Obzor Beach Resort – Reviews. Obzor Beach Resort – Reviews Beauty and health

Rested in Obzor Beach Resort from August 15 to August 20, 2008 Well.
I rested at Obzor Beach Resort from August 15 to August 20, 2008. What can I say... Yes, I read a lot positive feedback, and herself...
Okay, I'll start in order:
1. Hotel. The hotel is located on the seashore - this is a plus. However, behind the hotel “the steppe, and the steppe all around...” You go out, and the desert spreads out in front of you (probably this year it was such a hot summer that all the grass behind the hotel dried up and it really felt like you were not in Bulgaria, but near Egyptian pyramids). During the day the heat is unreal, but in the evening, somewhere after eleven, it is as cold as late autumn. I liked the beach - clean, soft and somehow foreign, not at all like the Crimean one.
The only thing that is bad is paid sunbeds and umbrellas, but here we found a way out: in order not to pay, we either lay down on towels right next to the sea, or chose sunbeds in the middle and when the local mafia, in the form of a fee collector, sunbeds, began to collect tribute from any edge of the beach, we simply moved to towels, and when he left, we returned back to our places.
2. Night club at the hotel (if this place can be called a club at all) is a room with a bar counter, two small rooms separated by a partition with tables and a room with billiard tables. For me personally, this “club” was associated with the entertainment room in a nursing home, since apart from us, Russians, no one danced there at all (this is taking into account the fact that in the entire “club” there were usually about fifteen people present - this is taking into account two bartenders and three billiard tables!) Moreover, at that time the Olympics were taking place in China and diving competitions were broadcast on plasma TVs hanging on the walls of the “club” accompanied by disco music! Nightmare! But that’s not all... You could only dance from ten to twelve in the evening, the beginning and end of this action took place the same way every day - to an old Michael Jackson song, that is, Jackson’s song sounds (the one where he danced his famous moonwalk ) - this means that the dancing has begun... and exactly two hours later this musical composition sounds again - this is the end of the evening. Then light, slow music plays for another hour - this is for those who still want to communicate, and then that’s it... Everyone is kicked out and go wherever you want.
I would also like to say something about the night Obzor Beach Resort - have you ever seen a desert with people? No? Exactly. There is no one here after ten either. I'm not kidding: there are no people at all. It feels like everyone has died out... Only in the distance can you see a lonely light in the guardhouse, where two parking guards usually live... And there is silence all around... This is where horror films should be made!
3. City of Obzor. In the city of Obzor itself (or, more precisely, to call this place a village), the beach is 100% Crimea: the beach is dirty and somehow painfully familiar with its broken umbrellas and remnants of battered old eateries. The village of Obzor generally resembles the old Soviet times: after twelve, all the townspeople go to bed, the music stops everywhere and the lights go out, and vacationers, thirsty for “a continuation of the banquet” and “thrills,” wander around the dark city in search of at least some kind of nightlife establishment. But, alas, disappointed and without enough to drink, they either go to bed, or those who are more agile find out that on the outskirts of the village, somewhere very far away, there is a large building - the local disco "SPACE". There, large, muscular guards carefully check all the contents of your bag and, after passing you through the metal detector gate, let you into the holy of holies... Now, the most interesting thing is how much I love nightclubs, but I have never seen such a flight of dance thoughts! A huge two-story building, with an incredibly large dance floor and a huge wide screen covering the entire wall, near the DJ. The club is open from seven in the evening, but the movement itself begins after twelve at night, and the Bulgarian anthem is played and all the young people sing along. The only thing that prevented us from “having a blast” were the local residents. I don’t know, maybe they had never seen Russian girls dance before (if only they had visited Ukrainian clubs!), but they simply hovered in front of us in flocks (and this is not even Turkey!). It got to the point where we had to dance on the second floor, fortunately there was enough space there. I'm 24 years old, blonde. They went on vacation with their boyfriends, behaved decently and did not provoke in any way local residents, but this did not save us from persistent attempts to get to know each other.
