The plane flew into the building. Who really blew up the twin towers in New York? Dead "terrorists" turned out to be alive

It's been 15 years since that day, Nine-Eleven, when three skyscrapers collapsed in New York. No, I'm not wrong. Not two, but three, but for some reason they prefer not to remember the third one. And when a third plane crashed into the Pentagon wing being repaired, and in a strange way almost self-destructed, and another one crashed in the desert. And this is not all the mysteries of the tragedy that happened.

Also, the names of all 19 hijackers, who abandoned their cars near airports, in which they found the Koran and instructions in Arabic “How to fly an airplane”, and miraculously preserved in the wreckage of aircraft passports"terrorists". It followed from this that it was urgent to start bombing Afghanistan and invading Iraq.

In the fall of 2002, a special commission was created under the loud name "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States". It was chaired by the former Governor of New Jersey Thomas Keen (Thomas Kean). The commission included former employees of the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Justice and others government agencies. Supervised all actions and the course of the investigation Philip Zelikov (Philip Zelikow), a member of the administration of President Bush Jr., who also worked under Bush Sr.

final look official version, mentioned above, adopted on July 22, 2004, when the above-mentioned commission of 83 people completed the report on 585 pages. The report of the "Kin Commission" confirmed the above version, which even now remains the only and irrefutable.

And now let's bring some facts, showing how the US intelligence services are able to "investigate" and get the desired and obviously announced results.

Cell Phones

The official report claims that all information from the Boeing that crashed into the WTC skyscraper was transmitted to the ground via mobile phones. In particular, the flight attendant Betty Ong (Betty Ong) talking 23 minutes, and the flight attendant Madeleine Sweeney (Madeline Sweeney)25 minutes. Sweeney's last words were: "I see water! I see buildings!

The fact is that when the phone enters the broadcast area of ​​the base station, or "cell", the so-called "greeting" occurs, which in 2001 took at least eight seconds. The "greeting" system was not designed to move at a speed 700 km/h and is possible at a maximum speed of 150 km/h. And only in 2004 the company Qualcomm, together with american airlines, has developed a system that, using satellite, provides calls to cell phones from an aircraft on which a special mobile base station is installed. July 15, 2004 a test run of the system was made, after which it began to function.

Cheating with speed

The official report of the Keene Commission provides a diagram of the alleged movement of Flight 175, which crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center, according to which the plane overcame the final straight section from the city of Trenton to New York in four minutes.

Boeing traffic to New York

And now the fact: The distance between Trenton and New York in a straight line is 85 kilometers. For good measure, you can even consider it equal to 80. According to official data, the plane covered this distance in 4 minutes. Let's find the average speed of the liner in this section: V = 80 km / 4 min = 20 km/min = 1200 km/h. We get the speed of sound.

Of course, the Boeing 767 was not supersonic. IN technical specifications Boeing 767-200 is said to have a maximum cruising speed at an altitude of 12 km 915 km/h. And this is only at an altitude of 12,000 meters, where air density is 5 times lower than at sea level, and the liner flew into the building at a height of several hundred meters.

The same technical specifications say that the maximum allowable speed of the Boeing 767-200 (the so-called VNE - Velocity Never Exceed), exceeding which the aircraft will simply begin to collapse, is 0,86 the speed of sound, that is, about 1000 km/h. Therefore, even if the plane still managed to develop the speed of sound, it would have crumbled long before Manhattan. That is, the official investigation invites everyone to believe that physically impossible. So, another lie of the official investigation.

"Twins" could not collapse on their own

According to the official report, the 100-story skyscraper WTC-1 completely collapsed 1 hour 42 minutes after the plane hit, and its twin WTC-2 - 56 minutes later. The reason, of course, is indicated as follows - the impact and the subsequent fire that occurred after the Boeings hit the buildings.

But here some more surprising facts appear.

It turns out that the "Gemini" were calculated so that in addition to the wind load could withstand a frontal impact Boeing 707, the largest in those years passenger airliner. In the early 1970s, Leslie Robertson, who built the buildings, calculated the effect of a Boeing 707 colliding with the WTC tower.

He reported the results to the newspaper. New York Times , claiming that the towers will withstand the impact of an airliner flying at a speed 960 km/h, that is, having taken the blow of the liner, the skyscraper will remain standing without undergoing serious structural damage. In other words, the central frame and the remaining standing perimeter will withstand the additional load resulting from the absence of the demolished part of the supporting structures. Exactly with such a margin of safety, the "twins" were built.

Frank DeMartini (Frank DeMartini), one of the leaders of the WTC construction project, confirms this idea: the building was designed in such a way as to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 with a maximum take-off weight. It was the largest aircraft of that time. I'm sure the building would have withstood even a few hits from planes, because its structure resembled a fine mosquito net, and the plane is like a pencil that pierces this net and does not affect the structure of the rest of it.

The fire also could not destroy the skyscrapers. Here is the proof that official report lies again:

So, the WTC-1 building withstood the first blow. However, in the next hour and a half, something happened as a result of the fire, which provoked the collapse of the tower. By the way, this is the first and only case in world history when a skyscraper actually turns into a pile of ruins as a result of an hour and a half fire - this is according to the official version.

In the mid-1990s, two British firms - british steel And Building Research Establishment– conducted a series of experiments in the city of Cardington to determine the effect of fires on steel-framed structures. On the experimental model of an eight-story building, the steel structures did not have fire protection. Despite the fact that the temperature of the steel beams reached 900°C(!) at a critical maximum of 600°C, in none of the six experiments no destruction occurred, although there were some distortions.

In August 2005 John Hall (John R. Hall Jr.) from the National Fire Protection Association of the United States, published an analytical work "Fires in high-rise buildings." In particular, it provides statistics according to which only in 2002 in high-rise buildings there was 7300 fires, many of which were very intense and lasted for many hours, having managed to absorb more than one floor. Despite the presence of casualties and significant damage, none of these fires resulted in collapses.

If that's not enough, here are a few more specific examples of some of the worst fires in recent decades:


The only real version of the destruction of buildings WTC in New York nominated by a former Soviet nuclear intelligence officer Dmitry Khalezov See The Third Truth About 9/11.

