Create a story about the UK. England - Interesting information about the country

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England Is The Largest and The Ricest Country of Great Britain. The Capital of England IS London But There Are Other Large Industrial Cities, Such As Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and Other Famous and Interesting Cities Such As York, Chester, Oxford and Cambridge. Stonehenge Is One of the Most Famous Prehistoric Places in the World. This Ancient Circle of Stones Stands in Southwest England. IT Measures 80 Metres Across and Made with Massive Blocks of Stone Up to Four Metres High. Why It Was Built Is A Mystery.

NOT FAR FROM STONEHENGE STANDS SALISBURY CATHEDRAL. IT IS A Splendid Example of An English Gothic Cathedral; Inside There Is One Of Four Copies of Magna Charta and The Oldest Clock in England. Chester Is Very Important Town in the North-West of England. In The Past IT Used to Be a Roman Fort; ITS Name Comes from the Latin Word Castra, Meaning "Fortified Camp". In Chester There IS A Famous Museum Which Contains Over 5000 Ancient and Modern Toys

OXFORD IS THE HOME OF THE OLDEST UNIVERSITY OF ENGLAND. The Most Famous College Is Chrit Church. IT HAS A Great Hall Which Was Built During The Reign Of Henry Viii and Its Chapel Has Become The Cathedral of Oxford. Cambridge Is The Home of Britain "S Second Oldest University. York Was The Capital of Northern England. IT IS One of the Best Preservation Medieval Cities of Europe. It Was Built by Romans, Conquered by Anglo-Saxons and Ruled by The Vikings. Birmingham IS OFTEN CALLED THE CITY OF 1,500 TRADES "BECAUSE OF THE GREAT VARIETY OF ITS INDUSTRIES.

Text translation: England - England

England is the largest and most rich country of venging. The capital of England is London; But there are other important cities, such as Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester and other famous and interesting cities, such as York, Chester, Oxford and Cambridge. Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric places in the world. This is an ancient circle of stones located in the south-east of England. Its diameter is equal to 30 meters, and it is made of massive stone blocks up to four meters high. Why he was built - a mystery.

Not far from Stonehenge is the Salisbury Cathedral. This is an excellent example of the English Gothic Cathedral; Inside it is stored one of the four copies of the Great Charter and the oldest watches of England. Chester - very important city In the northwest of England. In the past, it was a Roman fort; Its name comes from the Latin word "Castra", which means "fortified camp". In Chester, there is a famous museum in which more than 5,000 ancient and modern toys are collected.

Oxford is the birthplace of the older en-Glia. The most famous college is Church Church. Hall has been preserved, built during the board of Henry Hay VIII, and his chapel became the Oxford Cathedral. Cambridge is the birthplace of the second oldest British University. York was the capital of North England. Now it is one of the most preserved medieval cities in Europe. It was built by the Romans, conquered by Anglo-Saxes and was managed by Vikings. Birmingham is often called the "city of 1500 crafts" due to the large number of industries.

1. 100 Topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Liquid N.) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and entering universities. Oral exam. Topics. Texts for reading. Examination questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalychenko I.A., My Thiezva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English, 120 conversational topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

Acquaintance of children of preschool age with countries and peoples

England (United Kingdom)

  • Lesson 1.



To actualize the dictionary on the lexical themes "Flowers", "Sport", "Transport", "Products";

Exercise in the formation of relative adjectives, the efficient case of nouns names with the pretext of C, the selection of adjectives-antonyms;

Fasten the skill of drawing up a descriptive story based on the reference scheme.

Correctional developmentGye:

Learn to regulate emotions through psychogymannastics;

Develop graphic skills, attention, memory, thinking.


Familiarize with the traditions of England;

Develop interest in culture, customs, traditions of England.

Equipment: pictures with images of clouds ("sad", "funny", "angry", etc.), "English" sports (boxing, badminton, football, cricket, tennis, table tennis, kurling), pictures of field images and Garden colors or artificial flowers (red rose, carnation, lily, bell, chamomile, buttercup), picture "Find the same cups", paired dispensing pictures "Movement of transport in Russia and England", blanks - paper umbrellas, colored and simple pencils, markers .

Structure occupation

I. Input part

Children view pictures with images of clouds ("sad", "merry", etc.).

Teacher. Guys, see what clouds meet us today. What is the first cloud for mood?

Children. Sad.

Teacher. Picture a fault of the same expression.

Children perform a task.

The teacher asks to call the mood, the emotion of all the clouds in the drawings and show these expressions facial. Children perform a task.

Now smile to each other. We have a good mood and you can go on the road. The clouds met us not by chance!

Listen to the poem.

Tuman shreds tearing

He arises from the sea ...

Centuries seamless not noticing

Misty Albion rises.

So english is called sometimes
For a strict impregnable look.
Foggy beauty Namiu

She takes guests to him ...

