How is Chunga Changa African translated? What is: Chunga - Changa! And, goodbye, another cartoon - some people consider him "the best cartoon of all times and peoples"))

My friends are students of one of the institutes - natives of a warm African country Mozambique. As befits blacks, they are very fond of music; a radio or tape recorder is constantly running in their homes.

Once, at one of them, a song from the famous Soviet cartoon about Chung-Changa was broadcast on the radio.

The reaction of my quite decent friends to this quite cute children's song was completely inadequate: those who understood Russian well were laughing homerically; those who did not understand him very well blushed and embarrassed; those who did not know Russian at all were stunned and amazed.

And that's what it turned out to be. In their native dialect, the phrase * CHONG CHANGA * means, how to put it mildly, * have sexual intercourse with a monkey *.

And how they sang along:

-"Our happiness is constant - chew coconuts, eat bananas, CHUNGA CHANG" ...

And since we're talking about cartoons, you know what would be the name of Winnie the Pooh in different countries? Very funny:

* Italy - Vincente Del Puchini

* Spain - Don Winnio Pujales

* Belgium - Winnil de Puhilde

* India - Winnira Puhandi

* China - Win Ni Pooh

* Armenia - Vinnik Pukhanyan

* Israel - Winnihak Puchberg

* Germany - dick Wilhelm von Puchen

* Georgia - Vinachar Pukhashvili

* Iraq - Winnidam Puhane

* Kazakhstan - Vinibay Pukhanbekuly

* Saudi Arabia- Sheikh Vin ibn al Nasser el Sahib es Puhar

* Russia - Vinnie Vladimirovich Pukhin

And, goodbye, another cartoon - some people consider him "the best cartoon of all times and peoples"))

Not everyone knows that Chunga-Changa Island is not a utopia, not a teaser, and not a fantasy of a cartoonist. It exists and unsuccessfully hides under the name of Saipan Island in the blue waters. The Pacific... Everything is like in a nursery rhyme - coconuts with bananas, and summer all year round, and the carelessness of the local population. So ... Welcome to summer!

Saipan Island is the largest of the 15 Mariana Islands... Almost all infrastructure is concentrated in its western part: hotels, small shops, restaurants, water parks, a shopping center, clubs, discos, golf clubs, cinemas, a police station, hospitals. The beaches here are like the backdrop for a bar advertisement - white, sandy and with palm trees. The reefs along the coast form a picturesque lagoon.

By the way, the eastern part of the island is the starting point for the descent into the Mariana Trench.

For the sake of decency, it is worth taking at least one excursion around Saipan Island, preferably with a Russian-speaking guide. He will tell that the island was discovered by Fernand Magellan in 1521, became a Spanish colony, for a long time galleons and sea vessels fed on its territory. Over the centuries of Spanish rule indigenous population(chamoro) was almost completely transported to the island of Guam.

In 1914, the Empire of Japan declared the island its own: the production of cane sugar began, schools, kindergartens, sanctuaries and entertainment establishments were intensively built. In 1944, American forces drove out the Japanese, and a lot of blood was shed. In the wilderness of the island and in the uncleared seabed rusty tanks and abandoned weapons still rest. Not wanting to surrender, the Japanese fell off a cliff into the sea, and now the place of mass suicide is called "Banzai Cliff". Well, in memory of the victims of the battle, the American Memorial Park was laid out.

During the excursion, without fail, you will be taken to the Calavera cave, taken to observation deck from where the Island of Birds will be seen. You will visit the Grotto limestone cave with an underwater outlet to the ocean. Along the way, you will more than once meet mysterious and mysterious stones Taga, different in size (ranging from average human height to the size of a one-story house). Nobody knows anything about the origin of these strange stones. Or maybe they do, but they hide it?

In a rented car or as part of an excursion group, it is worth visiting the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Santa Lourdes - the only structure that narrowly escaped the bombing in 1944. In addition, there is the only source of fresh water on the island of Saipan, and according to legend, washing with this water makes a person more beautiful.

Many tropical plants grow in the Botanical Garden. For a comfortable tour of the territory, you can rent an electric car or use the services of a guide. Main attraction Botanical Garden a huge tree stands out, with a platform built on it, from where a wonderful view opens.

Mount Tapochao is the most high point in the world. Its main 11 km. start at the bottom Mariana Trench, only 473 m above sea level. The mountain is crowned with the figure of Jesus Christ, and right there you can see American stands depicting the events of the Second World War. The landscape is stunning in all directions. From here you can see the beginning of the Mariana Trench, marked with slate color on the sea surface.

The only one shopping center on the island of Saipan there is a duty free gallery, but there are products of well-known brands in the world of fashion, perfumery and cosmetics, jewelry. These are Tiffany, Cartier, and Chanel with Louis Vuitton.

Souvenirs commemorating Saipan Island can be purchased at small shops. Chamoro folk art is represented by goods of various labor intensity - bowls from a coconut tree, woven sandals, hats and bags, seashells, jewelry made from seeds of local plants, beads and shells.

Next to the Garapan shopping center is the Chamoli village, built according to the ancient rules of the Chamoro people. This is a historical village where you can get acquainted with the local life and culture. Guests are offered to learn how to peel coconuts on their own, master the art of drawing with banana stamps, learn the technology of making local sweets and coconut oil. Those interested can make their own jewelry from beads, weave a headdress or basket, contribute to the creation of a canoe, and also try it out in the waters of the lagoon. Local kitchen will delight you with a special barbecue and other goodies, and a dance show will plunge you into island exoticism.

For those who have always dreamed of trying inspiration underwater, there is every chance to make the dream come true. To begin with, try your hand at the Managaha island, with a snorkel and a mask. Admire colorful fish, branchy corals, wrecks of long-sunken ships. Head to the bottom of the lagoon by boarding a submarine. In its windows, you will discover a wonderful underwater world.

In the Grotto cave, as mentioned above, many will be lucky enough to visit, but not everyone will be able to go down under the water. The path to the sea leads through a labyrinth, so preparation is required for such a dive. This part of the cave has been named by diving experts as one of the most stunning in the world.

Around the island with a historical bias - about 20 sunken Japanese warships, wrecked fighters, tanks and military aircraft rest on the ocean floor. Near Obyan Beach, eel breeding grounds and underwater caves conceal the unknown essence of the ocean. And somewhere near the island, the treasures of the Spanish galley, which sank to the bottom several centuries ago, are overgrown with silt.

Who Said Water Parks Are For Children Only? In any case, visit one of the two available on the island (at the PIC and World Resort). For bird's eye sightseeing, take a helicopter ride. Breathtaking landscapes and an adrenaline rush are guaranteed.

For fishing enthusiasts, there are special places where you can hunt yellow ops or tuna with a fishing rod, and in summer the season for large fish begins.

Fans of extreme sports and lost swimming trunks - the green light on jet skis, all kinds of "bananas" and parasailing. Overland extreme lovers will find go-karting, ATVs, water skiing, parachuting from a height of 4 kilometers, sports bicycles. In general, if you analyze it, then our compatriots are mainly fond of extreme sports. Asian tourists prefer hiking jungle and bike tours.

A spa with all the ensuing procedures will help you to take a break from such an intensified cultural program: Thai and Swedish massages, shiatsu massage, mud peeling for the body, baths with flowers, restorative procedures after sunbathing.

You can go on a romantic voyage on board cruise ship watching the sun sink slowly into the calm waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Evening Traditional Cultural Center at the top of Tapachao holds its famous tropical show - folk Hawaiian, Tahitian, Polynesian dances, dance with fire, and all this for an abundant buffet... The Hayat Hotel puts on a performance called "Sand Castle" with professional dance routines, modern ballet, trained animals and birds.

Stunning blue skies and landscapes to immortalize while traveling through Saipan Island. Everything here is steeped in rich history and fresh sea ​​breeze... In addition, even children can easily adapt to the mild tropical climate.

My friends are students of one of the Moscow polytechnics - natives of the warm African country of Mozambique. As befits blacks, they are very fond of music; a radio or tape recorder is constantly running in their homes. Once, when I was visiting one of them, a song from the famous Soviet cartoon about Chung-Changa was broadcast on the radio. The reaction of my quite decent friends to this quite cute children's song was completely inadequate: those who understood Russian well were laughing homerically; those who did not understand him very well blushed and embarrassed; those who did not know Russian at all were stunned and amazed.
Of course, I asked for an explanation. And that's what it turned out. In their native dialect, * CHONG CHANGA * means, how to put it mildly, * to have sexual intercourse with a monkey *. Here's a children's song for you! It is a pity, its author - Yuri Entin - is not in the know!
And I still sang along:
"Our happiness is constant - chew coconuts, eat bananas, CHUNGA CHANGA" ...

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