywhere else in Greece.

Continuing to move around the circular road already south, at the rock Potovye you will see a restaurant for placing, where it is often selling a unique Tassoic honey.

Then you fall into Alki - One of the most visited and beautiful places on the island.
The remains of the ancient city with the ancient temple dated to the 7th century BC, with the inscriptions and pictures (including erotic) made by the ancient Greek sailors on marble portica.

Since the early Byzantium, marble was developed in Aliki, the salt was mined, and later the fishermen founded the village here.

The locality is declared as historically valuable, it is prohibited here, a small number of rustic housing is used to give to tourists as an apartment.

Mountain Village TheologosWhat is located in 55 south of the capital, (from the village of Potos, deep into the island), the most populated in Thassos.
Not only tourists, but the Greeks come here specifically to taste the goat, latented on a spit. Together with domestic wine is the most authentic meal on Thassos.

If you decide to get to theologos by public transport, you can do it by bus.

Flights depart from Limenas to 8.45, 9.45, 12.50, 14.50 and back at 6:00, 7.45, 10.40, 12.25, 16.30 - on weekdays, on Saturday - at 6.20, 9.45, 12.50, 14.50 in theologos, 11.10 16.30 - back to Limemas. On Sunday - one flight in the morning.

Pay attention to the beautiful beaches, with growing right at the very edge of the sea pines, in the rock Rahoni and the rock.

Climate Islands

In the hottest summer months here is noticeably cooler than, let's say, in Crete or Rhodes.

Temperature in June and July rarely rises above +29, because this is the most Northern Island of Greece.

In addition, deciduous and coniferous forests give shadow and significantly refresh the air.

The high season begins in the second half of May and ends in September, although the water temperature allows you to swim until mid-October.
Middle temperatures in Thassos per season:

  • may: Day +21, at night +13, sea +18;
  • june: Happy +26, at night +17, sea +22;
  • july: during the day +28, at night +19, the sea +24;
  • august: Day +28, at night +19, sea +25:
  • september: during the day +24, at night +19, sea +23:
  • october: during the day +19, at night +11, the sea +20.


Despite its modest sizes (coastline - only 115 km), TACOS can offer travelers more than two hundred hotels and guest houses. Very common on the island and rental of villas, apartments and even rooms. Hotels in Thassos are predominantly economy-class, but there are also those who like the most demanding guests.

Alexandra Golden Boutique Hotel 5 *

The hotel is located in the village of Rock Panagiyas, 13 km from the Limenas port on a very beautiful beach of Christ Amudia, which is translated as "Golden Sand".

In several two-storey tourist houses, truly royal rooms with individual design, jacuzzi and free internet will be accomplished.

The territory is a small channel divided into two parts, between which the bridge is built, there are several pools here.

The hotel works on the half-pathion system, while the guests are powered in a gourmet restaurant.

An important detail: in Alexandra Golden Boutique Hotel 5 * only faces from 18 years old, the family with a child will not fall in it. In June, the standard room will cost a pair of about 60 thousand rubles per week.

Ilio Mare Hotels & Resorts 5 *

The hotel is located 12 km from the capital of the island, in the town of Rock Stop, right on the seashore, and is a few 3-storey buildings with marble floors and gardens with tropical vegetation around.

Holidays in Ilio Mare Hotels are slightly more expensive, but you can rest with children here and you need. The premises are surprised by unusual design, high ceilings and open verandas.

On the territory of the hotel except buildings there is a lake pool with waterfalls, a pond with fish, and yet the main landscape decoration is a wonderful view of the sea. The sandy beach at the hotel has its own, it is possible not only to sunbathe, but also work out in different sports.

Ilio Mare Hotels & Resorts 5 * so much loved to tourists, which received several international awards as the best Greek hotel. It is located near the village of Rock, in the south-west of the island. The cost of living in the family of a family with a child comes from 80 thousand rubles per week.

Makryammos Bungalows Hotel 4 *

Located in Limenos, a few dozen steps from his own white sand beach. Despite the fact that the hotel has 4 stars, the reviews of tourists who visited it are exclusively enthusiastic. Largely due to the fact that the bungalow, from which this complex consists, stand in a pine forest right on the seafront.

Pavlin and deer are walking along the green area. The beach is perfect, with small sand, the entrance to the sea is comfortable. The hotel itself is located in the suburb of the capital of the island.

Makryammos Bungalows Hotel 4 * There is animation, entertainment, children's mini club and even a small zoo. All listed conditions created the hotel to the glory of one of the best on the island for relaxing with young children.

You can live here on the "half board" system, but the rest cannot be called budget: the cost of two weeks of living for a family with a baby in June begins from 130 thousand rubles.

Cheap hotels

Very many tourists write that Thassos is not a place for a fashionable stay.

The size of the island literally urge tourists to travel along it and wondering what they saw, and not just to be covered with a tan. Therefore, a huge number of people go to Thassos more impressions than comfortable, and, accordingly, they choose inexpensive urban or suburban hotels. Fortunately, there are a lot of them here. Small family-run hotels in Limenas can be recommended:

  • Akti Hotel 2 *;
  • Aigeo Hotel 2 *;
  • George Hotel 2 + *;
  • PACHIS BEACH Hotel 3 *.

Hotels are located almost in the center of the capital, near a lot of cafes, shops, taverns, as well as one of the best beaches of the island.
They are very cozy, the rooms have everything you need for a full rest.

By the way, you can live here as on the system "only breakfasts" and at all without food. Most importantly, it is always appreciated by tourists, - a warm family atmosphere at the hotel and very responsive staff.
Such hotels are in any coastal settlement of Tasos. The price for accommodation here begins from 30.000 rubles for two per week.


Archaeological Museum in Limenas

In the very center of Limenas, next to the old port, in the middle of the last century, the French archaeologists discovered the ruins of ancient (4-2 BB BC) Agora (Square), which was once an important shopping and political center of the island.

The Archaeological Museum is built opposite Agora, in 1935. In 1999, it was reconstructed, and today the museum is striking tourists with its size and exposition, many do not expect to see such a sweep on such a small island.

A large bright building with an excellent air conditioning system, input - 2 euros, it works until 15.00.

The most significant findings made in Tasos are collected in spacious marble halls: these are the objects of the life of numerous peoples living on the island, and the statues of Greek deities, and much more.

Some exhibits are exhibited in an open-air where the amphitheater and the market was in antiquity. It must be said that in Limenas a lot of architectural monuments are located right in the city, because the current capital of the island is located on the site of the historic capital - the city of Thassos.

Monastery Archangel Mikhaila

The largest monastery of the island is 25 km from Limenas.

Learning along the ring road from the capital south, turn to the West will lead you to a section of the road from Pokhod to Aliki. The monastery is located right by the road, in surprisingly picturesque terrain on the edge of the cliff, looking at the Holy Mountain of Athos. He meets his guests a sweet treat in the form of a fruit lucum.

The abode is famous for the fact that since the construction of the XVIII century was under the guardian of the Philofean Monastery on the Holy Mount of Athos, so a valuable collection of religious articles has been preserved here.

But pilgrims more often interested in another shrine - part of the cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. A wonderful story is connected with his acquisition, which nuns tell all pilgrims with reverence.

Monastery Archangel Mikhail - female, and to get here, men should be in long pants, and women in skirts in the floor and blouses with long sleeves.

The entrance is free, from 14.30 to 16.00 the monastery is closed.
Bus schedule, which are from Tasos to the Monastery of Archangel Mikhail, are also postned in St. Nicholas Church, which is located in the center of the city between Agor and the entrance to the Archaeological Museum.

At Tasos, except for the monastery of Archangel Mikhail, there are many holy abode.

Ancient sanctuary

Bypassing the monastery of Archangel Mikhail, the road leads you to the picturesque caress of Aliki.
Cape is one of the most interesting sights of the island.

This is a sanctuary, which many centuries ago was part of an ancient city.

On the threshold of one of the porticors sailors who lived about two thousand years ago, left pictures and inscriptions, and mostly erotic content.

Ruins are surrounded by beautiful nature - mountains, forests and the sea, so the visit to this place will not only be informative, but also will make excellent photos.