An aluminum plane allegedly pierces a steel tower through and through

At first, none of the witnesses saw or heard any aircraft.

These videos show that none of the early witnesses saw or heard any aircraft, only seeing or hearing explosions on the upper floors of the Twin Towers. Here are direct links to these videos (all of them in English, of course):

Channel Dmitry Khalezov on YOUTUBE:

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

It's been 17 years since that day, with Nine-Eleven, when three skyscrapers collapsed in New York. No, I'm not wrong. Not two, but three, but for some reason they prefer not to remember the third. And when a third plane crashed into the Pentagon wing being repaired, and in a strange way almost self-destructed, and another one crashed in the desert. And this is not all the mysteries of the tragedy that happened.

So, on the morning of September 11, 2001, four Boeing planes (two in Boston, one in Washington and another in Newark) were hijacked by some unknown persons, after which the first two planes crashed into the New York skyscrapers WTC-1 and WTC-2, the third hit the wall of the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The two towers of the World Trade Center, attacked by planes, suddenly completely collapsed in a very strange way within an hour and a half, neatly folding inward. Also, for some reason, the neighboring WTC 7 skyscraper completely and neatly collapsed, although no planes hit it.

Only a few days passed after the "acts of terrorism" when the first official version of everything that happened was ready and the perpetrators were named. Osama bin Laden, who led this action from Afghanistan, and, of course, his offspring al-Qaeda, were immediately blamed. Also, the names of all 19 hijackers were immediately named, who abandoned their cars near the airports, in which they found the Koran and instructions in Arabic “How to fly an airplane”, and miraculously preserved passports of “terrorists” were found in the wreckage of the aircraft. It followed from this that it was urgent to start bombing Afghanistan and invading Iraq.

In the fall of 2002, a special commission was created under the loud name "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States." It was chaired by former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean. The commission included former employees of the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Justice and other government agencies. Philip Zelikow, a member of the administration of President Bush Jr., who also worked under Bush Sr., led all the actions and the course of the investigation.

The official version mentioned above took its final form on July 22, 2004, when the aforementioned commission of 83 people completed the report on 585 pages. The Keene Commission report confirmed the above version, which even now remains the only and irrefutable one.

And now let's give some facts showing how the US intelligence services are able to "investigate" and get the necessary and obviously announced results.

Cell Phones

The official report claims that all information from the Boeing that crashed into the WTC skyscraper was transmitted to the ground via mobile phones. In particular, flight attendant Betty Ong (Betty Ong) talked 23 minutes, and flight attendant Madeline Sweeney (Madeline Sweeney) - 25 minutes. Sweeney's last words were: "I see water! I see buildings! .

And now the fact that the authors of the official report "forgot" about. In 2001, cell phone calls from an aircraft flying at over 700 km/h were not possible.

The fact is that when the phone enters the broadcast area of ​​the base station, or "cell", the so-called "greeting" occurs, which in 2001 took at least eight seconds. The "welcome" system was not designed for driving at a speed of 700 km / h and is possible at a maximum speed of 150 km / h. And only in 2004, Qualcomm, together with American Airlines, developed a system that, using satellite, provides calls to cell phones from an aircraft on which a special mobile base station is installed. On July 15, 2004, a test run of the system was made, after which it began to function.

Cheating with speed

The official report of the Keene Commission provides a diagram of the alleged movement of Flight 175, which crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center, according to which the plane overcame the final straight section from the city of Trenton to New York in four minutes.

Boeing traffic to New York

And now the fact: The distance between Trenton and New York in a straight line is 85 kilometers. For good measure, you can even consider it equal to 80. According to official data, the plane covered this distance in 4 minutes. Let's find the average speed of the liner in this section: V = 80 km / 4 min = 20 km/min = 1200 km/h. We get the speed of sound.

Of course, the Boeing 767 was not supersonic. The technical characteristics of the Boeing 767-200 say that its maximum cruising speed at an altitude of 12 km is 915 km/h. And this is only at an altitude of 12,000 meters, where the air density is five times lower than at sea level, and the liner flew into the building at an altitude of several hundred meters. The same technical specifications say that the maximum allowable speed of the Boeing 767-200 (the so-called Vne - Velocity Never Exceed), exceeding which the aircraft will simply begin to collapse, is 0.86 the speed of sound, that is, about 1000 km / h. Therefore, even if the plane still managed to develop the speed of sound, it would have crumbled long before Manhattan. That is, the official investigation invites everyone to believe that it is impossible purely physical. So, another lie of the official investigation.

"Twins" could not collapse on their own

According to the official report, the 100-story skyscraper WTC-1 completely collapsed 1 hour 42 minutes after the plane hit, and its twin WTC-2 - 56 minutes later. The reason, of course, is indicated as follows - the impact and the subsequent fire that occurred after the Boeings hit the buildings.

But here some more surprising facts appear.

It turns out that the Twins were designed in such a way that, in addition to the wind load, they could withstand the frontal impact of the Boeing 707, the largest passenger airliner in those years. In the early 1970s, Leslie Robertson, who built the buildings, calculated the effect of a Boeing 707 colliding with the WTC tower. He reported the results to the New York Times, arguing that the towers would withstand the impact of an airliner flying at a speed of 960 km / h, that is, having taken the impact of the liner, the skyscraper would remain standing without undergoing serious structural damage. In other words, the central frame and the remaining standing perimeter will withstand the additional load resulting from the absence of the demolished part of the supporting structures. It was with such a margin of safety that the "twins" were built.

Frank DeMartini, one of the leaders of the WTC project, confirms this idea: the building is designed to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 with maximum takeoff weight. It was the largest aircraft of that time. I am sure that the building would have withstood even a few blows from the planes, since its structure resembled a frequent mosquito net, and the plane is like a pencil that pierces this net and does not affect the structure of the rest of it.

The fire also could not destroy the skyscrapers. Here is evidence that the official report is lying again:

So, the WTC-1 building withstood the first blow. However, in the next hour and a half, something happened as a result of the fire, which provoked the collapse of the tower. By the way, this is the first and only case in world history when a skyscraper actually turns into a pile of ruins as a result of an hour and a half fire - this is according to the official version.

