What you need to get to China. Independent travel to China

A trip abroad, planned with your own hand, can be much more interesting than the offers of travel agencies. The main problem is the lack of knowledge of the language, so at the stage of preparation it is worth considering all the nuances of the trip.

Self-drive around tourist visa to China is made out in advance so that the traveler is confident that his vacation will be as comfortable as possible.

Officially, Russian citizens need a visa to travel to China on their own. The cheapest single entry visa will cost the traveler 1,500 rubles for 2018. At the same time, he gets the opportunity to stay on the territory of the Celestial Empire for a total of 30 days from a corridor of 90. Similar conditions apply when processing documents at the consulate.

To obtain a visa, you will have to provide:

  • a passport with a 6 month reserve before the expiration date;
  • a copy of the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a questionnaire with a color photo;
  • insurance;
  • confirmation of financial solvency for citizens who do not work;
  • round trip tickets;
  • invitation.

The invitation can be issued by a citizen of the host state or by a travel agency. In the case of a personal invitation, you will need to provide the data of the receiving party (copy of the passport and ID). An invitation from a travel agency is confirmed by a hotel reservation for the entire period of stay in the country.

An exception to the official visa regulations is for residents border areas, who can draw up the necessary documents directly at the ground crossing point. Also, other conditions are provided when applying for a visa at the airport at the place of arrival, but it is worth clarifying whether there is such a possibility at all. Without a visa, you can only visit Suifenhe and the border trade zone for up to 15 days, with the obligation not to leave the city. This is where many entrepreneurs go to buy goods.

For those who have previously visited the Middle Kingdom, it is additionally required to provide a copy of the old passport with the appropriate marks. And confirmation of financial solvency consists in an account statement. Regardless of the expected expenses, the account must have an amount not less than $ 100 per day of stay in a foreign country.

Transportation to the destination and within the country

Most travelers prefer to get to China from Russia using airlines, although you can cross the border by any means of transport. Buses often run from Vladivostok, as well as border areas, which provide a fairly quick border crossing for residents of the respective regions.

Before buying a ticket, you need to roughly outline a travel plan if you need to visit several cities. However, it is best to enter and exit from the same airport.

You can travel within the country using any convenient transport: planes, trains, ferries, buses and even taxis. IN large cities the best way to get around is by bus or metro. To do this, it is enough to buy a travel card, which at the end of the visit can be returned and a cash deposit returned for it. The travel card is a plastic card that needs to be replenished periodically. The cost of one trip for public transport will be about 30-50 cents.

Experienced Traveler's Advice! There is a rather cheap taxi in the PRC, and tourists who come here for the first time prefer to use this particular type of transport. However, after about a month of life, residents of Russia often realize that they have to spend too much on transport. In many cities, it is more convenient to get around on foot or with a rented bike.

How to find accommodation?

When applying for a visa through a travel agency, a hotel reservation is required for the entire period of stay in the PRC. However, hotels often do not meet the expectations of the traveler, so long-term reservations have unpredictable consequences. It is much more convenient to arrange it for just 1-2 nights. This will ensure an overnight stay at the hotel, but it can be changed if the conditions are not pleasant.

Most often, travelers face the same problems when choosing a hotel:

Poor soundproofing

In some buildings, you can easily hear the conversation of people from the next room, even if they do not raise their voices.

Poor location. Often it is not a question that the hotel is not located in the center or is difficult to find. The problem is that it is in the immediate vicinity, for example, you can find a hotel opposite a landfill.

Room conditions

Foreigners choose their place of residence based on the description of the room and photographs, but they often do not correspond to the real state of affairs. Rooms may be much smaller than indicated and sometimes there is only a bed inside.

Those who do not want to face such inconveniences are advised to pay attention to the reputation of the institution before booking. The best service is provided by network companies that operate in several cities. However, their housing costs will be much higher, so it is necessary to prioritize: price or quality.

For most citizens, booking a hotel is the only available accommodation option if you are planning an independent trip to China. If there are no restrictions in this direction, you can look for an alternative. Short-term apartment rentals in Asian countries are not practiced, since a standard contract is drawn up for a year. But if you wish, you can find specialized websites with intermediaries through which you can rent an apartment for a shorter period.

The cost of a double room in a medium to low quality hotel will be around $ 10-15 per night. In chain hotels, the minimum price tag is set at about $ 30. Renting an apartment for a month will cost about $ 400-500.

This column of expenses most of all affects how much it costs to go to the PRC. The final amount of the vacation will vary from $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 for two adults for 10 days. At the same time, the difference lies mainly in the payment for housing.


It's important to know! Chinese food is very different from what is ordered in Russia with home delivery. Be prepared for a bright and very unusual taste that will lead to an upset stomach. The aroma from most street cafes is quite unpleasant without habit.

Be prepared for Chinese food to be very different from what we are used to

There are several food options:

  • in establishments under a well-known brand;
  • in local cafes;
  • self-preparation of food from products purchased in the supermarket.

In the Middle Kingdom, you can easily find world-famous establishments. For example, McDonald's. Many tourists are accustomed to eating in such restaurants, since the employees carefully monitor sanitary standards, and the menu is identical almost everywhere. The disadvantage of this method is the rather high prices.

You can have a hearty meal at the eatery for as little as $ 1.50. However, unlike food chains, the language barrier should be mentioned here. Not all cafes have menus with names written in Latin letters or photographs, so ordering food is at your own peril and risk. In addition, small restaurants with local cuisine almost do not adhere to hygiene standards, which has a bad effect on the health of a visiting person.

In all Chinese cities many street cafes. But finding an English speaking waiter is almost impossible.

However, try local cuisine worth it, since it is an integral attribute of the Celestial Empire. Surprisingly beautiful and interesting snacks can be bought even from street vendors. And if you have concerns about your health, you should find out about the restaurants run by Muslim Chinese. These are the cleanest establishments. Having decided to go to China on your own, you first need to find out the address and reviews about them on the Internet.

Eateries sometimes provide an interesting form of serving dishes: as in buffet or in churrasco. However, even in a simple cafe, the portions are very large. Some meals are only served for two.

Tourists who are not suitable for these methods need to take care of their own meals. Buying groceries in Chinese supermarkets without knowing the language will turn out to be a difficult quest, so it is recommended that you go for food with a dictionary loaded on your phone. Only certain types of fruit can be identified without prompts. By the way, vegetables and fruits may differ depending on the area, because the territory is very large. Tourists should try exotic fruits, especially from the southern part of the state. Some of them cannot be tried in Russia as they cannot stand transportation. It is not advisable to buy sausages or sausages, as they are made from soy and taste completely different from the usual food.

Outwardly, Chinese supermarkets differ little from ours. But buying something without a dictionary is difficult.

Not all travelers have the opportunity to cook hot meals on their own. Even not all apartments are equipped with a kitchen. Most ordinary residents use portable stoves that run on gas or electricity.

By the way, the price of travel to China from travel companies does not always include meals at the hotel. Because of this, a solo trip can be much more profitable than sky-high agency prices.

Additional costs: the mentality of the locals

All Chinese are very emotional and noisy, so the rumble on the streets of cities and towns does not subside for a minute. You can get used to this pretty quickly, especially since often visitors are happy to join the general shouts.

Chinese streets are always very crowded and noisy by our standards

Most of all, the Chinese make a noise in the markets, where even an inexperienced tourist can bargain. Locals are in a hurry to cash in on foreigners, so do not hesitate to knock down the price several times. This is the norm for all Chinese stores. The Chinese show numbers on their fingers differently than in other countries, which means that you should familiarize yourself with the account rules before trading.

The best way to pay is cash, as Visa or Maestro cards are not accepted in all shops and cafes. Here is another system that simply cannot complete a transaction with a foreign card. You can withdraw money at ATMs. Cash and valuables must be constantly looked after, as petty theft is very common here.

Yuan - national currency

In the Middle Kingdom, there are not often Chinese people who speak English well, so it is imperative to take a phrasebook with you and download several translation programs. Even without basic knowledge of the language, these tricks will help you communicate with other people. In addition to phrasebooks, it is worth downloading several applications with maps of the cities that you plan to visit.

Visitors use the Internet only via Wi-Fi. It can be found everywhere. Mobile Internet and communication during a trip of several days will be too expensive with both a native SIM card and a local one. The purchase of a foreign SIM card will cost more than $ 40 and will require knowledge of the language to understand its terms. If you wish, you can buy SIM only in specialized communication shops.

A self-prepared trip to China with children or a loved one will be an interesting experience. This is the only way to truly see the country from the inside, so there is no need to be afraid of experiments!

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Several bloggers I know visited Blagoveshchensk last year. They wrote a lot about the capital of the Amur Region, but for some reason almost nothing about the Chinese side. When I asked why, each named different reasons, but I was even scared that the flash drives were forcibly formatted on the road and the memory was erased. After all, it can’t be so that a person, who is in another country for the first time, will not write anything about it!

Fear is fear, but interest is stronger. I captured the stages of crossing the border, despite the fact that photography is strictly prohibited there.

Residents of Blagoveshchensk constantly travel to China, they do not need a visa. Previously, and at all for every weekend, now it has become more difficult due to the increased yuan exchange rate. For some reason, Russians from other regions are convinced that only those who have Amur registration in their passports can travel without a visa.

In fact, any resident of Russia can enter the border town of Heihe if he has a passport. In theory, you can even get to Beijing without a visa or arrange a trip throughout China. In practice, this gamble will most likely end in failure - when you board a train or plane, your documents will be checked by border guards. But Heihe will have enough color for you, especially if you have never been to China.

1 Getting ready to go, the first thing I did was to change rubles for yuan. I did this in Blagoveshchensk, fearing that the course on the Chinese side would be worse. Do not repeat my mistake: while the situation is such that the Chinese will give you more: the ruble has become twice as cheap, they are happy to come to us to buy their own goods. In general, if we are talking about a small one - change where you want.

2 The trip to China starts from the river port. In winter and in summer, the only difference is on what you will be transported to the other side: in winter it is a bus, in summer a boat.

3 Prices bite. A regular ticket costs 2,150 rubles. Not much cheaper in summer, maybe 200 rubles. The whole embarrassment of the situation is that the trip will take a maximum of five minutes, the bus will simply be transported to the other side of the river and dropped off at the Chinese customs.

4 It's still on our shore. Chinese beauty does not freeze at -25!

5 The waiting rooms of the river station could certainly be repaired, with the money they receive for travel. And now there are so few people, before the jump in the course to China large crowds roamed, people missed two or three buses, they could not get there. The income is huge. There is duty free where the cat cried.

6 Buses run every 15 minutes. It is made in China, of course. But the numbers are Russian. And the driver is Russian. And me with a Russian passport, too, on this bus.

7 For some reason, the Chinese have their own transport. Apartheid in the Far East. They say that in a Chinese transport company travel is several times cheaper. But we can't go there.

8 Hovercraft are not used. Apparently, they are simply not needed, the flow of people moving is minimal. After all, if I have not confused anything, can these ships move on the ice?

9 We go down to the floating bridge. These are five barges chained together. In winter, they block the Cupid with themselves, and people can ride on them. Private transport is prohibited, only buses and occasionally Chinese trucks.

10 Actually, with such a flow of passengers and active trade, a normal bridge suggests itself. In addition, our neighbor is China, which is famous for its ability to build roads and bridges in the shortest possible time. The first shuttles began to travel en masse in the early nineties, twenty years ago. And ten years ago, in 2004, our countries agreed on visa-free entry through this border crossing. There are even more people. Time to build a bridge? No, it's time to buy new boats and buses.

They say that every time Moscow asks why there is still no bridge across the Amur in Blagoveshchensk, representatives of the local authorities go to the capital and somehow settle the issue. Too profitable business, to take two thousand rubles for five hundred meters of the road. This is what the people call her - “the golden mile”.

Perhaps the matter will get off the ground by next year, when they promise to build a cable car here. Although this, too, is not at all an easy way, and you can take the same two thousand for a journey. Isn't it easier to build a bridge? No, we have a special path.

11 The arrivals hall is very smoky. This is the first thing that catches your eye. They smoke inside the station and are not shy. The interior looks like a small airport, everything is much more decent than in the port of Blagoveshchensk.

Border formalities are quick, but you have to pay a little more. On their side, the Chinese are asking for another 100 yuan (today about a thousand rubles) for two tickets. One seems to be the visa fee and the other is the entrance ticket. Yes, a ticket for entering China.

12 As soon as you leave the border zone, a million Chinese rush to you, who begin to compulsively offer their taxi services, assistance in accommodation. If you are Domodedovo airport at rush hour, then you must understand what I mean. Only here they bombed ten times more, and they pester ten times more actively. I didn't even know how to fight them off.

Suddenly the hall was filled with uniformed men armed with shields and clubs. Military police. The coolest guys from Chinese law enforcement. They began to cut circles around the room, banging their boots on the tiled floor and batons on their asses. So it is necessary to fight with obsessive bombing, learn!- I thought.

In fact, they just walked in a circle and went to another room. Such security measures were introduced by the Chinese authorities after a bloody attack on railway station Last year. They have no frames at the entrance.

13 Here I am free. The Ferris wheel, which so attracted from Blagoveshchensk, turned out to be unfinished nearby. The builders screwed up, and he was not accepted for safety reasons. Or maybe on purpose? Is this a Potemkin village?

14 The city, which fully lives on trade with Russia, is now experiencing not better times... We need to change the schemes: Heihe is the very north, and by the standards of China, a distant province. And they brought in a lot of goods.

15 The closest building to the customs office is the Ostrov shopping center, the hottest place in the city. By the way, we are really on the island, moreover, it once belonged to Russia. At what point and how the Chinese got there, I don't know, tell us. After all, they fought for the uninhabited Damansky in the sixties, and this one was given without a fight?

16 Inside, at first glance, is an ordinary shopping center with all sorts of junk. The main thing, as I understand it, is not to rise above the first floor. They say that a tourist can be beaten there if you stop to look at the window and then buy nothing. It is especially dangerous now when there are no Russians in the city. Or maybe they do it.

17 Funny Chinese signs in Russian start here.

18 Although what awaits us in the city itself is much more fun. There will even be a separate post about them!

19 Vodka shop is my favorite!

21 There is another shopping center just outside the Island. The same Yuan dong that is so clearly visible from the Annunciation bank. There are buses near it that go to the center. Usually, everyone uses taxi services: it is inexpensive even now, within a hundred rubles in the city. But the bus costs ten.

22 What is the first thing to do in China? It's time to have breakfast. In the morning the stomach is empty. Even if the noodle shop is not working yet, but is open - come in, you will not be left hungry.

23 Igor met me in Heihe. He lives in China, is fluent in the language and is engaged in business, helps to transport goods across the border, and then send them by transport companies throughout Russia. Igor is the king of shuttle traders :) And I, a cudgel, will never learn how to photograph normally with goPro - people turn out differently from what they are in life.

24 Now I'll tell you about the way back, it is also interesting. I will definitely tell you about the two days that I spent with the Chinese.

25 The border guards will ask for 35 yuan. It's a ticket to get out of China, yes. Not a bribe, an official fee. I think I like taking pictures with my phone - the quality is lame, but it's not as bad as it used to be. But stealth is the best weapon of a spy and photoblogger. In summer, you can even take pictures of border guards if you put your phone in your shirt pocket.

26 The same “Russian” bus and cheerful driver who said that the cable car, it seems, would really be built, and then he would not have work. Because in the summer the same driver is the captain of the boat.

27 I was driving back in good weather, I was able to take pictures of this wonderful bridge. Such a normal bridge. You won't go fast on it, but it is also several hundred meters long. The pontoons were built half of Chinese barges, half of Russian. This is the Chinese part.

28 And this is ours. The difference is noticeable, right? And the point is not that the barges themselves are older and narrower, although this is also. But couldn't the road be cleaned normally? No you can not. Just like you can't build a bridge.

29 Such is the trip. Nothing extreme, as you can see. But how terrible China is, how it is painted - I will tell you in the next report.

Many countries of the world have canceled such entry formalities as a visa for Russians. Under certain circumstances, our citizens can also visit China without a visa. The uniqueness of the Celestial Empire is that different migration rules are in force in its different territories.

Residents of the border regions of Russia can enter some areas of China without a visa

If you are planning a trip to the largest state East Asia, in advance, find out if it is possible to visit the areas you have chosen without first going to the country's embassy or visa center.

The Chinese side is loyal to Russians entering its territory. However, the availability of indulgences does not mean that you will be lenient if you break the immigration rules. Therefore, before you start packing your bags, carefully read the rules for visiting various regions of the PRC, so that, being there, you do not become a violator of the laws of the state.

The most popular for travelers is getting a visa on arrival. This option is possible in cases when a pre-formed group is sent to the Celestial Empire. Travel agencies handle paperwork for groups. Even before the tourists are sent to the PRC, their lists are sent to the border areas. To get to China in this way, you need to travel in a group of more than 2 people.

This path is only suitable for Beijing and Hainan Island, where they offer high-quality tourist service and the opportunity not only to relax, but also to heal. As part of a group formed by travel agencies, you can stay on the territory of these parts of the state for no more than 21 days. You cannot leave them. You can leave, as well as arrived, only as part of a group.

Even if you do not plan to purchase tourist voucher, it makes sense to contact a travel agency. Many of them include additional people in the formed groups for a fee.

If your area borders China

Citizens can freely stay in China without a visa Russian Federation living in regions sharing the border with China:

  • Amur region,
  • Primorsky Territory,
  • Irkutsk region,
  • Khabarovsk Territory,
  • Trans-Baikal Territory.

If you live in one of the listed regions, you will need one issued by the Chinese side to pass the border control. And you also need a passport and a document that indicates where you are registered. With these documents, you will receive a permit at the border checkpoint.

The term of stay on it in China varies from 15 to 180 days.

Before going to the Celestial Empire in this way, clarify which points at that time have the right to pass Russians with invitations. There are intersection points at which no such permits are issued.

Transit travelers

Those who travel to other countries, but have purchased flights with a transfer in China, need to know the country's migration rules regarding transit guests.

Without visa documents, you have the right to stay in the state for 72 hours, provided that the place of transfer is the following international airports: Harbin, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chongqing, Xi'an and Shenyang. In Shanghai, Xiamen, Qingdao, Chengdu, Wuhan, Kunming, Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qinhuangdao, Shijiazhuang and Shenyang, the transit time can be 144 hours in 2019.

It is important that you take off from the same airport you arrived at. This rule can only be bypassed in the following cases:

  • Your flights are operated by one carrier.
  • The airline changes airports due to the need to refuel the aircraft.
  • You are negotiated by different companies, but you have a single booking form with one code.

Not all transit passengers can travel freely in China. For example, if your drop-off point is Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, or, you are allowed to admire the beauty of the city, but leaving it is strictly prohibited.

Whichever airport you arrive at, you cannot change to other types of transport, except for the plane, to continue your journey.

Where a visa is not needed

If you are thinking about how to travel to China on your own without having to go to a travel agency to buy a package or join a group, consider visiting the country.

For example, you have the opportunity to go to Heihe without obtaining a visa. It is a city very close to the Russian border. You can go to it from Blagoveshchensk, which is located just one kilometer away. It is enough to cross the Amur and you are in China.
On a trip, you need to take from the documents only the passport for presentation at the border. The migration legislation of the PRC since 2004 has allowed Russians to stay in Heihe for 30 days.

The drive from Blagoveshchensk to Heihe takes 15 to 20 minutes. The choice of transport depends on the season. In the off-season, Puma ships equipped with air cushions are transported from Blagoveshchensk across the river to the Chinese side. Departure every 20 minutes. This method of crossing is relevant for December, November and April.

While in the region during the winter months, you can travel from Blagoveshchensk on one of the buses that cross the Amur on temporary pontoon bridges. Availability of this type of travel to the Chinese border is subject to weather conditions.

In summer, once an hour along the Amur River to Heihe, people are transported by a motor ship carrying 200 passengers.

The Annunciation route is extremely popular, therefore, to pass the control, you need to stand in a rather impressive line. To go to the other side, you need to fill out a migration card, half of which is returned after verification. It should be kept for the return border crossing. There is a fee for going to the Chinese side.

Suifenhe city

The city of Suifenhe in Heilongjiang province is a great place to spend your vacation. Since 2013, Russian citizens can stay in it without a visa for 15 days.


Another attractive tourist spot for guests from all over the world is Macau.

This is special administrative region states where from the end of September 2012 Russians can come without a visa and stay here for about 30 days.

In order to travel to the listed areas without a visa stamp in your passport, you need to have return tickets and a passport with you.

Before traveling, check which areas at the time of your trip may request proof of financial viability and hotel reservations. But it's better to stock up on the first and second, just in case. This will guarantee you a smooth passage.

You can enjoy your vacation in China, regardless of the season. A country with such a rich history and culture will surely find something to offer even the most demanding tourist. Holidays in China in 2019 - where is the best place to go?

Before asking yourself where is the best place to go, think carefully about what you want to see.

Hainan Island

A hotel room on Hainan Island will cost from $ 28 per night per person. A 15-day vacation with flight and accommodation for two will cost about $ 2,000.

The service on the island is at the highest level, as in all expensive resorts. But it is here that you can experience the highest service and great rest, and everything at a reasonable price.

Zhujiang Nantian Hot Springs

Ticket price for this unique place will cost about 800 rubles. The park area includes 67 thermal water baths, the temperature of which ranges from 40 to 60 degrees. This is where you can improve your health and relax.

Baths with original filling will be a pleasant surprise for any tourist. If you wish, you can soak in the bathtub covered with rose petals, or indulge in relaxation in a pond infused with Chinese herbs and coconut milk. On the territory there is a swimming pool with clear water, in which it is so pleasant to swim on a hot day.

The most popular place in the park area is the pool with small fish. When the body is immersed in water, you can feel how they bite the microscopic particles of dead skin. As a result, the skin is cleansed, becomes smooth and tender, as if after going to a beauty salon.

Tropical paradise

Not far from Sanya, in the resort area of ​​Yalongwan in the Hainan province at 15 square kilometers. a unique tropical park is located. It has been designed to meet the technical requirements of the National Forest Parks in China.

Here you can not only relax and breathe plenty of fresh clean air. This is a great place for climbers and green tourism enthusiasts.

On the territory of the park, you can find semi-deciduous and evergreen forests, among which there are at least 100 tree species and twice as many plants. A unique world fauna is striking in its diversity. The dense jungle opens up to the traveler in all its glory, showing all the power of the wild.

