Where is sri lanka located? Where is Sri Lanka on the map? Mirissa is the best beach.

Mira, it is worth starting with the search for India. This state is located in Asia, the peninsula where it is located has the shape of an isosceles triangle, one of the vertices of which points strictly to the south. Sri Lanka is located in close proximity to India at a distance of about 100 km to the southeast. It is easy to find, it is the only large island in the Indian Ocean. On a large scale, you can see that there is a shoal between Sri Lanka and the Hindustan peninsula - until the 15th century, these two geographical objects were connected, but after a series of earthquakes, the isthmus was destroyed and went under water. The name of the state is formed from two words in Hindi: "shri" - glorious and "" - land. However, the older generation of the island is known as Ceylon - that's how it was until 1972.

The sandbar in the Strait of Polk, which used to connect Hindustan with the island of Sri Lanka, is called Adam's Bridge.

State of Sri Lanka

The entire area of ​​Sri Lanka is occupied by the state of the same name, although many mistakenly classify the island as an Indian state. The official capital is the city with the hard-to-pronounce name of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, however, the unspoken economic and cultural center of the country is Colombo. The development of Sri Lanka was significantly influenced by the Portuguese, who were the first to colonize the island, and the British, because it was under the protectorate of Britain that it was about a century and a half. Most of the inhabitants are engaged in agriculture - the world-famous tea is grown here. Tourism is also an important industry, in recent years people come here not just on vacation, but for the entire winter season, there are many free professions among vacationers that allow them to work remotely.
Interestingly, the tea grown on the island is still called Ceylon tea, the name "Sri Lankan" has not taken root.

How to get to Sri Lanka

There are direct flights from Moscow to Colombo, but they do not operate every day. If there is a need to get to Sri Lanka at a different time, you will have to plan a transfer to Abu Dhabi (Saudi Arabia), Dubai (UAE), Koh (Qatar) or Istanbul (Turkey). Travel time is from eight hours, depending on the duration of the connection. Before traveling to Sri Lanka, you need to apply for a visa entry permit.

Sri Lanka is an island of Sun and Sand. More than one thousand kilometers of sandy beaches with palm trees surround Sri Lanka. Until 1972, this country was called Ceylon. And although its name has changed, it still grows the best black tea in the world - "Ceylon". In addition to beautiful beaches and tea, Sri Lanka has a large number of historical attractions, ranging from Buddhist and Hindu monasteries and temples, to orchid gardens and colorful festivals.

Geography of Sri Lanka

The island nation of Sri Lanka is located in the northern Indian Ocean off the southern coast of the Hindustan Peninsula in South Asia. Sri Lanka is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on all sides. In the northwest, it has a maritime border with India, and in the southwest, with the Maldives. The total area of ​​this country is 65,610 sq. km

In the center and south of Sri Lanka there are foothills and mountains, and the rest of the territory is plains and coastal lowlands. The largest local peak is Mount Pidurutalagala, whose height reaches 2,524 meters.

The longest river in Sri Lanka is Mahaweli, its length is 335 km. Mahaweli flows through the central, northern and eastern regions of this country, and flows into the Bay of Bengal.


Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is the capital of Sri Lanka. More than 120 thousand people now live in this city.

Official language of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has two official languages ​​- Sinhala and Tamil.


More than 70% of the population professes Buddhism (in particular, Theravada Buddhism), more than 12% - Hinduism, almost 10% - Islam, and about 7% - Christianity.

State structure

According to the current Constitution, Sri Lanka is a presidential-parliamentary republic. Its head is the President, elected for 6 years by universal suffrage. The president is the commander in chief and he appoints the ministers.

The unicameral parliament of Sri Lanka is elected by popular vote every six years 225 deputies. The President of the country has the right to dissolve the Parliament.

Administratively, Sri Lanka is divided into 9 provinces and 25 districts.

Climate and weather

Due to the proximity to the equator, the climate in Sri Lanka is tropical and warm. The average annual air temperature is +28-31C. In hilly areas and foothills - + 20C, and in flat and coastal areas - + 27C.

