What is the name of the window on the plane. Why are the portholes round? It is possible that in one aircraft can fly the body of the deceased person or organs necessary to someone for transplantation

Porthole (from lat. Illuminator - Illuminator)

glazed window in the housing or superstructure of the vessel for illumination and ventilation of the interior. Ship I. There are round (side and slamming) and rectangular (chicken), deaf and opening, often with waterproof lids. The choice of type I. is determined by the place of its installation and distance to Waterlinia (see Waterlinnia). I. Also called round windows of the underwater research apparatus, aircraft, helicopter, spacecraft, etc.

Big soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


Watch what is the "porthole" in other dictionaries:

    - (Dead Light, Bull s Eye) Round window on the vessel. I. consists of a cast frame that is stining a round neckline in the outer skin and attached to it on bolts or rivets. On this frame on the hinge, the inner frame is hung, in which ... ... ... Marine Dictionary

    - (This. See next. Word). 1) Coloring paintings, engravings, lithographic prints. 2) Small windows, onboard or decks that serve to light cabin and decks. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    1. The porthole, A; m. [Lat. Illuminator Illuminator] Sealed round window (on the ship, in an airplane, etc.). Onboard portholes. Shoulder portholes. Stew portholes. Ship and. ◁ Illuminator, Aya, OE. And OE hole ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Transyl aluminator, draftsman, illusiveman, window dictionary of Russian synonyms. The porthony of the synonyms: 4 illusiver (5) ... Synonym dictionary

    porthole - A, m. Illuminateur Lat. Illuminator. Illuminations specialist; Pyrotechnics. Bass 1. How now the illumination has become spectacles, then called the porthole of the one who is engaged in the art of distribution light or lighting in this way ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    - (from lat. illuminator illuminator) glazed window on the ship, deep-water or flying machine Round or rectangular, deaf or open, with waterproof lids or without them ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [Ily], porthole, husband. (from lat. Illuminator illuminator). 1. Tightly closing round window in the boat of the ship (MA). 2. A person who is informed by the illumination device (special). Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Porthole, a, husband. Hermetically closing window (on a ship, deep-water or aircraft). Ship and. | arr. Illuminator, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (Lat. Illuminator illuminator) round or rectangular window in board the vehicle body, the wall of its superstructure or in the upper deck for light access ... Wikipedia

    - (Lat. Illuminator, ILLUMMO lights) glazed. The window on the vessel (see Fig.), underwater research. Apparatus, plane, helicopter, space. ship and others. Ship porthole ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    Porthole - Read the portholes on the ship a pleasant journey. Open you trust the freedom of action in making important decisions. Transfer in a complex competitive struggle you will be able to take a prestigious vacancy. Look through the closed the porthole you ... ... Big family dream book


  • Land in the porthole (collection), Yuri Ivanovich. Since a long time, reasonable creatures have loved to have fun, but sooner or later, any civilized society recognizes the hunters poachers and mercilessly struggles by the extermination of nature. But… electronic book

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Why are windows in airplanes round? Why are the tips of the wings bent up? And why do passengers enter the left side of the board?

Everything related to aviation is thought out to the smallest details. Perhaps that is why the aircraft is the safest way of transport. And yet, why is it arranged this way?

website gives an answer to the 8 most popular "why" about aircraft.

1. Why do windows in the plane round?

In the early 1950s, De Havilland has released a plane called "Comet". The plane, which was considered a real miracle of aviation. However, a year later, he fell apart on pieces right in the air. After a few months, this happened with two aircraft.

Engineers conducted the diagnosis of each aircraft screw and found a problem. The cause of the catastrophe was in the windows of the aircraft - they were square. The fact is that there are a large load on the corners of the windows, which is still intensified during the flight. Engineers solved the problem, rounded windows of windows. Thanks to this, it has now become safer now.

2. Why are the wings tips bent up?

During the flight, the pressure from the bottom of the aircraft is higher than the pressure from above. Therefore, the air tends to equilibrium and tries to move from the increased area in the reduced one. And the easiest way to do it on the wings of the aircraft. That's just reaching the tips of the wings, the air broke and created a strong turbulence.

The nose of the military fighter is sharp. The sharper form, the greater the flowability and the faster the plane. But due to the long nose, it's badly visible taketon strip, Therefore, ordinary passenger aircraft is rounded the nasal part.

But British engineers solved this problem and in 1969 they made one of the fastest passenger aircraft, whose nose can change the slope. During take-off and landing, the nose is descended, and during the flight it is driven to a vertical position.

Such a strange design is made by one and only reason:so during take-off and landing, the pilots can better see the take-off strip.

4. Why are white planes?

Most white aircraft, and it is no accident. There are several reasons:

  • Reflection of heat.If the plane is painted in white, it accumulates less heat. It is better for passengers and more economical for the airline.
  • White paint cheaper.Paint a plane into white is cheaper at times cheaper than any other.
  • Prevent collision with birds. Birds are better seeing reflection from white surfaces and do not face a plane.
  • It's easier to see cracks and dents easier. White parts easier to recognize when crashes and easier to notice damage on the housing.

5. Why is the entrance to the left?

Not everyone, but many models of aircraft, the main passenger entrance is on the left. There are 3 versions why it is so instituted.

  • Version 1. On the right side, luggage is loaded (luggage hatches are on the right), so let passengers also be on the right is unsafe.
  • Version 2. There is an assumption that it mocked the aircraft from the ships: passengers were part of the ladder on the left side of the ship.
  • Version 3.Previously, the commander was always sitting on the left. The location of the passenger door also gave him to the left best Overview And allowed to customize the aircraft to the passenger zone.

6. Why are some of the planes of such a strange form?

You probably heard about the plane, which is also called invisible. Such an unusual form it is one simple reason:it flies like one whole object. Due to this, it is faster, can carry more luggage and consumes less fuel.

The design of the aircraft is peeped in birds. Painting birds take a similar pose to increase the range of flight and be less visible.

However, the production of such a form aircraft is very expensive, so it is not used in civil aviation.

7. Why do airplanes seem spacious?

We adore fly on airplanes! But it turns out that everything is not so simple in flight 😉 We will tell you several interesting factswhich you, most likely, have never heard 😉 ever before!

1. On board the aircraft, there is often an ax, which is part of the security inventory and is stored in the pilot's cabin behind the crew commander chair.

2. The flight attendants demand to raise the winds of the portholes at all so that you admire the take-off pattern, and in extreme cases to see the fire.

3. The airplane wing is actually very flexible and can bend under a huge angle. So if the wing is swayed when flying - everything is fine 😉

4. On board the aircraft, the captain has unlimited power and can delay, penalties and many more things.

5. You can never plant an airplane alone, even following the tips of dispatchers. Most likely, you will not even understand how to contact them ... and the autopilot, by the way, does not work when landing is absolutely autonomously.

6. It is possible that the body of a deceased person or organs necessary to someone can fly with you in one plane.

7. The window window has triple glazing to protect against pressure drops, adjustment of air flow and protection against internal damage, respectively.

8. Stewardess or steward can always easily open the toilet door, because Under the name of the room hidden handle.

9. The pilot and the second pilot can not eat the same meal and share it with each other. This is done in order to avoid the possibility of poisoning both captains of the crew.

10. The table in front of you is not as clean as it seems. We really do not advise putting food or personal things on it!

Did you like the article? Leaf further and see the photo generation about those with whom you would definitely do not want to be in one plane! 😉

If you can not afford to fly to business or first class, nothing remains, how to choose an economy class ... where, to admit honestly, it is not always convenient and pleasant. And all due to the fact that there are still many other unusual people with you and not only.

Wuzzup. Intends to your attention 20 most annoying passengers, which only can be found on the plane.

16.08.2018 , 09:39 58719

Once I traveled with a friend, he flew for the first time on the plane. During the landing, we were asked. A friend nervously laughed, adding: "Okay, although only curtains. Pilots are also unpacked, it seems to smoke. As soon as fall out is not afraid? ". And then I remembered, passing to the landing on the plane at the pilots, really, the side windows were opened. Why do the pilots need opening windows?

In fact, the lateral opening windows are not needed for smoking and not for spectacular selfie, and even not at all for airing during the flight. During the flight at an altitude of 9-12 km, the air temperature overboard is lowered to -50 degrees. Secondly, there is little oxygen, when opening the window, a person would simply be disconnected from its shortage. Thirdly, a large pressure and a strong air pressure would not allow you to lean out of the window and make selfie during the flight, moreover, the salon depressurization instantly occurred.

What is the window in fact?

Opening the window in the cockpit of the aircraft is emergency exit. The fact is that the door separating the cockpit from the main passenger aircraft - armored and it is protected by a code lock. When emergency landing It is not excluded to join it. Although in this case, but it may happen that the time for opening the door does not remain, it is easier to open the window and get out through it. Also, in the case of capturing the aircraft terrorists, pilots, in the extreme case, can leave the plane, bypassing the passenger salon. In the case of capture, through the window, employees of the intelligence agencies can and penetrate, spawned through the pilot cabin to the passenger interior to neutralize the invaders.

Fortunately, in practice, the windows by appointment are extremely rare. Sometimes it opens the window to simply wash the windows ...

Candidate President of the United States from the Republican Party MITT Romney in 2012 at a meeting with potential sponsors was indignant by the fact that the passengers cannot open the "windows" on the plane.

The plane in which the wife of the President of Romney was flying, landed after a smoke appeared in the cabin. The fire was not (everything is done from non-combustible materials), but, of course, the plane was quickly planted. Commenting the incident, the Republican said:

"If there is a fire on the plane, and you have nowhere to go, ... you can not breathe, because the air from the outside can not get into the salon, since the portholes do not open. I have no idea why they do not open. This is a real problem. And it is very dangerous. She suffocated, rubbed her eyes. And the spouse would be much easier to survive stress if she could breathe fresh air during a fire. Fortunately, the oxygen was enough for the pilot and the second pilot to make a safe landing in Denver. But now she's fine "- he summed up.

So why can not be opened in the plane window and doors?

US presidential candidate regrets that there are no windows in airplanes

What will happen if on the plane to open the door? Let's start with the fact that after takeoff, the aircraft doors are under great pressure. Door area - no less than half a meter. Those. 5000kv.cm. Even if the difference is only 0.2ATM, then 1000kc should be attached to open the door. Rather - 500kgs, because the handle with the edge of the door, and the other side - on the loop

That is, to open such a door, superman will need. Not one person, this task is not for the power. So if you are afraid that some dodied passenger during the flight waiting to open the door and passengers will begin to fly overboard, you have nothing to worry about. This is completely excluded.

In addition, a barometric relay is built into the door lock, which, as soon as the plane starts to gain height, automatically blocks the lock tightly. Unlocking the lock occurs only when the pressure inside the aircraft comes with the outer (that is, on Earth).

But still...

Approximately 4 km - nothing really terrible will not happen, it will be very blowing, things will fly through the cabin. :) it will become colder. -6 Celsius for every kilometer of height. That is, at an altitude of 4 km, it will become 24 degrees colder than at this time on the ground surface. Theoretically, there may be minor damage to the design - but it depends on the specific circumstances of this regrettable incident, from the speed of the aircraft and the direction and speed of the wind.

10 km and above will be worse - sharp (explosive) decompression (pressure drop), right up to the effect of an explosive wave. Things from the salon and not fastened passengers can take out the survivable to the outside. Flying on the salon things can seriously injure passengers (for example, a camera or camcorder). Blow on the ears (due to changes in pressure) - and sharply and strongly and hurt - can go blood from the ears and / or nose. Oxygen at this height is very small. You need to immediately wear an oxygen mask (must first help yourself, then help others, incl. Children).

The pilot must have time to decrease on a safe height (4 km) - so that passengers can breathe - because The oxygen stock is only enough for 10 minutes. But "fall" 6 km in 10 minutes is not a problem, it is possible and faster, the main thing is that the passengers do not overshadow, because The temperature difference on Earth and an altitude of 10 km is 60 degrees Celsius. The probability of damage to the design is somewhat more - but nevertheless - not large.

There is such a concept as an emergency decline, less than 10 minutes. You can decrease to a height of 3-4 km. But the feeling with such a descent will be very not quite pleasant, here on the ground ears are ringing from a sharp pressure drop, and in the stratosphere is suppressed.

Here are some more interesting points:

Airplanes Most of the flight spend at high height, which is good reasons: safety, comfort, savings. In case emergency situation, The crew of an airplane located at high altitude is a larger reserve of time and opportunities to cope with it. In the cold discharged air, less resistance to movement - saves fuel, engines are better cooled. At large altitudes there are no insects and birds, fewer strength and multidirectional air flows causing turbulence (for example, when the air goes down, and between them - up).

Simple words, turbulence can be explained as follows: the aircraft moves through the air, like a dense stretched carpet. Under favorable conditions, the pressure on the surface of the "carpet" is distributed evenly; It is smooth and smooth. But as soon as the conditions change, folds, wrinkles pass on the "air carpet". Passengers feel it, and it seems to them that the plane dives into the pit. But the feelings are deceived: the plane does not fall and does not fall anywhere, but slides further (only no longer, but along the wavy surface).

If the engine fails, the plane does not roll and does not fall in the peak or corkscrew - just falls the traction. Engines accelerate the plane, and do not rule them.

Even with the failure of all engines, they will still work, in the authoring mode (in this case, the energy required to rotate the engine is selected from the air flow-on). This allows the aircraft not to fall, but plan (flying, if necessary, more than 100 km.) And safely sit down in the near airport.


Still about aviation: remember about, but, well, and

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