If you wish, here you can ride ostriches, visit the suspension bridge, ride cable car... For the convenience of movement, tourists are offered eco-cars that allow them to spend time comfortably while traveling in the park.

Li and Miao people village

A place that is very popular with tourists. There is a huge historical complex on the territory, where you can visit temples, theaters, museums, restaurants with excellent cuisine and well-kept huts.

Those who are not indifferent to high-quality alcoholic drinks are given the opportunity to buy original vodka.

If you wish, you can ask for a map of the village at the ticket office, so it will be easier to move around and not to miss a single attraction.

An interesting theatrical show allows you to better understand the traditions and rituals of nationalities. The perfect production that you can't get tired or bored of.

A tour of the village will cost about RMB 220.


Shopping lovers have a unique opportunity to purchase high-quality authentic goods. All kinds of shopping centers, supermarkets, shops, private shops and markets are available to the shopaholic.

It is appropriate to bargain in the market and in individual shops, due to which the discount can reach 50%. If you purchase more than one item, it is also worth asking for a discount.

For exotic fruits, you should visit the Honggang Fruit Market.

Those who are not averse to eating delicious fish can visit Lao Yong Gai Fish Market. It is better to make a purchase in the morning, when the fishing vessels are just unloading. Here tourists can not only buy fish and seafood, but also try them in restaurants and eateries. At the same time, pleasure is available even to the most budget traveler.

What to bring from the trip?

  • Given the large deposits of crystal, it is simply necessary to purchase goods from it in Hainan. If you wish, you can visit the Crystal Museum, which offers a unique opportunity to buy not only crystal objects, but also jade and precious stones.
  • It is unforgivable to visit China and not buy silk. In Hainan, you can buy luxurious silk products of the highest quality, from bed linen to household items. To check the quality of the fabric, one of the threads of the fabric is set on fire. At the same time, it burns out without residue, exuding the smell of burnt hair. A conscientious manufacturer has nothing to hide and he will gladly not refuse such a trifle.
  • Pearl products. "Mother-of-pearl Hainan diamond" - this is how pearls are called locals... It is Hainan that is China's leading exporter of superior quality pearls. It is better to make a purchase in a specialized store.
  • Lovers of a strong aromatic drink can purchase tea of ​​various sorts. Thanks to the excellent climate, the specialists grow the highest quality tea. It is worth making a purchase in numerous teahouses. Here, a tourist can attend a tea ceremony, taste various varieties of aromatic teas, buy a beautiful tea set or souvenir products.


If you are an avid "shopaholic" you urgently need to go to Shanghai. In it, mirrored skyscrapers are intertwined with cozy streets... The rhythm of life in this city is seething with extraordinary power.

Mount Sheshan

Anyone who loves to contemplate the wonderful nature and fabulous landscapes should visit Mount Sheshan, which attracts travelers from all over the globe... This place attracts travelers from all over the world with its wonderful mountains, thickets of bamboo forests and original designs on the peak of the mountain. There are many attractions and temples on the territory of the forested area. At the peak, you can visit the Bird Garden, Xiaokunshan Park and East Park. For a comfortable stay of tourists in the forest, you can have a great rest in comfortable hotels.

Every year the government organizes interesting events at the top of the mountain. One of the most interesting is considered the festival of sand figures, which runs from September to the end of October.

What to bring?

When planning to visit the mountains, sophisticated tourists recommend buying blue tea, lovely orchid or bamboo sprouts.

This is a place for those who dream of taking a break from the hustle and bustle of a huge metropolis, reuniting with nature and restoring mental strength.

Entrance to the parks is not paid.

Automobile Museum

On the territory of more than 1 hectare there is a car park that will appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to the automotive theme.

Rare retro cars are located in five halls, each of which is dedicated to a different theme. A total of 22 brands, represented by 80 cars. In the museum, you can follow the path of automobiles from the origins to the most recent super-modern automobiles. For convenience, you can travel on a comfortable transfer. Those who are interested in the topic of car production can familiarize themselves with the process of creating cars from videos that are projected onto the wall of the hall.

Longhua Pagoda

A tourist traveling in Shanghai should visit the Longhua Pagoda, which is considered one of the finest religious buildings. This is mysterious place was built two thousand years ago and because of its antiquity, it is strictly forbidden to enter its territory. It is separated from the park by a special path.

The pagoda is regularly restored, so that it does not lose its wonderful appearance.

The pagoda is based on stone and wood. It is a 40-meter high spire structure of seven floors, each of which is luxuriously decorated with animal figurines. The design of the pagoda, according to the Chinese concept, does not allow evil spirits to descend to earth.

Visiting temple complex, you can enjoy the scenery of the peach garden. The garden is especially pleasing to the eye in spring, when flowers bloom.

If you wish, you can have a snack at the vegetarian restaurant after your walk. The price category of the ticket to the territory of the temple is just over 10 yuan.


In Shanghai, shopaholics have the opportunity to visit ultra-modern shopping malls, brand boutiques, shopping towns and cozy shops.

  • Those who love antiques can visit numerous antique shops, where the most polar Chinese porcelain figurines are considered at reasonable prices. One of the most popular markets is Xizang Nan Road, where it is convenient to buy both original items and high-quality fakes. Here you can buy jade, bronze, porcelain figurines.
  • Lovers of pearls and jewelry made from semi-precious stones will be happy to visit the Fu Eu shopping center, where they can purchase goods in bulk and at great prices.
  • The center of shopping in Shanghai is Nanjing Street, which every tourist must visit. There are more than 600 stores with world brands here. But the price category of goods is relatively large.
  • Those who are planning to purchase clothes of world brands at reasonable prices should visit the three-storey Sunshine shopping center.
  • You can buy exotic animals at the zoo market (Tibetskaya St.), where the abundance of birds, fish and animals surprises with its quantity.


Also worth a visit to Beijing - famous capital China. The largest square in the world is located here - Tian An Men. You cannot ignore the Great Chinese Wall... It's long enough to get to her, but not one has yet regretted it. And, of course, do not forget to taste the well-known Peking duck.

The summer season is just the right time to visit the beaches. The air temperature varies around 40 ° C, but the humid wind makes the rest more comfortable.

A two-week vacation in Beijing for 2 people will cost about $ 1,000, in Shanghai about $ 1,100.

The mountains

Lovers of fresh air and breathtaking beauty will certainly enjoy the city of Huangshan, where you can visit the mountain of the same name. Only here you can enjoy magnificent landscapes, including 72 peaks.

One of the most popular places in the mountains, hot springs are considered among tourists, which the locals have used for 1000 years. The stable temperature allows both taking a bath and drinking from the source. Water will improve the health of those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract, nervous system.

Rare species of birds and animals living on the territory of the mountain range, as well as an abundance natural resources provide an opportunity to enjoy great rest and restore not only physical, but also spiritual strength.

Happy Valley of Beijing

Price category entrance ticket ranges from 260 yuan per person. Happiness Park is located on the territory of 350,000 sq. Km. A distinctive feature of the park is its division into zones. There are 9 of them in total. You can have a great time in the Spanish zone, the City of Gold, Adventure Mountain, Sunny Beach, Cartoon City, Shengri-La Forest, Happiness Train and Water Park. Thanks to qualified specialists, here you can enjoy your vacation on modern attractions.


One of the features of shopping in Beijing is bargaining. This is not only a fun activity, but also an integral part of it. You should start trading with the lowest price, gradually overstating it, reaching the desired compromise with the seller. A good mood and a smile will allow you to achieve maximum results.

After visiting Wangfujin Street, which is a concentration of many different supermarkets and shopping centers, you can buy whatever your heart desires at the most pleasant prices.

For large public holidays most of the shops in Beijing are announcing a sale. Basically, it's October 1st, Chinese New Year(1st of May). You can also count on seasonal discounts, which can be up to 90%.

Sometimes sellers indicate a double price on the price tag, separated by a line. The top amount is the true price of the product, the second number indicates the discount for another product. That is, the next time you buy an item in this store, you will receive the discount indicated on the price tag earlier in the bottom line.

What to buy?

In Beijing, medicinal preparations, tinctures and various drugs, which Chinese specialists are famous for, are especially popular. Tourists should pay attention to ginseng, antlers, as well as gelatin, which is extracted from donkey skin. Thanks to ginseng, according to Chinese belief, vital energy is maintained. Antlers help cleanse the blood, strengthen bones and improve visual acuity. Those planning to strengthen the immune system should purchase gelatin.


Lovers of high-quality silk fabrics should take a look at Xiushuijie Street, where the best fabric manufacturers are located. You can also visit the silk market.

Most likely, one vacation is not enough to appreciate all the sights of China. Having visited here once, you will certainly want to return. At a minimum, visit those places that have already been visited and, at the maximum, look at something new and unusual.

4 "not allowed" in China

  1. In China, you cannot pay with euros or dollars. Only Chinese currency is acceptable. Violating the laws can lead to criminal liability. By offering a merchant to pay in European currency, he has the right to call a police squad.
  2. The criticism of the government and the Chinese Communist Party is regarded as an insult. Such a person will be urgently deported from the country. The government does not take ignorance of the tourist into account and takes advantage of it.
  3. Given the chronic non-observance of traffic rules, it is important for a tourist to be extremely careful on the roads. Therefore, you cannot be careless, relying only on the rules.
  4. You cannot stick chopsticks into rice, as this is a memorial tradition of the people. Visiting the Chinese, this act is regarded as wishing death to the owner.

