Metro and land transport will extend work in Christmas night. How will urban transport in christmas night transport in christmas night

So, B. new Year's Eve In the capital there were simply enchanting walking, and therefore almost all transport worked "without interruptions." Even suburban trains They worked until two o'clock in the morning, in addition, the metro passengers, ICC and fifty-nine land transport routes were serviced around the clock.

However, what is waiting for Muscovites for Christmas holidays? Let's deal with.

As you know, twenty-second December started a large-scale project "Journey to Christmas" - one of the most beloved Muscovites and guests of the city of festivals in the year. It will continue until the fourteenth of January, and get to the venue of the event, which this year is dedicated to theatrical subjects, will not work: a schedule public transport "Attracted" under the needs of passengers.

On Christmas night, as in New Year's Eve, Muscovites will be convenient to get to the venues various events and temples: the Moscow central ring, for example, will work until two o'clock in the morning.

Ground transport, that is, buses, trolley buses and trams city authorities also prepared for the Christmas night: Up to three nights, one hundred and sixty-three routes will work. Eleven urban routes, in turn, will transport passengers in Christmas night on ordinary schedule.

It is worth remembering that the interval of traffic movement on holidays will be about twenty-five minutes. If changes are noted in the schedule, they can be tracked on the site (Mosgortrans GUP.).

Suburban trains, as already mentioned, will run up to two o'clock in the morning - such a schedule is preserved from the age of twenty-ninth to the eighth of January.

From the thirtieth to the seventh of January, electric trains work on Saturday's schedule, the eighth day - on Sunday schedule. Already ninth, suburban transport will be forced by its usual schedule.

Detailed schedule of suburban transport can also be found on the official website. Aeroexpress will work without changes.

In addition, good news for drivers: Up until the eighth of January, they expect them free parking On the streets of Moscow. Vehicle It will be possible to park on street parking included in the Moscow parking space zone.

However, planar parking with barriers will work on those rates that acted earlier - all of them about eighty, and they work around the clock. Rates can be viewed at special stands when entering.

Shipping in Christmas night

Recall that from the sixth on the seventh of January, the subway and MCC work up to two nights, and many land routes are up to three.

Until the end of 2020, the design of a highway will be completed, which will connect the spring street located in the Solntsevo district, with Kiev highway.
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