Meiji Shrine opening hours. Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo is one of the largest Shinto shrines in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Meiji Shrine (Meiji Jingu) - the tomb of Emperor Meiji and his wife Empress Shoken, the largest Shinto shrine, which appeared in 1920 on a public initiative. It is located in Shibuya, Yoyogi City Park.

During the reign of Meiji, who became emperor in 1868, Japan, after the Tokugawa feudal rule, abandoned self-isolation and became a state more open to the outside world. The name "Meiji", which was taken by Emperor Mutsuhito upon accession to the throne, means "enlightened rule". In his "Oath" Mutsuhito declared the principles of his government: democracy (taking into account public opinion in solving state affairs), the predominance of national interests, freedom of action and independence of the judiciary, as well as the effective use of knowledge to strengthen Japan's role in the world. After the death of the emperor and his wife in 1912 and 1914, as a sign of respect for the imperial couple, a social movement for the creation of the temple, and the necessary donations were collected. During the Second World War, the temple burned down, and its reconstruction was also supported by many Japanese in the country and abroad. The temple was restored in 1958.

The shrine building is a characteristic example of Japan's unique temple architecture, and was built using cypress, which grows in Kiso - this mountain range in the central part of the island of Honshu, the so-called Japanese Alps. The building is surrounded by a garden in which all the trees and shrubs that are found in the Land of the Rising Sun grow. Plants for it were also donated by many Japanese people. In the northern part of the temple complex there is a treasure museum, which stores things and objects from the Meiji era.

The Meiji Jingu Shrine's Outer Garden is also a venue for sports competitions. Here is the Picture Gallery of the memorial, which contains 80 frescoes depicting events from the life of the imperial couple. The Outer Garden also houses the Meiji Memorial (Wedding) Hall, where wedding ceremonies in the Shinto tradition.

Visitors to the Meiji Shrine can receive an omikuji, a fortune-telling paper on English language. The text of the prediction is a poem composed by the emperor himself or his wife, which is accompanied by a talk by a Shinto priest.

Emperor Meiji was known for his love of writing waka. After himself, he left more than 100 thousand poems to the Japanese people. His wife, Empress Shoken, also wrote poetry in this genre. She has over 30,000 poems to her credit.

Feature of the Meiji Shrine

Meiji Shrine is a relatively new place of worship. It was created in 1920 according to the concept of wakonyosai (the soul of the Japanese and the talent of the Western man). Therefore, unusual omikuji is not the only feature of the temple.

According to Miki Fukutoku, most people tend to think that the temple is just the main shrine. In fact, he, with his inner and outer parts, is something big. The temple located in the inner garden is a symbol of the Japanese soul. Here you worship and show your reverence to the spirits. But the outer garden of the temple is made in a pro-Western style. There is an art gallery with 80 paintings. They reflect the life of Emperor Meiji, who actively maintained friendly relations with foreign countries. For example, symmetrical ginkgo trees are also Western trends.

The Treasure Museum, located in the Gaien Gardens, vividly illustrates the fusion of Japanese and Western flavors. The architectural design of the building is reminiscent of Sosoin, the treasury of the famous temple in the prefecture. However, the Meiji Treasure Museum, unlike the temple, is not made of wood, but of concrete.

Meiji Shrine (naien), view from above

The sanctuary has three main parts:

  • Nayen (inner part), the place where the buildings of the sanctuary are located,
  • Gaien (outer part), where the memorial art gallery and sports facilities are located, including one of the oldest Meiji Jingu baseball stadiums and the Meiji Memorial Hall and Wedding Hall.

notice, that total area forest area is about seven hundred square meters. About 170 thousand trees grow here, consisting of 245 different species. This landscape was designed and created by Seiroku Honda and his assistants Takanori Hongo and Keiji Uehara, who boldly refused the proposal of the then Prime Minister Shigenobu Okuma to use only cedar in the design. Honda wanted to create an evergreen forest, but as it turned out, the local soil was not suitable for this tree.

Meiji shrine forest

« In 2011, in preparation for the temple's centenary, we monitored the species of trees growing in the area. So, as it turned out, in the local forest there are much fewer trees alien to Japan than, say, in the parks of central Tokyo. This man-made forest was created to please with its beauty for many centuries and it looks like it will be so.”, said Miki Fukutoku.

Such a wealth of nature attracts more tourists to this place than believers. In addition to plants, you can also meet rare birds that often fly into the forest. The site is home to the endangered Japanese golden orchid and many other rare plant species.

The forest, which has become a wonderful brainchild of Honda, Hongo and Uehara, will delight tourists and locals for more than one year. Fukutoku explained: According to experts, the trees did not even live half the time. The thing is that camphor trees can live from 300 to 400 years. That is why not only our grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren, and even great-great-grandchildren will be able to go here!»

Despite all these attractions, Fukutoku believes that the number of foreign tourists is increasing, but not so rapidly. In the future, their steady increase is expected, because the Meiji Shrine is The best way get to know Japanese culture.

Fukutoku proudly added, “ Of course, the shrines on the outskirts of the city may offer a more authentic atmosphere, but our temple is more accessible. We can, for example, boast of a guest like US President Barack Obama who was in the temple last year. The Meiji Shrine is truly unique. Being in the center of the capital, you can not only see the shrine, but also suddenly find yourself in a real forest».

Celebrations and everyday life of the Meiji Shrine

The most important festival of the temple is Reisai (large autumn festival), which takes place on November 3 in memory of Emperor Meiji. Ambassadors from different countries who can enjoy traditional Japanese performances. Such a holiday is a harbinger of the upcoming fussy period of New Year's days. Of the ten million annual visitors, three million visit the temple during this period. Therefore, it is Reisai and subsequent New Year's days that are an important time for all people who, one way or another, are involved in the Meiji Shrine.

Harajuku-guchi - Entrance to the Meiji Shrine

There are three entrances to the temple:

  • harajuku-guchi,
  • Yoyogi-guchi
  • Sangubashi-guchi.

As a rule, the entrance from the Harajuku side is constantly open, but when the number of visitors increases significantly, the remaining entrances open. As Miki Fukutoku explained, using Harajuku-guchi as the main entrance is justified. Entering through this gate, it is easier for the visitor to navigate and get to the temple. In addition, with the opening of Harajuku Station, most tourists and worshipers come to the Harajuku-guchi entrance. That is why the street adjacent to the temple is called Omotesando. Literally, the name means: “omote” - front, “sando” - road, i.e. "front road". In addition, the Harajuku-guchi gate is the largest gate of the Meiji Shrine.

In 2020, during the period of the event, the sanctuary will celebrate its centenary. Therefore, serious restoration work is planned at the Meiji Shrine, thanks to which the shrine will noticeably change and attract the attention of even more tourists.

The main work will be the restoration of the main building of the temple. In it, during heavy rainfall, the roof periodically leaks, so repairs will begin from this part of the shrine. But this is not the main reason why the administration decided to start preparations from here. It is generally accepted that the souls of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken are located in the main building. This is the most important part of the Meiji Shrine.

Based on online publications.

  • Address: 1-1, Kamizono-chō Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0053
  • Telephone: +81 3379-5511
  • Official site:
  • Foundation date: 1920
  • Sanctuary area: 708200 sq. m
  • Working mode: 06:20-16:00 (November-February), 05:00-18:00 (March-October)
  • Entry fee: for free

Each cultural branch necessarily bears its imprint. Japanese temples are no exception, they are designed to preserve the religious traditions of the country. In addition, temples are objects of sacred architecture, which the Japanese treat with special trepidation. The largest and most popular shrine in Meiji Jingu is the Shinto shrine. Citizens turn here for the blessing of the gods in various life endeavors.

The history of the shrine

Meiji Jingu Temple, located in the Shibuya district, in the city park of Eogi, is a kind of tomb of Emperor Mutsuhito and his wife, Empress Shoken. Upon accession to the throne, Mutsuhito took the middle name Meiji, which means "enlightened reign." During the reign of the monarch, Japan retreated from self-isolation and became a country open to the outside world.

