Video: a breakthrough of the Bashkar glacial lake caused a powerful mudflow in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria.

On the night of August 31 to September 1, a powerful mudflow came down near the villages of Elbrus and Upper Baksan in Kabardino-Balkaria. He damaged the road Prokhladny - Azau, 3 pedestrian bridge and gas pipeline. As a result, about 6,000 people were left without gas and road transport. mobile connection There is. There are now about 500 tourists from 14 countries in this area. 27 tourist bases in the area were cut off from civilization. While people are being evacuated by helicopters.

Mudflow in Kabardino-Balkaria: August 2017

Mudflow in Kabardino-Balkaria August 2017 descended from the slopes of the Adyl-Su gorge and caused an outflow from the banks of the Baksan River due to a breakthrough of a mountain lake.
And here is a video of a village in the KBR from the NTV channel.

Now 553 people and 82 pieces of equipment are working in the disaster area, who are busy strengthening the roadway at the site of the mudflow.

Photo from the archive of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

According to unverified information, the mudflow pushed 3 cars into the river. The number of victims of the mudflow in Kabardino-Balkaria in 2017 is still being specified. So far, 1 person is considered dead, and 3 are missing, including the head of the Elbrus rural settlement.
A storm warning has been issued for the area. Recurrences are possible.
And this is what the area looks like now. Shooting from the air.

Let me remind you that in Kabardino-Balkaria there are 7 five-thousanders of the Caucasus at once, including Elbrus, as well as many mountain lakes and waterfalls, where tourists come every year.

More than 500 people were cut off by a mudflow in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, a source in the emergency services of the region told RIA Novosti.

"27 tourist bases and 49 registered tourist groups, which include more than 500 people, including 133 foreigners, have been cut off," the agency's interlocutor said.

In addition to the Russians, representatives of 14 countries were blocked, including the United States, Germany, China, Poland, Slovenia and Malaysia.

According to the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria, powerful mudflow descended from the slopes of the Adyl-Su gorge. In addition, due to heavy rains, the water level in the Baksan River rose, in several places it washed out the Prokhladny-Azau federal road and washed away three pedestrian bridges. Mudflows also cut off five settlements with a population of nearly 6,000 people.

As noted in the department of federal highways"Kavkaz", a section of the A-158 Prokhladny - Baksan - Elbrus highway from the 63rd to the 93rd kilometer is closed to traffic. The Ministry of Internal Affairs asked residents to temporarily refrain from traveling to the Elbrus region.

More than ten pieces of equipment are involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the mudflow. Specialists are reinforcing sections of roads that have fallen into the derailment zone.

IN mountainous areas Kabardino-Balkaria predict heavy rain and a thunderstorm, a storm warning has been issued.

The head of Kabardino-Balkaria, Yuri Kokov, said that groups of foreign tourists should leave on September 1, 2 and 3. The leadership of the republic has a clear plan of action in an emergency.

Additional buses are reserved for the evacuation of tourists. In the area affected by the mudflow there are 49 tourist groups. One of the registered groups of 17 tourists could not be contacted.

“The task has been set to minimize inconvenience to the maximum, both for residents and vacationers,” Kokov emphasized.

Mudflow damaged the high-pressure gas pipeline. Upper Baksan, Neutrino, Terskol, Tegenekli and Elbrus were left without gas. Until the end of September 1, it is planned to connect these settlements to gas supply under a temporary scheme.

Mudflow swept three cars into the river. Two people have been rescued, the search for three continues. The head of the Elbrus rural settlement, Mussa Dzhappuev, is among the missing.

In Kabardino-Balkaria, a group of rescuers is increasing to eliminate the consequences of a mudflow, said Igor Oder, head of the Southern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Rescuers sent to Kabardino-Balkaria from Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia. The third Mi-8 rescue helicopter was sent to the region. Rescuers have been given the priority task of organizing communications in the region of the emergency.

The head of the administration of Elbrus, Musa Dzhappuev, disappeared in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria. His car was swept into the river by a road collapse and then swept away by the current.

Being together with the head of the village administration local managed to jump out of the car.

Mudflows from the surrounding slopes came down near the villages of Upper Baksan and Elbrus. The villages of Upper Baksan, Neutrino, Tegenekli, Terskol and Elbrus were left without gas supply due to damage to the 250-mm high-pressure gas pipeline, Interfax reports. The Prokhladny-Azau federal road was washed out in several places, and mudflows also demolished three pedestrian bridges. The mudflow blocked more than three hundred tourists in the mountains. A Mi-8 helicopter will be used to search for them.

Joint actions in the disaster zone were discussed by Minister for Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov and Head of Kabardino-Balkaria Yuri Kokov. Despite sitting down educational process in schools of settlements on September 1, Knowledge Day is not violated.

In the Elbrus region of Kabardino-Balkaria, residents are evacuated due to a mudflow.

Rescuers evacuate nearly 1,000 residents of the mountainous town of Tyrnyauz in Kabardino-Balkaria. In the city, along the floodplain of the Gerkhozhan-Suu River, an incessant mudflow has been descending for an hour, TASS reports, citing the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the republic. The administration of the Elbrus region has introduced a state of emergency.

From the message of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the KBR: “For preventive purposes, 978 residents are being evacuated from four multi-apartment residential buildings.”

Temporary accommodation facilities have been prepared for residents.


September 1 was marked not only by joyful events, but, unfortunately, also by sad ones - mudflow came down in Karabdino-Balkaria - this powerful mud stream brought a lot of trouble.

Blurred roads. Three bridges have been demolished. Damaged high pressure gas pipeline. Five settlements were cut off from gas supply. An operational headquarters has been created in the republic to eliminate the consequences.

Meanwhile, weather forecasters predict more showers. A storm warning has been issued for the region for the next few days.

Mudflow descended in the area of ​​the villages of Elbrus and Upper Baksan. The mudflow near the villages of Elbrus and Upper Baksan in the Elbrus region in the southwest of the KBR descended on Friday night.

On the night of September 1, as a result of heavy rainfall, 2 kilometers west of the village of Elbrus in the Elbrus region, a mudflow descended from the slope of the Adyl-Su gorge onto the federal highway A-158 Prokhladny - Baksan - Elbrus.

As a result, eight sections of the roadway were damaged. total length over 3 kilometers on the federal highway. The gas supply to six settlements was disrupted. Mudflow carried three cars into the river, rescued two people, three more were missing.

At the time of the release of the first information about the incident, it was known about one dead and three missing.

Several hundred tourists were blocked in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria due to mudflows.

According to the press service of the Republican Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, 301 travelers, including 113 foreign guests, got stuck in the Baksan Gorge. All these people went hiking in registered groups.

In addition, 27 camp sites were cut off from the federal highway.

In addition, there are also tourists in the emergency area who were not registered with the Ministry of Emergency Situations before going on the route. Ministry officials are looking into their exact number.

According to the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, several people were injured as a result of the mudflow.

During the collapse of the road, several cars were swept into a mountain river, including a car in which Mussa Dzhappuev, the head of the Elbrus village administration, could have been.

"Dzhappuev's car was found, it is under stones, they cannot get it yet, but he is unlikely to be alive," the source said, noting that the search for the missing would continue tomorrow morning.

"The watchman, who was demolished with a booth, and they will start looking for a man in a Volkswagen in the morning, they found the car, but there is no driver," the source said, adding that a man was rescued from a white Mercedes that had fallen into the water, "he's all right."

Rescuers found the body of the deceased in the floodplain of the Baksan River in the area of ​​the mudflow in Kabardino-Balkaria, reports the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the republic.

"At 08:40, rescuers of the SCRPSO found the body of a man in the floodplain of the Baksan River, 150 meters from the settlement of Neutrino," the report says.

245 specialists are involved in the elimination of the consequences of the emergency, 33 units of equipment are involved.

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In Kabardino-Balkaria, where a powerful mudflow came down at night, rescuers expanded the search area for the missing. As a result of prolonged downpours, streams of water, stones and mud fell on the villages, destroyed sections of roads, a gas pipeline, washed away cars with people, and changed the direction of the Baksan River. More than seven thousand people were cut off from the mainland, among them hundreds of tourists. People are being evacuated from the disaster zone by helicopters.

Rescuers, police, heavy equipment: it's crowded in the Baksan Gorge. There are hundreds of ancient pines uprooted in the river. Along the ruined banks are the remains of metal structures of bridges. In just a few hours, powerful downpours in the mountains tore off a huge mudflow from the slopes.

Cut off from big land settlements are hundreds of people, including tourists and climbers. In these settlements there is electricity, water, a feldsher and obstetric station. Communication is only mobile, but so far stable.

The leadership of the republic has organized an operational headquarters, where all information from the problematic gorge flows. Military engineers are ready to come to the aid of civilian specialists, the vanguard of the 58th Army is located two dozen kilometers from the place of emergency. It will take more than one day to restore the destroyed roads.

The surviving bridges and crossings are taken under control by rescuers, their mobile posts monitor the level of the river. Its value is still reaching critical levels.

Press Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In Kabardino-Balkaria, due to mudflows, 27 tourist bases were blocked, RBC reports with reference to the press service of the Republican Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. “49 registered tourist groups were cut off, which included more than 500 people, including 133 foreigners - citizens of the United States, Germany, China, Poland, Slovenia and Malaysia,” the department said.

The accident happened due to a large number precipitation, as a result of which the Baksan River overflowed its banks and mudflows descended from the slope of the Adyl-Su gorge. At present, a section of the federal highway near the city of Prokhladny has been blocked, said Vyacheslav Borisov, acting head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the republic. According to him, because of the emergency, the gas pipeline was also damaged - because of this, more than 5 thousand people were left without gas. We are talking about the settlements of Terskol, Tegenekli, Elbrus, Upper Baksan and Neutrino.

In several places, the Prokhladny-Azau federal road and three pedestrian bridges were washed away. The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Kabardino-Balkaria reports on the erosion of four sections of roads and the partial destruction of three more. “In the emergency area, search and rescue operations are underway, according to the updated information of the rescuers of the Elbrus high-mountain search and rescue squad, in the area of ​​the Elbrus settlement, three cars fell into the Baksan river, in which there were five people, two of them were saved, three more are being searched for by rescuers. Information on the number of victims is being specified, the ministry said in a statement. “Rescuers of the Elbrus high-mountain search and rescue squad in the amount of 29 people and five pieces of equipment are conducting a survey of settlements and socially significant objects in the emergency zone.”

Press Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

According to Interfax, one of the people who fell into the river in a car is the head of the administration of the rural settlement of Elbrus, who arrived at the scene of the emergency. According to eyewitnesses, his car fell into the river at the time of the collapse of the road, and then it was carried away by the current.

Press Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

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