Stone town of Zanzibar: photos, attractions, impressions. Stone Town, "Stone City" of Zanzibar Stone Town Tanzania

The island of Zanzbier is not only natural beauty, but also historical and architectural. Although, to be fair, I will say that the nature here is still very cool, but with urban attractions things are so-so. However, if you are vacationing in this place, do not visit it central city called Zanzibar with its old town Stone Town is an unforgivable omission. After all, this is the capital of the island.

Zanzibar City: where is it located?

Let's first understand geographical concepts and names. The island of Zanzibar itself is located in the Indian Ocean off the eastern coast of Tanzania and is part of this country with autonomy. That is, Zanzibar is the name of the main island of the Zanzibar archipelago of the same name. That is, we see that the word “Zanzibar” refers to two geographical object- the archipelago and its main island. But there is also a third toponym. This is the capital of the island - Zanzibar City. Yes, the locals were clearly not very imaginative and called everything they could by that name. Look, here it is, the capital of the island of Zanzibar.

Zanzibar city on the map

As you can see, the city is located on east coast main island. It's quite small. This is an administrative and transport hub: there is even international Airport. So even with all your great desire, you will not be able to pass by. And therefore it is worth looking at it.

Stone Town of Zanzibar: Stone Town

Of historical and cultural value in the city is the old center called Stone Town, which means “ Stone City" This is where the main attractions and cafes are concentrated.

I’ll tell you about the attractions below, but for now a few words about organizing excursions and hotels in Stone Town.

As for me, you can allocate 5 hours, no more, to explore this place. During this time, you will have time to explore the main attractions on your own and with a guide. But if you expect good shopping, then you will need more time. Let's do the math. Sitting in a cafe - 1-2 hours, guided tour - 2-3 hours, shopping - depends on your needs and desires. Total hours 5-8.

The guide can be found right on the street. More precisely, you don’t have to look for him; he will most likely come to you himself. At least he came to us. At first I wanted to walk around the city on my own, but my husband decided to agree to the excursion - and in the end we did not regret it. With a guide, you will have a rich program with visits to places you didn’t even know about. For example, everyone thinks of visiting the slave market or Freddie Mercury's house, but almost no one knows about the panoramic view of the city on one of its highest roofs or about the Buddhist temple, which, surprisingly, exists in Zanzibar. So don't skimp: agree to a guide. Moreover, his services are inexpensive: only 20-30 dollars.

Stone Town attractions

As for visiting attractions, regardless of whether you go on your own or with a guide, you need to know the main ones in advance. So as not to forget to watch them.

The first, truly iconic landmark of Stone Town, which was already mentioned above, is Freddie Mercury's house. More precisely, now this is a hotel room where there was once an apartment building and the family of Farrukh Bulsara (the real name of the idol, given to him at birth) lived. This number can be viewed freely if it is open.

Also a must-see is the slave market in Zanzibar. Here, during a separate mini-excursion, for a small fee, you will be shown the inhuman conditions in which these unfortunates were kept.

Also visit the famous Zanzibar market, where you can buy literally everything. Personally, it made an indelible impression on me, causing real horror with its unsanitary conditions. Clouds of flies that land on dried octopuses, fruits from the floor, crowds of people and smells, smells, smells... In general, it’s very difficult for me to imagine that anyone buys anything there. However, the place is very colorful and worth a look.

During the tour through the streets of the city, the guide also showed us numerous famous Zanzibar doors, which are an entire art movement and are still very popular among rich people from all over the world. Each door is a unique masterpiece worth several thousand dollars. And there are many such masterpieces on the streets of Zanzibar. Moreover, there are three directions in ornaments: Indian, Arabic and Zanzibar itself.

Also, when walking around the city, you will see several temples, of completely different faiths. One of them is a long-term long-term construction. It reminded me a lot of our country with its long-term construction projects. It is unlikely that he will ever be ready.

In general, the attractions of Stone Town are rather weak. That is, it’s not worth going to the island to see them. People come here only for a luxurious beach holiday. And period. That's why staying at a hotel directly in Stone Town itself is an unforgivable mistake. It's ugly, crowded, dirty and there are no good beaches.

