The island of good spirits Karelia. Are you so good, as you seem? Pros and cons of Karelia brand places

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Many dreamed in childhood to find oneself on mysterious island With a lot of treasures and tropical fruits. However, with mysterious atolls, everything is not so simple. For example, one of them accounts for about 5 snakes per square meter - and it is perhaps even the most cute.

website gathered 12 truly strange islands surrounded by century old secrets. And at the end of the article, a bonus is waiting for you, which shows how surprising are the inhabitants of the islands.

1. Atoll Palmyra

Atoll is located south of Hawaii and is the property of the United States. They say that This place is "obsessed with demons". For a few centuries, the island acquired bad glory due to a variety of shipwrecks near his shores. One of the incidents served as a source of rumors about the hidden treasury, which curses the souls of the deceased sailors.

In addition to shipwrecks, this place is rich in rumors and about the missing ships. In 1855, from one vessel, it was reported about a collision with reef, but neither the vessel or people who arrived in place did not find themselves.

During the Second World War, this island was used as a bridgehead. It is said that the soldiers who worked there were susceptible to panic attacks of unknown origin, several of which ended with suicide.

2. Snake Island

On this attractive island near Brazil is not just a lot of snakes - there are a lot of them. So much that besides them (and rare birds), no one can live there. The view, inhabiting the island, is officially recognized as the most poisonous - From one bite begins to complete tissue destruction. There are even rarely visiting excursions - only NAT GEO expeditions for the purpose of learning and filming.

However, lately there are several unfortunate who have become victims of this island. Fisherman who did not know about danger, landed on the shore. When he was discovered, he lay in a pool of blood, all in snake bite. And the family that decided to move to this island, not knowing about all its turning. According to rumorsThey ran out of the house when the snakes filled out the entire room, crawling through the windows. And already in fact They were found throughout the island on slices.

3. Is the island "Go - you will not come back"

In the Kazakh language is the island called Barça Celmes, which in the literal translation - "Will you go - you will not come back." His name originates from the ancient legends in which the fugitives are told, which They stayed on the island of about a year, and returned home at times after dozens of years. In addition, whole groups of people disappeared on the island - the Kazakhs vinyl in this flying lizard, which came from prehistoric times.

The island officially opened in the middle of the XIX century. In the XX century, the hunting economy was on its territory. However, pretty soon the island was announced by the reserve, which became one of the most closed in the USSR.

After the seal of the Aral Sea is the island officially is a yarn.

4. Miyakdzim Island

It is possible to be on it only with a gas mask at hand.So that in case of danger immediately put it on it. Mijakimim is located active volcano. However, the eruption is not a great danger, but poisonous gas that seeps out of the bowels of the earth. In 1962, after a particularly strong eruption, all residents were evacuated, but in 2000 they wanted to return to their homeland - now there are about 2,415 people there.

5. Island of Lady

The history of this island in Venice can hit at least the logic of using his people. During the black plague epidemic, the island was the last refuge for about 160 thousand patients, Its soil by 50% consists of the ashes of burned corpses.

In the 20s of the last century, the Government of Italy opened the hospital on the island for mentally ill. Patients were infinitely complained of headaches and that the island is Polon in perfumes, dead in terrible torment. In addition, they say that the chief physician spent terrifying experiments on patients. It is unclear that it became the ultimate reason, but he went crazy and committed suicide with him, jumping from the island bell tower. After that, the hospital was closed.

On the this moment The island is empty - there are many photos of abandoned hospital rooms and the very bell tower.

6. Island of the dead dolls

Pretty famous island among lovers of specific sensations. On this island there was a hermit named Julian Santana Barrera. The legend says that one of the days of the shore near his house was drowned by a girl, and from that time to the island began to penetrate a lot of broken and thrown dolls. The hermit found that this is a sign, and began to dress them and hang them on the trees, thus, protecting from evil and trying to drop the spirit of the girl.

He collected his terrible collection of about 50 years, after which it was found recessed in the same place where the girl.

7. Island Buvev

Perhaps this island is the most insulated point on the ground. Around at 3,146,000 square miles (and this is a little less area Europe) There are no other land.

Despite this, with the island connected quite interesting story. The island was opened in 1739 and forgotten almost 60 years. After this time, an expedition arrived on the island and found a strange find - an abandoned ship lay on the island in the island. It did not have any serious malfunctions, no name or other identification signs. 10 meters from the vessel lay oars. Thought, of course, about shipwreck, however, neither human remains nor housing near the ship found.

