Detailed scale map of the Perm district. Old maps of the Perm province

Perm viceroy with administrative center in the city of Perm was created in 1780 during the territorial transformations of Catherine the Second (by Decree of November 20 / December 1) on lands that once constituted historical area, which was called Biarmia, Permia and Perm the Great in ancient chronicles. Before the formation of the governorship, this area was part of the Solikamsk and Perm provinces, first of the Siberian and then Kazan provinces (in addition to Perm the Great, the cities of Cherdyn and Sol Kamskaya were also part of the province), as well as the Orenburg and Tobolsk provinces. The new governorship included two regions - Perm proper, covering the north, west and south of the governorship, and neighboring Yekaterinburg, which included it eastern lands in the Trans-Urals, and the governorship itself was divided into sixteen counties (Alapaevsky, Dolmatovsky, Irbitsky, etc.). In 1783, the Chelyabinsk district was excluded from the Perm governorship (from the Yekaterinburg region) and transferred to the Orenburg governorate.

By Perm province fully or partially
There are the following maps and sources:

(with the exception of those indicated on the main page of general
all-Russian atlases, where this province can also be)

2-layout survey of the XVIII century. (1780-90s)
The survey map is not a topographical one (latitudes and longitudes are not indicated on it), a hand-drawn map of the late 18th century. (after changing the boundaries of the provinces in 1775-79) on a scale of 1 inch 2 versts or in 1 cm 840 m. As a rule, a single county was drawn on several sheets, which are shown on a single composite sheet. At present, all land surveying maps in the Perm province that we have at our disposal date back to the reign of Catherine II in 1775-96. Color maps are very detailed.
The purpose of the land surveying map is to indicate the boundaries of land plots (so-called dachas) within the county.

Lists populated areas Perm province 1875 (according to information from 1869)
This is a universal guide containing:
- the status of the village (village, village, owner or state);
- the location of the settlement (in relation to the nearest tract, camp, at a well, pond, stream, river or river);

- distance from county town and the camp apartment (the center of the camp) in versts;
- the presence of a church, a chapel, a mill, etc.
The book has 381 pages plus general information.

Lists of populated places in the Perm province, 1905

- there is no binding to rivers and roads;
- population in different sections;
- nationality and class of inhabitants;
The information in the book is current as of January 01, 1904
The book has 526 pages, there is an alphabetical index

Lists of populated places in the Perm province in 1909
This is a one-stop reference guide that contains the following information:
- type of settlement, volost affiliation;
- the number of households in the settlement and its population (men and women separately);
- distance from in versts from several points;
The lists are issued by county.

As a result of the reverse reorganization of the Russian governorships in the province under Paul the First, in 1796, the Perm governorship was renamed into the province of the same name, which, after the consolidation of some counties due to the abolition of others (Alapaevsky, Dolmatovsky and Obvinsky), amounted to twelve counties - seven in the western , the European part (counties of Perm, Krasnoufimsky, Kungursky, Osinsky, Okhansky, Solikamsky and Cherdynsky) and five in the Asian, trans-Urals (counties of Verkhotursky, Yekaterinburg, Irbitsky, Kamyshlovsky and Shadrinsky). During the times of Catherine the Second and Alexander the First, the Perm Governorate (governorship) was administratively subordinate to the Perm and Tobolsk Governor-General.
After the restoration of the diocese of the same name in Perm in 1799, the affairs of the church were in charge of the bishops of Perm and Yekaterinburg (until 1835), Perm and Verkhoturye (after the opening of the Perm vicariate in Yekaterinburg) and, finally, after 1855, the bishops of Perm and Solikamsk. During the time of Alexander the First, the borders of the Perm province retained the former outlines of the times of Catherine the Second and Paul the First, including a number of places in the north (Cherdynsky and Verkhotursky districts) and south (in particular, southern border Krasnoufimsky Uyezd), which initially had straightened borders. Subsequently, the straightened border remained only in the north-east of the Verkhotursky district. The very same internal borders of the counties of the Perm province in the subsequent pre-revolutionary period of its history also repeatedly underwent some changes.