In the mid-1990s, two British firms - British Steel and Building Research Establishment - conducted a series of experiments in the city of Cardington to determine the effect of fires on steel-framed structures. On the experimental model of an eight-story building, the steel structures did not have fire protection. Despite the fact that the temperature of the steel beams reached 900 °C (!) with a critically permissible maximum of 600 °C, in none of the six experiments did failure occur, although certain deformations did occur.

In August 2005, John R. Hall Jr. of the National Fire Protection Association of the United States published the analytical paper "Fires in Tall Buildings". In particular, it provides statistics according to which, in 2002 alone, 7,300 fires occurred in high-rise buildings, many of which were very intense and lasted for many hours, having managed to absorb more than one floor. Despite casualties and significant damage, none of these fires resulted in collapses.

If that's not enough, here are a few more specific examples of some of the worst fires in recent decades:

On February 23, 1991, a fire broke out in the 38-story One Meridian Plaza building in Philadelphia. The fire started on the 22nd floor, engulfed 8 floors and lasted 18 hours. As a result of this fire, a lot of glass was broken, granite cracked and load-bearing walls sank. Nevertheless, the building survived and not a single part of it collapsed.

On May 4, 1988, the 62-story First Interstate Bank building in Los Angeles caught fire. The fire lasted 3.5 hours, 4.5 floors burned out - from the 12th to the 16th. But the load-bearing structures survived completely, and secondary structures and several floors between floors received only minor damage. The building survived.

On August 5, 1970, the 50-story building 1 New York Plaza exploded and started a fire that lasted six hours. There were no collapses.

On October 17, 2004, a skyscraper in the Venezuelan city of Caracas caught fire. The fire broke out at the level of the 34th floor, covered 26 (!) floors and lasted 17 hours. The building survived.

And, finally, a fire in that same New York World Trade Center. On February 13, 1975, a fire broke out in the north tower on the 11th floor, as a result of which 65% of the floor burned out completely. In addition, the fire spread down to the 9th and up to the 16th floors, but did not affect the office premises and was limited to shafts inside the central frame. The fire lasted three hours, and despite its much higher intensity than September 11, 2001, the structure of the building was not damaged. Not only the central frame remained absolutely unscathed, inside which the fire mainly spread, but also all the interfloor ceilings.

WTC fire in 1975

And the 47-storey "WTC 7" collapsed by itself ... by accident.

The official report claims that the WTC-7 "collapsed" due to the weakening of the supporting structures, despite the fact that no aircraft hit it.

As it turned out, very few knew about the demolition of building No. 7 of the World Trade Center. Its destruction somehow passed unnoticed against the background of the rest of the events of that day. This 47-story skyscraper, also called Salomon Brothers, housed the offices of the FBI, the Department of Defense, the 1RS tax service (according to Online Journal, with a huge amount of compromising evidence, including the infamous Enron), counterintelligence United States, the stock exchange (with evidence of stock fraud), and various financial institutions. Its collapse occurred at approximately 17:20 New York time, and several rather curious incidents are associated with it at once.

FEMA claims that this building collapsed for the same reasons as the "twins" - due to the weakening of the supporting structures. But why? The plane did not hit him. Fires did not rage in it - only in three places there were small local fires: on the seventh, twelfth and twenty-ninth floors. If we recall the scheme of the entire WTC, then building No. 7 is the most remote from the "epicenter", separated from the main complex by another street. Where is his injury from? The report is silent on this.

Such a small fire allegedly caused the complete destruction of the WTC-7 building

And the most “truthful” in the world, the BBC even reported the collapse of the WTC-7 in advance.

Indeed, the reportage of the British television channel BBC BBC (BBC) looks unique. In a TV news broadcast that aired at 10:00 London time, that is, at 17:00 New York time, the presenter told viewers that the WTC-7 building in New York had collapsed. But there were still 20 minutes before it collapsed. Moreover, the correspondent of the channel Jane Standley (Jane Standley), in her live report from New York, talked about the collapse of the WTC-7, being at the same time against its background. A rare photograph just depicts this moment - the WTC-7 building is indicated by arrows. The caption at the bottom of the screen reads: "The 47-story Salomon Brothers building next to the World Trade Center also collapsed."

BBC talks about the destruction of WTC 7

However, at some point, apparently, the TV people realized what had happened, and at 17:14 the picture of the broadcast from New York was suddenly distorted by interference, and after a few seconds it completely disappeared.

How else to explain this incredible "glitch" if not the presence of a pre-written script? Is it possible that the building was planned to be demolished a little earlier, but London simply did not have time to bring information about the delay in this mise-en-scene of the performance, and the British continued to follow the script. So they got the press release before all this happened? But from whom and how?

Of course, such an incident caused a lot of questions to the BBC channel. However, head of news Richard Porter explained this mysterious story: “We are not part of a conspiracy. No one told us what to talk about and what to do on 9/11. No one told us in advance that the building was about to fall. We haven't received a press release or a script for what's to come."

It turns out that if no one told them anything in advance, it means that they themselves, on their own initiative, told about the collapse of the building, which will happen in 20 minutes. But we read further: "We don't have the original recording of the 9/11 reports - not because of a conspiracy, but because of confusion." The news record of one of the most important days in the history of the channel was suddenly lost.

Dead "terrorists" turned out to be alive

Official list of "hijackers"

The list was accompanied by the following comment: “The FBI has absolute confidence in the accuracy of the identification of the nineteen hijackers responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In addition, the 9/11 investigations were scrutinized by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States, and jointly by the Senate and House of Representatives. None of these checks raised the slightest doubt about the identity of the nineteen hijackers."

On September 23, 2001, the British BBC news agency unexpectedly reported that Walid al-Shehri, a Saudi citizen and named hijacker of Flight AA11, is now alive, well and doing well in Casablanca, Morocco. The Saudi Arabian Embassy confirmed that he studied at flight school in Daytona Beach, Florida. He left the US in September 2000 and works for Royal Air Morocco. This is further confirmed by the Associated Press, according to which Walid al-Shehri appeared at the American embassy in Morocco: “The FBI released his photograph, which was circulated in newspapers and television news around the world. This same Mr. al-Shehri showed up in Morocco, thus proving that he was not a member of the suicide pilot team.” So, minus one.