English Queen authority,

Big Ben is an important chime.

And London, in the Thames, reflected,

In a transparent haze dissolved ...

Guards Fur Harpsy,

And the light mighty on herbs

And white-red rose power -

Here are symbols on the islands.

II.. Main part

Teacher. You understood that our today's journey is in England or, more precisely, in the UK. It is located on the British Islands, surrounded from all sides with water, from the mainland it separates the strait of La Mans.

Pedagogue shows England on the map.

Probably, that is why the weather is still changing there, it rains ... Why does England call "Misty Albion"? This is due to the famous English fogs, and also with the fact that the first thing they saw the navigators who opened the British acuteat a, - huge bright cliffs that seemed from sea waves and splashes. It can be said that the fog is an unofficial symbol of England. Imagine that the fog is so thick that almost nothing can be seen. What did not become visible?

Children. It did not see the mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, fields, meadows.

In the poem, you heard the words "London", "Thames". What is it?

If children are hampered, the teacher reminds that London is the capital of England, and Thames - the river on which this city stands. Rules Great Britain Queen Elizabeth P.

The British love to grow garden flowers. A daisies, bells, buttercups, clover are growing on the British Islands - almost all the colors that are found in the middle lane of Russia.

The teacher demonstrates pictures with images of field and garden flowers or artificial flowers.

Let's collect two bouquets: put the garden in one vase, and in the other - meadow (field) flowers.

Children come to a table with vases and flowers and make up bouquets.

Yes, guys, beautiful bouquets from us turned out. If the fog is an unofficial symbol of England, then what kind of official symbols?

Children. Flag, coat of arms, anthem.

Teacher. The bouquet of garden flowers is a red rose. It serves as an unofficial floral symbol of England, and not only because this flower is very beautiful. In ancient times, the Russian throne fought representatives of the two noble childbirth. The symbol of the same kind was a white rose, and the other is red. As a result, the representative of the genus "Red Rose" won. Sitting on the throne of England, he proclaimed a red rose with a symbol of the country. True, in order not to detract from the significance of another kind, the red rose left the middle and stamens, i.e. She is essentially not red, but red-white. White stamens are closer to the base, symbolizing the foundation, and the red petals are further from the base and symbolize the victory of one of the birth.

Respiratory exercise "Rose"

Teacher. Let's sniff the beautiful rose.

The breathing exercise is performed standing. At first, the children make a deep breath, without raising her shoulders, as if they sniffed with a rose, trying to draw all her aroma to themselves, then the mouth would mostly exhale.

Because a lot of sports originated in England has a lot, the teacher can choose the number of stories, which will consider it necessary.

Sport takes an important place in the life of the British. England is the birthplace of many sports: boxing, football, tennis, golf, polo, badminton, rugby. A little about the history of these sports.

Football - Certainly, the most popular sport. The British play it everywhere: in parks, in children's and sports grounds. The name "Football" occurred from two words: "Foot" - foot and "Bol" - ball. In ancient in England, this game was a fight in the struggle for the ball on the streets. The authorities led a stubborn war football war. Even the royal orders for banning the game were released. And later, when the rules have developed, football has become an organized popular game, (avoeed the whole world. On what kind of football play? What equipment do you need?

Pedagogue shows a picture with the image football field. Children answer.

Today there are women's football. What do such athletes call?

Children. Football players.

Teacher. In England, this kind of sport appeared as badminton. One duke returned from the trip to India to his estate, which was called badminton, and brought racket and wait. It is India, the colony of Britain, this game was popular. From the name of the estate and the name of the game - badminton. The rules of the game were later invented.

Another popular sport - golf. There is a legend that the shepherd wandered around the fields, hit a stick on a round stone and accidentally rolled him in the rabbit Nora. Then other shepherds joined him, which liked a new game. Later, the stones were replaced by balls, rabbit holes - holes, and instead of sticks began to use sticks.

Another exciting sport - polo, Which came to England in the XIX century. from India. This is a team game. Its participants will jump their horses with special clubs and try to score the ball goal into the opponent's gate. Polo is considered a special sport, as complex equipment is supposed, besides, you need to have your own horse. Therefore, not everyone can do this sport. Which platform is played in polo? What equipment do you need?

The teacher shows a picture with the image of the game in the polo. Children answer.

Mention of the game that is now called "tennis", It is found in the Middle Ages. She was played in the halls and in the open air leather balls that were stuffed with widths rag, grass. Then the rubber balls appeared. What are the balls on the material?

Children. The balls were made of leather - leatherfrom rags - ragfrom rubber - rubberfrom herb - herbal.

Teacher. At first, the ball was not the rackets, but the hand to which the mitten was hoping. The first to use the racket was thought of the inhabitants of England. They were they called Tennis Sports. Let's remember how the tennis pad is called, what equipment is necessary, in what form players are acting as the athlete and athlete playing tennis.

