Kremlin towers scheme and titles presentation. Absentee travel

Did the job:
Dubovtseva Margarita and
Dubovtseva Anastasia

A bit about the Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin has 20 towers. List of towers
composed starting from the southeast corner
Kremlin wall, counterclockwise.
Many towers of the Moscow Kremlin, except
the modern name given first have
and the second name, as a rule, is more ancient.
Moscow Kremlin - fortress in
center of Moscow and its oldest part, the main
socio-political and historical-artistic complex of the city,
official residence of the President of the Russian
Located on the high left bank of MoscowView of the Kremlin
river - Borovitsky hill, at the confluence with it
the Neglinnaya river. In terms of the Kremlin - the wrong one from Bolshoy Kamenny
a triangle with an area of ​​27.5 hectares (ha). South
the wall faces the Moscow River, the northwestern one -
to the Alexander Garden, eastern - to the Red


The first settlements on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin belong to the Bronze Age.
century (II millennium BC). The modern Archangel Cathedral had
found a Finno-Ugric settlement dating back to the early Iron Age (second
half of the 1st millennium BC e.). At that time, the Dyakovo-type settlement occupied
the center of the upper floodplain terrace of Borovitsky Hill (the area of ​​modern
Cathedral Square) and may have already had fortifications. Village from the northeast
was protected by two ravines: one - to the north of the current Trinity Gate
went out to the Neglinnaya River, the other lay between Petrovskaya and Second
Nameless towers of the modern Kremlin.
In 1991, the Kremlin became the residence of the President of Russia. In the 1990s on
the territory of the Kremlin, extensive restoration work has been carried out, as a result
which the Red Porch of the Faceted Chamber was restored, restored
Alexander and Andreevsky halls of the Bolshoi Kremlin Palace, carried out
restoration of the Senate building. Restoration was carried out in 1996-2000
Kremlin walls and towers. In July 2014 President Vladimir
Putin proposed to demolish the 14th administrative building on Ivanovskaya Square
the Moscow Kremlin and restore those who stood on it
place Chudov and Ascension monasteries. On April 29, 2016, the 14th building was
completely dismantled, and a park was created in its place.


Moscow city
Year of construction 1482-1495
Kremlin area 27.7 ha (0.277 km²)
The length of the walls is 2500 meters
Number of towers20
Number of gates4
Tower height up to 80 m
Kremlin towers:
Vodovzvodnaya Borovitskaya Armory
Commandant Trinity Kutafya
Medium Arsenal Corner
Arsenalnaya Nikolskaya
Senate Spasskaya Tsarskaya Nabatnaya
Konstantin-Eleninskaya Beklemishevskaya
Petrovskaya Second Nameless First
Nameless Taynitskaya Annunciation
wall height from 5 to 19 m
Wall thickness from 3.5 to 6.5 m

Architecture Walls and towers

The existing walls and towers were built in 1485-1516.
The total length of the walls is 2235 m, their height is from 5 to 19 m,
thickness - from 3.5 to 6.5 m. In plan, the walls form an irregular
triangle. The top of the wall, according to the Lombard tradition, is decorated with battlements in
in the form of a dovetail, the total number of teeth along the top of the wall is 1045.
Most of the teeth have slit-like loopholes. Arranged in the walls
wide, arched embrasures. From the outside of the wall
smooth, on the inside - decorated with arched niches - traditional
a technique designed to facilitate and strengthen the structure of the structure.
There are 20 towers along the walls. 3 towers standing at the corners of a triangle,
have a round section, the rest are square. The most high tower -
Troitskaya, it has a height of 79.3 m.
Most of the towers are made in a single architectural style given
them in the second half of the 17th century. Stands out from the general ensemble
Nikolskaya Tower, which was rebuilt at the beginning of the 19th century
in a pseudo-gothic style.

In 1485-1516, the construction of the Kremlin walls was led by Italian
architects Anton Fryazin, Marco Fryazin, Pietro Antonio Solari and Aleviz
Fryazin Old. Brick walls were placed along the line of white stone, with
slightly outward. Starting from the Spasskaya Tower
The Kremlin was enlarged in an easterly direction. First in 1485 with
on the south side, the Taynitskaya Tower was laid, and five years later the entire
the southern part of the fortress was built. For building walls and towers
used a large (30x14x17 cm or 31x15x9 cm.) brick weighing up to
8 kg each. The front walls were laid out of brick, which
filled with white stone. The tallest walls were erected along
Red Square, where there was no natural water barrier.
Shoots on the walls had Spasskaya, Nabatnaya, Konstantin-Eleninskaya,
Troitskaya, Borovitskaya, Annunciation and Petrovskaya towers. Initially
inside the wall through all the towers there was a through passage blocked
cylindrical vaults. Most of the passage was over time
covered with construction debris, the section between the Konstantin-Eleninskaya and Nabatnaya towers has been preserved. There were also hiding places and passages
under the walls, in some cases going far beyond the line of fortifications.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Neglinnaya was moved away from the walls. For
the installation of new guns on the towers, the loopholes were hewn. At the same time
the originally existing plank roofs of the walls burned down. In 1702-1736
years, part of the wall was dismantled for the construction of the Arsenal, later
restored. In 1771-1773 for the construction of the Kremlin
of the palace, according to the project of V.I. Bazhenov, part of the southern wall was also dismantled
between Beklemishevskaya and Annunciation towers, which was later
restored. In 1802-1805, a major overhaul was carried out
towers, during which almost all retractable archers were dismantled.
The War of 1812 inflicted heavy damage on the walls, especially
Nikolskaya tower, towers and walls along the Neglinnaya. Repair and
the restoration of the fortifications was carried out from 1817 to 1822. During
repair work to the external appearance of the Borovitskaya and Vodovzvodnaya towers
pseudo-Gothic decor details were added.
In 1866-1870, the walls and towers of the Kremlin were restored.
architects N. A. Shokhin, P. A. Gerasimov, F. F. Richter,
who sought to give the buildings their original appearance.

During the restoration process, pseudo-Gothic paintings disappeared from the Borovitskaya Tower.
decorative details, however, many elements of the original details of the walls and
Kremlin towers were lost and replaced with inaccurate copies. Damage
towers and walls were applied during the alterations of the second half of the XIX
centuries in the course of adapting their premises to household needs.
Nikolskaya and Beklemishevskaya towers that suffered during the revolution
were renovated in 1918. Examination and partial
the restoration of the walls was carried out in 1931-1936. In 1935-1937
ruby five-pointed stars were installed on five towers.
The next restoration of the walls and towers of the Kremlin was carried out in 1946-1953
years, during which the walls were cleaned and repaired,
loopholes and parapets were restored, details on a number of towers were revealed,
the tops of the Spasskaya, Troitskaya and Nikolskaya towers are upholstered with sheet copper. IN
The composition of the restoration commission included prominent scientists and
restorers: I.E. Grabar, V.N. Lazarev, M.V. Alpatov, P.D.
Korin, D.P. Sukhov and others.

Vodovzvodnaya tower

Vodovzvodnaya (Sviblova) tower - southwestern corner
tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Located on the corner of the Kremlin
embankment and Alexander Garden, on the banks of the Moscow River.
Erected in 1488 by the Italian architect Anton
Fryazin (Antonio Gilardi). Name Sviblov Tower
comes from the boyar surname Sviblo (later Sviblova),
the courtyard of which adjoined the tower from the side of the Kremlin.
Modern name received in 1633 after installation in
her water-lifting machine, manufactured under
the leadership of Christopher Galovey, to supply water from the Moskva River to the Kremlin. It was the first water supply system in Moscow from tanks,
placed in the upper tiers of the tower. The water from it was
carried out "to the Sovereign Sytny and Stern Palace", and then to
There was a port-washing raft on the Moscow River near the Vodovzvodnaya Tower
for rinsing clothes. On the bank of the river stood a port-washing hut with
tower, 1883
raft accessories. In the Kremlin wall were arranged
a small port-washing gate through which linen was carried.

The water tower was built in the classical style. To the middle
height, it is lined with alternating belts of protruding and
sinking masonry. A narrow strip of white stone covering
the tower in its middle part, as if underlining the arcade belt.
The tower is completed with teeth in the form of "dovetails" with
slits for shooting. Arcature belt, mashikuli, "swallows
tails" had not previously been found in Russian architecture of serfs
structures and were used here for the first time. Tent over the tower
was erected at the end of the 17th century. In 1805, due to dilapidation
dismantled and rebuilt.
In 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte's army retreating from Moscow
blew up the tower. Restored in 1817-1819 by an architect
Osip Ivanovich Bove. The walls are treated with rust, loopholes
replaced by round and semicircular windows. Dormer windows
decorated with Tuscan porticos with columns and pediments.
Unlike other towers that have ruby
stars, on Vodovzvodnaya previously there was no completion in the form of an eagle.
A star with a diameter of 3 meters was installed on the tower in 1937 and
is the smallest of the Kremlin stars.
View of
from the Bolshoi

Borovitskaya tower

Borovitskaya (Predtechenskaya) tower -
one of the southwestern
towers of the Moscow Kremlin. She
goes to Aleksandrovsky
garden and Borovitskaya Square,
located next to the Big
Stone bridge. The name of the tower
legend, comes from an ancient forest,
that once covered one of the seven
hills on which Moscow stands.


Before the construction of the modern Borovitskaya tower on its
there was another one with the same name.
This is evidenced by a record of the construction in 1461
year of the Church of John the Baptist "on the forest", where it was
it is written that this church stood at the "Borovitsky
The new Borovitskaya tower was built in 1490
year by order of Ivan III by an Italian architect
Pietro Antonio Solari, arriving
to Moscow from Milan. Then Solari erected and
wall from Borovitskaya to the corner Vodovzvodnaya
In the XVI-XVII centuries. through the Borovitskaya tower
drove into the economic part of the Kremlin -
to Zhitny and Konyushenny yards, isolated
from the front part of the fortress by a wall built in
In 1493, the tower was seriously damaged by fire.
tower, 1883.

By decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on April 16, 1658, Borovitskaya
the tower was renamed Predtechenskaya - after the Church of the Nativity
John the Baptist in the Kremlin (dismantled in 1847), but this name is not
got accustomed.
Above the Borovitsky Gates in the icon case was the icon of St. John
Forerunners. The clergy of the Church of St. Nicholas Streletsky looked after the lampada,
located on Borovitskaya Square. The temple was destroyed in 1932
year during the laying of the Sokolnicheskaya metro line. Icon also
lost in Soviet times.
In the autumn of 1935, the Soviet authorities installed on the Borovitskaya Tower
a five-pointed star 3.35 m high (ray span - 3.2 m). Before
The tower was crowned with a double-headed eagle. In addition to the Borovitskaya Tower, the stars
crown Spasskaya, Nikolskaya, Trinity and Vodovzvodnaya towers. IN
In 1937, the star was replaced with a new one, which is located on the tower and
until now.
Today the Borovitsky Gates are the only permanent
the gates of the Kremlin. Pass through the Borovitskaya Tower and
visitors to the Armory.


The Borovitskaya Solari tower was based on a quadrangle, which crowned
wooden tent. Then, in the 1666-1680s, the wooden tent was
three more quadrangles decreasing upwards were removed and built on, one
octahedron and stone tent. Therefore, the Borovitskaya tower has
a kind of stepped (or pyramidal) shape. In addition, on the side
from the tower, a diversion archer with a passage gate was attached.
The gate had an iron grate, and it was thrown across the Neglinnaya River
In the 18th century, the tower was repaired and decorated with white stone details.
in a pseudo-gothic style. When in 1812 to Moscow
entered the French army led by Napoleon, many architectural
Moscow monuments were damaged or destroyed as a result of fires
and explosions. So, they also blew up the Vodovzvodnaya tower adjacent to Borovitskaya.
During the explosion, the top of the tent fell from the Borovitskaya tower.
In 1816-1819 the tower was repaired under the direction of
architect O. I. Bove.

Apparently, at the same time, a clock appeared on the tower, at least on
the drawings that have survived from that time indicate the gate and the clock.
In 1848, after the destruction of the Church of the Nativity of the Forerunner near Bor,
the tower was turned into a church. The altar was moved there from the church and
destroyed pseudo-Gothic decorations. Many other elements
decorations of the Borovitskaya Tower were destroyed during the next
renovation in the 1860s.
In the 1970s, the white stone decorations were restored, and above
the gate was placed a shield with the coat of arms of Moscow.
In the summer of 2006, regular repairs were carried out
Borovitskaya tower. During the week, government motorcades traveled
through the Spassky Gate.

Internal layout

The main quadrangle (16.68 m): the inside of the tower has two tiers,
covered with cylindrical vaults. From the first tier you can get
in a partially filled basement. On the second tier there were decor details
the church that used to be here, for example, the salt of the XIX century (the tower church was
destroyed after the October Revolution)
The second quarter (4.16 m): the room is covered with a closed vault
with formwork for windows.
Third (3.47 m) and fourth quarters (4.16 m): combined into one
room and also have a closed vault with stripping for windows.
The octagon (4.16 m) and the tent (18.07 m): combined into one room,
long narrow rumors cut through the walls.
The tiers communicate with each other by stairs that are in the thickness
east and north walls. Spiral staircase in the southeast corner
tower passes through the entire main quadrangle from the basement to the second

Arrow and gate

The retractable archer has a triangular shape in plan.
It communicates with the basement of the main quarter. Above
passage gates are located narrow
holes formerly used for drawbridge chains
through Neglinka. In addition, in the passage of the gate preserved
vertical grooves for the hersa (lower grate).
It is believed that the Borovitsky Gates are the most ancient of
Kremlin gates, they are also the closest to the river
From the outer side of the Kremlin wall on the folds of the gate
coats of arms carved from white stone are visible, obviously ancient
origin - Lithuanian and Moscow. About time and
the reasons for their appearance on the Borovitskaya Tower, experts
have not yet received an answer. In any case, two coats of arms
placed on a retractable archer attached to the tower
in the 3rd quarter of the 17th century, however, they could be
transferred here and from more ancient building, For example
from the main volume of the tower, rebuilt at the same time.
Gate of Borovitskaya

weapon tower

The Armory (Konyushenny) tower is located
between Borovitskaya and Commandant towers on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, stretching
along the Alexander Garden. At the beginning of the 17th century, she
had a travel gate to the Konyushenny yard in the Kremlin.
Hence her ancient name.
The tower was built in 1493-1495. It is possible
that an Italian took part in its construction
architect Aleviz Fryazin (Old). In 1676-1686
the tower was built on with a tent top and
today has well preserved its medieval
forms. The tower received its modern name in the 19th century.
century according to the building built on the territory of the Kremlin
The architectural solution of the Armory Tower is close to
architecture of the neighboring Komendantskaya
towers. On a massive square quadrangle in plan,
completed by a combat platform with a parapet, located
open quadrangle topped with a tent with a watch
weapon tower

commandant's tower

Komendantskaya (Deaf, Kolymazhnaya)
tower - tower of the northwestern part
walls of the Moscow Kremlin, today
stretching along the Alexandrovsky
garden. Formerly called Kolymazhnaya
located near her
Kolymazhny yard in the Kremlin. In XIX
century the tower was named
"Komendantskaya", when next to the Kremlin,
settled in the Poteshny Palace of the 17th century
commandant of Moscow.
The tower was built in 1493-1495
years by the Italian Aleviz Fryazin. IN
1676-1686 this tower, like
others, built on decorative
tent top.

Trinity Tower

Trinity Tower (formerly -
Bogoyavlenskaya, Rizopolozhenskaya, Znamenskaya
I, Kuretnaya) - a tower with a gate in the middle
northwest wall Moscow Kremlin,
facing the Alexander Garden.
Trinity Tower - the tallest tower
Kremlin. Tower height at present
together with a star from Aleksandrovsky side
garden is 80.1 m.
Troitsky leads to the gates of the Trinity Tower
bridge protected by the Kutafya tower. Gates
the towers serve as the main entrance for visitors
The President's office is based in the Trinity Tower
Russian orchestra. The tower has a rehearsal room
hall and studios.
Trinity and Kutafya


Trinity Tower was built in 1495-1499. Italian
architect Aleviz Fryazin Milanets. The tower was called differently: the original name was Bogoyavlenskaya, then
Rizopolozhenskaya, Znamenskaya (in honor of those located on the territory
Kremlin cathedrals) and Karetnaya (in honor of the Karetny yard). Your current
received the name in 1658 by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
located next to the courtyard of the Trinity Monastery. In a two-story
the base of the tower in the XVI-XVII centuries housed a prison. From 1585 to
the tower had a chiming clock removed after a fire in 1812.
At the end of the 17th century, the tower received a multi-tiered tent superstructure.
with white stone decorations in gothic forms. In 1707, due to the threat of a Swedish invasion, the loopholes of the Trinity Tower were
expanded for heavy guns. In 1870, under the leadership
architect A. A. Martynov, the tower was adapted for
placement of the Archives of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, as a result
many of the original details of its design have been lost. At the end
XIX century, the restoration of the tower was carried out by the architect N. A. Shokhin.

Above the Trinity Gate in an icon case was an icon
Mother of God of Kazan, damaged during the assault
Kremlin by the Bolsheviks in 1917. Fate over the gate
icons in Soviet times is unknown. At present
time the place of the icon over the Trinity Gates with
sides of the Alexander Garden take hours, and from
sides of the Kremlin - the same empty architectural
a niche resembling a kiot.
Until 1935, the top of the tower was crowned by the state
The coat of arms of Russia is a double-headed eagle. To the next
date of the October Revolution, a decision was made
remove the eagle and install on it and the rest of the main
travel towers of the Kremlin gilded
gem stars. Double-headed eagle of Trinity
the tower turned out to be the oldest - 1870
year of manufacture and prefabricated on bolts, therefore, when
dismantling it had to be dismantled at the top
and Kutafya towers,
towers. In 1937, a faded semi-precious star
replaced with modern ruby.

Kutafya Tower

Kutafya (Bridge) tower - the only one
surviving diversion tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Located
opposite the Trinity Tower, in front of the Trinity Bridge.
The tower was built in 1516
by the Milanese architect Aleviz
Fryazina. Low, surrounded by a moat and
by the Neglinnaya River, with a single gate,
which in moments of danger tightly closed
the lifting part of the bridge, the tower was formidable
a barrier to the besiegers of the fortress. She
had loopholes of plantar battle and machicolations.
In the old days, Kutafya, like other Kremlin towers, ended
two-horned teeth and a hipped plank roof. In 1685 she was crowned
openwork "crown" - a parapet with white stone details. In the 18th century
the vault covering the tower was dismantled.

In the XVI-XVII centuries, the water level in the Neglinnaya River
was raised high by dams, so that the water
surrounded the tower on all sides. Enter the tower
from the side of the city it was possible only on an inclined
bridge. At present, the lower part of the tower
filled: its initial height above the level
land was 18 meters; now - 13.5 meters.
There are two popular versions
origin of the name "Kutafya": from the word
"kut" - shelter, corner, or from the word "kutafya",
denoting a full, clumsy woman.
However, the first one is highly questionable.
since the word "kut" would form the name
Kutovaya, not Kutafya.
Construction began on the sides of the tower in 2011
modern pavilions, which, for fear
specialists in the preservation of cultural heritage,
distort historical appearance monument.
The appearance of the tower before
restructuring in 2012

Corner Arsenal Tower

Corner Arsenal Tower (Sobakina) - the most powerful
tower of the Moscow Kremlin. She completed her defense
line from Red Square and controlled
crossing the Neglinnaya River to Torg.
Built in 1492 by the Italian architect Pietro
Antonio Solari (circa 1450-1493). Since
buildings long time tower
was called Sobakina according to the yard adjacent to her
boyars Sobakins; received its modern name after
the construction of the Arsenal building in the 18th century.
The Dog Tower was originally the tallest
Kremlin tower. In the past, she performed not only
defense functions. A well was dug in the tower,
which, in the event of a siege, could be used by the garrison
fortresses. From the Corner Arsenal tower came a secret
passage to the Neglinnaya River, and its sixteen-sided volume
had seven rows of loopholes; the course and loopholes were laid,
Arsenal Tower
probably in the 1670s-1680s when the device
a base expanding downwards, attached
semicircle to the original wall.

In 1672-1686, the tower was erected
octagonal tent on a stepped base,
which ended with an openwork octagon with
tent and weather vane. In 1707, Peter I during
preparing Moscow for defense against the Swedes gave
an order to spread the remaining five unlaid
tiers of tower loopholes for installation
artillery. In 1812, during the explosion by the French
troops of the Arsenal in the walls of the tower formed
cracks and the watchtower collapsed. Tower soon
has been restored to its original form.
architect O. I. Bove. In 1894 was
repair of the tower, alteration of interiors and
its adaptation to accommodate the Moscow
provincial archive. In 1948-1950s during
the tower's restorations were restored in
original forms arranged in six
embrasure levels.

Middle Arsenal Tower

Middle Arsenal Tower (formerly Faceted) -
tower of the Moscow Kremlin, located on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, stretching
along the Alexander Garden. The tower was built in
1493-1495 on the site of the corner tower
time of Dmitry Donskoy. In the 15th-16th centuries, about
the towers on the Neglinnaya River were dams. In the 1680s
she got the completion - open quad with
tetrahedral tent, finished through
watchtower with a tent.
The tower got its current name when
erection of the Arsenal building at the beginning of the 18th century.
Previously, it was called Granyon - from the dismembered
on the edge of the façade. In 1821, when breaking down
Alexander Garden at the foot of the tower
A pleasure grotto was built to the project of O. I. Bove. Arsenalnaya

Nikolskaya tower

Nikolskaya tower - one of the towers of the Moscow
Kremlin overlooking Red Square. in the tower
The Nikolsky Gates of the Kremlin are located. Until the end of XV
century, that is, before the creation of Red Square, from
Nikolsky Gate, Nikolskaya Street began.
Tower height: up to the star - 67.1 m, with a star -
70.4 m
Built in 1491 according to the project of the Italian
architect Pietro Antonio Solari. Most
it is likely that the tower got its name from the icon
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, located on
east facade. A number of researchers believe that
the tower was named after the monastery of St. Nicholas the Old,
located nearby on the ancient Nikolskaya

In a fire in 1737, the Nikolskaya Tower burned down and after restoration
under the guidance of I.F. Michurin acquired baroque decor, as well as
the initial design of the Arsenal. By 1780 the tower was
built on by K. I. Blanc with a round top with a low tent.
In 1805-1806 the tower was completely rebuilt
architect A. I. Ruska, together with A. N. Bakarev: the former
the superstructure above the quadrangle was replaced by a gothic octagon with a high white stone tent and openwork
decorations. Gothic appearance is the main difference between Nikolskaya
towers from other towers of the Kremlin.
In 1612, it was through the gates of the Nikolskaya and Spasskaya towers that the people
militia led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma
Minin on November 1 solemnly entered the Kremlin (October 27 was
signed an agreement on the surrender of the Polish garrison). In antiquity on
the tower housed a clock, the last mention of which refers to


tower, October 11
Nicholas Gate,
November 1917

Senate Tower

Senate tower - one of the towers of the Moscow wall
Kremlin. Located on the east side of the Kremlin
between the Spasskaya and Nikolskaya towers.
Built in 1491 by architect Pietro Antonio
Solari. The tower received its name after
construction on the territory of the Kremlin
in 1787 the Senate Palace. Until that time
did not have a special name. In 1680, above the tower was
built on a stone tent, ending
golden weathervane. Inside the tower has three tiers
vaulted premises. The height of the tower is 34 meters.
In 1918, a completed
sculptor S. T. Konenkov plaque “To those who fell for peace and
brotherhood of peoples. In the 1920s the plaque was removed and
transferred to the Russian Museum. In 1924 in front of the tower
Lenin's Mausoleum was built on Red Square. IN
In 1948, a passage was made from the tower to the Mausoleum,
so that members of the Central Committee of the CPSU could go to the stands
directly from the Kremlin, bypassing Red Square.
View of the tower from
Red Square

Spasskaya Tower

Spasskaya Tower (formerly Frolovskaya Tower) -
one of the 20 towers overlooking Red Square
Moscow Kremlin. The tower is located
the main gates of the Kremlin - Spassky, in the tent of the tower
the famous chimes were installed.
The original name of the tower is
Frolovskaya - comes from the church of Frol and Lavr
on Myasnitskaya street, where the road from the Kremlin led
through these gates. The church has not survived to our
Gates were renamed Spassky
under Alexei Mikhailovich, April 17, 1658.
The new name of the gate was associated with the icon of the Savior
Smolensky, written over travel cards
gate from Red Square, and with an icon
Savior Not Made by Hands, located above the gate
from the Kremlin. Behind them is the name
inherited the whole tower.
View from Red


The Spasskaya Tower was built in 1491 during the reign of Ivan
III by the architect Pietro Antonio Solari, as evidenced by the white stone slabs
with commemorative inscriptions installed above the entrance gate of the tower. From outside
side of the tower the inscription is made in Latin; from the inside - in Russian. Before
the construction of the existing tower, the Frolovskaya Strelnitsa stood on this site
white-stone Kremlin in 1367. During the repair of the archer in 1464-1466
V. D. Yermolin installed on it white stone reliefs depicting patrons
Moscow princes - Saints George the Victorious and Dmitry Thessalonica; these
the reliefs were transferred to a new tower, where they remained until the 17th century.
In 1508, they threw over the moat from the tower wooden bridge. Already at the end of the 16th century
the tower was crowned with a wooden top with a double-headed eagle. In 1624-1625
English architect Christopher Galovey with the participation of the Russian master Bazhen
Ogurtsov erected a multi-tiered top in the Gothic style over the tower (in the fifth tier
there are flying buttresses) with elements of mannerism (non-preserved nude statues of “boobs”), the figurative solution of which goes back to the town hall tower in
Brussels (finished in 1455), ending with a stone tent. fantastic
figurines - an element of decor - under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, whose nudity is bashfully
covered with specially sewn cloth caftans. In 1628 the figures are strongly
burned during the fire and were removed from the tower. In the middle of the XVII century on the main
the Kremlin tower was hoisted with a double-headed eagle, which was the emblem of the Russian
states. Subsequently, double-headed eagles appeared
Nikolskaya, Troitskaya and Borovitskaya towers.

The Spassky Gates were the main of all the Kremlin ones and were always revered as saints.
It was impossible to pass through them on horseback, and men passing through them must
were to take off their hats in front of the image of the Savior, written on the outer
side of the tower, illuminated by an inextinguishable lamp; this custom continued until
XIX century. Anyone who disobeyed the holy rule had to make 50 earthly
bows. Criminals sentenced to death prayed to the image of the Savior of Smolensk,
who were executed at the Execution Ground. The Spassky Gate was the main entrance to
Kremlin. Regiments went to battle from the sacred gates, and here they met foreign
ambassadors. All religious processions from the Kremlin went through these gates, all the rulers of Russia,
starting with Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, before the coronation, they solemnly passed through
them. There is a legend that when Napoleon was passing through the Spassky Gates in
captured Moscow, then a gust of wind pulled off his famous cocked hat. At
the retreat of the French army from Moscow, the Spasskaya Tower was ordered to blow up,
however, the Don Cossacks who arrived in time put out the already lit fuses.
There were always chapels to the left and right of the Spassky Gates. On the left was the chapel
Great Council Revelation (Smolensk), on the right - Great Council Angel
(Spasskaya). The chapels were built in stone in 1802. In 1812 they were destroyed and
restored under a new project. In 1868, during the restoration of the Spasskaya Tower by
project of the architect P. A. Gerasimov, the chapels were dismantled and rebuilt. 22
In October 1868, the new single-domed hipped chapels were consecrated. Both chapels
belonged to the Intercession Cathedral. The duties of the abbots of the chapels included the care of
an inextinguishable lamp near the gate icon of the Savior of Smolensk. Both chapels were
demolished in 1925.

Royal tower

The Tsar's Tower is the youngest and smallest
tower of the Moscow Kremlin, built in the 1680s.
Strictly speaking, this is not a tower, but a stone tower, a tent,
placed on the wall. On the plans of the late XVI - early XVII
century, on the site of the modern tower, a tetrahedral
volume crowned with a low hipped finish, probably
wooden. The name of the tower is associated with a legend according to which
Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) liked to watch the events from here,
taking place on Red Square. But the legend remains
legend, Ivan IV could hardly have climbed here, because
a stone tent was built after him.
Modern octagonal tent on jug-shaped
pillars built in the 1680s. White stone belts on
pillars, high pyramids at the corners with gilded
flags, a tent, ending with a gilded elegant
weather vane - all this gives the tower the appearance of a fabulous tower.
It is known that Spassky's bells were previously placed on the tower.
nabat - the Kremlin fire service. In the bottom
tier of the tower there is an arched through passage, which is
continuation of the undercarriage of the Kremlin wall. tower well
retained its original form.
View of Tsarskaya
from Vasilyevsky

Alarm Tower

Nabatnaya tower - the tower of the wall of the Moscow Kremlin.
Located on the slope of the Kremlin hill
opposite St. Basil's Cathedral. Name
comes from the Spassky alarm hanging on it
bells used for fire alarms.
This tower, which has preserved ancient forms, was
built in 1495. Main quadruple
ends with machicolations with a parapet. His inside
consists of two tiers: lower with a flat ceiling
and numerous rooms, with stairs and
openings providing access to the walls, and the upper
with a closed vault.
In 1676-1686, the tower was built on
upper arched quarter and a tent with an observation tower.
The chetverik is open into the cavity of the tent. Details and finishes
Tower view
upper quadrangle and tent (brick semi-columns
with Red
quadrangle and observation tower with white stone
capitals and belts) remind
completion of the Arsenal tower.

Kremlin bells

In total, there were three alarm bells in the Kremlin: Spassky (on the Nabatnaya Tower),
Troitsky and Tainitsky.
By decree of Alexei Mikhailovich of 1668, alarm signals were
in the event of a fire in the Kremlin, “sound all three alarms in both directions, as soon as possible”
in case of a fire in Kitay-Gorod, "to sound one Spassky alarm in one region, soon"
in case of a fire in the White City - “beat Spassky in both directions and in the alarm, which is on
Troitsky Bridge is quieter on both sides"
in case of a fire in Earthen City, sound the alarm on the Tainitskaya tower with a “quiet custom”
In 1771, during the Plague Riot, the rebels struck the Spassky alarm and
thus gathered Muscovites to the Kremlin. At the end of the rebellion, Catherine
II ordered to remove the tongue from the bell. For over 30 years the bell hung on
tower without language. In 1803 the bell was moved to the Arsenal, and in 1821 to
Armory, where it still hangs in the lobby.
The inscriptions on the bell report: “July 6, 1714 poured out this alarm
a bell from the old alarm bell which crashed the city's Kremlin to
Spassky Gate. It weighs 150 pounds”, “Lil this bell master Ivan Motorin”.

Konstantin-Eleninskaya Tower

tower (formerly Timofeevskaya) - tower
walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Located on the east
side of the Kremlin, above the Beklemishevskaya tower.
The tower was built in 1490 by an Italian
architect Pietro Antonio Solari (Peter Fryazin)
on the site of the Timofeevsky Gates of the white stone
Kremlin Dmitry Donskoy. Modern name of the tower
received after being built nearby in the Kremlin in the XVII
century of the Church of Constantine and Helena (dismantled in 1928).
The tower was designed to protect the entrances to
pier on the Moscow River and nearby streets of the Great
Posada, going towards Zaryadye: All Saints
(now Varvarka) and the Great (later became Mokrinsky
lane, and now completely disappeared). Initially
The Konstantin-Eleninskaya Tower was a travel
a drawbridge across the moat and a diversion archer
(an additional tower connected to the main bridge). Tower view
from Vasilyevsky
After 1508, the second outlet was completed.

In the 1680s, an arched arch was built over the main square quadrangle.
a quadruple with a slender hipped top. After the loss at the end of the 17th century
The gates were closed by the great street of their significance, and the diversion
the archer and the lower tier of the tower were turned into a prison. In 1707
the loopholes of the Konstantin-Eleninskaya Tower were hewn for more
powerful guns. In the 18th century, the diversion archers and the bridge were demolished.
The arch of the gates, partially closed by later layers, is still
pore is clearly visible on the facade of the tower from the side of Vasilyevsky Spusk, as well as
recess for the over-gate icon and traces of vertical slots for levers
On the upper platform of the main quadrangle are machicules, inside
it is divided into two tiers covered with brick vaults. First tier
previously served for travel, and the second was used for service
premises. Ascent to the upper platform of the tower - along the
thicker wall narrow stairs.
The tower was restored in the 1950s and 1970s.
Through the Timothy Gates, located in ancient times on the site
Constantino-Eleninskaya Tower, Dmitry Donskoy left in 1380
to the Battle of Kulikovo.

Beklemishevskaya tower

Beklemishevskaya Tower (also known
as Moskvoretskaya) - the tower of the wall of the Moscow Kremlin.
It is located in the southeast corner of the Kremlin triangle,
near the Moscow River and the Moskvoretsky Bridge. Name
comes from the court of the boyar I.N. Beklemishev, who was
located inside the Kremlin near the tower. After the execution
Beklemishev by Vasily III, the yard together with the tower was used
like a prison for disgraced boyars. located near the junction
Moskva River with a moat, the tower performed an important
defensive function, covering, among other things, the ford and
crossing the Moscow River.
The high round tower was built in 1487-1488 by
designed by Italian architect Marco Ruffo. Basic
the cylinder is located on a white stone plinth with a semicircular
roller at the junction. The tower has four tiers
the possibility of circular fire: three tiers of round vaulted
rooms and the upper tier, where machicules and combat
area. A well was built in the tower and a hiding place for
digging prevention. In 1680 above the main cylinder
an octagon with a narrow tent and two rows was built on
rumors. The tent of the tower has no internal ceilings.
Tower view
from Moskvoretsky

Under Peter I in 1707 the tower was
converted for defense against
Swedes. In particular, the loopholes of the tower were
rastosany for installation in them more
powerful cannons (restored in the original
view during restoration in 1949).
Beklemishevskaya tower - one of the few
Kremlin towers, which are practically not
rebuilt. After the invasion
Napoleon's Beklemishevskaya Tower was
renovated. Also, during the assault
Kremlin Bolsheviks in 1917 top
the shatrik was hit by a shell (in 1920
restored by architect I.V. Rylsky).
View of Beklemishevskaya
tower with church bell tower
Hagia Sophia

Petrovskaya tower

Petrovskaya tower (also Ugreshskaya) - tower

next to the Beklemishevskaya tower. The names come from
courtyards of the Ugreshsky Monastery with the Church of Peter
Metropolitan, who from the 15th to the 17th centuries was
located inside the Kremlin near the tower.
This tower, outwardly very different from neighboring
towers, rebuilt many times. Time of the first
the construction of the Petrovsky Tower is not exactly known,
it is assumed that it was erected along with other towers
south wall in the 1480s. During the Polish
intervention of the Time of Troubles, the tower was destroyed
shots from cannons in 1612, then rebuilt.
When restoring the tower at the end of its main
quadrangular volume staged false machicolations. IN
In 1667 a church was built in the tower. In 1676-1686
years on the main quadrangle of the tower, two
new quarters and a low tent; overbuilt
quadruplets got different from other towers
decoration: in the frames of the windows and in the corners of the volumes were
semi-columns are introduced.
Tower view
from the Kremlin

The tower was dismantled in 1770 (according to some sources, in 1771
year) in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Bolshoi Kremlin
palace; at the same time, the courtyard of the Ugresh monastery was also destroyed
together with the Church of Peter the Metropolitan adjoining the tower. In 1783
The Petrovskaya Tower has been restored.
In 1812 the tower was blown up by the retreating French; in 1818
was restored under the supervision of the architect O. I. Bove.
The volume of the Petrovsky Tower is somewhat elongated from north to south. Tower
ends with an octagonal pyramidal tent. lower quadrangle
ends with false machicolations, the upper ones are framed by cornices and
semi-columns at the corners.
Although the Petrovsky Tower was erected "for best view and strength,
it was used for household needs by the gardeners of the Kremlin.

First Nameless Tower

First Nameless Tower (Powder) - tower
walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Located in the southern part
the Kremlin wall running along the Moskva River to the east
from the Tainitskaya tower.
This architecturally simple tower was rebuilt
again many times. The first time it was erected in the 1480s. In 1547
year the tower collapsed during the Moscow fire from the explosion
gunpowder warehouse arranged in it. In the 17th century there was
rebuilt, and on the main quadrangle it was built on
second tent tier. The tower was demolished in 1770
preparation of the construction of the Bolshoi Kremlin by V. I. Bazhenov
palace. After the construction of the palace was stopped in 1776-1783
years, the tower along with the wall between it and the Second Nameless
the tower was rebuilt in a new place, closer to Taynitskaya
tower. In 1812 the tower was blown up by retreating
the French. In 1816-1835 it was restored under
Tower view
observation of the architect O. I. Bove.
from the Kremlin
The tower ends with a simple tetrahedral pyramidal
tent. The interior of the tower is formed by two tiers
vaulted premises: the lower tier with a cross vault and
upper tier with a closed vault. The top quarter is open
tent cavity.

Second Nameless Tower

Second Nameless Tower - tower
walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Located in the southern part
the Kremlin wall running along the Moskva River,
east of the First Nameless Tower.
The tower was built in the 1480s as an intermediate
tower of the southern side of the Kremlin. In the 1680s over
the main quadruple is built on with a through quadruple and
a four-sided tent with a watchtower,
octagonal tent and weather vane. At the beginning of the XVIII
century in the tower there were later gates. Like
many other towers of the southern wall, Second Nameless
the tower was dismantled in 1771 in preparation for
buildings of the Bazhenov Bolshoi Kremlin
palace and after the cessation of the construction of the palace
The interior of the tower includes two levels
to the tower
premises; the lower tier has a cylindrical vault, and the View
from the Kremlin
upper - closed, with stripping. Upper
the quadrangle is open inside the tent.

Taynitskaya tower

Tainitskaya tower - one of the 20 towers of the Moscow Kremlin,
the central tower of the southern wall of the Kremlin. First in time
Kremlin tower buildings - precisely from the Taynitskaya tower
the construction of modern walls and towers began.
IN last years XV century Ivan III conceived the perestroika
towers and walls of the Kremlin. The beginning of this construction is closely
associated with the name of the architect with Italian roots Anton
Fryazina. Italian architect arrived in Moscow in 1469
year as part of the retinue of the Polish cardinal Vissarion for
preparation of the marriage of Ivan III and Sophia Paleolog.
In 1485, Anton Fryazin laid the foundation stone for the tower ("strelnitsa")
on the site of the Cheshkov (Chushkov) gates of the fortress 1366-1368
years, providing inside the well-cache and hidden
access to the Moscow River, in connection with which the tower was nicknamed
Taynitskaya. During the construction of the tower, the architect used
brick. Some authors consider this to be the first application of Tower View
bricks in the fortification construction of Moscow. However,
from Sofia
"brick archer" (apparently, on the site of the Nabatnaya Tower) of the embankment
already existed in the Kremlin by the 1450s.

The tower played an important role in the defense of the Kremlin from the side of the river. She had
travel gates and a retractable archer, equipped with a lifting
mechanism and connected to the tower by a stone bridge. Later on the tower
sentries were on duty, watching Zamoskvorechye and the bells
informed about the fire. Until 1674, the tower had a striking clock.
In 1670-1680, Russian craftsmen erected a
stone top - open arched quadrangle, completed
tetrahedral tent with an observation tower.
Until the 18th century, on the Moscow River, opposite the Tainitsky Gates,
Jordan on the feast of the Epiphany. The royal entry into the Jordan was one of
the most magnificent ceremonies.
In 1770-1771, in connection with the proposed construction of the Kremlin
palace designed by V.I. Bazhenov Taynitskaya tower, as well as three neighboring
nameless towers, dismantled, and in 1783 restored, but the diversion
the archer has taken on a new form. (cf. engravings by Picard and Makhaev with
watercolor by Camporesi).
In 1812, during the retreat of Napoleon's troops from the Kremlin, the tower
damaged by an explosion, repaired in 1816-1818.

In 1862, according to the project of one of the family
Artists Campioni (A. S. Campioni)
the archer was also repaired. Before
1917 from the shooter of the Tainitskaya tower
a shot was fired daily at the Kremlin
a signal cannon that alerted Muscovites about
noon - similar to tradition
shot of the Peter and Paul cannon in St. Petersburg.
In 1932-1933, the archer again
dismantled. At the same time, travel cards were laid
gates and a well filled up.
Taynitskaya tower with
gate in the 19th century

Annunciation Tower

Annunciation tower - tower of the Moscow wall
Kremlin. Located in the southern part of the Kremlin wall,
passing along the Moscow River,
between Vodovzvodnaya and Taynitskaya towers. Name
associated with the icon of the Annunciation, which, according to legend,
miraculously appeared on the north wall of the tower in
reign of Ivan the Terrible.
The tower was built presumably in 1487-1488
years; in the 1680s, a
stone tetrahedral tent with a decorative sentinel
The lower quadrangle of the tower ends with machicolations,
platform for defense and parapet. internal
the space of the lower quadrangle has the form
irregular quadrilateral and overlapped by a closed
vault. Medium arched quadrangle with wide windows
separated from the tent by a flat ceiling. The same flat
ceilings separate the tiers inside the tent. In the old days in
the tower also had an underground floor, now
half-buried. There is an assumption that the lower
part of the tower is a remnant of the white stone Kremlin of 1367
Tower view
from Sofia

In 1731 a church was added to the tower.
Annunciation designed by architect G. Shedel. At
this tower watchtower was converted into
a bell tower with seven bells, and the weather vane has been replaced
cross. The tower was restored in 1866. WITH
1891-1892 Annunciation Tower
was used as an aisle of the church, while loopholes
were blown into large windows.
In 1932-1933, during the restoration of the tower
architect N. D. Vinogradov Blagoveshchenskaya
the church was dismantled, the hewn loopholes on
facades are narrowed, the cross is replaced by a weather vane.
Near the Annunciation Tower (from the side
Vodovzvodnaya tower) in the Kremlin wall until 1831
there was a so-called port-washing gate,
through which they went to the banks of the Moscow River to
Port-washing raft for washing "ports" - linen.
The remains of these gates, now laid down, are visible from
the inner side of the Kremlin wall.
Under Ivan the Terrible in the Annunciation Tower
there was a prison.
Annunciation tower
and church, porters
gate at the beginning of XIX
century (right)

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"The towers of the Moscow Kremlin" Prepared by: educator GBOU VLG No. 1389 Repina Anastasia Viktorovna

Beklemishevskaya (Moskvoretskaya) Tower Located near the junction of the Moskva River with the moat, the tower performed an important defensive function, covering, among other things, the ford and the crossing over the Moskva River. The high round tower was built in 1487–88. designed by Italian architect Marco Ruffo. Height - 46.2 m. A well and a hiding place were arranged in the tower to prevent undermining.

Constantino-Eleninskaya (Timofeevskaya) Tower The tower was built in 1490 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari (Peter Fryazin) on the site of the Timofeevsky Gates of Dmitry Donskoy's white-stone Kremlin. The tower received its modern name after it was built nearby in the Kremlin in the 17th century. Churches of Constantine and Helena (the church was dismantled in 1928). The tower was designed to protect the entrances to the pier on the Moscow River and nearby streets.

Nabatnaya tower The name comes from the Spassky alarm bell hanging on it, which served as a fire alarm. This tower, which has preserved its ancient forms, was built in 1495. Height 38 m.

The Tsarskaya Tower The Tsarskaya Tower is the youngest and smallest tower of the Moscow Kremlin, built in 1680. Strictly speaking, this is not a tower, but a stone tower, a tent placed on the wall. Once upon a time there was a small wooden turret from which, according to legend, Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) liked to watch the events taking place on Red Square - hence the name of the tower. Height 16.7 m.

Spasskaya (Frolovskaya) tower The tower was built in 1491 during the reign of Ivan III by the architect Pietro Antonio Solari. The Spassky Gates were the main of all the Kremlin ones and were always revered as saints. It was impossible to ride through them, and the men passing through them had to take off their hats in front of the image of the Savior. The dials of the chimes with a diameter of 6.12 m go out on the four sides of the tower. The height of the Roman numerals is 0.72 m, the length of the hour hand is 2.97 m, the minute hand is 3.27 m. The height of the tower is 71 m.

Senate Tower The Senate Tower was built in 1491 by architect Pietro Antonio Solari. Until that time, it had no special name. In 1948, a passage was made from the tower to the Mausoleum. The height of the tower is 34.3 m.

Nikolskaya Tower Built in 1491 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. It is most likely that the tower got its name from the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, located on the eastern facade. In 1612, it was through the gates of the Nikolskaya and Spasskaya towers that the people's militia led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin solemnly entered the Kremlin on November 1. In ancient times, a clock was placed on the tower, the last mention of which dates back to 1614. The height is 70.4 m.

Corner Arsenalnaya (Sobakina) tower Erected in 1492 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari (circa 1450–93). From the moment of construction, for a long time the tower was called Sobakina after the courtyard of the Sobakin boyars nearby; It received its modern name after the construction in the 18th century. buildings of the Arsenal. Initially, the Dog Tower was the tallest tower in the Kremlin. In the past, it performed not only defense functions. A well was dug in the tower, which could be used by the garrison of the fortress in case of a siege. Height 60 m.

Middle Arsenalnaya (faceted) tower The tower was built in 1493-95. on the site of the corner tower of the time of Dmitry Donskoy. The tower received its current name during the construction of the Arsenal building at the beginning of the 18th century. Previously, it was called Faceted - from the facade dissected on the verge. Height 38.9 m. In 1821, when the Alexander Garden was laid out at the foot of the tower, a pleasure grotto was built according to the project of O. I. Bove.

Troitskaya Tower Troitskaya Tower is the tallest tower in the Kremlin. The tower was built in 1495–99. Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin. The height of the tower at the present time, together with the star from the direction of the Alexander Garden, is 80 m. The Trinity Bridge, protected by the Kutafya Tower, leads to the gates of the Trinity Tower. The gates of the tower serve as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin. The Presidential Orchestra of Russia is based in the Trinity Tower. It received its current name in 1658 by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, according to the nearby courtyard of the Trinity Monastery.

Kutafya Tower The only surviving of the Kremlin's bridge towers (not built into the wall, but serving to guard the bridges leading to the fortress). Built in 1516 by Aleviz Fryazin. It is located opposite the Trinity Tower, connected to it by an inclined bridge. The name comes from the word "kut" - "shelter", "corner". Height 13.5 m.

Commandant (Kolymazhnaya) tower The tower was built in 1495 by the Italian Aleviz Fryazin. In the 19th century the tower was called "Komendantskaya", when next to the Kremlin, in the Poteshny Palace of the 17th century. the commandant of Moscow settled. Height 41.25 m.

Armory (Stable) tower At the beginning of the 17th century. she had a travel gate to the Konyushenny yard in the Kremlin. Hence its ancient name. The tower was built in 1493–95. The tower received its modern name in the 19th century. on the building of the Armory built on the territory of the Kremlin. Height 38.9 m.

Borovitskaya (Predtechenskaya) tower The name of the tower, according to legend, comes from an ancient forest that once covered one of the seven hills on which Moscow stands. The Borovitskaya Tower was built by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. In the XVI-XVII centuries. through the Borovitskaya tower they entered the economic part of the Kremlin - to the Zhitny and Konyushenny courtyards, isolated from the front part of the fortress by a wall built in 1499. The height is 54 m.

Vodovzvodnaya (Sviblova) tower Erected in 1488 by the Italian architect Anton Fryazin. It received its modern name in 1633 after the installation of a water-lifting machine in it, made under the direction of Christopher Galovey, to supply water from the Moscow River to the Kremlin. It was the first water supply system in Moscow from tanks placed in the upper tiers of the tower. Water from it was carried out "to the Sovereign Sytny and Stern Palace", and then to the gardens. Height 61.25m.

Annunciation tower The name comes from the icon "Annunciation" that previously existed on the tower. The Annunciation tower was used as a side chapel of the church, while the loopholes were hewn into large windows. The tower was built presumably in 1487-88. Until 1831, near the Annunciation Tower (from the side of the Vodovzvodnaya Tower) in the Kremlin wall, there were the so-called Port Wash Gates, which provided access to the Moskva River to the Port Wash Raft for washing "ports" - linen. The remains of these gates, now laid down, are visible from the inside of the Kremlin wall. Under Ivan the Terrible, a prison was located in the Annunciation Tower. Height 32.45 m.

The Taynitskaya Tower The construction of the existing Kremlin walls and towers began from the Taynitskaya Tower. In the last years of the XV century. Ivan III conceived the restructuring of the towers and walls of the Kremlin. In 1485, Anton Fryazin founded the tower (“strelnitsa”), providing a hiding place inside and a hidden exit to the Moskva River, in connection with which the tower was nicknamed Taynitskaya ... When erecting the tower, the architect used brick for the first time for fortress construction. This innovation marked the beginning of a complete renovation of the Moscow Kremlin. Height 38.4 m.

The right nameless tower It was first erected in the 1480s. In 1547, the tower was destroyed during the fire of Moscow from the explosion of a gunpowder warehouse arranged in it. In the 17th century was rebuilt. Height 34.15m.

The second unnamed tower The tower was built in the 1480s as an intermediate tower on the southern side of the Kremlin. At the beginning of the XVIII century. in the tower there were later gates. Like many other towers of the southern wall, the Second Nameless Tower was dismantled in 1771 in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Grand Kremlin Palace and, after the construction of the palace was stopped, it was rebuilt. Height 30.2 m.

Petrovskaya (Ugreshskaya) tower The time of the first construction of the Petrovsky tower is not exactly known, it is assumed that it was erected together with other towers of the southern wall in the 1480s. In 1667 a church was built in the tower. The tower was dismantled in 1770 (according to some sources, in 1771) in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Grand Kremlin Palace; after the cessation of its construction, it was rebuilt again in 1783, but without a church. In 1812 the tower was blown up by the retreating French; in 1818 it was restored by the architect O.I. Beauvais. Height 27.15 m.

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Beklemishevskaya Tower Beklemishevskaya Tower (also known as Moskvoretskaya) is a tower of the wall of the Moscow Kremlin. built in 1487-1488 by the Italian architect Marco Ruffo. The main cylinder is located on a white stone plinth with a semicircular ridge at the junction. The tower has four tiers with the possibility of all-round firing: three tiers of round vaulted rooms and the upper tier, where machicules and a combat platform are located. A well and a hiding place were built in the tower to prevent undermining. In 1680, an octagon with a narrow tent and two rows of eaves was built over the main cylinder. The tent of the tower has no internal ceilings. It is located in the southeastern corner of the Kremlin triangle, near the Moskva River and the Moskvoretsky Bridge. The name comes from the court of the boyar I.N. Beklemishev, which was located inside the Kremlin near the tower. After the execution of Beklemishev by Vasily III, the courtyard, together with the tower, was used as a prison for disgraced boyars. The height of the tower is 46.7 meters. Located near the junction of the Moskva River with the moat, the tower performed an important defensive function, covering, among other things, the ford and the crossing over the Moskva River.

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Petrovskaya (Ugreshskaya) Tower It is located in the part of the Kremlin wall running along the Moskva River, next to the Beklemishevskaya Tower. The name comes from the courtyard of the Ugreshsky Monastery with the Church of Peter the Metropolitan, which from the 15th to the 17th centuries was located inside the Kremlin near the tower. In 1771, in order to free up space for the construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace, the courtyard of the monastery was destroyed. The height of the tower is 27.15 meters. This tower, outwardly very different from the neighboring towers, was rebuilt many times. The time of the first construction of the Petrovsky Tower is not exactly known, it is assumed that it was erected together with other towers of the southern wall in the 1480s (some sources indicate 1485-1487).

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First Nameless Tower This architecturally simple tower has been rebuilt many times. The first time it was erected in the 1480s. In 1547, the tower was destroyed during the fire of Moscow from the explosion of a gunpowder warehouse arranged in it; in the 17th century it was rebuilt, and a second hipped tier was built on the main quadrangle. The tower was dismantled in 1770 in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Grand Kremlin Palace; after the cessation of its construction, it was rebuilt in a new place, closer to the Taynitskaya tower, in 1783. In 1812 the tower was blown up by the retreating French; in 1816-1835 it was restored by the architect O.I. Bove.

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Second Nameless Tower. The tower was built in the 1480s; in the 1680s, a tetrahedral tent with a watch tower was built over the main quadrangle. At the beginning of the 18th century, there were later gates in the tower. Like many other towers of the southern wall, the Second Nameless Tower was dismantled in 1771 in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Grand Kremlin Palace and, after the construction of the palace was stopped, it was rebuilt. Height - 30.2 meters. Above the upper quadrangle of the tower is an octagonal tent with a weather vane; the upper quadrangle is open inside the tent. The interior of the tower includes two levels of rooms; the lower tier has a cylindrical vault, and the upper one is closed.

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Tainitskaya Tower In the last years of the 15th century, Ivan III conceived a great restructuring of the towers and walls of the Kremlin. The beginning of this construction is closely connected with the name of the architect with Italian roots (Anton Fryazin). The Italian architect arrived in Moscow in 1469 as part of the retinue of the Polish cardinal Vissarion to prepare the marriage of Ivan III and Sophia Paleolog. Anton Fryazin in 1485 founded the Tainitskaya tower of the Kremlin and for the first time used brick for fortification construction. This innovation marked the beginning of the general renewal of the Moscow Kremlin. In 1670 - 1680, Russian craftsmen erected a stone top over the quadrangle of the tower - an open arched quadrangle, completed with a tetrahedral tent with an observation tower. The height of the tower is 38.4 meters. Until the 18th century, on the Moscow River, opposite the Tainitsky Gates, a Jordan was arranged on the feast of the Epiphany. The royal entry into the Jordan was one of the most magnificent ceremonies. In 1770 - 1771, in connection with the construction of the Kremlin Palace according to the project of V.I. Bazhenov, the Taynitskaya tower was dismantled, but then restored.

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Annunciation tower The name comes from the icon "Annunciation" that previously existed on the tower. The height of the tower is 32.45 meters. The tower was supposedly built in 1487-1488; in the 1680s, a stone tetrahedral tent with a decorative watchtower was built over the main quadrangle. The lower quadrangle of the tower ends with machicolations, a platform for defense and a parapet. The inner space of the lower quadrangle has the shape of an irregular quadrangle and is covered with a closed vault. The middle arched quarter with wide windows is separated from the tent by a flat ceiling. The same flat ceilings separate the tiers inside the tent. In the old days, there was also an underground floor in the tower, now half-filled.

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Vodovzvodnaya Tower It is located on the corner of the Kremlin embankment and Alexander Garden, on the banks of the Moskva River. Erected in 1488 by the Italian architect Anton Fryazin (Antonio Gilardi). The name Sviblov Tower comes from the boyar family Sviblov, whose courtyard adjoined the tower from the Kremlin side. The height of the tower is 61.25 meters. One of the most beautiful buildings in the Kremlin. It received its modern name in 1633 after the installation of a water-lifting machine in it, made under the direction of Christopher Galovey, to supply water from the Moscow River to the Kremlin. Hence the modern name - Vodovzvodnaya. It was the first water supply system in Moscow from tanks placed in its upper tiers. Water from it was carried out "to the sovereign's Sytny and Kormovoi Palace", and then to the gardens.

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Borovitskaya (Predtechenskaya) tower Goes to the Alexander Garden and Borovitskaya Square, located next to the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge. The name of the tower, according to legend, comes from the ancient forest that once covered one of the seven hills on which Moscow stands. According to another legend, the tower got its name from the builders of the white-stone Kremlin under Dmitry Donskoy - the inhabitants of Borovsk built this part. The height of the tower is 54 meters. Before the construction of the modern Borovitskaya tower, there was another one in its place, which had the same name. This is evidenced by a record about the construction in 1461 of the Church of John the Baptist "on the forest", where it was written that this church stood at the "Borovitsky gates". The new Borovitskaya Tower was built by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari during the renovation of the Kremlin in 1490, on the orders of Vasily III (the architect arrived from Milan to Moscow in 1490).

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The Armory (Konyushenny) Tower It is located between the Borovitskaya and Komendantskaya towers on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, which today stretches along the Alexander Garden. At the beginning of the 17th century, it had a passage gate to the Konyushenny yard in the Kremlin. Hence its ancient name. The height of the tower is 38.9 meters. The tower was built in 1493-1495. It is possible that the Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin (Old) took part in its construction. In 1676-1686, the tower was built on with a hipped roof and to this day it has well preserved its medieval forms.

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Komendantskaya (Kolymazhnaya) tower Komendantskaya (Deaf, Kolymazhnaya) tower on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, today stretching along the Alexander Garden. It was formerly called Kolymazhnaya after the Kolymazhny yard in the Kremlin located near it. In the 19th century, the tower was called “Komendantskaya”, when the commandant of Moscow settled nearby in the Kremlin, in the Poteshny Palace of the 17th century. The height of the tower is 41.25 meters. The commandant's tower was built in 1495 by the Italian Aleviz Fryazin. In 1676-1686, this tower, like all the others, was built on with a decorative tent top.

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Trinity Tower Trinity Tower (formerly Rizopolozhenskaya, Znamenskaya, Karetnaya) is a tower with a gate in the middle of the northwestern wall of the Moscow Kremlin, facing the Alexander Garden. Troitskaya Tower is the tallest tower in the Kremlin. The height of the tower at the present time, together with the star from the direction of the Alexander Garden, is 80 m. The Trinity Bridge, protected by the Kutafya Tower, leads to the gates of the Trinity Tower. The gates of the tower serve as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin. The Presidential Orchestra of Russia is based in the Trinity Tower. Built in 1495-1499. Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin Milanets (Italian: Aloisio da Milano). The tower was called differently: Rizopolozhenskaya, Znamenskaya and Karetnaya. It received its current name in 1658 after the name of the Trinity Compound of the Kremlin. The two-storey base of the tower housed a prison in the 16th-17th centuries. From 1585 to 1812 there was a clock on the tower.

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Kutafya Tower Kutafya (Bridge) Tower - a tower opposite the Trinity Tower, at the end of the Trinity Bridge. It is a barbican. The height of the tower is 13.5 meters. The tower was built in 1516 under the leadership of the Milanese architect Aleviz Fryazin. Low, surrounded by a moat and the Neglinnaya River, with the only gate, which in moments of danger was tightly closed by the lifting part of the bridge, the tower was a formidable barrier for the besiegers of the fortress. She had loopholes of the plantar battle and machicolations. In the XVI-XVII centuries, the water level in the Neglinnaya River was raised high by dams, so that the water surrounded the tower from all sides. Its initial height above ground level was 18 meters. It was possible to enter the tower from the side of the city only on an inclined bridge

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Middle Arsenalnaya (faceted) tower. The Middle Arsenalnaya Tower is a tower of the Moscow Kremlin, located on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, stretching along the Alexander Garden. The height of the tower is 38.9 meters. The tower was built in 1493-1495 on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, on the site of the corner tower of the time of Dmitry Donskoy. The name comes from the building of the Arsenal.

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Corner Arsenalnaya (Sobakina) tower. The Corner Arsenal Tower (Sobakina) is the most powerful tower of the Moscow Kremlin. She completed the defense line from the side of Red Square and controlled the crossing over the Neglinnaya River. Erected in 1492 by Pietro Antonio Solari (circa 1450-1493) - an Italian architect. The height of the tower is 60.2 meters. In the past, it performed not only defense functions. A well was dug in the tower, which could be used by the garrison of the fortress in case of a siege. From the Corner Arsenal Tower there was a secret passage to the Neglinnaya River. In the 15th-16th centuries, the tower was strengthened with an additional wall, enveloping it in a semicircle. In 1672-1686, an octagonal tent was erected over it, which ended with an openwork octagon with a tent and a weather vane.

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Nikolskaya Tower Nikolskaya Tower - one of the towers of the Moscow Kremlin overlooking Red Square. Built in 1491 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. It is named after the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was located above the entrance gate of the diversion archer. The height of the tower: up to the star - 67.1 m, with the star - 70.4 m. In 1612, it was through the gates of the Nikolskaya and Spasskaya towers that the militia led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin solemnly entered the Kremlin on November 1. Muscovites and residents of the surrounding villages greeted the winners with jubilation. (On October 27, an agreement was signed on the surrender of the Polish garrison). In 1806, the tower was thoroughly rebuilt by the architect A. I. Ruska: the former superstructure was replaced by a Gothic top with openwork decorations. These decorations, as well as four turrets at the corners of the lower quadrangle, are the main differences between the Nikolskaya Tower and other Kremlin towers. In 1812, it was blown up by the French retreating from Moscow, restored in 1816 by the architect Osip Ivanovich Bove.

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The Senate Tower The Senate Tower was built in 1491 by the architect Pietro Antonio Solari. The tower received its name after the completion of construction on the territory of the Kremlin in 1787 of the Senate Palace. Until that time, it had no special name. In 1680, a stone tent was built over the tower, ending with a golden weather vane. The height of the tower is 34 meters. Inside the tower has three tiers of vaulted rooms. In front of the tower is the Lenin Mausoleum.

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Spasskaya (Frolovskaya) tower The main gates of the Kremlin - Spassky - are located in the tower, the famous clock - chimes is installed in the tent of the tower. The height of the tower to the star is 67.3 m, with the star - 71 m. The tower was built in 1491 during the reign of Ivan III by the architect Pietro Antonio Solari, as evidenced by the white stone slabs with commemorative inscriptions installed on the tower itself. When built, the tower was about half as high. In 1624-1625, the English architect Christopher Galovey, with the participation of the Russian master Bazhen Ogurtsov, erected a multi-tiered top in the Gothic style over the tower (there are flying buttresses in the fifth tier) with elements of mannerism (non-preserved naked statues - “boobs”), the figurative solution of which goes back to the town hall tower in Brussels (completed in 1455), ending with a stone tent. Fantastic figurines - an element of decor - under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, whose nakedness was bashfully covered with specially tailored clothes. In the middle of the 17th century, main tower The Kremlin erected the first double-headed eagle, which was the emblem of the Russian state. Subsequently, double-headed eagles appeared on the Nikolskaya, Troitskaya and Borovitskaya towers.

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Nabatnaya Tower It is located on the slope of the Kremlin hill opposite St. Basil's Cathedral. The name comes from the Spassky alarm bell hanging on it, which served as a fire alarm. This tower, which has preserved its ancient forms, was built in 1495. The main quadrangle ends with machicolations with a parapet. Its interior consists of two tiers: the lower one with a flat ceiling and numerous rooms, with stairs and openings providing access to the walls, and the upper one with a closed vault. The height of the tower is 38 meters. In 1680, an upper arched quadrangle and a tent with an observation tower were added to the tower. The chetverik is open into the cavity of the tent. The details and decoration of the upper quadrangle and the tent (brick semi-columns of the quadrangle and observation tower with white stone capitals and corbels) resemble the completion of the Arsenal tower.

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Konstantin-Eleninskaya (Timofeevskaya) Tower Located on the eastern side of the Kremlin, above the Beklemishevskaya Tower. The tower was built in 1490 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari (Peter Fryazin) on the site of the Timofeevsky Gates of the white-stone Kremlin of Dmitry Donskoy. The tower received its modern name after the construction of the Church of Constantine and Helena nearby in the Kremlin in the 17th century (the church was destroyed in 1928). The height of the tower is 36.8 meters. The tower was designed to protect the entrances to the pier on the Moskva River and the nearby streets of Veliky Posad, going towards Zaryadye: Vsekhsvyatskaya (now Varvarka) and Velikaya (which later became Mokrinsky Lane, and now completely disappeared). Initially, the Konstantin-Eleninskaya tower was a travel tower, with a drawbridge across the moat and a diversion archer (an additional tower connected to the main bridge). After 1508, the second diversion archer was completed

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The Tsar's Tower This is the youngest and smallest tower built in 1680. Strictly speaking, this is not a tower, but a stone tower, a tent placed on the wall. Once upon a time there was a small wooden tower from which, according to legend, Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) liked to watch the events taking place on Red Square - hence the name of the tower. The height of the tower is 16.7 meters. White-stone belts on pillars, high pyramids at the corners with gilded flags, a tent ending with a graceful gilded weather vane - all this gives the tower the look of a fabulous tower.

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Execution place Execution place - monument Old Russian architecture, located in Moscow, on Red Square. It is an elevation surrounded by a stone fence. As for the etymology of the name, there are various versions. Under one of them, for example, it is stated that the name of the Execution Ground arose from the fact that at this place “foreheads were cut down” or “foreheads were folded”. Other sources claim that the "Execution Place" is a Slavic translation from the Greek - "Kraniev place" or from the Hebrew - "Golgotha" (this name was given to the Golgotha ​​hill due to the fact that its upper part was a bare rock, vaguely resembling a human scull). In fact, the word “frontal” means just the location: Vasilyevsky Spusk, at the beginning of which the Execution Ground is located, was called “forehead” in the Middle Ages (a common name for steep slopes to the river in medieval Russia).

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Tsar Bell Creation unique monument artistic casting - the Tsar Bell belongs to the 18th century. In 1730, Empress Anna Ivanovna ordered the broken Grigoriev bell to be poured with the addition of metal and the weight of the bell to be increased to 10,000 pounds. The son of Field Marshal Munnich was instructed to find a skilled craftsman in Paris to try out the bell. Munnich offered to perform this difficult work to the royal mechanic Germain, but he took as a joke the demand to cast a bell of such a size. The bell, which had broken in the fire of 1701, was recast and installed on the bell tower of Ivan the Great by the bellmaker Ivan Fedorovich Motorin, who was without a doubt the most outstanding caster of his time.

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Tsar Cannon One of the remarkable monuments military equipment and foundry art of the XVI-XIX centuries. is the Tsar Cannon - the largest caliber gun in the world. It stands near the building built in 1810 by the architect I. V. Egotov for the Armory. The Tsar Cannon was cast by Andrei Chekhov in 1586 in Moscow, at the Cannon Yard on the banks of the Neglinnaya River (modern Teatralny Proyezd). The length of the gun is 5.34 m, the outer diameter of the barrel is 120 cm, the diameter of the patterned belt at the muzzle is 134 cm, the caliber is 890 mm, and the weight is 39.31 tons (2400 pounds). Decorated with belts of reliefs, on the right side of the muzzle there is an image of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich (in a crown and with a scepter in his hand) on horseback. Four brackets are placed on the barrel on each side, designed to fasten the ropes when moving the gun.

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Monument to Minin and Pozharsky. The opening of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky by sculptor Ivan Petrovich Martos took place on February 20, 1818 in the presence of the emperor, empress, "with countless crowds of people." Russian sculptor Ivan Petrovich Martos (1754-1835). The monument was originally intended for Nizhny Novgorod, but at the insistence of Martos, was staged in Moscow. They wanted to install it on Strastnaya Square, then they chose a place in front of the Upper Trading Rows building on Red Square, where it was installed. I.P. Martos depicts the moment when Minin (the figure on the left) addresses the wounded Prince Pozharsky with a call to lead the Russian army and expel the Poles from Moscow. Standing, he hands Pozharsky a sword with one hand, and with the other shows him to the Kremlin, urging him to defend the Fatherland.

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Moscow Kremlin 1. Towers of the Moscow Kremlin Age architectural ensemble The Moscow Kremlin, consisting of bright walls and high slender towers, has exceeded 500 years. At one time, its construction was started by Prince Ivan III. The difference in the size and proportions of the towers depended on the location of the structures themselves and their role in protecting the city. Each of them had its own exits to the adjacent wall spans, which made it possible to bypass all the walls without descending to the ground. Merlons - the so-called dovetails - became the crowns of the Kremlin structures. They protected the shooters hiding on the upper platforms of the buildings. Today, residents and guests of Moscow can see 20 towers. All the towers had to endure a lot of historical events. They suffered especially in the war of 1812, when explosions continually turned defensive structures into piles of stones. A lot of work has been done to restore them. The appearance that residents and guests of Moscow contemplate, the buildings owe to the competent actions of the architect O.I. Bove. When working on the restoration of the Kremlin complex, the masters managed to emphasize its antiquity and make it romantic. The decor of some towers was made in the medieval style. The bastions, equipped under Peter I, were liquidated, and the ditch crossing Red Square was buried. 1. Beklemishevskaya Tower (also known as Moskvoretskaya) - built in 1487-1488 by the Italian architect Marco Ruffo. The height of the tower is 46.7 meters. The main cylinder is located on a white stone plinth with a semicircular ridge at the junction. The tower has four tiers with the possibility of all-round firing: three tiers of round vaulted rooms and the upper tier, where machicules and a combat platform are located. A well and a hiding place were built in the tower to prevent undermining. In 1680, an octagon with a narrow tent and two rows of eaves was built over the main cylinder. The tent of the tower has no internal ceilings. It is located in the southeastern corner of the Kremlin triangle, near the Moskva river and the Moskvoretsky bridge. The name comes from the court of the boyar I.N. Beklemishev, which was located inside the Kremlin near the tower. After the execution of Beklemishev by Vasily III, the courtyard, together with the tower, was used as a prison for disgraced boyars. Located near the junction of the Moskva River with the moat, the tower

performed an important defensive function, covering, among other things, the ford and the crossing over the Moskva river. 2.Konstantin-Eleninskaya (Timofeevskaya) Tower Located on the eastern side of the Kremlin, above the Beklemishevskaya Tower. The tower was built in 1490 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari (Peter Fryazin) on the site of the Timofeevsky Gates of the white-stone Kremlin of Dmitry Donskoy. The tower received its modern name after the construction of the Church of Constantine and Helena nearby in the Kremlin in the 17th century (the church was destroyed in 1928). The height of the tower is 36.8 meters. The tower was designed to protect the entrances to the pier on Moskva River and the nearby streets of Veliky Posad, going towards Zaryadye: Vsekhsvyatskaya (now Varvarka) and Velikaya (which later became Mokrinsky Lane, and now completely disappeared). Initially, the Constantino Yeleninskaya tower was a travel tower, with a drawbridge across the moat and a diversion archer (an additional tower connected to the main bridge). After 1508, the second diversion archer was completed. 3.Nabatnaya tower It is located on the slope of the Kremlin hill opposite St. Basil's Cathedral. The name comes from the Spassky alarm bell hanging on it, which served as a fire alarm. This tower, which has preserved its ancient forms, was built in 1495. The main quadrangle ends with machicolations with a parapet. Its interior consists of two tiers: the lower one with a flat ceiling and numerous rooms, with stairs and openings providing access to the walls, and the upper one with a closed vault. The height of the tower is 38 meters. In 1680, an upper arched quadrangle and a tent with an observation tower were added to the tower. The chetverik is open into the cavity of the tent. The details and decoration of the upper quadrangle and the tent (brick semi-columns of the quadrangle and observation tower with white stone capitals and corbels) resemble the completion of the Arsenal tower. 4. Tsar's Tower This is the youngest and smallest tower built in 1680. Strictly speaking, this is not a tower, but a stone tower, a tent placed on the wall. Once upon a time there was a small wooden tower from which, according to legend, Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) liked to watch the events taking place on Red Square - hence the name of the tower. The height of the tower is 16.7 meters. White-stone belts on pillars, high pyramids at the corners with gilded flags, a tent ending with a graceful gilded weather vane - all this gives the tower the look of a fabulous tower. 5.Spasskaya (Frolovskaya) tower

The main gates of the Kremlin - Spassky are located in the tower, the famous clock - chimes are installed in the tent of the tower. The height of the tower to the star is 67.3 m, with the star - 71 m. The tower was built in 1491 during the reign of Ivan III by the architect Pietro Antonio Solari, as evidenced by the white stone slabs with commemorative inscriptions installed on the tower itself. When built, the tower was about half as high. In 1624-1625, the English architect Christopher Galovey, with the participation of the Russian master Bazhen Ogurtsov, erected a multi-tiered top in the Gothic style over the tower (there are flying buttresses in the fifth tier) with elements of mannerism (non-preserved nude statues of “boobs”), the figurative solution of which goes back to the tower of the town hall in Brussels (finished in 1455), ending with a stone tent. Fantastic figurines - an element of decor - under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, whose nakedness was bashfully covered with specially tailored clothes. In the middle of the 17th century, the first double-headed eagle was erected on the main tower of the Kremlin, which was the emblem of the Russian state. Subsequently, double-headed eagles appeared on the Nikolskaya, Troitskaya and Borovitskaya towers. 6. The Senate Tower The Senate Tower was built in 1491 by the architect Pietro Antonio Solari. The tower received its name after the completion of construction on the territory of the Kremlin in 1787 of the Senate Palace. Until that time, it had no special name. In 1680, a stone tent was built over the tower, ending with a golden weather vane. The height of the tower is 34 meters. Inside the tower has three tiers of vaulted rooms. In front of the tower is the Lenin Mausoleum. 7. Nikolskaya Tower Nikolskaya Tower - one of the towers of the Moscow Kremlin overlooking Red Square. Built in 1491 by the Italian architect Pietro Antonio Solari. It is named after the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was located above the entrance gate of the diversion archer. The height of the tower: up to the star - 67.1 m, with the star - 70.4 m. In 1612, it was through the gates of the Nikolskaya and Spasskaya towers that the militia led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin solemnly entered the Kremlin on November 1. Muscovites and residents of the surrounding villages greeted the winners with jubilation. (On October 27, an agreement was signed on the surrender of the Polish garrison). In 1806, the tower was thoroughly rebuilt by the architect A. I. Ruska: the former superstructure was replaced by a Gothic top with openwork decorations. These decorations, as well as four turrets at the corners of the lower quadrangle, are the main differences between the Nikolskaya Tower and other Kremlin towers. Blown up in 1812

retreating from Moscow by the French, restored in 1816 by the architect Osip Ivanovich Beauvais. 8. Corner Arsenal (Dog) tower. The Corner Arsenal Tower (Sobakina) is the most powerful tower of the Moscow Kremlin. She completed the defense line from the side of Red Square and controlled the crossing over the Neglinnaya River. Erected in 1492 by Pietro Antonio Solari (circa 1450-1493) - an Italian architect. The height of the tower is 60.2 meters. In the past, it performed not only defense functions. A well was dug in the tower, which could be used by the garrison of the fortress in case of a siege. From the Corner Arsenal Tower there was a secret passage to the Neglinnaya River. In the 15th-16th centuries, the tower was strengthened with an additional wall, enveloping it in a semicircle. In 1672-1686, an octagonal tent was erected over it, which ended with an openwork octagon with a tent and a weather vane. 9. Middle Arsenal (faceted) tower. The Middle Arsenalnaya Tower is a tower of the Moscow Kremlin, located on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, stretching along the Alexander Garden. The height of the tower is 38.9 meters. The tower was built in 14931495 on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, on the site of the corner tower of the time of Dmitry Donskoy. The name comes from the building of the Arsenal. 10.Troitskaya Tower Troitskaya Tower - a tower with a gate in the middle of the northwestern wall of the Moscow Kremlin, facing the Alexander Garden. Troitskaya Tower is the tallest tower in the Kremlin. The height of the tower at the present time, together with the star from the direction of the Alexander Garden, is 80 m. The Trinity Bridge, protected by the Kutafya Tower, leads to the gates of the Trinity Tower. The gates of the tower serve as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin. The Presidential Orchestra of Russia is based in the Trinity Tower. Built in 1495-1499. Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin Milanets (Italian: Aloisio da Milano). The tower was called differently: Rizopolozhenskaya, Znamenskaya and Karetnaya. It received its current name in 1658 after the name of the Trinity Compound of the Kremlin. The two-storey base of the tower housed a prison in the 16th-17th centuries. From 1585 to 1812 there was a clock on the tower. 11. Kutafya tower Kutafya (Bridge) tower - a tower opposite the Trinity Tower, at the end of the Trinity Bridge. It is a barbican. The height of the tower is 13.5 meters. The tower was built in 1516 under the direction of a Milanese architect.

Aleviza Fryazina. Low, surrounded by a moat and the Neglinnaya River, with the only gate, which in moments of danger was tightly closed by the lifting part of the bridge, the tower was a formidable barrier for the besiegers of the fortress. She had loopholes of the plantar battle and machicolations. In the XVI-XVII centuries, the water level in the Neglinnaya River was raised high by dams, so that the water surrounded the tower from all sides. Its initial height above ground level was 18 meters. It was possible to enter the tower from the side of the city only along the inclined bridge 12. Komendantskaya (Kolymazhnaya) tower The Komendantskaya (Deaf, Kolymazhnaya) tower on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, today stretching along the Alexander Garden. It was formerly called Kolymazhnaya after the Kolymazhny yard located near it in the Kremlin. In the 19th century, the tower was called “Komendantskaya”, when it was next to the Kremlin, in the Poteshny Palace of the 17th century. The height of the tower is 41.25 meters. the commandant of Moscow settled. The commandant's tower was built in 1495 by the Italian Aleviz Fryazin. In 1676-1686, this tower, like all the others, was built on with a decorative tent top. 13. Arms (Konyushennaya) tower Located between Borovitskaya and Komendantskaya towers on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, today stretching along the Alexander Garden. At the beginning of the 17th century, it had a passage gate to the Konyushenny yard in the Kremlin. Hence its ancient name. The height of the tower is 38.9 meters. The tower was built in 14931495. It is possible that the Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin (Old) took part in its construction. In 1676-1686 the tower was built on with a hipped roof and to this day it has well preserved its medieval forms. The name of the tower, according to legend, comes from the ancient forest that once covered one of the seven hills on which Moscow stands. According to another legend, the tower got its name from the builders of the white-stone Kremlin under Dmitry Donskoy - they built this tower. The height of the tower is 54 meters. Before construction, part of the inhabitants of Borovsk. modern Borovitskaya tower in its place there was another, which had the same name. This is evidenced by a record about the construction in 1461 of the Church of John the Baptist "on the forest", where it was written that this church stood at the "Borovitsky gates". The new Borovitskaya tower was built by the Italian

architect Pietro Antonio Solari during the renovation of the Kremlin in 1490, by order of Vasily III (the architect arrived from Milan to Moscow in 1490). 15. Vodovzvodnaya Tower It is located on the corner of the Kremlin embankment and Alexander Garden, on the banks of the Moskva River. Erected in 1488 by the Italian architect Anton Fryazin (Antonio Gilardi). The name Sviblov Tower comes from the boyar family Sviblov, whose courtyard adjoined the tower from the Kremlin side. The height of the tower is 61.25 meters. One of the most beautiful buildings in the Kremlin. It received its modern name in 1633 after the installation of a water-lifting machine in it, made under the direction of Christopher Galovey, to supply water from the Moskva River to the Kremlin. Hence the modern name - Vodovzvodnaya. It was the first water supply system in Moscow from tanks placed in its upper tiers. Water from it was carried out "to the sovereign's Sytny and Kormovoi Palace", and then to the gardens. 16. Annunciation Tower The name comes from the icon “Annunciation” that previously existed on the tower. The height of the tower is 32.45 meters. The tower was supposedly built in 14871488; in the 1680s, a stone tetrahedral tent with a decorative watch tower was built over the main quadrangle. The lower quadrangle of the tower ends with machicolations, a platform for defense and a parapet. The inner space of the lower quadrangle has the shape of an irregular quadrangle and is covered with a closed vault. The middle arched quarter with wide windows is separated from the tent by a flat ceiling. The same flat ceilings separate the tiers inside the tent. In the old days, there was also an underground floor in the tower, now half-filled. 17. Taynitskaya tower During the construction of the Kremlin, it was the first to be laid. And the building got its name because of the underground secret passage that connected it with the river. The move itself was needed to supply water to the fortress in case of a long siege by enemies. The tower stretches up almost 39 m. Its design has undergone many changes. In the last years of the 15th century, Ivan III conceived a great restructuring of the towers and walls of the Kremlin. The beginning of this construction is closely connected with the name of the architect with Italian roots (Anton Fryazin). The Italian architect arrived in Moscow in 1469 as part of the retinue of the Polish cardinal Vissarion to prepare the marriage of Ivan III and Sophia Paleolog. Anton Fryazin in 1485 founded the Tainitskaya tower of the Kremlin and first used it for a fortress

building brick. This innovation marked the beginning of the general renewal of the Moscow Kremlin. In 1670 - 1680, Russian craftsmen erected a stone top over the quadrangle of the tower - an open arched quadrangle, completed with a tetrahedral tent with an observation tower. Until the 18th century, on the Moskva River, opposite the Tainitsky Gates, a Jordan was arranged on the feast of the Epiphany. The royal entry into the Jordan was one of the most magnificent ceremonies. In 1770 - 1771, in connection with the construction of the Kremlin Palace according to the project of V.I. Bazhenov, the Taynitskaya tower was dismantled, but then restored. In the 40s of the XX century. the archer was finally dismantled, the well was filled up, and the passage gates were laid. 18. First Nameless Tower This architecturally simple tower was rebuilt many times. The first time it was erected in the 1480s. In 1547, the tower was destroyed during the fire of Moscow from the explosion of a gunpowder warehouse arranged in it; in the 17th century it was rebuilt, and a second hipped tier was built on the main quadrangle. The tower was dismantled in 1770 in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Grand Kremlin Palace; after the cessation of its construction, it was rebuilt in a new place, closer to the Taynitskaya tower, in 1783. In 1812 the tower was blown up by the retreating French; in 1816-1835 it was restored by the architect O.I. Bove. 19. Second Nameless Tower. The tower was built in the 1480s; in the 1680s, a tetrahedral tent with a watch tower was built over the main quadrangle. At the beginning of the 18th century, there were later gates in the tower. Like many other towers of the southern wall, the Second Nameless Tower was dismantled in 1771 in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Grand Kremlin Palace and, after the construction of the palace was stopped, it was rebuilt. Height 30.2 meters. Above the upper quadrangle of the tower is an octagonal tent with a weather vane; the upper quadrangle is open inside the tent. The interior of the tower includes two levels of rooms; the lower tier has a cylindrical vault, and the upper one is closed. 20.Petrovskaya (Ugreshskaya) tower It is located in the part of the Kremlin wall running along the Moskva river, next to the Beklemishevskaya tower. The name comes from the courtyard of the Ugreshsky monastery with the church of Peter the Metropolitan, which from the 15th to

XVII century was located inside the Kremlin near the tower. In 1771, in order to free up space for the construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace, the courtyard of the monastery was destroyed. The height of the tower is 27.15 meters. This tower, outwardly very different from the neighboring towers, was rebuilt many times. The time of the first construction of the Petrovsky Tower is not exactly known, it is assumed that it was erected together with other towers of the southern wall in the 1480s (some sources indicate 1485-1487). Moscow Kremlin Irina Butrimova Moscow Kremlin, our shrine, Cathedrals of ancient domes, From these walls, ancient towers Moscow begins. For gray centuries there was a memory On the walls of the ancient Kremlin, But it seems that time has no power When we look at you. Beautiful is the unique view of Your cathedrals and palaces. I love you, Moscow Kremlin, Creation of Russian masters. The history of great Rus' is forever connected with you, And all of Moscow, and all of Russia are united by fate. The Kremlin remembers many events

From ancient times to the present day. Here is a great volume of Russian glory Written by the fates of people Here is the whole history of Russia Like a wall made of bricks, And so solemnly beautiful Everything is illuminated by domes. The Tsar Cannon as a symbol of protection Stands on the Kremlin Square And the enemy force is inaccessible Forever Russian land. The gray cap of Monomakh, the Powers symbol of past years, Preserves the unity of our faith, The pledge of all future victories. Icons of the ancient Kremlin bless all of Russia. You are the best in the world, Russia, my Motherland! And let them always sound over the world And never fade The three most important Russian words: Russia, Motherland, Moscow!

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The Moscow Kremlin is the oldest part of Moscow, the main socio-political, spiritual, religious, historical and artistic complex of the capital, the official residence of the President Russian Federation. It is located on the high, left bank of the Moskva River - Borovitsky Hill, at the confluence of the river. Neglinnaya. In plan, the Kremlin is an irregular triangle with an area of ​​27.5 hectares. The southern wall faces the Moscow River, the northwestern one faces the Alexander Garden, the eastern one faces Red Square. Geographically located in the Central Administrative District, separated as an independent administrative unit. The Moscow Kremlin has 20 towers and they are all different, no two are the same. Each tower has its own name and its own history Moscow Kremlin Moscow Kremlin Location Moscow Year of construction 1482-95 Kremlin area 27.7 ha Length of walls 2500 meters Number of towers 20 Number of gates 4 Tower height up to 80 m Tower wall thickness 24 m↔ Wall height from 5 to 19 m Wall thickness from 3.5 to 6.5 m

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Only two towers did not get names, they are called the First Nameless and Second Nameless. Behind them is the Petrovsky Tower, but the rightmost tower has two names at once. In our time, it is called Moskvoretskaya, and once it was called Beklemishevskaya by the name of the person next to whose yard it was laid. Somehow it turned out that the enemies most often attacked from the direction of the Moskva River, and the Moskvoretskaya Tower had to be the first to defend itself. Therefore, it is so formidable and with so many loopholes. Its height is 46.2 m. Beklemishevskaya tower

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The first tower, which was laid during the construction of the Kremlin, was Taynitskaya. The Tainitskaya tower is so named because a secret passage led from it to the river. underground passage. It was intended to be able to take water in case the fortress was besieged by enemies. The height of the Taynitskaya Tower is 38.4 m. The Taynitskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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Vodovzvodnaya tower - so named because of the car that was here once. She raised water from a well, arranged at the bottom to the very top of the tower into a large tank. From there, water flowed through lead pipes into royal palace in the Kremlin. Thus, in the old days, the Kremlin had its own water supply system. He worked for a long time, but then the car was dismantled and taken to another city - St. Petersburg. There it was used for the device of fountains. The height of the Vodovzvodnaya tower with a star is 61.45 m. The Vodovzvodnaya tower of the Moscow Kremlin.

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At the Vodovzvodnaya Tower, the Kremlin wall turns away from the river. Here on the corner stands another tower - Borovitskaya. This tower stands near Borovitsky Hill, on which a pine forest grew a long time ago. From him came its name. The height of the tower with a star is 54.05 m. The Borovitskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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Next to Borovitskaya is the Armory Tower. Once upon a time, ancient weapons workshops were located next to it. They also made precious dishes and jewelry. The ancient workshops gave the name not only to the tower, but also to a wonderful museum located next to the Kremlin wall - the Armory. Many Kremlin treasures and simply very ancient things are collected here. For example, helmets and chain mail of ancient Russian warriors. The height of the Armory Tower is 32.65 m. The Armory Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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If we go a little further along the walls of the Kremlin, we will see the Trinity Bridge. It was thrown across the Neglinnaya River many centuries ago, even before it was hidden underground. Troitsky Bridge leads to the gates of one of the tallest Kremlin towers - Troitskaya. The bridge connects the Trinity Tower with another - a low and wide tower. This is the Kutafya tower. In the old days, this was the name of a clumsily dressed woman. The tower was decorated already in the seventeenth century. Prior to this, Kutafya was very harsh, with drawbridges at the side gates and hinged loopholes. She guarded the entrance to the Trinity Bridge. Previously, there were more such bridge towers. But only one has survived to this day. The height of the Trinity Tower with a star is 80 m. This is the highest tower of the Moscow Kremlin. The Kutafya Tower is only 13.5 m high. This is the lowest tower of the Kremlin. Kutafya and Trinity towers of the Moscow Kremlin

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We go further along Kremlin wall. She turns again. There is another tower here. From a distance, it seems round, but if you get closer, it turns out to be not so at all, because it has 16 faces. This is the corner Arsenal tower. Once she was called Sobakina, by the name of a person who lived nearby. But in the 18th century, the Arsenal building was erected next to it, and the tower was renamed. There is a well in the dungeon of the corner Arsenal tower. He is over 500 years old. It is filled from an ancient source and therefore there is always clean and fresh water in it. Previously, there was an underground passage from the Arsenal Tower to the Neglinnaya River. The height of the tower is 60.2 m. Corner Arsenal Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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Middle Arsenal Tower. It was built in 1493-1495. After the construction of the Arsenal building, the tower got its name. Near the tower in 1812 a grotto was erected - one of the attractions of the Alexander Garden. The height of the tower is 38.9m. Middle Arsenal Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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Nabat tower. Once upon a time, sentinels were constantly on duty here. From a height, they vigilantly watched - if the enemy army was coming to the city. And if danger was approaching, the sentinels had to warn everyone, strike the alarm bell. Because of him, the tower was called Nabatnaya. But now there is no bell in the tower. Once, at the end of the 18th century, a riot began in Moscow at the sound of the alarm bell. And when order was restored in the city, the bell was punished for disclosing bad news - they were deprived of the language. In those days it was a common practice to remember at least the history of the bell in Uglich. Since then, the alarm bell fell silent and remained idle for a long time until it was removed to the museum. The height of the alarm tower is 38 m. Alarm tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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To the right of the Nabatnaya Tower is the Tsarskaya Tower. She's not at all like the others. Kremlin towers. There are 4 columns directly on the wall, and on them there is a peaked roof. There are no powerful walls, no narrow loopholes. But they are of no use to her. Because the tower was not built for defense at all. According to legend, Tsar Ivan the Terrible liked to look at his city from this place. Later, the smallest tower of the Kremlin was built here and called it the Tsarskaya. Its height is 16.7 m. The Tsarskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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Constantino - Yeleninskaya Tower (Timofeevskaya). It was built in 1490 and used for the passage of the population and troops to the Kremlin. Earlier, when the Kremlin was made of white stone, another tower stood in this place. It was through her that Dmitry Donskoy with the army went to the Kulikovo field. new tower built for the reason that on her part, not the Kremlin had no natural barriers. It was equipped with a drawbridge, a powerful diversion archer and a passage gate, which after, in the 18th and early 19th centuries. were disassembled. The tower got its name from the church of Constantine and Helena, which stood in the Kremlin. The height of the tower is 36.8m. Constantino - Yeleninskaya tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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The Senate Tower at first did not have a name, and received it only after the construction of the Senate building. After that, they began to call her the Senate. The tower was built in 1491, its height is 34.3 m. The Senate Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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Nikolskaya tower. It was built in 1491. architect Pietro Antonio Solari to strengthen the northeastern part of the Kremlin, not protected by natural barriers. It had a gate, it had a retractable archer with a drawbridge. A branch archer or barbican was a tower outside the fortress walls, guarding the approaches to the gate or bridge. For example, the barbican is the Kutafya tower. The name of the Nikolskaya Tower comes from the name of the icon of St. Nicholas, installed above the gates of her barbican. This icon resolved controversial issues. In ancient times, a clock was also installed on the tower. Now they are not there, but the top of the tower is crowned with a red star. The height of the tower with a star is 70.4m. Nikolskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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The Petrovsky tower, together with two nameless ones, was built to reinforce the southern wall, as it was the most frequently attacked. Like the two nameless ones, the Petrovsky Tower did not have a name at first. She received her name from the church of Metropolitan Peter at the Ugreshsky Compound in the Kremlin. In 1771 During the construction of the Kremlin Palace, the tower, the church of Metropolitan Peter and the Ugreshskoe metochion were dismantled. In 1783 the tower was rebuilt, but in 1812. the French during the occupation of Moscow destroyed it again. In 1818 The Petrovsky tower was restored again. It was used for their needs by the Kremlin gardeners. The height of the tower is 27.15m. Petrovskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin slide 18 Annunciation tower. According to legend, the miraculous icon of the Annunciation was previously kept in this tower, as well as 1731. the Church of the Annunciation was attached to this tower. Most likely, the name of the tower is associated with one of these facts. In the 17th century for the passage of laundresses to the Moscow River, a gate was made near the tower, called Portomoyny. In 1831 they were laid down, and in Soviet times the Church of the Annunciation was dismantled. The height of the Annunciation Tower with a weather vane is 32.45 m. The Annunciation Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

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