Wail al-Shehri (AA11) is also alive and well. He is a pilot and his father is a Saudi Arabian diplomat in Bombay. The Los Angeles Times, in an article dated September 21, 2001, reports that the head of the information center of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in the United States, Gaafar Allaghani, confirmed that he personally spoke to both father and son. So minus two.

Abdulaziz al-Omari (AA11) lost his passport while studying in Denver, which he reported to the police at the time. He now works as an engineer at Saudi Telecom. The Telegraph on September 23, 2001 quoted him as saying: “I couldn't believe it when I saw myself on the FBI list. They showed my name, my photo and my date of birth, but I'm not a suicide bomber. I'm here. I'm alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane. I had nothing to do with any of this." So minus three.

Said al-Ghamdi (UA93), a Saudi Airlines pilot, was in Tunisia during the events of 9/11, where he was taking an Airbus 320 flight course with 22 other pilots. The Telegraph quotes him as saying: “The FBI has not provided any evidence of my involvement in the attacks. You have no idea what it's like to be labeled a dead terrorist when I'm alive and innocent." Total, minus four.

Ahmed al-Nami (UA93) works as an office manager for Saudi Airlines in Riyadh: “As you can see, I'm alive. I was shocked to see my name on the [terrorist] lists. I've never heard of Pennsylvania, where I happen to have hijacked a plane." Total minus five.

Salem al-Hamzi (AA77) works at a chemical plant in the city of Yanbu, Saudi Arabia: "I've never been to the US and haven't left Saudi Arabia for the last two years." Total, minus six.

Khalid al-Midhar (AA77) - programmer in Mecca, Saudi Arabia: "I like to think that this is some kind of mistake." According to the Chicago Tribune, he was watching TV when his friends started calling him and asking if he was alive. Total, minus seven.

According to the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in the United States, Mohand al-Shehri (UA175) and Satam al-Sukami (AA11) are also alive and well. In total, minus nine.

And only on September 23, 2001, the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, stated: "There are doubts about the identities of some of the hijackers. There is no legal evidence confirming the identities of the hijackers."
But despite the obvious falsification with the names of "terrorists", the same 19 original names appear in the official report of the Keane Commission.

Fake Bin Laden

And since now there is no evidence of the involvement of the "hijackers" in the attacks, it means that Al-Qaeda seems to have nothing to do with it, and there is no need to bomb Afghanistan.

But within a few days of the fall of the skyscrapers, a video of Osama bin Laden's confession dated December 14, 2001 "suddenly" appears at the disposal of the United States. She was allegedly found in a house in Jalalabad. And it is this record that forms the basis of the final conclusion of the official commission - the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Osama bin Laden and, of course, Al-Qaeda.

But what immediately attracts attention is that this video is of very low quality. And the man himself, who, according to the FBI, is bin Laden, does not look like him at all, and this is clearly visible even despite the poor quality. It is more dense, it has a different shape of the nose, lips, eyebrows and cheekbones. The FBI file says that bin Laden is left-handed, but the video shows him writing something with his right hand. In addition, on his finger it is distinguishable Golden ring, and Islam, as you know, forbids a man to wear gold jewelry, and there is not a word about this in the dossier on bin Laden.

Two Bin Ladens

The photo shows two bin Ladens: on the left is an impersonator from the Jalalabad video, on the right is the real one. Even with the naked eye, you can see that the frame from the video and the photo are two completely different people, and the only similarities between them are a beard and a turban. And again, the fantastic arrogance of the American intelligence services, which did not even bother with such a "trifle" as the use of someone even slightly like the real bin Laden, is striking.

In the end, realizing that bin Laden was also a blunder, the head of the FBI investigative department, Rex Tomb, admitted: “The 9/11 attacks do not appear in Osama bin Laden’s file, since there is no evidence of his involvement in the events of 9/11.” .

On March 29, 2006, Vice President Richard Cheney also split: “We have never claimed that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with the events of 9/11. We've never had conclusive evidence."

However, in the official report of the Keene Commission, the main actor so Osama bin Laden remained, and the main material evidence is the already refuted video fake.

How evidence was destroyed

The steel left after the destruction of the frames of the WTC towers was hastily sent for processing, not even allowing investigators to access it. More than 185 thousand tons of steel were eliminated from the "epicenter". Firefighters reported to the US Congress that about 80% (!) of the steel fragments were removed, and the investigators could not even demand that the remains be kept for analysis. In particular, the Chinese corporation Shanghai Baosteel Group purchased fifty thousand tons of steel from the collapse of the World Trade Center in the form of scrap at a price of $120 per ton. Thousands of tons of steel were sent for processing to India.

Such actions caused a wave of indignation among independent researchers and the families of the victims, but the newly minted mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg, who replaced Rudolph Giuliani from this post in late 2001, replied that there were other ways to investigate the tragedy. 11 September. He also remarked that "simply looking at a piece of metal won't tell you anything."

Despite the protests of everyone who wanted to look at these "pieces of metal", the export of scrap was in full swing. official reason such a rush was that it was "completely useless rubbish that only gets in the way." Apparently, this "garbage" was so "useless" that its removal was carried out under the strictest control, and the trucks that took out the steel fragments from the "epicenter" area were equipped with expensive tracking devices so that, God forbid, this completely useless garbage did not turn out to be anywhere but smelting furnaces. The steel was removed from the “crime scene” at such a high speed that even a specially created government commission BPAT (Building Performance Assessment Team - Commission for Evaluating the Structural Characteristics of a Building), having only had the opportunity to look at the remains, had no right to either study these very remains or familiarize themselves with building plans. Which, in fact, calls into question the very meaning of the creation of this commission.

Fire Engineering Magazine Editor-in-Chief Bill Manning, on behalf of the firefighters, expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of government organizations to destroy evidence and completely exclude independent researchers from studying them: “We have reason to believe that “official investigations” ... are not nothing more than a blatant farce imposed on us by political forces whose main interests, to put it mildly, are very far from revealing the truth ... The destruction of evidence must stop immediately.”

Manning also stressed that the destruction of this steel is illegal: "According to the national standard for fire investigation, all evidence of any fires in buildings over 10 stories must be preserved, and there are no exceptions to this rule."

And on September 26, 2001, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani banned all video and photography in the "epicenter" area. One photographer, who chose not to be named, had his digital camera images erased by police and threatened with arrest if he showed up again, but he was able to recover the erased images using PhotoRescue software.

As a result, everything that could shed light on the “9/11 terrorist attack” was very quickly destroyed and not a single expert could get acquainted with the “material evidence”.

Consequences of the attacks

Less than two weeks after September 11, a very interesting piece of legislation (the so-called Patriot Act) was presented to Congress for approval, and in just a month it became law. And in early October 2001, the American invasion of Afghanistan began. This is an unprecedented pace of decision-making, preparation for their implementation and actual implementation. But the essence of these very measures causes a large number of questions.

Consideration of the so-called anti-terrorism bill, called the Patriot Act, began on September 24, 2001. This draft law turned out to be very remarkable both in terms of content and methods of its implementation.

First, it came to Congress for consideration by bypassing the channels prescribed by law, that is, without its preliminary discussion under the authority of the Office of Administration and Budget.

Secondly, then Attorney General John Ashcroft demanded that Congress pass it within one week and no change. Despite such strict and specific instructions, the controversial document still caused some discussion - to the obvious displeasure of the minister. Realizing that it would not be so easy to “push through” the bill, Ashcroft, at a joint meeting with the heads of the Senate and the House of Representatives, warned that new terrorist attacks were surely coming, and Congress would be to blame if the law was not passed immediately. It was clear blackmail, and the very statement seemed absurd, but the Congress was not ready to withstand such pressure from the minister.

Just in case, in order to finally “push” the passage of this act, two especially stubborn congressmen - Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, who actively opposed, received envelopes with anthrax spores in the mail ...

Republican Congressman Ron Paul told the Washington Times in an interview that not a single congressman was even allowed to read the act. However, on October 12, it was approved by both houses of Congress, and on October 26, 2001, President Bush put his signature on the document, thereby giving the Patriot Act the status of law.

What is the meaning of the Patriot Act? Firstly, this act gives the right to federal employees to search homes, workplaces, computers and private property of citizens either without notifying them at all, or with post factum notification when the search has already been carried out.

Secondly, the CIA received an unlimited opportunity, without a court order, to establish surveillance of its citizens, if this is done "for intelligence purposes." This includes wiretapping and tracking the user's Internet activity. Incidentally, up to this point, the CIA's mission had been to carry out intelligence activities exclusively with respect to foreign "elements."

Thirdly, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have the right to request medical, financial and academic records and government archives for any person, only by presenting a warrant, which the court is required to issue if it is required for an investigation in order to protect against "international terrorism". At the same time, sufficient grounds for a search are not even required, and the organization to which the warrant is presented does not have the right to tell anyone that the FBI has requested this data. Including the one whose data was requested!

Fourthly, freedom of speech is de facto limited, because any careless phrase can now be regarded as a terrorist plot. According to this act, domestic terrorism includes "actions that are exchanged as attempts, through threats or violence, to influence the political course of the state." As you can see, the concept of "domestic terrorism" is defined so vaguely that almost any political or other activist group (Greenpeace, for example) can fall under this definition. And anyone who disagrees with the actions of the government is also not immune from this. In addition to these acts, there were several more directives of a similar nature.

P.S. And this is only a small part of the “evidence” found in the “most credible” official investigation into the 9/11 tragedy. But even this, in my opinion, is quite enough to understand by what methods the United States is moving towards its goals, having destroyed more than three thousand Americans. In continuation of the investigation, I will talk about the mysterious plane that crashed into the Pentagon and mysteriously disappeared, and about the other, no less mysterious planes of that terrible day - September 11, 2001.

Today marks the 16th anniversary of the most terrible and daring terrorist attack in the history of the United States and the whole world. In the United States on Monday, mourning ceremonies will be held in memory of the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington. On this day, six minutes of silence will be announced.

Al-Qaeda militants seized four passenger aircraft and two of them were sent to the towers of the World shopping center, the other two - to the Pentagon, as well as to the White House or the Capitol. All aircraft reached their targets, except for the last one. The fourth hijacked plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

The attack killed 2,977 people, including 343 firefighters and 60 policemen. In addition to the Americans, citizens of another 92 states died. 2753 lives were claimed by the attack in New York, 184 in the Pentagon and 40 in Pennsylvania.

19 terrorists were also killed in the attacks, 15 of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two - United Arab Emirates as well as Egypt and Lebanon.

The exact figure of the damage caused by the attacks is still unknown. In September 2006, the then head of the White House, George W. Bush, announced that the damage from the September 11, 2001 attacks for the United States amounted to the lowest estimate of $ 500 billion.

In November 2002, America created a special independent commission to investigate the September 11 attacks. Two years later, she published the final report on the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy, which contained 600 pages. Experts acknowledged that suicide bombers took advantage of serious "administrative failures" in the work of US authorities and intelligence.

Zacarias Moussaoui, a French citizen of Moroccan origin, was the only person convicted in the case of terrorist attacks in the United States. He was arrested in August 2001 after graduating from flight school in Oklahoma and training on a Boeing 747 simulator in Minnesota. In the spring of 2005, the court found Moussaoui guilty of intending to commit a terrorist attack, which on that tragic day was supposed to be the fifth in a row. The Frenchman admitted that on the personal instructions of Osama bin Laden, he had to seize the plane and send it to the White House. In May 2006, a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, sentenced Moussaoui to life in prison.

In 2002 and 2003, police arrested six other people suspected of involvement in the attacks. They spent several years in CIA prisons, and in 2006 they were taken to a camp at an American base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In early 2008, the US Department of Defense charged six prisoners with murder and war crimes as part of its investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

The investigation brought charges against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who, according to the authorities, was a central figure in the preparation of the attacks. Organizational support for the terrorists was provided by Ramzi Binalshiba (Ramzi bin al-Shiba) from Yemen. Mohammed al-Qahtani, according to the investigation, on September 11, 2001, was supposed to become the 20th hijacker of four American aircraft. Mustafa Ahmed Khavsavi, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Walid bin Attache were also accused of plotting the attack. In 2008, the charges against al-Qahtani were dropped.