Shopping in Stone Town

As for shopping, in Zanzibar you need to go to Stone Town. Moreover, this shopping will, of course, be purely touristic. That is, you are unlikely to visit clothing stores. This is not Milan for you. Most likely, you will opt for souvenirs and jewelry. There are a lot of them here and for every taste. However, if you also plan to visit the mainland of Tanzania, you can shop there too: prices on the mainland are sometimes lower than on the island.

Are you going to Zanzibar?

But up close you can see the real African upper class: the tin roofs are almost rust-free, houses made of clay and sticks are not visible, houses made of foam blocks are not only plastered, but also painted. There are a dozen conventional high-rise buildings.

The beaches of Zanzibar turn into slush, mud and stones at low tide, Mama Africa is still fun, so we are in Zanzibar for the sake of the UNESCO pearl - the old colonial core of Zanzibar City - Stone Town.

It seems that Zanzibar has been a center of navigation in the Indian Ocean and trade with the African Great Lakes region for approximately as long as humans have had any highly developed civilization, at least since the Sumerians and Assyrians. Vasco da Gama, discovering this land for the Portuguese, discovered Arab city-states: Arab, Persian, Indian trade and settlement of the region are 2 thousand years old, and the oldest mosque in the Southern Hemisphere was founded by Yemenis in 1107 in the south of the island, in the village of Kizimkazi .

To the city in place Stone Town 1000 years, but everything that has survived, and what is worth going for, was built by Oman, starting in 1699 with a fort, recapturing the territory from:

At the peak of its power, Oman controlled the entire coast of the Persian Gulf and East Africa in the area of ​​​​modern Somalia, Tanzania, Mozambique and - completely amazing fact- in 1840 Said ibn Sultan moved the capital from Muscat to Stone Town. Now the massive volumes of the palaces lined up on the Stone Town embankment resemble the capital embankments of Europe, down to the specifically Arabian decoration and layout:

Those interested can get inside the palaces operated as a museum, hotel or restaurant - it’s cool there:

Oman's economic power rested on the trade in slaves, spices and ivory. After the death of Said ibn Sultan, greater Oman disintegrates, and in 1876 forces the Sultanate of Zanzibar to abolish the slave trade (the Russian Empire abolished serfdom 15 years earlier). Zanzibar soon becomes a British protectorate.

The slave trading rows of the Darajani market (well, it’s always like that in the market - meat rows, rows for phở bò, etc) symbolically demolish and build an Anglican church, and today a monument in which original slave chains of those times are used on stone figures:

In December 1963, history takes a predictable turn: Great Britain, of course, betrays the Sultan (and almost simultaneously the white minority of its colony, and then), unilaterally terminating the protectorate. A month later, as part of the national liberation struggle, the Sultan is overthrown by black revolutionaries, and, having previously massacred 20,000 people from the Arab and Indian minorities, they join modern Tanzania (Great Britain decides not to interfere).

A clear picture - dead Arabs and Asians, victims of the revolution, some, for some reason, with cut off penises stuffed down their throats:


An attentive Russian will find in Tanzania some parallels with his homeland - in the 70s and 80s Tanzania built socialism and a one-party system under the leadership of the Revolutionary Party Chama Cha Mapinduzi. In the 90s, the one-party system was abolished, economic relief was given, but Chama Cha Mapinduzi still has a visible office in every village and appoints presidents with a 60 percent share of votes (although Africans have a little more rights - presidents are allowed to change once every 10 years, free Tanzania already has the 4th president in history):

The Sultan's country palaces lie in ruins, except for the palace in Kibweni, which houses the government residence. The combat boats on the roadstead of the palace remind of the fate of the last sultan - he and the government managed to escape on a yacht.

Zanzibar City

Zanzibar City welcomes you with familiar sights:

Stone Town

On the left, with the clock tower, is the “House of Miracles,” one of the palaces of Sultan Barghash ibn Said, built in 1883, the first building in this part of Africa with a clock, running water and an elevator. On the right is the Old Fort. The strip of parks in the background, now separating the labyrinthine market streets of Stone Town from the six-story buildings of Zanzibar City, is a now buried estuary Pwani Ndogo, which previously separated the eastern elite of the city from the African suburbs:

Old city was located entirely on a peninsula connected to Unguja by a narrow spit:

The House of Wonders housed a museum of East Africa and Swahili culture, but in 2012 the House partially collapsed and the museum moved to the next colonial building.

In half of the fort there is now a souvenir market, a stage and an amphitheater for concerts, and in 1879, when the Sultan built the first railway in this part of Africa, its depot and Zanzibar terminal were somewhere on the site of the amphitheater or souvenir market:


The main palace of the Sultan, the same one that the British destroyed in the famous, shortest in history 38-minute Anglo-Zanzibar war:

Guidebooks advise not to walk around Stone Town after dark.

I don’t know - the real danger awaits the traveler during the day: cars are prohibited, so the local male population demonstrates all its power by knocking down random passers-by, jumping out into narrow streets from the strangest corners:

Playing grains:


There are two parapets:

Carved doors with metal spikes against elephants, photos of which must be brought from Stone Town, are called traditional Swahili in Zanzibar museums, but such doors (though without elephant spikes - there are no elephants in the Gulf) are typical of the Islamic architecture of historical medinas (for example,), and they were apparently improved with anti-elephant spikes in India:

People look at Zanzibar doors, but what if they have to look at Zanzibar walls?


In Zanzibar, they also cultivate a special African visual wall painting - without any composition: the necessary objects are placed in rows at equal distances. Education of taste begins with visual materials in kindergartens:

Then school -

The pinnacle of my career is to draw the official symbols of the Semi-Autonomous Region of Zanzibar on the walls of government buildings and institutions, fortunately a hoe, a machete, a palm tree and 2 silhouettes - Unguja and - are wisely spaced on a white field in accordance with African tradition. The ubiquitous abbreviation SMZ stands for Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar(Swahili - Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar). Zanzibaris are much better at federalism than ours: on the islands it sometimes seems that no Tanzania exists; the last mention of the Tanzanian government is found in the visa application form.

SMZ= Skuli Ya Msingi Mkunazini:

When Tanzanian socialism fell in the early 90s, Zanzibar itself, much faster than the mainland, allowed exchangers, free export-import activities and tourism in the archipelago is growing exponentially.

SMZ= Maendeleo:

* * *

The stone city is tangled and layered like a gnarled stump: neo-Moorish ones peek out from behind traditional Arab houses, and Art Deco and Constructivism bulge from behind them. Very cool.

They sell firewood:

Sell ​​furniture:



Radio market:

Guidebooks write that if you come to Forodhani Gardens at sunset, you will find one of the best street food markets in the world(!). Well, I don’t know if a city food market could turn out better, why should Sergei Semenovich? Very doubtful!

* * *

For the first time in 20 years of travel, the arrogant habit of not looking at the seasons at the destination (well, because why), unpleasantly repaid: in April-May in Zanzibar the rainy season is such that it is difficult to go outside. Take it into account.

No matter how you plan to get to Zanzibar, the first city that will stand in your way on the island will be the city of Stone Town - the capital of Zanzibar and its attractions. The only port, the only international airport and probably the only city on the island of Unguja.

Stone Town is located on the westernmost part of the island. See the location of the capital of Zanzibar on the map below, and you can read more about this region at the link:.

Getting to this city is also not easy, although with the development of air travel, large international airlines began flying here and this has greatly decreased.

The population of the city is about 200 thousand people. And the city is quite modest in size. There are no trams, no metro, no railway, no trolleybuses. All the city's attractions can be explored on foot in 1 day.

Map of Stone Town attractions:

I’ll say right away that the map shows those attractions that simply need to be visited. There are other places for tourists in Stone Town, Cathedral or an old bathhouse complex, but objectively, these are not the most interesting places city, and to put it in other words, a very big amateur.

Details about Stone Town and the most iconic sights:

  • House of Wonders: a palace built by one of the Sultans. The architecture is quite simple, nothing particularly remarkable from the outside, three floors high. This attraction got its name because it was the first building in Zanzibar to have an elevator, running water and electricity.
  • Old fort: if you are a seasoned traveler, then you have seen quite a few forts. The old fort is located in the very center of Stone Town near the House of Miracles. The fort looks like the most ordinary fort out of thousands of others on the planet. The entrance is free.