In addition, in 1979, 2 nuclear explosions occurred on the island, in which no country is not recognized.

8. Henderson Island

Now this island is known only incredible amount garbage from his shores. However, he has a more beautiful, mysterious side.

One of the bright mysteries of the island is a cave with a spring, in which human skeletons are discovered. There were found petroglyphs on the surrounding rocks, earth furnaces, stone guns and other crafts. No one knows where these people come from and what culture carriers were. According to archaeological data, the island was inhabited in the XII-XV centuries.

It is unclear where this miniature culture came from and where it disappeared. Complements mysteriousness The fact that fresh water on the island is catastrophically not enough, and the skeletons in the caves are folded incredibly neatly.

9. North Brother Island

1904 year


The history of this island to some extent a mirror to his Venetian twin.

At the end of the XIX century, a hospital was opened on the island, which specialized in the treatment of smallpox and insulation of patients. In 1904, near the shores of North Brother, the steamer "General Stool" was wreking, as a result of which more than a thousand people died.

After 40 years, the island opened the clinic for the rehabilitation of drug addicts, but it became famous for corruption and cruelty of personnel. In addition, the percentage of patients who began to use drugs with greater force after staying in the clinic was very high. Therefore, in 1963 it was closed.

According to 2017, the island is uninhabited: the clinic is destroyed, its territory woven the forest.


POR-BAZHYN (that translated from Tuvinsky means "clay house") - historical monument, built on a small island in the middle of Lake Tere-hol in the Republic of Tyva.

The most relevant at the moment is the version that the construction was a summer residence for recreation.

In addition, researchers managed to establish that the lake around the island disappeared several times - due to overlapping underground sources. It is likely that the fortress was built at such a time, as they say roads at the bottom of the reservoir.

However, neither exact cause of the destruction of the construction, nor exact historical persons who used it is not established.

11. Island of Roanok.

So looks like rookers in 2016

This island has become famous for the colony of settlers that disappeared on it. In 1587, Governor John White left more than 100 men and women on it, and he sailed to England himself in order to deliver the necessary supplies. However, the war was walking in the country and he was able to return only after 3 years.

Before his departure, the colonists gave a promise that if they were forced to leave the island, they will leave the sign in a prominent place. Upon arrival, John White discovered on a tree the carved word "Croaton" and on the other, in the road leading to the pier, just three letters - "Cro", which, in all likelihood, was a reduction in the same word. CROATON - Name of the neighboring Indian tribe, but there was not found there

In addition, the whole island is used by large rings, similar to a network of rails or roads, but not a single wheel - wooden or from another material - not found.

Bonus: Floating Pigs Island on Bahamas

This island called Pig Beach is interested in what lives on it community of wild pigswhich regularly feed the bugs and tourists specially hired for this, sailing to admire the miracle of nature.

You can come to the island, rent a room in a small hotel, rent a boat - and pigs will definitely go to her and begin to ask the treat. However, be alert: if your ship is stranded, then one of the piglets can safely jump on board and eat your lunch!

recommendatory list best places For rest in Karelia. Top 7 tourist objects, where the eye is rejoiced, and it's nice to the soul. The rating has fallen as superpopular objects such as Kizhi and Ruskeala and a less constructed island of good spirits.

If you do not live in Karelia, they cost them to know if you live - all the more, you need to know your advantages in the face. The portal "Petrozavodsk says" broke up in the pros and cons of seven best places to relax in our republic.

Museum-Reserve "Kizhi"

- the most popular point on tourist map Karelia, one of the biggest museums under open sky, and the ensemble of Kizhsky will be included in the list of world cultural and natural Heritage UNESCO.


From the obvious: to see with its own eyes a monument of architectural architecture, which is famous for Karelia around the world. Here you can get acquainted with traditional crafts.

There are many festivals and holidays at the qui. In August, you can come to the transformation, which traditionally celebrate here. At the end of the summer, the island is a festival for blacksmithing "Nail" and the annual Kizhskaya regatta. In the near future - from February 20 to February 26 - on the snow-covered quizs will walk to the carnival.


In the towns there is a debt infrastructure and year-round service. In the summer to the island, comets and boats go daily, and in the winter - airbags.

A relatively inexpensive ticket: an adult will cost 500 rubles, and student - 200 rubles. The price includes sightseeing tour. Children under 16 can visit the museum for free, but they will have to pay 100 rubles for the work of the guide.


Entrance tickets Cheap, and get to Kizhi will cost to Kopecku. Especially if the island to go to the family: the past summer transfer on comet there and back cost 2850 rubles per person. And this is the cheapest offer.

Some more cheaper and faster to fly to the quiet on the helicopter. For half an hour in the air, you pay just over 700 rubles per person. But you can use so cheap and fast transport only once a week on Mondays, and the time for walking on the island will be only one and a half hours.

In the summer on the island of Gaduki. And a lot.

It will not be fully enjoyed to enjoy the Kizhsky Himself: the main Transfiguration Church is on the restoration and until 2020 will definitely be for visitors. This summer "Preobrazhenka" and all season of vacations under a special protective film.

Valaam Monastery

- Monument of Russian architecture on the island in Ladoga Lake, acting male monastery.



Even if you are far from religion, Valaam - the place is historically rich. There were not only Russian emperors, but also really great Russian artists and writers. A monastery and monastery were visited by Alexander I and Alexander II.

Divine beauty Northern Ladoga nature. You will not see anything like you anywhere. It is no coincidence that these places were inspired by Nikolai Roerich.

On Valaam developed service. The economy class hotel works here, which looks pretty decent.



On Valaam is a valid monastery, so if you are not ready to comply with certain rules of behavior (for example, women can enter the territory only in skirts), then this direction is not for you.

Petrozavoda has a ride on Valaam takes a lot of strength. At first, you need to take the bus to Sortavala (about 250 kilometers to the sorting and more than 370 to Belomorsk), and from there get to the monastery on the ship or an airbag.

Valaam's trip is one of the most expensive. The price tag of last summer on such a tour from Petrozavodsk began from 4 thousand rubles per person.

Come on Valaam in the winter can be difficult. For example, now Ladoga has not yet been covered with ice and messages with an island through the sortaval journey was not.

Onega petroglyphs

- Monuments of the primitive era in Pudozh district. Fashionable drawings on the eastern bank of it are dating from the IV-III millennium to our era. Like Kizhi graveyard, included in the list of objects world Heritage UNESCO.



Again, here you can touch the culture of the ancient Karel. On a demon's nose is the richest collection of rock paintings in Scandinavia.

Here you can see the effect of demon sized with human growth.

View petroglyphs here. The tour itself is also pretty budget: to get from Petrozavodsk to the Shalsky port on Meteor will cost, at the rates of summer-2016, about 2.5 thousand per person, plus for 4 thousand you can rent a boat on four to the cape itself.

Demons nose - the most affordable territory with ancient scoop drawings in Karelia.


Availability here is relative. If you want to see online petroglyphs "savages", then you will need a prepared SUV. Only on the jeep you can overcome the 35-kilometer road off-road from the puddle to the very Besnow of the Nose.

Due to the remoteness from the main tourist routes and settlements (first with meteor to Shel, and then on the Motorka to the Cape itself) travel agencies usually carry groups on the demons nose with overnight in tents. If you are again not a fan of ecotourism with his ticks and mosquitoes, it is worth thinking whether this option will bring a real vacation.

Mountain Park "Ruskeala"

- The former quarry in the Sortavalsky district, in the past - one of the largest marble fields in the forefront. Today it is one of popular destinations For tourists in Karelia.



The mountain park is perfectly equipped for tourists. You can bypass it on a rocky track or sailing on the water inside the career with a cave inspection. Soon here are underground routes.

Prices in the mountain park are low. You can look at the quarry for 250 rubles, renting a boat on four - 400 rubles. There are benefits for students, schoolchildren, and if you are spelled out in the Sortava district, pay for the entrance symbolic 50 rubles for the entrance.

The entrance has a summer cafe.

In the evenings, the rocks are beautifully highlighted.

In winter, you can ride a harness with husks in the winter along the frozen bowl.


If you refuse excursion tour From Petrozavodsk, then get to Ruskeala without its own transport again not easy. There are no permanent flights to the popular among tourists from Petrozavodsk. The quarry itself is located 37 kilometers from the sorts. Buses to Sortavala from the Karelian capital run daily (ticket costs about 600 rubles). From the sorfavaly itself to Ruskeala does not go anything: the road to the town is still only. The only way out is a taxi or try to get to the right place on the flight bus Sortavala-Vyrtsil, which goes several times a day.

Official site mountain ParkBy the way, you will not help you learn more about buses on which you can get to Ruskeala. There is information only for those who will go through personal transport.

Not safest additional entertainment. Through the quarry stretched the Tarzanka, on which the girl is a little about the rocks last summer. Schedule Karelia then opened a criminal case under the article "Providing services that do not meet the safety requirements of the life and health of consumers."

Reserve and waterfall "Kivach"

- The legendary Karelian waterfall, with a gabriol dodge. The first and the closest to Petrozavodsk reserved zone Karelia.



In just 150 rubles here you can look at the Quintessence of Karelian Nature: 14 Lakes, the most famous Karelian waterfall, arboretum, bors, pineails, swamps. Here you can see Suna - the most large river Karelia.

Prices are one of the cheapest: for 100 rubles you can enjoy a tour, during which the reserve staff will talk about the nature of our region.

The reserve is equipped for tourist reception. Inside the reserve there is parking, small cafes. His souvenir.

In Kivache, they beat the healing glands, from which you can drink water freely. And drink better immediately. In bottles of iron quickly forms a brown precipitate.

No risks for the car. The path of 80 kilometers from Petrozavodsk to the reserve runs along the federal highway, which is in perfect condition.

Photo: DRIVE2.RU/L.


Again, if you do not have your own car, but I don't want to bind to the tour operator, then the flight bus will be able to take you only to the Condopoga or to the village of Sopoha (through this locality For example, a bus flight Petrozavodsk - Segezha). Before the reserve, it will have to walk about 7 kilometers from the coppiece or about 30 kilometers from the Kondopoga.

Mount Vottovaara

- Rock array in the Moozeri district. One of the most high points Karelia. It is believed that the nameplate is mysterious place With a special magic energy. The terrain is a shot of federated trees. There is also its own Stone Henge - a group of stones that some scientists consider the attributes of the cult of ancient Sami. Many legends and belts are connected with the rock.


Picturesque place with more than original landscape. Again, you can check whether this rock is really - a place of power, as people who have been told there.

Video Ivan Kovaleva from the group "

Karelia is famous for its attractions amazing Islands and antiquity monuments. Our article we will talk about a mysterious and mysterious place - the island of good spirits, the location of which is not even indicated on the map.

The island of good spirits is a favorite holiday destination for tourists

This island is not indicated on any geographic map. It is rumored that if you begin to celebrate it, the cards are wedged, and pencils and handles break. And in hurrying here tourists turn kayaks. You can get to the island, but quite problematic, so it is better to go here in the composition tourist group. As alleged local residents, Perfume protects your island, so for not dedicated to here the way ordered.

The island of good spirits is an ideal place for a hike and tourist parking. First, there are many interesting placesThat is worth visiting, secondly, excellent fishing. Wooden, stone and metal sculptures are popular on the island, as well as household items. Statues, stone figures, spoons and forks, butchers - all this remained from distant times. So, for example, some exhibits live here since the 70s. Walking on the island of good spirits, you can admire a large spoon with a bowler, as well as a hut and a wooden borage shoe.

The island of good spirits is an amazing place to visit which is worthless. Picturesque nature, vintage household items, sculptures, tourist parking, as well as fresh air and magic aura, which good spirits support. An unforgettable memories for the rest of their lives will remain from visiting the island.

In the Republic of Karelia, there is a place that is not on any geographic map. This place is the island of good spirits. It is famous for its mysteriousness, amazing nature and mystics.

Those who want to rent cottages in Karelia closer to this island, objects should be selected in the Belomorsky district. Every year, hundreds of tourists spend environmentally tourism in Karelia and attend this island.
Usually these who are not here for the first time and knows that there is enough on the island convenient locations For tourist parking.

Tourists who have fallen on the island can go to the museum of wooden crafts, suitable tourists. The museum has a collection of sculptures and statues created from all kinds of girlfriend (tree, stone, bowlers, spoons and forks ...),
which immediately began to gather. The first crafts were created here in the 70s of the last century. Tourists most like a wooden boat, a hut from Beresta and a large spoon with a kitel.

Karelia is problematic to get to this natural attractions, so at the first visit, it is recommended to come to the island as part of a tourist group or with people who already know the road here.

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