In January 2009, the new US President Barack Obama promised to close, ordering the suspension of the military prosecutor's office. The military department had to drop the accusations of terrorists. Nevertheless, as you know, Obama's promise remained unfulfilled - Congress did not approve his plans. Therefore, already in the spring of 2011, he ordered the resumption of military courts against terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay.

In May 2011, the US Military Attorney's Office again charged five suspects, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, with involvement in the September 11, 2001 attacks. And a year later, they were formally charged by a military tribunal with conspiracy, attacking civilians, intentionally causing physical harm, murder, violating the laws of war, causing destruction, hijacking and terrorism. All five remained silent at the trial.

In July 2014, a military court at Guantanamo concluded that Ramzi Binalshiba's trial should be held separately - military doctors found a "serious mental illness" in the Yemeni. To date, hearings on the case of those accused of involvement in the organization of the terrorist attack are ongoing.

Last spring, New York District Judge George Daniels ruled in absentia, ordering Tehran to pay $7.5 billion to the relatives and other members of the people who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The judge also determined that the authorities of the Islamic Republic must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage. Earlier, the judge ruled that since Tehran could not prove its non-participation in assisting the organizers of the terrorist attack, therefore, the authorities of this country bear a share of responsibility for the damage caused.

The US Congress in September 2016 passed a law that allows the heirs of the victims of the September 11 attacks to sue - most of the terrorists were holders of passports of this particular country. In early October last year, an American woman who lost her husband during a terrorist attack filed the first lawsuit against Saudi Arabia, and in the spring of this year, relatives of the victims in the United States filed a class action lawsuit against Riyadh. Later, dozens of insurance companies filed a lawsuit against two banks in the kingdom, as well as firms associated with the Osama bin Laden family - the amount of the claim amounted to more than $ 4 billion. Saudi Arabia, in turn, appealed to the federal court in Manhattan to dismiss 25 lawsuits. According to the authorities of the country, the plaintiffs have no evidence of the involvement of Riyadh or organizations associated with it in the 9/11 attack.

In 2011, on the site of the destroyed twin towers in New York, the World Trade Center Memorial appeared, which consists of two square fountain pools located right at the bases of the former twin towers. Streams of water cascade along the inner walls of these pools, which go into square holes located at the bottom of the fountains. The names of 2983 victims of the terrorist attacks are carved on bronze slabs that lined the parapets of buildings.

Since 2002, September 11 has been celebrated in the United States as Patriot Day, since 2009 this date has also been referred to as the nationwide Day of Service and Remembrance.

It's been 17 years since that day, with Nine-Eleven, when New York collapsed three skyscrapers. No, I'm not wrong. Not two, but three, but for some reason they prefer not to remember the third. And when a third plane crashed into the Pentagon wing being repaired, and in a strange way almost self-destructed, and another one crashed in the desert. And this is not all the mysteries of the tragedy that happened.

So, on the morning of September 11, 2001, four Boeing planes (two in Boston, alone in Washington and another one in Newark), after which the first two planes crashed into the New York skyscrapers WTC-1 and WTC-2, the third hit the Pentagon wall, and the fourth crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The two towers of the World Trade Center, attacked by planes, suddenly completely collapsed in a very strange way within an hour and a half, neatly folding inward. Also, for some reason, the neighboring WTC 7 skyscraper completely and neatly collapsed, although no planes hit it.

It's only been a few days after the “acts of terrorism”, how the first official version of everything that happened was prepared and the perpetrators were named. Guilty was immediately called Osama bin Laden, who led this action from Afghanistan, and, of course, his brainchild Al-Qaeda. Names were also immediately named all 19 hijackers who abandoned their cars near airports, in which they found the Koran and instructions in Arabic “How to fly an airplane”, and miraculously found passports of “terrorists” in the wreckage of the planes. It followed from this that it was urgent to start bomb Afghanistan and invade Iraq.

In the fall of 2002, a special commission was created under the loud name "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States". It was chaired by the former Governor of New Jersey Thomas Keen(Thomas Keane). The commission included former employees of the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Justice and other government agencies. Supervised all actions and the course of the investigation Philip Zelikov(Philip Zelikow), a member of the administration of President Bush Jr., who also worked under Bush Sr.

The official version mentioned above took its final form on July 22, 2004, when the aforementioned commission of 83 people completed the report on 585 pages. The Keene Commission report confirmed the above version, which even now remains the only and irrefutable one.

And now let's give some facts showing how the US intelligence services are able to "investigate" and get the necessary and obviously announced results.

Cell Phones

The official report claims that all information from the Boeing that crashed into the WTC skyscraper was transmitted to the ground via mobile phones. In particular, the flight attendant Betty Ong(Betty Ong) talked for 23 minutes and the flight attendant Madeleine Sweeney(Madeline Sweeney) - 25 minutes. Sweeney's last words were: "I see water! I see buildings! .

The fact is that when the phone enters the broadcast area of ​​the base station, or "cell", the so-called "greeting" occurs, which in 2001 took at least eight seconds. The "welcome" system was not designed for driving at a speed of 700 km / h and is possible at a maximum speed of 150 km / h. And only in 2004, Qualcomm, together with American Airlines, developed a system that, using satellite, provides calls to cell phones from the aircraft on which it is installed. dedicated mobile base station. On July 15, 2004, a test run of the system was made, after which it began to function.

Cheating with speed

The official report of the Keene Commission provides a diagram of the alleged movement of Flight 175, which crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center, according to which the plane overcame the final straight section from the city of Trenton to New York in four minutes.

Boeing traffic to New York

And now the fact: The distance between Trenton and New York in a straight line is 85 kilometers. For good measure, you can even consider it equal to 80. According to official data, the plane covered this distance in 4 minutes. Let's find the average speed of the liner in this section: V = 80 km / 4 min = 20 km/min = 1200 km/h. We get sound speed.

