Two three minutes he is not. Optional single verpriction

Single verbatility not out of If it saves the value of verbity, pointing to the image of the action. In this case, it is usually approaching the value to the nascha, or to a combination of nouns with the pretext used in the circumstantial value, and is not separated: Train Sheldo not stop ("Non-stop"); She spoke about it smiling ("Speaking with a smile"); He was sittingdo not move (how was it? In what position?).

Examples of optional single circumstances: The seekers of the manifestations of force appealed inside and Nicli fading (Rock.); Obertow Sitel bending and patted the branch on the grass (T.); Until two o'clock classes were to go not interrupted (L.T.); He slept not undressing (L.T.); Sleep caravly ordinary standing (AKS) - Nareny meaning; Houses at home always read lyzha (C.) - Nareny meaning; Behind the coffin of his wife he walked stumbling (MG); She grew out from there (MG); Dmitry listened to Him frowning (MG); It… not to mention Threw money (MG); He spoke touching (MG); There, in the dark, someone's eyes watched not bligaby (A.T.); Sergey removed the faith, nodded her and gone (A.T.); At first I was answered fucking (Forsh); [Axigna] entered the hall not knotted (S.); The girl ran into the room sobbing Other prostacle not jokingly think so; Sergey Sidel bending and tied the skates; Children chatter without ceasing; He lived with his grief not hiding; He continued to say scamming; Her eyes overwhelmed from one picture to another comparing;He hid money into a wallet not to mention; It was raining without stopping; The train passed without lingering; Will you wish them without glad; Partisans walled bendingA neighbor listened to me not objection; Went hugged on the forest road; The girl spoke choking; Shofinger shouted swearing; They listened not understanding Our conversations - phrase our conversations refers to the tautionem listened; Paper he signed without reading; Go toward without looking back; He sat on the chair not undressing and thought; Old man walking steering; Gone without stealing; Apple falls ripe; Passed without being; Discussed the question of who laughing who is serious; The path walked squeezing He ran into the yardshouting; Nobody is given the right to live without working; The girl told sobbing; Gone having fallen; Not celestial The same cry was disturbing his hearing; Passed by without turning out; All listened not breathe; Slowly He went around the room; Without hesitation she rejected; Do not do without thinking; Perform not arguing; People stood Ocalev; He spoke justifying; Mountain road Slag loop; Sits by the table having fun Took a book not looking; She wondered; Sitel firing; Running wave poured; Messages from the front could not read without worrying; Five minutes all stood not flouring; Young man rushed to the rescue without informative; Sniper shot not aiming.

Separation Or the whitial of single verbalism may depend on the place occupied by him in relation to the verb-to-beam: the same word in the beginning or in the middle of the sentence can be separated, and at the end - no. Wed:

He saiddigging. - He added,stuffa few words from ourselves;

They walked slowly. - On the way to,slowly, they collected mushrooms and berries;

She walked a sonsmiling. - smilingshe woke up her son;

Dinjalileisurely (Mark.). - Through the courtyardleisurely, chagged squat, short-legged, round-headed man (Mark.).

On the separation of single verbalia, it can influence it: the verprysty of the imperfect species is not prepared more often ( -and I) because they usually express the circumstance of the image of action, while the perfect species can be perfect (on -The, -shi.) Inherent other shades of value (time, causes, conditions, concessions), which often leads to their separation. Wed: Listened without interrupting; Began to peering without recognizing; Did break tired; Refuse he will miss this last possibility; Obomlev she stood motionless in the doorway; Without delivering i went to my house; Resent he refused to answer; Tired of they did stop on the way.

Separation Or the option of single verbalism can be associated with the lexical value of the verb - the facility: the same verbatility with some verbs is isolated, with others - no. Wed:

Asked do not stop (The designer does not indicate a "asking method", denotes other actions simultaneous with movement). - Shel do not stop ("Non-stop");

Plunged into thought smiling ("I thought and smiled"). - Said smiling ("Spoke with a smile").

If single verbality is between two verbs-taped and in meaning can be attributed to any of them as an image of an action, it is not separated by the semicolon from the fact that it is written to: He squatted, kryakhty climbed into the bottom box of the table; The girl ran into the garden, crying Rushed to the mother.

Algorithm for performing punctuation marks in a complex sentence with two nearby alliances:

For example: "Airplanes buzzed somewhere over the head itself, and although they were not visible, the black shadow was held on the people of girls" (A. Fadeev). Cf. : "Airplanes buzzed somewhere over the head somewhere, and although they were not visible, but the black shadow from their wings took place on the people of girls." Another example: "He knew that if the train fails, he would not meet it," where the comma does not put, since the word "if" corresponds to the word "that".


The alarming did not allow Levinson to move off the whole of this bulky Mahine: he was afraid to make a rash step. New facts were confirmed, then dispelled his fears. More than once he accused himself in an excessive caution, especially when it became known that the Japanese left the wings, and the intelligence did not find the enemy for many dozens of Luzst. However, no one, except Starsky, did not know that Levinson could fluctuate at all: he did not share with anyone with his thoughts and feelings, he presented ready-made "yes" or "no." Therefore, he seemed to everyone, with the exception of such people as Oaks, Stashinsky, Goncharenko, a person's special, proper breed. Each partisan, especially the young cormorants, who is trying to resemble the commander in everything, adopted everything from him, even external manners. Levinson decided to swell in the taiga because he was not confident that the lower house of the Houchnihedze is free from the enemy. Despite terrible fatigue, at night, waking up, Levinson went to check the guard.

A. Fadeev "Rod".

In the woods

Going further into the forest, in a bluish mole, rugged by the Golden Rays of the Sun. In warm and comfort, the forests quietly breathe some kind of special noise, dreamy and exciting dreams. Creep tweezes, blinds ring, laughs a cuckoo, whistles Ivolga, the jealous championship of the finch is inevitably sounds, a strange bird sings - Shchur. (...) Squels squirrel, in the legs of the pine flashes her fluffy tail; You see an incredibly much, I want to see more and more, go further.

Between the slices are transparent aerial figures of huge people and disappear in green dense; Through her shines blue (...) sky. Under the legs lush carpet is moss (...), the bounds sparkles in the grass with blood drops, mushrooms tease with a strong smell.

Grandmother in the forest is exactly the mistress and native around around - she walks by the bear, he sees everything, he praises and thanks. (...) So we lived all summer, until late autumn, collecting herbs, berries, mushrooms and nuts. The collected grandmother sold, and they fed.

M. Gorky "Childhood".

Maxim Maximych

After parting with Maxim Maximesch, I was visible to the Teressian and Darialya gorge, had breakfast in Kazbek, drinking tea in Lars, and I slept to Vladikavkaz to dinner. I will get rid of you from the description of the mountains, from the exclamations that do not express anything, from paintings that do not depict anything, especially for those that have not been there, and from statistical comments that no one decisively read.

I stayed at the hotel where all the passages stop and where there is no one to say to roast the pheasant and cook, because there are three people with disabilities, which she is entrusted, so stupid that they cannot be achieved from them.

I was announced that I should live here for three more days, for "boning" from Ekaterinograd has not yet come and, therefore, cannot go back.

The first day I spent very boring; On the other, early in the morning, entering the courtyard of the cart ... and! Maxim Maximych!

Maxim Maximych was surprisingly well roasted Pheasant, successfully watered it with a cucumber brine, and I must confess that without him I would have to stay on our drying.

Intelligence Metelitsa

I send melaitsa to intelligence, Levinson punished him by anything to return the same night ... It was already completely dark when he had finally broke out of the taiga and stopped near the old and rotten, with the failed roof of Omchanika, as can be seen, long ago abandoned people.

He tied a horse and, grabbing a loose, scattered under the arms of the cutter, climbed the corner, risking to fall into a dark hole. Raised at the chain semi-bunted legs, he stood ten minutes not lying, glancingly peering and listening to the night, unidid on a dark background of the forest and even more like a predatory bird. In front of him lay the gloomy valley in dark stacks and groves, sandwiched with two rows of sobes, thickly inherent on the background of a nonlaskaya starry sky.

Metelitsa jumped into the saddle and drove on the road. Her blacks, long-haired hazes appeared in the grass. Thin trunks birchly belel in darkness as dull candles.

He climbed to the hill: On the left was still the black ridge of horses, bent as the ridge of a giant beast; Noisy river. The versts in two, must be near the river itself, the fire was burning, - he reminded Metelice about the syromest solitude of the shepherd of life; Further, crossing the road, the yellow, non-moving lights of the village stretched. The sinks line on the right turned to the side, lost in blue Mol; In this direction, the terrain has fallen greatly. As can be seen, the old river channel passed there; Along him, the sullen forest was covered.

"The swamps there, not otherwise," thought Metelitsa. It became cold: he was in an arched soldier player on top of the gymnastrics with torn buttons, with a swollen gate. He decided to go first to the fire.

A. Fadeev "Rod".

Hero of our time

The conversation ended with this, and we continued silently go to each other. The sun rolled out, and the night followed the day without a gap (...). I ordered to put my suitcase into the trolley, replace the bulls with horses and looked down the valley for the last time. A thick fog that smeared the waves from the gorge, covered it perfectly, and none

the sound did not reach our hearing. (...) The station remained with the mile. The circle was so quiet that the mosquito buzz could be followed by his flight. Left black deep gorge; Behind him and ahead of us, the dark blue vertices of the mountains were drawn on a pale sky, which still retained the last gleam dawn. On the dark sky, the stars began to shut, and it seemed to me that they were much higher than we had in the north. On both sides of the road sticking out naked black stones; Coy- where shrubs peeled out from under the snow, but not a single dry leaf moved, and it was fun to hear among this dead dream of nature Frying a tired postal triple and uneven ribbling of the Russian bell.

M. Lermontov "Hero of our time."

Why is the bike stable?

The bike should be stable due to the actions of his "rider", who, feeling that his crew leans, turns the steering wheel toward fall. The bike begins to move along the curve, the centrifugal force appears, directed to the side opposite to the slope. She straightens the car. This point of view explains why the fixed bicycle falls, why keep the equilibrium is the easier, the higher the speed, and why on a bicycle that does not turn the steering wheel, it is impossible to ride.

Nevertheless, this theory cannot be true, or at least it is not true to the end. Everyone who went on a bike, probably noticed that at high speed the bike was very stable and could not fall, even if it would want. On the go, the bike is largely stable, and the task of the saddle is not to interfere with the machine to exercise this stability.

It can be said, learning a ride on a bike in that and consists in order to instill a student confidence in the stability of the car and teach maintaining it with timely lightweight steering.

S. Grankovsky "Why a bicycle is stable?".


From the ground, the snow has not yet come down, and spring is already asking in the soul. If you ever recovered from a serious illness, then you know a blissful state when you get silent from vague premonitions and smile without any reason. Apparently, the same state is now experiencing nature.

The land is cold, dirt with snow squals under his feet, but as a circle everything is fun, gently, friendly! The air is so clear and transparent that if you climb into a dull or a bell tower, then it seems to see the whole universe from the edge to the edge. The sun shines brightly, and his rays, playing and smiling, bathe in the puddles together with sparrows. The river inflates and darkens, she has already woken up and not today, it is in charge. Trees goal, but already live, breathe.

At such a time, it is well driven by a broom or shovel dirty water in the ditches, to start the boat water or drop the heels is a stubborn ice.

Yes, everything is good at this happy time of year.

A. Chekhov (140 words)

Bezhin Mead.

I finally found out where I went. This meadow is famous in our crossways called Bezhinaya Meadows ... But there was no possibility to return home, especially at night; The legs were drunk under me from fatigue. I decided to approach the lights and, in the society of those people who accepted the rootes, wait for the dawn. I safely descended down, but I did not have time to release the last, grasp the branch, as suddenly two big, white shaggy dogs with an evil lan rushed at me. Children's voices rang around the lights, two or three boys quickly rose from the ground. I responded to their question cries. They ran up to me, withdrawal immediately dogs, who were particularly struck by the appearance of my Dianka, and I approached them.

These were peasant children from the neighboring villages who erased herd.

I. Turgenev "Bezhin Mead".

(123 words)

In the Ussuri region

The heavenly arch seemed a blue crystal bowl, which as if she was deliberately covered with the earth, exactly how they cover young shoots to grow rather. No breeze blowing down, not a single cloud in the sky. Horny air realized over the road. Trees and bushes are numb from heat and drooped foliage. The river flowed quietly, silently. The sun was reflected in the water, and it seemed like two sun shine: one from above, and the other was from somewhere. All small animals are hidden in their own badges. Only birds showed signs of life. The Manchurian lark had enough strength to describe the circles through the air and ringing the hot summer. In the palpalie near the road, I noticed two blue forty. Careful, cunning birds were jumping on the branches, cleverly slipped in foliage and frightly looked around. In another place, in the old swampy duct, I scared the northern plus - a small gray-green bird with a yellow belly and yellow neck. She rose to the air to fly away, but saw dragonfly and, nor little embarrassed by my presence, began to hunt.

(112 words)

Frontal attack

Imagine two high-speed fighters that are carrying right on each other at full combat velocity. The enemy plane grows in front of her eyes. So he flashed in all the details, it is visible to its plane, a sparkling circle of the screw, black points of cannons. Another instant - and the aircraft will fall and scatter into such flocks, as it can not be guessing either a car or a person. This instant is tested not only the will of the pilot, but all his spiritual forces. Anyone who is worrying who cannot withstand the monstrous nervous tension, who does not feel in the power to die for victory, that instinctively swallows the pen on himself to jump off the death hurricane on him, and the next moment his plane will fly down with a rift beltenis or cut off Plane. He is not rescued. Experienced pilots know it perfectly, and only the most brave of them are solved on the frontal attack.

The enemies were raced on each other. Alexey prepared for instant death. And suddenly, somewhere, as it seemed to him, at the distance of an elongated hand from his aircraft, the German could not stand, slid up, and, when ahead, like a flash of lightning, flashed illuminated by the sun's blue belly, Alexey, pressing all the ghistes at once, resounding his three Fire jets.

B. Field "Tale of a true man."

Son of the deceased warrior

Soldier's son, which grew up without a father

And a period of time matured noticeably,

You are the memory of the hero and father

Not excited from the joys of cherished.

I did not put a ban

Stern onematic way

On what lives himself lived

That all living calls in the event of ...

But if you, somehow happen,

By stupidity, in the youth of the early

Decide to go to the shameful way,

Forgetting about honor, duty and calling:

Comrade in trouble do not support,

In, whose grief to pay fun,

In the work, smear. Lie. Offend mother.

With unkind friend to poison glory, -

That first - you will take you one, -

You just remember, boy whose son.

Alexander Tvardovsky (99 words)

Man in love with the world

Man in love with the world

Where powder was invented,

Every leaf and close, and mil,

Each ray and priceless, and roads.

He steps easily on the ground,

He is light smiling to people,

He is addressed in his craft,

Bowl of earth with him, like a dish.

He admires each river

Worships every field.

He has an ocean at hand

He has a pole under his palms.

This is what a person is what!

Nothing he no longer need

Only were b forework of centuries

The world around and comrades near.

Mark Lisyansky (82 words)


From early morning, the rain clouds laid off the sky; It was quiet, not hot and boring, as it happens in gray cloudy days, when the clouds have long been over the field, wait for the rain, and it is not. The veterinarian Ivan Ivanovich and the Gymnasium teacher Burkin was already tired of going, and the field was infinite. Far ahead fearfully visible windmills The village of Mironositsky, the right stretched and then disappeared far behind the village of a row of hills, and both of them knew that this is the bank of the river, there is a meadow, green willow, manor, and if you become one of the hills, then from there such a huge field, telegraph and train can be seen who published similar to the crawler caterpillar, and even the city is visible from there. Now, in quiet weather, when all nature seemed to be a meek and thoughtful, Ivan Ivanch and Burkin were imbued with love for this field and both thought about how great this country was beautiful.

A. Chekhov "Gooseberry".

System "Gaia"

... to achieve the desired, people should have defined capabilities - means of achieving a goal. So, such means, the resources necessary to ensure the coevolution of the person and the biosphere, we can only get through that power that humanity has gained in recent decades. These are new technologies that will be included in the sphere of human activity of nature, still hidden from him, this is a new technique that is continuously created, and, of course, the energy produced by a person. Thus, the means that ensures the harmonious development of nature and a person should be the power of civilization, which is in charge of the main dangers for her destiny. Here it is the dialectic and the eternal inconsistency of our life.

Finally, the third position. Captain, leading your ship, little to know the purpose and have funds to achieve it - sails, wheels, engine, steering wheel ... He still needs knowledge, need a tool that allows you to accurately predict the position of the vessel, the speed of its movement, depending on how those or Other opportunities on the way to goal. The captain must be able to foresee his future, depending on the actions he will take.

Now we see that the third condition necessary in order for humanity to enter the era of the noosphere and could solve the challenges of managed development, today it can be fulfilled.

N. Moiseev "Gaia system.

In the Ussuri region

As we deepen into the mountains, the vegetation became better. (...) We met and brutal trails; We used them until they stretched in the desired direction for us, but more went virulently. (...) Leaving people downstairs, I climbed Oletev's polycarp to one of the neighboring vertices, in order to see, if it was left left before the pass. All mountains were visible from above. It turned out that the watershed from us was in two or three kilometers. It became clear; Which in the evening we do not walk to him, and if we reached, I risked to swell without water, because at this time of the year the black keys in the origins almost completely dry out. I decided to stand on Bivak where horses remained, and tomorrow with fresh forces to go to the pass. (...)

The sun has just managed to hide behind the horizon, and at the time when the rays are still golden

top of the mountains, twilight shadows appeared in the valleys.

V. Arsenyev "on the Ussuri Territory."


Music Dnipro Ply quiet weatherWhen voluntarily and smoothly rush through the forests and mountains full of their waters. Neither shake nor thunder. You look and do not know, goes or does not go to his greately width, and it mights like it all will fall out of the glass and as if the blue mirror road, without a measure in width, without end in length, retes and go through the green world. Either then and the hot sun look away from the top and immerse the rays into the cold of glass waters, and the coastal forests brightly hang out in the waters. Green-skinned! They crowd together with wildflowers to the waters and, leaning, look in them and do not appear, and they do not plow their appearances, and smile at him, and greet it, nodding branches. In the middle of the Dnieper, they do not dare to look: no one, except for the sun and blue sky, does not look into it. A rare bird will take up to the middle of the Dnieper. Lush! He has no equal river in the world.

N. Gogol "Scary Revenge".

(144 words)


At the appointed hour, Shurik and Seryozha came to Valery. Lariska was sitting on the porch, Valerieva Sister, and embroidered with crossing on Canva. She was planted here with the goal that if someone had an extraneous, then say that there is no one at home.

The guys gathered in the yard near the bath: all the boys, from the fifth and even the sixth grade, and one girl, thick and pale, with a very serious face and shifts, thick and pale, lower lip; It seemed that it was this lacking lip that gives the face such a serious, impressive expression, and if the girl had picked her, it would be quite a bitten and unusual ... The girl - her called a cap - cut the bandages with scissors and folded on a stool. Kapa in his school was a member of the sanitary commission. Stool she stuck with a clean cloth.

V. Panova "Seryozha".

When I think about mom

When I think about mom,

I see a quiet village

And the garden, wrapped in smoke

So that there was an apple tree warm.

And that smoke where in the heat is not hot

And in the winter evening grace,

Where nothing is pity for us

In the war you get used to starve.

When I think about mom,

I remember my father.

That thirty years have not been with us

Although we were faithful to the end.

He went to battle from cute passed

And the river whose parties.

And never be older

Soldiers who returned from the war.

When I think about mom

My, the only one, native,

Snow lying hills

As if they melt before me.

And I, how much on the road,

Where only dream of warm

Lay soft grass to legs,

And the bread smells on the ground.

Laughing the sun in each frame,

And people are distant - relatives ...

When I think about mom,

Rises all the birthplace for her.

Vladimir Demidov (140 words)

Meetings with spring droplets

The day was hot. Dew Owls, and much steam from the ground. In the edges of purple glades, halch flowers and shaggy yellow bells were blooming. At noon, the kidneys was so tense, which no longer could keep them. And then they began to shoot with green tongues of wrinkled leaves. The first in the evening landscaped the cherry. He came in steamed (May 28) - smelled with warmth. Good at this time we have on Earth!

Kilometers two from cutting down, where I drove in the spring for a sleeve current, it stands on the forest glade a high-end triangular tower built by geodesists. It stands out by extraordinary growth even among the sisters-giant living in the district. I have long wanted to get to her and from the height to look around the surrounding forests.

Up from the span to the flight leads a dilapidated staircase, and under the most edge there is a playground, and in the middle of the platform on one leg. (Friendly Amerleler explained: a table for where to put a rangefinder.)

The higher I climbed the shaky, unreliable transitions, the stronger the wind buzzed in the rafters and the more noticeably it was swinging with a wooden creak. But here is the last span, get out through the hatch to the site and ...

I saw a familiar land far and freely. I saw a wavy country of watercolor birch forests, a whittle, gentle chocolate, but already started to be enveloped by a translucent smach of blooming foliage. Rings and transfer, the farther from me, Radlie, the glades between them became wider, and somewhere far from them went out the real fields, for which the little cars were crawling around the beetles - there people hurried to put bread grains in the heated earth. But it was just guessing the imagination.

I looked in the other side. Down the hillock ran down with pines and old birches of deaf ravines, and under the mountain through the plush pine crowns, the blue sharp glass shone the spill of the widespread taiga river. For her, the solid dark taiga went to the horizon. It was bathed with several thin lines of prospects that scorched the fatty line of high-voltage transmission. And again the imagination was guessing away the forest roads and rectangles of the cutter, on which with

morning until the evening, chainsaws ring and rush skiing tractors.

V. Petrov "Meetings with Spring Drops."

(243 words)

Strokes to portrait

Valentina Ivanovich diculus the hands of the master, and the head of the inventor, the Creator. He belongs to the lucky category of people who are neither taken - everything leads to move, and all that they have. In any case, he reaches professionalism, goes to the main problems. And even if the decisions do not know, innocent intuition unmistakably tells him the path to the goal. He knows how to do those surrounding like-minded people, charges his energy, I want to keep up with him.

As he just has time, where is the time for everything? From morning to evening without holidays in the circus. In griming constantly people, and he helps everyone. If it leaves for an hour or another, it warns the Watchher, and it is always known when it will again. Often, I really really really have time to rest. Daily rehearsals and every evening performances on the Manege, the very, where he holds "Volga", fixes in the "pyramid" ton and juggles 80 kilograms.

In the hotel from ten-to-eleven in the evening the phone is continuously ringing. And he with each patiently talks, asks, gives advice, asks to come or promises to visit himself. Where his strength is taken, it is difficult to imagine.

And they are waiting for help. He dictates, his wife Lyudmila prints on a typewriter. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to answer immediately.

To see the dicule is impossible without affairs. Therefore, it is necessary to talk to him: during rehearsals, on the way to the hotel or to a circus, between telephone conversations or dictation of letters, at best, for meals. Chatting with him about the sick, you forget that he is not a doctor - his medical erudition is so wide and a versatile.

M. Zalessky (185 words)

River in the morning

The river is especially good in the morning. In this early clock, the wind is still not bothering her womb, and it reflects the pure pink-blue sky, shines even light, transparent and cool, like a crystal. No Barcas doesn't even river in a river surface, and if it will threw somewhere a fertilous sazan or fast in the summer, the water is sharp, with a white lining, the wing, it will disperse the circles in a migrant water, the reticent spill and will disappear, silently, silently, As if there were no.

Only the fisherman truly knows what the morning river is: these are obverse, melting on the dawn, white with blue fogs; These green shores, on which gold sands far left, and above them - a dark strip of popoleum forest; These rainbow glare ascending sun on clear water, fresh smell of wet sand and fish, resin and herbs; This is an unbreakable silence, in which everyone, even the most vague and weak sound causes a warm, alive response in the human heart.

B. Spun "Floating-Stanitsa".

A.K.Timiryazev - lecturer

The perfect opposite of other lectures - the lectures of the Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev, a representative of the discipline that became the most distant at the time when he began to read. And, moreover, the very interests of the literature, the arts, the methodology, which went Timiryazev to listen to me occasionally, to see a beautiful, animated person, with rhythmic up zigzags of a richly inspired voice.

I admired them: an agitated, nervous, with the finest face, on which the change of cross-cutting expressions, especially bright in pauses, when he, stretching the body ahead, and retreating himself, as in Pa Menuet, was preparing his voice, thought, hand and strand to ride on the pronouncement . So he flew into a great physical audience, where he read and where it was flushed from all faculties and courses to meet him with thunder of applause and screams. He stood, half aimogent, but as stretched or attracted to us, having weighing in the air very thinly elegant hand.

This welcome gesture to us, as an answer to a greeting, was going to him, so flattery it is valid that every thought is beating on the effects (they talked about so slanders) disappeared.

For the first lecture to the third course under the top of the top, the applause took off with watermelon under the throat; They knew that this watermelon would leave, watermelon will be eaten by students.

He (watermelon) is a cell demonstration: a rare example, which can be seen by her eyes; Timiryazev cut the pieces of watermelon and they launched them between the rows.

At this time, the struggle with the ministry proceeded by the same takeoff; I remember how he threw a glove to the exit from the university and how he, striking, achieved his own; I remember how the crowd fell to meeting him, and he flourished in front of her ...

A. White "At the turn of two centuries."

He did not pay attention, as he himself was already filing out of bed, and swimming, and pegs in a full-length dusk at night - the right hand, hugging a thin back of an invisible partner, bent into the elbow, left beggingly stretched - and swims, and swims through the mocking-sensual labyrinth " Minor swing "...

He traded the complex counterpoint of the smallest movements; Skilled his fingers, they moved all the levers and buttons, with the help of which the languid gestures were removed now, the baby ellis, - so they cause perfumes from the kingdom of darkness. His spine, neck, sensitive shoulders, hands and legs of the feet knew the izubok every centimeter of the rhythmic pattern of this complex and the hardest dance, which applauds the public in many halls of the world; He spinled and intercepted, and, having embarrassed his chin, threw an intentional fragile shadow on the left elbow, right away, then stopping himself as the inspected, then predatoryly leaning over her, then pressing her to his chest ... And all this performed absolutely automatically as if b, Having thoughtfully, went on a familiar street, without giving a report in the direction and goals of the path, do not hear even their own steps. If the movement would be left in the air, then the most difficult pattern would gradually abandoned the viewer: exquisite, hidden weaving lace, cigarette carpet ...

The railing of the balcony, the palm trees high above the jets, was firmly screwed in the starry sky perfectly worked, although the exaggerated sizes of the copper moon, squeezed before the arrogant shine (the illuminators were rearranged). She flooded not only the entire bay, with all his shores, boats and boats at the berths; She invaded the persistent paraffin glow in the room, giving each item for a whole piece of black shadow, leaving on the walls squeezed strokes, intricate monograms and precipitated monograms, without end, launching and launching a lace carousel of the shadows ...

And if at least someone could witness this strange picture: a miniature woman in a deep forgetting and a man with a moon face, with really very bright, even in a twilight with his eyes, which was again around her in a rapid, broken slutty dance, the hot palm is a handful of emptiness, Attracting this emptiness to his chest and frozen in the instant convulsion of passion, - such a witness could well take this scene for the social finder of a fashion director.

The real surprise (even, perhaps, the admiration) deserved only one thing: a sharp and awkward, a sutured man in funny family shorts and a cheap T-shirt in the dance was so fascinatingly plastic, so ironically sad and so in love with a precious emptiness under the right elbow ...

With the last chased turn of his head Music Smallkla. The carousel of the shadows was the last time of the wires along the walls of all its ghost carriages and became.

Two or three minutes he did not move, having losing the silent applause of the hall; Then swung, dropping his hands, as if dropping the invisible burden, took a step-other to the balcony and slowly opened the door, inlet inside the tight breath of the night bay ...

His face shone ... Just silently, as danced, he burst into bed, on which his beloved was frozen by a real body. I exhaled deeply, knelt down at the head of the head, the cheek pressed against the blanket over her shoulder and whispered:

- Do not hurry ... do not hurry, my happiness ...

Chapter Second

"... yes will be trembled to you, doctor! It is time to come to ourselves: three hours as they left, and you are still looking for all the fifth corner ...

No, as I remember this convoy: She's ahead - a ghost of a woman, a fire-haired elf with a schizo-affective disorder, - and behind it: with rigid, like a vaga, sutural shoulders and a cowardish gait, brushing on the puppet more than all his dolls, taken . Well, just - a blue beard with his innocent victim ...

Actually, why am I writing it? Is it really so many years in me still alive some graphoman ambitions? Yes, it seems that there is no ... for a long time, accidentally stuck in the folders on the publication of poems and the stories of some Boris Gorelika, this fervent nerd, I do not feel anything else: apparently, emigration beat off some soulful liver; Especially successful emigration, like mine, - if, of course, consider the divorce with Maya luck.

No, sublime urges have nothing to do with it. Just a sudden desire to record some thoughts opened into the memory of the gateways, of which first a stream, and then flowed the past, rearly explaining the events of our lives - the soldered, as it turned out, more closely than once every three could be assumed.

And from the day to the day, by writing several pages, you unwittingly build any one - let the fragmentation, speaker and chromine, - but my picture of the world. Worse, when you try to find your place in this picture, you think about it and ... you find an impressive messenger insignificance under your own name.

And I always feel impossible when present when you meet these two after separation.

The most ridiculous that officially she really comes from my wife. How else could I arrange her to us in the clinic, if she does not have the slightest foundation for repatriation to Israel?

When, in ninety-sixth, I first called from Prague Prague Petheka (they were there at the next festival of puppet theaters, having no housing, no citizenship, nor medical insurance; Yes, just died - and thank God! - This is their unhappy child), when he called me, absolutely unbearable, so at first I could not really understand who of them had two of them, and screamed: "Do something, save her, struggle !!!" "It was here that I had to remember that I was half a year as safely divorced and quite ready for new idiotic achievements.

I do not know that at that moment it struck with my brains, but only my heart burst from both pity for them.

The main thing, at that moment I for some reason - how I hit me! - I remembered the prophetic words of the unforgettable my grandmother of the faith of Leopoldovna a day, when Petka announced that they decided with Liz ...

"Bob ..." she said, entering me into the room and tightly cover the door with his wide back. - You will be not a friend, but the real row, if you won't dissuade Petrusch from this disgusting step.

An unforgettable granki spoke in four languages \u200b\u200band for everyone decisively and picturesquely, as good gynecologists usually explicitly explicitly, but in Russian, thoughts outlined especially at ease and weighty, with the patience of Materka's impression - when it considered it emotionally necessary. It happened, in childhood it will go into my room in the midst of the game, with a constant cigarette in the mouth, yes, however, it is acknowledged by his inimitable bass: "Oh, Petlyura g! Sho, so-round, people are kind?! "

"Stop this crazy cart, Bob, she will crush him," said Gabuska.

- Why? - I asked puzzled.

- Because this crumb is not of the good Lukokh ...

And when I threw back and boiled, he asked me as soon as she knew how: a contemptuous cold look. (My father, her only son, said in such cases, smiling: "I will open the problem of the scalpel.")

"Fool," she dropped quietly and powerfully. - I'm a doctor. I don't care about the morality of the whole family. I don't care what kind of wives played in the cards of her dad, and with what joy it was thrown out of the bedroom window right in the night shirt of her unfortunate mother. I am now about something else: there is a bad gene in the family, and this is not a joke.

- What else is the gene ... - I muttered, feeling for her words to the torment and the cold of a deep pool.

- And such that her mother before Lisa gave birth to two boys, one after another, and both - with syndrome. It is good that not tenants were.

- What kind of syndrome? Down?

- No Another. What's the difference?

- No, you say, tell! - I sway.

"Nu ... There is such," she said. - called "Angelman Syndrome" or "Laming Doll Syndrome", and also "Parsley Syndrome". Did not learn more? The mask is so on the face, it seems like a frozen laughter, the explosions of a sudden laughter and ... Lyubility, of course. Never mind! Talk to him on male, if you do not want me to intervene.

See also: