Saki - rest and treatment with mud in the Crimea. Unpretentious rest in saks Are there mosquitoes in saks

We will say a word about the Saki nature ... But first, about the climate of Saki, which determines the peculiarities of the local nature.

Before characterizing the climate west coast Crimea, let's remember what the word "climate" actually means. This is a sequence of weather changes characteristic of a certain area, its long-term regime.

The habitual nature of the weather depends on geographic conditions specific location, including:

  • latitude, which determines the angle of incidence of sunlight
  • air circulation features
  • the presence of water bodies in the region, for example, the sea. The width of the coastal strip of land, which is influenced by the sea, is 10-12 kilometers.

Is there a sea in Saki?

The question "is there a sea in Saki?" worries everyone who is going for treatment in these parts. We are happy to answer this question. The city of Saki is located five kilometers from the sea, and a number of Saki health resorts, such as the modern sanatorium "Yurmino", are located directly on the seashore.

Climate features in Saki

The uniqueness of the area lies in the successful symbiosis of the sea and the steppe. The spacious Crimean steppes and the proximity of Saki to the sea form a unique seaside-steppe climate. Summarizing, we can say that the climate in Saki is moderately continental, rather mild, arid, without noticeable fluctuations in air temperature. The average annual air temperature is +11.2 ° C. There is little precipitation - 350 mm per year, relative humidity 77%.

Saki is the Crimean record holder for the duration of the sunshine, which pleases vacationers here 2500 hours a year. According to this parameter, even the legendary Yalta is inferior to Sakam, in which the star stays only 2223 hours a year.

Winter in Saki is mild, moderately cold: the average temperature of winter months is about 0 ° С. The coldest month is February (-1 ° С).

Summer in Saki is comfortably warm. The average summer air temperature is +22 ° C. The hottest month is July (average temperature +23.3 ° С, maximum daily temperature + 38- + 40 ° С). Due to the combination of steppe and sea, there is no strong heat in Saki in summer. Daytime breezes bring a pleasant coolness, and at night the air with the aromas of herbs, heated during the day, envelopes you with pleasant warmth.

Saki: nature is richer than it seems

The peculiarities of the climate in the vicinity of Saki are reflected in the local living and inanimate nature. Indeed, in close interaction with the climate are reservoirs, soil, animal world, vegetable world.

For those who come to Saki for the first time, nature may seem poor: there are no palms and cypresses, mountains and forests, which may have been drawn by the imagination before a trip to Crimea. But do not rush to draw conclusions!

Saki resort has unique natural resources. There are springs of medicinal mineral water, a legendary salt lake with medicinal silt mud, spacious sandy seaside beaches, and a special air with the aromas of steppe herbs and the sea.

Saki's wise nature deprived him of the wealth of flora. But it seems that she did it deliberately, realizing that people usually appreciate what they themselves had a hand in. Sakchane tried hard! Today the city of Saki is surrounded by greenery. And the pride of the resort is a delightful arboretum, founded back in 1890. About 80 plant species from Asia, Europe, North America settling in the Saki Park, they admire, amaze, amaze with their beauty! The artificial reservoir "Swan Lake" and its feathered inhabitants restore peace of mind and the ability to enjoy life.

They also help nature in the Saki health resorts. Visit the arboretum of the sanatorium "Yurmino", and you will understand what we are talking about. Well-groomed trees, shrubs, flower beds; murmuring fountains, cascading reservoirs ...

Come without a doubt! The local climate, nature and work of the employees of the enterprises of the sanatorium-resort sector have provided Sakam with a reputation as a highly effective balneological resort.

The Internet is full of reviews about Saki. But they are all either stupid, or about the effective treatment that the local sanatoriums and boarding houses offer. Even though we lived in a boarding house sunny Beach, but I will not write about him. I'll just say that we liked it. I will devote most of the review to the leisure that we spent in our free time from various procedures. I will also omit the story of swimming in the famous Sasyk lake with healing mud... Since we were just going on vacation, and not for treatment, we did not feel any particular effect. Although we swam a couple of times, not without it. The sea was of particular interest to us. I agree with many that in this regard, the Saki were chosen a little wrong and not for their intended purpose. If you settle at least at Zavodskaya or Rabochy lane, the sea will be at a distance of about 3-4 kilometers. We were lucky to live right on Morskaya, which not every tourist can afford. Firstly, because the places on Morskaya are limited. Secondly, because living there is more expensive than on other streets. Although, if we compare the first line of Evpatoria and Saki, in Saki it is much cheaper. And the beaches, by the way, are much better quality, freer, and there is a choice - pebbles and sand. Many locals complained about the dominance sea ​​coast tourists. But they just have nothing to complain about. In summer, even in July, in Saki it is much freer than, again, in the same Evpatoria. So, our leisure time, despite the scarcity of entertainment, was far from scarce. Almost every day we walked along the dam from the sea towards Kurortnaya in Saki. This is a fascinating journey, which I do not recommend for people with poor physical fitness. We went in the evening, in the morning we rested exclusively on the sea. In the afternoon, not far from our boarding house, we got on a minibus and went to large water park Banana republic. A very cool place, which I advise you to visit not only for the sake of children, but also for your loved ones. There are such slides that any Crimean water park will envy. There are a lot of people, so it's better to go in the morning. In Saki, we went around a lot of different cafes, but I can not mention a single one. And I would like to note the cool bakery store Leader, located near Pushkin Square. By the way, few people mention Pushkin Square in reviews of Sak sights. Although it is a very beautiful walking place. Popular place Sak is not only Lake Saki, but also Kara-Tobe. There we also climbed everything up and down. In general, Kara-Tobe is an observation booth, some kind of naval facility. Located on the mountain. But they say that this is an ancient Greco-Scythian fortress, which historians have been looking for for many years. There are many sights in Saki, but all of them are not particularly famous. Worth a look, though. Especially on the St. Elias Church. In general, we often went to Novofedorovskoe village. It's very cool there, if only because there are a lot of entertainment and rentals on the beach. Although I would not live in the village itself. We spent such an unpretentious vacation in Saki. Not to say that there was something grandiose, but the main thing is the sea, the sun and a good atmosphere, and there it is!


Comments to the review:

Oh, we also rested in the resort Sunny Beach! We lived in the standard in July from the 3rd to the 17th of this year. Maybe we saw each other? Well, how do you like the boarding house in general? It seems to me that it is more for families with children. When we were resting, we got just such an impression. Entertainment is exclusively for children, food is also designed for children. I think we should have chosen something more youthful? What do you think, Danil? In any case, I would recommend this boarding house to those of my friends who travel to Saki for family holiday with kids.

How small the world is) We were also in July. Most likely, we definitely saw each other. Yes, there is a lot of children in Sunny Beach. But somehow we did not bother on this score. In the end, our goal was to find a comfortable place to stay by the sea. Pension Sunny Beach met our requests. The rest didn't really interest us. Although the court there and the volleyball court are just super, with excellent coverage! And the food is quite acceptable. Something looked like homemade food. We rested in a 2-storey log cabin, not in a room. Perhaps that is why we do not know each other. I was with the company.

Ah, well then everything is clear) In any case, I am happy that I spent my vacation in Saki. And it is on Morskaya, because to rest in the city itself is just hell. Walking to the sea for 2 hours a day there, and 2 hours a day back is just an incredibly boring and tedious task. I can’t imagine how older people are filming the private sector in the center of Saki. What do they expect, what kind of comfort?

Polina, as you like. For example, we lived well at Zavodskaya. And we were not at all hindered by the walk to the sea. In essence, this is the same as walking along big city... Only around beautiful nature, fragrant aroma, clean iodized air, and an atmosphere not gassed by cars. And not at all 2 hours to the sea, but only 30-40 minutes, if at a quick, even step. But much cheaper than on Morskaya. Large families, like ours, alas, do not afford this luxury even in Saki - living by the sea. But at our disposal, on the other hand, there was not a cramped room, but a whole house on a turnkey basis.

I will agree about the price for the rest. But our rooms were spacious. Yes, we had another drawback - the need to walk or drive 6 kilometers to the center of Saki. Since not every day we sat on the seashore. Here's the only thing. But I would never go to Saki, because I do not find anything interesting in this city. The beaches there are wonderful!

Saki is not a resort, but a real salvation for people with a sick musculoskeletal system! 2 years ago, my son, an athlete, was struck by an illness. The disease is not fatal, but it affected the quality of life. The reason is constant pain, sometimes sharp, sometimes muffled. It is possible to live with such a disease, but for the young it is a punishment. The son was then only 21 years old. Naturally, like a mother, I was worried. Although he courageously denied that he was in pain. But I used to look at him, and he sits and frowns. The joints of my legs hurt terribly. We settled in a private sector on Starikov Street and every single day went to Lake Saki for procedures. The sensation of pain relief appeared in my son immediately. They took the mud home and for a while, until it was over, they continued to do the attachments. Pain on this moment not at all, only outwardly the sore reminds a little of itself. We will ride every year, and nothing will happen at all!

Have you consulted with the doctors before going? Otherwise, not everyone can swim and smear themselves with mud in this lake! Without medical advice, it was possible to harm the boy. Fortunately, everything turned out like this.

Of course, the doctor and I consulted. More precisely, he advised us Saki. And they climbed on the Internet, and read the reviews, and got acquainted with the contraindications. That is, everything is as it should be. I would never go like that. And the owners of the private sector we got so sincere that we made friends with them forever. They felt sorry for my son, very compassionate people, especially Galina Ivanovna. He was constantly fed with candy fruits. In general, our private sector turned out to be the most wonderful. Many people in Saki complained about inadequate conditions from private owners.

Yes, that's how it was with us. On vacation in Saki, we went by car in June last summer. More, as I understand it, my husband will not be lucky for me there. Although I would like to go to the mud once or twice. Accommodation in guest house booked in advance online. The photos on the site were just wonderful. When we arrived, we were disappointed to find that our room was not even half of the comfort that we saw. Photos were processed beyond recognition, and people were deceived. Fortunately, we were in a car and could go to another place without dragging our suitcases with us. We went to another guest house on Mendeleev Street. They could not stay there, because the owners turned out to be, there is nowhere worse. As a result, housing in Saki was found only on the third attempt.

No, not on that. Although they are all the same to me, to be honest. But definitely not on that. I would begin to write reviews and comments here!

We absolutely didn’t like it in Saki! Nonsense, not rest. We arrived and all 2 weeks only knew that they could not find a place for themselves. We walked around all the local so-called attractions - St. Elias Cathedral, Spa park with an old abandoned mud baths, even visited the local history museum for the sake of enlightenment, although we generally don't like such places. And there is nothing else to do there. Boring, and nothing more. Prices are high, especially for medicines. The sea is far away. In general, one disorder, not a vacation, has passed. Glad to be home.

Wow, how many comments, I haven't been here for a long time! Irina, that's why my company and I chose to rent a bungalow on the territory of the Sunny Beach resort. Because there is more interesting than in the Saki themselves. I don't mean attractions. In general: location by the sea, tennis court, beach volleyball, many holidaymakers in a good mood, discos, animation for children and adults. Plus the excursions were organized. To any attraction of Sak and Crimea by direct bus, as they say, without leaving the ticket office.

The line of amazing sandy beaches of Saki stretches for more than four and a half kilometers and goes far beyond the horizon. In addition, the city is known as a curative mud resort.

Saki city

Well equipped for tourists, the city is located four to five kilometers from the Black Sea. To the usual beaches of Saki, which almost all start from shallow water, you need to get there by buses or minibuses. They go often. The salty shallow (only one and a half meters) is very important. It was formed after the end of the ice age, and the natural depression was filled with sea water.

Silt was deposited at the bottom, which was preserved with salt. Over millions of years, most of the water has evaporated, and what remains is called brine. The salt layer in it is five meters. Do not rush to go on an expensive trip to To the dead sea... Lake Saki is twice as rich in minerals and nutrients. It is not for nothing that about a quarter of the population in the city are disabled people who need constant treatment. The territory is equipped with numerous ramps, so that it will be easy for its guests to move around. Healthy companions and relatives of patients, when they take a break from the procedures, will find entertainment and relaxation on the numerous beaches of Saki.

Golden beaches

The coastline is a paradise for those who have taken children on a trip. The clean and spacious beaches of Saki have a gentle, safe bottom. Some are lined up tent camps and unorganized campgrounds. Tourists can stay for a day or stay longer if they like it. The sea is usually clean, the water is clear, unless, of course, it is stormy.

How many beaches are there in Saki in Crimea

Let's start with the most distant one.

  • wild seaside towards Evpatoria;
  • Sun;
  • near the village of Pribrezhnoye;
  • Priboy beach (Saki);
  • from the sanatorium Yurmino;
  • seaside between Saki and Novofedorovka;
  • central and Robinson in Novofyodorovka;
  • wild beaches towards the village of Frunze;
  • the central beach in Frunze;
  • wild beach at the campsite;
  • seaside towards Novonikolaevka.

There are many places where you can relax freely. You can swim, sunbathe, mindlessly watch the oncoming waves, admire the endless sea, play with children, building sand castles, anywhere. Others have sun loungers and umbrellas, diving facilities, volleyball and football pitches. In Saki and nearby villages there is a place for everyone, and no one will be bored.

Characteristics of the coast

There is no developed infrastructure in the wild seaside areas in the vicinity of Saki. The beaches are wide and spacious enough. The sea is usually clean with well-warmed shallow water near the coast. The farther from the villages, the fewer people there are. Some are completely deserted. Here the traveler forgets about civilization and completely immerses himself in unity with nature. Some danger is posed by the beaches between Frunze and Novonikolaevka, since the coast here is steep and there is a danger of landslides. But not everyone is confused by this. There are those who like to retire here and sunbathe without swimsuits.

At the central sandy beach the village of Frunze, a tourist will find a parking lot, small shops, cafes, a locker room, a volleyball court. There is also a lake Bogaili with healing mud. That is, here you can relax and get medical treatment.

Do not let the name "Robinson" confuse amateurs comfortable rest... The beach is well equipped. It has awnings for shade, changing rooms, a toilet. In addition, there is a pond where you can fish for a fee.

Before central beach it is easy to get to Novofedorovka by bus from Saki. Or you can rent a house in a village and find yourself right on the sea in five to fifteen minutes. The territory is huge, there are no crowds of people. There is a particularly good bottom here, even and flat. The depth is gaining gradually. There is no need to worry about the child. There are cafes, toilets, changing rooms, sun lounger rental, and water attractions... We have given a description of not all the beaches of Saki, as there are a lot of them. Now let's move on to a place where you can rest comfortably.

Recreation center "Priboy" in the city of Saki

At the service of vacationers in this green town, filled with cottages for living, there is still a lot more unexpected. Free Wi-Fi is now no surprise, but there is also a computer club. And the collective farm market, which operates on the territory, is completely unusual. Climate change may require medical care... She will be delivered right there, at the base. The evening can be spent in cafes, bars, restaurants, playing billiards or at discos. For lovers of singing, a karaoke room is ready to serve. In the afternoon, after the beach, you can go shopping, both grocery and manufactured goods, visit health Center, where there are exercise equipment, a hairdresser, experienced masseurs. How does everything fit on the base? It's just that its area is large - ten hectares, so there is no overcrowding on it. It is easy to find accommodation that is suitable for both price and location. The rooms have different levels of comfort:

  • economy;
  • standard;
  • junior suite;
  • luxury.

All cottages are located on three lines:

  • On the first line, everything is located directly next to the beach.
  • On the second - in the center of "Priboy", everything is surrounded by infrastructure.
  • The third is a quiet corner surrounded by tall trees giving transparent shade, flower beds with bright flowers and cozy gazebos.

From the salt lake, a light steppe breeze brings useful salts and herbal phytoncides. Right there, at the base, under the supervision of medical personnel, you can undergo an optimal course of mud therapy, having learned not in words but in deeds the miraculous properties of brine and Saki mud.

Beach of the recreation center "Priboy" in Saki

It is absolutely luxurious and stretches for a whole kilometer along the coast. Covered with golden sand, it is considered one of the sandy bottom, the depth is gaining quite quickly. There is enough space on it for everyone, although the entrance to it is free. Services are varied: sun loungers, awnings, umbrellas, changing rooms, toilets, attractions, cafes and shops.

Saki beaches: reviews

All tourists note that the sea and beaches are amazingly clean. Bins are everywhere, so bags and bottles are not scattered anywhere. They are cleaned daily. For families with children, this place is just perfect. The water is warm and clean, there are attractions. It is good here for the elderly, as well as for those who are looking for peace, just to enjoy the sun and sea.

And 45 km from Simferopol, the Crimean capital. It received the status of a city in 1952. It is the center of the district of the same name, but it does not include: Saki is a city of republican subordination. As of 2015, about 24 thousand people permanently live in the city.

Saki is a modern balneological resort known in Europe. Annually recuperation and rest in Saki chosen by thousands of tourists from all over the world.

Saki nature and climate

Saki's fame as a balneological resort was brought about by the salt lake, which stretches next to it for five kilometers. The lake appeared on the site of a river flooded by the Black Sea five thousand years ago. At its bottom, layers of clay, pebbles, silt and salt began to be deposited. The resulting mixture, which has healing properties, became healing mud... Its unique composition surpasses the Israeli Dead Sea mud in some respects.

Salt of the Saki Lakes began to be used for food - it was here that the famous Chumatsky Way ran, along which Cossacks once traveled to the Crimea for "white gold".

There are mineral springs in the area. Their slightly alkaline water, known under the brand " Crimean mineral", Is not inferior in properties mineral waters Essentukov and Truskavets.

Another curative natural resource what makes the rest in Saki attractive is the climate. Saki, 5 km away from the sea, are located in the zone of the coastal steppe climate. Summer is hot here (July temperature is + 23.3 ° С), and winters are mild (average February temperature -1 ° С). average temperature per year is + 11.2 ° C with a relative humidity of 77%. The sky over Saki is greedy for precipitation, but generous in the sun: it shines over the area for about 2500 hours a year. The swimming season starts in the first days of June and lasts until the beginning of October. During this period, the water warms up to + 17 ° С.

In Saki is one of the beautiful places Crimea- City Park . In a man-made arboretum in the shade of eighty species of shrubs and trees, thirty sculptural compositions are placed.

Combination of thermal mineral springs, a salt lake with silt mud, an arboretum and the sea make the Sak climate beneficial for humans. While in Saki, be sure to visit:

  • Saki salt lake;
  • Mikhailovskoe lake.

Sak story

There are several versions about the origin of the name “ Saki". According to one of them, the city inherited the Persian name of the Scythians who inhabited it in ancient times: the Persians called the Scythians "Sakas". The second version is tied to the healing properties of Lake Saki - translated from the Turkic “saki” means “mud”, and “sak” means “strength, fortress”.

The exact time of the appearance of the first settlement on the site of the city of Saki has not been established. About 25 centuries ago, the coast of Crimea began to be actively populated Greek colonists, and it is likely that Sak's story began at that time. At the beginning of our era, the village was well known to the Romans: this is evidenced by many ancient coins found during excavations in the vicinity of Sak.

In the Middle Ages, Saki was a small village, the property of the wealthy Crimean clan Mansur and was part of the Crimean Khanate. Life in the village was measured and repeated the historical fate of the entire Crimea, passing from hand to hand from Tatars to Genoese and Turks, from Turks to Russia.

They started talking loudly about the Saki during the Crimean War. Not far from the village, between the Kyzyl-Yar and Saki lakes, the bulk of the coalition army landed. In February 1855, the forces of the Russian army were stationed near the village, preparing under the command of General S.A. Khrulev to the storming of Evpatoria. During the hostilities, the village of Saki was destroyed.

The end of the Crimean War caused the emigration of the Crimean Tatars from Sak. The deserted village was rebuilt slowly and with difficulty. In 1858, families from the Poltava province moved to it, later the Greeks of Constantinople appeared.

The mud of the Saki Lake began to be used for medicinal purposes in the Middle Ages. We noticed the healing of the local silt, according to the legend, thanks to one chumak who came to these places for salt. His overloaded oxen were stuck in the coastal mud, and the chumak fiddled with them until morning, trampling in the mud with his sore feet. Returning home, he suddenly felt that chronic pain had left his legs ...

In 1827, the district doctor S.N. Auger began to officially practice in Saki mud therapy... This decision was prompted by the results of research by Russian scientists on the chemical composition of Saki mud, which discovered unique healing properties. 1827 is considered the year of birth of the Saki resort.

By the end of the 19th century, the village began to flourish: hospitals and hotels were being built, sanatoriums were opening. Local mud helps Tsarevich Alexei, the heir to the Russian throne, to get rid of the disease. Noble people begin to come here. Remember: "and the riches are in the mud"?

Young Soviet Russia took up "sanatorium" issues only in the early 30s of the last century. The healing properties of the Saki mud were appreciated so highly that in 1938 the health resorts of the resort switched to year-round treatment.

During the Great Patriotic War most of Saki's rest houses and sanatoriums were destroyed. After the victory, they were among the first to be restored.

The infrastructure of the health resorts of today's resort can be envied by many European resorts. And the amazing restorative properties of the Saki mud continue to attract tourists from all over the world. Rest in Saki can be diversified with excursions to local attractions:

  • the church of St. Elijah;
  • the local history museum;
  • sanatorium named after Burdenko;
  • the Greco-Scythian settlement of Kara-tobe;
  • Saki resort park;
  • square named after Pushkin.

Sanatoriums in Saki

Sak sanatoriums are known as a health resort for the treatment of infertility and gynecological diseases. Local climatic conditions and balneological resources help doctors also successfully cope with diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the digestive system.

The best sanatoriums Sak:

  • named after N.N.Burdenko;
  • "Blue Wave";
  • named after N.I. Pirogov;
  • "Saki";
  • "Northern Lights";
  • Poltava-Crimea;
  • "Yurmino";
  • "Tangier".

Are there beaches in Saki?

Between Saki and Evpatoria there is an entertainment complex "Solnyshko". The complex with an area of ​​4.5 hectares has:

  • A 450-meter equipped beach;
  • rental points of various equipment;
  • water attractions; diving center with professional instructors;
  • sports grounds for playing aquabol, streetball, volleyball, paintball;
  • playground;
  • bars with excellent bartenders;
  • cafe with national cuisines Crimean peoples;
  • the largest dance floor in Crimea (accommodates 3 thousand people).

Food in Saki

Variants food in Saki- usual for the Crimean resorts. You can buy groceries and cook yourself, you can eat in canteens and restaurants. In the private sector homeowners often cook inexpensively and tasty. Average lunch prices start at $ 5. Best restaurants and the Sack cafe: "Coffee House", "Crimean Dvorik", "Smak", "Hellas", "Eastern Cuisine", "Cheburechnaya No. 1".

Accommodation in Saki and housing prices

Saki is a health resort town with a calm and quiet atmosphere. Holidays on the Black Sea here are more connected with health improvement and sea climate than with daily lying on the beach. Therefore, when planning a vacation in Saki, it is advisable to count on living in a sanatorium. Where, anyway, will you be closest to the Saki mud and to people who know how to handle it? If the sanatorium is not available to you, you can stay in Saki:

  • at the "Garrison" hotel;
  • at the Sahara hotel;
  • guest house "Edem".

The most attractive prices in the guest house "Edem" - from $ 15 per night.

Saki is the largest balneological resort, a place where people have been officially treated with mud for almost 200 years. And let "rest on the Black Sea" - here is a conditional concept, ancient city deserves to, at least passing through, look into it.

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