Male rest. Heads are prohibited! Where and how the men are resting a real vacation for men

On the nose February, and with us, girls, as always, the question - what to give our loved ones, dear, expensive and respected men? However, normal women differ just what they think in advance to whom and what to give and buy gifts ahead, and not according to the principle "okay, buy something on the way from work ..."

By this, we, women, differ from them, men: We love to carefully plan, prepare, find out (directly or non-price) preferences ...

it concerns and recreation . Most women are planning their vacation in advance, learn about the direction and prices. Men are more spontaneous in choosing a direction. And make a decision faster, although there are meticulous customers among them.

In this article you will find overview of the most popular Among men species and trends.

Where and how to rest men

No matter how cool, everyone loves to rest. And if you take passengers charter flightflying to some resort, then it seems to me interest ratio Floors will be about 50 to 50.

But my many years of experience in tourism shows that in men and their rest preferences . Honestly, I did not often have to send to the Turkish "five" on ultra-all-inclusive company of lonely men, as shown in the film "What Men Creating". Well, do not like men 10 days in a row lie on the beach under the palm trees!

And what they love? Let's figure out where the real men are resting.

Ski resorts

Among my tourists-skiers and snowboarders Most nevertheless men. They go to ski resorts of Europe once or two per season, sometimes with wives / girlfriends, sometimes a purely male company.

And in the Russian resorts men more. This kind of rest, no matter how cool, carries the challenge to its physical abilities and requires courage and pressure.

Although recently to rest on ski resorts Ladies are increasingly organized. Some ride hoping to find a sports satellite of life (and the chances of them, to be honest, there is). Others - just because they also love skiing or board! That also attracts the attention of the opposite sex, because the active man is unlikely to find the sofathe satellite place in his life.


also in last years gained popularity such a sport and leisure as surfing.

I also tried to join this sport.What happened from this - read here:

Numerous fans of kite, Windows, and other types of surfs, they were interested in ideally suitable resorts for this: Egyptian Dahab, Bali Island, and Dominican Republic, Australia, Mexico and Portugal, and many others. And go there to catch the salt wind or perfect waves.

But to make the first attempts stand on the board , it is not necessary to fly so far! Here is the place where it can be done in the same Sochi :

Diving and snorcling

Diving - Another exciting occupation, but also quite dangerous.

In essence, you can do diving in almost any reservoir - the lake, the sea, the ocean.

But, of course, to observe a sinking ship or underwater caves, as well as rare or dangerous inhabitants of the sea depths, much more fascinating (and more dangerous) than just scouring between coastal algae and corigrants. Therefore, to get your portion of adrenaline, divers go to where the underwater world is bizarre and diverse: the resorts are red and Mediterranean SeaIslands Indian Ocean, big Barrier Reef., finally. And the company of avid tourists divers also mostly consist of men.

Yeah, women, dangle on the mustache! And here's a practical manual - how to attract the attention of the avid diver, from our author-man: read and catch on my life, as they say.

However, I'll talk about catching on my storage now separately.

Hunting Fishing

I know that many women have a rude (or not very) protest such a purely male view of the rest as hunting and fishing . Protests are usually supported by the following reasonful remarks:

  • Well, as you can sit for hours and wait - I will nice / does not bend? What kind of rest is?
  • How can you kill in no obey animals?
  • It's dangerous! Whether you are a beast, whether he is ...

Therefore, it is taken to ensure and inbid men are going as a rule in the company of like-minded male.

Those that are fond of hunting can relax in Russia. In our country, the favorite place of all hunters - Karelia, besides wolves and bears, here you can hunt for game-books and dedication. In Crimea, you can enhance the fur, in Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - behind universal animals. Highly popular country Among Hunger Hunters. And of course, huge pleasure hunters will get from safaris in Africa.

Void fishermen is also even easier to find a suitable place to stay. Even without leaving the country: most often they go to the Volga, along the coast of which many fishing bases are located, in Siberia, on Baikal, in Karelia or on the lake Onega. Abroad, the most popular fishing places are, Iceland and Norway. There was a real paradise for lovers of rich ulov. And everything is absolutely legitimate and without prejudice to nature.

Sport events

In recent years, very popular becomes tours for different fans and fans .

Russian Grand Prix Championship Formula 1 in Sochi

This is also typically male rest - go to the stadium, cheer for your favorite team. Or look at the Grand Prix of some "Formula".