Of course, the Boeing 767 was not supersonic. The technical characteristics of the Boeing 767-200 say that its maximum cruising speed at an altitude of 12 km is 915 km/h. And this is only at an altitude of 12,000 meters, where the air density is five times lower than at sea level, and the liner flew into the building at an altitude of several hundred meters. The same technical specifications say that the maximum allowable speed of the Boeing-767-200 (the so-called Vne - Velocity Never Exceed), exceeding which the plane just starts to break down, is 0.86 the speed of sound, that is, about 1000 km/h. Therefore, even if the plane still managed to develop the speed of sound, it would have crumbled long before Manhattan. That is, the official investigation invites everyone to believe that it is impossible purely physical. So, another lie of the official investigation.

"Twins" could not collapse on their own

According to the official report, the 100-story skyscraper WTC-1 completely collapsed 1 hour 42 minutes after the plane hit, and its twin WTC-2 - 56 minutes later. The reason, of course, is indicated as follows - the impact and the subsequent fire that occurred after the Boeings hit the buildings.

But here some more surprising facts appear.

It turns out that the Twins were designed in such a way that, in addition to the wind load, they could withstand the frontal impact of the Boeing 707, the largest passenger airliner in those years. Early 1970s Leslie Robertson, who built the buildings, calculated the effect of the collision of the Boeing 707 with the WTC tower. He reported the results to the New York Times, arguing that the towers would withstand the impact of an airliner flying at a speed of 960 km / h, that is, having taken the impact of the liner, the skyscraper would remain standing without undergoing serious structural damage. In other words, the central frame and the remaining standing perimeter will withstand the additional load resulting from the absence of the demolished part of the supporting structures. It was with such a margin of safety that the "twins" were built.

Frank DeMartini(Frank DeMartini), one of the project managers for the construction of the World Trade Center, confirms this idea: the building is designed in such a way as to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 with maximum takeoff weight. It was the largest aircraft of that time. I'm sure the building would have withstood even a few hits from planes, because its structure resembled a fine mosquito net, and the plane is like a pencil that pierces this net and does not affect the structure of the rest of it.

The fire also could not destroy the skyscrapers. Here is evidence that the official report is lying again:

So, the WTC-1 building withstood the first blow. However, in the next hour and a half, something happened as a result of the fire, which provoked the collapse of the tower. By the way, this first and only a case in world history when a skyscraper actually turns into a pile of ruins as a result of an hour and a half fire - this is according to the official version.

In the mid-1990s, two British firms - British Steel and Building Research Establishment - conducted a series of experiments in the city of Cardington to determine the effect of fires on steel-framed structures. On the experimental model of an eight-story building, the steel structures did not have fire protection. Despite the fact that the temperature of the steel beams reached 900 °C (!) with a critically permissible maximum of 600 °C, in none of the six experiments did failure occur, although certain deformations did occur.

In August 2005 John Hall(John R. Hall Jr.) of the National Fire Protection Association of the United States, published the analytical work "Fires in high-rise buildings." In particular, it provides statistics according to which, in 2002 alone, 7,300 fires occurred in high-rise buildings, many of which were very intense and lasted for many hours, having managed to absorb at the same time more than one floor. Despite casualties and significant damage, none of these fires resulted in collapses.

If that's not enough, here are a few more specific examples of some of the worst fires in recent decades:

On February 23, 1991, a fire broke out in the 38-story One Meridian Plaza building in Philadelphia. The fire started on the 22nd floor, engulfed 8 floors and lasted 18 hours. As a result of this fire, a lot of glass was broken, granite cracked and load-bearing walls sank. Nevertheless, the building survived and not a single part of it collapsed.

On May 4, 1988, the 62-story First Interstate Bank building in Los Angeles caught fire. The fire lasted 3.5 hours, 4.5 floors burned out - from the 12th to the 16th. But the load-bearing structures survived completely, and secondary structures and several floors between floors received only minor damage. The building survived.

On August 5, 1970, the 50-story building 1 New York Plaza exploded and started a fire that lasted six hours. There were no collapses.

On October 17, 2004, a skyscraper in the Venezuelan city of Caracas caught fire. The fire broke out at the level of the 34th floor, covered 26 (!) floors and lasted 17 hours. The building survived.

And, finally, a fire in that same New York World Trade Center. On February 13, 1975, a fire broke out in the north tower on the 11th floor, as a result of which 65% of the floor burned out completely. In addition, the fire spread down to the 9th and up to the 16th floors, but did not affect the office premises and was limited to shafts inside the central frame. The fire lasted three hours, and despite its much higher intensity than September 11, 2001, the structure of the building was not damaged. Not only the central frame remained absolutely unscathed, inside which the fire mainly spread, but also all the interfloor ceilings.

WTC fire in 1975

And the 47-storey "WTC 7" collapsed by itself ... by accident.

The official report claims that the WTC-7 "collapsed" due to the weakening of the supporting structures, despite the fact that no aircraft hit it.

As it turned out, very few knew about the demolition of building No. 7 of the World Trade Center. Its destruction somehow passed unnoticed against the background of the rest of the events of that day. In this 47-story skyscraper, which also bore the name Salomon Brothers(Salomon Brothers), housed the offices of the FBI, the Department of Defense, the IRS 1RS (according to the Online Journal, with a huge amount of compromising evidence, including the infamous Enron), US counterintelligence, the stock exchange (with evidence of stock fraud), as well as various financial institutions. Its collapse occurred at approximately 17:20 New York time, and several rather curious incidents are associated with it at once.

FEMA claims this building has collapsed for the same reasons as the "twins" - due to the weakening of the supporting structures. But why? The plane did not hit him. Fires did not rage in it - only in three places there were small local fires: on the seventh, twelfth and twenty-ninth floors. If we recall the scheme of the entire World Trade Center, then building No. 7 is the most remote from the "epicenter", separated from the main complex by a street. Where is his injury from? The report is silent on this.

Such a small fire allegedly caused the complete destruction of the WTC-7 building

And the most “truthful” in the world, the BBC even reported the collapse of the WTC-7 in advance.

Indeed, the reportage of the British television channel BBC BBC (BBC) looks unique. In a TV news broadcast that aired at 10:00 London time, that is, at 17:00 New York time, the presenter told viewers that the WTC-7 building in New York had collapsed. But there were still 20 minutes before it collapsed.. Moreover, the correspondent of the TV channel Jane Standley(Jane Standley) in her live report from New York talked about the collapse of the WTC-7, while standing in front of it. A rare photo shows just this moment - the WTC-7 building is indicated by arrows. The caption at the bottom of the screen reads: "The 47-story Salomon Brothers building next to the World Trade Center also collapsed."

BBC talks about the destruction of WTC 7

However, at some point, apparently, the TV people realized what had happened, and at 17:14 the picture of the broadcast from New York was suddenly distorted by interference, and after a few seconds it completely disappeared.

How else to explain this incredible "glitch" if not the presence of a pre-written script? Is it possible that the building was planned to be demolished a little earlier, but London simply did not have time to bring information about the delay in this mise-en-scene of the performance, and the British continued to follow the script. So they got the press release before all this happened? But from whom and how?

Of course, such an incident caused a lot of questions to the BBC channel. However, the head of the news department Richard Porter(Richard Porter) explained this mysterious story this way: “We are not part of a conspiracy. No one told us what to talk about and what to do on 9/11. No one told us in advance that the building was about to fall. We haven't received a press release or a script for what's to come."

It turns out that if no one told them anything in advance, it means that they themselves, on their own initiative, told about the collapse of the building, which will happen in 20 minutes. But we read further: “We do not have the original recording of the reports from September 11th - not because of a conspiracy, but because of confusion.” A news recording of one of the most important days in the history of the channel turned out to be all of a sudden lost.

Dead "terrorists" turned out to be alive

Official list of "hijackers"

The list was accompanied by the following comment: “The FBI has absolute confidence in the accuracy of the identification of the nineteen hijackers responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In addition, the 9/11 investigations were scrutinized by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States, and jointly by the Senate and House of Representatives. None of these checks raised the slightest doubt about the identity of the nineteen hijackers."

On September 23, 2001, the British news agency BBC unexpectedly reported that Walid al-Shehri, a Saudi national and named hijacker of Flight AA11, is now alive, well and doing well in Casablanca, Morocco. The Saudi Embassy confirmed that he attended flight school in Daytona Beach, Florida. He left the US in September 2000 and works for Royal Air Morocco. This is further confirmed by the Associated Press, according to which Walid al-Shehri appeared at the American embassy in Morocco: “The FBI released his photograph, which was circulated in newspapers and television news around the world. This same Mr. al-Shehri showed up in Morocco, thus proving that he was not a member of the suicide pilot team. So, minus one.

Wail al-Shehri(AA11) is also alive and well. He is a pilot and his father is a Saudi Arabian diplomat in Bombay. The Los Angeles Times, in an article dated September 21, 2001, reports that the head of the information center of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in the United States, Gaafar Allaghani, confirmed that he personally spoke to both father and son. So minus two.

Abdulaziz al-Omari(АА11) lost his passport while studying in Denver, which he reported to the police at the time. He now works as an engineer at Saudi Telecom. The Telegraph on September 23, 2001 quoted him as saying: “I couldn't believe it when I saw myself on the FBI list. They showed my name, my photo and my date of birth, but I'm not a suicide bomber. I'm here. I'm alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane. I had nothing to do with any of this." So minus three.

Said al-Ghamdi(UA93), a Saudi Airlines pilot, was in Tunisia during the events of 9/11, where he was taking an Airbus 320 flight course with 22 other pilots. The Telegraph quotes him as saying: “The FBI has not provided any evidence of my involvement in the attacks. You have no idea what it's like to be labeled a dead terrorist when I'm alive and innocent." Total, minus four.

Ahmed al-Nami(UA93) works as an office manager for Saudi Airlines in Riyadh: “As you can see, I'm alive. I was shocked to see my name on the [terrorist] lists. I've never heard of Pennsylvania, where I happen to have hijacked a plane." Total minus five.

Salem al-Hamzi(AA77) works at a chemical plant in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia: “I have never been to the US and have not left Saudi Arabia for the past two years.” Total, minus six.

Khalid al-Midhar(AA77) - programmer in Mecca, Saudi Arabia: "I like to think that this is some kind of mistake." According to the Chicago Tribune, he was watching TV when his friends started calling him and asking if he was alive. Total, minus seven.

In the American media, it was said a lot that the buildings of the World Trade Center in Manhattan erected in 1970 brought enormous losses to the company that owns Port Authority. Millions of dollars went down the drain every year just because of the cost of electricity, water and heating. In the 1980s, the materials used in the decoration and construction of buildings were recognized as hazardous to health.

Repairs were required, for which it was necessary to lay out at least 20 million dollars, but no one wanted to get involved in this matter. The authorities were even going to demolish skyscrapers, but canceled the decision, since carcinogenic asbestos dust could envelop the entire Manhattan.

Here the entrepreneur Larry Silverstein showed up, who laid out $ 3.2 billion for problematic skyscrapers. The deal was completed a month and a half before the attacks, but the last payment was made by the new owner of the buildings literally on the eve of the tragedy. He insured his purchase for a considerable $ 3.6 billion, and prescribed insurance in the event of a terrorist attack as a separate item.

It is curious that after the events of September 11, Silverstein tried to beg from the insurance company for an amount of 7.2 billion, assessing what happened as a double terrorist attack. In the end, they agreed on compensation of $4.6 billion.

Researchers later found out that in the basements of one of the buildings of the World Trade Center, gold bars of various trade and financial corporations were stored in the amount of at least $ 160 billion. According to New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, only $230 million was recovered from the rubble. Where are the rest? Many have no doubt that Larry Silverstein had a hand in this.

As a result of the collapse of the WTC skyscraper No. 7, which was silent for a long time, more than 500 tons of carcinogenic asbestos were thrown into the air, and in addition, lead, mercury and other highly toxic substances, which subsequently led to an increase in the incidence of cancer among people who lived or worked in the vicinity. By the way, Silverstein received insurance for this house.

The plane did not crash into this house. Then why did the building collapse? Silverstein once let slip in an interview: “I remember the fire commander called me and said that he was not sure that he could contain the flames. I replied that we already had so many victims, so the most reasonable thing would be to demolish it. And we decided to demolish it. After that, we all saw the building collapse.”

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