After the death of the imperial couple, a public movement arose in Japan to establish a temple. In 1920 the shrine was built, and during the Second World War the temple was destroyed. In 1958, thanks to the help of many Japanese, the Meiji Temple was completely restored. Currently, it is very popular with believers and is considered a religious symbol of Tokyo.

Architectural features of the building

The territory of the sanctuary, consisting of places of worship, gardens and forests, covers an area of ​​more than 700 thousand square meters. m. The building itself is a typical example of Japanese temple architecture. The main hall, where prayers for the imperial couple are read, is built in the Nagarezukuri style from cypress wood. The treasure museum is made of stone in the Azekurazukuri style. There are items here from the reign of Mutsuhito.

Meiji Shrine building surrounded amazing garden, which grows many varieties of shrubs and trees. Almost every tree was planted by local Japanese as a sign of respect for the emperor. The outer garden is used as a venue for sporting events. There is also the Meiji Memorial Hall, which houses more than 80 frescoes dedicated to the life of the emperor.

How to get to Meiji Shrine?

Anyone can visit this unique attraction. The most convenient way to enter the shrine is to take the JR Yamanote subway line and get off at Harajuku Station. You can use ground. The next stop in this case will be Ngubashi Station.

Meiji Jingu(Meiji Shrine) is meiji shrine in Tokyo, one of the largest Shinto shrines in the country. The temple is located in Tokyo's Yoyogi Park, which covers an area of ​​700,000 square meters. This area is covered with evergreen forests, which consist of 120,000,365 trees of various kinds donated by people from all over Japan. Meiji Jingu is the most visited sacred monument in the world. Up to 30 million tourists visit this iconic place every year. The construction of the shrine began in 1915, a temple was built in honor of Emperor Meiji, who died in 1912, and his wife, Empress Shoken, who died in 1914. After their death, a movement arose to create a sanctuary. The building was completed in 1920, but the Meiji Jingu officially opened in 1926, and during the Great East Asian War, as the Japanese call World War II, the shrine was destroyed by the Americans. The renovation of the existing building, which was supported by many Japanese in Japan and abroad, was completed in 1958. By visiting this temple, every tourist realizes that only a majestic ruler could turn Japan into a modern state.

General view of the temple and park

The road to the temple itself through the territory of Tokyo Yoyogi Park takes about 15 minutes from the main entrance to the park. It is paved with gravel and surrounded by very tall trees. Through the tops of pines and gingko trees, it is difficult for the sun's rays to break through; therefore, it is always dusk and the impression of abandonment here. The twilight in the park lasts even on hot June days, when temperatures reach 35 degrees, which makes tourists feel chilly and insecure surrounded by huge hundred-year-old trees. This park is covered with flowers or falling leaves throughout the year, which resembles eternal autumn. The grounds of the shrine surrounded by trees are a characteristic example of the unique Japanese temple architecture in the traditional nagare-zukuri style. During the construction, cypress from Kiso was used. The garden presents all varieties of trees and shrubs that grow in Japan.

Meiji Jingu is not just a temple associated with the imperial family, it is a huge temple complex. In addition to the actual sanctuary, there is also a treasury and a palace of ceremonies. The building of the museum-treasury is located in the northern part of the temple area. It is built of stone architectural style azekura-zukuri. Here are various items from the reign of the imperial couple. Paths on the approaches to the temple in autumn are decorated with decorative tents with planted chrysanthemums, because this flower is a symbol of the imperial power of Japan.

The Meiji Jingu Outer Garden, located about 0.7 miles (1.13 km) from the Inner Garden, is known worldwide as the center of Japanese sports. Its creation was completed in 1926. The area of ​​the Outer Garden is 77 acres (31.16 ha). At the end of an alley lined with ginkgo trees is the Meiji Memorial Art Gallery, which contains 80 large murals illustrating events in the life of the emperor and his wife. In the corner of the Outer Garden is the Meiji Memorial (Wedding) Hall, where one of the most important religious events, the Shinto wedding ceremony, continues to be held. Previously, this building was used mainly for conferences and meetings, and discussions were held on the draft Meiji Constitution.

Meiji Jingu is one of the few temples in Tokyo where you can get omikuji. Throwing a 100 yen coin, you need to pull out papers with predictions in English from a wooden box. Moreover, these predictions are given in an unconventional form for this genre. Visitors pull out poems composed by Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken as predictions-admonitions. The royal couple became famous for writing poetry in the waka style. Pulling out a white scroll, the visitor receives the poems of the Empress, and on the light green scroll - the works of the emperor. The verses must be accompanied by an interpretation composed by Shinto priests.

Cherry blossoms on bare branches

People admire

Flowers hidden from view fall in vain.

A delegation of the Hitler Youth visits Meiji Shrine in Tokyo in September 1938

During the day, wedding ceremonies are held almost daily in the temple. Meiji Jingu is one of the most popular and prestigious wedding temples in the country. The ritual of marriage itself, during which the bride and groom take turns drinking three sips of sake, after which the marriage, in fact, is considered concluded, takes place away from prying eyes. But then the wedding procession goes out to people. Slowly crossing the courtyard of the temple, headed by a kannushi priest, the column, as it were, poses for admiring spectators, but the faces of the participants are full of dignity and awareness of the importance of the moment. Here you can also see miko - servants of Shinto shrines. Dressed in a uniform resembling a police uniform, the guards of the temple freeze at the approach of the procession and put their hand to the visor of their cap.

In November, the temple is filled with kids in national clothes, parents bring children who have reached three, five and seven years old, respectively, to the temple to bless. The holiday is called Shichi-go-san ("seven-five-three"), it can be considered a kind of birthday for all children who have reached this age in a given year. The tradition of this holiday has more than three hundred years, it is celebrated on November 15th. These ages reflected the stages of growing up of children. In the Middle Ages, in aristocratic families, boys for the first time put on a hakama at the age of three, this is a traditional men's clothing in the form of wide trousers with pleats. Later, this ceremony began to be carried out at the age of five, it was at this age that the samurai introduced children to their feudal lords, introducing them to the circle of adults. For girls, the age of seven years is important, since on this day they are first put on a hard kimono belt - obi. This ceremony, called obi-toki (change of belt), symbolizes growing up, as for the first time in her life, a girl dresses like a grown woman.

Rinnoji Temple is the largest and oldest Buddhist temple in Nikko.

Initially, it determined the directions of Nikko's religious activities. The chief rector of the temple was the prince of the imperial family, as evidenced by the image of the imperial coat of arms on the main gate.

Inside the temple are three large Buddha statues, which are located in the largest hall of Sambutsudo (Hall of the Three Buddhas). This hall is the largest temple building in Nikko. Its height is twenty-five meters, its length is thirty-two.

The original hall was destroyed in 1868 after the separation of Shinto from Buddhism, but was resurrected in 1887 after extensive restoration work.

Coordinates: 36.75332700,139.60094000

Daiyuinbyo Temple

A short walk from the tomb of Ieyasu Tokugawa in Nikko is the Daiyuinbyo Temple with the mausoleum of his grandson Iemitsu.

Unlike Ieyasu, the grandson was not deified in the Shinto pantheon, so the mausoleum is not called a shrine. It is somewhat more modest in scale, but made in the same gongen-zukuri style, richly decorated with gold, wood carvings, and sculptural images. Although Daiyuinbyo is a Shinto temple, one can easily detect the presence of gods and symbols of the Buddhist pantheon in it. The decor is dominated by Chinese motifs - with kirins, lions, tigers, dragons and flowers.

Coordinates: 36.75649000,139.63190500

Kantei-byo Temple

Kantei-byo Temple is the central Chinese temple of Chinatown in Tokyo.

It was founded in 1862 by a Chinese immigrant who, having bought a sculpture by Guan Yu, decided to establish a modern temple.

Soon after its foundation, the temple became the center of the religious life of the Chinese community. The temple has a rather tragic history. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 1923, suffered air attacks during World War II, and was damaged by fires in 1981 and 1986. However, each time the community restored its shrine. The last stage of restoration ended only in 2000.

Coordinates: 35.69048500,139.69144800

Asakusa Kannon Temple

Asakusa Kannon Temple, also known as Senso-ji Temple - ancient temple, which is located in the lively area of ​​Asakusa and dates back to the 7th century.

According to legend, the 5 cm statue of the goddess Kannon, kept in the altar of the temple, was caught by fishermen in the waters of the Sumida River in 628. The village chief brought her to his house, which he later declared to be the temple of the goddess.

After fires that destroyed the buildings, but not the statue itself, a majestic temple was built on this site in 645, which received recognition even from the shoguns, the military rulers of the country.

Unfortunately, the main hall of Kannon-do, which existed since 1651, the famous five-tiered pagoda and the massive gate were destroyed during the Second World War. The current buildings of the temple are a reinforced concrete copy of their predecessors.

Coordinates: 35.71480100,139.79683900

Futarasan Temple

Futarasan Temple is part of the Toshogu Temple Complex. It was erected in honor of the deity of Mount Nan-tai. This is the oldest building in Nikko, built in 1617.

For many years, the temple belonged to the Shugendo sect, which was looking for ways to save the soul in the asceticism of mountain hermits. Over time, the temple grew, and its individual structures were scattered around the outskirts of Nikko. On the days of the Yayoi Matsuri (April 13-17), performances of kagura ritual dances are held on the territory of the Futarasan Jinja. But if desired, any pilgrim can order the performance of the Kagura dance on other days for a moderate fee. The Futarasan Shrine reflects the idea of ​​Shinto worship of nature.

Coordinates: 36.75851900,139.59648400

Temple complex Narita-san

The Narita-san temple complex is the largest Buddhist complex in eastern Japan.

Narita-san was built in 940. At present, the complex includes the old and new halls of the temple, the three-level Peace Pagoda and other buildings.

The central object of worship is the statue of the Buddhist deity Fudo Myo.

The temple has a picturesque Japanese landscape garden. The place is very visited by tourists. This is largely due to the proximity to international airport. Tourists often come here who are limited in time between transfers, but at the same time want to get acquainted with the culture of Japan.

Coordinates: 35.78607000,140.31838400

Temple of Zoya

Zojoji Temple - There are rows of small statues of Yizobosatsu (guardian of the souls of stillborn children), some dressed in baby clothes and holding turntables. One of the strangest and most touching sights in the city.

Kotoku-in Temple

Kotoku-in Temple is famous for the Big Buddha statue located in courtyard temple.

Now this huge bronze statue is the main attraction of Kamakura. Big Buddha became a symbol of this ancient city both for foreign tourists coming here, and for any Japanese. The Japanese call it Daibutsu. The Big Buddha has been declared a National Treasure and attracts 1.2 million tourists annually.

Height of statue with pedestal: 13.4 m

Buddha Height: 11.3m

Yakuoin Temple

Yakuoin Shrine is a temple atop Mount Takao where pilgrims come to pray to the mountain Shinto gods.

The temple was built in 744 and is dedicated to the Buddha - the patron of health. Unfortunately, during its history, the temple was completely destroyed by fire several times - especially strong were in 1504 and 1677. Despite numerous fires, the temple managed to save more than two and a half thousand documents that today can tell us about the history of the Middle Ages.

Visiting the temple on Mount Takao, you will enjoy the beautiful scenery and get to know one of the most revered sacred places, which has been the center of the mountain religion for more than a thousand years.

Coordinates: 35.62508800,139.24365900

Temple complex "Silver Bor"

Temple complex" Serebryany Bor"- a temple complex, which includes one hundred and three buildings, which are located in the midst of magnificent nature.

Two of the main temples are Shinto and one is Buddhism. Nine buildings of the complex are included in the list of national treasures of Japan.

Located one hundred and twenty-five kilometers from Tokyo, the temple complex initially became a cultural and religious center. The complex was built in the 17th century as the mausoleum of Togugawa, the founder of the shogunate. The buildings are made in the traditional style of the Edo period.

One of the world's most famous sights are the three figures of monkeys - "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I will not say anything."

The complex was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.

Coordinates: 36.75814100,139.59913700

Temple of young "pale grass

Senso-ji is the oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo. According to legend, the temple was founded in 628 on the site of the discovery of the statue of the bodhisattva Kannon. In the 17th-19th centuries, the temple was the site of official prayers for the Tokugawa shogunate. Before World War II, Senso-ji belonged to the Tendai school.