What should I bring with me?

  • It is worth noting the fact that in many Chinese establishments, cutlery, familiar to Europeans, may not be available. A budget tourist who did not take care of their availability will have to eat with Chinese chopsticks. If this option does not suit you, it is better to take a fork, spoon and knife with you. These items must be checked in your baggage prior to your flight, as getting on board the aircraft can be problematic when checking your bag.
  • Medicines. In particular, this applies to drugs that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Some Chinese dishes that are not familiar to Europeans can create problems. It is also important to take anti-allergic medications.
  • A phrasebook or a special application in a smartphone that allows a tourist to move freely will be extremely useful during travel. In the second case, it is worth giving preference to a program that is not interconnected with the network, since a lot of money will have to be paid for it.

Chinese cuisine

Peking duck

One of the most popular dishes in China is Peking duck. Most people imagine a crispy, aromatic bird in front of them. In fact, after a long marinating process, the duck is baked and cut into thin pieces. In addition to meat, rice cakes, green onions, several sauces and cucumber slices are served along with the dish. She eats the dish with her hands. They take a rice cake, put a slice of meat, onions and cucumber into it. Thus, a mini-shawarma is obtained. In a decent establishment, this procedure can be performed by a waiter. At the same time, it is not customary to give any tips.

Fruit in caramel

This dessert is the country's national dish. Having bought a sweet on the street, it will differ significantly from the restaurant counterpart.

On the street, you can buy tangerines and apples from vendors. In the restaurant - slices, melons, pineapple.

Hubei hot dry noodles

One of the gastronomic calling cards of China, which is not inferior to the Peking duck, is dry Hubei noodles. The dish is long pasta reminiscent of spaghetti. The basis of the noodles is sesame paste, various spices, and soy sauce. Sometimes herbs and vegetables are added to the dishes. A tourist who prefers to try original Chinese dishes should pay attention to dry hot noodles, which have a great taste and a golden hue.

A little about security

China is considered safe country if you follow the necessary rules. For example, for a crime committed (murder or rape), the death penalty is provided here.

You should not enter into conflicts with the local population, as more severe penalties are applied for tourists.

It should be understood that a long term or even the death penalty is imposed in the country for theft. They can be robbed only in cheap hotels or secluded and noisy areas.

In case of illness, the traveler can contact the clinic, where tourists are often served at English language... You can pay for services in cash or purchase a voucher allowing you to consult a doctor. It is worth noting the fact that guests of the country must carefully monitor the sterility of the instruments. Otherwise, you can get hepatitis instead of rest.

It's time to talk about something important. I soaped myself in China again. I did not have time to write about the last trip, and here it is again.

What is it smeared with? It's not just that I want to study China completely. Now there are also pretty damn cheap tickets. You need to seize the moment.

And I will tell you two ways how to do it.

*** Partner project. The text and thoughts are mine. ***

The ability to choose the right air tickets is an art. Experienced travelers know what days of the week, seasons and moon phases are the most free deals. Sometimes this is unnecessary. Look, now on Aviasales you can buy a ticket from Moscow to Beijing for 20 thousand rubles. Directly, without transfers, by Aeroflot. At least tomorrow, at least in a month. Obviously, the airline has introduced a "flat" fare for this flight and until the conditions change, the date does not matter. This happens periodically in different directions, recently the same "pieces" were rolled with Vladivostok and Tel Aviv. This is a life hack number of times, how long it will last is unknown. You need to catch this in.

The second life hack is more interesting, as it always works. Everyone knows how to buy tickets through search engines, but not everyone can use additional "chips" that make searching easier and save money. Look, I have specific dates, and the ticket costs the same twenty thousand rubles with a tail today. Two weeks before departure, and there is a chance that it will become even cheaper. Elementary to the direction, and I receive any changes in tariffs in the mail. There will also be recommendations on whether it is worth waiting for a further decline or is it better to take it until the price has risen.

By the way, it can be even cheaper. The guys from Aviasales gave me some statistics on ticket prices to China. What is the most cheap month for flights there - January. It's a long time to wait until the next one, but you can get a ticket Moscow - Urumqi for eight thousand (!!!) rubles. But since May, everything will rise in price: both seasonally and in connection with an increase in tariffs at Russian airports. So, even at the end of the year, it is better to buy tickets in advance.

Something like this, don't thank.

I will continue to talk about amazing and fucking China. Soon!

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