Hyperborea is the cradle of mankind. Hyperborea - the cradle of mankind

Secrets of the Middle Kingdom [All you need to know about China] Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich

Hyperborea - the cradle of mankind

The legends of all the peoples of the world say that before the Great Flood the world was different. The cradle of human civilization - the country of Hyperborea - was located at the North Pole. Authentic maps of Hyperborea are known. The map of 1595, copied by Gerhard Mercator from even more ancient sources, depicts a round mainland, divided by four rivers, which was crowned by the Axis of the Earth - the main pyramid of the planet. Hindus call her Meru. After a large-scale planetary cataclysm, part of the mainland went under water, and the land that remained above the water moved. This point is now 12 degrees southwest of the North Pole, at eternal ice islands of Greenland. The remains of Hyperborea can also be found in the archipelagos of the White Sea, in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula.

Scientists have found mysterious ancient structures - pyramids, labyrinths, megalithic buildings. Most traces were found on the islands of the Solovetsky and Kuzovsky archipelagos. For example, a mysterious stone throne 3.5 meters high. The one seated on the throne faces south. This corresponds to the ancient tradition: the gods live in the north, where the world axis is, and the creature on the throne speaks on behalf of the gods...

Svetlana Zharnikova, ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences, believes: “It used to be that our entire territory was covered by a glacier. Today, any glaciologist will say that the border of the Valdai glacier did not go beyond the Mologo-Sheksna boundary. That is, the main territory of Eastern Europe at that time was optimal for human habitation, and people who, according to anthropology, went to the coast of the Northern Arctic Ocean 70,000 years ago, they didn’t leave here anywhere.”

On the basis of ancient documents, scientists today draw up a different map of the settlement of peoples. It will be able to explain many historical inconsistencies. After some global planetary cataclysm, Hyperborea went under water. The rest of the land is frozen. The surviving people headed south - to look for territories with a fertile climate, to which they are accustomed.

One branch went to India and stayed there forever. It is known that in the ancient language of the Hindus - Sanskrit - there are many words in common with Old Slavonic. On the other hand, in geographical names The Russian North has many words that have been preserved in Sanskrit. Scientists have never been able to explain this before.

Another branch lingered in Ukraine and the northern Balkans - this is the so-called Trypillia culture. Another part moved east, to Altai. Further, the path of the exodus of these peoples lay to the south.

The inhabitants of Hyperborea called themselves Aryans. They were blond and blue-eyed. The French thinkers of the 18th century, who were members of the secret brotherhood of Freemasons, wrote that it was this northern people that brought civilization to the world.

It all starts with the patriarchs of the North Pole. It was these tamers of the animal world, military engineers, irrigators, builders and wise priests, the likes of whom mankind no longer knew, who gave people all their knowledge. European culture starts here.

And many centuries later, at the beginning of the 1st millennium of our era, in the South of Russia there arose the capital of the empire of a mysterious people, which contemporaries called the Huns. Today they are considered to be wild Asian barbarians who enslaved different tribes. But there are facts in favor of the fact that the Russian lands have never been under the yoke of nomads. So who were the Huns really?

Exhibition of Hun gold

There were legends about the untold riches of the Huns. One has only to think: the Romans themselves paid tribute to them, giving away tons of gold every year! Why do nomadic savages, who allegedly did not need a developed economy and cultural life, need such riches? Recently, Hunnic gold was found in the very heart of Russia. In Kursk, a burial mound was excavated, where a rich Hun prince or commander was buried. Archaeologists saw gold and silver jewelry with precious stones, elements of clothing and harness.

Some of the things were not made of gold. The surprise of historians knew no bounds. The jewelry was made of copper and covered with gold foil, which is much more difficult to make! The scientists were shocked by the baldric for the sword - on the outside it is richly embroidered with precious threads, and the part that was hidden under the cloak was made of ordinary bull skin. But there were also real treasures in this burial - for example, weapons.

There were two blades in the burial, three fragments of one were preserved. On one of the fragments, the remains of a wooden scabbard were found, and on these scabbards an imprint of gold foil was preserved, which adorned their outer side. The sword was made in best traditions ceremonial weapons. It is decorated with gold foil, mosaic inlay, the handle is crowned with an amber bead.

The question arises: if this Hun commander, who owned jewelry and weapons, was a passing nomad, how did he end up in these places? And why is there only one burial in the mound?

Olga Shcheglova, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History material culture RAS: “The first thought is a visiting Hun who laid down his head there, in the wilderness. He was buried accordingly, with honors, with his weapons. And a set of his things related to the journey, and a rich weapon in a wonderful way, were suddenly found with us in the Kursk region. Why so north?

Other finds, for example, in Lipetsk, showed that "so north", in the words of archaeologists, the Huns lived permanently. A few years ago, a whole chain of ancient settlements was discovered in the Lipetsk region.

Whether the Huns founded these cities or came here when other tribes already lived here, it is difficult to say now. But historians are sure that in these places the mysterious warriors who conquered half the world were frequent guests.

If some jewelry can still be made in nomad camps at the site of a temporary settlement, then pottery production cannot be established there: for this, a constantly operating furnace, a nearby clay deposit, and a potter's work place are needed. The same goes for iron mining. Therefore, nomads have always existed in symbiosis with settled peoples.

Perhaps such cities were important industrial bases or intermediate points on the way of the army or trade caravans. Historians have yet to understand which of the settled peoples settled them.

Andrey Oblomsky, leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “It is necessary to say a little about the nature of archeology itself as a science. The fact is that not a single shard, not a single thing says whether they are Slavic, Germanic, Finno-Ugric or someone else's. All this is the fruit of scientific reconstruction.”

It is the Huns - a mysterious people whose traces were lost in history 15 centuries ago - that can clarify many dark spots in Russian history.

Tribe of the Huns

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Hyperborea - the cradle of mankind

The legends of all the peoples of the world say that before the Great Flood the world was different. The cradle of human civilization - the country of Hyperborea - was located at the North Pole. Authentic maps of Hyperborea are known. The map of 1595, copied by Gerhard Mercator from even more ancient sources, depicts a round mainland, divided by four rivers, which was crowned by the Axis of the Earth - the main pyramid of the planet. Hindus call her Meru. After a large-scale planetary cataclysm, part of the mainland went under water, and the land that remained above the water moved. Now this point is located 12 degrees southwest of the North Pole, in the eternal ice of the island of Greenland. The remains of Hyperborea can also be found in the archipelagos of the White Sea, in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula.

Scientists have found mysterious ancient structures - pyramids, labyrinths, megalithic buildings. Most traces were found on the islands of the Solovetsky and Kuzovsky archipelagos. For example, a mysterious stone throne 3.5 meters high. The one seated on the throne faces south. This corresponds to the ancient tradition: the gods live in the north, where the world axis is, and the creature on the throne speaks on behalf of the gods...

Svetlana Zharnikova, ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences, believes: “It used to be that our entire territory was covered by a glacier. Today, any glaciologist will say that the border of the Valdai glacier did not go beyond the Mologo-Sheksna boundary. That is, the main territory of Eastern Europe at that time was optimal for human habitation, and people who, according to anthropology, came to the coast of the Arctic Ocean 70,000 years ago, did not leave anywhere from here.

On the basis of ancient documents, scientists today draw up a different map of the settlement of peoples. It will be able to explain many historical inconsistencies. After some global planetary cataclysm, Hyperborea went under water. The rest of the land is frozen. The surviving people headed south - to look for territories with a fertile climate, to which they are accustomed.

One branch went to India and stayed there forever. It is known that in the ancient language of the Hindus - Sanskrit - there are many words in common with Old Slavonic. On the other hand, in the geographical names of the Russian North there are many words that have been preserved in Sanskrit. Scientists have never been able to explain this before.

Another branch lingered in Ukraine and the northern Balkans - this is the so-called Trypillia culture. Another part moved east, to Altai. Further, the path of the exodus of these peoples lay to the south.

The inhabitants of Hyperborea called themselves Aryans. They were blond and blue-eyed. The French thinkers of the 18th century, who were members of the secret brotherhood of Freemasons, wrote that it was this northern people that brought civilization to the world.

It all starts with the patriarchs of the North Pole. It was these tamers of the animal world, military engineers, irrigators, builders and wise priests, the likes of whom mankind no longer knew, who gave people all their knowledge. European culture starts here.

And many centuries later, at the beginning of the 1st millennium of our era, in the South of Russia there arose the capital of the empire of a mysterious people, which contemporaries called the Huns. Today they are considered to be wild Asian barbarians who enslaved different tribes. But there are facts in favor of the fact that the Russian lands have never been under the yoke of nomads. So who were the Huns really?

Exhibition of Hun gold

There were legends about the untold riches of the Huns. One has only to think: the Romans themselves paid tribute to them, giving away tons of gold every year! Why do nomadic savages, who allegedly did not need a developed economy and cultural life, need such riches? Recently, Hunnic gold was found in the very heart of Russia. In Kursk, a burial mound was excavated, where a rich Hun prince or commander was buried. Archaeologists saw gold and silver jewelry with precious stones, elements of clothing and harness.

Some of the things were not made of gold. The surprise of historians knew no bounds. The jewelry was made of copper and covered with gold foil, which is much more difficult to make! The scientists were shocked by the baldric for the sword - on the outside it is richly embroidered with precious threads, and the part that was hidden under the cloak was made of ordinary bull skin. But there were also real treasures in this burial - for example, weapons.

There were two blades in the burial, three fragments of one were preserved. On one of the fragments, the remains of a wooden scabbard were found, and on these scabbards an imprint of gold foil was preserved, which adorned their outer side. The sword is made in the best traditions of ceremonial weapons. It is decorated with gold foil, mosaic inlay, the handle is crowned with an amber bead.

The question arises: if this Hun commander, who owned jewelry and weapons, was a passing nomad, how did he end up in these places? And why is there only one burial in the mound?

Olga Shcheglova, senior researcher at the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences:“The first thought is a visiting Hun who laid down his head there, in the wilderness. He was buried accordingly, with honors, with his weapons. And a set of his things related to the journey, and a rich weapon in a wonderful way, were suddenly found with us in the Kursk region. Why so north?

Other finds, for example, in Lipetsk, showed that "so north", in the words of archaeologists, the Huns lived permanently. A few years ago, a whole chain of ancient settlements was discovered in the Lipetsk region.

Whether the Huns founded these cities or came here when other tribes already lived here, it is difficult to say now. But historians are sure that in these places the mysterious warriors who conquered half the world were frequent guests.

If some jewelry can still be made in nomad camps at the site of a temporary settlement, then pottery production cannot be established there: for this, a constantly operating furnace, a nearby clay deposit, and a potter's work place are needed. The same goes for iron mining. Therefore, nomads have always existed in symbiosis with settled peoples.

Perhaps such cities were important industrial bases or intermediate points on the way of the army or trade caravans. Historians have yet to understand which of the settled peoples settled them.

Andrey Oblomsky, leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences:“It is necessary to say a little about the nature of archeology itself as a science. The fact is that not a single shard, not a single thing says whether they are Slavic, Germanic, Finno-Ugric or someone else's. All this is the fruit of scientific reconstruction.”

It is the Huns - a mysterious people whose traces were lost in history 15 centuries ago - that can clarify many dark spots in Russian history.

The legends of all the peoples of the world say that before the Great Flood the world was different. The cradle of human civilization - the country of Hyperborea - was located at the North Pole. Authentic maps of Hyperborea are known. The map of 1595, copied by Gerhard Mercator from even more ancient sources, depicts a round mainland, divided by four rivers, which was crowned by the Axis of the Earth - the main pyramid of the planet. Hindus call her Meru. After a large-scale planetary cataclysm, part of the mainland went under water, and the land that remained above the water moved. Now this point is located 12 degrees southwest of the North Pole, in the eternal ice of the island of Greenland. The remains of Hyperborea can also be found in the archipelagos of the White Sea, in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula.

Scientists have found mysterious ancient structures - pyramids, labyrinths, megalithic buildings. Most traces were found on the islands of the Solovetsky and Kuzovsky archipelagos. For example, a mysterious stone throne 3.5 meters high. The one seated on the throne faces south. This corresponds to the ancient tradition: the gods live in the north, where the world axis is, and the creature on the throne speaks on behalf of the gods...

Svetlana Zharnikova, ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences, believes: “It used to be that our entire territory was covered by a glacier. Today, any glaciologist will say that the border of the Valdai glacier did not go beyond the Mologo-Sheksna boundary. That is, the main territory of Eastern Europe at that time was optimal for human habitation, and people who, according to anthropology, came to the coast of the Arctic Ocean 70,000 years ago, did not leave anywhere from here.

On the basis of ancient documents, scientists today draw up a different map of the settlement of peoples. It will be able to explain many historical inconsistencies. After some global planetary cataclysm, Hyperborea went under water. The rest of the land is frozen. The surviving people headed south - to look for territories with a fertile climate, to which they are accustomed.

One branch went to India and stayed there forever. It is known that in the ancient language of the Hindus - Sanskrit - there are many words in common with Old Slavonic. On the other hand, in the geographical names of the Russian North there are many words that have been preserved in Sanskrit. Scientists have never been able to explain this before.

Another branch lingered in Ukraine and the northern Balkans - this is the so-called Trypillia culture. Another part moved east, to Altai. Further, the path of the exodus of these peoples lay to the south.

The inhabitants of Hyperborea called themselves Aryans. They were blond and blue-eyed. The French thinkers of the 18th century, who were members of the secret brotherhood of Freemasons, wrote that it was this northern people that brought civilization to the world.

It all starts with the patriarchs of the North Pole. It was these tamers of the animal world, military engineers, irrigators, builders and wise priests, the likes of whom mankind no longer knew, who gave people all their knowledge. European culture starts here.

And many centuries later, at the beginning of the 1st millennium of our era, in the South of Russia there arose the capital of the empire of a mysterious people, which contemporaries called the Huns. Today they are considered to be wild Asian barbarians who enslaved different tribes. But there are facts in favor of the fact that the Russian lands have never been under the yoke of nomads. So who were the Huns really?

Exhibition of Hun gold

There were legends about the untold riches of the Huns. One has only to think: the Romans themselves paid tribute to them, giving away tons of gold every year! Why do nomadic savages, who allegedly did not need a developed economy and cultural life, need such riches? Recently, Hunnic gold was found in the very heart of Russia. In Kursk, a burial mound was excavated, where a rich Hun prince or commander was buried. Archaeologists saw gold and silver jewelry with precious stones, elements of clothing and harness.

Some of the things were not made of gold. The surprise of historians knew no bounds. The jewelry was made of copper and covered with gold foil, which is much more difficult to make! The scientists were shocked by the baldric for the sword - on the outside it is richly embroidered with precious threads, and the part that was hidden under the cloak was made of ordinary bull skin. But there were also real treasures in this burial - for example, weapons.

There were two blades in the burial, three fragments of one were preserved. On one of the fragments, the remains of a wooden scabbard were found, and on these scabbards an imprint of gold foil was preserved, which adorned their outer side. The sword is made in the best traditions of ceremonial weapons. It is decorated with gold foil, mosaic inlay, the handle is crowned with an amber bead.

The question arises: if this Hun commander, who owned jewelry and weapons, was a passing nomad, how did he end up in these places? And why is there only one burial in the mound?

Olga Shcheglova, senior researcher at the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “The first thought is a visiting Hun who laid down his head there, in the wilderness. He was buried accordingly, with honors, with his weapons. And a set of his things related to the journey, and a rich weapon in a wonderful way, were suddenly found with us in the Kursk region. Why so north?

Other finds, for example, in Lipetsk, showed that "so north", in the words of archaeologists, the Huns lived permanently. A few years ago, a whole chain of ancient settlements was discovered in the Lipetsk region.

Whether the Huns founded these cities or came here when other tribes already lived here, it is difficult to say now. But historians are sure that in these places the mysterious warriors who conquered half the world were frequent guests.

If some jewelry can still be made in nomad camps at the site of a temporary settlement, then pottery production cannot be established there: for this, a constantly operating furnace, a nearby clay deposit, and a potter's work place are needed. The same goes for iron mining. Therefore, nomads have always existed in symbiosis with settled peoples.

Perhaps such cities were important industrial bases or intermediate points on the way of the army or trade caravans. Historians have yet to understand which of the settled peoples settled them.

Andrey Oblomsky, leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “It is necessary to say a little about the nature of archeology itself as a science. The fact is that not a single shard, not a single thing says whether they are Slavic, Germanic, Finno-Ugric or someone else's. All this is the fruit of scientific reconstruction.”

It is the Huns - a mysterious people whose traces were lost in history 15 centuries ago - that can clarify many dark spots in Russian history.

Tribe of the Huns

Attila - Russian prince?

One and a half thousand years ago, a tribe of Huns, who are considered to be wild nomads, arose out of nowhere and just as mysteriously disappeared, passing through Eurasia in a swift whirlwind. In an incredible way, the Huns created one of the most powerful empires in the history of mankind, rallying different peoples. How did the barbarians manage to do this?

Sergey Trusov, historian, thinks: “They were able to bring together huge masses of people, and that is their success. They have learned to manage genetically different tribes.”

Contemporaries believed that the Huns do not know how to speak or even walk, because they spend their whole lives in the saddle and even sleep on horseback. But those who had never met them said so.

If they were as described - naked, dirty and living anywhere - how did they create very powerful states that united dozens of peoples in different parts of the world? The Huns amazed their contemporaries both with their noble morals and with the democracy that reigned among them.

And here is what the Byzantine ambassador Priysk Panisky wrote. In 449, he went to the Hunnic king Attila to talk about the size of the Roman tribute. The diplomat was sure that he would see tents made of horseskin and unwashed riders. But the capital of the Huns struck him. The city was located across three rivers to the northeast of the Danube and was built of wood. Royal Palace with carved towers towered on the mountain. Guests were greeted with bread and salt, honey and kvass. And the girls in long dresses danced, celebrating the arrival of the guests… A familiar description? All these are rituals close to us, similar to Slavic ones.

It is known that Attila was from the Volga. His country was called Bulyar, and it was founded by Attila's great-grandfather King Balamber. Some historians read his name as Vladimir. Attila's brother's name was Bled, which sometimes sounds like Vlad. And in the ancient Bulgarian chronicle "Gazi-Baradj tarihi" the real name of Attila himself is written - Mstislav. The chronicles unambiguously indicate that the basis of Attila's invincible army was the Slavs. Therefore, many researchers believe that the state of Attila was not only Hunnic, but also Slavic.

Attila led the Huns in 443 and began to rapidly expand his possessions: somewhere by fire and sword, somewhere by political marriages. Legends say that Attila had 300 wives and 1000 children. While still a prince, he married several Hun princesses, legalizing his rights to their lands. And further, having mastered each new territory, Attila married the heiress of the family. He loved to play weddings. The aristocrats of many European countries sought to give their daughter to "the very king of kings". Strange for a barbarian leader, isn't it? It is unlikely that the daughters of the nobility would be given to the bare steppe expanses.

Roman historians, who often never saw Attila in the eyes, describe him as follows: small eyes, a flattened nose, a thin gray beard ... and in general - a disgusting savage. Of course, by that time the emperor of the Huns was not young. But outwardly, the ruler of imaginary nomads was far from Asian. If genetically he was not a Slav, then everything Slavic was clearly not alien to him.

The chroniclers testify: the people of Attila had mostly blond hair and blue eyes. The Hun empire stretched from Hungary to China. And these data can explain the mysterious find of archaeologists in the Gobi Desert. Fifty years ago, the tombs of Chinese aristocrats were discovered here. Time IV-V centuries - the heyday of the empire of the Huns. The mummies are so well preserved that the color of the skin and hair is visible. And what is surprising: these women had a European appearance!

Svetlana Zharnikova, ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences : “It's completely normal. After all, the same Genghis Khan was a blue-eyed blond and was very sincerely surprised when one of his grandchildren was born black-eyed. I was shocked reading the Altai epic "Maadai-Kara", which describes the hero, the ancestor of the Altai peoples, and says:In a thick urman beard, the face is whiter than silver, the eyes are two blue stars, between them the nose is a straight mountain».

The Byzantine diplomat Priisk Paniysky calls the people of Attila - "Unns". This word is of Slavic origin. Even in the "Tale of Bygone Years" there is an expression "dumb" - that is, young, young. That was the name of the squad of young warriors - the younger sons, who, for lack of inheritance, went to foreign lands for a better share.

Svetlana Zharnikova believes that “There is no difference between Russ and Huns, between Russ, Slavs and Huns. This different names one and the same".

Other sources - Scandinavian legends - describe wars with the Unns and Russ, who were constant allies among themselves. The Unns lived in what is today the Arkhangelsk region. This is also evidenced by geographical names: two Unna rivers, Unno Lake, Unsky Bay, Unskaya Bay. It seems that the Russ and the Unns were the two strongest and most ancient Slavic tribes. Perhaps further research will even establish that the Russ and the Unns make up the same tribe and that the name "Unns" is the same common noun as the name "Slavs", that is, "glorious."

What language the Huns spoke is unknown. It is believed that they did not have their own written language. In fact, historians are not sure which ancient texts can be called Hunnic. But the chronicle of the burial of Attila contains sensational data. Perhaps this is the most ancient Slavic document!

We meet the first recorded Slavic words just in the story of the death of Attila and his burial, on the site of which a river was launched. A feast was arranged, called in the annals "strava". This is a Slavic word. And at this feast, representatives of the entire motley horde drank a drink called "medos". It is clear what it was made of - and this is also a Slavic word.

New data turns everything upside down ancient history humanity. One and a half thousand years ago, the empire of the people, who were called the Huns, rallied hundreds of tribes on the continent. The Hun army reached the Danube and stopped in Hungary. Here Attila died, and from here began the collapse of his empire. This mysterious people stayed in Europe for only about 70 years. A meager time, by the standards of history. However, during this time it was redrawn political map peace. And the military elite of the Huns, headed by Attila, managed to intermarry with almost all European nobility.

The crown of the Hungarian kings still keeps one ancient riddle. Since ancient times, it was she, and not the king, who was the source of power in the Kingdom of Hungary. She was kidnapped many times, buried in the ground, lost and found again. This regalia was made in the year 1000 and was placed by Pope Sylvester II on the head of the Hungarian King Stephen the Holy. The cross on the crown is beveled - and this is no coincidence. The angle is exactly 23.5 degrees. This - the tilt of the earth's axis to the planet's equator. How could people know this in the 11th century? And does this mean that the creators of the crown - the descendants of the Huns - kept the secret knowledge of an ancient, perhaps unknown, highly developed civilization? ..

Xiongnu tribe

Russians in China

Three centuries before our era, long before the empire of Attila, nomads lived in the east of Eurasia, who made daring raids on China. For several centuries in a row, this people even kept the Celestial Empire in fear and forced them to pay tribute. In ancient manuscripts, this tribe is called the Xiongnu.

Tells Prokopy Konovalov, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology: “The Huns originated in the south of Central Asia. To be more precise, these are the northern limits of China, Northern China and the south of modern Manchuria. This is the area where the Xiongnu culture was first formed.”

The chroniclers of China, which has always been dissatisfied with the neighborhood with nomads, describe them as semi-wild and bestial creatures. But in those days it was customary to speak of enemies as barbarians, attributing to them all possible shortcomings. And the main insult was to compare a man with a beast.

However, one should not assume that the Xiongnu were completely wild, because in order to fight these naked crazy nomads, the ancient Chinese built the Great Chinese wall which is visible from space. Apparently, they were so afraid of them and considered them such serious enemies that they had to build this incredible architectural structure.

The Xiongnu quite successfully plundered Chinese territories. The turn of our era is a difficult time for Ancient China. The country was split into pieces by constant internecine wars. This was used by the Xiongnu, who even then had a strong state.

Alexander Karabaev, orientalist, leading researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes: “They had statehood of the imperial type, but only had specifics due to the peculiarities of their nomadic civilization. Nevertheless, it must be said that the conditionally called empire of the Xiongnu [ancestors of the Xiongnu] was not just some kind of tribal association.”

The Hun shanuys - commanders - demanded Chinese princesses as their wives, which meant that they were recognized as equals. They did not dare to refuse. But each such wedding was mourned in the palaces of the Celestial Empire more bitterly than a mass funeral. Young aristocratic women had to change silk outfits for coarse fabric or horse skin, and elegant palaces and calligraphy and art classes for the primitive life of a savage. But it was a big politics, where sometimes less sacrifices were made.

In September 199 BC, the Chinese diplomat Lou Jing proposed to Emperor Liu Bang a plan for a long-term settlement of the Xiongnu problem: to marry the eldest daughter of the emperor to the chief shanyu Mode. By right of birth, she will become the main wife of the Xiongnu ruler, and her son will become the heir to the throne. And the grandson will never go against his grandfather ... Emperor Liu Bang approved of the intrigue, but he felt sorry for his daughter. Most of all, the empress, who had only one daughter, cried all day and night. The cunning emperor found another girl, from a simple family, and declared him his daughter, after which the named princess was escorted with great honors to the groom's house.

Over time, in order to resist the raids, the Chinese embarked on the path of unification of the empire. This was the beginning of the decline of the Xiongnu state. Now the nomadic army had to deal with a well-trained Chinese army. The Xiongnu suffered defeat after defeat.

Tells Nikolay Nikolaev, member of the Department of Archeology of Eastern Europe, Siberia, State Hermitage Museum: “The ruler of the southern Xiongnu appears, who is absolutely loyal to China, is his vassal. The Northern Xiongnu are irreconcilable opponents, absolutely uncompromisingly behaving towards the empire. But a coalition is formed against the northern Xiongnu, as a result of which the remnants of the former empire simply cease to exist.”

Part of the Xiongnu people submitted to China. But most of the warriors, accustomed to a free life, preferred wandering to slavery. To maintain their freedom, they have to break away from familiar places. Everyone was gathered on the road: women, children, the elderly ...

Pavel Zariffulin, director of the Moscow Lev Gumilyov Center convinced: “The nomads could not tolerate suppression, they could not tolerate occupation. They simply moved in part to Semirechye, that is, to modern Kazakhstan, where the city of Almaty is. And the other part of the horde made some incredible breakthrough to completely unknown and clearly inhospitable lands. And after them came the Symbian and Chinese cavalry, which finished off all the tired and fallen.

After the defeat and flight from the Chinese, the Xiongnu lost their fertile lands, and hence the opportunity to graze cattle. They moved further and further west in search of better conditions.

Modern Buryats are sure that they are the descendants of a tribe of ancient nomads.

Tells Oleg Butulov, head of the international Hun fund: “I belong to the Bulagat tribe. I say: “I am a Xiongnu of the Bulagat tribe…” In the West we are called Huns, the Chinese call us Xiongnu. But we ourselves have always called ourselves Xiongnu since ancient times.”

The ancient traditions of the Xiongnu were preserved in their purest form by Buryat shamans. It seems that the mysterious people knew how to control the forces of nature. As can be seen from the ancient texts, the riders of this nomadic tribe were faster than the wind, more dangerous than fire and more elusive than water. No one knew where the Xiongnu warriors were going and when they would come again. Not a single Chinese has seen their settlements. This gave rise to legends that nomads do not build houses and are even afraid of any buildings, like tombs.

On the territory of Russia, in Buryatia, the city of Suzha stood more than 2000 years ago. It was a rather large settlement, with workshops, a burial ground and even a defensive system. Those who erected these structures, apparently, planned to settle here for a long time.

Denis Migyashev, archaeologist, explains: “A place that at first glance seems like an ordinary field, is actually a world-famous settlement. The Ivolginsky Xiongnu settlement has a rectangular shape, it is elongated from north to south for 300 meters and from west to east for 250 meters. There were dwellings of dugout and semi-dugout type, and only two were of the ground type. It was probably the ruler's house, it was large. The dugouts had a unique heating system - "kan". The dwelling was arranged in such a pit in the ground, buried to a depth of one and a half meters. A hearth was arranged in the northwestern corner, and chimney channels made of stone slabs ran along the walls from it.

Archaeologists found similar settlements on the territory of Mongolia. According to the items found in the burial grounds, historians determined that they belonged to the Xiongnu. The discovery changed all ideas about this people. Capital buildings, workshops, numerous utensils... This refutes the assertion that the Xiongnu were an exclusively nomadic tribe and rarely stayed anywhere for a long time.

Tells Nikolay Nikolaev: “When we suddenly received archaeological confirmation that there were settlement centers, there was some confusion in our view. Because they must be nomads, and they have settlement centers.”

It is possible that representatives of other, conquered, cultures brought elements of settled life into the life of the Xiongnu. They were accustomed to live and work in one place, providing the so-called rear. And besides, such a city - such as Suzha - was of great strategic and military importance. A well-defended settlement with a developed industry was simply necessary for a state that was in a state of eternal war.

Here they were engaged in agriculture, supplied food to the army, which was constantly at war with China. There were many artisans in the city - they may have made weapons, which also went to supply the army.

Today, historians are trying to recreate the appearance of the fortified city of Suzha in the form in which it was built more than 2000 years ago. The layout is already ready, construction is about to begin. But, despite the conditions for a settled life, people for some reason left the city. Scientists still have to puzzle over this riddle. WITH it is read that at this time the Great March to the West began - a road half a millennium long. Yes, during this time the Xiongnu could mix with the local population and change a lot. But the southeastern genes are stronger. In the marriage of a Chinese with a European, a Chinese will still be born. Therefore, a number of researchers today are asking the question: maybe the Eastern Xiongnu and the Western Huns are related? And is it possible that the ancestors of the Slavs kept in fear one of the most powerful empires of antiquity - China?

Nikolaev believes: “These are two different stories. The archaeological material that we have at our disposal does not give grounds for direct parallels. We can say that the carriers of the Xiongnu culture appear on the territory of Tuva and on the territory of Altai. This historical fact. In my opinion, there are no grounds to talk about the advancement of the Xiongnu beyond this territory.”

But then where do the blond-haired and blue-eyed people in the original Chinese villages come from? For example, the village of Liqian, which is inhabited by blond "Chinese", is located in northwestern China, on the edge of the Gobi Desert. Not far from here, burials of ancient mummies with a European appearance were found. Many residents of Liqian have blue or green eyes, long noses, and even blond hair... Genetic tests have already been done for a number of such residents. The results confirmed the European origin of 56% of the inhabitants.

Andrey Tyunyaev, President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences: “This haplogroup marks the Caucasoid population. According to some studies, it is tied directly to Europe, according to other studies, it is attributed, for example, to Altai.

Chinese chronicles contain stories of blue-eyed, blond people who were the founders of Buddhism, as well as the first leaders and organizers of Chinese society. They came from the north to Northern China. Today, scientists have no doubt that these were the ancestors of the Slavs. They reached China and there, of course, mixed with the local population. This is not a one-time process, not a year or two, it went on for a century.

An ancient Chinese legend says that civilization began with the fact that a White God named Huangdi, or the Yellow Emperor, flew to them from the north on a heavenly chariot, who taught people everything from cultivating rice fields and building dams on rivers to hieroglyphic writing. The hieroglyphs were handed down to the Chinese by a representative of a highly developed civilization lying to the north of Ancient China. The appearance of the Yellow Emperor is recorded in the chronicles and dates back to the 3rd century BC. The height of the war with the Xiongnu. Perhaps, in fact, the battles did not end with the victory of the Chinese, and no one drove the Xiongnu nomads away. And in the annals they wrote down what the authorities needed.

Genetic analysis of the remains in ancient burials of the Xiongnu era in northern China shows that all these people belong to the so-called R1B1A2 haplotype. But this is the Russian genetic code! The civilization of Northern China was formed by people of the European race, whose genetic marker is the same as that of the population of the Tver or Ivanovo regions.

Andrey Tyunyaev explains: “The R1B1 haplogroup, which we are now talking about, just refers to the southern root of the Russian people, it is the Atlantic haplogroup, as it is called. And the sister group R1A1 is called Hyperborean, northern.

It is still impossible to say with certainty who the Huns or their historical counterparts the Xiongnu were. They did not keep chronicles and biographies of their own rulers, did not create works of art telling about their exploits and campaigns... Or maybe they did, but we most likely know them under other names.

Pavel Zariffulin, director of the Moscow Lev Gumilyov Center, believes: “They pushed the Great Migration of Nations, but were not subject to its strict authority, but followed their own path, perceiving life as a path, as energy, as an endless light. That is why they appeared and disappeared. And we can only endlessly talk about them as a heroic, ancient, magnificent people, worthy of admiration.

There are more legends about the Huns than reliable evidence. Whoever the Huns are, today for us they are only a shadow of a great power that stretched from the Mongolian steppes to the Belovezhskaya Pushcha forests. And along the contours of this shadow, we are trying to recreate the true story.

Chapter 9

China: Between past and future

The mysteries of Ancient China never cease to amaze even the most experienced archaeologists. Here is one of them, which became known recently. Fushian Hu Lake is one of the largest lakes in China. It is compared with the Russian Baikal. The length of the reservoir is 35 kilometers, the width is seven kilometers, the depth in some places reaches 180 meters. This lake has been revered since ancient times. According to local legends, in ancient times there was a golden city at its bottom, in which people lived, sometimes going out on land.

"Atlantis" of Ancient China

For many years, this folk tradition was considered a fiction. But recently it turned out that the legends may be somewhat true. In 2006, the Chinese military decided to test new underwater equipment here - echo and sonar. With their help, they began to explore the bottom. Unexpectedly, the data of the instruments showed: at a depth of 80 meters there is a cluster of underwater structures resembling giant pyramids in shape ... After a more thorough study, it turned out to be completely unbelievable: there really is a whole city under water.

Remembers what he saw Leonid Gavrilov, oceanologist, member of the expedition to Lake Fushian-Khu: “The place is not easy, it is located at an altitude of almost two kilometers above sea level. This makes it difficult to do normal dives using bottled air. It took a long time to prepare. One of the buildings was rectangular - as if looking at the pyramid from above. Shot by sonar, that's what it looked like. An ordinary pyramid is a tetrahedron. And here was half. A wall that ran smoothly, with steps. In addition to the pyramid, there is also the Colosseum - a kind of round amphitheater, presumably for theatrical performances. That is, it was at that time a fairly developed city, protected, made by a good architect and builder. Because it is not easy to move such blocks - we do not know many places where this is possible. This huge step pyramid-staircase is similar in size to the Mexican one. Now we can definitely say so, since the distance to each step is known. ”

Remains underground city at the bottom of Fushian Hu Lake

Experts have established that the ancient buildings are quite large and consist of huge stone blocks with a side length of three to five meters. According to scientists, the mysterious structures are located at a depth of about 90 meters. It is very problematic for a person even with scuba diving to dive there. Archaeologists overcame the mark of 70 meters and were able to see only the tops of the buildings of the ancient city and take pictures of them. The divers failed to dive to the base of the buildings. But it was possible to extract several objects to the surface, proving that once there really was a city under water in which people lived. According to Chinese scientists, it was built about 12,000 years ago.

Some researchers believe that the city has always been at the bottom of the lake and underwater people lived there. After all, it is about them that ancient legends tell. However, most think otherwise. They believe that the city used to be on land and sank into the water as a result of earthquakes.

Perhaps there were even two earthquakes: one happened 1500-2000 years ago, and the second much earlier - the exact date is not known, but, according to various sources, from 6000 to 7000 years could have passed since then. It can be hypothesized that this was the Great Flood, because there are no other similar events in history when water washes away everything at one moment. So building blocks underwater city scattered either by an earthquake or a strong mudflow.

If the assumptions are confirmed and the oldest unexplored pyramids are actually found at the bottom of Lake Fushian-Hu, this will mean that 12,000 years ago there was a super-civilization on Earth capable of building pyramids.

Leonid Gavrilov: “Chinese archaeologists unofficially said that they had never seen anything like this in their culture. The archaeologists who spoke to us said that they do not believe that this culture belongs to China, the civilization that formed 5,000 years ago. To Chinese history this stone city it has nothing to do with this incomprehensible staircase, because there is nothing to compare them with. In Chinese culture, there are no cities built like this.”

And here's what he said researcher of ancient civilizations Philip Coppens: “Undoubtedly, the pyramids were built over water, and the reason that they are under it was the rise of the sea level or some national catastrophe. In cases where the pyramids are in the sea, we can say that they are tens of thousands of years old, that is, they were built before the last Ice Age.

But another discovery caused a real sensation - “space disks” made of jasper. They were found in Tibet by Oxford professor Caryl Robin-Evans back in 1947. Then the scientist traveled around China and stumbled upon the mysterious people of the Dropa. In his burial graves, round thin disks of jasper were found, in the center of which there were holes, and along the edges - strange grooves. It was they who prompted the researchers to the idea that discs are something like ancient records on which music or some kind of information could be recorded.

Jasper disc

Alexey Maslov, director of the Center for Strategic Studies of China at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, believes: “The history of Tibet, of course, is largely mystified and mythologized. Some kind of supernatural ancient energy is attributed to Tibet, not because this place, say, is more ancient than China or India, but because it is less studied and a variety of rumors can be attributed. Therefore, when discs with inscriptions were found in Tibet, they immediately believed that this was a confirmation of the antiquity of the Tibetan civilization.

Some argue that Chinese jasper discs had completely inexplicable qualities. With the help of special instruments, it was possible to establish that they produced strange vibrations. But the most mysterious was not even this, but the mysterious symbols. Chinese scientists have been trying to decipher them for several decades, and in the early 1970s they finally succeeded. The results shocked the world. According to archaeologists of the Beijing Academy of Sciences, messages describing various space objects were encrypted on the disks. Of course, it is not easy to believe in this - after all, the finds date back to the 10th century BC!

Hartwig Hausdorff, historian: “If this is indeed true, then such a find could turn our understanding of the ancient civilizations that lived in these places thousands of years ago. Just think what knowledge those people must have had!”

Unfortunately, the authenticity of the discs and inscriptions is now impossible to verify - the artifacts were stolen. Today, one can only guess about their approximate location. It should be taken into account that some of the valuables were taken out after 1949 to Taiwan. Perhaps some of the most famous exhibits related to painting, archeology and bronze went there. Fortunately, during cultural revolution"The most interesting bronze complex in China and the mysterious images of strange creatures - people of an incomprehensible anthropological type, did not suffer. But today these finds are not exhibited in museums.

In China, indeed, since ancient times, people have been making discs from jasper. The approximate age of these finds is 5500 years. Such discs are not uncommon in Neolithic beds, although they did not vibrate and had more primitive decorations without inscriptions. They were called "bi". Presumably, they symbolized heaven, and were of great value. Only noble people could afford such decorations, which, by the way, were buried with the owner. In the annals there are indications that the defeated governor, as a sign of submission, handed over his disk to the winner. But scientists still cannot fully understand the specific meaning of these objects, because there are no written sources from the Neolithic period left. Most likely, the discs were really of a ritual nature, personifying heaven and earth, protecting from evil spirits and giving good luck to their owner even in the afterlife.

Amazing underwater city

Recently, Chinese archaeologists discovered in the east of the country unique city with a thousand years of history. Majestic palaces and temples simply amazed scientists. But to admire them is not easy, for this you must first dive to a depth of 30 meters, because the unique city is under water. How did it happen that it ended up at the bottom, and could intelligent underwater creatures have built it?

East China's Zhejiang Province, Tzendao Lake. Today it is one of the most scenic spots Celestial. Thousands of people come here every day to admire the beautiful waterscapes, temples and enjoy the parks that are spread over numerous islands. Until recently, few tourists knew that the real treasure of these places is hidden under this blue surface. At the bottom of Lake Tzendao is ancient city- the city of the Lion, which was built more than a thousand years ago.

In 2011, sensational news about the existence of an underwater city stirred up the entire Celestial Empire. It was discovered quite by accident. Amateur divers dived into the lake and explored the bottom, and then it turned out that at a depth of 40 meters there are incredible ruins - massive walls of temples, halls of palaces, large houses.

Anton Tarasov, historian: “At the moment when Stalin was informed that the grave of Tamerlane had been opened and there was such a curse, he immediately gave the order to restore the grave, allocated money - about a million rubles, which in war time was equal to building a few tanks or supplying a large division. He gave the order to restore the grave in the form in which it was. In addition, along with the miraculous icons, the remains of Tamerlane were transported by plane over all front lines, including over Stalingrad.”

Tamerlane was again in his grave on December 20, 1942. And two days later came the news of the beginning of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Stalingrad.

Under Veliky Novgorod rises a mysterious structure - the Noise-mountain. It looks like a Slavic burial hill - a mound in which princes were buried. But the hills have the appearance of cones and are never found in the form of two-tiered pyramids. Noise Mountain, according to legend, is considered the grave of Rurik, the founder of the first dynasty of Russian tsars. The name is associated with strange mournful sounds that sometimes come from its depths.

