Pentagon building 9/11. Who really blew up the twin towers in New York? Official version of events

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York divided the history of the United States of America into before and after. Three thousand people who died as a result of the explosion of the Twin Towers is an irreparable loss for the American people. Question: "Who blew up the towers?" remains open to many to this day. Too many logical inconsistencies in the official version of the investigation.

Mission Possible?

According to the official version, the twin towers were destroyed due to the explosions of the planes that rammed the buildings. The fire that broke out during the attack weakened the metal structures, and the building collapsed. Then the same thing happened to another skyscraper.

Ordinary people are still perplexed: how could people from Arab countries, whose names were previously known to the special services, come to the United States, undergo training in piloting passenger Boeings, carry dummies of firearms on board aircraft, capture several aircraft and ram several buildings with enviable accuracy?

This whole operation looks incredible, but, nevertheless, it is theoretically feasible. Much more complex questions of the commission involved in the investigation are asked by experts who have in their hands the results of analyzes obtained after examining the wreckage of the twin towers. At the site of the tragedy, traces of explosives and thermite were found - a substance that reaches a temperature of 1500 degrees when burned. But let's talk about everything in order. Consider the main conspiracy theories of explosions.

Analysis of the debris of buildings taken to the landfill

Less than a month after the attack, the US army invaded Afghanistan, destroying the hotbeds of terrorism, and at the same time writing off their debts, destabilizing the situation in the region and laundering multibillion-dollar investments in the military industry, in which, as it became known during the election campaign, Hillary Clinton, the Washington "hawks" have not only state, but also personal interests.

The terrorist act untied the hands of the US intelligence services, which received the right to listen to other people's conversations and read other people's letters, not only on their own territory, but in any corner of the world. Even the leaders of the G7 countries have no right to their little secrets from Washington. This was clearly shown by the phone tapping scandal. Angela Merkel.

There are many supporters of the idea that America's intelligence agencies at least knew about the preparation of terrorist attacks, and most likely played a key role in the preparation. Only with the support of "Big Brother" could Islamic radicals involved in al-Qaeda ties be able to enter the United States, receive first-class flight training, be on board aircraft with items that look like firearms, hijack aircraft and accurately direct them to predetermined goals.

Like a house of cards

Looking at the collapse of the twin towers, experts agree that it is very similar to a controlled explosion. Such explosions are used when it is required to demolish a large building in a densely populated area of ​​the city. Explosive engineers, having studied the design of the structure, calculate the power of each charge placed in the base of the supporting structures. As a result, the demolished object should be formed as House of cards so that each wall rushes inward.

During such events, just in case, the inhabitants of nearby houses are evacuated. If there is a mistake in the calculations or some charges do not work, the building, instead of folding inward, may fall on its side, and then the destruction will be much more than planned. Looking at the video, it's hard not to be surprised at how neatly and how quickly the towers fold. It looks like real professional explosives experts worked on this.

Well, what about the planes? After all, they were seen by thousands of people, and they are captured on the set. Proponents of the controlled explosion theory are sure that the planes were needed for a beautiful picture and so that the inhabitants would not have questions: how could a bunch of terrorists bring tons of explosives into two carefully guarded buildings in the center of New York and set the charges in such a way that they collapsed fully?

As for the plane that hit the Pentagon building, it may not have been at all. The footage, taken immediately after the attack, shows the destruction, but there are no details of the Boeing. The plane could explode, but it could not dissolve. Large pieces of the fuselage and engines should be visible. In addition, the damage to the building is too minor for an incursion by a large passenger airliner. They are more reminiscent of the consequences of a cruise missile hit, and terrorists simply could not have such missiles.

Who shot down the fourth plane?