The teacher shows a picture with the image of the court, tennis player and tennis players.

Children. The site is called the court, the grid is needed, rackets, the balls shape of men are shorts and a shirt, women - skirt and a shirt. Athlete - tennis player, Athlete - tennis player.

Teacher. Table tennis - ping-pong - the invention is purely English, and not Chinese, as many people think. Just this game has become very popular in China. In an old English to know the tennis under the canopies on the tables.

England is also homeland box a. At first it was just a fist combat with elements of struggle - a very dangerous and terrible sight. They fought without gloves, bare hands. Later, certain rules were introduced, and there was modern boxing. Recall how athletes are called, on which platform they act, what kind of inventory is what form is necessary.

The teacher shows pictures with image images, boxer. Children perform a task.

One more unusual view Sports arising in the Middle Ages in England - cricket. His name goes back to the word "stick". Presumably, the cricket occurred from such vintage games as the "stick and ball", "bit and ball" and "trap and ball". This is a sports team game (in each team 11 people) with the ball and bits on the herbal field of oval shape. The game originated for pastures:

For sheep, where there was a low grass, which was comfortable to roll the ball. He was made of wool or old rags. They defended the gate of a shepherd key. The goal of the game is to destroy the rival goal with the ball. Cricket is a summer sport, but the contests are now being held in winter, while in any weather, players are dressed in white costumes.

AT english city Rugby originated sport - rugby . This is a team sport. Competed two teams, each of which is represented by fifteen players.

The teacher shows pictures with the image of a rugby game.

The game is carried out on a rectangular herbal field. The ball for playing and rugby has an oval shape. It is stitched from four plates, the player's sports form kit includes ruggage T-shirt, shorts, socks and studded boots so that the athlete's leg is not slid. Athletes can use additional equipment: a helmet that protects the head, elastic linings on the shoulders, panels or legs preventing injuries.

Drawing up a story based on reference schemes

PE E D A G O G. And now tell about any sport, originated and in England according to the scheme.

Children constitute a descriptive story about sports based on reference schemes.


  1. What is the name of the sport?
  2. Is he winter or summer?
  3. Single or command?
  4. What kind of site do this sport?
  5. What projectiles and sports equipment are needed?
  6. What form are athletes?
  7. What movements are performed?
  8. Female or male sport? What are the athlete and an athlete call?

Plasticetude "Athletes"

Teacher. Imagine that you are athletes.

Children agree among themselves, who will depict athletes, and who guess. 1-2 children show the characteristic movements of athletes, and the rest are guessing.

Having worked on sports, you can also eat. Talk about the traditions of the British in food. English cuisine - solid simple and nutritious.

The British love a good breakfast. It can consist of oatmeal, scrambled eggs with bacon, fried toast fish with jam, tea or coffee. Food food is called Lunch. On weekdays can serve meat stew, roasted fish, chops, liver, sausages, vegetables. Rice and pasta British are rarely eating. Apple pie or hot milk pudding is served for dessert.

Oatmeal, roast beef, cupcakes (but not pizza!) -

Here is the kitchen than English is proud.

For five hours of guests, meet,

To drink with pudding your tea.

Time to drink tea: Tradition "Five O'Clock Tea"

The British love tea very much. From four to six o'clock in the evening, the time of traditional tea drinking is "Fife-O-Clap", i.e. "Five watch tea." We also organize tea drinking. For this you will need cups. Find the same cups in the picture.

Children in the picture find the same cups.

Guys, what could be tea for its qualities and properties? We will pick up opposite words.

Children. Tea hot- cool, transparent- opaque dark- light, Gorky- sweet.

Teacher. What is tea in composition?

Children. From herbs - herbal, from chamomile - chamomile with Bergamot - bergamot, with Rosehip - hipovniki with currant - smorodine with a hunter - hunting from jasmine - jasmine.

Teacher. By traditions to tea, bread, cookies, jams, biscuits, buns, pyshki, lemon, cakes, cakes are served. What are the British tea?

Children. Tea drink with toast, with cake, with cakes, with jam, with jam, with lemon.

Teacher. The most interesting question in English tea drinking: "Tea in milk or milk in tea?" According to the old tradition, the milk is first poured into a cup, and then brewed tea.

Speaking about the culinary traditions of the British, it is impossible not to remember the pudding. This is a classic English treat: dessert from eggs, Capa, milk and flour, prepared in a water bath. Fruit or spices add to pudding. Pudding was prepared from the rest of other dishes, which were joined together and poured, for example, with fat or egg. For sweet puddings, which are served for dessert, the fill usually serves an egg with milk.

Pudding great set. Let's see what they happen. Pudding from semolina - manual from oats - oat, from rice - rice, From cottage cheese - curd From berries - berry, with vanilla - vanilla, from eggs - egg, from coconut - coconut, from corn - corn, from milk lactic, with lemon- lie monna , with coffee - coffee, with nuts - walnut, from carrots - carrot from apples - apple.

So, we reinforced. It's time. Interesting the feature of England is a left-sided movement of transport.

Pedagogue shows pictures.

It is said that such a direction of movement has developed in England because the ancient warriors kept weapons in his right hand. In the event of a meeting and the enemy, it was more convenient to be on the left side of the road.

The teacher gives children pictures. They need to draw a line - the track, in the direction of which the car will go in England and in Russia.

Dynamic pause

Children take toy steeringles and go to the center of the group. Shows how transport is moving in England and in Russia.

III. Final part

Teacher. Guys, our journey in England will continue. We will visit many more interesting places. On the road we will need an umbrella, because the weather in England change: often it rains and fogs are observed, but there are no strong frosts. It is not surprising that the most popular subject in this country became an umbrella: the weather varies from an hour to the hour.

Teacher distributes blanks - paper umbrellas, color pencils. Children paint them.

Coloring pictures - English umbrella (rain umbrella)

  • Organization of watching children's television shows, conversations with children on their content

England. Geography for kids in pictures.

England in all its glory with its beautiful Buckingham and Westminster Palaces, with Cambridge and Oxford Universities, with Tower Bridge and famous Big Ben. This and much more your child will be able to see in our video "England. Geography for kids in pictures."
Among other things, in this video, your baby will be able to find out what the state symbolism of England (flag and coat of arms) looks like, the National Costume of the British, the most vivid representatives of flora and fauna, etc.

United Kingdom. Shishkin school.

  • England (United Kingdom) (end)


Correctional educational:

To actualize the dictionary on the lexic topics "Animals" "Birds", "Insects", "Transport", "Sport";

Exercise in the formation of the efficient case of nouns, attracted adjectives;

Fasten the skills to determine the number of syllables in the differentiation of solid and soft consonants.

Correctional-developing: Develop the figurative-artistic abilities of children, fantasy, plastic, shallow motor.

Educational: We assign interest in the culture of other countries.

Equipment: Skinny Pictures (Red Telephone Booth Red Two-storey Bus, Red Rose, Panda), Photos or Slides with images of London's sights (Big-Ben Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Palace, Trafalgar Square, Saint Mary Eks, 30, or "Cucumber "Etc.), cards for differentiation of animals, birds and insects (with the image of the butterfly, wasps, giraffe, elephant, dragonflies, hare, flamingo), the plot picture" London Zoo "with the image of the parts of the body of animals, hidden for various objects (lion Behind the stones, elephant behind the bushes, camel behind the fence, penguin behind the stone, crocodile behind the thickets), a box with gum for blue and green hair (by the number of children), cardboard medals of blue and green on blue and green ropes with Roman or Arabic numbers denoting the number of syllables in the word, subject pictures, two tables, contour pictures "London skyscraper" Cucumber "for graphic work, pencils, cardboard E allowance "Train" with three traps to determine the place of sound in the word, magnets with velcro (for crafts), small cardboard figures of a two-story bus, telephone booth (prepared in advance).

* * *

I.. Input part

Teacher. Guys, today we are waiting for another journey. And where we will go, you will understand, guessing the riddle.

The teacher demonstrates pictures with a picture of a red rose, a red telephone booth, a panda, a red two-story bus. Children find an excess picture and explain why they chose it.

Children. All other red items, they are associated with England.

Teacher. That's right, but now we will go to the capital of Great Britain -London, whose symbols serve a red bus and a telephone booth. So, imagine that we are sitting in a two-story bus and start a tour of London.

P. Main part

The teacher shows photos or slides of the sights of London. The material is designed to preschoolers, so the story is familiar, not very detailed, transmitting the city's atmosphere.

Teacher. So, we will see the Westminster Palace, the building of the English Parliament. Westminster Palace's clock tower is the most famous landmark of London. On the clock of this tower there is Big Ben - the largest bell of the palace. It is he who beat his time every hour. The watch tower of the Westminster Palace is reminded by the Kremlin Quararants on the Spasskaya Tower in Moscow. We will see the Trafalgar Square, the London National Gallery, Tower, who was a palace, and fortress, and the repository of royal jewels, weapons, and a prison, the Tower Bridge across the River Thames (the largest recruitment bridge, his two wings rise by a special device when the ship pass River), Buckingham Palace - the residence of British monarchs.

To move around London faster, we will rebuild on the subway. By the way, the world's first line of the metro, or as it is called in England - underground, 6 km long was built in London back in the XIX century. Few people know that the word "metro" was invented by the British.