From May to July, the monsoon (rainy) season continues in the central, western and southern regions of the island. In the northern and eastern regions, the rainy season falls on December and January.

The best time to visit Sri Lanka is from November to April (southwest coast and mountains) and from May to September (east coast). Thus, you can visit Sri Lanka all year round, because. there is always a dry season in some part of this island.

Sea in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on all sides. The length of the coast is 1,585 kilometers. Local beaches are surrounded by palm groves. The average sea temperature in January is +28C, and in July - +27C.

Rivers and lakes

There are over 100 rivers in Sri Lanka. The longest of them is Mahaweli, its length is 335 km. Mahaweli flows through the central, northern and eastern regions of this country, and flows into the Bay of Bengal.


The history of civilization in Sri Lanka has more than 2.5 thousand years. In former times this country was called Ceylon. The first settlers were the Veddas. Around the VI century BC. Sinhalese arrived on this island and founded their kingdoms there. From the III century BC. Buddhism began to spread there. Until the 11th century, the capital of the most powerful Sinhalese kingdom was Anuradhapura, and then it was transferred to Polonnaruwa.

In 1505, the Portuguese arrived in Sri Lanka and monopolized the spice trade. By 1658, the Sinhalese kings, with the help of the Dutch, were able to expel the Portuguese from the island.

The Dutch were more interested in trade and profit than in governing this country. Therefore, they did not really resist the British when the British sailed to Sri Lanka in 1796. In 1815, Britain defeated the Sinhalese kingdom of Kandy, and thus established control over the entire island.

It wasn't until 1948 that Sri Lanka achieved independence. In 1972, this country received its modern name - Sri Lanka.

Culture of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has a multi-cultural society made up of Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Therefore, the culture there is very interesting and diverse. Travelers will be able to see colorful unique festivals and holidays in Sri Lanka.

In January, Sri Lankans celebrate the New Year, Duruthu Perahera (held in memory of the Buddha's visit to this island), Pongal (Hindu harvest festival); in February / March - the Buddhist holiday Navam Perehera and Maha Shivarathri Day; in April / May - Sinhala and Tamil New Year, Eid ul-Adha; July/August - Kandy Perahera and Vel festival; September - kite festival, Navarathri Hindu festival; October/November - Ramadan, Lilawali ("Festival of Lights"); December - Sangamittha Perehera.

All these festivals are colorful processions, they are necessarily accompanied by elephant parades, musical and dance performances, fireworks and theatrical performances.


The cuisine of Sri Lanka reflects the multi-ethnic composition of the population of this island. The main food of the locals is rice and curry made from a mixture of spices, herbs and coconut milk. In general, almost all local dishes are prepared on the basis of coconut milk and spices are used.

Samba is pearl rice and is eaten on special occasions. During festivals, yellow rice is made, cooked with coconut milk and seasoned a little with spices. Another popular rice dish is Kiribath (milk rice).

In addition, the people of Sri Lanka are real experts in cooking fish and seafood dishes. Grilled fish is served with fried potatoes and salad, while curried fish is served with rice.

Popular dishes are Mallung with curry (finely chopped dried vegetables, shrimps with grated coconut and spices), Sambol (spicy hot dish), Pol Symbol (grated coconut, onion, red pepper, lime and salt), Seeni Sambol (fish with spicy onions ), Lamprais (curry, cutlet, shrimp paste, eggplant curry, rice wrapped in a banana leaf and baked), Buriyani (rice in meat broth), as well as Thalaguli and Wattalapam sweets.

The traditional soft drink in Sri Lanka is black tea, which is most often drunk with sugar and milk. Sometimes crushed ginger is added to tea. In addition, the inhabitants of this island love coffee, fruit juices and coconut milk.

Alcoholic drinks are also made in Sri Lanka - low-alcohol "toddy" (from coconut palm juice) and "arrak" (30-40%, from coconut palm juice).

Sights of Sri Lanka

According to official figures, there are several hundred Buddhist and Hindu monasteries in Sri Lanka. And if we add temples, palaces, mosques, cave complexes to this, then the number of local attractions will reach several thousand. The top ten attractions in Sri Lanka, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Buddhist temple Dalada Maligawa (it houses the tooth of the Buddha)
  2. Fort in Colombo
  3. Sigiriya fortress
  4. Dawatagaha Mosque in Colombo
  5. Cave Buddhist temple in Aluvihara
  6. Hindu monastery Kochchikade in Colombo
  7. Ruins of the city of Anuradhapura
  8. Palace of King Cassiapa on the "Lion Mountain"
  9. Buddhist cave temples of Dambulla
  10. Buddha's footprints on Sri Pada

Cities and resorts

The largest cities in Sri Lanka are Kandy, Tricomalee, Kurunegala, Galle, Ratnapura, Kurunegala and Colombo.

Sri Lanka has many kilometers of beautiful beaches. Many of these beaches are located in picturesque bays surrounded by palm groves.

The best beach areas are Colombo, Trincomalee, Bentota, Arugam Bay, Hikkaduwa, Kogalla, Negombo and Kalutara. Many tourists believe that the best beach in Sri Lanka is Mount Lavinia near Colombo. All local beach resorts have a good infrastructure for recreation. There are also excellent opportunities for surfing, kitesurfing, wakeboarding, swimming, diving, fishing, spearfishing and diving.

Near some beach resorts (for example, near Trincomalee) there are hot springs, and therefore tourists can take therapeutic baths there.


From Sri Lanka, tourists usually bring handicrafts, ceramics, jewelry, masks, leather goods (for example, bags), batik fabric, coconut shell souvenirs, spices, and, of course, local ("Ceylon" ) Black tea.

Office Hours

Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, located south of the Indian subcontinent. The total area is 65610 sq. km, the length from north to south is 445 km, and from west to east 225 km. In the center of the island is the Central Mountain Range.

The average height of the mountains is 1000-2000 m above sea level, but some peaks rise higher.

The highest point of the island - Mount Pidurutalagala has a height of 2524 m. However, the most famous is the majestic Adam's Peak (2243 m).

Usually on weekdays, shops are open from 9:30 to 17:00, and on Saturdays from 9:30 to 13:00. Addresses of shops recommended by the Sri Lanka Ministry of Tourism can be found in many guidebooks around the island.

In addition to tea, which, by the way, is allowed to be exported as a souvenir in an amount of more than three kilograms, silver and copper items are considered traditional souvenirs. These products are made in the Kandy region. Also beautiful pottery is also made in the Kandy area. They are painted mainly in red tones, decorating with various patterns. In the south of the island, various demon masks are made.

The oldest folk crafts include woodcarving and the manufacture of various fabrics. Sri Lanka is famous for its rich selection of precious and semi-precious stones and silk.

Tipping is not required. However, a receptionist at a hotel or a waiter at a restaurant will be happy with a few extra rupees.

It is recommended to wear light cotton clothing and a hat. Be sure to stock up on sunscreen and sunburn lotion. There are no strict clothing requirements in the country, but you should not visit the temples in shorts, in clothes with an open back and shoulders, and you should also take off your shoes when entering the temple.


Equatorial, with monsoon seasons.

Almost 95% of all precipitation falls during the summer rainy season. The rest of the months are pretty dry. Only in the northeast of the island does it rain in autumn, when the northeast monsoon passes over Ceylon.

The air temperature on the island practically does not change and is 26-28 C all year round. It is cooler in the mountains of the central part of the island, and at the coldest point, the mountain resort of Nuwara Eliya, located at an altitude of 1880 meters above sea level, is about 15 C.

There is high humidity in Sri Lanka, and this is felt when you exit the plane, when you get the feeling that you are being doused with a warm, "bath", air stream.


The official languages ​​are Tamil, Sinhalese and English. The total population is 15 million people. The ethnic composition of the country is multinational, the population consists of Sinhalese, Tamils, burghers (descendants of the Portuguese and Dutch) and Moors (descendants of Arab traders).


From Monday to Friday, banks are usually open from 9.00 to 13.00-15.00. During the holidays, as well as on Saturday and Sunday, they do not work. Money exchange is allowed only in banks and organizations that have received permission to do so. The list of these organizations includes most hotels.


Movement is left-handed.

The island of Sri Lanka consistently attracts many tourists every year. This is not surprising: beautiful nature, rich history and culture, excellent beaches, wonderful climate... We will talk about all these features of the island in the article. We invite you to discover such an amazing place as the island of Sri Lanka.

Briefly about Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a very ancient country which is also known as Ceylon. Boundless and vast are the pride of this island. The local population adheres to traditions, but at the same time, there is freedom of religion in Sri Lanka. Many sacred temples (mainly Buddhist) and relics attract pilgrims from all over the world to this country. The mysterious southern Sri Lanka attracts different categories of tourists. They come here to see the world full of exotics, enjoy nature, and swim in the waters of the Indian Ocean. The local beaches with golden sand are amazing.

In Sri Lanka, you will find hidden bays and bays, underwater coral gardens, as well as the remains of sunken ships and much more ... Rest on the ocean coast, familiarization with Buddhist shrines, national natural parks, the secrets of growing tea and its production, communication with cheerful and open Sri Lankans - all this guarantees you an unforgettable experience of visiting this island.

Where is Sri Lanka on the map?

This one is located on a small island in the Indian Ocean. The list of historical values ​​protected by UNESCO (total 130) includes seven objects located on this island. Sri Lanka is an ancient state with deep traditions and rich history. This is the center of Buddhism, where important monuments of this teaching are located. However, not only historical heritage forms the country's exoticism. Sri Lanka on the map is only 800 kilometers from the equator. Here you will find all the riches of the tropical islands. The Sri Lankans say that they know only three colors - the blue of the ocean and the sky, the yellow tones of the beaches and the green of the vegetation.

Flight from Moscow to Sri Lanka

Currently there is only one direct flight Moscow - Sri Lanka (Colombo). At the same time, it operates only in winter and does not have a strict schedule. The charter flight Moscow - Sri Lanka is carried out by Aeroflot. The distance from Moscow to Colombo is about 6700 km. Therefore, the travel time is approximately 8.5 hours.

Sri Lanka: time and climate

Those who are going to the island will probably be interested in the difference in time here. On the island, time is 1.5 hours ahead of Moscow in summer, and in winter - 2.5. As for the climate, it is both subequatorial and equatorial monsoon here. It is complicated by the relief, as well as the orientation of the island, its location from north to south. About 29-31 ° C is the average annual temperature in the flat terrain of the island of Sri Lanka. The season practically does not affect the temperature. In the mountainous part, it varies from 16 to 24 °C. All year round, the sea temperature is above 25 ° C on the island of Sri Lanka. In January, therefore, you can safely swim, as in July.

As for humidity, it is high here and almost always exceeds 75%. The amount of precipitation is from 1000 (eastern and northern regions) to 5000 mm per year (southwest coast). From May to September, the rainy season lasts, which causes the southwest monsoon. The northeast monsoon determines inclement weather from October to April on the island of Sri Lanka. The rainy season, however, can shift somewhat in time. It depends on the area. In general, Sri Lanka has a very favorable climate for tourism. In January, when it is cold in our country and you really want summer, tours here are very popular.

Island population

The population of this island is about 18 million people. Of these, more than 500 thousand people live in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. The ethnic composition of the population is rich. This is a multinational country. Its population consists of Tamils, Sinhalese, Burghers (descendants of the Dutch and Portuguese) and Moors.

Language and religion

Singali is the official language in Sri Lanka. Also, Tamil and English are equated to the state. As we have already mentioned, Buddhism is very common on the island. In addition to him, the main religions are Christianity, Islam, Judaism. The island of Sri Lanka does not impose strict requirements on clothing, however, it is not recommended to visit temples in clothes with bare shoulders and back, in shorts. Also, you must take off your shoes at the entrance. Buddhists are approximately 70% of the population, Tamils ​​(Hindu) - 15%, Christians - 8%, Muslims - 7%. In this country, freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution, but the dominant position here is given to Buddhism.


Many attractions for every taste offers the island of Sri Lanka. Tours here will be of interest to various categories of tourists. "Sri Lanka Resort Triangle" is the most popular excursion program on the island. It includes acquaintance with three cities - Kandy, Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura. Let's talk about each of them.


Anuradhapura is the first capital of the Sinhalese state. This city is unique, it was built in the 2nd century. BC e. In his lifetime, he has seen 113 kings. The exact date of the founding of Anuradhapura is unknown. According to the astrological tradition of the Indo-Aryans, he was named after Anuradha, a star located in the constellation Scorpio. King Pandukabhaya in 380 BC e. approved this city as the capital. To the west of it, the Basawak Kulam reservoir was built to supply the population with water. The city in its heyday occupied an area of ​​about 52 square meters. km, and its population reached several tens of thousands. In the 1st century A.D. e. water pipes, bridges and roads, palaces, temples, monasteries, cemeteries and hospitals were built.

For 1.4 thousand years, Anuradhapura was the capital. This is a real masterpiece of Sri Lankan architecture. And in our time, Anuradhapura is the capital of Buddhism. In order to visit it, many tourists come to the island of Sri Lanka every year. The city is located on the Aruvi River. Tourism is developed here, agricultural products are processed, as well as a number (woodcarving, etc.).


The next city, Polonnaruwa, was the medieval capital of Sri Lanka from the 11th to the 13th century. This is one of the main cultural and historical centers of the country. To this day, Hindu and the ruins of the Royal Palace have been preserved. The main attraction of the city is Gal Vihara (12th century BC). These are 4 huge Buddha statues carved into a granite rock.


Kandy is the center of Buddhism and the religious capital of the island. An artificial lake has been created in the center of this city. The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic (Dalada-Maligawa) is located on its shore (pictured below).

The city is rich in historical monuments. These include the courtyard and the palace of the last king of Kandy. There is also an archaeological museum, near which there is a botanical garden and a university with a picturesque campus. Not far from these historical monuments are rubber and tea plantations. Kandy is located 116 km from the capital of the island, Colombo. It is famous as a center of crafts and arts, as well as bazaars, lapidaries, and a museum of jewels. This place is great for sightseeing and shopping. Nearby you will find views of the legendary mountains with beautiful Hindu and Buddhist temples.


Piradeniya (Royal Botanical Garden) is located 4 km from Kandy. This is one of the largest gardens in Asia. There is a large collection of tropical plants and trees. The gardeners of the island have divided into park areas a large hilly area. In these zones, various types of tropical flora are represented. Another interesting feature of the garden is over a hundred species of ornamental orchids growing here.


Another local attraction is Dambula. This temple was built in the 1st century BC. e., bearing the name of the Sleeping Buddha. It is the largest cave temple in South Asia. Dambula consists of five caves. Not only the temple itself, but also its painting is the largest in South Asia. Dambul has a huge collection of Buddha statues. Many of them are over two thousand years old.

Mount Sigiriya

We also recommend visiting the Lion Rock (Mount Sigiriya). This picturesque mountain is located in the center of the island of Sri Lanka and is one of its main attractions. Lion Rock is protected by UNESCO. On this mountain, at an altitude of about 180 meters, a picturesque city was built. It is surrounded by gardens with pools, fountains and unusual stairs, the steps of which are carved between the jaws, throat and paws of a huge lion. One of the attractions of this place is a gallery of frescoes, which depict a procession of half-naked palace ladies or princesses, who seem to be floating in the air. These frescoes are covered with a special composition of egg white mixed with honey from wild bees. And to this day their bright colors have not faded. Today, unfortunately, only 17 of the 500 frescoes have survived.

Adam's Peak

Another interesting mountain is Adam's Peak. Since ancient times it has been a place of pilgrimage for believers. They climb this mountain in order to touch with their lips the sacred footprint located at the top. Muslims believe that this is where Adam, the first man, first set foot on earth.


The capital of Sri Lanka is Colombo. There are many temples, cathedrals and mosques here. The most famous temple is Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara. It is an excellent example of Sinhalese art and architecture. The frescoes that adorn the walls of the building tell us about the numerous lives of the Buddha. For example, about how he visited the temple, about the legends and myths associated with his name. Other sights of Colombo include the temple of St. Anthony and Peter, the Cathedral of St. Lucy, Jamul Alfar (the main mosque of Sri Lanka), as well as the Hindu temples Old and New Katiresan and Ganeshan.

Nuwara Eliya

Many interesting places offers tourists Sri Lanka. The weather, however, may not allow you to see all the sights of this country. On hot days, many prefer the beach to trips around the island. However, weather inconvenience can be avoided if Nuwara Eliya (Sri Lanka) is your choice. The weather here is rarely too hot for walking. The Nuwara Eliya resort is located at an altitude of about 1900 m above sea level. It is located at the foot of Pidurutalagala. This mountain is the highest peak in Sri Lanka. Here you will enjoy a favorable mild climate (temperature averages 15-20 degrees), as well as mountain landscapes, picturesque valleys and meadows. All this makes this place a popular resort. Nuwara Eliya, the land of a blessed climate, is also known as "Little England" as it is called on the island of Sri Lanka. Tours here have been in constant demand for many years.

Elephant Orphanage and Bo Tree

The elephant orphanage, owned by the state, is located in the city of Pinnawala. It was created to save animals that suffered from poachers or were left without parents. Today it is home to over 60 elephants.

Sri Lanka is the country where the Bo tree grows, which is considered the tallest in the world. He is over two thousand years old. We also recommend visiting the endless tea plantations. This is the pride of Sri Lanka, thanks to which the island has gained worldwide fame. Sri Lankan spices, gems, exotic fruits, batik are also very popular.


You should pay attention to the fact that in this country the left-hand traffic. Most of the roads are located in the mountains. Traffic rules are almost not observed by either pedestrians or drivers. In this regard, it is best to rent a car with a driver in Sri Lanka. Prices for this type of service are reasonable - the estimated cost for 1 km is 20 cents. You can also rent a car for personal trips. At the front desk at your hotel, you can get the necessary information about transport in Sri Lanka. Car rental prices start at $20 per day.

National cuisine

The cuisine here, even close to the European version familiar to us, is quite spicy. The most popular type of food in hotels is a buffet. Those who do not like spicy food should consult with the waiter about what to take. Mineral water, like other drinks, in Sri Lanka is not included in the price of dinner or lunch. This island is especially beneficial for vegetarians.

Curried rice is the most common food item in Sri Lanka. Seafood dishes (try lobster and prawns), fish, meat, vegetables and poultry are also popular here.

It is not recommended to abuse local strong drinks. The main one is arak. This is coconut moonshine, which even the local population does not drink much, but for a change, you can try a little.

On the island you will find inexpensive and wonderful tropical fruits: avocados, bananas (more than two hundred varieties), papaya, mangoes, avocados, oranges, coconuts, etc. Pineapples are especially good here.


Usually bills of bars, restaurants and hotels already include a tip, which is 12.5%. You can decide for yourself whether to give more. It is customary to give tips to porters, drivers and guides. They, as a rule, are expected from Russian tourists, but not from the Germans.

One of the best holiday destinations is Sri Lanka. The time spent here is never forgotten.

Useful data for tourists about Sri Lanka, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Sri Lanka, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions of Sri Lanka.

Geography of Sri Lanka

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, known as Ceylon until 1972, is an island state in South Asia.

Most of the island is occupied by a low plain, "broken" by outcrops of the crystalline foundation in the form of rocks and mesas. The entire southern part of the island is occupied by a low stepped mountain country of the Central Massif. The slopes are abundantly overgrown with forests and are dissected by short but stormy rivers. The highest point of the island is Mount Pidurutalagala (2524 m).


State structure

Democratic Socialist Republic. Included in the Commonwealth. The head of state and government is the president, who has broad powers. The legislature is a unicameral parliament (National State Assembly).


Official language: Sinhala

Almost the entire population speaks English.


Buddhists - 69%, Hindus - 15%, Christians - 8%, Muslims - 8%.


International name: LKR

1 Sri Lankan rupee is equal to 100 cents. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 rupees, as well as coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents and 1.2.5 rupees. Large hotels and shops accept international credit cards for payment. Foreign currency imported into the country must be declared.

It is recommended to exchange money at Colombo airport. The check received at the official currency exchange should be kept until the end of the trip. In this case, when departing from Colombo, you have the opportunity to convert unspent money at the airport bank at the purchase rate. You can also exchange money at any hotel and bank.

History of Sri Lanka

The island of Sri Lanka was inhabited about 100 thousand years ago and constantly attracted more and more new settlers, due to which a significant number of representatives of the most dissimilar races, cultures and religions concentrated in its small territory already in ancient times. This enriched the island and led to constant conflicts and wars.

In the 5th century BC, the Indo-Aryan conquerors created the first state here, which collapsed in the 5th century AD and was conquered by the Negroid South Indian tribes of the Tamils. In the 8th century, dominance again passed to the Aryan branch of the newcomers, and in the 15th century, three different ethnic kingdoms existed in Sri Lanka at once, continuously at war with each other. This was taken advantage of by the Portuguese colonialists, who established their dominance over the coast of the island in the 16th century, in the 17th century they were replaced by the Dutch. The British who came after them in 1796 declared the conquered region another royal colony - Ceylon. But they managed to conquer the island only in the first half of the 19th century.

The heavy foreign yoke, which turned the flourishing island into a raw-material appendage of a distant metropolis, forced the local population more than once to rise in the struggle for liberation and suffer bitter defeats. Exploitation, intensified in connection with the First and Second World Wars and the acute economic crisis of the 1920s and 1930s, made the national-patriotic front more resolute, numerous and united.

The British government in 1948 had to grant independence to Ceylon as a dominion. In 1972, under pressure from the public, the island was proclaimed the Republic of Sri Lanka. All forms of political dependence on England were eliminated. Now this distant piece of land in the Indian Ocean good-naturedly reveals its secrets to all lovers of ancient exoticism and shares the gentle sun and warm water.

The island of Sri Lanka was inhabited about 100 thousand years ago and constantly attracted more and more new settlers, due to which a significant number of representatives of the most dissimilar races, cultures and religions concentrated in its small territory already in ancient times. This enriched the island and led to constant conflicts and wars....

Popular Attractions

Sri Lanka Tourism

Popular hotels


It is not necessary to tip, often the payment for services (up to 10%) is included in the bill. However, hotel porters and porters expect small (20-30 rupees) tips. It is also supposed to thank the waiter with a small tip, but only for good service.


Office Hours

Banks are open from 9 am to 1 pm on weekdays. Shops are open from 10.00 to 22.00.


Sri Lanka is known throughout the world for its precious stones: sapphires, rubies, amethysts, garnets, topazes, and especially the famous "moonstone", which is mined only here. It is recommended to purchase jewelry in specialized stores, requiring the issuance of an appropriate check or export certificate. The quality of the stones here is excellent, and the prices are relatively low. Ceylon tea, spices, aromatic oils, handicrafts, especially masks, batik, ceramics and leather will also be good souvenirs. In cities, you can buy inexpensive high-quality textiles.


There is a risk of infection with malaria, Japanese encephalitis B, hepatitis B, typhoid, Bengal cholera, diphtheria, tetanus, rabies, Dengue fever, etc., but only if elementary hygiene standards are not observed. Vaccination against malaria is recommended (there is a risk of infection in the interior of the country) or the use of antimalarial tablets, as well as vaccination against hepatitis A and B.


It is not recommended to drink raw water and use ice sold on the street - it can be made from raw water. It is recommended to use only mineral water in plastic bottles with a factory stopper, as well as to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly with soap. Be sure to thoroughly wash (and preferably scald) vegetables and fruits, and do not allow the seller to cut the fruit with his knife.

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