There was also a fourth hijacked airliner, which the terrorists planned to aim either at the White House, or at the Capitol. But he did not reach his goal. According to the official version, the passengers entered into a fight with the terrorists, and as a result of a fight that ensued on board the aircraft, the liner crashed to the ground. Some conspiracy theorists believe that the US military shot down the plane. This theory is supported by the fact that the debris was scattered at a great distance from each other. But several passengers managed to call their loved ones before the crash, even records of these conversations have been preserved, confirming the official version.

small atomic bomb

There are so many different opinions about the tragedy of September 11 that among them there are even completely fantastic and incredible ones. For example, in all seriousness they say that a small atomic bomb was detonated under every building. Allegedly, the New York authorities set a condition for the developers who planned to build the Shopping Center - to provide for the possibility of dismantling the building. After all, it is clear that sooner or later it will become unusable, and demolishing such a huge structure for those times, as it seemed then, will be much more difficult than building it. And for the subsequent dismantling, allegedly the builders laid a nuclear charge under each building. But this theory is easily refuted by critics. At the site of a nuclear explosion, even a small one, there should be an increased level of radiation. But he was not observed.

She's also a victim

According to the official version of the American government, the most painful thing is the question of the third tower that collapsed during the terrorist attack. This skyscraper was called "The Seventh Tower of the World shopping center". This building was not hit by a plane, however, it collapsed overnight, like two twin towers.

According to the official theory, the cause of the collapse was a fire spread from neighboring towers. Allegedly, the communications through which water entered the building to automatically extinguish the fire were destroyed, the fire engulfed the building, the structures could not stand it and collapsed.

Half of Americans surveyed a few years ago did not even know that three buildings were destroyed during the events of 2001 in New York. Many of those who know do not believe that the 47-story building could have collapsed instantly in a fire. In the United States, activists have repeatedly demanded a new investigation of the case and the publication of the results of the investigation, but the authorities did not hear them or simply did not want to hear them.

irrefutable evidence

Alexander Tarasov

Review of Thierry Meyssan's book September 11, 2001. A monstrous scam." M.: Moscow branch of the Karno publishing house, 2003.

This book created a sensation and became an instant bestseller in France and later in other European countries. In the United States, the authorities prevented the publication of this book for more than a year, but it was nevertheless published - and immediately became a powerful tool for the anti-war and "anti-globalization" movement. The fact that Meissan's book not only did not become a bestseller in our country, but, on the contrary, was actually hushed up, is a shameful phenomenon, which speaks of the corrupt, puppet, nature of the political.

Immediately after September 11, 2001, a variety of people in our country - from representatives of the left and Muslim circles to a respectable TV academic from the pro-government channel V. Pozner - began to publicly explain to the United States that since America had created such a planetary system in which all the blessings and wealth "Third World" flows into the United States, and the people of the "Third World" get only poverty, disease, hunger, war and death, it is naive to expect that the "Third World" will endure this forever and will not sooner or later strike back at America.

The reality turned out to be much worse. It turned out that the “third world”, for all its hatred of America, is not yet capable of an action on the scale of September 11th. It turned out that September 11 is a monstrous provocation, "worldwide arson of the Reichstag", organized by ultra-right "hawks" from the ruling circles of the United States itself. Thierry Meyssan's book proves this, literally leaving no stone unturned on the official version of the US administration.

To begin with, T. Meyssan analyzes the story of the Boeing 757-200 attack on the Pentagon - moreover, exactly on the sector of the building where the army counter-terrorism department was located. The first thing T. Meissan establishes is that no "Boeing" fell on the Pentagon! And that's why:

1) The size of the hole in the wall of the building (recorded in photographic and film documents - before the facade collapsed) does not correspond to the size of the aircraft: the hole is much smaller (pp. 18-20). If we assume that only the nose of the plane crashed into the Pentagon - and then for some reason the car stopped dead in its tracks, without even touching the building with its wings (which cannot be, given the speed at which the Boeing was flying - from 400 to 700 km / h - and the weight of the machine - 115 tons) (p. 16, 18), then

2) The wings, fuselage and tail of the Boeing must remain outside and not be damaged. However, they are not there - they are not even in the very first photographs taken at the moment when fire engines had just arrived at the Pentagon, but had not yet begun to put out the fire inside the building (p. 20);

3) In the event that the rest of the aircraft exploded and burned outside, debris would have to be left behind. There are none - not a single one (S. 19-22)! Moreover, during the explosion and fire outside, the surroundings of the Pentagon in this place should have been badly damaged: lawns, fences, poles, car and helicopter parking. They are intact (p. 17);

4) The most reasonable thing - with the intention to cause maximum damage to the Pentagon with an air strike - is to bring down the Boeing on the roof of the building (you can't miss: the Pentagon covers an area of ​​117,363 sq.m). But the terrorists, on the contrary, choose to hit the facade, risking missing, since the height of the building is 24 m, while the height of the aircraft itself is 13 m (p. 17);

5) The plane crashes into the building, flying strictly horizontally, between the first and second floors - while the very height of the Boeing is such that it CANNOT crash lower than between the third and fourth floors(p. 17); besides, during a horizontal flight near the ground, the plane somehow miraculously did not knock down trees, poles, fences (and did not even damage them with an air jet!), car and helicopter parking (p. 16-17);

6) Despite the cruising speed and weight, the plane only penetrated the outer wall of the building, which is incredible (p. 18);

7) The size of the fire at the Pentagon did not match the amount of fuel on board the Boeing. Moreover, the Arlington County fire brigades were not allowed by the special services to the site of the explosion and fire (p. 21), and fire chief Ed Ploger, when asked by reporters about fuel, said something incredible: “We found something that we took for a puddle, just where we think the nose of the plane was” (p. 22). Thus, something completely ridiculous is obtained: part of the fuel ignited during the collision and explosion, and part did not. T. Meyssan uses the word "surrealism" on this occasion (p. 21);

8) None of the surveillance cameras recorded the Boeing (p. 22);

9) The air defense services of Washington and - separately - the Pentagon "did not notice" the Boeing (p. 13-15);

10) On the Boeing 757-200, at the moment of capture, the transcoder turned off (an automatic transmitter that sends an identification signal and flight data to the controllers' consoles). It is not possible to turn off the transcoder (p. 185);

11) After the loss of communication with the Boeing, NORAD (Aerospace Defense Command North America) that controls everything. air space, which sent three F-16 fighters to intercept from a base in Langley. Visual contact was made with the Boeing in the air. But the Boeing evaded (!) the NORAD tracking, dodged (!) the fighters and attacked the Pentagon (p. 14-15, 22), which is simply unbelievable;

12) As it turned out, the explosion fell exactly on that sector of the Pentagon, which was under repair. The counter-terrorism department has already been evicted from there, the Navy Command Center has not yet been moved in. The premises housed mostly civilian personnel involved in their equipment. That is why the victims were mostly civilians and only one general was among the dead. This also explains the small number of deaths - 125 people (p. 18-19);

13) In order to deliver a blow of such increased accuracy at such a low altitude in the city limits by a huge passenger plane (the length of the Boeing is 47 m, the wingspan is 38 m), one must train many times on the ground in order to know all the obstacles (which "Arab terrorists ”, of course, could not do) and, in addition, to be a pilot the highest class(p. 25).

Based on all this, T. Meyssan came to the conclusion that the official version of the "crash of a plane hijacked by terrorists on" - linden, which he called "a bloody dramatization".

No plane fell on the Pentagon, the explosion was carried out inside the building by people who had access to the Pentagon and had the ability to freely deliver a large supply of explosives inside the building.

At the same time, the Boeing 757-200 of American Airlines Flight 77 really disappeared along with all the passengers. T. Meissan asks questions: who killed them and where are they? He believes that sooner or later the American administration will have to answer these questions (p. 24).

However, some assumptions can already be made. If the Boeing is nowhere to be found, it was most likely sunk (along with passengers) in the ocean. And besides, the damage to the Pentagon that Meissan described can be caused not only by a directed explosion from the inside, but also by a cruise missile strike from the outside. It is obvious, however, that only they themselves can attack the Pentagon with a cruise missile - and only by order of the highest authorities.

Actually, T. Meissan could stop at exposing the "attack on the Pentagon" - this is quite enough to prove that September 11, 2001 organized by the American administration: only knowing in advance the date, time and nature of the attack on the "twin towers", it was possible to arrange a "bloody staging" in the Pentagon.

But Meissan was not limited to the Pentagon. He drew attention to the mass of absurdities with the attack on the World Trade Center. Firstly, NORAD was unable, oddly enough, to locate and intercept the planes that attacked the "twin towers". Secondly, on these aircraft, as well as on the Boeing 757-200, transcoders were turned off.

By the way, the signal of a civilian transcoder disappears if the transcoder is equipped in advance not only with a civil code, but also with a military code - and on command from the ground (or in accordance with the program embedded in the on-board computer), the transcoder is switched from a civilian code to a military one: civilian radars are equipped with filters that make them "blind" in relation to the objects of the Air Force (p. 15, 185).

And after a series of consultations with experts, Meissan came to the conclusion that amateur pilots could not get into the middle of the “twin towers” ​​with such accuracy (and even at low altitude in the city, where the flight is devilishly difficult).

The wingspan of the Boeing 767 is 38 m, and the width of the tower is 63 m; it is enough to deviate to the side by 5 m - and the attack on the towers would fail. At the same time, it should be taken into account that at a speed of 700 km/h and the weight of Boeings, the pilots had only 0.3 seconds to adjust their course (p. 32-33)!

The professionals suggested to Meyssan that there is a way to accurately hit the target: to follow the radio beacon. If you install radio beacons in the towers, then the planes will reach them automatically (to the point that for this they don’t even need to be captured, you just need to put the appropriate program into the on-board computer - moreover, you can then control the plane from the ground, this technology is available, called she is "Global Hawk") (p. 33-34).

Meissan began to look - and found out that there really were radio beacons in the World Trade Center, which turned on, apparently, shortly before the attack! Their signals were recorded by radio amateurs, since the beacons interfered with transmissions from the TV antennas installed on the tower (p. 33).

Meissan was also interested in the collapse of the towers. He found calculations by experts who claimed that the WTC towers could not collapse under the influence of the weight of the aircraft and the temperature of the fire. Moreover, Meissan found an official statement from firefighters who claimed to have heard explosions at the bases of the towers and demanded an independent investigation into the causes of the collapse (during which many of their comrades died) (p. 34).

Meissan was even more interested in the collapse of "building number 7" of the World Trade Center complex, into which no plane crashed. "Building No. 7", surprisingly, collapsed inward, as if in a directed explosion.

The New York Times found out that Building 7 housed CIA secret base, engaged in economic espionage around the world and was in acute conflict with political departments and with the General Staff (p. 35-36). The destruction of this base certainly cannot be associated with an "attack from the air."

Then T. Meyssan drew attention to the unexpectedly low number of deaths in the ruins of the World Trade Center: 2843 people, including passengers and crews of two Boeings, as well as police, firefighters and rescuers who arrived at the buildings - despite the fact that in the towers of the World Trade Center at the time of the first aircraft the impact was up to 40,000 people (and even just the total number of employees on the upper floors, cut off by the flames, should have been at least 4,800 people) (p. 36-37).

Meissan found an article in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in which Misha Makover, director of Odigo, one of the leaders in the field of electronic communications, reported that the company received a warning about the upcoming terrorist attack 2 hours before it– with a proposal to evacuate personnel (p. 38). Interestingly, after this publication, the FBI forbade Odigo employees to communicate with the press (p. 104).

T. Meyssan draws an analogy with the famous explosion of the federal building. Alfred P. Marra in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. The explosion, according to the official version, was organized by Timothy McVeigh, a member of the far-right paramilitary organization Militsiya (created during the Cold War by himself to deploy guerrilla operations in America in the event of its occupation by Soviet troops). In Oklahoma City, only 168 people died, as the vast majority of those working in the building were suddenly released from work for half a day. Meissan believes that this was done by the FBI in order to reduce the number of victims (the FBI controls the "Militia" and, therefore, knew in advance in detail about the impending explosion) (p. 38-39).

Finally, Meissan unearthed the amazing recognition of President Bush Jr. made by him in Orlando (pcs.).

The President said that on September 11, shortly after the first air attack on the World Trade Center, he was shown on TV footage of a plane colliding with the tower - and while he was watching these footage, Andy Card, the chief secretary of the President, burst into the room with the words: “The second plane crashed into the tower. America is under attack” (p. 40).

However, unlike the collision of the plane with the second tower of the World Trade Center (which the whole world could watch live), the footage depicting the first collision was discovered much later - 13 hours after the events, when the Gamma agency released the footage of the Naudet brothers. Therefore, Meissan concludes, the president was shown other footage - footage of a secret film made by the special services. But since the special services were filming like this, it means that they knew in advance about the place and time of the events (pp. 40-41).

