How to celebrate New Year in different countries. We celebrate New Year and Christmas in Greenland New Year in Greenland

By rating the famous Lonely Planet guide, Iceland takes the 7th place in the top 10 countries that this resource recommends visiting. Most countries are suitable for lovers active rest and fascinating landscapes. In addition to nature - a delightful natural kitchen.
New Year, the dance of the fire and the Northern Lights
Iceland Island is located in the northern part Atlantic Ocean, between Greenland and Norway. The prevailing relief is volcanic plateau with tops up to 2000 m. This country is one of the favorite places of Russian tourists. In order to view sleeping volcanoes, real mountains, glaciers, geysers, swim in hot springs, come here not only for the new year. The small island is compared with another planet. Jazz Tour, a leading tour operator in Russia in Iceland, organizes New Year and Christmas tours for 2012/2013 with a variety of excursions for every taste. During the Russian Christmas, you can visit the Scandinavian capital of Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Lillehammer.
It is worth noting that the company offers direct New Year and Christmas flights to Iceland. For the first time since 2008, Jazz tour puts the charter chain of Moscow-Reykjavik, direct flight takes only 4.5 hours.
If you want to see Iceland in full beauty and magic, come here for Christmas and New Year. These are special days on the island. After all, Iceland is the only country in Europe, where they are considered national holidays. Christmas residents celebrate Catholic - December 25th. In addition to beautiful and good customs, this holiday is accompanied by ancient beliefs. For example, Icelanders believe that a few days before Christmas, the magic elf creatures begin to communicate with the outside world. On the morning of December 25, residents see the mess in the house, especially in the kitchen and in chimney, and in stockings are gifts from unknown guests.
In the evening, 24 numbers so that relatives and relatives could enjoy communication, in Iceland even stop television broadcasting. And in the morning for breakfast, everyone is invited to the Christmas table. Mandatory dishes are delicately rolled pellets with fragments and lamb, proceeded in chimneys. Sometimes even feed porridge with cream and raisins and baking, like a Russian "twig."
One of the main traditions of Iceland is after family christmas to meet the New Year noisy and with a big sweep. Then the whole year will accompany the luck. The choice of night entertainment in the capital Reykjavik is varied: restaurants with lively and electronic music, nightclubs, bars.
If you book a tour in Jazz Tour, you will be waiting for a variety of interesting program. On the morning of December 31, you can visit the Reykjavik sightseeing tour. You will learn the foundation of the foundation of the capital, see the "Pearl" building - Perun, the modern Cathedral of Hatlgimskirm, Parliament, Hofdihaus mansion, where Gorbachev and Reagan met, and other attractions. Then you will go to the capital of the invisibility of Hafnafjordur, where hear exciting stories about invisible people. After sightseeing tour You will be waiting for lunch at the Viking Restaurant. And in the evening - new Year's banquet in one of the best restaurants Reykjavik Tower. The restaurant is on the top floor itself high Building Iceland, from where a breathtaking view of the city, bay and one of the oldest volcanic formations Islands - Mount Esy. The evening will begin with a welcoming cocktail and dinner of 4 dishes. After dinner around 21.00, you will travel around the New Year Reykjavik. Visit traditional festive bonfires around which locals gather. About midnight - return to the restaurant, where you will be served champagne and dessert.
IN new Year's Eve You can participate in Icelandic festivities with folklore characters - trolls, elves - around huge bonfires. This beautiful night can be admired by the natural miracle - the Northern Light, which continues within a few hours.
Immediately after the New Year in Reykjavik begins the "Holiday of Kostov". Local residents are boning out on the street, which can be seen, driving around the Golden Ring around the city, and sing national songs.
On the other days you can ride in Icelandic horses - lovers of animals not only for local residentsBut for all tourists. In the southern shore of Iceland, visit the village of Vic and see the black sands and the Waterfalls of Selmanalandfoss and Skogafoss.
You can go to the cruise in Iceland from the old Reykjavik harbor to watch whales in their natural environment. Through the whole walk over your ship will fly beautiful seabirds - cormorants, petrels, cakes, seagulls, moaes, arctic crags and others. You will be given special warm waterproof overalls and raincoats, and children under 12 years old are rescue vests.
Amateurs extreme rest They can go to Safari on superdits or on snowmobiles to the second largest glacier Iceland Languokul. You will see scenic gorge Caldidalur, lava desert. In winter, here you can see the indescribable beauty Icelandic waterfalls Southern coast SelralaFoss and Skagafoss, inside of which water does not stop fighting even at a minus temperature. On the way back to Reykjavik, you will visit the most powerful thermal source of Daldartungurhver, which heats the entire western part of Iceland.
Gayzer Valley, Hot Springs and Volcanoes
It is said that the surface of Iceland looks like the surface of the moon. Nowhere in the world there are no more ferrous sand among glaciers, laurel fields among volcanoes. Fountains boiling water with a deafening roar are broken from under the legs to the surface. The famous Hegelsyokul Glacier is considered one of the 7 energy poles of the Earth and is the pearl of the Spellesnes Peninsula. He sowed with a powerful sleeping volcano. In Iceland, there is even its own heating source - the energy of geysers.
One of the miracles of Iceland is the famous blue lagoon with hot springs pools. It is located in the southeastern part of Iceland, on the Reykjanes Peninsula, not far from the town of Grindavik, in the town of Wiretengi. This place hides under itself geothermal water, heated to high temperatures - 240-270 degrees. On the surface it cools up to 37-39 degrees. At the same time, it is saturated with silicon and a white silicon cashem is formed, which is unusually useful for the skin. Silicon enhances the protective properties of the skin. The uniqueness of the sources is that they do not contain any bacteria.
The first public bathing in the Blue Lagoon opened in 1987. And in 1994, a clinic has opened for the treatment of skin diseases. This resort is also awarded a unique reward - a blue flag. It is awarded only to environmentally friendly places, where they seek to preserve the beauty and uniqueness of nature and the environment. Only for the sake of the Blue Lagoon, more and more tourists go to Iceland under the Iceland program - the net energy of fire and ice, which is organized by Jazz Tour. After all, even food there is based on Icelandic traditions and natural products.
In addition to the blue lagoon, Reykjanen Peninsula attracts its museums that are talking about the history of Iceland since the time of Vikings until today's days. One of the most noteworthy - Mount Kayelir, which has a conical shape. From her vertices, tourists can observe the striking views of the island.
Icelandic cuisine
You can go to gastronomic Tour In the restaurant "Potturinn Og Pannan", where the chief chef will tell you about Icelandic dishes that you cook with him. Then in the market learn how to choose products. The chef will explain to you how to select them correctly. Returning to the restaurant, take part in a culinary master class and you can try this National Icelandic cuisine.
National cuisine Iceland mainly consists of fish and lamb. The most delicious delicacy - Icelandic salmon is served in different kinds, for example, - pickled "Gravlax" (GRAVLAX).
Daily Icelandic sailors are mined in the ocean a large number of Fresh fish. It is depicted on all local coins. Therefore, the marine dishes of Iceland are very exquisied and diverse. Salmon, hastily, cod, shrimp, sea scallops are preparing in different kinds, and even cooked shark prepared by special Icelandic recipes. Traditional Icelandic cuisine is very exotic. For example, in the menu you can find rotting shark meat - "hakarl" (Hakarl), which was buried for six months to ensure a sufficient degree of decomposition. However, these dishes are fairly edible.
Many dishes from vegetables that are grown in greenhouses heated by steam from natural geysers. Traditional Icelandic Drink - "Brennivin" (Brennivin), which is made of potato schnapps and flavored by Tmin. It is worth noting that in the bars the first cup of coffee is served for money, the rest are free. Also a large selection of alcohol and wines. Competition in Icelandic restaurants is quite high, therefore, the level of service and kitchen is the best.
In Iceland, a high level of service is combined with affordable prices. Accommodation in hotels in Reykjavik is from 45 euros. Jazz Tour offers accommodation in hotels in various star, but whatever the hotel you have chosen, you will get a high professional level of service. To buy a tour of the new year or Christmas to Iceland, it is enough just to contact the Jazz Tour manager and start planning an unforgettable New Year's trip.