The World Cup is also an excellent reason to gather a male company and go to the decisive match of the championship! There is a chance, in addition to the stadium, there are also attractions in the surrounding area, as they say.

And again, hitting the Mundialy Pochin in Sochi, I was amazed, like people distant from football, like me, begin to scour on the Internet in search of inexpensive tickets for the match and follow direct broadcasts!

And believe me, friends, multi-kilometer travels combine people much more than sunbathing on the beach on neighboring sun loungers ...

Holidays under the sail

Well, since it was about the means of movement, it is impossible not to mention lovers pat a sail.

This type of rest has always attracted real romantics. In every man, sleeping for the time being a real sea wolf, because everyone read in childhood Sagi on brave travelers and marine pirates. Therefore, all sorts of yacht tours and regatta in a special employee today from male representatives.

Besides, one-day boat trip Frequen your relationship is better than a prick shopping trip. All about sea walks In Sochi, you will find in my article

But cruises on large linersBy the way, women love more - after all, there is no pitching, besides, by infrastructure, many liners are a floating city: here and cinema halls, shops, and restaurants-bars, and beauty salons, pools, and fitness centers, and anything. Well, and again - where your man goes away from you open Ocean, right? So all the chances of conquering His heart in this version you have! :-)

Tourist hiking and expeditions

Often, men do not need any means of movement at all to go on vacation. Sleeping bag, tent, campaign kittel, knife, a certain stock of stewing, tea and condenries - and a man going to the campaign. He can rest for weeks in any corner of nature. And it deserves respect.

Most women have such a vacation - without any benefit of civilization - causes genuine fright. But the man begins to respect himself, having lived a few days in the wild wilderness, preparing food on the fire and listening to the branches in the nearest Ylannik ...

However, it is not necessary to immediately go to multi-day hiking. You can start with simple one-day tracking . They require minimal training both in terms of physical endurance and in terms of equipment. Here in this article, read my recommendations on possible routes and equipment:

In a word, real male rest - It's almost always not just a trip with friends to places where you can do your favorite activity, but also present adventure .

In general, as I noticed, men are not so important where to rest. Much more important - with whom. These quality, they, perhaps, should learn.

See you for a blog, friends!

"Well, you're going to my friends again. Is it possible to take me with you?" - asks a woman and offended, again receiving a refusal. Why do men like to spend time without their girlfriends? Male rest secrets reveals this article.

A woman never wants to share her man with anyone with his friends. The man is also the owner, but still more calmly applies to female gatherings.

On the other hand, if the wife in meetings with friends often invites her husband, then you can hardly wait for your chosen one.

On the contrary, he will in every way to do so that the spouse does not know anything about such meetings. Or limits the standard phrases: they say, they met, sat, talked about sports, drank beer.

"He is exactly what hides something!" - Surely his wife thinks, suspecting a spouse in all mortal sins. In fact, we, men, just need to sometimes spend time in an exclusively male company! Why?

5 reasons to meet in a purely male company

1. Communicate with loved ones in spirit

Men's conversations (as, however, female) are quite primitive in terms of the style of communication.
Another of their feature is, they are mainly interesting only to male representatives. A kind of club in interest.
Sit in a pleasant company, drink beer with friends, remember the past - this man wants no less than sex with his beloved woman. No wonder for many men friendship is more important than love relationships.

Men want to meet without wives to simply talk to men's topics, remember how they behaved before the wedding, discuss latest news- In general, talk about what you do not speak with women.

2. See football / basketball / hockey

It is so established that sports matches need to be viewed, firstly, exclusively in a male company, secondly, with beer, thirdly, in the sports bar or in the stadium.
Why is it done without women? Men do not want to show how much they are emotional, as it is nervous in, it would seem, trifles finally, which words use when the favorite team loses.

3. Relax from wives, talk about them

Permanent joint pastime with wives is rarely annoying. Such is human nature: the monotony oppresses.
In addition, men also love to discuss their second half - and sometimes so that the most frank female conversation seems to be a baby bastard, and from male epithets addressed their favorite, sole and unsurpassed ears.

4. Discuss other women

Talk about acquaintances and unfamiliar women - very interesting activity And the way to distract from home and workers to those.
"It's just a nightmare, I and that chest is more! This is the ass, I would introduce her to my friend! " - Similar phrases are very often sounded in a male company.

Of course, these conversations are not for women's ears, because another reason for the gatherings exclusively in the male company is care about the nervous system of wives.

5. Nostalgia for bachelor's lifestyle

Actually, this is the main reason for such meetings.
After the wedding, there are natural restrictions on relationships with other women and even at meetings with friends and acquaintances - they are no longer so frequent, and not so much can afford (for example, you can't drink a lot, to flirt with women).
Meeting with friends is nostalgia for the times of violent youth, not burdened with family bonds, a kind of protest against new orders.

Most often, according to statistics, men lie in the following cases:

Multiple the amount of drinking alcohol 26% of men;
- 51% of men hide sympathy for another person;
- 21% lgut in case of treason;
- 13% custody when they want to boast any of their successful purchase, exaggerating its significance;
- 14% tell a lie, going to have fun, while leaving their chosen one in proud loneliness.

As you can see, 14% of men lie to their chosen, intending to spend time without them. What excuses do we use to hide your present location?

5 most popular male excuses

1. It was a lot of things, stayed at work

The most popular excuse, in which, besides, the wife is unlikely to check.
Of course, if she is familiar with the head of her husband, he can call him to clarify why her beloved is constantly delayed in the office (on the other hand, such calls are unlikely to be favorably affected by her husband's reputation).
But if there is no such possibility, the woman will be satisfied with the explanation of the cause of delays at work, but if they become too frequent, still impartitive.

2. visited parents

This excuse is in popularity in second place, although actually more effective.
If you agree with my mother, it will definitely play a loved son, but may give his portion of morals - from female solidarity.
A seamless husband, of course, will come up with a lot of relatives or will often "ride" to different secondary brothers and cousin uncle.

3. It became a bad employee, took to the hospital

The lack of this excuse is that it cannot be used regularly.
So, one or twice a year, otherwise the wife will either worry about her husband's health (what is it for the work, where are you going to pass people to the hospital ??), or it will understand that it is water.

4. I went to the garage to repair the car, I needed help

Again, as well as the previous one, this excuse cannot be used often. Although once a month can be really visited in the garage, and the neighbors help three or four times a year.
True, if then you suddenly really need the help of a neighbor and a wife, arguing that "you have helped him move the piano," will insist to take advantage of it, you can be in an awkward situation.

5. Gone to play football with friends

Many men really love to drive the ball with friends - remember the carefree youth.
But most often do it too lazy - it is much more pleasant to just sit in the bar, and about football - to lie.
We will even take a sportswear with them, and when we come home is a fairly underwife, say that they drank for victory. The reason for lies is obvious: a man is afraid that he will not be allowed.

And finally, it should not be noted that the meeting with friends is one of the most favorite types of rest for a man. Then he is relaxed, calm, - in general, feels "warm and cozy".

Although each man understands his rest in different ways: for someone it is a privacy of the house, for someone - gathering in a noisy company with a lot of alcohol, for others - football.

Someone rests the soul, left alone with his wife or walking around the city in proud loneliness ...

But the overwhelming majority love to sit in their favorite chair, drink a couple of bottles of cold beer surrounded by the closest friends and see the cool football match, which ends with a score of 7: 0 in favor of the favorite team.

Resting - not working, but also the other requires an organization. Planning vacation, both men, and women are waiting for something special from him. Someone wants to fly as far as possible from worries, lie down on the beach or just to dedicate the time to view the TV on your favorite sofa, turn off the phone and sleep. Naturally, male and female views on vacation can differ dramatically ...

Women: "We are waiting for the resorts, and we do not go"

Did you step by barefoot on the Silk Sand Goa? Or melted on kaylia rivers kayaks? Or maybe Selfie with a white bear is?

D.a, this is a vacation. Looking through B. social networks Photos of their friends and friends of childhood, do not cease to be surprised: where we didn't even enjoy ours! That's the Volodya, before the third class, did not skip the laces to tie, conquers Elbrus. Marina, who was afraid of frogs, sits on the crocodile. And even San Sanych laid out a photo from the rest. No matter how I am glad for their fun adventures and resort charms, one sadness: I do not have such pictures! Because it didn't step by bare feet on the Silk Sand Goa, did not rush on the karelia rivers, and I have no Selfie with a white bear and is not enough. In principle, when I just imagine that I fog in a banana, cutting a sea wave, throws into a shiver: Suddenly, BEKEEB or TU group in striped swimsuits? But if the banana is still lucky, then on the shore, the monkey is exactly the monkey, with which the traditional photo was planned for these places. And about how to boost with me on board the plane, even thinking I'm afraid. In general, such a tourismophobia.

To be honest, I can not imagine how to dedicate your vacation to something other than children, chronic repair and ordering. Of course, you can go with your family to rest in the same Turkey, but as you understand it is not about me. In addition, there is an experience of a friend, who all the time served in the room with her daughter - chickenpox picked up. And sad and funny. Therefore, I will spend your vacation in the village, where and the windmill is his own, native.

However, I have a special relationship to rural areas: I was born there. From the small years he knew from which side to the cow it is better not to approach, what the flashes look like and what can be in Aire. What is a dowel and a dressing, how to neutralize the attacker hussak and that one chicken always rushes in a cow's feeder. And yes, horses bite. And my city children learn English and do choreography! At their age he drove on a bike under the frame and grazing chickens. In general, I received the richest experience that was more expensive in adulthood. Therefore, I can not imagine that I can deprive my children of those the most rural charities, the knowledge of the world, which begins with nature, and rest, giving a charge for the future. By the way, in young citizens, having problems with appetite, in the conditions of the countryside, they disappear without a trace. Do not force, ask and persuade, even sala goes for the cute soul. Is it not a holiday for parents?

I am not of those who can lie on the sun clock. If it works, it is better to collect herbs for winter teas, while children will get acquainted with Flora and fauna, naturally, under my observation. Take with you covered and arrange a picnic, swim, let the water knee. You do not need to rush anywhere. Of course, the villagers have enough cases - they, as ants, all do something, carry, hurry. But I envy them. So lived my parents. Potatoes were planted, quasilled cabbage, worked in the collective farm and managed to engage in children. But there was not enough time on vacation. Although here is also your own philosophy. Somehow, a fellow villagers came to us for several days - to the diagnostic center for the examination. Tired of constant physical work, like a drunk horse, rushes: "Although you have a rest here!" But back, to the village, she flew a bus ahead, because she has a space, the farm and everything is painted. There her life.

Of course, I am not averse to trying Prague baking, see the wonders of the world and others interesting places. All is well, if not the distance. In addition, probably, while children are small, especially and do not get up.

At least I console myself. There are no children for the same marina, and therefore there are no obstacles to traveling. Or maybe repair it has already done - for the same reason. Probably, by the time she, who seemed the world, acquires the family and plunge into care, I will go to the tour with my household. It is not excluded that you have to stock kivalol: in my age! And, probably, I'm not lucky to rest, and they are me: I'm sorry for the old woman, I was not anywhere. Theoretically, I'm even ready for travel: I know that in China eating with chopsticks that jellyfish swim in the sea, and there are tea in the plane. Of course, you can use land transportBut whether the rest is worth spending a decent part of the time on the road. In general, as children will decide and will be.

In the meantime, in anticipation of the upcoming vacation, I am puzzled at how it is better to dispose of money. Buy a vacuum cleaner or put the door in the tambour? Children need shorts, T-shirts and other wardrobe items, and he himself would not hurt to update it. In short, plans for hute, but the village is iron. Since I do not go there for a selfie, but to relax the soul, place something in social networks will not work. Although what frames can be! Rarest. As I am in the rubber sneakers I am coming on a large store, the hair fluttering into the wind, and behind me the dust will be a pillar, like a tail at the comet. Or surprised faces of children who first saw the cow gives milk. Live chicken on the palm, cucumber in his pocket instead of candies. Let even selfie fail, but the picture will remain in memory.

By the way, many urban do not understand why the rustic wear rubber sneakers with socks. Just the legs are then easier to be laundered.

Tatyana Serebryakova.

Men: "Why Belorus is the Turkish coast? .."

When I was a Soviet schoolboy at one time, the family, except for the resumes of other periodicals, was written out and the Satir magazine "Items". Humor was there, right for example, Nevaznetsky against the background of the same "crocodile", but child memory retained one caricature. The man depicted on it was reclined in a container similar to the one in which Archimedes exclaimed his famous "Eureka!". Only our citizen has outlined their wise thoughts in another, poetic, shape: "Lepish for Mora, Milla Brother, Bath ў Rodnai Hace!"

N.e would say that I am a Yarym fan of a similar type of rest (if you wash, it is much better and more useful in our rustic bath), but on south shores Somehow, to be honest, it does not pull ... perhaps, due to temperament and physiology, I can not lie for hours aimlessly on a hot sand. Moreover, to delays the lack of all sorts of goodies under the "All Included" program.

And I also noticed such a fact. A significant part of travelers to the "shore of the Turkish, Spanish, Greek, French, etc." (first of all representatives of the beautiful floor) not so much manitis the rest process under flying Sun.How many subsequent "oral memoirs" about him in a circle of buddies, colleagues and neighbors. Of course, the Holy Case - boast of your cruise and all friends in social networks of the Internet, exhibiting dozens of photos with breathtaking views. Recently, for example, he called a storm of anger from one of his virtual girlfriend, when instead of the expected expression envy about her upcoming trip to Egypt simply modestly congratulated with the coming event.

As for me, I love to relax in my homeland. This is connected with finances that I prefer to spend on something more tangible. In addition, I am much better transferring our moderate climate when, even if it takes very hard, you can always hide from the rays under the shadow of the trees, and in our excess. Like lakes, many of which are like small seas in size. Vitebshchina is especially rich. Drinks, Oswwiest, Lukomlskoe, Yanychev, Suspended by the classic of Belarusian literature Jan Bishchevsky, Neuterdo, on the shores of which he was born in the Muragha. And this is despite the fact that I do not belong to the category of fishermen, for whom the gifts are just Klondike.

Nevertheless, no matter what beauty on the way, the main wealth of the region is his people. And we have in most wonderful. I confess that the least in the world love to stop for the night in hotels. Why, if, in the words of the native of the beggar of the Alesiest Stavcher, brilliantly laid on the music Igor Luenk and Orange "Pesnyaram", here "Squeezing Skinny ў Jumping House Jailyadsee." And this attitude met everywhere. And on the lake supplier, and on the ancient patch, and in Forest Russia, in the bear places of the township and swampy hints ... and why go somewhere to leave the places where, how did our ancestors noticed, "God lives"!

Therefore, in your work vacation, and it is already practically beginning, of course, once again, I will visit Paris, but not he seeing who die, but its own, delivered: in this agro-house, except other attractions, there are "Eiffel Tower", built by effort The bright memory of Xendz Joseza Bulda, which created in the Mosar of the Belorussian Versailles. It doesn't matter that she is smaller than its French "colleague" by sprout, but tourists who want to climb her or take a picture nearby, grabs. I would like to visit the Kama with a wonderful church of Yana Baptist. To walk along with Pilgrims, enjoying unforgettable deep and docking landscapes, along the way to Budslav with his miraculous icon of the Virgin. If the time allows, swinging and numerous attractions of Isletic land.

It is believed that expectations are justified and, in the words of Vladimir Korotkiewicz:

"... Yak is not what a kumshchyk,

Adcine nipple ў Night Amer

(Vöska Amerchka, Ushai Pad). "

Alesy Byground.

When using materials, the site indication of the source and the placement of the active reference to the publication is required

The first place to be sent by one of any age, gender and orientation is in Amsterdam, the city of sexual freedom. Local laws allow much of what is out of law in Russia, including funds to be liberated. True, not to all of them should be resorted. Let's say the availability of marijuana does not mean that it certainly needs to try. But the legalized prostitution is satisfied safely: prostitutes here are mandatoryly have a median, get permission to their activities and pay taxes.

On the sea

Of course, a cruise as a way to start a novel, just vulgarity, but no one has canceled the effectiveness of resort and cruise novels. Caribbeans are one of those places where the incendiary atmosphere of the night party and the romance of coastal sunsets and dawns contributes to creating and strengthening relations. Moreover, during cruises to the bay Caribbean Islands Many go ocean liners. By the way, lately there were even separate cruises for those who are looking for their second half or light and fleeting novel.

Buenos Aires

The capital of Argentina is a beautiful, rich and cosmopolitan Buenos Aires - an ideal place for sex tourism. Up to what you will be offered a map best clubs Cities, attaching to them packaging condoms - the customer's safety here is not an empty sound. Even if you are not lucky enough to make a novel with one of the top models of local luxury clubs, you have the opportunity to meet the "fellow ways", create a friendly company that is much easier to find the company of people of the opposite sex, as they say, for a pleasant journey time. Especially during nightpoints with Latin American dances. Even if you won't find anyone and just learn Tango, it will probably play your hand in my homeland. Or in the next arrival.


According to legend, in Alaska, one man accounts for two women. The census is almost not conducted here, so it remains only to go and check personally. This is especially true of local villages, both ethnic and coming by the population. Here you will be arranged with all the amenities, they will entertain and disregard will not leave. By the way, at the same time you can buy fur souvenirs to return to the homeland not with empty hands. And if the rural pastoral is for you, then go to Juno - the city of bright fur hats and lipstick, as well as rather free morals

Las Vegas

With the slogan "What happened in Vegas - will remain in Vegas" you can safely go to this most famous "city of sins" in the world. Here, all the fact that in other places is impossible, indecent, is not available, - perhaps really. For this here and go - to rest on the full program. There you will certainly meet something special, you will find something for yourself in the string of bars, clubs and casinos, and here it may be that the hat has flashed at the fountain, belongs to the one that you looked around ...


Bikini, beaches, beautiful bodies, bright sun - Miami will configure you on the wave of love or at least flirting. Lessons Salsa and Rumba - For everyone, for sex minorities - separate gay scenes, shops with music and books, for all and everyone - the gallery of the arts, theaters, clubs, bars, discos - for every taste and cultural level. Miami is a cosmopolitan city, it offers many options for dating lonewer.

New York

If your goal is stylish and sophisticated ladies, or no less stylish street girls, gentlemen with thick wallets and bright, but poor musicians - anything, will offer New York. In this city, more than 185 thousand women and the same men are actively looking for satellites of life, and one of the places for dating here is ... subway. In New York there is no shortage of nightlife, in places where you could meet with new acquaintances, where to invite a girl: restaurants, museums, concerts - and every day entertainment unique.


La Dolce Vita is an Italian expression has already become an independent concept that does not need to be translated. Happy and loose life awaits you in Rome, one of oldest cities World. The oldest one, but not old: Italian men and Italian women are so hot and rapidly, that it is possible to plunge on your head in a love adventure here, without even noticing how it happened. Flirting for Italians is as natural as to breathe. And it is possible that the "Eternal City" will bring you eternal love ... or at least just a light flirt with your personal Casanova, a sort of light breath "Dolce Vita".


Inviting random acquaintances "in the room" is not so fashionable, and do not like in hotels when you invite guests for the night. However, here in Tokyo to this relate much more loyal. There are even created separate "love hotels", and huge - in several floors - sex shops, in particular, in the famous youth district of Sibuya. Moreover, the "Love hotels" are created as to maximize the confidentiality of their customers. And the rooms provide a lot of opportunities to relax: there are luxurious bathrooms with mirrored ceilings, designed for two, and even karaoke - if you want, then in the bathroom. And if you have no experience yet, then in Tokyo you will easily find someone who shares it with you.

Washington, District Columbia

The capital of the United States is not the Puritan paradise at all, as many might think. Henry Kissinger even said once that this green city was filled with power, and "power is the strongest aphrodisiac." Love and politics are intersecting here - a sharp combination. You can hear yourself with disputes with democrats and republicans in bars and clubs, and at the same time and smell with pretty representatives of the parties, and at night, walk with a person you like in the capital of monuments and museums, brightly lit at night.

So, if you want to try everything and have time for the nearest holiday not only the world to see, but also solve personal problems, lay your route through Amsterdam to America, from there to Japan, and you will return home tired, but almost certainly happy.

Russian resorts are one of tourist destinationsMombing in modern society. This phenomenon is associated with a worsening economic situation in the country. Previously known resorts of other countries began to go to the background due to the difference between the ruble exchange rate to the World Currency: the dollar and the euro.

One of the best accommodation sites for holiday and travel, has discovered this trend in single Russian male clients. Based on the indicators received from the site, we present the rating self popular resorts Russia has lonely men.

10. Gelendzhik

Opens our rating of the Sunny city resorts Gelendzhik, located next to the entertainment center on the waterfront, its length reaches about 15 kilometers. It is here that the whole life of the city is focused - many restaurants, nightclubs and hotels confirms this fact.

On average, lonely men acquire vouchers in Gelendzhik for 8 days. The amount of money paid for rental and accommodation in the resort is about 2300 rubles per night. The cost of all recreation costs 20,000 rubles, without taking into account additional expenses.

9. Alupka

Place is famous for its moderate and calm levels. People go here, who wish to improve their health. Many sanatoriums are open to tourists and offer their services. But if you want noisy urban life, you can go to Yalta, the more it is just 30 minutes away.

Lonely men, planning rest in Alupka, are mostly elderly. The average check of acquired tickets does not exceed 17600 rubles. Basically popularity causes tours for 8 days with a cost of 2,200 rubles per night.

8. Anapa

One of the most popular resorts of Russia occupies an 8th line of the rating of the most sought-after places of recreation from lonely men. Anapa is famous for its abundance of pebble and sandy beaches. The infrastructure of the city is also sufficiently developed - many hotels, restaurants and entertainment centers This is confirmed.

Male tourists mainly book hotels in the middle price range from 2100 rubles per day. Vacation time is 9 nights, the cost of a ticket from 19,000 thousand rubles.

7. Sevastopol

Recently, the resort for tourists in the city of Sevastopol also has also been in demand among unmarried men. There are more comfortable centers for vacationers. The city is popular as historical monument The battles of the past and the place of the picturesque landscapes created by nature.

The average cost of a ticket is 14,000 rubles for a period of 6 days. The cost of living in hotels with 4 stars does not exceed 2,200 Russian rubles.

6. Evpatoria

Next by polarity tourist town Evpatoria is famous for its own sandy beaches and healing sources. Here, rest will be rich and healthy. The beach infrastructure of the city is well developed and offers many different entertainment.

A lonely man for the night of his stay in Evpatoria hotels will be ready to give 2000 rubles per night. On average, the duration of relaxation reaches 10 days due to its cheapness - the cost of the tickets begins from 20,000 rubles.

5. Alushta

Opens the 5-ka rating leaders best resorts Russia has lonely men, another city on the shores of the Crimean coast of Alushta. As in all Black Sea cities, the climate is favorable for treatment. For tourists built a variety of comfortable hotels overlooking the mountains.

Men prefer to spend 8 days in the arms of this resort and spend no more than 2 and a half thousand rubles for staying in hotels. Tourist firms for rest in Alushta are on average take 12,000 per track.

4. Sudak

Currently, the resorts on the Crimean coast are gaining increasingly popularity, the city of Sudak was the exception. One of the most budget places for recreation. Tourists go here in order to correct your health and warm up in the sun.

Lonely men attracts a moderate and calm flow of life in the surrounding area. Here you can relax from the city fuss and enjoy the confusion of local nature. The average cost of living per day is 2000 rubles. The most popular lifetime is one week.

3. Sochi

Capital southern Cities Russia ranks third honorable place in the ranking. One of the most advanced places to relax with a variety of infrastructure, however, one of expensive. Tourists are available many attractions and excellent beaches for relaxation. Olympic town "Rosa Khutor", Amusement Park "Sochi Park", a huge amount of water parks, night discos, famous mountains Caucasus - all this is waiting for single travelers.

Sochi hotels are on average for daily accommodation 2600 rubles, so the preferred holiday time is reduced to 8 and a half days. Average voucher in the 4th star hotel It will cost 25,000 rubles without further expenses.

2. Feodosia

One of the most popular resorts of Russia Feodosia is famous for its favorable climate for recreation and treatment. The city is equally developed in the fields of entertainment and healing sanatoriums. Here there is an occupation of unmarried men of any age. The place is also considered one of the most budget options for vacation.

One night of accommodation in the average hotel costs only 2000 rubles. Feodosia is perfect for a weekly rest, but no more. The cost of a trip to the resort area of \u200b\u200bCrimea will be on average 15,000 rubles. But do not forget about additional expenses.

1. Yalta.

The first place goes to one of the most expensive resorts of Russia - the city of Yalta, but this type of recreation is worth their money. Probably, this is the most developed place of the Crimean coast. Architecture enchants from the first acquaintance with the city, many beautiful green parks will give a lot of time to enjoy the beauty of nature. Night life Yalta is also very saturated - a large number of cafes, restaurants and clubs are waiting for lonely men.

For one night, at the hotel, a non-native handsome will have to pay at least 2800 rubles. Many Yalta hotels are famous for high levels of service and comfortable atmosphere in the rooms. Tourists spend on vacation about 7 days and 7 nights. Firms offer trips to sunny city From 30,000 rubles, including flight.

Availability large number positive reviews about the resort of the city of Yalta makes it one of the most best places For rest in Russia in lonely men.

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