Natural attractions

In Tasos, there are several places that are as if created to surprise a person. For example, giol lagoon is a peculiar pool with clean and warm water separated from the sea only by a two-meter stone ister. The depth of the lagoon is about 3 meters, but when the sea is worried, the water in it arrives and becomes a little colder. It is necessary to get here on the place of Astrist on the car, along the unclean rocky road, and then on foot - almost a kilometer, but it is worth it.

Another "natural" attraction, on which it is necessary to visit, is Mount Hizario, the highest point of Tasos. From the mountains there are wonderful views of the island. You can get to it from the town of Potamia.

Speaking about the natural wonders of Tasos, it is impossible not to mention it truly fabulous beaches. Marble sand on the coast is a distinctive feature of some beaches of the island. Its unique color contrasts with the bright blue sea, which is why the local sea landscapes cannot be compared with any other.

The best beaches

Paradise - Located on the south-east coast, in a green picturesque bay, 20 km from Tasos, on the road area between Kiniir and Aliki village.

You can get here on buses that go from Tasos 3 times a day from 10.30, from a stop opposite the left berth where ferries come.
From the central route to the beach you need to go down a bit from the slide.

He was awarded the blue flag, perfect for a relaxing holiday, there is a zone for nudists (the left side of the beach, if you face the sea).

The choice of beach bars is not very big here in the main fast food. Sun beds and umbrellas paid (7 euro per pair), even if you place an order in the bar to which they belong. But come with your umbrella, too, it is also not forbidden. There are booths for dressing shower and toilet (0.5 euros). From the beach offers a fantastic look, you can make beautiful photos.

Pakhis - The sandy beach on the north side of the island is near the cliff Rahoni, 7 km from Limenas.

The bus from Tasos will take here for 2 euros, but the schedule must be specified, as it changes every month.

The beach is equipped for recreation, there are bars and taverns, free sun beds, as well as car parking. Small-shaped, and therefore convenient for recreation with children, a distinctive feature - a pine forest suitable for water edge.

Beach Maccreos - The purest beach on the island near the capital of Thassos, winner of the blue flag.
Leaving the capital to the east, it is necessary to go not along the ring, but on the road passing closer to the sea.
Pay attention to Makriammos pointers, two kilometers asphalt road will lead you to a gate, standing separately. The beach is located in the same place, next to the hotel with the same name.

The largest selection of water entertainment and the best infrastructure is here, it is recommended for family holidays. There is even a small zoo with roots, deer and penguins on the beach, they are allowed to feed that children are happy. Here everyone will select himself a rest at their discretion. There are corthes and volleyball courts, the opportunity to do diving. Numerous bars and taverns, comfortable hotel nearby. By car, there is a paid entrance (2-3 euros per person), you can also get to Makriamos on a water taxi.

Marble beach - A secluded place on the east coast of Tasos with marble crumb instead of sand.

You need to get to it just like to Makriamos, and then further - along the sea east. The asphalt ends and the dirt road begins, sprinkled with marble crumb, but generally smooth and quite wide.
5 km you reach the marble beach, for the sake of the beauty of which it is worth the small inconvenience on the way.

The nearest hotel from here is 40 minutes away, so there is almost never a lot of people on the beach.

Entrance and sun beds are free, it is enough to make an order in the local bar.

The beach is small, but the magically beautiful. Marble crumb - snow-white and beach in a literal sense sparkles in the rays of the sun.

Infrastructure at height - cabins for dressing, toilet, in the cafe you can easily eat and order cold drinks.
The marble beach can be safely attributed to the pearls of the island.

What will bring

As with any Greek resort, on the island a large selection of souvenirs or products of local traditional industries - Wine, honey, ceramic products, sea sponges. But there is also something without which you can easily leave with Tasos.

Olive oil. The Greeks, resting on the island, are inquisitive here exactly here, and this is about many things. On huge olive groves, thanks to the exceptional climate of Tasos, rare varieties of olives are matured, allowing to produce the highest quality oil. In any city of the island, you will be happy to meet in specialized stores for the sale of oil and related products.

Jewelry. In Thassos, there is a Golden Iris jewelry factory, where there are three wizards with world names. Handmade decorations are not cheap, but they have no equal on beauty. The guest of the island can make an individual order at the factory, and then get it anywhere in the world.

Tours at Tasos

Standard tours

Few travel agencies will offer you a ticket to Thassos, the road is very costly for money and time. Most often, tours on this island are sold from St. Petersburg, from where regular flights to Thessalonikov are flying from. There is a tour from 20,000 rubles per person, it includes:

  • transfer to the hotel and accommodation in it (as a rule, it is 3 * hotels);
  • insurance;
  • powered according to the selected program;
  • sightseeing tour of the island.

Since the Russians here are unprecedented here, hotels often conduct shares for which a little cheaper can relax on Thassos.

Pilgrim tours

A huge number of temples and monasteries on a small island, as well as relative proximity to the Sacred Mount Athos, which is attracted by pilgrims from Russia and other countries on the Halkidika Peninsula.

Weekly tour of the hotel with accommodation at the hotel 3 * and attending the largest churches and holy abode, as well as with an excursion to Athos costs from about 45 thousand rubles per person.

Sometimes TACOS is only one of the points of pilgrimage on the shrines of Greece.

If you are going to spend your vacation on this beautiful island in the Aegean Sea, then you know that TACOS can be compared with a sanatorium or country boarding house: everything is slow, calmly and extremely useful for health at all and nerves in particular.

It is unlikely to come off, hang out and have fun. "You can hardly succeed. But in order to breathe with sea air, mixed with the aroma of the coniferous forest, to get into the crystal clear sea and to plunge into the history of ancient Europe, just not to find a better place.

Thassos is an island in the northern part of the Aegean Sea, located opposite the shores of East Macedonia. He is a Greek territory and is only 12 km from the mainland. The length of the coastline island is 115 kilometers.

From the Balkan Peninsula, the island itself is separated by the Strait of Thassos. The main city of the island also carries this name, but also known as Limemas or simply "port". Not far from the modern Tasos found the ruins of the ancient city of Tasos, based on 3 thousand years ago. Historically, this is part of a larger mainland region of Frace, located south.

Tasos's rich vegetation gives the right to call him the most green island of the Aegean Sea: Mullet trees, pines, cedar, spruce, linden, dogwood and other types of trees and shrubs approach the most tops of the mountains. Green hills, snow-white beaches, small waterfalls in a wooded depth, marble cliffs, the cleanest sea enchant the island's guests. Lovers, silence and antiquity are preferred here.

Thassos, thanks to its beauties, call the "Emerald Island", "Green Diamond of the Aegean Sea", "Island of Siren" and even "Marble Island", because Mountains here really consist of a magnificent white marble exported far beyond Greece.

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How to get

There are no direct charters in Tasos, and therefore here are very few compatriots. The most convenient way to get to - fly to thessaloniki (up to 250-300 EUR per person), then get to the port of Cavala near the city of Keramoti, from there on the ferry to the island. There is also an airport in Keramoti, but there are no direct flights there.

Many travel path from the airport on a rented car, which can also be moved around the island. The island can also be moved on buses that perform regular flights between local settlements, the coast and the capital of the island.

Search for flights to the city of Thessaloniki (nearest a / p to Tasos)

Weather in Thassose

Thassos is the most Northern Island of Greece, whose climate is formed by forests (9/10 of the territory), the mountain range stretched from the North-West to the southeast, many springs and the sea surrounding the island with a dense ring. In the summer it is very comfortable and less hot here than at the other resorts of Greece, the average temperature is 27-30 ° C.

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Beaches Thassos

TACOS is primarily a beach vacation. On the coast of Limenas tourists, there are well-equipped beaches of Macciriammos, Limanaki, Glyfada, surrounded by numerous hotels, shops, bars, taverns and pubs.

Near Limemery stretches the sandy beach of Tripity. Along it, traditional for the spa coast of taverns, cafeteria, bars and shops are also located.

In the area of \u200b\u200bPotovia extends the White Beach Pamias. And between Panagia and Potovay, there are perfectly equipped beaches of Christ Ammudia and Christ Akti, forming the resort zone of golden sands. Washed with crystal clear water, they are surrounded by thick vegetation, descending straight to the sea. The shore here is gentle, which is very convenient for recreation with children. Mount Hapzario, towering over the beach, protects the terrain from the winds and gives it an additional charm.

Even one popular beach, called Paradise Beach, was spreading between Aliki's settlements of Aliki and Ltros. A magnificent kilometer beach was spreading near the punch, perfectly comfortable and because quite popular - with places for camping and other possibilities for a variety of recreation. Nearby is a small, but decent organized beach of Pevkari, surrounded by pines. It is the most magnificent pine forests nearby the locality owes its name - "singer" in translating from Greek means "pines".

Popular hotels in Thassos

Resorts and cities of Tasos

Port Limemas is the shopping and administrative center of the island. Once it was here that the ancient city of Tasos was located. The ruins of the fortress wall, the Acropolis, theater, the temple of Apollo, the Market Square (Agora), the old port, etc., are preserved to this day. In the old part, the temple of St. Nicholas and the Watopedic Monastery, called the symbol of Limenas. In addition, there is a richest museum telling about the ancient history of the area. Even higher in the mountains there are evidence of the pagan times - the cave-sanctuary of the ancient God Pana, on the wall of which is still visible to the relief with flute in his hand.


Limeria - the second largest city in Thassos. The main attractions are a fortress, built at the level of 600 m above sea level and the Palace of the Palaks on the cape goes into the sea. This is a two-story rectangular building with scenic eclectic style tower, built in the early 20th century by the German company SPEIDEL, developing at that time the ore in Thassos. Today is a local cultural center. In the area there are many buildings built by Turks during their domination on the island until the beginning of the 20th century, as well as buildings in the style of neoclassicism.


Above Limenas is a settlement of Panagia, the main attraction of which is the church of the Assumption of the Virgin, in which many vintage icons 14-17 centners are stored. Among them, the Icon of God's Mother of All-Russian is considered among them. There is also a red and white banner of the period of crusades belonging to Richard a lion heart.


Mountain Village Potamia on the slopes of Ipsario - the highest mountain of the island (1,203 m) - opens a beautiful view of the surroundings to travelers. In addition, there is a Wagis Museum, the Greek American sculptor of Polygnotos Vagis Hadzigorgiu, who was born here in 1892.

Cape Alika

Cape Alika is one of the most beautiful and tourists visited by tourists on the island. Home Landmark - Temple Building 7 V. BC er, followed by the ruins of an ancient settlement. Nearby is the female monastery of Archangel Mikhail, the patron saint of the island. In the monastery is kept part of the Holy Cross, where Christ was crucified. The monastery itself is located on the edge of a high cliff and looks at the holy Mount Athos, which is visible away, in a small haze.

Pots and Feologos.

In the vicinity of Potovia is another tourist center - Potos, popular with fans of a noisy rest. For lovers of festivities until the morning there are many discos, cafes, bars and traditional taverins. Slightly above in the mountains there is a settlement of Feologos, where many old mansions have survived. Thanks to its architecture in 1979, the village of Feologos was declared the Greek state "traditional settlement", so many buildings were renovated. Supporting the title of the open-air museum, the locals every June hold here a people's holiday presentation of a traditional wedding ceremony.


Castro in Greek This means "Fortress". This is indeed a fortress in the central part of the island, located at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level among ravines and gorges. Now abandoned, it was built by the Gattilusie family from Genoa, as evidenced by the preserved on the walls of the inscription. Here is the oldest temple of the island - the Church of St. Athanasius. On St. Athanasius Day on January 18, the fortress is enlivened by the festivities in honor of all the honorable saint, and residents from all over the island flock.

Socyras and Brinzy

At the foot of Ipsario, at an altitude of 380 m above sea level, the charming village of Sotis, famous for the ancient ruins of former settlements, traditional village architecture and a Pie Source of 1888.

The brought is the largest and most dense settlement in the western part of Tasos. This is a cultural and public center of the area that flourishes the oil deposits found here. Nearby is the most beautiful monastery of St. Panteleimon, one of the most revered in Greece saints.

Other villages of Tasos

Beautiful samples of traditional architecture, drowning in the greenery of gardens and climbing on the mountains of the mountains as in steps, serve settlements small and large CasaViti, Maryz, Callirahs and a number of others.

Local cuisine is presented in numerous traditional taverns. The most authentic dishes are fried on a goat goat meat and local home wine.

See also: