Holidays in Inozemtsevo. Panorama of Inozemtsevo

HISTORY OF THE EMERGENCE OF THE VILLAGE OF INOZEMTSEVO IN THE STAVROPOL REGION. The village of Inozemtsevo is unique place KMV. It was here in 1801-1835 that the first and oldest settlement of immigrants from Western Europe- Scottish missionaries of the Edinburgh Bible Society. The missionaries were sent to the Caucasian line at the behest of Emperor Alexander I “with the aim of spreading industriousness, crafts and Christianity among the mountain peoples of the Mohammedan and pagan confession.” In the fall of 1801, a site was chosen for the mission on the eastern slope of Mount Beshtau, in the ancient Tatar settlement of Karras, which belonged to the descendants of the Crimean Sultan Giray. In 1805, the missionaries received 7 thousand acres of government land. Members of the mission actively spread Christianity, published religious literature, bought slaves with money from the Bible Society, converted them to the Christian faith and returned their freedom. In addition, the missionaries were engaged in carpentry, carpentry, blacksmithing, pottery, printing, baking, tailoring and weaving, and also traded agricultural products in the CMS markets. To help the Scots cultivate the land, in the summer of 1809 the first German families from the Saratov province moved to Karras. Among them were craftsmen: mechanic Johann Martin, tanner Christian Conradi, shoemaker Johann Liebig, paper manufacturer Ludwig Liebig, blacksmith Johann Georg Engelhart. In 1819, the German Nikolaev colony was established near Karras, which demarcated 4.5 thousand dessiatines from the old allotment (in 1831 - Konstantinovskaya, between which extensive vineyards grew). The new colonists, abandoning unprofitable farming, took up gardening, vegetable gardening, viticulture, meat and milk production. They became regular suppliers of flowers, fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, kefir and excellent German cheeses to the CMV markets. The Germans brought tobacco cultivation to the CMS and successfully traded it in the markets. From the first years of settlement, they were the only ones who baked bread for sale, delivering it to the canteens and restaurants of the resort. In the middle of the 19th century, both colonies operated an oil mill, a tannery, a brick factory, and a lime factory. The names of furniture makers and carriage makers (Andrei Conradi) were widely known. Cleanliness, comfortable amenities, an abundance of greenery, flowers and fruits, tasty and inexpensive food attracted the resort crowd here. Until August 1941, the population of the colonies of Karras and Nikolaevskaya was up to 90% German. However, by order of I.V. Stalin, who feared complicity with the fascist army in the event of occupation, almost the entire German population was taken to Northern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, the Urals and Siberia within a month. In September 1941 former colonies Karras and Nikolaevskaya received the status of villages. In 1959, the villages of Karras and Nikolaevskoye were united into resort village Inozemtsevo. This name was derived from the railway station of the same name. And the Inozemtsevo station, in turn, was named after the manager of the Vladikavkaz railway Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemtsev, whose mansion is located next to the station. Since January 1983, Inozemtsevo received the status of an urban village within the city of Zheleznovodsk.

Small Academy of Sciences MBOU "South Russian Lyceum of Cossacks and Peoples of the Caucasus" of the resort city of Zheleznovodsk XIIopen scientific conference for schoolchildren

Section of natural and mathematical sciences (mathematics)

Research work on the topic:

“Sights of the village of Inozemtsevo in facts and figures”

Golubeva Olga Sergeevna,

Basic secondary school of the Branch of SGPI in Zheleznovodsk, 5 “A” class

Scientific adviser: Romanko Olga Nikolaevna,mathematic teacher,Iqualification category

Zheleznovodsk, Inozemtsevo village, 2016


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2. House Roschke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


In families that have given the world celebrities, it happens that one of the brothers or sisters remains unknown. The same fate awaited the resort village of Inozemtsevo. Stavropol Territory. Ask anyone about the resort towns of the CMV (Caucasian Mineral water). They will name everything, except for the urban-type settlement, located near Mount Beshtau between Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk, of which it has been administratively part of since the end of the last century.

Quiet village located in a very picturesque place between famous mountains- Beshtau and Mashuk. A corner of a fertile region where you can walk along the wooded slopes of the high mountain KMV (Beshtau - height 1400 m), relax on the shore of Lake Karras within the village, breathe in clean and healing air and drink no less healing mineral water.

The village of Inozemtsevo is a historical, original and unique place of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Without historical memory, the state and its people have no future. But not only the future, but also the present. The village of Inozemtsevo has its own unique historical and modern places that deserve special attention. Attractions influence the cultural, educational, economic development of the village and the life of the population.

In regional tourism, Inozemtsevo can occupy one of the leading places. The task of local historians, historians, local authorities to do everything possible to identify, register objects of historical and cultural significance in order to attract tourist flows to this interesting corner of Caucasian mineral waters. This is what it's all aboutrelevance this topic.

The purpose of the work There is a definition of the role of attractions in the social, economic, cultural and historical development of the village of Inozemtsevo.

Novelty of the research manifests itself in determining the connections between historical objects cultural heritage and modern.

Research objectives:

Study scientific literature on this topic;

Determine the role of attractions on the development of the village;

Summarize and systematize conclusions on the topic studied.

Research methods:

Analysis historical literature;

Comparison of the material followed by generalization of the results.


Mysterious world The North Caucasus, the life and morals of the highlanders attracted the attention of European missionaries who hoped to turn the local population to Christianity, widely developed in these places in the 9th - 10th centuries. Emperor Alexander I was also interested in the speedy economic development of the Caucasus. That is why permission was given for the arrival of Scottish missionaries-colonists in the area of ​​Caucasian mineral waters for "the spread of hard work, crafts and factories in the region, sparsely populated, adjacent to the peoples of the Mohammedan confession, no education." Several historical periods in the development of the village are distinguished: the Scottish colony of Karras (1802 - 1825), the German colonies of Karras and Nikolaevka (1835 -1941), the villages of Karras and Nikolaevka (1941 - 1959), the resort-type village of Inozemtsevo Zheleznovodsk (1959 - 1983), urban-type settlement of Inozemtsevo since 1983.

Autumn 1802. Henry Brunton, Alexander Paterson, Eloram Harrison settle as guests in the village of Karras. Each of the brothers had their own slaves, warriors, and heirs. The following year, more missionaries came from Scotland and ransomed slaves - children, women and men - from the highlanders to convert them to Christianity (one person cost 200 silver rubles). There was a high mortality rate among the colonists from epidemics of plague, fever and dysentery. At the end of 1805, the Scottish colony received “6489 dessiatines 1298 fathoms of convenient land and 7566 dessiatines 2048 fathoms of inconvenient land,” and in December 1806, Emperor Alexander I signed the Charter on the establishment of the Scottish colony. A powerful impetus to the economic development of the colony was given by the arrival in 1809 of the first German families in the amount of 70 souls. Gradually, there were more and more German settlers from the Saratov province, and in 1819 the German colony of Nikolaevskaya was established, which began to play a vital role in supplying the Kavminvod resort groups with vegetables, fruits, grapes, milk, meat, honey, bread, flowers and other agricultural products. In 1823, Zheleznovodsk was connected by a road passing through the village to Pyatigorsk. In 1894, the Mineralnye Vody – Kislovodsk railway was built, which inspired new life to the colony. The Karras station is formed, solid stone houses are built.

In 1935, the Scottish Mission ceased to exist, the settlements of Karras and Nikolaevskoye became completely German.

In 1925, the settlements were listed as the Karras village council of the Goryachevodsk district of the Terek Okrug and numbered: in Karras - 240 houses, population - 1,792 people; in the Nikolaev colony - 427 houses, population - 1415 people. In 1928, the village councils of Karrasky and Nikolaevsky were transferred to the Mineralovodsky district. 1959 became an important date in the history of the settlements; they were united into a single resort village of Inozemtsevo, which became part of Zheleznovodsk. This name was derived from the railway station of the same name. And the Inozemtsevo station, in turn, was named after the manager of the Vladikavkaz Railway, Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemtsev. Distance to regional center: 180 km.

Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemtsev Panorama of the colony Karras with the house of engineer I.D. Inozemtseva.

From that time on, the village began to develop rapidly. A dairy and winery came into operation, a secondary school and a clinic were built. The village is also becoming a real resort. The children's rheumatological sanatorium "Solnyshko", the sanatoriums "Geologist of Kazakhstan", "Voskhod", "Mashuk" accepted Russians and residents of the CIS countries for recreation and treatment. In 1983, the village received the status of an urban-type settlement.


2.1. House of Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemtsev

Inozemtsevo – has a rich cultural – historical heritage. At various times, the village was visited by outstanding Russian writers and poets, such as A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Odoevsky. In Inozemtsevo there are many interesting places with their own history.

The house of I. D. Inozemtsev is the mansion of the manager of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway, engineer Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemtsev, named after him. Inozemtsev built this house according to his own design. The house is a luxurious two-story brick mansion in which Inozemtsev settled with his family in 1908.

This is the building from the balcony of which K. Zetkin spoke to residents of the village of Karras. Clara Zetkin is a German politician and women's rights activist. It is believed that she is the author of the idea of ​​International Women's Day - March 8th.

In 1930, the house of I. D. Inozemtsev was given to the Terek Department of Public Education. Now the mansion houses the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute and the Basic School.

Over the 85 years of its existence, the educational institution has trained good personnel not only for schools and kindergartens, but also for working in the institute itself.

House of I.D. Inozemtsev

Is it possible to conduct a study of what might have happened if this building had not been given over to the education department about 85 years ago?

Let's formulate a hypothesis: without the existence of the institute, the population in the village would be smaller and the literacy level would be lower.

Many students come from different cities Russia to study at SGPI, after graduation they find a job and stay to live in Inozemtsevo. From 1933 to 2015, the population increased, about 2,000 people lived on this moment time according to the results of the population census - 28,500 people.

The literacy level of the population has increased. In the 50s, graduation rates and enrollments ranged from 90 to 142 people; by 2015, there were 854 students.

After conducting the study, our hypothesis was confirmed.

No matter how the name changed over the decades (technical school, school, college, institute), the spirit of professionalism, skill, and love for children remained unchanged. Teachers and students love the century-old building of the main academic building with its ancient architecture, turrets, beautiful and cozy, the main thing for them is to preserve the best traditions. House I.D. Inozemtsev is a historical heritage that made a great contribution to the formation of the village.

2.2. House Roschke

The Gottlieb Roschke House is considered a historical monument. The modest building in the heart of the village of Inozemtsevo received its name in honor of its first owner, the German chef Gottlieb Roschke. He moved to the Caucasus to the German colony of Karras in 1814 and opened a coffee shop here.

Not only did he arrange it, but he agreed with the resort administration that all excursions should stop near his house. Whether this was the reason for the popularity, or whether the coffee served together with German baked goods was really delicious (Roschke’s contemporaries admitted this), but the establishment of the foreman of the colonists was not empty. And the names of some visitors who paid attention to Roshke’s coffee house worked better than any advertising: Leo Tolstoy (who celebrated his birthday), Pushkin, Glinka, Belinsky and who spent time at Roshke’s last hours Lermontov's life.

Former coffee shop in the German colony of Scots, now Roschke's homefound by researcher at the Lermontov's House museum V.Ya. Simanskaya in the late 1950s and is marked with a memorial plaque.

In 1983, the Roschke house was restored to its former appearance. It housed a children's library and a small exhibition dedicated to the work of M.Yu. Lermontov. The library was then closed and the building remained abandoned.

HouseGottlieb Roschke

In 2016, the authorities of the resort town of Zheleznovodsk plan to restore the ancient German farmstead and open a museum in it.

We will conduct a study of how the discovery of historical cultural center, where the opening of the exposition dedicated to the history of the village of Inozemtsevo will take place to the development of children.

Hypothesis: the opening of a museum in the Roschke house will increase the level of cultural development of more than 2.5 thousand school-age children.

There are 4 - secondary schools in Inozemtsevo, 1 —the correctional school - a boarding school, in each of which hundreds of children study.

Basic school – 343 people;

Secondary school No. 4 – 516 people;

Secondary school No. 5 – 794 people;

South - Russian Lyceum of the Cossacks and the peoples of the Caucasus - 980 people;

Special (correctional) boarding school – 148 people.

The creation of a museum will allow schoolchildren to learn about the history of the emergence and development of the village, and get acquainted with the names outstanding people who contributed to the cultural and historical heritage. Museum staff will provide interesting information about the archaeological monuments of the village, already few people know (for example, in 1881 more than 5,000 mounds were found, 6 burial grounds of Scythian times were discovered in the vicinity of the village, 14 burials were explored).

Thus, the hypothesis put forward is correct; with the appearance of a museum in the village, thousands of children will be able to visit it and enrich their knowledge with information about historical facts the origin of the village, its archaeological sites, cultural sites and attractions.

In 2016, the Roschke house will be restored. Today, archival documents, antique household items, clothing, and furniture are being collected. Opening historical center will affect the cultural development of the village residents.

2.3. Mass grave in the village of Inozemtsevo

The mass grave of Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of the village is a place that is worthy of the attention of every person.

To the north - western outskirts village of Karras (now the village of Inozemtsevo) in the summer of 1918, during civil war, ten Red Army soldiers and one peasant with his 10-12 year old son were buried in a mass grave.

In 1937, the mass grave was improved by installing an obelisk with a star and an iron fence.

During the Great Patriotic War, in August 1942, in the area of ​​the Inozemtsevsky winery, Lieutenant Polikarp Romanovich Tikhoshin was killed by the Nazis. He was buried on the territory of the plant. Later, when the winery's warehouse was being built, the lieutenant's remains were transferred to a mass grave. A Red Army soldier who died from a serious wound is also buried here. His last name remained unknown.

In 1953, a bronze sculpture of a warrior was installed on the mass grave, symbolizing the unknown soldier.

In the spring of 1983, on the 38th anniversary Great victory, the Eternal Flame Memorial was built on the site of the mass grave.

For the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory, in 1985, memorial inscriptions of 40 names of village residents who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War were installed on the portal.

In 1989, the Memorial’s portal additionally immortalized the memory of another 30 soldiers who were called up to the front from the village of Inozemtsevo and died in battles for their homeland. Thus, at present, the “Eternal Flame” illuminates the names of seventy fallen defenders. Every year hundreds of residents of the village of Inozemtsevo come to the memorial to honor their memory.

The mass grave of Soviet soldiers is a cultural heritage site in the village of Inozemtsevo. Visit this place unites people of different religious faiths (there are 4 of them in the village) and nationalities (about 30).

National composition of the village

    78,06 %

    9,21 %

    4,26 %

    1,45 %

    other 7,01 %

To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in all educational institutions The village was actively preparing. On May 8, 2015, about 3,000 schoolchildren and senior kindergarten students, as well as their parents, teachers, educators and other people took part in a solemn meeting at the Eternal Flame memorial and in the Immortal Regiment action. The column of people with photographs of WWII participants stretched for 510 meters, this is the distance from the Luch cinema, where the procession began, to the memorial.

Almost all residents of the village of Inozemtsevo and the city of Zheleznovodsk took part in the anniversary celebration, among them 20 disabled people and 53 participants of the Great Patriotic War, 217 widows of participants, 8 former minor prisoners of concentration camps and 8 residents of besieged Leningrad, 20 veterans of the last military conscription, 517 home front workers.

The mass grave of Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of the village is historical monument, a cultural heritage site that brings together thousands of people. Fosters a sense of patriotism and deepest respect for our ancestors who died for our bright future.

2.4. Sanatorium-resort complex

Inozemtsevo is a resort village and is famous for its healing properties. health complexes. The attractions of the village include sanatoriums. Currently, there are 4 health resorts on the territory of Inozemtsevo (sanatorium “Mashuk Aqua-Term”, “Geologist of Kazakhstan”, “Lesnoy” and children’s sanatorium “Solnechny”). The bed capacity is 800 places. Every year, almost 10 thousand people improve their health in the resort village.

One of the famous sanatoriums is “Mashuk Aqua – Therm”. In 2013 and 2015, “Mashuk Aqua-Term” became the Laureate of the National Competition “ The best sanatoriums Russian Federation" In June 2008, the world's first and so far only monument dedicated to the enema was erected on its territory. It is a bronze monument weighing 350 kg and 1.5 meters high, made in the form of a composition of three angelic children holding a large pear-shaped enema above their heads.

The health resort "Mashuk Aqua - Therm" is located on a beautifully landscaped protected area of ​​12.5 hectares, on which there is a well of mineral thermal water of the "Zheleznovodsk" type - the well-known Slavyanovsky spring. The water temperature from this source reaches 55 degrees. This mineral water is used for drinking treatment of visitors to the sanatorium.

On the territory of the village of Inozemtsevo there is a unique spring - Batalinsky. In 1856, Fyodor Batalin discovered a bitter-salty spring, the water of which gave a persistent laxative effect. Before the revolution, up to 1.5 million so-called half-bottles of Batalino water went to Europe, and each cost a ruble in gold. But in 1974, after a nearby park was sprayed, pesticides appeared in the water. Since then, the source has long been cleared, but was officially closed, although healing water was still delivered to the Kremlin hospital, which was poured by hand once a month. The Batalinsky spring is still capable of producing 12 cubic meters of water per day. Don’t be confused by the low “productivity” of the source: the rate of intake of this water, the equivalent of which in Europe is only in Hungary, is 120 grams per day. The Batala spring has not yet been returned to service. If the source is discovered over time, there will be more holidaymakers in the village, since 40% of the Russian population has gastrointestinal disorders, and this water can heal this disease.

Sanatorium-resort treatment and services for vacationers is one of the leading sectors of the village’s economy.


One of the large-scale investment projects planned for implementation in the village of Inozemtsevo is the “Valley of Mineralnye Vody”. The project implementation period is 2012 – 2018. It is planned to comprehensively develop an area of ​​1,430 hectares, build sanatorium-resort facilities, trade-entertainment facilities, sports-health-improving activities, and residential development.

What social effect can the project lead to by 2020?

Of course, the creation of at least 4,200 new permanent jobs, increasing the number of vacationers in the sanatorium and resort complex - up to 150 thousand people a year.

Thus, the implementation of the project will lead to an increase in the village’s budget income. As the number of jobs increases, the unemployment rate will decrease. More than 4,000 people will find employment. Construction resort complex will have a positive impact on the development of the village's economy. 42.5 billion rubles have been allocated for the implementation of the project; the complex’s occupancy during the season will have to be 100%.

Land distribution: sanatorium and resort area – 245 hectares; shopping and entertainment zone - 355 hectares; residential area - 400 hectares; warehouse area - 80 hectares; administrative zone - 45 hectares; forest park area - 150 hectares; sports and recreation area - 155 hectares; vineyards (area for further development) - 1000 hectares.

The Inozemtsevo resort has favorable conditions for improving the quality of life of the population and improving the infrastructure of the village.


Inozemtsevo is a resort village with its own history and places that deserve special attention.

This work examined attractions that play a large role in the social, historical, cultural and economic development of the village.

The existence of the House of I.D. Inozemtsev, now the Pedagogical Institute, influenced the increase in the number of people living in the village; from 1930 to 2015, the population increased 13.2 times. The literacy rate of the population increased; in 1897, the number of literate people over the age of 9 was only 24%.

In Inozemtsevo there are prerequisites for the development of a tourist complex. By 2015, the number of holidaymakers who come to the village’s sanatoriums to improve their health increased (10 thousand people a year). By 2020, with the implementation of the Mineral Waters Valley project, it is expected to receive up to 150 thousand people, which is 15 times more than now. Sanatorium and resort treatment is one of the leading sectors of the village’s economy.

First of all, it is worth noting that Inozemtsevo is an urban-type settlement, with a long and interesting story, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

The history in Inozemtsevo is completely connected with the history of our country. The village has 26 historical and cultural monuments, including 16 archaeological, 4 architectural and urban planning. Archaeological excavations are still being carried out on its territory, which lead to amazing results.

Attractions in Inozemtsevo are places that are really worth visiting; their rich history cannot but interest you. They keep within themselves Interesting Facts from the life of the village.

We, local residents, must respect and protect the history and culture of our village. Today people of thirty nationalities live here in peace and harmony. Their knowledge, experience, and hard work are the main wealth of the village.


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8. http:// adm- zheleznovodsk. ru


Inozemtsevo is a resort village in the urban district of the resort town of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory. One of the largest urban villages in Russia.


Located on the eastern slopes of Mount Beshtau. Distance to the regional center: 180 km.

It was here that in 1801-1835 the first and oldest settlement of immigrants from Western Europe was located - Scottish missionaries of the Edinburgh Bible Society. The Scottish colony was founded near the highland village of Karras. Later, the Germans joined the colony and founded the Nikolaev colony nearby. The Scots themselves left the colony in 1821. The missionaries were sent to the Caucasian line at the behest of Emperor Alexander I “with the aim of spreading hard work, crafts and Christianity among the mountain peoples of the Mohammedan and pagan confession.” In the fall of 1801, a site was chosen for the mission on the eastern slope of Mount Beshtau, in the ancient Tatar settlement of Karras, which belonged to the descendants of the Crimean Sultan Girey. In 1805, the missionaries received 7 thousand acres of government land. 12/25/1806 Alexander I issued a letter to the residents of the colony. 29.9.1817 The Committee of Ministers decided to relocate from K. German. colonists (not implemented). The Committee of Ministers adopted decisions on the reorganization of the colony, approved by Nicholas I (12/15/1828, 6/26/1835). Evang. community (1806-66), lute. parish Pyatigorsk Church (1840). Land 7000 des. (1807), 2859 des. (1883), 3498 dec. (1910). Gardening, viticulture and winemaking, floriculture, beekeeping. Leatherworks of R. Peddie, K. and Yu. Engelhardt, brick and tile. plant of E. Ya. Alfton, lime plant "Anchor", creamery, shops, pharmacy. Village Council, agricultural cooper. comradeship, beginning school, reading room (1926), k-z im. K. Liebknecht. Pedagogical College (1933). A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov visited here (he went from here in 1841 to his fatal duel). Place of birth fierce. pastors I. T. Keller (1842-1918), E. E. Deggeler (1868-1956). Members of the mission actively spread Christianity, published religious literature, bought slaves with money from the Bible Society, converted them to the Christian faith and returned their freedom. In addition, the missionaries were engaged in carpentry, carpentry, blacksmithing, pottery, printing, baking, tailoring and weaving, and also traded agricultural products in the CMS markets. To help the Scots cultivate the land, in the summer of 1809 the first German families from the Saratov province moved to Karras. Among them were craftsmen: mechanic Johann Martin, tanner Christian Conradi, shoemaker Johann Liebig, paper manufacturer Ludwig Liebig, blacksmith Johann Georg Engelhart. The Scots left the colony in 1821. In 1835, near Karras, the German Nikolaevskaya colony (also Novo-Nikolaevskaya) was established, which demarcated 4.5 thousand dessiatines from the old allotment (in 1831 - Konstantinovskaya, between which extensive vineyards grew). Until 1917 - Terek region, Pyatigorsk (Georgievsky) district/Novogrigoryevsky district, Pyatigorsk/Novogrigoryevskaya…

An urban-type settlement within the urban district of Zheleznovodsk Resort City, Stavropol Territory, Caucasian Mineral Waters region.
The permanent population is 27,502 people. (2018).

Located on the eastern slopes of Mount Beshtau. Railway platforms Beshtau, Inozemtsevo and Mashuk on the Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk branch.

It began in 1801, when a group of Scottish missionaries from the Edinburgh Bible Society arrived on North Caucasus to spread Christianity among pagans and Muslims. At the foot of Mount Beshtau they were allocated a plot of land with an area of ​​7,000 acres, where the missionaries founded a colony called Karras, named after the nearest village (translated from Turkic as “black water”). Having failed to organize the economy, in 1810 the Scots invited German evangelists living in the Saratov province to help them, who very soon took a dominant position in the colony. In 1819, another group of immigrants from Germany founded the Nikolaevka colony in the neighborhood of Karras.

By the beginning of the 20th century, these were prosperous villages, where there was a school with training in German, there were beer, tannery, brick, lime, and dairy factories, as well as a bakery and two mills. The colonists grew a large number of agricultural products, which provided resort towns, primarily Zheleznovodsk.
In honor of I. D. Inozemtsev (1843–1913), the railway station was renamed in 1914.
In 1930, on the basis of both colonies, the Soviet Plowman collective farm was organized, later renamed the collective farm named after. K. Liebknecht. The brewery was converted into a winery. In 1941, the German population of both colonies was deported to Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Urals. In 1959, the nearby villages of Karras and Nikolaevka were united into an urban-type settlement with the general name Inozemtsevo. On April 10, 1959, by decision of the regional executive committee, it was transferred to administrative subordination to Zheleznovodsk.

Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemtsev built roads in the North Caucasus and Ukraine. From 1880, he took the position of manager of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz Railway (now the North Caucasus Railway), where he served with honors until his retirement in the summer of 1908. In 1912, I. D. Inozemtsev was undergoing treatment in Moscow, where he died in 1913 and was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

In 1914, according to the will of the deceased, his ashes were transported to Karras station. Thanks to the efforts of the wife, by this time a home church, a temple for the few residents of the colony of the Orthodox faith, was being built. The lower floor of this building was a family chapel-tomb. This is where the ashes of I. D. Inozemtsev were placed.

In 1928, at the direction of the authorities, the remains of Ivan Dmitrievich were again reburied in the cemetery of the Karras colony, founded at the beginning of the 19th century by the local pioneers - missionaries from Scotland.

Inozemtsevo is a resort village in the urban district of the resort town of Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory. One of the largest urban villages in Russia.

Located on the eastern slopes of Mount Beshtau. Distance to the regional center: 180 km.


It was here that in 1801-1835 the first and oldest settlement of immigrants from Western Europe was located - Scottish missionaries of the Edinburgh Bible Society. The Scottish colony was founded near the highland village of Karras. Later, the Germans joined the colony and founded the Nikolaev colony nearby. The Scots themselves left the colony in 1821. The missionaries were sent to the Caucasian line at the behest of Emperor Alexander I “with the aim of spreading hard work, crafts and Christianity among the mountain peoples of the Mohammedan and pagan confession.”

In the fall of 1801, a site was chosen for the mission on the eastern slope of Mount Beshtau, in the ancient Tatar settlement of Karras, which belonged to the descendants of the Crimean Sultan Girey. In 1805, the missionaries received 7 thousand acres of government land.

12/25/1806 Alexander I issued a letter to the residents of the colony. 29.9.1817 The Committee of Ministers decided to relocate from K. German. colonists (not implemented). The Committee of Ministers adopted decisions on the reorganization of the colony, approved by Nicholas I (12/15/1828, 6/26/1835).

Evang. community (1806-66), lute. parish Pyatigorsk Church (1840). Land 7000 des. (1807), 2859 des. (1883), 3498 dec. (1910). Gardening, viticulture and winemaking, floriculture, beekeeping. Leatherworks of R. Peddie, K. and Yu. Engelhardt, brick and tile. plant of E. Ya. Alfton, lime plant "Anchor", creamery, shops, pharmacy. Village Council, agricultural cooper. comradeship, beginning school, reading room (1926), k-z im. K. Liebknecht. Pedagogical College (1933). A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov visited here (he went from here in 1841 to his fatal duel). Place of birth fierce. pastors I. T. Keller (1842-1918), E. E. Deggeler (1868-1956).

Members of the mission actively spread Christianity, published religious literature, bought slaves with money from the Bible Society, converted them to the Christian faith and returned their freedom. In addition, the missionaries were engaged in carpentry, carpentry, blacksmithing, pottery, printing, baking, tailoring and weaving, and also traded agricultural products in the CMS markets.

To help the Scots cultivate the land, in the summer of 1809 the first German families from the Saratov province moved to Karras. Among them were craftsmen: mechanic Johann Martin, tanner Christian Conradi, shoemaker Johann Liebig, paper manufacturer Ludwig Liebig, blacksmith Johann Georg Engelhart. The Scots left the colony in 1821.

In 1835, near Karras, the German Nikolaevskaya colony (also Novo-Nikolaevskaya) was established, which demarcated 4.5 thousand dessiatines from the old allotment (in 1831 - Konstantinovskaya, between which extensive vineyards grew).

Before 1917 - Terek region, Pyatigorsk (Georgievsky) district/Novogrigoryevsky district, Pyatigorsk/Novogrigoryevskaya vol.; in Sov. period - Ordzhonikidze region, Mineralovodsk/Goryachevodsk district. Lut.-menn. village, main in 1835. 5 km to the north. from Pyatigorsk. Founders from the Volga region. Lute. parish Pyatigorsk Church (1906). Land 2587 des. (1883), 3143 dec. Water mill, accommodation for guests from nearby. resorts Cooper. shop, beginning school, village council (1926). K-z "Oktober-Funke". Living: 270 (1858), 373 (1874), 546 (1883), 641 (1889), 955/930 German. (1897), 1046 (1904), 1685 (1914), 1997/1516 German. (1926).

The new colonists, abandoning unprofitable farming, took up gardening, vegetable gardening, viticulture, meat and milk production. They became regular suppliers of flowers, fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, kefir and excellent German cheeses to the CMV markets. The Germans brought tobacco cultivation to the CMS and successfully traded it in the markets. From the first years of settlement, they were the only ones who baked bread for sale, delivering it to the canteens and restaurants of the resort.

In the middle of the 19th century, both colonies operated an oil mill, a tannery, a brick factory, and a lime factory. The names of furniture makers and carriage makers (Andrei Conradi) were widely known. Cleanliness, comfortable amenities, an abundance of greenery, flowers and fruits, tasty and inexpensive food attracted the resort crowd here.

Until August 1941, the population of the colonies of Karras and Nikolaevskaya was up to 90% German. However, by order of I.V. Stalin, who feared complicity with the fascist army in the event of occupation, almost the entire German population was taken to Northern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, the Urals and Siberia within a month.

In September 1941, the former colonies of Karras and Nikolaevskaya received the status of villages.

In 1959, the villages of Karras and Nikolaevskoye were united into the resort village of Inozemtsevo. This name was derived from the railway station of the same name. And the Inozemtsevo station, in turn, was named after the manager of the Vladikavkaz Railway, Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemtsev, whose mansion is located next to the station.

Since January 1983, Inozemtsevo received the status of an urban village within the city of Zheleznovodsk. In terms of population, Inozemtsevo (27,455) is larger than Zheleznovodsk (25,203).

Russian Orthodox Church

  • Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist. Consecrated on July 7, 1999
  • Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Construction is carried out by the Greek diaspora

Cultural heritage sites

Historical monuments
  • Mass grave of Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of the village
  • The building where the preschool was located Orphanage, which was visited by N.K. Krupskaya
  • The building from the balcony of which K. Zetkin spoke to residents of the village of Karras
  • Roschke's house, where the poet M. Yu. Lermontov spent his last hours before the duel. More details
  • Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


House Roschke

In 1824, a wheeled (dirt) road was built, connecting Hot Waters with Zheleznye through Karras (with a branch to the town of Mashuk - through the territory of the present Mashuk station, Central Electric Power Plant (Energetik village), Perkalsky tree nursery, Lesnaya Dacha (Komsomolskaya Polyana) and up almost directly, almost without serpentine). On the road, in the estate of the German colonist Gottlieb Roschke, there was a famous coffee shop and a small hotel. According to an agreement with the Directorate of Waters, crews and riders made a mandatory rest stop near this estate.

A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, V. G. Belinsky, M. I. Glinka, L. N. Tolstoy visited Roshke’s cafe. KMS researcher F.A. Batalin noted in 1856 that “better coffee than in the Coffee House, in the house of the foreman of the colony Roshke, cannot be found in Pyatigorsk.” It so happened that in the last hours before the fatal duel, M. Yu. Lermontov had dinner with friends in this house.

Enema Monument

In June 2008, on the territory of the local sanatorium “Mashuk Aqua-Therm”, the world’s first and so far only monument dedicated to the enema was installed. It is a bronze monument weighing 350 kg and 1.5 meters high, made in the form of a composition of three angelic children holding a large pear-shaped enema above their heads. Sculptor of the project Avakova S.I.

“In many medical institutions, including the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, an enema is one of the most frequently prescribed procedures for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,” said Alexander Kharchenko, director of the Mashuk Aqua-Therm sanatorium. Therefore, it was high time to erect a monument to the enema. At the entrance to the sanatorium itself there is now a slogan: “Let’s hit sloppiness and congestion with an enema!”

Batalinsky spring

Batalinsky spring - a source of bitter, laxative mineral water, located east of the village on the left bank of the Dzhemukha River

Batalinskaya cave

see also Batalinskaya cave

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