The thing is that the company that was engaged in the construction of the underground railway London, was called "Railway Metropolitan". Therefore, the first time the inhabitants of Great Britain were the subway "Metropolitan", and then reduced to the Metro. Unlike other countries, in England this name did not fit. Today, Londoners prefer to call the Metro "Tüb" ("Pipe") or "underground").

In the train Metro, pictures will go with us. In the first car, those in the title of which the specified sound stands at the beginning of the word, in the latter - those in the title of which it stands at the end, on average - in the title of which this sound is in the middle of the word.

The teacher puts a cardboard train with pockets on the board. Distributes; Children pictures with the sound whose place in the Word must be determined. What will be this sound, the teacher decides on its own. For example, pictures with sound [s] are offered: rides in the first car dog,average - libra,in the last - forest.

In London, on Baker Street Street, is located interesting museum. All that is represented in it belongs to a non-existent person - Sherlock Holmesu, ingenious detective, literary character of the English writer Conan Doyle. Holmes possessed an unusual mind and logic that he helped him unravel the sophisticated crimes. And today we will develop such qualities in ourselves.

London Zoo-one of the largest and oldest zoos in the world, allowing scientists to engage in research activities. For some time he was on reconstruction, the purpose of which was the construction of helpers, recreate the natural habitat, so that animals were more comfortable to feel. For example, a giant island appeared on the site of old monkey, which has become a habitat of gorillas.

Who is only not here! Animals and birds of Africa, reptiles, including lizards, turtles, crocodiles, snakes, butterflies, fish.

The story is accompanied by a display of pictures or slides.

We will not only take a look at the inhabitants of the zoo, but also to develop attention and thinking.

The teacher distributes pictures with the image of birds, insects and animals.

Look at the pictures: the inhabitants of the zoo fled. We will help scientists to distribute them by pavilions. Circle all insects around, birds - oval, and animals - a square.

The teacher shows children pictures with the image of the parts of the body of animals (lion head, crocodile, penguin, the tail of the elephant, the paws of ostrich, etc.).

Find all animals and birds in the picture and tell me whose parts of the body you see.

Children. Elephant Tail - elephanttail, crocodile head - crocodillahead, Head of Penguin - penguinhead...

Teacher. Here we were strained and became the same attentive, perceptive and smart, like Sherlock Holmes. But it's time to go further.

In London is famous museum of wax figures Madame Tussao. In his collections - figures of thousands of great people around the world: famous writers, artists, musicians, actors, athletes, politicians. All of them are made of wax and are very similar to their prototypes. These are such talented and skillful masters make them. And we will play the game.

Game "Guess what it is"

Children get up in a circle. One child comes to his center and shows some animal or inanimate object, and the rest should guess who or what he depicts.

Teacher. London is also a sports capital. There are many sports facilities and sites here. What sports grounds do you know?

Children. Stadium, court, rink, rowing canal, soccer field.

Teacher. London - champion in holding the Olympic Games. They took place here three times, the last time - in the summer of 2012. What kind of summer sports do you know?

Children answer.

Awards athletes - medals. So we will have unusual medals with whom we will play.

Game "Medals"

The teacher chooses words with consonants who are already familiar to children. Option 1

Children award blue and green medals with numbers. The need-i will come up with a word with sound (solid - blue or soft - green) with a certain number of syllables according to the numbers on the medals and its color. For example, work is carried out with the sounds [P] and [P "]. The child who has a green medal with a number 1 calls the word" Pier ", a child who has a green medal with a number 2" pirate "- the word" train ". Etc.

Option 2 (mobile game)

Children are arbitrarily divided into two teams - "blue" and "green", put on gum blue and green on hand. Teams become a rank. According to the teacher's sign, participants start running to the tables on which pictures with a soft or solid sound lie, for example: [p], [p "], [l], [l"], etc. Each child chooses a picture specifically with the sound (soft or solid), which corresponds to his team, and quickly returns back.

The team defeats, which quickly fulfilled the task. Teams represent their pictures, the rest check the correctness of the tasks. Each member of the team considers syllables in the word-name picture, and the teacher "awards" participants with a suitable medal. For example, if a child has a picture with the image of a rocket (speech about the sounds [p] and [p "]), then it is awarded with a blue medal with a number" 1 ", and if with the image of the turnip - a green medal with a number" 2 "and t. d.

Teacher. And you can also visit the natural science museum, where the evolution of living beings is presented, starting with dinosaurs, go to the Royal Botanical Garden.

Skyscraper with an unusual name Saint Mary Ex30 has an unusual mesh design. Decorated with green glass and having an oblong building of the building received the name "Cucumber". The height of the construction of 180 m. The skyscraper is considered one of the most eco-friendly in the world among such buildings. Because of the unique form, the building throws less shadows, and more sunshine flows into the lower floors. To remember the unique form of this building, we will circle a picture by points.

The teacher distributes pictures with a point image of the cucumber tower and pencils. Children will drive the drawing.

So, we looked at almost all the sights of London, and now we will not refuse themselves in pleasure to look at the city from the height and visit the "London eye" - the most high ferris wheel in Europe. Let's make binoculars from the palms, look around and tell me what we see, what we admire.

Children make "binoculars" and list the sights of London, forming the accusative and efficient case.

D E T and. I see a zoo, admire the zoo. I see a museum, admire the museum ...

III. Final part

It is customary to bring souvenirs from each journey to the tradition of tradition, as a gift to friends or relatives. We will make magnets with London characters.

Children stick on the blanks of cardboard telephone booths and red buses Magnets.

A source

Baronova V.V.Grammatical journey through countries and continents .. Classes for the cognitive and speech development of senior preschoolers. - M.: TC Sphere, 2016. - 128 p.


Alyabyeva E.A.Grammar for preschool. Didactic matters for the development of children's speech 5-7 years. M., 2014.

Alyabyeva E.A.From the word to the dialogue. Didactic matters for the development of children's speech 5-7 years. M., 2013.

Grinskova V.A., Shilova T. withIntegrated speech and amusement activities. M., 2012.

Dunaeva N.Yu., Zablov Sv.Warning of general underdevelopment of speech in children 3-4 years. M, 2013.

Efimenkova L.N.Formation of speech from preschoolers. M., 1981.

Zhukova KS, Mastiukova E.M., Filevat.B.Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech from preschoolers. M., 1990.

Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V.Correction of general underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers (the formation of vocabulary and grammatical system). St. Petersburg., 1999.

Miklyaeva N.V.Cognitive and speech development of preschoolers. M., 2015.

Molchanova EG,Kpemoea. M.. A.. Speech development of children 5-7 years in the logopunk. M., 2014.

Ovchinnikov V.V.Sakura branch. M., 1975.

Tkachenko T.A.Learn to speak correctly. Correction system of general underdevelopment of speech in children is 6 years old. M., 2004.

Parfenova E.V.Development of children with ONR in theatrical activity. M., 2014.

Dear students, in my opinion, it is important!

I advise you to go through other sections "Navigation" and read interesting articles or see the presentations, didactic materials on subjects (pedagogy, methodology for the development of children's speech, theoretical foundations of the interaction of DOU and parents); Material for preparing for testing, testing, exams, courses and diplomas, I will be glad if the information placed on my site will help you in work and study.

Regards, O.G. Golskaya

"Site Help" - Click on the image - hyperlink to return to the previous page (Test work on the module "Planning work on the development of children's speech. Countries and Peoples of the World ").

The United Kingdom is a country about which you can write and dream endlessly. The "Foggy Albion" by the Atlantic, the stronghold of the once most powerful and most powerful empire, and to this day the specifies the tone is largely. UK Today is a dizzying combination of the ancient Tower walls, the late-medieval architecture of Big Ben and the building of the parliament, the achievements of the modern architecture - the Millenium Dome exhibition center and the cooker wheel - and the British rock, and the country flag itself has become a flag of generation that has grown on Current indie rock and brit-pop groups.

The United Kingdom or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the largest state of Europe (77th place in the world, 243809 sq. Km.), Located on the cues in the northern hemisphere and washed by the Atlantic Ocean on the one hand and the Northern Sea on the other hand. The United Kingdom is the heiress of the largest state in the history of mankind - the British Empire - and one of the nuclear powers of the world. The capital of the state is London - is the financial capital of all of Europe, even despite the fact that the United Kingdom is not included in the European Union. Accordingly, the currency for the United Kingdom is a pound sterling

Literally all the epochs of the history of this island state are shrouded in a halo of mystery and romanticism. The British Islands were settled about 30,000 years ago. In 43. G.N.E. The Roman Empire began the conquest of this distant state and spread its power far in time - for the entire 4th century. In the 10th century, the fragmented tribes in the south of the island united in the kingdom of England, and in the north - to the Scottish kingdom. During the times described in the legends of the King Arthur and Beowulf, the kingdom invaded normal, exporting a few feudalism into the country. The Middle Ages became the time of the exorbitant growth of the ambitions of the rulers, which resulted in permanent trips for new territories - confrontation with Scotland and France, the war with the latter, by the way, became one of the longest in the history of mankind, for which it was named after a century. In the late Middle Ages, England confidently mastered new continents, the ships of her fleet of Fleet almost all the seas and oceans opening the unknown corners and the blue flag with a red cross in white edging. At the peak of his power, at the beginning of the 20th century, the British Empire occupied almost half of the world, but, despite the victory over Hitler in World War II, which the UK won in the composition of the Allies, the chances of keeping the empire was not left - here and lifted there Head Leaders for independence movements. The United Kingdom decided to leave their colonies without blood. The swap of decolonization can be estimated according to the following numbers: until 1949, the number of empire nationals outside the metropolis was 700 million people, after 1949 - 5 million.

The United Kingdom is located on 2 major islands and a large number of small islands and archipelagoes located through the strait of La Mans from Continental Europe. Most of the country lies in lowlands and only in the north-western part there are mountains. England is the largest component of the UK, which occupies more than half of the total territory. Here the relief is dominated by lowlands and gentle hills, as in Ireland, but Scotland is the edge of the high mountains, like Wales. The Climate of Great Britain is fully obliged to their bad character of the ocean - precipitation frequent and abundant throughout the year. The average annual temperature fluctuation lies in the range from -11 to +35 degrees Celsius. Winters are soft here thanks to the stove-Golf Stream.

Today, the United Kingdom is one of the main economies of Europe and without exaggerating its financial center. In 2010, the United Kingdom took 6th place in the size of GDP (2.247 trillion. US dollars) Lifting only Germany. 73% of this amount were produced by the service sector, and, first of all, financial services. London, having the largest GDP among the cities of Europe, is on a par with New York and Tokyo. The United Kingdom, as the country in which the industrial revolution occurred, was previously led to the heavy industry: stalencing, shipbuilding and other sectors, but time went and the surrounding countries did not stand still. Today, the foundation of the well-being of the real sector of the country's economy is the automotive, aviation and pharmaceutical industry. With all this, in 2007-2008, about 22% of the country's population lived below the poverty line, which is the highest relative indicator for EU countries.

The country's population as of 2011 is 62.6 million people (22 place) and the United Kingdom ranks 3rd in the EU for the indicator. The British are an absolute ethnic majority, but also the extensions from former colonies - Hindus, Pakistanis, black population with Caribbean Islands And from Africa. They say everything in English, but on a par with him in various parts of the country, Welsh (Wales), Irish (Ireland), Gaeli (Scotland) and Kornki (County County) are used, and sometimes you can refuse to answer English purely from the principle.

The Great Britain's Board is very interesting - the monarchy has been preserved here, and parallel with it there is a parliamentary democracy, where the Prime Minister is at the head of the government, which manages the country, and the monarch performs representative functions, communicates with the people and serves as one of the symbols of the state and His traditions.

Topic: Great Britain

Topic: United Kingdom

Another thing that attracts a large number of Tourists are a special political system that exists in this country as you know, the UK has a queen - Elizabeth II. The system is called a constitutional monarchy. In addition, there is one feature of this country - there is no such document as a constitution, instead there is a special set of rules that each citizen of Great Britain must observe. Parliament in the country consists of three parts. These are monarchs, the House of Lords and the United Chamber.

Great Britain Has Many Places of Interest, That Is Why The Country Attracts a Big Number of Tourists. Situated in the London City, Where You Can Also Find Many Interesting Places. In My Opinion, Every Person Who Is Traveling to Great Britain Should Visit The London City. There Are Some Interesting Facts ABOUT LONDON. London Is Built On The River Thames. , That span the river. The First Bridge Was Wooden and The Romans Built It. London Is Divided of the Government.

The United Kingdom has many interesting places, so the country attracts a large number of tourists. Among the most famous sights, there are Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, which is located in London, where you can also find many interesting places. In my opinion, every person who travels to the UK should visit the city of London. Here are some interesting Facts About London. London is built on the River Thames. The city has 15 bridges that cover the river. The first bridge was wooden and built it by Romans. London is divided into separate local units of the government.

Among The Special Things, Concerning Great Britain, IT IS Necessary to Mention The Famous Red Double Decker Buses and the UNIQUE Red British Telephone Boxes. Every Person Who Takes Big Interest in Britishness Will Also Mention The Two Famous Characters - Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. There Is Also The Museum of Sherlock Holmes, Where You Will Get a Chance to Feel The Detecial Atmosphere of the Detective Stories.

Among the special things that relate to the UK should be noted, the famous red double-decker buses and unique red British telephone booths. Every person who is very interested in British will also remember the two famous characters - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. There is also a Sherlock Holmes Museum on the famous Baker Street, where you will get the opportunity to feel a special atmosphere of detectives.

Another Special Feature of Great Britain Is Its Climate. AS You Know, Very Often The Country Is Called -. There IS A Real Reason For It. Usually

For those who study English, it is useful to learn more about culture, traditions, the values \u200b\u200bof the United Kingdom. This will allow you to better understand people who live there.

It does not matter whether you visit the country for affairs, in a tourist trip, studying or simply found an interlocutor for practicing Internet, these tips and facts will tell you the way to more efficient communication.

  1. French was official in the UK for 300 years.
  2. 25% of people living in London were not born in the UK.
  3. More than 30,000 people living in England, name John Smith.
  4. The form of government on the island is a parliamentary monarchy. This means that the government is elected by citizens and has a greater power than the monarch whose role is more - representative. Head of Government - Prime Minister.
  5. In Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, there is also a local government, which is responsible for internal politics and affairs in the fields of health, education, culture, transport, environment.
  6. The United Kingdom gradually comes out of the European Union.
  7. England presented the world of rugby and polo.
  8. Windsor Castle is the largest royal residence in the world.
  9. - The first city in which the subway appeared.
  10. Famous musicians from the United Kingdom: The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, The Sex Pistols, Radiohead, Coldplay, Pink Floyd.
  1. The United Kingdom is an island state that includes 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
  2. In English, there are more than 70% of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom. Also on the island they speak in other languages: Welsh (Wales), Scottish Gaeli and Anglo-Scottish (Scotland), Irish and Olter Scottish (Ireland).
  3. Irish, Scots and Welsh are very proud of their countries and roots and do not like when they are called the British. And even more so do not make a mistake, calling them the British.
  4. , complex of stone structures on the plain Salisbury, built about 3000 BC.
  5. Big Ben is not really a clock, but the largest bell inside the Tower of the Westminster Palace.
  6. London is founded by the Romans after their invasion in 43. Then the city was called Londinium.
  7. The first hot chocolate store opened in London.
  8. In England, talk more than 300.
  9. The United Kingdom's population is more than 63 million people, of which 53 million live in England.
  10. The British are a discreet people who love privacy. Even friends do not ask questions about personal relations or finance.

  1. The capital of England and the United Kingdom - London, the capital of Wales - Cardiff, Scotland - Edinburgh, Northern Ireland - Belfast.
  2. Cash currency - pound sterling.
  3. The most common religion is Christianity. Although people absolutely different religions live throughout the UK.
  4. The United Kingdom takes about 245,000 square kilometers, extending from the Shetland Islands in the north of Scotland down to the southwest of England and across the sea to Northern Ireland.
  5. The geography of Great Britain varies from green meadows and forests to the herasskal wasteland and mountains. SAMI high mountain Ben Nevis is located in Scotland, its height is 1344 meters.
  6. The United Kingdom has an incredible story that is counting from 6500 BC. Throughout Britain, you will find monuments of history, from Stonehenge to the Buckingham Palace.
  7. United Kingdom is home to nearly 30 cultural and natural objects world Heritage UNESCO. Among such cities: Edinburgh, Canterbury, Chester, Oxford, York.
  8. The United Kingdom is one of the leading countries in the world to open and conduct business.
  9. The United Kingdom is one of the top producers in the world, ranks first on information technology, science, creative industry.
  10. In the 18th century, the British Empire occupied 20% of the world surface and a quarter of the world's population lived in the country.
  1. In Britain, children start studying at 4-5 years old, visiting primary school (Primary School). Then they pass several levels of education until 16-18 years
  2. Until 1832 in England there were only 2 universities - Oxford and Cambridge.
  3. The British city of York is considered the most populated in the city in Europe and one of several in the world. In the city there are about 500 cases of the appearance of ghosts.
  4. The Queen of England is the only British citizen who travels without a passport.
  5. Golf - National Scottish game. The earliest mention of it is 1457.
  6. Robin Hood was not a real person. This is a collective image based on real criminals of medieval England, whose stories splrew together narrators and minstrels.
  7. London eye - the highest ferris wheel in the world. Each of his circle takes 30 minutes.
  8. Until 1877, Oxford University lecturers could not be married, and women had only been able to receive university degrees since 1920.
  9. Joan Rowling, author of the book about, the world's first writer - billionaire. 400 million copies of the books of the Series in England and around the world were sold. Books were published in 55 languages, including the ancient Greek and Latin.
  10. The world's first record store opened in 1894 in Cardiff, Wales.

  1. Cheshire is the name of one of the oldest video of English cheeses. He was in the menu since Roman times.
  2. - One of many traditions that takes its roots from the pagan Scottish traditions. October 31 - was an important date in the Celtic calendar. On this day, the day of all saints was celebrated when the spirits were returning to pursue the living.
  3. About 30 million Americans believe that they have Scottish origins. Among them: Theodore Roosevelt, President Bush, Merilin Monroe.
  4. Scottish (Galsky) language is one of the Celtic languages, which has been preserved to the present day. The rest are three - Welsh, Irish, Korjan (located), Breton (in France).
  5. Famous English scientists - Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking.
  6. British inventor and scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
  7. One of the most influential and well-known poets of England is William Shakespeare. With his life, not a single portrait of his portrait was written.
  8. The official house of the British Monarch in London is the Buckingham Palace. Until now, there is a ceremony of changing the Karaula, which attracts tourists from April to July).
  9. The Olympic Summer Games were held in London 3 times - in 1908, 1948 and 2012.
  10. Football (Socker), Rugby and Cricket are the most popular sports in England.

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