Park "Seaside. Park "Seaside Park Seaside Skipper Dol

The Park "Seaside" is a creative space where young and creative people work and rest. It was opened in 2017 on the shore of the skipping channel - on the territory of the former plant "surf", which was closed for more than 100 years.

The skipping channel was packed in 1723 on the project of Domenico Trezini. Italian architect not only calculated the parameters for the construction of the water path, but also designed the design of two wooden watchtowers installed in a place where the channel flows into The Gulf of Finland. After the revolution, the tower was rebuilt into stone, and in the adjacent territory, the plant "Surbo", where in the 80s. Manufactured equipment for telegraph, radio and television. Access to the embankment, as well as the plant, was closed. In 2013, the embankment was re-equipped for walks, made descent to water and opened the entrance to visitors.

At the same time, Contour and The Dreamers United team developed a project to reorganize the plant into a public space, which was called "Seaside". According to the plan of the project organizers, the territory was supposed to become a single cultural and leisure platform in the style of Loft, uniting residents and guests of the city through creativity.

Volunteers cleared the embankment from garbage, and then started repairing the premises. One of the buildings of the plant "surf" was first mastered - in the building, finishing works were carried out and the tenants were given. The official opening of the Park "Seaside" took place in the spring of 2017.

On the territory of "Seaside" opened points of rental of sports equipment and fishing equipment. On the first floor of the building there are cafes and restaurants, as well as creative and concert venues. The second floor is occupied by exhibition spaces, studios, coworkins, and on the third there is a business center with offices and training classes. There is a Bar "Mastta", where concerts of Russian and foreign performers are held, Battles DJs and performances of novice musical groups. Family park and shopping district are preparing for the opening.

The picturesque embankment attracts tourists at any time of the year - here the industrial environment of the city is organically combined with the nature of the Gulf of Finland. The transformation of space continues - the project provides for the installation of benches and street lighting, the opening of new buildings.

How to get

The address of the Park "Seaside": Skipper Canal, d. 14, k. 19. You can get to the subway, the nearest stations - "Vasileostrovskaya" and "Primorskaya".

Last fall, the CONTOUR cluster creators and the Dreamers United team announced the launch of a new project - the Seaside Park - the public zone on the territory of the former plant "surf". The reconstruction project developed by the architectural bureau "of the needle", the cardinal transformation of the space along the skipper channel, which in the spring should have been adapted for a full-fledged leisure of citizens: install benches, arrange street lighting, and cafes, shops, gallery should have appeared in the seafront , Exhibition and educational spaces and Loft Studios. However, due to problems with financing (the organizers won the city competition "Your budget", but did not receive money: they did not manage to agree on the project with the owners of the plant) the implementation of the venture stalled.

Nevertheless, something was done: the embankment was completely cleaned from garbage, organized a free passage in the "Seaside", bypassing the checkpoint, and in one of the buildings before the new year earned the "mast" bar.

The focus is that even it turned out enough so that it was possible to safely include the "seaside" into a mandatory recreation program this summer: only the view of the Gulf of Finland, which opens from the cape, will make it come to accept the lack of special comfort even the reserved Sibarita.


The skipping channel is one of the oldest St. Petersburg buildings - was laid in 1721-1723 on the project of the architect Domenico Trezini, who also designed two guard towers - the Kronschpitsa - at the input of the channel to the Finnish Bay. After 30 years, the tower were rebuilt in stone, while retaining the initial form of Petrovsky Baroque. Before the revolution, the harbor served as the port of the gallery fleet, a military test base, as well as the first in the world history of the yacht club established by Peter I. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the territory along the rowing port was transferred to the Maritime Depot to Alexander Popov. After the revolution, the plant was renamed in honor of the Comintern, and at the beginning of the 80s received a new name - "surf". Its specialization has never changed fundamentally: here they produced equipment for telegraph, radio, and later television.

Throughout the entire existence of the plant, the territory adjacent to the channel was closed for free visits and was generally not adapted for walking: its reconstruction was produced only a few years ago. Then the granite was reopened by embankments, descending to water and berths for boats and boats.

The project of final transformation of the territory in the public space is supervised by the "Seaside" team. Efforts are now concentrated on the development of one of the factory buildings: in the first block, which has adapted for residents, are finishing work. As soon as they are completed and the first studios will populate tenants, the organizers plan to do new premises.

Bar "Mastty"

Music bar on the first floor of the factory building - while the only workshop of the "seaside" - opened the owner of the buckling agency Vladimir Affilov and the former programmer Dmitry Mastin. Initially, friends thought about a small new project, we considered a version with bakery or small coffee houses, but by coincidence, they got a spacious room, more than the magnitude of the club than the bar. The possibilities that space provides was decided to use in full. In the bar, literally immediately after the discovery began to arrange parties and various cultural events. The Dreamers United Association is responsible for them, the electronic musician Pasha's aliens, producer Fedya Hippius and one of the creators of the "seaside" Alexey Ontanko. On Fridays, relaxed funk and souls are held here, day and evening concerts are arranged on Saturdays, and more closer to nights in the bar are serious DJs either from among friends or invited friendly promo groups. Finally, on Sundays and on weekdays, film images and markets are passing.

The interior, as well as directly repairs, the owners were engaged independently. Everyone arranged the most simply: led to the walls of the wall, equipped a long bar counter, and the acoustic traps joined the ceiling. Most of the diverse furniture handed over the project Contour Customer Founder Denis Degtyarev.

The main decoration and attraction of the bar All winter was the Orka boat - the Dutch boat of 1935 buildings, which Dmitry Mastin and Alexey Outsko bought for two to use as a certain alternative to giving. Now the "Orca" is lowered into water, but soon there should be different in her place - perhaps one of the faulty boats, which is stored in the yacht club located next door. Also, for the summer, the organizers plan to actively use the territory adjacent to the bar: there will be an improvised terrace with the tables and benches and install a brazier on which from time to time will prepare a simple meal like fried fish and sausages.

In general, during the summer in "Masts" plan to completely revise the menu. Now the main obstacle for this is the absence of a normal kitchen in the bar. As soon as it appears, and this should happen soon, the chef Maxim of Affiters will add to simple sandwiches and soups that are offered at the bar now, more solid dishes: starting with the Surbreys and ending with fried fish and satisfying fishing chowers. But the bar card will not be fundamentally changed. Now they offer inexpensive, but proven wine (200-250 rubles per bed), craft beer and cider (150-200 rubles), as well as a number of classic cocktails (300-350 rubles) like "Negrozy" and "Aperol-Syringe "

Excerpts from the menu

Soup 150 rubles

Sandwich - 200 rubles

Carrot lime cake - 200 rubles

Wine - 200-250 rubles

Beer - 150-200 rubles

APEROL SPRITZ - 300 rubles

Long Island - 350 rubles

On the Vasilievsky Island in December of this year, the Living Room "Seaside" is beginning its work. The TNR correspondent talked with a representative of the park - Alexei Ontanko, who kindly spoke about an ambitious project.

Alexey, how did the idea appear to transform the promsion of the "surf" plant?

We were looking for a place where it will be possible to create a fundamentally new urban public space and a cultural cluster. Such a place where, first of all, it is possible to rely not only on the building, but also to the surrounding area, its historical or social context, where there is a prospect in the practical sense to combine our city and its water throughout the diversity of functions. Embankment version 2.0 or cultural port where you can indeed come on the water.

Are there any other places for the project?

We have been looking for a platform for about a year and considered different objects. In the summer, almost decided to do the Arsenal plant on arsenal embankment and were close to the beginning of the immediate work, but this object as a result was complex in the adaptation technically and impossible to implement our idea to fully, based on the location and various administrative factors. Yes, and emotionally soul did not lie: little air, many cars. Puzzle did not develop. In the end, they fell on the "surf".

After the first excursion and communicating with the owner, it became clear that this is what you need and even more.

In your opinion, whether the "seaside" will be the center that will affect the change in the southwestern part Vasilyevsky Islands?

It seems to us that he will be one of them, with his pronounced charisma and style. Now the southwestern part of the island gradually becomes a new center of events in various fields. This contributes to development transport infrastructure On the island: Opening of the SRD, planned new metro stations, the creation of new residential neighborhoods and embankments in the woven territories, as well as the upcoming Redeveloping LenExpo. While chaotic, but the directional process of revitalizing plants occurs on the leather line. There is also an erart here, the center of Curekhina is reconstructed, there is Loft projects Korpus2, more Place. So we will definitely not be alone.

The project "Park Seasore" has any samples to which it equals? No matter, abroad or in Russia.

Rather, we are equally equal to your own experience in creating public spaces, a local context and the feeling that our city should be more friendly with respect to citizens, provide ample opportunities for self-realization, no matter in leisure or affairs. Of course, we look towards the experience of the Scandinavian neighbors. In Helsinki, Oslo, Amsterdam, Stockholm you can easily find excellent examples of revitalizing inefficient territories, which ultimately become new centers of attraction for people, a favorite place and a focus of the development of local culture.

"Seaside" will be a competitor recently open "New Holland"?

Rather, no, because, first of the projects have a different basis and the principles of construction. And secondly, we strive not to compete, but to create a product favorably complementing the existing in the market and connecting different territories into a common semantic and functional network. At the same time with New Holland, we have a lot of common parallels: water, naval, engineering and architectural past. These objects are linked by historical function.

Do you have any ambitions to move part of cultural youth activity on Vasilyevsky Island thanks to the construction of "seaside"? After all, it is no secret that most of the "driven" occurs outside the island.

This process is already due to itself, in the center is too close for the scale, and young hearts require seeing the horizon.

There is a certain request for "air" and a variety of leisure that the city center cannot offer, due to a certain share of the restrictions, which are superimposed by the security zones: classic routes, density of development, transport flow. Here you are a little bit outside the city, by the sea, but 15 minutes by taxi from any area. All this fear on an extra kilometer is removed from the center - only in the head. Yes, and around us densely populated areas, which for the lack of due alternatives are forced to go to the center. In my opinion, it is wrong.

Have you met any resistance against the project from the local authorities or the public?

On the contrary, local residents The initiative is very supported, since in the central regions of the city objectively lacks modern public spaces for walking and interesting leisure, and business needs non-standard sites for new projects. The administration of the Vasilyevsky Islands and Municipal Flights The project as a whole supports, as it fits well into the overall strategy for the development of the city and allows us to talk about the need to develop adjacent historical and recreational zones as a single route. This is a gallery harbor, and a green belt along the ZSD, and promising worm areas, and an adjacent water area. We work with them over a whole bouquet of questions.

Who is the interested party in their creation, from whom a request for such projects

I answered this question partially earlier. The city is its inhabitants. If residents have the opportunity to receive inspiration from the city, they will return it back to the city with great return. Sounds can be sentimentally, but it works exactly.

Park "Seaside" (Seaside Park) will appear on former territory Plant "Surf", which released electronics. The company occupies a rather extensive territory stretched along the skipper channel. The last hundred years, the exit to the embankment for the townspeople was closed, now it opens it.

The company "Fifth Floor" rented several factory buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200b17,000 sq.m. The contract was signed for 10 years. Part of the square is leased. "We will gradually terminate these treaties. One tenant will find an alternative platform in other factory buildings, and others will help in finding new places. The agreement is about this with the management of the enterprise, "says the technical director of the fifth floor of Alexey Intrictsko.

The investor intends to turn the former factory walls in the "cultural port-oasis for communications, business and creative initiatives, an improvement in the urban environment." The territory is divided into functional neighborhoods that will be developed in stages.

All will begin with one of the three-storey buildings on the embankment, which will be filled with the objects of the "primary infrastructure" with "cultural and educational activities". At the first level there will appear cafes and shops of various formats from restaurants, small film connectors and verandas with access to the skipping channel and the Finnish bay.

The second floor will take gallery and exhibition-educational spaces. The third level is combined by a creative business center, Loft Studios and classes for classes.

In 2017-2018, the Park "Seaside" will expand due to the development of the territory along the coast and the installation of a debarkder, where they will earn a marine cafe, a mini-hotel, a public zone and a store of goods for water tourism. It is also planned to create a leisure and services center for owners of small vessels and people who are passionate about the sea.

In the medium term, the investor intends to add a family theme park, shopping district, concert venue and sports cluster.

The initiator of the project also wants to revive once popular winter sports fun, like something: borach skating, skating, skiing, treated fishing, etc.

1 is

The company agreed with the administration of the Vasileostrovsky district on the improvement of the public zone along the embankment. "On the coast itself, no objects are going to place. We will deliver benches there, urns, set the lighting and in the measure of the forces to be landscaped by the Promenade. Here you can conduct public events, "says Alexey Intrictsko.

The company went to the playground a month ago. By December, she plans to open a passage to the embankment for the townspeople and launch a couple of catering establishments. In the spring, it intends to lands a coastal strip and open another 7-8 enterprises of different formats.

The company is going to make money on the delivery of premises in the sublease (and the contract is not the owner of the buildings, but with the "fifth floor"), as well as at the expense of events. Subrendator will be repaired its area independently, and investors are involved in the arrangement of public areas.

"As long as the sketch is designed, the project itself is still in work, so the final parameters and costs are difficult to evaluate. I suppose, in the first year it will be necessary to invest about 100 million rubles. While we use our own funds and look forward to income from passing to the sublease. In addition, we hope for certain assistance of officials and public organizations. There were no places in Vasilyevsky Island, where the townspeople could freely go to the bay. Therefore, the new social space will be in demand, including tenants, "Mr. M. I am sure. The composition of the company's shareholders does not disclose.

According to Alexei Mytsky, the experience of creating such sites has it. He participated in two projects in Moscow as a hired employee who successfully work today. This is a creative cluster Design Plant "Vial" on the territory of the former Crystal Glass Plant and the Bruce Ship on the Crimean Embankment - the once abandoned motor ship, converted under public space with creative clusters.

These projects are really functioning, and quite successfully.

Alexey, how did the idea appear to transform the promsion of the "surf" plant?

We were looking for a place where it will be possible to create a fundamentally new urban public space and a cultural cluster. Such a place where, first of all, it is possible to rely not only on the building, but also to the surrounding area, its historical or social context, where there is a prospect in the practical sense to combine our city and its water throughout the diversity of functions. Embankment version 2.0 or cultural port where you can indeed come on the water.

Are there any other places for the project?

We have been looking for a platform for about a year and considered different objects. In the summer, almost decided to go to the Arsenal plant on the Arsenal Embankment and were close to the beginning of the immediate work, but this object as a result was complex in adaptation technically and impossible to implement our idea to fully, based on the location and various administrative factors. Yes, and emotionally soul did not lie: little air, many cars. Puzzle did not develop. In the end, they fell on the "surf".

After the first excursion and communicating with the owner, it became clear that this is what you need and even more.

In your opinion, will the "seaside" be the center that will influence the change in the southwestern part of Vasilyevsky Island?

It seems to us that he will be one of them, with his pronounced charisma and style. Now the southwestern part of the island gradually becomes a new center of events in various fields. This is facilitated by the development of transport infrastructure on the island: the opening of the CRAD, the planned new metro stations, the creation of new residential neighborhoods and embankments in the woven territories, as well as the coming Redeveloping LenExpo. While chaotic, but the directional process of revitalizing plants occurs on the leather line. There is also an erart here, the center of Curekhina is reconstructed, there is Loft projects Korpus2, more Place. So we will definitely not be alone.

The project "Park Seasore" has any samples to which it equals? No matter, abroad or in Russia.

Rather, we are equally equal to your own experience in creating public spaces, a local context and the feeling that our city should be more friendly with respect to citizens, provide ample opportunities for self-realization, no matter in leisure or affairs. Of course, we look towards the experience of the Scandinavian neighbors. In Helsinki, Oslo, Amsterdam, Stockholm you can easily find excellent examples of revitalizing inefficient territories, which ultimately become new centers of attraction for people, a favorite place and a focus of the development of local culture.

"Seaside" will be a competitor recently open "New Holland"?

Rather, no, because, first of the projects have a different basis and the principles of construction. And secondly, we strive not to compete, but to create a product favorably complementing the existing in the market and connecting different territories into a common semantic and functional network. At the same time with New Holland, we have a lot of common parallels: water, naval, engineering and architectural past. These objects are linked by historical function.

Do you have ambitions to move part of cultural youth activity on Vasilyevsky Island thanks to the construction of "seaside"? After all, it is no secret that most of such "movies" occurs outside the island.

This process is already due to itself, in the center is too close for the scale, and young hearts require seeing the horizon.

There is a certain request for "air" and a variety of leisure that the city center cannot offer, due to a certain share of the restrictions, which are superimposed by the security zones: classic routes, density of development, transport flow.Here you are a little bit outside the city, by the sea, but 15 minutes by taxi from any area. All this fear on an extra kilometer is removed from the center - only in the head. Yes, and around us densely populated areas, which for the lack of due alternatives are forced to go to the center. In my opinion, it is wrong.

Have you met any resistance against the project from the local authorities or the public?

On the contrary, the locals are very supported by the locals, as in the central regions of the city, there is not enough modern public spaces for walking and interesting leisure, and business needs non-standard sites for new projects. The administration of the Vasilyevsky Islands and Municipal Flights The project as a whole supports, as it fits well into the overall strategy for the development of the city and allows us to talk about the need to develop adjacent historical and recreational zones as a single route. This is a gallery harbor, and a green belt along the ZSD, and promising worm areas, and an adjacent water area. We work with them over a whole bouquet of questions.

Who is interested in the party in their creation, from whom is the request for such projects?

I answered this question partially earlier.The city is its inhabitants. If residents have the opportunity to receive inspiration from the city, they will return it back to the city with great return. Sounds can be sentimentally, but it works exactly.

See also: