Sverdlovsk Embankment 40 History. About the "Green Dacha" on the Sverdlovsk Embankment

There is a popular place in a peterugge, where there were minerals before the water, whose health has corrected their noble people. In the afternoon they drank a healing driver, in the evening they played the cards and drank champagne. The years went, the place was changed. Nowadays, nothing is reminiscent of those sources and warm summer evenings, and the Lions guarding the entrance to the estate cry and remember how the cadrille danced here.

2. Places in which it is located dacha Kusheleva-BezborodkoBut it is about it that will be discussed and not allowed to the foundation of St. Petersburg. The Commander of the Swedish fortress Nienshanz founded himself here and a cozy garden. He came with warm summer days here with his family, cared for apple trees and satisfied the picnic. But Peter I came, the Swedes were taught on his forehead, Pendel was shoved and drove from the spaced places. The cozy Dacha presented Catherine if someone does not remember - his wife.

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3. During one of his visits, Peter I dreamed of local widths, lowered her in the tsar's neboy, hanked and said: "The driver is local not worse than Belgian, now you don't need to go anywhere, we will do our SPA, better let guests are come". Well, I have no confidence in the historical justice of words, because I have come up with them now, but I think the point was similar. The source as a result was nicknamed.

4. Nobody became the truth here, but the secret adviser to the heat in need of treatment matched that it would be cheaper than in Belgian SPA. I bought myself a plot, called Vasily Bazhenova and persuaded to build a mansion in the Gothic style. In a stone house, a greenhouse was built, where fruits, vegetables, flowers, tobacco were grown, so that the heat was not bored.

5. It is unknown exactly, whether the driver helped, but the heat in the end the ends gave. His son did not need him in the country and sold it to Chancellor Bezborodko. He hired a famous architecture of the quartre, and they completely reproached the house again. Most used the buildings here. Thus, the building stores not only the remains of the Bazhenovskaya building, but perhaps traces of the very first estate of the Swedish commandant.

6. Play cards, dance kadril and drinking a driver here came a friend of Chancellor - Lviv. Nikolay Alexandrovich owned many professions: engineer, inventor, geologist, nerd, historian, archaeologist, poet, playwright, prose, translator, Master of the picture and architect. He was also a reaper, and a shower, and on the Dudge, the playment, so he was often compared with Leonardo da Vinci. It is the hands of Nicholas Alexandrovich attribute to the appearance of a fence from 29 Lviv.

7. Get accelerated. Otherwise, I will tell you all the story for a long time. After the death of Bezborodko, his nephew lived here, and her son had a surname Koshelev, who was replaced by Koshelev-Bezborodko and glorified this cottage to the whole world. Unlike many, he followed the covenant of Peter I and opened the center of recovery here, the Pulistere sources were located in the country. For advertising and promoting a wellness center in Europe, the famous Frenchman was called the famous Frenchman. The author of the "Three Musketeers" wrote: We stopped in front of a large villa, two wings of which he was selected by a semicircle from the main building. At the steps of the entrance, the servants of the graph in the front-line livers were lined up. The graph and the countess came out of the carriage, and the kissing began. Then they climbed the stairs to the second floor to church. As the graph and the Countess crossed the threshold, the dead one began in honor of the "prosperous return", which the Honorable priest had enough of the mind not to delay. At the end, everyone embraced, despite the ranks, and by order of the count, everyone was held in their premises. My apartments were arranged on the first floor and went out into the garden. They were adjacent to a large beautiful hall used as the theater, and consisted of an entrance hall, a small salon, billiard room, a bedroom for Muan and me. After breakfast, I went to the balcony. In front of me, a wonderful view was opened - large granite stairs descend from the embankment from the embankment, over which the pole feet is erected fifty heights. At the top of the pole, a banner with a graphic coat of arms flutter. It is a marina, where the Great Catherine stepped down, when I had the mercy of the flamelessness and took part in the festival arranged in her honor.

8. Is it worth saying that the place has become popular? This even free shuttle was allowed for citizens, which was called Omnibus at that time.

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9. I would like to say that the place did not know the sadness that the kadril was dancing here, danced water and entertained as they could. But the resort burned down. People come here stopped here, and the water began to pour on the bottle. Fun gone, the lions began to bored. Already in the second half of the XIX century, the huge park surrounding the cottage Kusheleva-Bezborodko was built up with a rapid pace. Countryside has become a factory outskirts. Here, a beer plant "New Bavaria" began to work, now the famous plant producing Soviet champagne CJSC "Sparkling Wines".

10. The place was empty, and therefore it was handed over to the community of Sisters of the Red Cross Sisters, after the country handed over the plant "Promet", then the hospital. Karl Liebknecht. Right now dachesheva-Bezborodko It occupies an anti-tuberculous dispensary. The last restoration was in the 60s. The building is crumbling, no one is watching him. Now you understand why lions cry here?

UPD. Lviv took the restoration! The dispensary shot, and the cottage is sold with a hammer. I hope Soon the cottage will play with paints.

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Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 3.3 MB ">

Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 2.8 MB ">

Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 3.6 MB ">

Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 3.7 MB ">

Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 3.4 MB ">

Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 3.7 MB ">

Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 4.0 MB ">

Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 5.9 MB. ">

Famous 29 Lviv Dacha Homesteads Kushchel-Bezborodko go to the restorationUpload a photo 5.7 MB ">

Restoration of the fence with 29 cast-iron lions of the monument of the federal significance "Dacha Bezborodko A.A. (Kushelovoy-Bezborodko) "on the Sverdlovsk Embankment.

Also in the middle of the summer of 2017, after moving to a new building of St. Petersburg State University GUZ "Anti-Tuberculous Dispensary No. 5", a large-scale restoration with a device for the modern use of Kushheleva-Bezborodko will begin.

The fence was erected in the construction of the main cottage for Dacha A.A. Bezborodko in the 1780s. On the front, the fences with openwork forged gates on granite pedestals are 29 sculptures of Lviv (cast iron, casting) connected by chains from round links. One of the sculptures is late, cast from the aluminum alloy - the project is supposed to recreate it in historical material. The restoration will be held in the workshop, and the lions will return after the end of the restoration of Daches Kusheleva-Bezborodko.

Works are carried out for funds St. Petersburg Construction Company LLC "Monolith" * Based on the project documentation agreed in the established procedure and the permission of the KGIOP.

"We hope that in two years, as planned, the project will be implemented, and the unique estate building of the end of the XVIII century will become one of the revived pearls of our city," said Sergey Makarov, chairman of KGIP. - The investor involves the creation of a museum-exhibition space here. Wherein historical look Buildings, naturally, will be saved. "

The gallery of the building is planned to be used as a museum and exhibition platform to accommodate an extensive exposition on the history of the development of jewelry in Russia. The volume of investment in the implementation of the project will be at least 500 million rubles.

"The figures of lions and chains are strongly contaminated, have multi-layer coloring, loss of colorful and primer layers," said Svetlana Navivkin, head of the northern, southern regions of KGIOP Svetlana. - Granite pedestals under figures have small chips and bottoms with cement materials. The top plates of limestone base strongly crumble. "

All lions are unique: every light smile, which never repeats on all 29 sculptures. The weight of one figure is about 200 kilograms. "Today, we practically remove the" the adventures of Italians in Russia-2, "said the chairman of the KGIOP.

Press Secretary KGIOP Ksenia Cherepanova - 710-41-17,press@ kGIOP.. gOV.. sPB.. ru

* Related information about the company's links with the management of Azerbaijani cultural autonomy St. Petersburg It does not correspond to reality. The construction company LLC "Monolith" is headed by Semenova Janina Valerevna, which is simultaneously managing one of the main Russian jewelry manufacturers - St. Petersburg Jewelry factory.

Dacha A.A. Bezborodko is one of the brightest crown ensembles of the last quarter of the XVIII century.

A plot on which the Manor Kusheleva-Bezborodko is located, was settled even before the foundation St. Petersburg. On the map of 1698, the Swedish manor with the garden of the compete fortress Nienshanz is indicated. Perhaps, a system of underground moves was created here, which the commandant could take advantage in the event of an unexpected appearance of Russian troops. Shortly after the base St. Petersburg Peter I presented an empty Swedish manoran wife Catherine.

In the first years, after the foundation of the capital, there was a government garden in the estate - a woody nursery, arranged by order of Peter I. North of the State Garden in 1718, Life Medic Peter I, Robert Erskin discovered a valuable source of medical mineral water. In the winter of 1719, Peter I was treated with them and recognized the water not worse than Belgian. This terrain was called the Palustris Latin Word - swamp.

In the second half of the XVIII century, the landscaping of the right bank of the Neva as a countryside is made, then the two largest estates are formed: Bezborodko (Original - Teplova) and Durnovo (Original Bakunina).

In 1770, the dacha territory was granted to Catherine II to his approximate, Senator and the secret adviser Gregory Teplov. The heat was an active participant in the construction of Catherine to the Russian throne, the author of the manifesto about the weeds and the text oath of New Empress. This territory has significantly expanded this territory, bought out a plot with iron keys in the Oktinsky, where he wanted to arrange a healing establishment. In 1773-1777. A small three-storey house on the project Vasily Bazhenova was built.

In 1782, after the death of G.N. Teplova, manor was sold by his son Chancellor Alexander Andreevich Bezborodko (1747-1799). For him, according to the project of architect D. Roserengi (some researchers challenged the authorship of Lviv in favor of Nikolay Alexandrovich Lviv - He is also attributed to the authorship of the fence with lions) In 1783-1784, the old house was rebuilt and expanded: arcuate through colonnades tied to both parties With two-story flibels at the Neva, the main facade crowned the three-story fronton, north of the manor house there is a park. The building is made in the forms of strict classics of the end of the XVIII century of the Roman-Doric Order. Generous for any new "motorcycle", Bezborodko spent huge funds for the decoration of his summer residence and confidently could say that the appearance of His cottage and the garden "everyone took over."

On the seafront, a bunk edge terrace was built on the embankment. On both sides of the pier there were guns for signals and salutes. The side stairs and grottoes were lined with granite, and the terrace was decorated with four sphinx sculptures, one pair on the top platform, the other on the bottom, and vases. During the years, the terrace-pier was destroyed. In 1959-1960 The marina was restored for the project of architect A. L. Rotha and Technique G. F. Pernalina with recreation of lost sculptures.

Simultaneously with the granite pier in the late 1780s, a fence, separating from the seafront, appears, located in front of the manor house. The fence consists of twenty nine the same sculptures of lions holding massive cast iron chains in the teeth. At the end of the XIX century, the fence from the garden is complemented by an array of vertical peak.

Alexander Andreevich very much loved his country residence. Every summer morning he was departed with a report to the Empress, and he returned to dinner. Here, flamelessly collected a collection of works of Western European art.

In the memoir literature there are many stories about the luxury and splendor of the festivities that Lesborodko gave in his city house and in a country country. Hot fan and patron of theatrical environment, he arranged grand receptions in her country.

After the death of A.A. In 1799, the estate inherited his brother Ilya Andreevich in 1799. In his possession, the cottage remained until 1815, after which she passed to the ownership of his two daughters, the eldest of which love was married to admiral Count G.G. Kushelov.

The merit of Alexander Grigorievich Kusheleva-Bezborodko, the grandson of Alexander Andreevich, was the further development of the estate based on the use of its main wealth - unique mineral water.

With the new owner, the polevoto is noticeably revived. Works on the drying of the area are produced, pipes are laid, a common prefabricated pool is set to collect water. Building a bathtub.

In the 1820-30s, the process of leasing plots from extensive suburban possessions of representatives of aristocratic surnames has affected the eastern part of the Vyborg side, which bordered with Oktensy villages. Extensive sections of the estate to the West and the East were divided into smaller for sale "without any strangers in the eternal and hereditary possessions of 20 newly chopped land plots for the establishment of residential buildings, cottages, factories and the like."

In the early 1820s, the metropolitan newspapers began to place ads about the festivities on Sundays and Thursdays at the Duchess of the Bezborodko, with music, illumination, fireworks.

At this time, the northern part of the large park pond was arranged on site. In 1833, the territory of the Kushelovsky-Bezborodko Park, together with the village of Polyustrov, entered the city of the city as part of the Golten region of the Vyborg part. Count Alexander Grigorievich by the Department of Artificial Affairs was granted the right to build residential buildings, cottages, factories, etc., and pr. Not for exemplary projects in areas of land from its estate.

The first experience in the creation of a resort with mineral water for swimming began in 1838. Pharmacist Fisher on one of the sections surrendered by the graph for rent, opened a bathing room with rooms for residence. By 1848, a wooden one-storey dance pavilion was built at the Pulistrovsky resort, the Gothic Pavilion of Tivoli was arranged in the same years.

Omnibus went from the Public Library to the Public Library, and from the end of the 1840s a shipping message was established here.

In addition to the healing waters, the glory of the Polyuster was created by magnificent holidays for citizens. They played a brass band here, dancing were organized, the public was entertained by gymnasts. For a cottage, M.I. Guest came to the Count Glinka, k.I. Bryullov, Nordic Bee systematically prints reports on grand festivities and festivities arranged at the Duchess of the Bezborodko.

Alexander Grigorievich died in 1855, and the estate passed to his older son Grigory, who raised the resort mineral Water on the new level. The new owner ordered to build a building for 30 baths, for heating of which the steam car was written out of England. Sulfur baths began to operate.

Graf Grigory Alexandrovich, as well as his father, was a hosppulent host. In his estate, several dozen writers were constantly located. He himself was the founder and editor of the monthly literary and political magazine "Russian Word".

One of the bright episodes of the life of the estate of this period was two-month stay here Alexander Duma-Father in June-July 1858. The author "Trej Musketeers" wrote: "We stopped in front of the big villa, two wings of which he was selected by a semicircle from the main building. At the steps of the entrance, the servants of the graph in the front-line livers were lined up. The graph and the countess came out of the carriage, and the kissing began. Then they climbed the stairs to the second floor to church. As the graph and the Countess crossed the threshold, the dead one began in honor of the "prosperous return", which the Honorable priest had enough of the mind not to delay. At the end, everyone embraced, despite the ranks, and by order of the count, everyone was held in their premises. My apartments were arranged on the first floor and went out into the garden. They were adjacent to a large beautiful hall used as the theater, and consisted of an entrance hall, a small salon, billiard room, a bedroom for Muan and me. After breakfast, I went to the balcony. In front of me, a wonderful view was opened - large granite stairs descend from the embankment from the embankment, over which the pole feet is erected fifty heights.

At the top of the pole, a banner with a graphic coat of arms flutter. It is a marina of the count, where the Great Catherine stepped down, when I had the mercy of the Bezborodko and took part in a holiday arusted in her honor. "

In 1868, a major fire occurred in the Polyvtrov, after which the resort tried to restore, but unsuccessfully: the fire destroyed a lot of cottages and all fistest entities of the park and the resort of mineral waters. G.A. Bezborodko died in the spring of 1870. Sources tested his peasants. The estate inherited the sister of Count L. A. Musina Pushkin, who passed the cottage for rent.

In 1875, from land acquired by architect Ts.A. Kavosomes on the territory of the former Kusheleva-Bezborodko garden, a plot for the construction of a cable factory was isolated. The building extended along the entire southern border of the site - from the Okhtinskaya road to the long sleeve of the pond. Gradually there is a wooden factory town with industrial, warehouse and residential premises.

The very northern territory where the source of mineral water was located, bought Prince S.S. Abamelaek-Lazarev, who organized a wide sale of bottled polesterol water, as well as the delivery of it to the house. With the new owner, mineral water was produced under the brand name "Natural Mineral Water of Puliston Sources".

In 1876, the territory to the west of the mansion was sold to the joint-stock company of the Slavic Pivedovarny Plant (since 1885 - "New Bavaria").

In the 1880s, the rest of the estate, including the main house, was sold to a honorable citizen of the merchant Barcling. In 1896, the ownership of Brusnitsa acquired the Elizavtian community of the sister of mercy to create a hospital. The palace was rebuilt, it was located a pharmacy, an outpatientation and apartments for employees. To the north of it, five hospital buildings were built, east of the mansion - a residential building for the sisters of mercy and the church of St. Panteleimon healer.

During the years of Soviet power, the completion of the process of industrialization of the area accelerated.

In 1913, civil engineer A.I. The stunkel was developed a project for the reconstruction of the workshop of the Knock Factory "Neva", providing for its significant expansion. The beginning of the First World War prevented the full project implementation - only one floor of an extension was built.

The mechanical plant "Promet", founded in 1914-1915 at a narrow section between the house of the Parable of the Elizavtian community of Mercy Sisters and Kushhelevsky Lane, by the beginning of the 1930s, took almost the entire southeast and partially central part of the estate.

In 1917, after the October Revolution, the cottage moved to Gubbrava and was given to the device in him hospitals. K. Liebknecht.

During the Great Patriotic War The manor was badly damaged.

When building a modern Sverdlovsk Embankment underground move To the banks of the Neva was destroyed, the entrance from the estate was closed.

The main works on the reconstruction of the estate with a device for a tuberculosis dispensary were carried out in 1960-1962. According to the project of architect V.S. Sherstnev (Institute "Lekrenproekt"). Two-storey extensions, adjacent directly to the lateral tower of the facade of the building, were disassembled. At the same time, restoration work is carried out on the existing historical fences. In the 1970s. The project improvement of the territory of the Tubdy Specialcher was implemented. In 1984, a selective overhaul of the building was carried out. Metal gates with a gate on stone poles and fence were restored in the late 1990s.

Lions in the summer of Lesborodko become the participants of one of the scenes released in 1974 the comedy Eldar Ryazanov "Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia". According to the story, heroes will have to find 9 billion Italian lira hidden in Leningrad "under Lvom". "In this city, Lviv is more than residents!" - They say the characters of the paintings, recalculating the lion sculptures of the fence of the cottage of the Kushelovy-Bezborodko.

Alexander Andreevich Bezborodko was born in Glukhov in 1747. Count P.A. Rumyantsev recommended her intelligent employee Empress as a secretary, certified it like this: "I present to your Majesty Diamond in the Kore: Your mind will give him the price."

The Empress has introduced the case to see the extraordinary memory of his secretary: she called some law, which Neboroto immediately told himself by heart, and when the Empress was requested by the book with the law to make sure whether the decree was acting as accuracy, then Bezborko called the page on which He is printed.

Count, then the bright prince, chief director of the Russian Empire, actually led the country's foreign policy. Two years before his death was awarded Paul I of the highest in the time of the rank of the Chancellor of the Russian Empire.

Alexander Andreevich walked the fan of art, was a regulatory of the theater, Russian songs loved. After myself left the richest art gallery, in terms of quality and number of paintings, not inferior to Stroganovskaya.

The author of the biographies of diplomatic Sanovnikov Tereshchenko wrote: "Being the Empress in French Kaftan, he sometimes did not notice the stunned stockings and the torn buckles on his shoes, was simple, somewhat awkwardness and hard; in conversations then he was merry, then thought."

In his house on the post office street, the petitioners were constantly crowded, which he tried to help than deserve the reputation of the kind.

The Count Komarovsky, from the words of his son-in-law, left a description of homemade life of Bezborodko: "Nothing was more pleasant to hear the conversation of the crafes of the Bezborodko. He was a good memory unusually<…> The fluency with which he reading, grabbed the meaning of any speech, is almost incredible. I happened to see that we will bring a premium packet of papers from the empress; After lunch, he ordantly sat down on the sofa and always asked for him not worried and continue to talk, meanwhile he had just turned the sheets and sometimes interfered with his guests, without stopping the paper at the same time. If what he read did not conclude a state secret, he reported to the content of it. "

Dacha Bezborodko in St. Petersburg ("Kusheleva Dacha") - the second building in Northern capital After the marble palace, lined with marble. So it is often called second or small marble Palace. He is a monument of classicism architecture.
Located on Sverdlovsk Nab., \u200b\u200b40.
Years of Construction: 1783-1784
Architect: Kvrenopa J.

In the summer of 1858, Alexander Duma Sr. he had stayed for a while. The writer arrived in Russia at the personal invitation of Kusheleva-Bezborodko. The author "Trej Musketeers" wrote:
"We stopped in front of the big villa, two wings of which he was selected by a semicircle from the main building. At the steps of the entrance, the servants of the graph in the front-line livers were lined up. The graph and the countess came out of the carriage, and the kissing began. Then they climbed the stairs to the second floor to church. As the graph and the Countess crossed the threshold, the dead one began in honor of the "prosperous return", which the Honorable priest had enough of the mind not to delay. At the end, everyone embraced, despite the ranks, and by order of the count, everyone was held in their premises. My apartments were arranged on the first floor and went out into the garden. They were adjacent to a large beautiful hall used as the theater, and consisted of an entrance hall, a small salon, billiard room, a bedroom for Muan and me. After breakfast, I went to the balcony. In front of me, a wonderful view was opened - large granite stairs descend from the embankment from the embankment, over which the pole feet is erected fifty heights.
At the top of the pole, a banner with a graphic coat of arms flutter. It is a marina, where the Great Catherine stepped down, when I had the mercy of the Bezborodko and took part in a festival arranged in her honor. "

The guests of the city of A. Kusheleva-Bezborodko were also I. A. Goncharov (in 1856), A. Mikov, A. F. Pishemsky, V.V. Cross, V.S. Kurochkin, a. N. Radishchev, N. N. Novikov, D. I. Fonvizin, N. A. Lvov, L. Mei, A. Grigoriev.

Dacha Kusheleva-Bezborodko

Thanks to the villagers in the estate, this area has become famous for therapeutic resort. In 1840-1850, there was a popular cocoon of Polyustrovsky mineral waters. In 1868, the resort burned down, but after that they continued to pour mineral water.

Dacha I. A. Bezborodko in Polyustrovo.Akvarel G. S. Sergeeva. 1800

In 1896, Dachesheva-Bezborodko took the Elizabetan community of Sisters of the Mercy of the Red Cross, founded by the sister of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. The community led an outpatient reception of local workers and artisans. For her needs, the architects Pavel Suzor, Nikolay Nabokov, Alexander Kashchenko, were engaged in restructuring estate.
As a result, typical hospital corps were built here, which became a prototype of future Soviet residential arrays.

Elizavetinskaya Sisters Mercy - Interdistrict Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary

In 1899-1901, a church was built on the Kashchenko project in the name of Panteleimon healer. Her main attraction was created by Mikhail Popov's first marble iconostasis.

Panteleimon - Healer Church at the Elizabethan Community Sisters Mercy. Photo of the 1900s

Church of St. Navy. Panteleimon at the Elizavian community of Sisters of Mercy
1899-1901 - Arch. Elizabetan community A. V. Kashchenko
The community was opened on December 9, 1896 and received its name in honor of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fedorovna, Chairman of the Red Cross.
The church was laid on June 23, 1899 on the project of the architect of the community A. V. Kashchenko. On the embankment put a wooden chapel.
Temple in the name of St. Navy. Panteleimon was consecrated on June 14, 1901 by Metropolitan Anthony in the presence of the Great BN. Elizabeth Feodorovna.
The temple had the shape of a basilica with three gilded masters, the facade was decorated with red crosses.
Red crosses were also decorated with all lattices in the temple. Iconostasis from artificial marble was performed by M. M. Popov, Icons wrote Academician A. V. Troitsky.
The community contained the Mariinsky rapid hospital and courses of Sisters of Mercy.
On September 27, 1898, the Kyot with three icons was consecrated on the Pulistrovskaya Embankment, built by the care company to improve the life of the native of the educational house.
On the territory of the hospital there was a sorrowing chapel for the mess.
After the revolution, the temple became parish. In 1918, Zeljytiya came in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "all the grief joy." Chramred closed on April 6, 1923,

The building of the former Navy Church. Panteleimon Healer at the Elizavian community Sisters of mercy. Photographer O.L. Leukind. 2009.

After the closure of the Panteleimon Church, its building passed the plant "Promet", and in 1940 - the hospital. Karl Liebknecht. In the premises of the Panteleimon Church there is a children's infectious hospital. In 1960-1962, a restoration of the building was restored.

When building the modern Sverdlovsk embankment, the underground move towards the banks of the Neva was destroyed, the entrance from the estate was closed.
Currently, the Dachesheva-Bezborodko is occupied by a tuberculosis dispensary and several organizations.

The Manor Kouchoeva-Bezborodko had a lot of rich and enterprising owners. Even before the foundation of St. Petersburg, there was a Garden of the Swedish Commandant of the Fortress of Nienshanz. In 1718, the new owner of these lands - the Life-Medic of Peter I Lavrentin Bologuost - discovered healing sources here. (According to another version, the primary source of sources was Robert Karlovich Arrest.) So began the glorious history of the Polystrov, which received its name due to ferrous keys and swampy terrain (from Latin "Paluster" - "swampy").

At the end of the 18th century, one of the most educated people of its time becomes the owner of the Polystrov, Ekaterininsky Wiel, and the secret adviser to Empress Grigory Nikolaevich Teplov. In the 1770s, the estate was built for Grigoria Nikolayevich: a three-storey house with a balcony and round towers on the sides, the authorship of which is attributed to Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov.

In 1779, the heat is dying, his son Alexei sells the estate of the bright prince Alexander Andreevich Bezborodko. He rejuvenates the estate renovate: a manor house is being built under the start of Giacomo Kurengy (there is an alternative version of the authorship of Nicholas Alexandrovich Lvov), a park with ponds, arbors, gross. One of the main attractions of the estate becomes a sculptural fence with 29 lions holding a chain (no documents that shed light on authorship, time and place of creation of these sculptures) are becoming preserved.

Approximately the same time, the 1780s, and the arrangement of the pier, which was associated with the manor house underground passage. Alexander Andreevich gave magnificent balls, which thundered to the entire Petersburg. Among the guests at these festivities, the Empress Empress Catherine II itself!

Since Alexander Andreevich, Alexander Andreevich Bezborodko was not, after his death the estate passed by inheritance to distant relatives. In 1816, according to the decree of the emperor Alexander I, the name of the Nebobodko, due to the cessation of the offspring of the men's line, was transferred to the eldest in the genus of the costels - Alexander Grigorievich, who accounted for a husband of one of the granddaughters of Bezborodko.

It is thanks to the efforts of Count Alexander Grigorievich and his son Gregory Aleksandrovich Koshelovyovoye-Bezborodko in the middle of the 19th century, a trendy resort became a trendy resort: they were treated from Malokrovia, nervous disorders corrected, took useful carbon dioxide baths. Artists Ilya Efimovich Repin and Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, Composers Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Artists of the Alexandrinsky Theater, representatives of the Russian aristocracy and guests from abroad were resting. Even such a phrase went in the people: "In the Polevo - on Water and Entertainment." The resort was equipped with the latest technology: the owners even discharged a special steam car from England. And for the fun of holidaymakers, there were often concerts here and arranged fireworks.

The happy history of the resort Polyustrovo interrupted the destructive fire of 1868, which destroyed almost all of his buildings. By that time, the estate already owned the heirs of G. A. Kosheleva-Bezborodko, who did not make the restoration of the resort. A huge plot of land went on sale. Ultimately, a former manor house in 1896 acquired the Elizavtian community of sisters of mercy, another part of the park bought a brewery. Then this place changed many owners, preferably it was therapeutic institutions. Most recently recently located in the deplorable state occupied an anti-tuberculous dispensary. Now the building is transferred to the investor planning to turn an old estate in the cultural and business center, and awaits restoration.

In 1973, Eldar Ryazanov removed the film "Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia". But few know that this ancient estate of Count Alexander Bezborodko, since 1896 she held the community of the Sisters of the Mercy of the Red Cross, founded by the Grand Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna, the sister of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. On the activities of the Elizabethan community and the history of these places our next story.

Frame from E. Ryazanova's film: Heroes are standing at the fence of the estate, next to the sculptures of Lviv, supporting chains. On the other side of the Neva, the Smolny Monastery ensemble is visible

This old and very interesting house is located in the part of St. Petersburg, which was settled even before the foundation of the city.

In 1698, two years before the beginning of the Northern War, the Swedish General Baron Abraham Kronoit, who lived in Nien (Nienshanz), was a plan of terrain from the river Ohta to Delta Neva. At the place where the house number 40 is now located in the Sverdlovsk Embankment, on the Plan of the Swedish General, the Mazz (estate) belonged to the Swedish officer, the commentant of the garrison of Nienshanza. A system of underground moves was created here, which the commandant could take advantage in the event of an unexpected appearance of Russian troops. To the territory of Mazi adjoined the hospital for the elderly soldiers.
During the Northern War with Sweden (1700 -1721), this territory was attached to Russia. And soon after the founding of St. Petersburg, Peter first presented the empty Swedish estate his wife Catherine.

Polyvtrovo View of the former Manor of Kushelovsky-Bezborodko (Sverdlovskaya Nab., \u200b\u200b40) from the belfry of the Smolny Cathedral.

This territory acquired particularly fame due to the sources of mineral waters, found in 1718 at the nearby Cossack gardens. In the winter of 1719, the waters were treated first, and recognized them not worse than Belgian. Thanks to the Latin Word "Poluster", that is, "swampy", local mineral waters began to be called Polyustrov.

During the reign of Catherine, Gregory Nikolayevich Heat became the second owner of the land. In the 1760s The office of buildings offered to acquire the wishing land with the Cossack garden; The actual secret adviser Grigory Nikolaevich Teplov, who knew about the healing properties of local sources (heat was sick and had to go abroad for treatment), for the sake of savings, I decided to use the Pulistrovskaya water, and acquired a plot.
So at the site of the Cossack garden, the Mazz Polyustrov appeared.

In 1773-1777 Architect Vasily Bazhenov, a manor house in the Gothic style was built here. It is assumed that Bazhenov resumed already existing underground communications. With a stone house there were greenhouses where fruits, vegetables, flowers, tobacco were grown.

On the seafront, a bunk edge terrace was built on the embankment. On both sides of the pier there were guns for signals and salutes. The side stairs and the grotto were lined with granite, and the terrace was decorated with vases and four sphinx sculptures: one pair on the top platform, the other on the bottom.

It was possible to recover the heat of the Polevskaya water is reliably unknown. His contemporaries argued that Grigory Nikolaevich recovered without leaving the estate. But the historian P. N. Stolpyansky refers to the recognition of heat that, in 1771, his mineral water was almost destroyed.

In 1782, after the death of Teplov, his son sold me at 22 500 rubles. Chancellor Alexander Andreyevich Bezborodko became the new owner of the Polyvtorovo. For him in 1783-1784 According to the project, Jacomo Kurengy on the site of the old manor house was built new mansion. The quarters did not build a house again, and the building already used as much as possible. Thus, the mansion keeps not only the remains of the Bazhenovskaya building, but perhaps traces of the Swedish manor. Dacha Bezborodko is one of the few country work of the famous architecture.

Chancellor of the Russian Empire Prince A.A. Bezborodko; Portrait of the Brush of Johann Baptist Senior (1794)

In the early 19th century. The estate decorated the famous, consisting of sculptural images of 29 lions, fence. Her creator could be Nikolai Alexandrovich Lvov.
Count Lesborodko, shortly before his death received the title of Prince, passed away in 1799, asking to use his condition to begun.

Dacha I. A. Bezborodko in Polyustrovo. Watercolor G. S. Sergeeva (1800)

His ownership moved to his brother, Ivan Andreevich. After the death of childless I.A. Bezborodko here lived his niece, Princess K. I. Lobanova-Rostov, who brought up the son of Alexander Grigorievich Kusheleva. In 1816, the name of Bezborodko was added to his surname. Since then, he has become a Coushel-Bezborodko Count, and the estate acquired the famous name - Dacha Kusheleva-Bezborodko.

Count Alexander Grigorievich Koshelev-Bezborodko, the patron, the honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, constantly followed everything that appeared wonderful in the field of science and literature.

A.G. Kushelev-Bezborodko, State Controller of the Russian Empire; Portrait of a brush Franz Kruger (1851)

Estate plan; Sketch J.Kvarengiga

It was under Alexander Grigorievich that the estate was famous as a healing resort. In 1840-1850 There was a popular cocoon of Polyustrovsky mineral waters. To study the water, the count invited famous physics, pharmacies, which at different times gave positive feedback. Pharmacist Fisher on one of the sections surrendered by the graph for rent, opened a bathing room with rooms for residence.

"View of the Neva and a Smithing Monastery from the fence of the cottage of the Kushelovy-Bezborodko"; Unknown artist Ser. 19th century

The next owner of the Polyustovo in 1855 - 1870. There was a writer and patron Count Grigory Aleksandrovich Koshelev - Bezborodko.
His dacha was A. N. Radishchev, N. N. Novikov, D. I. Fonvizin. And the books of poems A. N. Maikova were published on his funds, the first collection of works by A. N. Ostrovsky, writings L. A. May. In 1861, he visited A. I. Herzen in London, and in 1863 made a significant contribution to the "General Fund", created to help need young emigrants.

Count Grigory Aleksandrovich Kushhelev-Bezborodko (1832-1870), Stat adviser; photo 1856

Works by G.A. Kusheleva-Bezborodko was published in magazines and individual publications. In 1857, in St. Petersburg under the pseudonym Gritko Grigorenko, his "essays and stories", were also published in two volumes "essays, stories and travel notes."
In 1858 G.A. Kushelev-Bezborodko invited Alexander Duma - the Father to take a journey through Russia and took it on his dacha in the Polyster. With a French writer, he met in Paris. Dumas had long experienced interest in Russia, but came here only after the death of Nicholas first.
The emperor could not forgive the dum of the writing of the novel "Notes of the Fencing Teacher", the heroes of which were at the fictional names of the Decembrist I. A. Annenkov and Franzewoman Polina Gebl, who followed him to the Siberian reference.

"We stopped in front of the big villa, two wings of which he was selected by a semicircle from the main building. At the steps of the entrance, the servants of the graph in the front-line livers were lined up. The graph and the countess came out of the carriage, and the kissing began. Then they climbed the stairs to the second floor to church. As the graph and the Countess crossed the threshold, the dead one began in honor of the "prosperous return", which the Honorable priest had enough of the mind not to delay. At the end, everyone embraced, despite the ranks, and by order of the count, everyone was held in their premises. My apartments were arranged on the first floor and went out into the garden. They were adjacent to a large excellent room used as a theater, and consisted of an entrance hall, a small salon, a billiard room, a bedroom for Muan (artist and translator, accompanying Dumas on a trip in Russia) and me. After breakfast, I went to the balcony. In front of me, a wonderful view was opened - large granite stairs descend from the embankment from the embankment, over which the pole feet is erected fifty heights. At the top of the pole, a banner with a graphic coat of arms flutter. This is a marina of the count, where the Great Catherine came down, when I had the mercy of the flamelessness and took part in a festival arranged in Her Honor "(from the letters and memories of A. Dyuma-Father)

G. A. Koschelev-Bezborodko was a major benefactor, a member of the Imperial Personnel Society, contained the house of charity of older women on Ohta (later called him name), helped other institutions.

Trustees and warming up of the womb of the Poor Poor Women in memory of the Count G. A. Kusheleva-Bezborodko and K. K. Zlobin (second major sacrifice) of the Imperial Personnel Society (Lietokhtinskaya Raddle); 1913, PhotoAtel K. K. Bulla

At the same time, the count was a big eccentric, surrounded by a place for various random people.

"The strange view had this house at that time, or rather, the society that was in it. It gave him the character of a caravan-shed, or, rather, a large hotel for coming. Here on the old memory were relatives and near them the chawl of alien and Russian noders, players, small journalists, their wives, buddies, etc. All this was placed on different branches of extensive, once the Barsky House, lived, elo, drank, played in the cards, took walks in the crews of the graph, the nimalo is not embarrassed by the owner, which, in case of infinite weakness of nature, and from part of pain, none of intervened, providing any freedom to do anything. " D.V. Grigorovich "Literary memories."

The last representative of the richest race died in 1870 at the age of 38. Sources he bequeathed his peasants. The estate inherited his sister L. A. Musina Pushkin, who passed the cottage for rent.

Portrait of Alexandrovna Musina-Pushkina, nee Koucheva (1833 - 1913), Freillina, Stats-ladies, Karl Johanna Lasha brushes (1856)

In 1873, the estate was divided into sections, and some of them were purchased, including to build factories.
A year before the death of the count, the fire destroyed a significant part of the resort, which was no longer restored. And the landscape park, the surrounding cottage gradually declined, as various industrial enterprises were built on its territory. Here, the Beer Plant "New Bavaria" began to work, now known as the issuing Soviet champagne CJSC "Sparkling Wines".

Elizavetan community

Many Orthodox people, Elizabeth Feodorovna, the Great Princess of Elizaveta Fedorovna, as the founder of the Marfo Mariine Monastery of Mercy in Moscow, but the little-known fact of its biography is that, on its initiative, on December 9, 1896, the community of sisters of mercy in St. Petersburg was founded. By order of Empress Mary Fedorovna, the community was named Elizavetinskaya.

In 1896, the abandoned building of the fabivo place estate and part of the 9th hectare park passed to the ownership of the Red Cross Society: they were redeemed for the community for the means of the imperial family.

Photo starting 20 century.

On the first floor of the main building there is an ambulatory and kitchen, on the second room of the sisters of mercy and the apartment of the community. On the third floor there were tested rooms that lived for several people together.
The mansion also housed the pharmacy and apartments of the employees, and the construction of surgical and medical pavilions, and sisters of mercy, and sisters of mercy began in the house in the former county park. All buildings were equipped with crosses on facades - symbols of the Red Cross

Modern renovated view of one of these buildings

Several Freinin Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna took part in the activities of the community. The first priority was Baroness A. A. von Drilling. One of the organizers of the Elizabethan community was the princess M. S. Golitsyn. At the initiative of Elizabeth Fedorovna in 1898, a committee was established to strengthen the funds of the community, the chairman of the Board of which was Freilin M. A. Vasilchikov. The Committee included sacrifices without the difference in estates and religions. An honorary member of this committee consisted of Father John Kronstadt. In the Tauride Palace in 1901, the Committee was granted a premises, at the sanctification of which Elizaveta Fedorovna was present. It is the activities of the Committee allowed the community to build new hospital buildings in the garden at the chief building and the temple.

Great Princess Elizaveta Fedorovna, in the ancestry of Martha; Photo after 1909

"Further existence of a community without the temple of God is unthinkable: it is necessary for sisters to strengthen them in a sense of ministry to suffer, and only then I consider the creation of a community ready when the Blagoves will be heard from the bell tower" (from the rescript of the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna from August 26, 1900 on The name of the chairman of the Committee of the Board of Freilin M. A. Vasilchikova)

In the park at the main building on the project of architect N. F. Paschenko, a church was built in the name of the Holy Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon. The church was consecrated by the St. Petersburg Metropolitan Anthony (Vadkovsky) on June 14, 1901 in the presence of Elizabeth Fedorovna.

Church in the name of the Navy. Panteleimon at the Elizabethan community Sisters of Mercy (photo 1900s)

The temple had the shape of a basilica with three gilded masters, the facade was decorated with red crosses.
Red crosses were also decorated with all lattices in the temple. Iconostasis from artificial marble was performed by M. M. Popov, Icons wrote Academician A. V. Troitsky.

After the revolution, the temple became parish. In 1918, he was consecrated in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "all the mournful joy."

Elizaveta Fedorovna ruled this community from Moscow. But despite this, all the most important events took place without her participation. She was present at the sanctification of all the new buildings in the community, she made reports of the community, writing orders. Control of this particular community was for Elizabeth Fedorovna important experiencepreceding the creation of the Marfo Mariinsky Resident. She did not forget the Elizavtian community created by her and then when the Marto-Mariinsky monastery was already a progress.
The source of funds for the community was the income from charitable balls and lotteries, as well as donations for which commemorative tokens were issued.

Such tokens were issued to those who have made at least 10 rubles at the same time, as well as contributing to the activities of the community with personal labor

The Elizabethan community was one of the few at which the children's and gynecological branch existed; Other communities were preferably focused on the help of wounded soldiers. Elizaveta Fedorovna believed that sisters of mercy should be able to provide medical care And women and children. In addition to the outpatient reception, the sister was caring for patients and in the Mariinsky barbell hospital (which was on the maintenance of the community), and the chief physician of which was S.S. Botkin.

Coach at the entrance to the manor house; Photo 1910

The Elizabethan community of Sisters of Mercy was one of the few medical institutions for the 50,000th population of the Polyustrovsky work outlook. Mainly, an outpatient reception was carried out here. Thus, the number of visits to the surgical department of the community hospital in 1900 reached 11 thousand. The surgical department was filled with patients without a choice - that is, as stated in the report of the community: "Bast Allin and Jew".
The working day of the Sisters of the Elizabethan community began at 8 am and lasted until 8 pm. The only hour released for recreation is from 4 to 5 hours of the day: "At 4 o'clock sisters drink tea, they rest until 5 hours, and after 5 to 7, the theoretical courses on medicine are listening, they produce pitches, etc." (from the community report).

An outpatient reception continued from 13 to 16 hours of afternoon. By 1904, in connection with the greatest influx of visitors, the reception continued to 17, 18 and even 19 hours, depriving the sisters even a small rest. There were residents of the surrounding villages, including Finns. In the summer, the community activity has declined - the premises were repaired. During the year, sisters were sometimes sent to private houses on duty or for dressings, massages, physiotherapy (electrification, as they talked), worked during epidemics.

Group of mercy brothers at the entrance to the building of the Elizabethan community; 1912, photo of Karl Bulla

During the Russian-Japanese War, the Sisters of the community and Sanitars - the Brothers Mercy, being in the Harbin Hospital-Lazaret, took part in the fate of the wounded.

6 doctors went to the Russian-Japanese war from the community, 40 sisters of mercy and 35 Sanitars; in Harbin; Photo 1904

The street closest to the community was called Elizavetinskaya Street - by the name of the community. The exact closure date of the Elizabethan community is unknown.

To the present day

After the October Revolution, a tuberculous hospital named after Charles Libnecht was located in the community buildings. And the community continued to work, but, like other sisterhood, her hospital complex was selected. On the basis of the community in 1920, the normal school sisters was opened. Roses Luxembourg. The temple was closed on April 6, 1923. After the Great Patriotic War in the temple was a maternity hospital.
Kushheleva-Bezborodko, until 2011, held an anti-tuberculous dispensary.
In 1959-1960 A restoration of the terrace-marina destroyed during the war years, with the recreation of lost sculptures. When building the modern Sverdlovsk embankment, the underground move towards the banks of the Neva was destroyed, the entrance from the estate was closed.

One of the four sphinxes on the pier. Behind the grille - a closed underground course leading in the estate (the photo is visible on the photo and the clut of the front of the building)

The famous fence with the figures of twenty nine sitting Lviv was renovated in 1999.After moving the tuberculosis dispensary from the manor to a new building, the locals expected that the wedding palace will be located in the building. But no; For several years, the building stood closed, and there were different rumors about his further fate.

In 2014, cultural figures and representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora of St. Petersburg wrote a letter to the authorities with a request, in memory of the Malorosiic origin of the owner - Count Kusheleva-Bezborodko, as well as in connection with the deterioration of interstate and interethnic relations, transfer the estate under Ukrainian cultural Center. Received a refusal.

Now the building was leased to leisure center of the Azerbaijani Diaspora of St. Petersburg. The tenants of the first thing (in early January 2015) were demolished by a four-storey hospital house with a community of mercy sisters.

The demolished house of the Elisavtian community of Sisters of Mercy; Photo 2013

The building of the former Navy Church. Panteleimon Healer at the Elizavtian community of Sisters of Mercy; Photo 2009

Old oak in the garden of the Dacha Lesborko; Photo 2013

Address: St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk Embankment, 40.

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