It’s worth visiting here, if only because today there is a tourist market along the inner perimeter, where prices for souvenirs are 30% lower than elsewhere on the island, and bargaining here is easier and more pleasant. There is also one pub with ice-cold beer for 4,000 shillings per bottle. If you are interested in the spiritual component, then inside the fort there is an ancient amphitheater, in the arena of which slaves were traded.

  • Forodani Gardens: During the day, this is an ordinary stone embankment with trees, bushes and cannons that defended Stone Town. It's nice to walk here or sit on the edge with your legs dangling to the side Indian Ocean. But in the evening it's iconic place for the entire world street kitchen.

Recently, while digging on the Internet, I found a list of the top 10 best places street kitchens on planet Earth that a self-respecting traveler should visit. So on this list were the Forodani Gardens of Stone Town. Below you will understand why.

Every day, closer to sunset, after 19:00, the entire square and all free territory turns into one big Tanzanian fast food. Hundreds of cooks come to the square with their barbecues, najas, etc. They set out tables with food, the abundance of dishes reminiscent of a royal feast.

The variety of dishes is simply amazing: mostly seafood on skewers, which will be cooked on the grill right in front of you. There are 5 types of octopus, 20 types of various fish (tuna, sailfish, marlin, dorado), lobsters, lobsters, shrimp, French fries and much more. The photo below will give you an idea of ​​everything that happens.

How to proceed: go to the table you like, take a disposable plate and put the dishes and how much you want on the plate. I recommend finding out the price in advance, since it will be difficult to prove anything later with a full plate. You give the plate to the cook and he cooks everything on it right in front of you on the grill. You can pay either immediately or after you eat.

The prices here are not very humane, one skewer of seafood food. costs 5,000 - 10,000 shillings (2.5 - 5 dollars). But you are unlikely to ever be in such a place again.

  • Freddie Mercury's House: for today's youth, this attraction is not as interesting as for older people. My father would dream of visiting here. The house in which the legend of world music, leader of the group Queen, Freddie Mercury was born and grew up until he was 6 years old. Yes, yes, he was from Zanzibar.

Today this is an ordinary house, an ordinary entrance, where ordinary people live, and someone lives in Freddie Mercury’s apartment. Only at the entrance hangs a “board of honor” and a sign that identifies this cult place. I thought I would see a place similar to Tsoi’s wall, but here everything is different. The photo below confirms this.

  • Darajani Market: the central and largest market of Stone Town and, of course, all of Zanzibar. The smells here are appropriate. Basically, this is a food market, where, in conditions of terrible unsanitary conditions and temperatures of +40, they sell food, spices, pets, and clothes.

At the Dorozhani market you can buy a variety of spices, excellent Tanzanian coffee (we got 1 kg of grain, 100% Arabica for 20,000 shillings), there is dried octopus for beer, and excellent fruit. If you are a fan of noisy and crowded markets, you will definitely like it here.

  • Doors of Stone Town: They are not on the map above, as they are everywhere. Entrance doors are the calling card of the capital. Local residents seem to compete with each other in the beauty and originality of their front doors. Many doors have spikes, we thought for beauty. Now yes, but previously these thorns had a defensive function, protecting the house from the invasion of elephants, when these elephants lived on the island. Now there is no one to defend the house from.

If you can go to other attractions without visiting Stone Town, then you can only get there from the beach of the capital of Zanzibar. Therefore, if you are in Stone Town, do not forget about this magical island.

The above is not a complete list of the capital’s attractions: but these are the most important of them, visiting which you will not regret spending time and money.

Stone Town is the gateway to Zanzibar; you will get your first impression of the entire archipelago here. But to prepare you and create a certain mood, look at the link.

In conclusion: many tourists make the mistake of flying into or departing from Stone Town, the capital of Zanzibar, without stopping here for at least a day. You just need to set aside a whole day for this city to walk along the narrow streets, visit the turtle park and enjoy delicious street cuisine.

The most ideal option: set aside a day to see the sights of Stone Town upon arrival, book a hotel for one day and take a quiet walk and relax. Or on the last day of your trip before flying home.

Have a great holiday :)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: below are the main resources without which you cannot organize your holiday in Zanzibar (immediately add what you need to your bookmarks):

Air travel:– the cheapest tickets to Zanzibar via Istanbul, Dubai, Doha or Muscat.

Ready tours: — tours to Zanzibar from 60,000 rubles. (You can find a direct charter Moscow - Zanzibar)

Hotels:– hotels on the island with 50% discounts, work with Booking, Ostrovok, Trivago.

Villas, bungalows and hotels on the first line:- There are exclusive options at great prices.

Car rental:- the world leader in car rental, in Zanzibar too.

Extended medical insurance: — cooperate directly with the Zanzibar hospital and clinic. When purchasing insurance, you will receive a free online consultation with a doctor 24/7 during your trip!

Stone Town (Zanzibar) – administrative and Cultural Center with Arabic architecture and the only port in famous island Tanzania. The sights of the old colonial “Stone Town” will be of interest both to those who are already familiar with the history of Zanzibar and to tourists who come to relax on the turquoise beaches.

general information

Stone Town is not only the capital of Zanzibar, but also the only city on the island. It is located in the central part west coast, and is named after the stone buildings erected on the site of a fishing village at the beginning of the 19th century. The population is up to 200 thousand people. The area is quite small, so all the sights can be visited in a couple of days.

There are no trams, railways, trolleybuses or metro in the Stone Town, but here is the only sea ​​port and an international airport serving both domestic and international flights.

The city is famous ancient history. Its territory was inhabited back in the 16th century. Over the long years of its existence, it managed to visit the possessions of a variety of peoples, including the Ottoman state. Now Stone Town is one of the most visited places in Tanzania.

Holidays in Stone Town

Stone Town, charming with the spirit of antiquity and attracting with interesting sights, has a relatively developed tourist infrastructure. For comfortable rest there is almost everything here - from souvenir shops and large shopping centers to medical institutions and information centers.

Due to its small size and extremely narrow streets, it is better to move around the city on foot. If you wish, you can use a motorcycle (they transport both people and goods) or Daladala, a minibus that acts as a taxi. The main station is at Arajani Market. Travel to other settlements using mabasi, trucks converted to carry passengers not only in the back, but also on the roof. The main station of this type of transport is located near the slave market. Among other things, you can rent a car - the roads in Tanzania are very good. For those who want to save money, we advise you to ask someone local for the service. The fact is that for them, renting a car will cost much less than for visitors.

As for accommodation, here you can find it for every taste and budget - from fashionable 5* hotels and comfortable apartments to cozy hostels and bed and breakfasts. The greatest demand is:

Zanzi Resort
  • Zanzi Resort;
  • Chuini Zanzibar Beach Lodge;
  • Park Hyatt Zanzibar;
  • Kisiwa House;
  • Annex of Tembo Hotel;
  • Zanzibar Hotel;
  • Africa House Hotel;
  • Jafferji House & Spa.

The minimum cost of living in a separate room for two in a 3-4* hotel in high season ranges from $50 to $230.

And the last important factor is nutrition. The capital of Zanzibar, Stone Town, boasts a considerable number of restaurants, cafes, bars, eateries and other similar establishments.

Among the most popular are:

Terrace Restaurant at Maru Maru
  • Terrace Restaurant at Maru Maru is the best city restaurant located on the roof of the hotel. Here you can take a hookah and admire the sunset;
  • Tea House Restaurant - offers Persian, vegan and oriental cuisine;
  • Zanzibar Coffee House Cafe – features an original interior and delicious lunches;
  • Tamu Italian Ice Cream - an inexpensive cafe known for delicious ice cream;
  • Lazuli – in this cafe you can try fresh juices, smoothies and cocktails from a variety of different fruits.

The average cost of lunch or dinner for two at a mid-price establishment will cost $50, and at a budget diner - approximately $20.

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The numerous attractions of Stone Town are colorful and truly unique places, which remain not only in the memory, but also on the Instagram of every tourist. Let's look at the main ones.

The old part of Zanzibar City, which is a must-visit, is called Stone Town. Its main distinguishing features are its varied architecture and narrow, tangled streets, in the labyrinth of which it is easy to get lost. But this coin also has a downside - houses standing closely next to each other create thick shade in which you can walk even in extreme heat. And the walk promises to be quite interesting!

Ancient buildings, more than 100-150 years old, elegant verandas, carved gates, ancient ruins, traditional Arab houses, palaces and small shops - all this takes us back a couple of centuries. But the most unusual thing is that in the limited territory of Stone Town there are 2 Catholic churches, 6 Hindu temples and more than 50 Muslim mosques - calls to prayer are heard here 5 times a day!

Unfortunately, most of the buildings are in poor condition, and some are completely destroyed, but they still deserve the attention of European tourists. Not long ago, the Stone Town in Zanzibar was included in the UNESCO register - this allows us to hope that the situation will soon change for the better.

This attraction will be of interest to both young and older people. And even though at first glance there is nothing special about it, it was in this house, located in the very center of Stone Town, that the famous Freddie Mercury, a legend of world music and the constant leader of the Queen group, was born and lived until he was 6 years old.

Nowadays, the uniqueness of this house, which now houses the Mercury House Hotel, is revealed only by a nameplate and a small plaque of honor mounted on one of the walls. Tourists have the opportunity to take a photo near the famous entrance door.

Address: Kenyatta Road, Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

House of Miracles

The House of Miracles in Stone Town can be called the main architectural structure of all of Zanzibar. Until 1964, it served as the residence of local rulers, so it was here that such rare things at that time as electricity and plumbing first appeared.

Today the palace has lost its former grandeur. Famous politicians no longer live there, and the elevator that was used to move between floors has not been working for a long time. However, the building is alive - several of its rooms are given over to a museum dedicated to local crafts and customs. And from the terrace of the house there is a wonderful panorama, allowing you to fully admire the Old Town.

Address: Mizingani Rd, Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

Christ Church Cathedral

The Anglican Church in Stone Town, built in 1887, is considered the most significant architectural landmark of the island of Zanzibar. The whole point is in its extraordinary construction, which does not allow one to determine which denomination this building belongs to - Muslim or Christian. Meanwhile, the Church of Christ became the first first Catholic church built in eastern Africa

Christ Church Cathedral is a structure made of coral stone, a beautiful, but not very durable material. From the outside it looks quite austere - stained glass windows, pointed arches, a simple tiled roof and a bell tower with a clock.

Another thing is inside! The interior of the Anglican Church impresses with its beauty and richness. Thus, the altar part is decorated with multi-colored lamps and a chic engraving depicting biblical heroes. The wooden crucifix erected in honor of David Livingston, a scientist and champion of slavery, deserves no less attention. The main highlight of the Church of Christ is the upside-down columns installed by black workers and approved by the chief architect.

Near the Anglican Church there are several other attractions - Livingston House, a monument to slaves and a former slave square.

Address: Mkunazini, Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

Turtle Island

The coral island of Prizon is located near the Stone Town. There was once a prison for slaves here, now it is a nice place famous for the huge turtles brought from the Seychelles.

Most of the inhabitants of Prison Island have long been over a hundred years old - now they live in a special nursery and delight the eyes of tourists. And most importantly, turtles are freely available, as they roam throughout the island. You can take photos with them, pet them, feed them leaves, accompany them on walks, etc. The main thing is not to violate the rules of staying in the nursery.

  • Address: Off the Coast From Stone Town | Shangani, Stone Town, Zanzibar 3395, Tanzania.
  • Opening hours: 9.00 – 16.15.
  • Price entrance ticket: 5$.

Looking at photos of Stone Town in Zanzibar, it is impossible not to notice the pictures of the Darajani Bazaar market. This place, imbued with African flavor, is aimed not only at guests of the island, but also at local residents. The biggest attraction of the island is located in the historical district of the city. Since its founding in 1904, practically nothing has changed here. Numerous stalls with various spices, interesting fruits and high-quality coffee, stalls with fresh and dried seafood, long rows of clothes - all this is accompanied by incredible hubbub and various aromas.