The old shopping street Nakamise-dori leads to the temple from the Kaminarimon gate. As early as the beginning of the 18th century, the surrounding residents were granted permission to trade on the outskirts of the temple. Numerous shops sell souvenirs and traditional sweets.

Ise Shrine

The main religion of Japan is Shintoism, where various mythical spirits and deities are used as objects of worship. The main shrine of Shinto is the Ise Shrine, which can be found in Mie Prefecture. The temple is dedicated to Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun and the progenitor of the imperial family. This temple has a special meaning in the culture of the Japanese, because they prefer to call it simply Jingu.

Ise Shrine is divided into two complete complexes. The first of these is the Nike Shrine, which is entirely dedicated to Amaterasu. The second complex is the Geku Shrine, where the main object of worship is the mythical cook Amaterasu and part-time Goddess of Food - Toyouke.

Apart from historical monuments, Ise Shrine boasts orchards, orchards, salt mills, and even its own sake production.

Coordinates: 34.45501400,136.72579500

Buddhist Temple of the Goddess of Mercy Kanon

One of the main attractions of the Asakusa district of Tokyo, of course, is the temple of the goddess Kannon. The amazing temple dates back to 628.

Local residents are happy to tell the legend about the appearance of the temple. Their stories tell of two brother fishermen who once fished a figurine of the goddess Kannon from a local river. Whether frightened, or not knowing what to do, the brothers threw the figurine back. But it was not there - the figurine again fell on the hook. Upon learning of this, the village elder took the figurine from the brothers and placed it in his house, thereby turning it into a temple. Subsequently, the improvised temple was expected to undergo great changes.

Today, the huge rooftop of the Kannon Temple is visible from anywhere in the Asakusa area. Due to the exquisite architecture, the temple is very popular among tourists.

Coordinates: 35.31300200,139.53392000

Meiji Jingu Shrine

Meiji Jingu Shrine is the largest Shinto shrine in Tokyo and is dedicated to Emperor Meiji and his wife.

Built in 1920, the sanctuary was destroyed during World War II. The restoration was completed only in 1958.

Meiji Jingu is located within Yoyogi Park. The park is planted with tall trees, which create a constant twilight, which gives a feeling of abandonment. Under Meji Jingu there is a treasure museum, where various items dedicated to the reign of the imperial family are stored.

Each visitor has the opportunity to receive omikuji - pull out a leaflet with a prediction in English from a wooden box. Before that, you need to toss a coin.

Coordinates: 35.67661200,139.69935200

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Temple

From Tokyo to Kamakura can be reached in half an hour. This is where the famous Buddhist temple Tsurugaoka Hachimangu. Surrounded by sakura and azalea, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu preserves the ancient traditions of Japan and with its appearance produces unforgettable impression(especially towards the end of spring when trees and flowers bloom).

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Temple began its history in 1063. The initiator of the construction was the legendary Japanese military leader Yoriyoshi Minamoto. The temple is dedicated to Hachiman - a deity personifying military affairs.

Near the temple, above one of the ponds, you can see the Drum Bridge. According to the legend, a person who manages to cross this bridge will gain longevity. But doing so is by no means easy.

Coordinates: 35.32608500,139.55643400

Meiji Shinto Shrine

The largest Shinto shrine in Japan is located in Tokyo. Meiji Jingu Shrine covers an area of ​​700 thousand square meters and is the center of pilgrimage for all Shinto believers. The peak of visits to the Meiji Shrine falls on the New Year holidays.

Meiji Jingu Shrine is relatively young - its construction began in 1915, three years after the death of Emperor Meiji. The name of this man is inscribed in golden letters in the history of Japan, it was thanks to him that Japan got out of the deep Middle Ages.

The opening of the Meiji Shrine took place in 1926. Subsequently, the temple was badly damaged by American bombing during World War II. The reconstruction lasted several years, the temple acquired its current appearance only in 1958.

Coordinates: 35.67640200,139.69930200

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