And the road to the hotel is a completely different story! The path is not close, along a dark highway, which is illuminated only by the headlights of cars rarely rushing past. Of course, you can shorten the road and follow a dark path. However, advice for women, on their own, unaccompanied by men (and the men should be well acquainted, since there are such huge black bushes... you never know...) it’s better not to go - it’s scary to the point of madness! And if the girl is also wearing heels, then it will be worse than a roller coaster! In general, the road is full of surprises.
4. Apartments. We lived in building "B" overlooking the desert. And most importantly: we literally lived in the kitchen! The apartment consisted of a bedroom (in which two people lived) and a kitchen in which there was a small diva, clearly not designed for two people. But nevertheless, we were still placed in these apartments (although upon arrival home and having filed a complaint with the travel agency, we found out that an error had occurred and we were placed in a completely different room for which we paid. Moreover, the travel agency and tour operator are so They quickly returned the difference in money and apologized that there was absolutely no unpleasant aftertaste, but on the contrary, it was very positive and extreme to open your eyes in the morning and realize that you were sleeping next to the kitchen utensils. No, really, I’m not joking, I’m just trying to Look at everything optimistically!
5. Nutrition. We only paid for breakfast - several types of omelettes, a varied selection of sausages and cheeses, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can live with such a menu for a week, but more, of course, is not recommended, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences... Moreover, like real Russians, in order not to spend money on buying food in the supermarket, we took sausage and buns with us from breakfast. I think that the removal technology is quite clear, however, just in case, I’ll explain how we did it. They took a large beach bag and a couple of bags, picked up full plates of food, and when the guard and waiters turned away, they put the food into the bags and then into the bag. During the week of our stay at this hotel, we were never stopped, although there were sidelong glances from the waiters. But what do we need...
By the way, please pay attention to the fact that there are a lot of OSes in the restaurant. They are literally everywhere, and it feels like they are flying around the entire hive at the same time - there were so many of them. In addition, it seems that they did not eat at all for a couple of days - with such a terrible appetite they attacked any food on the plate. And most importantly, they paid absolutely no attention to people! Although in our group they bit three people (probably they were trying to take the sausage from the wasps).
5. Service. Hmm... Well, what can I say... It felt like we were playing hide and seek with the cleaning ladies, and they were hiding, and we were always looking for them... That's how you go out to the beach in the morning, you see a cleaning lady who hasn't had time to hide yet, and drag her to your room. All! You got a bird in a cage, there’s nothing you can do, you’ll have to clean it up... But they refused to enter the room voluntarily... Why would that be??? After a complaint at the reception, they finally found one brave cleaning lady, and she actually came and cleaned our room every day. The cleaning lady had probably never cleaned for Russians before, because on the first day she was shocked by the number of empty bottles, then she got used to it a little... and we started playing hide and seek again. Only now we were hiding: it seemed that the cleaning lady only appeared at the moment when we were carrying heavy bags of alcoholic drinks from the supermarket! Moreover, at these moments she reproachfully pointed her finger at us, grabbed her head and said something in a language we did not understand.
Yes... Also, I apologize for the details, if you are going to Obzor Beach Resort, then take a month’s supply of toilet paper with you, because for unknown reasons, either throughout Bulgaria, or only in the hotel itself, they have a serious shortage of toilet paper paper: for four people we were given one roll of toilet paper every day.
Well, basically, that's all I wanted to tell you...
And finally: Believe me, all of the above is not a negative response or an attempt to discredit the good name of the hotel. No, not under any circumstances!!! Think about it, if everything were perfect, then perhaps there would be nothing to tell upon return. I don’t consider this trip a ruined vacation at all; on the contrary, I’m very glad that I went to this particular hotel and with these particular conditions! There are not many reasons for sincere joy in our everyday life, but Obzor Beach Resort gave us a lot of exciting adventures and positive emotions!
So if you are optimists, go to Obzor Beach Resort - believe me, you won’t regret it!

Obzor Beach Resort is a luxurious hotel complex that will provide its guests with a quiet and comfortable stay by the sea. The hotel has all the necessary amenities, as well as a warm, homely atmosphere provided by the attentive and highly qualified hotel staff. Комплекс располагается в одном из самых живописных и beautiful places Bulgarian Black Sea coast.

524 стильно оформленных и отлично оборудованых номера. The hotel complex consists of 7 buildings. Также в отеле есть a large number ofбассейнов. The hotel has rooms with one, two and three bedrooms.

На территории отеля находятся несколько ресторанов и баров. Ресторан Steakhouse “Castello”, расположенный в северном крыле комплекса, предоставит своим гостям возможность отдохнуть в домашней атмосфере, а также попробовать одно из блюд разнообразного мерю Балканского грилля; the “Paralia” restaurant, which seats 200 people, offers a wide selection of dishes such as salads and pasta, as well as meat and fish dishes; бары предлагают обширную винную карту.

Спа-центр, предлагает слудующие услуги: фитнесс-центр, сауна, джакузи, солярий, массаж.

Комментарии наших менеджеров

Хорошая Европейская 4*. Есть 2 бассейна внешних и 1 крытый. Consists of several buildings. 1-я линия. инет бесплатно только в лоби

Апартотель на берегу моря, широкая пляжная полоса, есть бар у бассейна. There is a supermarket. Gives the impression of a quiet family hotel.

Парк-отель "Obzor Beach Resort" делится на 7 небольших комплексов. В отеле нужно самому готовить, или заказать питание за дополнительную плату.На территории есть два больших супермаркета. Стандартных номеров нет, только 2-х и 3-х спальные апартаменты. На территории 5 бассейнов.Есть свой транспорт в город.



04.09.13 5

17.08.12 4.75

20.08.09 4.75

05.10.08 4.71

19.08.08 4.57


11.01.11 4.38

06.09.11 4.13

  • Отель расположен довольно удобно, в непосредственной близости от пляжа, что позволяет, отправляясь купаться, брать с собой только самое необходимое.
    Пляж оборудован душевыми и распылителями для споласкивания ног от песка.
    Есть футбоьные ворота, жаль, что нет турника или еще каких-то примитивных снарядов.
    Песок на пляже мелкий, но на каждом метре попадаются окурки, поэтому приходилось постоянно наблюдать за дитем, когда оно возилось в песке. Plastic cups and abandoned damaged inflatable toys lying around for days are also not uncommon.
    We didn't use the pools because... the smell of bleach emanating from them did not inspire this. Perhaps this is normal.
    The entrance to the sea is gentle and sandy. Very convenient for a child.
    Until mid-August, animators worked with children in the evenings.
    There is also a games room, but it left a poor impression - broken toys and cramped space.
    There were also other entertainments (mini golf, bike rental, etc.), which I won’t judge, because... they didn't captivate us.
    There are two playgrounds, small, but good and safe.
    The room was cleaned daily, but under the sofa, where toys constantly fell, was full of dust and dirt.
    The walls of the room are dirty in places - with black stripes. The finishing is inexpensive, but neat. There is plastic and chipboard, but the furniture is not chewed and the veneer is not peeling, yet the hotel is not old.
    However, the shower mixer jammed.
    The kitchen corner is very compact. Two medium-sized frying pans cannot fit on the stove at the same time, so when preparing food this should always be taken into account and combined with the menu accordingly. The Teflon coating on one of the frying pans was damaged, but they did not replace it for us, despite contacting the reception twice. However, the kettle, which was leaking mercilessly, was replaced the very next day.
    There is only one electrical outlet for the entire kitchen area. It’s not very convenient when you need to turn on either a kettle, a coffee maker, or a toaster. Tee not included.
    The same story from the TV side. There really are two slots, but considering the laptop and other included equipment, it’s inconvenient.
    Saved on matches.
    At the same time, there are two sockets in the bedroom of unknown purpose, so we used the toaster there.
    There is only one Russian channel on TV - the first one. Not an amateur, of course, but thanks for that. There is an entirely Bulgarian football channel. Broadcasting the English Premier League.
    Internet is paid - 3 weeks 90 leva. For a shorter period, of course, it is proportionally more expensive. No speed. But in the mornings and at night the pages open.
    Towels in the room were not changed every day, although we left 2 leva to the cleaning lady every day.
    Bed linen was changed every three days.
    The laundry is closed to tourists, although before departure it was stated that it was accessible to everyone. Washing clothes for a fee of 1 kg - 3 leva. You need to take it to the reception. For us it was more troublesome than doing the laundry ourselves, fortunately there was a dryer on the balcony.
    I won’t talk about the food at the hotel; we ate on our own.
    It took 30 minutes to get to the town of Obzor on foot, or by hotel bus, which ran according to a schedule known to him. Bus open type and the smell of exhaust from an apparently damaged muffler is present in the cabin as an integral part of the interior.
    In Obzor we bought groceries at the Sparm supermarket. Meat is a problem. Frozen only. In the sliced ​​​​department - the meat has thawed after defrosting but seems to be fresh, the choice is only between pork and chicken. Fruits and vegetables are fine. Tasty, natural and inexpensive. We bought them at a small market. Delicious dairy products, especially cheeses and butter. There is a fish shop. It didn't look very presentable, but the fish turned out to be tasty and fresh. Bought it a couple of times. The people are friendly, but not fussy.
    In general, we can say about the holiday that for people who have experienced the delights of the service of the Soviet south, the hotel will evoke only positive emotions. However, it is no secret that, as a rule, the quality is adequate to the costs.
    On our next trip, we will try to focus on a more expensive and high-quality vacation.

  • Consent to the processing of personal data

    I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

    The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, for the purpose of processing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to the consulate of a foreign state, resolving claims issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

    I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

    I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

    I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

    I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored electronically in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

    This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

    I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

    I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

    This Consent is an annex to this Application.

    I rested at Obzor Beach Resort from August 15 to August 20, 2008. Well, what can I say... Yes, I read a lot of positive reviews, but I myself... Okay, I'll start in order: 1. Hotel. The hotel is located on the seashore - this is a plus....More ▾ I rested at Obzor Beach Resort from August 15 to August 20, 2008. Well, what can I say... Yes, I read a lot of positive reviews, and myself...
    Okay, I'll start in order:
    1. Hotel. The hotel is located on the seashore - this is a plus. However, behind the hotel “the steppe, and the steppe all around...” You go out, and the desert spreads out in front of you (probably this year it was such a hot summer that all the grass behind the hotel dried up and it really felt like you were not in Bulgaria, but near the Egyptian pyramids). During the day the heat is unreal, but in the evening, somewhere after eleven, it is as cold as late autumn. I liked the beach - clean, soft and somehow foreign, not at all like the Crimean one.
    The only thing that is bad is paid sunbeds and umbrellas, but here we found a way out: in order not to pay, we either lay down on towels right next to the sea, or chose sunbeds in the middle and when the local mafia, in the form of a fee collector, sunbeds, began to collect tribute from any edge of the beach, we simply moved to towels, and when he left, we returned back to our places.
    2. A nightclub at a hotel (if this place can be called a club at all) is a room with a bar counter, two small rooms separated by a partition with tables and a room with billiard tables. For me personally, this “club” was associated with the entertainment room in a nursing home, since apart from us, Russians, no one danced there at all (this is taking into account the fact that in the entire “club” there were usually about fifteen people present - this is taking into account two bartenders and three billiard tables!) Moreover, at that time the Olympics were taking place in China and diving competitions were broadcast on plasma TVs hanging on the walls of the “club” accompanied by disco music! Nightmare! But that’s not all... You could only dance from ten to twelve in the evening, the beginning and end of this action took place the same way every day - to an old Michael Jackson song, that is, Jackson’s song sounds (the one where he danced his famous moonwalk ) - this means that the dancing has begun... and exactly two hours later this musical composition sounds again - this is the end of the evening. Then light, slow music plays for another hour - this is for those who still want to socialize, and then that’s it... Everyone is kicked out and go wherever you want.
    I would also like to say something about the night Obzor Beach Resort - have you ever seen a desert with people? No? Exactly. There is no one here after ten either. I'm not kidding: there are no people at all. It feels like everyone has died out... Only in the distance can you see a lonely light in the guardhouse, where two parking guards usually live... And there is silence all around... This is where horror films should be made!
    3. City of Obzor. In the city of Obzor itself (or, more precisely, to call this place a village), the beach is 100% Crimea: the beach is dirty and somehow painfully familiar with its broken umbrellas and remnants of battered old eateries. The village of Obzor generally resembles the old Soviet times: after twelve, all the townspeople go to bed, the music stops everywhere and the lights go out, and vacationers, thirsty for “a continuation of the banquet” and “thrills,” wander around the dark city in search of at least some kind of nightlife establishment. But, alas, disappointed and without enough to drink, they either go to bed, or those who are more agile find out that on the outskirts of the village, somewhere very far away, there is a large building - the local disco "SPACE". There, large, muscular guards carefully check all the contents of your bag and, after passing you through the metal detector gate, let you into the holy of holies... Now, the most interesting thing is how much I love nightclubs, but I have never seen such a flight of dance thoughts! A huge two-story building, with an incredibly large dance floor and a huge wide screen covering the entire wall, near the DJ. The club is open from seven in the evening, but the movement itself begins after twelve at night, and the Bulgarian anthem is played and all the young people sing along. The only thing that prevented us from “having a blast” were the local residents. I don’t know, maybe they had never seen Russian girls dance before (if only they had visited Ukrainian clubs!), but they simply hovered in front of us in flocks (and this is not even Turkey!). It got to the point where we had to dance on the second floor, fortunately there was enough space there. I'm 24 years old, blonde. We went on vacation with our boyfriends, behaved decently and in no way provoked the local residents, but this did not save us from persistent attempts to get to know each other.