Market location near the Anglican Church on Market Street.

Spice Farm (Tangawizi Spice Farm)

A variety of herbs and spices are not just a profitable agricultural industry, but also an important part of the cultural and historical heritage of the city of Zanzibar. Recently, more and more specialized farms have opened on the island, where they grow ginger, basil, pepper, vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg, lemongrass and cloves. One such amazing place is Tangawizi Spice Farm. In addition to herbs, a variety of fruits grow here, the names of which are unfamiliar to the average European.

For a small fee you can see, touch, smell, taste and even buy all this. The quality of spices is very high, the prices are appropriate. At the city market, the same spices are sold at 2 or even 3 times cheaper. But even if you are not going to buy anything, be sure to bring small change. Tangawizi Spice Farm owners often give small gifts and expect a small tip in return.

Address: Kianga - Dole | next to the Dole Mosque, Stone Town, Zanzibar City.

Forodhani Park

Forodhani Gardens can be called the most visited attraction in Stone Town in Zanzibar. They represent a spacious area located near the city embankment. The name of the park, which translated means “ship unloading point,” is due to long-standing historical events - several centuries ago, slaves were brought to this place for sale at the local slave market.

Today, only memories remain of those terrible events. Forodhani Gardens now attracts attention with its market, a mecca for street food. With the onset of evening, an ordinary pier with shady alleys and ancient cannons turns into a huge fast food! Closer to sunset, the entire area of ​​the square is occupied by chefs, “armed” with their own braziers, najas, barbecues and other culinary equipment. The list of dishes is amazing in its diversity - shrimp and octopus, lobster and fritters with fish filling, marlin and lobster, tuna and French fries, sailfish, dorado and much more. Any of these dishes will be prepared right before your eyes.

To do this, just put everything your heart desires on a disposable plate and take it to the cooks. Payment is made both before and at the end of the meal. It’s better to check prices right away, because later you simply won’t be able to prove anything.

Address: On the Waterfront, Stone Town, Zanzibar City, Tanzania.


The island of Zanzibar boasts a huge variety of beaches. However, in Stone Town itself the water is quite dirty and swimming in it is a dubious pleasure. If you are looking for a place to lie on the beach, you will have to go out of town. Among the most popular places For beach holiday we can mention Pingu, Nungwi, Kendwa, Kizimkazi, Kiwengwa and many others. We will look at the nearest beaches located near the capital of Zanzibar.

Bububu Beach, which is the closest beach to Stone Town, is a 30-minute walk from the city center. This place is called quiet and secluded. The path to it runs through villages with a unique Tanzanian flavor.

Several comfortable hotels have been built on Bububu, but only one has become famous - the Hakuna Matata, located in a lagoon with clean white sand and surrounded by mango trees towering directly above the water. The rest of Bububu's coastline is covered with small pebbles. The main advantage of this beach is the low tides and the small number of people, which allows you to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility.


Looking at photos of the city of Zanzibar, you can see a small disappearing island located near Prizon. Why disappearing? Yes, because it appears only in the first half of the day, during low tide. Despite its small size, the beach on Nakupenda Island is very popular and is considered one of the most important natural attractions.

Crystal clear azure water, starfish, several dozen pleasure boats, a dozen souvenir sellers, grilled seafood and not a single tree around... The special atmosphere of this place is fueled by the knowledge that in just a few hours it will disappear into the ocean depths, only to reappear in the morning . The only drawback of Nakupenda is the influx of tourists arriving here every day.

Prices on the page are for August 2018.

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Weather and climate - when is the best time to come?

Stone Town in Tanzania can be called an ideal place for a holiday in terms of weather, because it is warm here all year round. average temperature air is +30⁰С, water warms up to +26⁰С. The rainy season lasts from May to April - during this period some hotels remain closed. If you decide to come to Zanzibar in early February, you can catch Sauti za Busara, an annual music festival that sells out long before it starts.

As you can see, a visit to Stone Town in Zanzibar promises to be bright and eventful. Have a good trip and unforgettable impressions!

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