Tells Sergei Troyanovsky, Head of the Center for Archaeological Research: “It was believed that there was a temple inside the Noise Mountain, and in the evening you can hear bell ringing coming out of the earth."

Geophysical studies have shown that there are voids inside the mountain and underground passages. However, no one is in a hurry to excavate here. In 2003, a detachment of the St. Petersburg archaeological expedition found an amazing stone in the mound. On it, when clearing, a trident was indicated, almost the same sign as on Rurik's seal. Under the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, it was called tamga, that is, a kind of generic sign. The stone was taken to St. Petersburg for research.

A report on the work of the expedition was sent to Moscow. And a resolution came back: to return the stone back, we don’t need a second Tamerlane ... Official science considers it unproven that the two-stage pyramid is related to Rurik. But the famous artist Nicholas Roerich, whose family descends from the Rurikovich, for some reason came to Shum-mountain and lived nearby for some time. And a strange thing - for the next hundred years, excavations are prohibited here.

Unfortunately, almost all Russian chronicles earlier than the 9th century have been lost. But the Slavic cities had a rich history. Archaeologist Sergei Troyanovsky at excavations in the center of Veliky Novgorod every day finds evidence that we know nothing about our ancestors. These lands were occupied by a developed civilization, and we do not even remember the names of the ancient kings.

Sergei Troyanovsky convinced: “Someone was before Rurik. We know that the Novgorodians, before recognizing Rurik, drove out the other Varangians and refused to enter into trade relations with them. We will never know the names of these Varangians.”

Hyperborea - the cradle of mankind

The legends of all the peoples of the world say that before the Great Flood the world was different. The cradle of human civilization - the country of Hyperborea - was located at the North Pole. Authentic maps of Hyperborea are known. The map of 1595, copied by Gerhard Mercator from even more ancient sources, depicts a round mainland, divided by four rivers, which was crowned by the Axis of the Earth - the main pyramid of the planet. Hindus call her Meru. After a large-scale planetary cataclysm, part of the mainland went under water, and the land that remained above the water moved. Now this point is located 12 degrees southwest of the North Pole, in the eternal ice of the island of Greenland. The remains of Hyperborea can also be found in the archipelagos of the White Sea, in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula.

Scientists have found mysterious ancient structures - pyramids, labyrinths, megalithic buildings. Most traces were found on the islands of the Solovetsky and Kuzovsky archipelagos. For example, a mysterious stone throne 3.5 meters high. The one seated on the throne faces south. This corresponds to the ancient tradition: the gods live in the north, where the world axis is, and the creature on the throne speaks on behalf of the gods...

Svetlana Zharnikova, ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences, believes: “It used to be that our entire territory was covered by a glacier. Today, any glaciologist will say that the border of the Valdai glacier did not go beyond the Mologo-Sheksna boundary. That is, the main territory of Eastern Europe at that time was optimal for human habitation, and people who, according to anthropology, came to the coast of the Arctic Ocean 70,000 years ago, did not leave anywhere from here.

On the basis of ancient documents, scientists today draw up a different map of the settlement of peoples. It will be able to explain many historical inconsistencies. After some global planetary cataclysm, Hyperborea went under water. The rest of the land is frozen. The surviving people headed south - to look for territories with a fertile climate, to which they are accustomed.

One branch went to India and stayed there forever. It is known that in the ancient language of the Hindus - Sanskrit - there are many words in common with Old Slavonic. On the other hand, in the geographical names of the Russian North there are many words that have been preserved in Sanskrit. Scientists have never been able to explain this before.

Another branch lingered in Ukraine and the northern Balkans - this is the so-called Trypillia culture. Another part moved east, to Altai. Further, the path of the exodus of these peoples lay to the south.

The inhabitants of Hyperborea called themselves Aryans. They were blond and blue-eyed. The French thinkers of the 18th century, who were members of the secret brotherhood of Freemasons, wrote that it was this northern people that brought civilization to the world.

It all starts with the patriarchs of the North Pole. It was these tamers of the animal world, military engineers, irrigators, builders and wise priests, the likes of whom mankind no longer knew, who gave people all their knowledge. European culture starts here.

And many centuries later, at the beginning of the 1st millennium of our era, in the South of Russia there arose the capital of the empire of a mysterious people, which contemporaries called the Huns. Today they are considered to be wild Asian barbarians who enslaved different tribes. But there are facts in favor of the fact that the Russian lands have never been under the yoke of nomads. So who were the Huns really?

Exhibition of Hun gold

There were legends about the untold riches of the Huns. One has only to think: the Romans themselves paid tribute to them, giving away tons of gold every year! Why do nomadic savages, who allegedly did not need a developed economy and cultural life, need such riches? Recently, Hunnic gold was found in the very heart of Russia. In Kursk, a burial mound was excavated, where a rich Hun prince or commander was buried. Archaeologists saw gold and silver jewelry with precious stones, elements of clothing and harness.

Some of the things were not made of gold. The surprise of historians knew no bounds. The jewelry was made of copper and covered with gold foil, which is much more difficult to make! The scientists were shocked by the baldric for the sword - on the outside it is richly embroidered with precious threads, and the part that was hidden under the cloak was made of ordinary bull skin. But there were also real treasures in this burial - for example, weapons.

There were two blades in the burial, three fragments of one were preserved. On one of the fragments, the remains of a wooden scabbard were found, and on these scabbards an imprint of gold foil was preserved, which adorned their outer side. The sword is made in the best traditions of ceremonial weapons. It is decorated with gold foil, mosaic inlay, the handle is crowned with an amber bead.

The question arises: if this Hun commander, who owned jewelry and weapons, was a passing nomad, how did he end up in these places? And why is there only one burial in the mound?

Olga Shcheglova, senior researcher at the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “The first thought is a visiting Hun who laid down his head there, in the wilderness. He was buried accordingly, with honors, with his weapons. And a set of his things related to the journey, and a rich weapon in a wonderful way, were suddenly found with us in the Kursk region. Why so north?

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