    And the road to the hotel is a completely different story! The path is not close, along a dark highway, which is illuminated only by the headlights of cars rarely rushing past. Of course, you can shorten the road and follow a dark path. However, advice for women, on their own, unaccompanied by men (and the men should be well acquainted, since there are such huge black bushes... you never know...) it’s better not to go - it’s scary to the point of madness! And if the girl is also wearing heels, then it will be worse than a roller coaster! In general, the road is full of surprises.
    4. Apartments. We lived in building "B" overlooking the desert. And most importantly: we literally lived in the kitchen! The apartment consisted of a bedroom (in which two people lived) and a kitchen in which there was a small diva, clearly not designed for two people. But nevertheless, we were still placed in these apartments (although upon arrival home and having filed a complaint with the travel agency, we found out that an error had occurred and we were placed in a completely different room for which we paid. Moreover, the travel agency and tour operator are so They quickly returned the difference in money and apologized that there was absolutely no unpleasant aftertaste, but on the contrary, it was very positive and extreme to open your eyes in the morning and realize that you were sleeping next to the kitchen utensils. No, really, I’m not joking, I’m just trying to Look at everything optimistically!
    5. Nutrition. We only paid for breakfast - several types of omelettes, a varied selection of sausages and cheeses, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can live with such a menu for a week, but more, of course, is not recommended, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences... Moreover, like real Russians, in order not to spend money on buying food in the supermarket, we took sausage and buns with us from breakfast. I think that the removal technology is quite clear, however, just in case, I’ll explain how we did it. They took a large beach bag and a couple of bags, picked up full plates of food, and when the guard and waiters turned away, they put the food into the bags and then into the bag. During the week of our stay at this hotel, we were never stopped, although there were sidelong glances from the waiters. But what do we need...
    By the way, please pay attention to the fact that there are a lot of OSes in the restaurant. They are literally everywhere, and it feels like they are flying around the entire hive at the same time - there were so many of them. In addition, it seems that they did not eat at all for a couple of days - with such a terrible appetite they attacked any food on the plate. And most importantly, they paid absolutely no attention to people! Although in our group they bit three people (probably they were trying to take the sausage from the wasps).
    5. Service. Hmm... Well, what can I say... It felt like we were playing hide and seek with the cleaning ladies, and they were hiding, and we were always looking for them... That's how you go out to the beach in the morning, you see a cleaning lady who hasn't had time to hide yet, and drag her to your room. All! You got a bird in a cage, there’s nothing you can do, you’ll have to clean it up... But they refused to enter the room voluntarily... Why would that be??? After a complaint at the reception, they finally found one brave cleaning lady, and she actually came and cleaned our room every day. The cleaning lady had probably never cleaned for Russians before, because on the first day she was shocked by the number of empty bottles, then she got used to it a little... and we started playing hide and seek again. Only now we were hiding: it seemed that the cleaning lady only appeared at the moment when we were carrying heavy bags of alcoholic drinks from the supermarket! Moreover, at these moments she reproachfully pointed her finger at us, grabbed her head and said something in a language we did not understand.
    Yes... Also, I apologize for the details, if you are going to Obzor Beach Resort, then take a month’s supply of toilet paper with you, because for unknown reasons, either throughout Bulgaria, or only in the hotel itself, they have a serious shortage of toilet paper paper: for four people we were given one roll of toilet paper every day.
    Well, basically, that's all I wanted to tell you...
    And finally: Believe me, all of the above is not a negative response or an attempt to discredit the good name of the hotel. No, not under any circumstances!!! Think about it, if everything were perfect, then perhaps there would be nothing to tell upon return. I don’t consider this trip a ruined vacation at all; on the contrary, I’m very glad that I went to this particular hotel and with these particular conditions! There are not many reasons for sincere joy in our everyday life, but Obzor Beach Resort gave us a lot of exciting adventures and positive emotions!
    So if you are optimists, go to Obzor Beach Resort - believe me, you won’t regret it!

    We rested for 2 weeks in August-September 2018. The hotel is 4 stars by Bulgarian (!) standards - this must be taken into account and immediately deducted 1.5 stars))). This gradation is suitable for 80% of hotels in coastal Bulgaria. The hotel is suitable for lovers beach holiday(no need to go anywhere)) and it’s better to take the all-inclusive one). The advantages include the excellent location and logistics of the place. The hotel consists of 7 buildings. The rooms are all apartments, that is, with their own living room and open kitchen in it. All rooms have their own balcony. The rooms on the upper floors (6-7 storey buildings) have beautiful views. In front of each building there is a swimming pool and free sun loungers, which must be occupied in advance (throw in the towel in the morning). There are children's pools (45-70 cm). You can choose to stay with breakfast only orbreakfast + dinner or all inclusive. The staff is generally friendly and helpful. The hotel has three restaurants, one of which provides breakfast, lunch and dinner, that is, you can’t sit in it for money) Of the other two, the one in the building with the reception is very good: the cuisine is good, and there is live music from 20:30, and the interior is excellent. I really didn’t like the second restaurant, almost on the beach, both in terms of service and cuisine. The hotel is located 2 kilometers from the town of Obzor. We walked with a stroller (we were on vacation with my wife, daughter, her husband and one-year-old granddaughter) half an hour to the center - Freedom Square. There is a minibus running from the hotel to the center and back (1.5 leva per person one way) with a very convenient schedule: before lunch, three trips every hour and from 17:00 every 15 minutes until 22:40. In the town you can find many good restaurants where you can eat on a budget (we only vacationed with breakfast - we went to the city for lunch and dinner more often). The city has a small park with attractions even for small children. The central streets are a continuous bazaar of Turkish and Chinese things and equipment. 10% of clothes are Bulgarian production. At the small market you can buy local vegetables and fruits (by the way, melons, watermelons, grapes and figs are simply excellent, but the tomatoes and cucumbers were disappointing, although the last time we vacationed on Golden Sands everything was delicious))). Obzor is located almost in the middle between Varna and Burgas - relatively major cities resort coast of Bulgaria. From the Obzor bus station you can get to any place for 5-6 leva (if you don’t rent a car) in a maximum of an hour. In the city itself there is a fairly long promenade that runs along the beach and goes beyond the city limits. By the way, sun loungers on the beach, which is 10 meters from the buildings in front of the Obzor Beach Resort hotel themselves, cost 7 leva per unit (21 leva for 2 sun loungers with an umbrella), and on city beaches 6 and even south beach(for locals) 3 each! The beach has almost all beach activities on the water: sofa and banana rides, parasailing, jet skiing. Minuses. We stopped by dirty room, although we waited until 15:30 (this is their check-in) until they let us in. For 2 weeks, leaving a tip only changed our towels and took away our trash. The bed linen was changed once. It looks like they don’t provide children’s linen, although the hotel seems to be a family hotel)) If it weren’t for the vacuum cleaner in the room, it would have been very unpleasant. The shower head was broken and was a nuisance. In hotel restaurants, the dishes are broken and chipped. The beaches are very dirty and it looks like they are not even cleaned all season, both in front of the hotel and in the city. However, if you do not pay attention to these shortcomings, due to the star rating of the hotel and the local mentality of the club holiday owners, the holiday can be quite bearable. The water in the sea can be up to 26 degrees, there are places to walk along the beach. Compared to other resorts - more budget friendly.

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