The time has come to write about the white and dark spots of the Perm province. Before that, there were my investigations into the disappearance as well as . How, you ask, is the Perm province and Great Perm not one and the same? As it turned out, no.

First, let's look at the map "Part of Siberia from the Kama Salt to Tobolsk" from the atlas of 1745. Yes, yes, once the Perm Territory was part of the concept of "Siberia". Moreover, even the modern Kirov region belonged to Siberia. And the border between Europe and Asia ran along the line from Azov to the White Sea.

We look at the part on which the modern Perm Territory is drawn. True, then no one even thought about any Perm province. Moreover, after the city of Velikaya Perm disappeared at the beginning of the 18th century, the toponym "Perm" in general began to be slowly forgotten and go into oblivion. Thanks to Catherine II. It was she who in 1781 ordered the establishment of the Perm province and the construction new town Perm, where I am now writing these lines. And in 1745, nothing of the kind was even close.

As you can see, the modern Perm Territory was then divided into several parts. At the very top is Cherdynsky district. This is actually part of the land of Great Perm. The so-called Kama Perm. There was also Vychegodskaya Perm. She, if you look at the map, above and to the left. There, in the area once called Vilegodskaya Permtsa, I was born. Just below Cherdyn lies the Solikamsk district. He never entered the Great Perm, but is mentioned in all historical documents. And here's where things get interesting.

From the blog

Estates of the Barons Stroganovs. The specific principality that existed almost until the very establishment of the Perm province. I have about him. Anyone with any interest in history Perm Territory, knows the text of the charter of Tsar Ivan the Terrible of 1564: “ And the Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Russia Grigory Anikeev granted Stroganov's son, ordered him to sit in that empty place, 88 miles below Great Perm, along the Kama River, on the right side of the Kama River with the mouth of the Lysva River, and on the left side of the Kama against the Pyznoskaya Kurya, down on both sides of the Kama to the Chusovaya River, on the black forests to put up a town (Orel, of course) and around that town along rivers and lakes and up to the tops of the forest, and arable land near that town, rospahivati, and put yards , and call people to him in that town unwritten and non-taxable". Actually, it describes those lands that we see on the map.

And now the question is - what were these lands called before the Stroganovs came to them? No, not Great Perm. She, as I already wrote, was higher and occupied the north of the modern Perm Territory. Let's look at the maps.

Abandoned boiler room

On the territory of the Kizelovskaya convoy there is an old destroyed boiler house.

Abandoned workshops of the Lyaminsky plant

In the center of the village of Lyamino there is a huge industrial zone, part of it is still in working order, and part is already crumbling to dust. There are also more or less tolerable objects.

Old Kizelovsky elevator

Located on the way to Kospashsky.
The territory of the object is guarded, but the watchman always goes to meet and lets those who are thirsty to look / take pictures / climb.

Steam Locomotive Cemetery

A sump for steam locomotives near Ust-Kisherti.
A tricky entrance right along the railway tracks and voila - you are there.

Abandoned church in the village of Troitsk

atmospheric church. It stands on a hill in the center of the village.
Kungur region.

Suksun Palace of Culture

Practically the center of Suksun, a symbiosis of a dilapidated temple and a palace of culture built on the site of a graveyard at the temple.

Kungur stoker

The object is located on the outskirts of the city near the current market.
Abandoned for a long time. From the top you have a stunning view of the city. Altitude around 50-60m.

Taly village

The former camp settlement of loggers near the city of Kizel, former station Lunevskaya narrow-gauge railway. Villages that have fallen into decay due to the elimination of traditional transport (road) communications

Mine them. Chkalova

Mine them. Chkalova is located near the village of Usva. Coal was mined at the mine. The mine complex consists of many different buildings. Date of construction of the object 1957.

city ​​of Ugleuralsky

Liquidation: 1960 Urban-type settlement and railway station. on the river Kosaya, the right tributary of the river. Kosva, which flows into the river. Kama, the center of the Severo-Ugleuralsky urban settlement.
In 1904, the first coal mine (mine) was opened here - "Semenovskaya" (in Soviet times - the mine named after Stalin, from November 24, 1961 - "Central"), in 1905 the second mine (mine) appeared - "Mariinsky" (in Soviet times - the mine named after Uritsky). Since 1935, there was a mine number 4, since 1939 - a mine named after Serov. During the years of the Great Patriotic War evacuation hospital No. 2565 was located in the village and the Shakhtar fishing artel, which was transformed on September 26, worked. 1956 to a furniture factory. In 1957, Ugleuralsky was connected to the regional center, the city of Perm, by a direct line. railway line(via Divya and Kukhtym stations). Nov 29 In 1965, the Klyuchi state farm was organized in the village, formerly known as the subsidiary farm of the Tsentralnaya mine.

Shumikhinsky village

With the closure of the mines (1997), the population of the village, designed for 50,000 inhabitants, decreased significantly. Today, about 2 thousand inhabitants live in it, of which 1 thousand are pensioners. Repeated attempts were made to completely resettle the dying village.
In mid-July 2007, geological work began in Shumikhinsky to search for underground sources of water supply. If scientists find sufficient water reserves, then a water intake will be built in the village using groundwater. While the water is locality served according to the schedule from 10:00 Saturday to 20:00 Sunday.

city ​​of Kizel

A small town in the Perm region, with dozens or even hundreds of completely destroyed houses.

Kizelevsky Bus Plant

Bus plant in the city, Kizel. A lot of destroyed workshops, an abandoned car park.

06/08/2009: The plant itself is in working order.

Frontier Church

Frontier Church
Built on the site of a burned-out wooden church, at the expense of the clerks Dyachkov and Korovin. Relatively uncomplicated architectural decor - cornices with arched belts and curbs, window casings are designed in the forms of the late Russian baroque. In the first half of the 19th century, two porticos were added to the main part of the temple on the north and south sides.
At the beginning of the XX century. surrounded by a fence forged on stone pillars, which was dismantled in 1962.
The remains of murals from the end of the 18th century have been preserved on the walls and vaults. The condition is unsatisfactory. Part of the dome of the main church was destroyed.
Architectural monument Russian Federation.

Polygon VKIU

Former military training ground on the outskirts of the city of Perm (opposite the circus across the Kama River).


Old viaduct. It is located next to the existing railway.
Beautiful. Driving a sedan in the wet season is difficult, but possible.
Perm region. Oktyabrsky district.

old church

Sweet church. It stands in the middle of the village of Dubrovo. It is impossible to drive without noticing this miracle. Inside the church you can wander, if you wish, climb the belfry or the roof. From time to time, pigeons fly under the ceiling and bricks fall down. Don't be scared.

St. Nicholas Church

It was built at the expense of the salt industrialist G. F. Shustov.
Stone. Until 1764 - the cathedral church of the Pyskorsky Nikolaevsky Monastery, then - the parish and, since 1840 - the cemetery. Not currently in use, in poor condition.

Transfiguration Church

The Church of the Transfiguration was built in 1782-1808. at the expense of parishioners. It had three thrones: the summer one - the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (until 1820 dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker) - in the winter aisle on the right, and the Annunciation - in the winter aisle on the left. The church is one-storey, refectory, with a two-height main volume, one-domed. Finished with an octagonal dome. It is located in the center of the village (lower part) on the right bank of the Kamgorka River, on the banks of the Kama. The building itself has been rebuilt several times. The author of the reconstruction of the church in 1830 was the outstanding Russian architect I. I. Sviyazev. The project included the addition of a five-tier bell tower above the narthex and three Doric porticos on the sides of the narthex, as well as the processing of facades in the classicist style.
After perestroika, the village received a slender vertical - a bell tower with a high spire. In front of the church building, a spacious square with trade was arranged.
The church was closed in the 30s. The bell tower was dismantled in the 30-40s. The brick was used to build the school. The carved iconostases have not been preserved. It was used as a village club and a bakery. Has been empty since 1978.

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