Lednice Castle How to get from Prague. Cultural Complex Lednice-Valtice - Excursion

Hello, friends! Today we go to the southern part of Moravia, surrounded by the boundaries of three European countries: the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. It is here that the Lednice Castle (Lednice) is located. It is approximately 50 km from Brno, standing on the shores of Tiaya's river and is one of the most romantic palace ensembles in the Czech Republic.

History of the castle

The first mentions in the chronicles about this Gothic fortress are dating 1222 year. Then she was called "Icegurg", which is translated from german language Like "Ice pit." King Vaclav I brought her as a gift to one of his courtiers - Siegfried Irotek.

At the beginning of the XIV century, the castle changed his owners and finally moved into the hands of the princes of Liechtensteins, who owned it until the end of World War II, while the Leddycko-Valditsky complex was not transferred to the state of the state.

Naught modern name The castle received in the XV century. "Lednice" is translated from czech language As "Ice River". Water in Tae (still called this river) very cold in any season.

The appearance of this medieval Czech fortress changed many times. The first reconstruction of the XVI century was made in the Renaissance style. But the Swedes during the thirty-year-old war destroyed the walls of the castle.

Only a century later, the castle was put in order. Accordingly, the spirit of the time was given the features of Baroque. The last reconstruction of the middle of the XIX century shaped the final appearance of the ensemble in the style of New Gothic.

At the same time, under the leadership of Jiri Vingelmuller, a project was completed on the union of two neighboring castles in the Lednitsky-Valditsky complex.

Sights of the castle

The decoration of the castle rooms is striking with its luxury. The Hunting Hall is decorated with stuffed eagles on which hunting in these parts has been hunting for many centuries. Here you can even meet a real white unicorn, whose horn is made from the animal of the marine mammal - narrowing.

The African Room stores family values \u200b\u200band trophies of Liechtenstein: rare decorations, traditional clothes, animal skins and wild animal horns.

The walls of the Chinese Cabinet are decorated with unusual wallpaper. They are woven from rice papyrus and painted. Huge animals and tiny people depicted on them illustrate the power of nature.

Blue hall is famous as a portrait of Liechtenstein's wife. Today we would call her mother-heroine. The artist captured a woman during pregnancy. Just imagine: for 21 years of life, she gave birth to 24 children!

On the second floor of the castle there is an art gallery with children's drawings and a museum of dolls, and in the basements of the castle there is a constant wine exhibition.

One of the main attractions of the complex is the "garden of Europe" - alleys, a length of seven kilometers, which joined the castles of Lednice and Valtice.

Not far from the garden on a small peninsula, the bend of the River River is the ruins of Yaanov Castle. This place is different called the hunting "yangord".

The castle of the Lednice surrounds the magnificent English Park, gradually turning into a virgin landscape. On its territory there are unusual buildings from different styles and epochs: Palm Greenhouse, Apollo Temple, Moorish Minaret looking platform And an artificial grotto, dating back by the XVII century. All these structures perfectly complement each other and create a unique romantic atmosphere in the park.

On the territory of the palace and park ensemble, you can move on bikes and horses. And on the river, the lady goes a cute river tram.

Where to stay near the castle

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We offer good hotel options next to the castle

How to get

Distance from Prague to Lednice Castle - 262 kilometers. It is more convenient to go to the castle from Brno.

  • by car. From Prague, following the southeast, you need to go on the E50 highway. After 200 kilometers, you will arrive in Brno. Then you need to go south on the D2 highway. After 42 kilometers, it is necessary to move onto the road at number 422. Another 7 kilometers, and you have a castle of Lednice.
  • by train without transfers can not do. The transplant will have to do in Podiwin or Břeclav.
  • by bus. From Prague to the castle, in any case, it is necessary to get transfers. It will take about 5 hours. Option 2:
  1. In Prague, at the main bus station, Florenz can take a bus going to Břeclav, and in this city already transfer to another bus, next to Mikulov. This is the ultimate stop, you do not need to reach it. Go to Lednice (on the map it is Lednice Castle, Zamek).
  2. Also from Prague from the main bus station Florenz take the Student Agency bus and get to Brno. In Brno, make a transfer at the Black Bridge station. From her to the castle goes buses No. 13-3, 419 and 437.
  3. Or get from the main bus station Brno to Lednice on buses number 34,38,42 and 46

Lednice Castle on the map

Automotive route

How to get by bus and bus timetable

Working hours

The castle is open from April to October from 9:00 to 17:00

April and October Museum works only on weekends from 09.00 to 16.00

Orangery Open round year, With the exception of January.

It closes at 15.30, and in the summer months an hour later.

In winter, in April and October, the greenhouse is open only on weekends.

The park is open from 06.00 to 22.00 daily, the entrance to it is free.

Weekend for the whole complex - Monday.


The castle pass different excursion routes. You can choose any of them in place:

  1. Route №1: A visit to the Lednice-Valditsky complex with the inspection of all attractions.
  2. Route №2: visiting the front halls.
  3. Route №3: Visit to the park with separate routes on the temples, Grot, Minaretu and Orangee.

There are several more routes, they are described in detail on the castle's website.

How much is

The price depends on the route you chose. I will write the minimum / maximum amount:

  • normal ticket 150-390 kroons
  • preferential ticket for children and pensioners 105-290 kroons
  • children under 6 years old
  • family ticket 405-1060 CZK

Address: Zámek 1, 691 44 Lednice, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 519 340 128

Official site: zamek-lednice.com.

To new meetings, friends! Do not forget to prepare for new travels!

About Castle

In the south of Moravia, 12 km from the village of Mikulov and about 50 km from Brno, on the right bank of the River, the Lednice castle is located. Surrounded by a wonderful French garden and an English park, the castle is considered one of the romantic attractions of the Czech Republic.

For the first time, mention of the town of Assgrub (with him. "Ice pit"), found in documents of 1222 years. Once there was a fortress built to protect the river crossing. Since 1412, she received his today's name "Lednice", which translated from Czech means "Ice River". After a hundred years, the castle becomes the property of the Liechtenstein family.

In the 16th century, the fortress was rebuilt into the Renaissance castle, which was subsequently reconstructed by the Viennese architect Fisher in the Baroque style. At the time of the neo-neochic reconstruction of 1846-1858, on the planned plan of Jiri Vingelmulller, the castle acquired his present look. The walls made in the Baroque style remained intact, but the facades of the building were redone and are complemented by buildings with various elements - balconies, arches, turrets. The layout of the lock is also withstanding in neo-neutic style - an ornate staircase in the library, a set of ceiling of the lime tree in the blue hall, marble fireplaces and other elements of the interior decoration.

In the castle complex "Lednice" there is a museum of agriculture, with a unique head of Mammoth stored in it. Here you can admire the decorative ruins of the "Yanticrad". An interesting Moorish mosque with a minaret, built on the project of architect Joseph Hardmouth. The Eastern Collection was kept in her halls, which, unfortunately, did not reach this day. On the minaret, it is impossible to rise due to the windiness of the structure, however, you can admire from his gallery magnificent views surrounding surroundings.

The whole complex since 1996 enters cultural heritage UNESCO, and only 37 objects are entered into the security list of the ensemble.


During its existence, the castle of the Lednice changed his appearance. In the 16th century, his appearance was the Renaissance Epoch building. In the era of the thirty-year war, after the attack of the Swedish troops, the castle was seriously damaged. Then its destroyed parts were reconstructed in the baroque style.

Reconstruction was carried out until the middle of the 18th century. During this period, the castle was rebuilt and complemented by various buildings and architectural elements. At the same time, some of the old parts of the buildings retain their original appearance. Fashion on the Gothic Style again transformed the appearance of the castle. Today, he is considered the most romantic building in the Czech Republic. Neootic style is pronounced in the adjacent park. Reconstruction touched Alley - Between the two buildings of the complex were built by English greenhouses, the Moorish minaret, which served as the observation tower.

Valtice's castle nearby, was the property of Liechtensteins. Like the Lednice, he also suffered from Swedish guns. However, all destroyed elements were restored in the baroque style. Valtice turned into the residence of the nobility.

In the 16th century, both castles united into the Lednitsky-Valtitsky complex. On his creation, the Liechtenstein family spent several centuries. However, the final appearance has acquired the complex in the 19th century. It was the era of the heyday of romanticism. She brought to the aqueduct complex, made in the Roman sample, the empirical temple of the "Three Graces", the temple of Apollo and the "born" castle.

The Lednitsky-Valtitsky complex surrounded the picturesque countryside. But it was not enough for the residents of the nobles, so the owners built a glass greenhouse, almost 100 meters long. On the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouses, subtropical and tropical exotic plants were planted, originally from South America.

At the end of the 17th century, an artificial cave was created, equipped with artificial stalactites. Her square occupied 90 square meters. Currently, it is arranged enchanting show.

At the beginning of the 19th century a hunting house was built. Its four angular towers form courtyardAnd the terrace from one-story buildings provides the ability to see a passing hunt.

Study of the castle

The old Gothic fortress of the Lednice originally belonged to the powerful genus of the Austrian princes of the sirot. However, they quickly lost all rights on him. For several centuries, these places inhabited the Germans. Then the fortress passed into the possession of the Marquis of Precumshot and he presented it with the prince of Liechtenstein. Thanks to the entrepreneurial grip, the prince soon got rich and gathered enough money to build a unique castle. Princes Liechtenstein owned them more than six centuries - until the end of World War II. In 1943, the family took out all valuable things from the castle. Most of the internal decoration of the castle suffered. Fortunately, they left ancient furniture, a unique staircase in the library, carved from a whole wood massif. Stayed on the walls and original Chinese wallpapers.

In subsequent years, the castle complex belonged to the state. In 1996, he was assigned the status of UNESCO World Heritage. Now the complex is national property. On the first floor of the castle there are residential princesses for which excursions are held. The second floor is given to the pediatric art gallery.

Karl von Liechtenstein

Family Liechtenstein refers to the oldest Austrian noble family. The first representative of this surname of the Hugo von Liechtenstein is mentioned in historical papers from 1136 years. The Senior Son of Hartmann II Background Liechtenstein and Anna Maria von Ornburg, Karl, was brought up in Protestant faith. In 1559, he was baptized to Catholicism, and was adopted by the Emperor Rudolf II. Soon he was appointed to the position of chief internant. In this position, Karl von Liechtenstein remained until 1607. A year later, the prince became the emperor.

Information for tourist

Opening hours:
April, October.
Sat - Sun from 9:00 to 16:00

Break for lunch
From 12:00 to 13:00

W - Sun from 9:00 to 16:00

Break for lunch
From 12:00 to 13:00

W - Sun from 9:00 to 16:00

Break for lunch
From 12:00 to 13:00

Additional Information

High pressure washing nilfisk.

The grotto works for receiving visitors on the schedule of the castle complex.

The castle of the Lednice is located at the Austrian border, on the banks of the River Mark. Once upon a time there was a gothic fortress, the gift of the king of the prejudd.

History of the castle

The descendants of the noble clan owned the estate for several centuries, almost until the end of World War II, but after those were forced to give the right to own the castle to the state. In our time, the Lednice is the property and the property of the Czech Republic.

During the time, the castle could not once change his architectural guise.


The Lednice Castle is part of the Lednitsky-Valditsky complex, which represents the territory of a large area, and considered the extensive landscape ensemble of the world, because the park belonging to the castle, the owners of the centuries turned into a beautiful garden.

The complex harmoniously wraps the river, and in summer the beauty you can admire the walking on the maritime tram.

If we talk about sights, then it is worth noting a magnificent palm greenhouse stored, amazing for the climate of these places, a collection of tropical plants.

Create such a miracle was made possible due to the carefully selected air temperature and soil brought from the native land of tropical plants.

Excursions in the first and second locks

  • REVIEW, artificially created grotto and yaanov castle - accompanied guide
  • Visiting the art gallery and exhibition, palm greenhouse, minaret and the temple of Apollo - without accompanying a guide.

Opening hours

  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday, Sunday: 9-16

The entrance to the palm greenhouse is opened from April and to the end of October, by the time of opening the castle, and the remainder months on weekends.

In this article we will continue our acquaintance with the castles of the Czech Republic and we will visit pictorial place in the south of the Czech Republic called Lednice (Lednice).

Ledservice- This is one of the most beautiful castles of the Czech Republic, located 250 km in the south-east of Prague not far from the city Brno, on the border with Austria. The Lednice is located in the village of the same name on the right bank of the Thaya River, about 12 km east of the town of Mikulov.

The elegant castle of Lednice with a large garden is one of the most beautiful castle complexes not only in the Czech Republic, but also in all of Europe and is called. Today's complex area of \u200b\u200balmost 300 km 2 resembles an English landscaped park.

Currently, the castle is one of the most important buildings in the style of romanticism in the whole Czech Republic. From December 1996, the castle was introduced in. For almost 700 years, the castle belonged to a powerful family Liechtenstein. During this time, Liechtensteins turned their possessions into a single palace-park ensemble, in which the architecture of the locks in the Baroque style and the neorenissance is skillfully combined with small structures in the spirit of romanticism against the background of the landscape English Park.

Today's appearance castle acquired after a large-scale reconstruction in the 19th century in the style by imitating neoadics. Initially, the castle was built in the Renaissance style. In the 17th century, he was rebuilt and acquired the features characteristic of Baroque style and neo-taught.

Next to the Lednice there are two interesting castles that you should visit - this mikulov Castle and Valtice.

Castle Valtice.

With Lednice Castle, Valtice connects a 7-kilometer lime alley, together they are included in the list. world Heritage and called. If you are not limited in time, you can walk from one castle to another on these romantic places.

Valtice (Valtice) - This is a baroque castle, which also belonged to the genus Liechtenstein. The creation of this magnificent castle has spent almost 300 years. The English park with Diana temple is broken around the palace, which is similar to the Roman arch. In the park you can see artificial ruins, various sculptures, gazebos, fountain and many interesting colors and trees.

In the dungeons of the castle works Salon Winewhich opened National winery. Here you can try the best varieties of famous Moravian wines and learn the history of winemaking. The working time of the tasting exposure can be found on the official website of Vinarskentrum.cz. In general, there are many wine cellars in the city, where wine tastings are held, after which all wines can be bought as a Czech souvenir. By the way, these wine cellars are connected to each other, forming a labyrinth.

In the castle you will see the art gallery, palace chapel, a mirror hall, superbly made room designs, such as ceiling frescoes, gilded stucco, painting, a spiral staircase, a cassette ceiling of linden and much more.

How to get to the castles?

On the public transport To the castle of Lednice or Valtice, go very tedious and long, and you also need to make a lot of transplants. For an independent visit to the castle, it is better to rent a car, how to make it more profitable we are described in the article: "" If you rent a car, then you will come to the castle for 3 hours without any problems. The castle will be convenient to visit if you are traveling from Prague in or in.

Summing up, I can say that this is another wonderful castle with a magnificent park, which is necessary to visit if there are a couple of free days in the Czech Republic.

Far away in Alps, between Austria and Switzerland, there is a picturesque principality, the size of which causes an indulgent smile from any citizen of our immense country. However, learning about the level of income per capita of this dwarf state, indulgent smile of a citizen of our country in the blink of an eye will be replaced by a biliary envious grimace.

Called Princess Liechtenstein. Rights the Dynasty of Princes Liechtensteinoriginating from XII. century. In distant times Lichtens owned large territories throughout Europewhere they loved to build palaces and castles. We will talk about two such palaces today.

Ledservice - A small village that Princes was presented Liechtensteinam in XIII. A century, when those were not princes, but were baroni, and they were not supposed to have such frills. As we can see, the barons lived well, gladly using such benefits as the possession of whole villages.

FROM XII. The century was there a gothic fortress, which was small and uncomfortable. Therefore, the new princes decided to rebuild it in a more luxurious and modern palace. As fashion changes to various architectural styles, I changed the face of the palace. Modern view of the palace found already in XIX. century - neootics in style Tyudors.

As usual, a large green park with a pond is broken near the palace. Just nail, where the pond ends, costs minaret, height 60 meters, which is the only one in Czech Republic.

There is a legend that in the place they wanted to build a church, but the developed spider of the bureaucracy was discharged by the ban on the allocation of additional land. In order to take revenge and add up the Lords of the bureaucrats and the Islamic minaret was built in the NEISM country. I do not know how it could harm someone, but such a legend exists.

If you leave the palace Ledservice And go to the south to go to the south, you can find a runaway alley. In just some 7 km we will come to another, not less interesting village.. Although the various sources will correct me. The village actually turned out to be a city. How could I?! He insulted as much as 3.5 thousand inhabitants.

Valtice. - The city that was donated to the same princes and where they built their residence. The palace was repeated many times, and the architects were stopped on the Baroque style. Was the main place of residence of the family Liechtenstein, while for Ledservice The status of a summer residence was fixed. Judging by the area of \u200b\u200badjacent parks, it was precisely this alignment that I would have suggested if I had not read before.

Palace Valtice. It is famous for his wine cellars. The labyrinth network connects a dozen cellars that host excursions to dungeons with drink tastings. Who ragver and face - beautiful way cheer up and welcing.

Liechtensteins got their titles hotly supporting the dynasty Habsburgwho were one of the most influential dynasties in Europe. But nothing is forever under the moon. Habsburg Weaved and ended. The last of the branch of the dynasties was ERCGERSOG Franz Ferdinand. All more or less educated people know that his murder in Sarajevo in 1914 year served as a formal reason for the beginning World War II. Oh, these Habsburg.

At the end of the war in 1918 year broke up Austro Hungarian Empire And a number of new states were formed. Among which - Czechoslovakia.. On the territory of Oyoy and turned out to be Valtice. and Ledservice. Accordingly, all the princes lost their privileges and land. And then Second World War These palaces and expropriated the state at all.

Now there, of course, museum complexes available for visiting. They are in South Moravia, not far from the city Brno, almost on the border with Austria. IN 1996 year Cultural complex Lednice Valtice. entered the World Heritage List UNESCO.

See also: