Why does the Perun waterfall flow upward? Tuapse district

Address: Krasnoe village, Tuapse district, Krasnodar region, Russia. How to get there: by bus or train to the Dachnaya stop, then walk across the bridge. Coordinates: Latitude - 44.13 and Longitude - 39.16305555555555.

The resort town of Tuapse keeps many secrets. The highest waterfall in the region is practically unknown to the general public, and is visited mainly by local residents and the most persistent travelers.

A little history of the Perun waterfall

Naturally, no one can name the exact date of the appearance of this tourist attraction, since the multi-meter waterfall was created in ancient times by the best sculptor - nature itself. Despite its relative proximity to the resort center, the site remains uncrowded to this day. There used to be a metal road bridge leading to it, but it has remained in ruins for the past few decades. You can only see its individual fragments, which is why the route has become more complex, almost pedestrian, making the waterfall a quiet and secluded place.

Description of the waterfall

Perun Waterfall- this is truly a real pride Krasnodar Territory, since it is rightfully considered the highest in this region. The flow of water from the Kazenny stream falls from a cliff from a height of more than 33 m, hence the second, popular name of the stream - 33-meter.
The spectacle is truly magnificent, especially in the spring - when, after the snow melts, the water rushes downstream in a powerful stream and falls from the ledge with a roar and hiss. As a result, experienced tourists recommend planning a visit to the Tuapse attraction in April-May. But even in the hot summer, when the stream itself practically dries up, turning into a channel with barely wet stones, Perun still persists, simply becoming less powerful. But the sound of falling water, small splashes and the hum of the stream will not leave anyone indifferent and instill calm and tranquility in the souls of visitors.
The waterfall is no less beautiful in winter - when the water freezes, as if freezing. In place of the noisy stream, there remains an amazingly beautiful ice sculpture created by Mother Nature herself.

How to get to Perun waterfall

Getting to the waterfall is not so easy - to do this you need to leave the city by bus or train, get off at a certain stop and go through a rather flimsy suspension bridge over the Tuapse River. Next, you should move along the river until it connects with the Kazenny stream, where the waterfall is located. Then, following the bed of the stream, it is easy to get to Perun through the famous Colchis forest, dense, shady, with an abundance of fallen trees and broken branches. At the same time, not all sections of the road have a path - sometimes the traveler has to feel like a pioneer and move over stones, or even right along the wet bed of a water artery.
Experienced tourists note that this route is not easy. You won't be able to stroll here in stiletto heels or beach flip-flops. Some physical fitness is also necessary, as you often have to balance on wet rocks and walk uphill. But all the work pays off handsomely with the beauty that opens up to travelers - a powerful water stream surrounded by luxurious, forested vegetation. As already said, best time It will be spring to visit Perun, when clearings with snowdrops and other primroses are generously scattered around the stormy waterfall.
Historical monuments, such as dolmens, are also common here. True, locals do not advise mistaking the stone building for a shrine, arguing that the structure was erected relatively recently and clearly not by pagans. It’s just that the local authorities decided to organize a new one for the waterfall. a tourist route and add a historical twist to it, which is why they made a fake pagan monument. But who knows, perhaps these are just evil tongues, and the stone dolmen has seen many events in its lifetime, being a real sanctuary of pagan gods?!

Perun Waterfall- this is a real attraction of Kuban, but due to the complexity of the route, it is still little studied by tourists and travelers vacationing in Tuapse. Who knows, maybe this is for the best, because this amazing piece wildlife to this day it has retained its pristine beauty and is not disfigured by vandals’ inscriptions, garbage and disgraced infrastructure details traditional for tourist sites (souvenir stalls, cafes). But here you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of wild nature, calmness, tranquility, feel the power of water and enjoy the rough beauty of the rocks. And this is already a rarity these days, which makes the Perun waterfall even more valuable from the point of view of a true connoisseur!

Located on the Kazenny stream, the left tributary of the Tuapse River, in the vicinity of the city of Tuapse. The waterfall is saved from a large flow of tourists by its location: getting to the object is not easy; you have to walk along the stream bed to get there. Among the people, the waterfall also has another name - Perun.

How to get there?

The path starts from the village of Krasnoye, a few kilometers from Tuapse. First, you need to cross the suspension bridge over the Tuapse River, then turn left and walk along a dirt road past several dacha plots. Just don’t get confused, if you go right, you will end up in the full-fledged village of Sudoremontnik. But what is needed is just a few summer cottages. From there the trail leads to the river, where there is a picnic area. Here you will see a dolmen. Then the path goes along the river bed against the current, and sometimes along the river bed itself. From here it’s not far to the waterfall.

The total length of the route will be about 2 km.

33-meter waterfall on the map

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Located on the Kazenny stream, the left tributary of the Tuapse River, in the vicinity of the city of Tuapse. The waterfall is saved from a large flow of tourists by its location: getting to the object is not easy; you have to walk along the stream bed to get there. Among the people, the waterfall also has another name - Perun.

An important natural attraction of Tuapse is the 33-meter Perun waterfall, the real pride of Kuban, its highest and largest rapids. Surprisingly, this place is very secluded and quiet, which gives it a special charm and an indescribable atmosphere of unity with nature.

Where is Perun Waterfall located on the map?

It is located on the Kazeny stream, northeast of, the closest locality– the village of Krasnoye, from where most routes start.

Geographical and natural features

The 33-meter waterfall is of the “ponytail” type, that is, the stream is in almost complete contact with the surface of the rock behind it. It is formed by the Kazeny stream, which descends from a height of 562 m and belongs to the Tuapse River basin, along its way forming a series of small cascades and spillways. A kilometer from its mouth, the stream is broken exactly in the middle by the Perun waterfall.

It is interesting that the multi-meter water slide has not yet been given an official, sonorous name. In 1988 he was awarded the title natural monument and in the register of specially protected protected areas it is listed as “Waterfall near the village. Red." The object has a special cultural and aesthetic value. Its area includes the Kazenyi stream itself, and the vegetation on its banks, near the bowl - together they form an indivisible ecological system.

Since the stream falls from a huge height of rocks, the water breaks on the ground and foams with a deafening noise: for such loudness, local residents and tour guides nicknamed it Perun - after the name of a powerful deity, a hero of Slavic legends. In Tuapse, a 33-meter waterfall has earned the name of the thunder god: the grandiose threshold evokes admiration and makes you think about the omnipotence and power of the forces of Mother Nature.

Route to the 33-meter waterfall

Since the grandiose attraction is located far from the resort area of ​​the area, and the route leading to it is quite difficult, there are very few tourists here. The length of the path is approximately 2 km. It starts from suspension bridge across the Tuapse River.

Nearby you can see the remains of a crossing for cars. The lack of a road route helps natural object and the forest through which the road leads - the purity and originality of the place is preserved. Further, the path leads past garden plots to the river - here there is a convenient clearing for a picnic and relaxation. Here is ancient dolmen with a well-preserved structure. Unfortunately, he appearance Several were damaged by vandals.

After parking, the path must be kept along the stream bed, and sometimes even along it, against the flow. In summer it dries up, at other times of the year water flows, therefore, you need to be extremely careful and careful: the road along wet stones, through snags and rubble can be called truly dangerous.

Already near the stream you will hear the sound of a falling stream. Soon a spacious area opens up, in the center of which the majestic Perun waterfall seethes. It falls down from a high, layered rock surface into a small bowl. The water in it is clean and transparent. Here and there the limestone tuff cliff is covered with a dense layer of green moss. At the foot of the 33-meter high, small rubble of stones has formed, as a result, approaching the bowl is a little problematic.

Above the upper edge of Perun, the cliff flies up another 20 m. If you move a little away from the observation point, go around the steep rocks, rise higher and follow the flow of the stream up, then after 200 m you will see a view of a short tributary, which falls from a height of 7 m into the main channel. The forest clearing near the rapids is ideal for camping, picnicking and watching the water column.

The 33-meter-high Perun does not have Red Book vegetation, but the local flora is quite diverse. It is surrounded by subtropical forests, aspen and chestnut groves, completely entwined with thick vines. Here you can find Colchis klekach, svidina and hop hornbeam. In spring, scilla blooms nearby. At this time, the bright blue highlights from the petals are effectively reflected in the diamond water splashes, which looks colorful.

As our photos say, Perun Waterfall is also a great place near Tuapse to add to your collection of vacation photos. Memorable and bright, they are provided to everyone who gets to the attraction. Reviews from travelers advise going here in the spring, in April or May, when the stream is at its fullest. By the summer, the giant becomes smaller and thinner, although it still does not lose its splendor. In winter, it turns into a huge pillar of ice - this spectacle deserves special attention.

When going on a hike, you should prepare for a difficult journey: choose sports, comfortable, waterproof clothes and shoes, be especially careful on the road along the river bed, there are often stone blockages, huge trunks of fallen trees block the path, and boulders can remain wet from barely noticeable streams . Caution and utmost care should be taken.

How to get (get there) from Tuapse?

You can easily get to the village of Krasnoye from Tuapse by regular bus, departing from the “Sailors' Hospital” stop. You can also get here by car on your own. We described the path from the village itself above, and here we show it on the map:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: s. Krasnoe, Tuapse, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.128960, 39.162170.

The grandiose 33-meter waterfall is beautiful at any time of the year. A majestic noisy stream in the silence of a dense forest makes an incredible impression on the guests of Tuapse - privacy combined with the power of the forces of nature creates an incredible atmosphere where soul and body can rest. In conclusion, watch the video about Perun, about the trip to him. Enjoy watching!

I spent only one day in Tuapse (with an overnight stay). Although the city is seaside, it is not at all conducive to walking and exploring all sorts of sights. There are port facilities, concrete walls and tanks for petroleum products all around. I decided in advance to go somewhere. The choice fell on the most big waterfall Tuapse district - 33 meters. Getting there is relatively easy, and the trip promised additional bonuses - a walk through a fairytale forest and inspection of a dolmen.

First I took the train to the Dachnaya platform. Railway laid along the Tuapse River. I got out of the car and immediately saw a suspension bridge across the river. We need to cross to the opposite bank.

Cows on water treatments

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In addition to the suspension bridge, there used to be another crossing - for cars. But now only fragments of it remain. Maybe that's a good thing. Fewer people means cleaner forest. During the walk to the waterfall I met only a couple of cyclists and a family with a child.

Now you need to walk along the river upstream. After about 20 minutes we reach the bed of a stream called Kazenny, which flows into Tuapse.

Actually, in August, when I was there, it dried up, but its traces in the form of a trench with stones were clearly visible. Next we walk along the path along the stream, and when it ends, along the stones.

And here is the promised bonus. A lonely dolmen appears in a fairytale forest. Ancient building, the purpose of which scientists debate.

Unfortunately, vandals have left their mark here too.

Let's go further up. Admiring the forest

Soon the stream begins to show signs of life. He becomes audible and visible...

A waterfall appeared behind the trees

33-meter high is one of the names of the waterfall, it is also called Perun...

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