How to rent an apartment to. How to rent an apartment or room without intermediaries

Many vacationers think that independent accommodation for rent is preferable than attracting intermediaries who need to pay percentage of the transaction. In fact, find the living space is real, but for this requires caution and attentiveness. In the article submitted, we will describe in detail about the methods of searching for removable housing, ways to reduce the risk of a non-member counterparty and the features of the procedure.

○ Advantages and disadvantages of hiring apartments without intermediaries.

Housing without attracting intermediaries has both pros and cons. To make a final decision, it is necessary to study all parties in detail all the parties and weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

So, positive sides Independent removal of housing is an opportunity:

  • Savings due to the lack of additional costs for intermediary services.
  • Joint hiring together with friends and dividing the amount of payment.
  • Bidding with the owner and decline in payment.

All listed items allow you to save an essential amount on the receipt of removable housing.

At the same time, the main disadvantage of this type of hire is the risk of becoming a victim of fraud. Other disasters:

  • Difficulties with finding a lot of housing.
  • The possibility of conflicts with the hides about the temporary use of things provided for temporary use.
  • The risk of sudden eviction.
  • Lack of guarantees of the assurance of the tenant.

○ How to find an apartment that gives up without intermediaries.

You can find an apartment yourself through:

  • Acquaintances.
  • The Internet, the most popular sites for searching in this direction,, as well as various social networks.
  • Newspapers and magazines, in special categories.

You can also independently put out ads for removal within the area of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200binterest and wait for a call from the hits. In this case, it is advisable to place ads on the walls of houses or special stands.

○ How to check the apartment and the owner.

Before conclusion, it is important to make a thorough inspection of the apartment on a technical condition. Special attention should be paid to the state of the pipes and wiring.

Also need to check if there is the right to conclude a transaction:

  • Is he the owner (providing a certificate of law, extract from Rosreestra).
  • If not, if he has advocate documents: the primary lease agreement, sales contract, inheritance certificate.

In addition, you need to check the following documents:

  • Passport (if the lodge is the physician).
  • Constituent documents (if housing is leased by Jurlso).

Also, regardless of the status of the finder, you need to check the apartment for debts on utility bills (extract from Rosreestra or the management company).

○ Fraud with apartments.

Housing is housing - one of the most popular areas of work of fraudsters. Therefore, be accepted for independent searches, it is necessary to minimize the risk of meeting with them.

The most common schemes of fraud:

  1. Recessing leased housing. The fraudster shoots an apartment, then hesitates, giving himself to the owner with the help of fake guidelines. When renting, they take the deposit for several months and disappear.
  2. The same type of fraud can turn the owner of the apartment. With the agreement, he shows a copy of the certificate of law, motivating this by the fact that the original is in some kind of body. Here it also requires a deposit, after which it disappears.
  3. Real estate agency can turn the fraud. For example, you may be offered to buy a base with the numbers of phones of potential tenants, specifying that the percentage of the transaction will not take with you. As a result, the list is invalid, and payment for it is quite high.

To protect yourself from such incidents, you should mostly choose housing, following the following rules:

  • Do not trust options with too attractive prices.
  • Check the authenticity of the provided documents (for this you can ask for an extract from Rosreestra).
  • Give money for the arena solely on a receipt.
  • To draw up a lease agreement with an application of an act of receiving the premises and the description of the property.

○ How to make a contract?

The contract concluded according to all the rules acts as a guarantee of the rights of each participant of the transaction. Therefore, it is worth making it even if the housing is rented without attracting a realtor.

Despite the fact that the established sample of such a contract is not provided by law, in the Agreement should be indicated:

  • Personal data of the parties to the transaction.
  • The subject of the agreement (signs of real estate, allowing to determine what exactly it is leased).
  • Rental size.
  • The rights and obligations of the participants of the agreement.
  • Responsibility of the parties.
  • The term of the agreement (if this item does not specify, the maximum five-year period will be appointed, according to Art. 683 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Details of the participants of the transaction, their signatures and the date of the conclusion of the agreement.

Also to the contract it is necessary to make applications such as:

  • Act of acceptance and transfer of property fixing the technical condition of the object of real estate at the time of the conclusion of the agreement.
  • Inventory of property in which things are indicated transmitted to temporary use indicating their exact quantity.

The second way implies participation in any individuals, contributing to the conclusion of the transaction. They can be:

Thus, options may be several.

However, if desired, it is possible to conclude a hire agreement on your own.

So, if it is decided to remove the residential premises yourself, you should know important momentsRisks and possible difficulties.

You can learn from our article about the concept of his rights and responsibilities.

How to find?

To remove the residential premises on your own not overpaying for realtor services or other intermediaries, you can use several sources:

  • information from relatives, friends. Perhaps one of them wants to pass real estate or have data on such versions;
  • ads' sites. Modern and effective way to exchange information and search for housing;
  • newspapers and other printed publications. Ads in them have not yet lost relevance;
  • independent application of ads about the desire to rent accommodation. Perhaps the landlord will call himself.

About how in the apartment, as well as how, you can learn from our articles.

Obviously, options where to look for an apartment for rent without intermediaries, mass. For this, it is not necessary to contact the real estate agency.

If when trying to remove the living space, it turned out that realtor participates in the case, you can try to make a deal without his participation. For this, agreeing on examination of the option, you need to come there prepared.

You can write your phone number on paper in advance and offer to negotiate without a realtor. In case of inspection unnoticed to her owner.

However, first it is worth installing personal contact with him, as soon as possible for realtor.

You can stay in the apartment after the care of the realtor under any pretext.

It is difficult to do it enough.

That is why it is important to find an approach to the property owner.


Of course, certain risks with independent search for housing are:

  • wrong compilation of papers. With the introduction into the text of all key moments, otherwise, quiet accommodation falls under threat;
  • fraudsters. The risk of "running" on the scams, who pass to several clients alone and the same foreign apartments, and then disappear;
  • increased accommodation fees. Again, if the contract is improved, perhaps a disproportionate increase in a couple of months of residence;
  • prepayment. It is important about transferring money. If the leader asks prepayment for many months ahead - this is a reason to think about the honesty of his intentions;
  • unreasonably private visits of the owner. Rarely this moment is prescribed in the agreement, considering insignificant. From here there is a misunderstanding of the parties on the frequency of visits of the Moderator.

Any risks can minimize correctly concluding documents and providing possible options for developing events.

In addition, much can tell the behavior of the owner. However, the absolute lack of risk does not guarantee even solid agencies.

What needs to be checked?

With direct communication with the hide check out:

  • documents of the owner, certicking personality;
  • documents for housing. It is necessary that then it does not find out that the person who surrendered the living space does not have any rights on it;
  • availability of other owners. If the living space is owned by several people to pass it, their consent is required. It is worth making sure that the owner is one. This will protect against further problems and premature eviction;
  • status of the room. Important All: Status of Plumbing, Interior, Details. If something does not suit, you need to solve this problem "on the shore" or look for another option;
  • neighbors. It is better to ask in advance about which neighbors live nearby. If they are too noisy or unfavorable, it is worth thinking about the feasibility of removal;
  • location of real estate. Ask the owner of the nearest metro stations, stops, shops, etc.

Thus, it is better to immediately make sure of the legitimacy of the provision of living space in the hiring, assess its condition, as well as the situation in general.

Registration of the transaction

To correctly and with minimal risks fix the fact of deals For hiring housing with all important conditions, it is necessary to compile a number of documents:

  • hiring contract. In writing, is registered in the event of a period of hiring more than 1 year. It contains all rights and obligations of the parties, the substantial moments of the transaction, payment procedure, etc.;
  • . Attached to the contract and indicates that the premises were transferred to temporary use;
  • indoors. Signed by both parties and protects them from misunderstandings in case of damage or the disappearance of the property;
  • capture of receipt of money for hiring.

In order to compile and correctly enter into documents intermediaries may not need.

Thus, it is quite real to remove the living space.

The main thing is to conclude a contract that's right and competent, familiarize yourself with the situation, chat with the owner of real estate, paying attention to his behavior. Risksit is impossible to short, but they can be minimized.

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The article tells how to rent an apartment for rent in order not to be deceived, explains the subtleties of the contract.

If you are interested in how to remove accommodation, you need to pay attention to who gives it. Private traders most often deceive citizens in the field of rental housing. But, entering into a contract with a legal entity, you can also be broken.

Important! If you need to rent an apartment, you should pay attention to the terms of the contract. Fraudsters can take money from customers and include in the contract the condition for the provision of information services. This means that a citizen has nothing but information for his money.

The company can simply advise who wants to rent housing, but does not guarantee the conclusion of the contract.

There is another scheme, how to deceive citizens in St. Petersburg and other cities. Lease conditions change after signing the contract. Other residents are hired to the employer or there are no elementary amenities: no hot water, broken elevator, etc.

It happens that in St. Petersburg or in Moscow at all surrender an alien apartment, and the owner does not know about it. When the owner detects the subtle, the scandal will be inevitable.

How to rent an apartment for rent without cheating

You need to pay attention to who reserves accommodation. A company that provides services must be registered in the form of LLC or IP. Also working can on the basis of a patent. If the question is how to rent an apartment for a day solves a privately operating officer, then, most likely, it will be fraudsters.

It is better to go around the part of those sites that take an additional fee for their work. Some housing rental sites give their visitors additional bonuses.

If posted so much nice pictures Housing for an inexpensive price, the announcement is also better to bypass the side. You can punch information by photo. To do this, the picture is copied and inserted into Google Images. There will immediately be seen where the photo was already lit.

When a person takes off housing, then for viewing with it can not take fees. The very fact of settlement and the cost of daily residence is paid. Some firms specialize on the fact that money is taken for displaying housing. So slowly accumulates a decent amount.

Payment scheme

You need to pay only after the decision is made about the transaction.

2 payment options:

  • transfer of funds when concluding a transaction;
  • payment when booking through the site.

If the booking is done through the site, the property owner will receive cash only on the fact of settlement.

How to rent an apartment in Moscow without cheating

You can successfully rent the metropolitan housing if you follow the instructions:

  1. Do not believe the first announcement of the announcement disclined at train stations or written on asphalt.
  2. Search for housing a few days before arriving in the capital.
  3. Collect maximum accommodation information that is planned to book.
  4. Book in advance through a proven agency.
  5. You need to call the owners and collect information if you plan to shoot a living space without intermediaries for a day.
  6. Choose housing, which is within walking distance from the subway. Distances in Moscow are large, if you rent a room away from the subway, it will also have to get on the minibus. Given the transportation load, the distance to the apartment will increase significantly.
  7. Carefully explore the lease agreement. They indicate the rights and obligations of both parties, as well as responsibility for their failure. Renting daily accommodation, a person does not intend to take a teapot with him, microwave. Because such things should already be in the apartment.
  8. Check if the owner of housing provides the necessary amenities: the presence of hot and cold water, other minimal amenities.

Now there are many options how to remove accommodation. Particularly different in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Where many visitors, there will be more options for accommodation. In addition to renting an apartment, you can consider alternative options for temporary placement.

Where else to find accommodation for rent

Hostels and hotels are an alternative daily apartments. Book a room directly through the site or by phone. There are many sites that work like intermediaries. There is represented detailed information About accommodation, prices, photos of rooms. It is convenient that directly on the site can be found with the reviews of real visitors. After that, to make a decision, it is worth setting out or not.

Some hotels and hostels work only on prepayment. Others simply simply call in advance and pay accommodation already on the fact of settlement. Cash They are sent directly to the owner of the hotel, then the hotel is already receiving the keys from its number.

There are house hostels. The usual housing is rebuilt under the mini-hotel. Do everything you need to temporarily accommodate guests. In such a hostel you can feel no less comfortable than at home.

The room can be chosen for every taste and wallet. It all depends on financial capabilities. You can choose a room that will cost more than rent apartments. In addition, various shares are often held, which is reported by the mediator website, and rent housing with the benefits of the wallet.

No desire to make a prepayment? Call the phone specified on the site, and agree with the host's owner of the settlement. After the number inspection, you can already adopt a weighted solution, it is worth paying it or not.

If the housing is needed for a day, then rental rooms in the hostel is a reliable and affordable option.


  1. There are several options how to remove accommodation for a short time. It is necessary to carefully read the terms of the contract and familiarize yourself with the reviews before giving money.
  2. It is not worth believing the first thing that the announcement. You need to pay personally to the owner or a proven housing rental agency.

For the purpose of saving, many refuse to services for real estate agencies and are looking for themselves. To avoid possible risks and not to get on scammers, it is necessary to know the subtleties of the choice of apartments and draw up the contract.

How to quickly find optimal quality and option

If you want to find a respectable owner, ask about relatives and friends, does anyone learn to the apartment.

Do not rush to apply the announcement on the Internet yourself - scammers can leave. Clearly make up the requirements for the property and the price range, and choose an apartment among ads on the forums of the city and in periodicals.

Compare all offers in this category of apartments to understand the range of prices. For example, for how much you can remove a one-room apartment depending on:

  • location;
  • square;
  • repair;
  • settings.

Go to the analysis of ads for all factors. It is better to make a list in advance what is needed in the apartment, and a separate list of characteristics - in which they are ready to make a compromise.

Errors in the selection stage of real estate

Find apartment B. good place At an affordable price is a difficult task, because there is a risk of being deceived. In order not to spend time, you need to cut off the disadvantages at the search stage of the apartment.

Pay attention to the ad:

  1. The photo must be real, and not staged designer pictures.
  2. If the price is strongly understated, it means that the flaws of the apartment is silent.
  3. A praise description may indicate scammers.
  4. Give preference to ads in periodicals, and not signs on the posts.
  5. Avoid ads in which the owner as the reason for passing indicates moving to another country or a long business trip.
  6. Do not remove the apartment, the owner of which requires a deposit or invites installments.

During communication by phone, the owner must provide all the information that interests, and not insist at an immediate meeting.

Where to choose an apartment

The area plays an equally important role than the condition inside. Choosing the location of the apartment, go out of your own needs: it should be near work, relatives or a place of study.

Consider the lifestyle and needs - someone will suit a noisy center with bars and discos, someone - a quiet cozy area outside the city.

If there are children, pay attention to the availability of good schools, playgrounds and kindergartens.

When choosing a region, pay attention to the following:

  1. Ecology - Find out, there is not a number of factories and enterprises that they throw out gases harmful to health into the atmosphere.
  2. Safety - Avoid criminal regionsIn which you can rarely meet patrolling machines and policemen.
  3. Transportation - near the house should be stopped public transport. Check if there are not located near the house taketon strips and railway
  4. Developed infrastructure - a huge advantage will be the market, a supermarket, cozy cafes and recreation parks.

How to inspect the apartment

Before entering the apartment, carefully inspect the house outside.

Pay attention to the presence of cracks, the condition of the roof, lighting in the entrance, the presence of a intercom and elevator. The dirty unbending entrance will testify to disadvantaged and income neighbors.

If there is a fungus in the entrance and the dampness or increased humidity feels, floodings often occur in the house.

The first thing to do when renting an apartment is to communicate with the neighbors to establish the identity of the owner of the apartment.

For official confirmation, you can resort to such actions:

  1. Creating an electronic application in the system - for this you need to go to the official portal of the Rosreestra, fill out the form by specifying the address of the object and the type of statement, as well as personal data. After payment, information on the real owners of the apartment will be sent to your address. These information is worn familiarity And do not have legal force. For official data, contact regional authorities. This service will cost 150 rubles.
  2. Appeal to the HSEK, which stores all information about the owners living on the territory under control. Such appeals are rarely crowned with success - the WEB reserves the right to not distribute personal information about the tenants.
  3. Communicate with precinct and police. There are rarely silent, but in law enforcement agencies are stored "black lists", in which there are data on fraudsters and addresses of apartments, which become the objects of the scam.
  4. Appeal to the services of a notary - extreme measure, because it requires additional costs. The notary has the right to receive information on the ownership request.
  5. The tax service stores data on the subject, which regularly contributes real estate tax. A significant minus of this method is a serious reason for supplying circulation.

It is possible to identify the unaffordial owner with personal communication - it will be insecable to respond to uncomfortable questions, to sweep the apartment when examining the apartment, to convince how profitable the deal is favorable. It will also reduce the rental cost, and avoid questions about the place of their stay.

Tip! During communication with the owner, mention that previously faced fraudsters and treated law enforcement agencies. This will scare up unscrupulous owners.

List of documents to check:

  1. Landlord passport or other documents, which confirm his identity.
  2. Checks from Zheka about paying utilities.
  3. Information from the tax service on real estate tax.
  4. Notarized documents, which confirm the ownership of the lease. Most often, this is a contract for the sale of housing.
  5. Real Estate, which indicates state accounting of living space.
  6. Confirmation in writing from all the inhabitants that they are spelled out in the house that they have nothing against renting apartments and agree with the provisions of the contract.

Basic risks

In order not to get caught on the tricks of fraudsters, it is important to take precautions on time.

Basic risks:

  1. Rent an apartment for rent at once to several customers - to insure themselves from unexpected guests, persuade the owner of the apartment to change the lock on the entrance door before checking. Changing the lock should occur during the presence of both sides.
  2. Delivery of someone else's apartment - sometimes fraudsters take the apartment for one day, and then relieve it for several months. So that this does not happen, always demand the documents on the apartment and before drawing up the contract, talk to the neighbors.
  3. Prepayment for inspection of the apartment - you find the appropriate ad, and the owner by phone invites you to the office, where a small amount is required for the preview of the apartment. At the point of this time, a person does not come, and the office moves to another place.
  4. Claims for the right to rent from relatives - Other owners (grandmothers, children, grandchildren) can be deposited after removal of the apartment, who will oppose the right to accommodation. When making documents, you demand a full list of tenants that are registered in the apartment and their permission for renting an object.
  5. Creating conditions, after which the dwelling will decide to move from the apartment - carefully inspect the apartment and stipulate in advance with the owner of the accommodation.

To avoid different schemers, follow these rules:

  1. Always get acquainted with the neighbors and with Plot.
  2. Do not let the money forever.
  3. Write down and check the address of the owner and its home phone.
  4. Ask many questions about the apartment and about previous residents - a sinus will be nervous and reliated.
  5. Require documents from the owner.

Tip! Inspect the Apartment inspection in the evening - scammers work mainly during the day.

How to make a lease agreement

During the preparation, pay attention to such moments:

  1. Lease term - If it is not specified in the document, it means that any of the parties may terminate the contract at any time.
  2. Rent price - The contract stipulates the amount of regular pay and payment method. In the future, this amount can be changed, but not more often than once a year.
  3. The contract must be issued exclusively in paper (no oral agreements) in several copies.
  4. Creating housing conditions - The owner is obliged to create all the conditions for the favorable stay of the client. If necessary, in the contract, you can specify an item on the repair work with an indication of which the parties will pay them.
  5. Duties tenant - He must support housing in a decent form, on time to allocate the rent and protect the property. For non-compliance with duties as a tenant and the landlord may be liable, which is the payment of the fine or in the termination of the contract.

How to make an inventory of property

If you shoot an apartment with the landlord property, it is important to correctly spend inventory of all items that are in the apartment. Inventory of property is attached to the contract in writing and can be used during the resolution of disputes and conflicts.

The inventory is conducted by both parties: the landlord writes the model, the state, the number and year of the output of the subject, and the tenant checks its performance and the actual state.

It is no secret that most of the apartments with good repair can be found only through realtors, because they have huge bases. Is it possible to independently go to the owner of a good apartment? The video contains self-search tips plus answers to some other questions arising from those looking for an apartment for rent. Replies Evgeny Skrynnik.

For modern society, high mobility is characterized. We do not sit on the spot: after school, we are going to study in another region, changing the place of work, create a family away from parents, moving from the city to the city in search of self-realization and personal prospects. The saying: "Where was born, it was useful," - it has long been considered an anachronism. Easily changing place of residence, people are forced to look for housing for a long and very long term. It will be about how to replace an apartment ...

1. Together to professionals

Of course, it would be the rightmost to contact the agency where a specially trained person will help you with the selection of an apartment and the registration of primary documents. Only agency services can be 50% or 100% of the monthly payment for the found apartment. And do not forget that there is a mass of one-day agencies in the real estate market, which work according to the "Prepayment - Information" scheme. That is, you pay for a kind of paper with addresses of rental apartments, the owners of which, often do not even know that their apartment "gives up". Apartment swells, especially in the metropolis, pond pond, and all the time new rental fraud schemes arise.

2. Check documents

If you were lucky enough, without intermediaries to find the landlord, then you will immediately ask if it agrees to make a hiring agreement and provide all the necessary documents? If the owner of the apartment has been many and trying to assure you in his decency, it is better to give up such a deal. I will explain why ...

First of all, it is necessary to figure out whether the owner of the apartment is realistic. It often happens that several people are registered in the apartment, and when one decides without the knowledge of another to pass this living space, then the second has the full right at any time to raise the question of your eviction. By the way, the owner of the supplied apartment, by no means, not the king and God in one person. All of it and your rights and obligations are adjusted in legislation.

Secondly, there is a fraudulent scheme of the sublease, which are coming across those who do not check the master documents and believes on the floor. Imagine that a certain citizen X leases an apartment for a week from a citizen y. And after a couple of days, he repeats it for six months to rent a citizen Z. Requests his prepayment for three to four months ahead (for example, to repay utility debts) and disappears. After some time, Y comes and absolutely legitimately and with a scandal drives out the unfortunate and short-sighted Z to the street. Therefore, first of all, ask to show the documents for the right of ownership or the act of sale and purchase, utility bills in the name of the landlord and check its personal documents (not only a passport, and, for example, driver's license). Because to fake one document is not difficult, but several - too troublesome. The dealers are not fatty on the hand, most likely will refuse you in the request of the verification of documents.

3. To know with neighbors

Be sure to ask the owner to acquaint you with the neighbors. It will definitely find out here, whether it is an apartment. Learn from them the story of this housing: who lived to you, how often the tenants are changing here - Believe me, the neighbors often have very interesting information. If the house is new, it is absolutely not scary if you enter the local rose and specify the name of the owner in strict, but responsive to chocolate and compliments of the aunts.

4. Put the contract

If all the questions about the ownership and personality of the owner are settled, be sure to propose to make an apartment rental agreement. Even a personally written document and signed by two parties (and, ideally, with a witness) is legal force. Tip: If the landlord is afraid of hiking to notary, then in the contract, indicate the rental period of not more than 364 days, that is less than a year.

In the hiring contract, there must be passport data of both parties, information about the apartment (address, metrah, state), lease term, cost and payment method. Often the owners are asked to pay a month ahead. This should also be written. The invariance of the fees is legally implied for the entire period prescribed in the contract.

5. Play property

Do not forget to make an inventory of property and its condition to the contract. Otherwise, then it will be difficult to prove that there was no TV in the kitchen, and the sofa risen not your children, and the time and previous tenants. If you decide to settle all seriously and for a long time, ask the owner with a written permission for small changes in the interior (for example, drivening out nails into the wall for a favorite picture), it will save you from many misunderstandings.

6. After the duties of the parties

According to domestic legislation, all sorts of low-level housing repair, for example, taped cranes, fenced wallpaper or cracked toilet, falls on the leaser shoulders. Therefore, be sure to indicate that troubleshooting will be carried out at the expense of the apartment owner, for example, in the account of the monthly payment. Otherwise, you will be forced to eliminate flowing in the bathroom for your blood, or wait for this grace from the landlord. The owner has the right to check the condition of his house, but this does not mean that he can come without your knowledge or when he swallows - check when and how you will contact.

7.The house rental

And, of course, make a statement of early termination of the contract. As a rule, we are talking about a warning about eviction for the month. By the way, to evict you until the end of the deadline even such a self-made treaty during the heating season there is no reason. Well, except that you defeated the apartment, do not pay for rent and generally a big sociopath, dangerous to others. Then, through the court (!) You can set the door to the frost. Contain housing in order, do not delay the payment, reckon with the rules of the human dormitory and adhere to the laws - your duty.

It is not difficult to rent an apartment, it is difficult to make it competently. Be vigilant, patient and respect each other!

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