T. Meyssan draws the following general conclusion: the planes were sent to the WTC building by radio beacons; firms and institutions located in the buildings (at least some of them) were warned about the attack in advance in order to reduce the number of human losses; all three collapsed buildings were blown up by charges from the ground.

Meissan then asks (not without sarcasm): "Could such an operation be conceived in the caves of Afghanistan, controlled from them, and carried out by a handful of Islamists?" (p. 41). And Meissan puts forward a version conspiracy within the US administration, the CIA and the military elite.

The first thing he notices is thorough intimidation of President Bush by a part of his entourage. The plane that Bush flies to - in accordance with the CONPLAN plan, which comes into effect in emergency situations (such as September 11th) - suddenly "disappears." In fact, the presidential plane is first driven to the base in Barksdale (Louisiana), and then to the base in Offut (Nebraska). Between the bases, Bush's plane, escorted by fighters, flies at low altitude and zigzags, as if hiding from radar and anti-aircraft fire. At the bases themselves, the president is driven along the runways in an armored car, motivated by protection from snipers (p. 44)!

T. Meissan draws attention to mysterious fire at the White House, which arose in the interval between two attacks on the WTC towers (40 minutes before the second collision). Footage of the fire was broadcast by ABC (p. 50).

This strange fire, all information about which later completely disappears, cannot be drawn by the ears to attacks from the air. But it is possible, however, although Meissan does not do this, to recall that high-ranking American officials on September 11 named the White House as one of the targets of terrorists (according to some statements, it was on him that the plane that fell in, according to others - the White House was the original target of the airliner that eventually allegedly attacked the Pentagon).

But something did not work - and the fire turned out to be "superfluous". How "superfluous" were the reports of the agencies about the explosion on Capitol Hill. But, by the way, after the fire, the White House staff, led by Vice President Cheney, as well as congressmen, were forcibly evacuated "to safe places."

Interestingly, Meissan found out exactly what scheme of actions for the defense of the White House was carried out after the evacuation and others. It was a scheme to protect the White House not from a plane crash or bombing, but from an assault by a landing party(p. 50)!

As Meissan established, on September 11, the intimidation of the already not very smart president (and, apparently, other "intractable" at the same time) reached an unprecedented level: presidential press secretary Ari Fleischer, and then intelligence officials reported that the White House Secret Service received telephone messages from the attackers, in which they warned (why, I wonder?) that they were going to attack the White House and the presidential plane - and, most incredible, the callers used the secret codes and ciphers of the presidential office, as well as a number of special services: the Office of Combat narcotics, National Intelligence Service (NIA), Air Force Intelligence, Military Intelligence, Naval Intelligence, State Department Intelligence Services, and . Each of these codes and ciphers is super secret and is known to an extremely limited circle of people, moreover, no one has the right to have several codes at once (p. 46-48).

It is inconceivable that al-Qaeda, or the Taliban, or Iraqi intelligence would be able to get hold of so many super-secret ciphers and codes. If this was possible for someone, then perhaps, Soviet intelligence during the heyday of the USSR (and even then it is doubtful).

Meissan drew attention to two things: firstly, having such a set of ciphers and codes, the attackers could usurp the powers of the president, including command and control. The only way to counter this is to have the President personally present at the US Strategic Command Center at Offut Base (which was done) (p. 49). That is, Bush was frightened by the fact that “terrorists” could at any moment seize control over armed forces USA!

The second thing that Meissan drew attention to: if the attackers entered into negotiations, it means that they put forward some kind of demands or an ultimatum. Kamikaze do not enter into negotiations. Meissan suggested that Bush entered into these negotiations and succumbed to blackmail, after which "the threat receded" (p. 49). This means that the blackmailers were anyone, but not Islamic terrorists.

And T. Meyssan draws the following conclusion: the terrorist attacks in Washington (including the arson in the White House) were organized by people who contacted the president using secret codes and ciphers and who presented him with an ultimatum. Overwhelmed by their possibilities, Bush accepted the ultimatum and continues to rule the country.

This can only happen if The September 11 attacks were carried out by a group at the very top of the US military and political elite., - and only if these attacks were aimed at forcing the president to change the nature of the foreign and domestic policy USA.

The Islamic trace was falsified. Moreover, falsified badly, primitively, unconvincingly. And only the monstrous hysteria staged by the American authorities and the media gave this trace the appearance of plausibility ...

September 11, 2001 there was a new "Pearl Harbor" for America. The Twin Towers fell, the Pentagon was attacked, 4 passenger airliner and people died. In a word, catastrophic event with human casualties , which completely turned the course of the usual peaceful life of carefree US citizens: a “war on terrorism” was declared, searches of passengers were introduced at each airport before landing, a couple of “draconian” laws were adopted, and they decided to implant “chips” in citizens’ bodies so that everyone was “ under control and accounting. In a word, "now not a step without the permission of the authorities."

Official version sounds like this:

“September 11, 2001, 19 suicide bombers hijacked 4 civilian airliners, of which 2 attacked the buildings of the World Trade Center ( hereinafter - WTC) in New York, namely, the WTC 1 building and the WTC 2 building, the third plane attacked the Pentagon building, and the fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania before reaching the attack site.

Al-Qaeda was blamed for the attacks. The war on terrorism has begun.

Well, now we will see how modern myths are made, how you are forced to believe in what your eyes cannot believe, and how you are asked to take “the word” of the government, special services and pocket scientists and specialists.

Consider this myth, as always, from 3 sides.

WTC attack 1.

WTC attack 2.

Fall of WTC 1.

The fall of the WTC 2.

CONCLUSION: As you can see, the fall vertical down, without deviating right or left, right on its own foundation, forming huge clouds of dust. The blow to the first tower was exactly in the center, the blow to the second tower was tangential, without touching the central columns. However, the tower with the tangential impact collapsed first.
The main thing is that you see both towers fell to their foundations. And the fall happened very quickly, almost from free fall speed (10 meters per second, with acceleration) as if inside at all there was no concrete and steel, which should keep all this mass on weight for the last 38 years! 415 meters of steel and concrete fell in 12-14 seconds. It's incredibly fast!

2. What the fall of the WTC looked like 7. The building without an airplane, without an attack, but fell next to the first two on the same day.

The building fell on its own foundation. Few people know about this building. Most people only know about the 2 Twin Towers that fell on September 11, 2001, and the third was said too little "officially". The report mentions exactly 1 line, but there is no plane, then it’s not interesting to talk.

Look at the picture, it is almost across the street, and it was hardly touched by either seismic or physical coverage.

Nevertheless, it was this building of 47 floors, built of steel and concrete, which was not only hit by planes, but also by rockets, satellites, etc., suddenly 200 meters high “ fell from the 9/11 fire. In the official version, they wrote: fell from the fire". The funny thing is that not a single concrete building in the history of construction has fallen from a “fire”, except for the American World Trade Center, of course.

3. And this is how the "controlled demolition" of the building with explosives looks like.

For you to understand, the main task " controlled demolition» - remove the building so that neighboring buildings do not suffer. That is, you must lay the building CAREFULLY ON ITS SAME FOUNDATION so that it does not fall to the sides, does not touch the neighboring ones. On latest video you will see unsuccessful options when not everything went according to plan and neighboring buildings suffered! Lay on the foundation in the form of fine dust, it is considered " aerobatics» at the demolitionists.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

UNSUCCESSFUL building demolition!

Well, where are the explosions, you say? Good question if you've never thought about what explosions are like. The ones you are used to seeing are called "Explosion", that is, an explosion directed outward. The shock wave from it diverges to the sides ...

Schematically, "Explosion" looks like this:

In contrast, there is "Implosium", that is, an explosion directed inwards. This is how nuclear charges are detonated when explosives are placed around the plutonium core, which compresses the plutonium into a critical mass, and it explodes. Most likely, it was here that the Implosium technology was applied. The explosions were aimed at cutting through the internal steel beams so as not to prevent the building from falling.

Schematically, Implosium looks like this:

As a result, you get such cut beams. It was as if they had been stabbed with a red-hot knife. Imagine that the thickness of the steel in this particular beam is 12 cm. It's like your PALM! Even along the edges you can see the melted metal, and the slag that remained in its place.


Fire? Do you seriously think that the fire cuts so neatly and only in one place?

Yeah. This is the same explanation as

orange is an apple
(towers fall from the fire)

and the eyes say

orange is "orange"
(turrets fall from explosives)

who do you believe? Eyes or ears?


or this?

Conclusions of the "Digital Universe": the buildings were demolished using standard "controlled demolition" technology. It means that explosives placed in them much before the planes hit them. The planes were only an external special effect. BUT it's cool! On a plane, crash into tall buildings, and then also blow them up into dust! Only Hollywood can work on such a scale. Then they came up with a theory about al-Qaeda and suicide bombers, and a new holy war began - “ war on terror". There are no winners in it, there are no losers in it, because there is no specific enemy. Terrorism is an endless struggle, and that's exactly what is profitable US military-industrial complex. There, in the end, these are eternal state orders, and the eternal flow of money for specific corporations and specific people. They will remain in power for the next decades, because it is always necessary to "protect" society from the next "terrorists". And it doesn't matter that these "terrorists" are not sitting in the caves of Afghanistan, but somewhere much closer ... in the offices of the special services, in the intelligence offices, where educated people sit, with good technologies.

This is how myths are created in the 21st century. Remember technique.

Next, we will look at the attack on the Pentagon, and the plane crash in Pennsylvania on September 11th. You will see that there is even less truth than here. But, this is how propaganda works, and most people do not even think about the fact that they are being deceived in a brazen and cynical way.

In the United States, al-Qaeda suicide bombers captured four passenger aircraft, pointing two of them at the symbol of business New York - the towers of the World Trade Center, and the other two - at the Pentagon and, presumably, at the White House or the Capitol. All aircraft, except the last one, reached their targets. The fourth hijacked plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

New York District Judge George Daniels ruled in absentia that Iran must pay $7.5 billion to the relatives and other members of those who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage and other material losses. Earlier, Judge Daniels ruled that Tehran was unable to prove its non-involvement in assisting the organizers of the attack, and therefore the Iranian authorities bear a share of responsibility for the damage caused during it.

On the site of the destroyed Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2011 was the World Trade Center Memorial. It consists of two square pools-fountains, located right at the bases of the former twin towers, along the inner walls of which water streams cascade down, leaving into square holes located at the bottom of each of the pools.

The names of the 2,983 victims of the attacks (including the six who died in the 1993 World Trade Center attack) are carved on the bronze slabs that line the parapets of both fountains.

The new World Trade Center complex was opened. It is the fourth tallest skyscraper in the world - its height is 541 meters. Construction began in April 2006 on the corner of a 65,000-square-meter site where the twin towers of the demolished mall used to stand.

Celebrated in the United States as Patriot Day, since 2009, after the approval of Act 111-13 of the General Law of the United States, this date is also referred to as the nationwide Day of Service and Remembrance.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Residents of the United States are prone to theatricality, even to the farce in politics. To be sure, just look at the struggle of candidates in the 2016 elections. Perhaps because in the entire “centuries-old” history there have been not many significant events: Civil War accidentally opened grand canyon, apparently flew to the moon, mistakenly awarded Obama the Peace Prize. The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 stands apart. This is a terrible tragedy that has changed a lot. After it, the United States turned from a world gendarme into an aggressor of the same scale. Everything happened and continues under the roar of shameless, shameless propaganda according to the precepts of Goebbels.

What this terrorist attack actually represents, who is behind it, is still represented.

Events and causes

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) is the common colloquial name for the North and South Towers, the main buildings of the World Trade Center in New York. The height of the 110-storey buildings exceeded 400 m. In total, the Trade Center included 7 buildings. The attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 destroyed or damaged everything to such a state that it was necessary to carry out a complete dismantling, demolition of all buildings, utilities.

It is officially recognized that the air attack on the WTC buildings was carried out by terrorists who hijacked airliners of American companies that made regular flights. One plane crashed into the North Tower between the 93rd and 99th floors on the morning of September 11, 2001, and 17 minutes later the second collided with the South Tower.

As a result of the applied aircraft damage to the building structures of buildings, fires that arose and quickly spread, the twin towers collapsed less than 2 hours after the start of the terrorist attack, causing serious destruction of the buildings located around, heavy smoke, a dense dust cloud in the surrounding area, the death of some people who were in the buildings, as well as those who carried out emergency rescue work on evacuation, extinguishing fires, restoring order, and providing medical assistance.

As a result, died:

  • 2606 civilians who were in the buildings of the World Trade Center and in the territory adjacent to them.
  • 147 passengers, crew members.
  • 343 New York City Fire Department employees, 60 police officers, 8 emergency medics.

Together with the destroyed WTC complex, more than 20 buildings were damaged as a result of dust, toxic pollution from fires, some of which had to be demolished later, some were restored and repaired. In total, hundreds of thousands of square meters of office and administrative space, a huge amount of financial documents, reports, rare paintings, sculptures that were in destroyed, burned-out buildings were destroyed.

The question immediately arose - who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001? The official version of the US government. sounds like this - the cause of the tragedy was the deliberate hit of those captured by terrorists belonging to Al-Qaeda, passenger aircraft, and the resulting fires led to the collapse of the most tall buildings countries.

In parallel, there are several versions, both argued by testimonies, eyewitness footage, excerpts from official documents, expert opinions, and conspiracy theories, in the spirit of a worldwide conspiracy theory. The former are caused by serious facts, which are difficult to brush aside, the latter are based on inference and emotions.

In favor of unofficial versions says the following:

  • Superficially, the fall of the Twin Towers looks like the demolition of buildings by a controlled, precisely timed explosion, indistinguishable from the planned destruction of other skyscrapers in the US, which can be seen on numerous videos.
  • The fires that broke out in two separate buildings could hardly deform reliable building structures, including metal ones coated with flame retardants, in less than 2 hours. By the way, the North Tower has already survived a fire in 1975, a terrorist act
    1993 in an underground garage with a truck loaded with 680 kg of explosives, which claimed lives but only slightly damaged the building.
  • By the end of the same day, the 47-storey 200-meter building of the WTC - 7, located far from the twin towers, collapsed. This was shown live, and information about the explosion sounded before the event. Later, the official version of the collapse turned on - all the same fires inside. Why they arose, why at least some of their traces are not visible (smoke, fire, partial destruction of continuous glazing) - without comment, as the Americans like to say.
  • Journalists clarify, ask for examples of the collapse of buildings made of reinforced concrete structures in the United States before or after the events of September 11
    2001, which occurred as a result of fires. There is none of them.
  • The story of the businessman who had taken building No. 7 of the World Trade Center in long term rental, who insured it, including a separate item from a terrorist attack, and as a result received a considerable profit from the destruction of buildings.
  • The information added doubts to the reflection on the unprofitability of the tallest buildings in America, plans for their demolition, unrealized, including because of the complexity, high cost of such work in the dense, super-expensive development of Manhattan.
  • Appointed by the US administration. for the role of the leader of the attack on September 11, 2001, the leader of al-Qaeda initially refused such dubious fame. Even gave an interview to a Pakistani newspaper about it. Only in November 2001, he agreed with the prepared role. Protege of S.Sh.A. to fight the USSR in Afghanistan, by that time he himself declared America enemy No. 1 - for which he paid.

There are many doubters. Among them is the leader of the Communists of Russia, Gennady Zyuganov, who said in 2012 that the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York were planned by the US authorities.

Consequences and conclusions

The tragedy, which claimed many lives, became a turning point in both domestic and foreign policy of the United States. The answer to the question of who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001, will be the resolution of the situation with international terrorism that threatens the foundations of the "free world". Under the banner of fighting against it, previously unknown opportunities opened up before America, covered by a fig-leaf of democracy:

  • Tough to suppress dissent within the country.
  • Intervene in the policies of the governments of other countries, the work of banks, companies, dictating their will to them, backed up by military and financial power.
  • To overthrow objectionable governments, to stage coups d'état by proxy, generously sponsoring any opposition, up to the Nazis, terrorists of all nationalities, the fight against which is so much officially talked about. Sad examples are neo-Nazis in Ukraine, ISIS banned in Russia.

The desire of the United States to use in all corners the globe the theory of "controlled chaos" to achieve only their own interests is now no secret to anyone. The tragedy of September 11, 2001, which so "invigorated" the US economy, especially the Department of Defense with hundreds of bases around the world, the military-industrial complex, numerous and very expensive intelligence services, came, no matter how blasphemous it sounds, so opportunely that it causes serious doubts.

The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 and the events that followed it will influence the course of world history for a long time to come. The true reasons that led to it will sooner or later become public.

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