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Despite the small population, Greenland is widely known for its colorful and diverse festive events.

Christmas is one of the main holidays on the island. During this period, the whole "set" of the events characteristic for this period is held, colorful Christmas stars are postponed in the windows of almost all houses, Christmas trees are put on (usually they are installed on the first Sunday of the Christmas post), and cozy family or community holidays are held. On Christmas Eve (December 24), children go home with religious songs, and this holiday is usually a festive children's procession in honor of St. Lucia (December 13-19), conducted throughout the country. According to the Greenland tradition, Christmas stars and other elements of decoration cannot be removed until January 6, that is, the twelfth night, so during the Christmas period, local settlements have a very picturesque view.

The new year in Greenland is noted in the same way as in most European countries, with numerous balas, receptions, buffets, fireworks. An interesting feature of the island is the meeting of the arrival of the New Year twice - the first noted by the Danish New Year (at 20.00), and then Greenland, local time.

One of the most colorful and colorful events in the Greenland calendar is the celebration of the end of the polar night, which is usually held in January - February. In March, the famous International Snow Sculpture Festival ( is taken in parallel (, in parallel, which is held unique competitions: Lake Ferguson Masters in Kanghelugssuaics (Westgrongland) and Warld Ice Gulf Championships in Umanak (Nordgroenland), - are peculiar World Golf Championships on ice. In early April, the most extreme three-day ski race in the world begins in Sisimute (although there are many such sports calendar). On the eve of the village of Easter village north of the northern polar circle conducts race on dog sledding and art festival.

National holiday of Greenland Island - Festival of long Day The year (June 21) is considered one of the oldest on the planet (there are similar holidays for all the polar nations of the Earth). All cities and settlements of the island on this day are literally exploded by numerous musical and ethnographic festivals, solemn ceremonies and banquets, compulsory church services, sports competitions (first of all - by the competitions of sea kayakers and hunters), as well as the unceasing Cauffhelk ceremonies (should be noted, That the procedure for the preparation and use of coffee in Greenland is a complex ritual, which has long turned into a similar little part of the party). Museums I. cultural centers celebrate national holiday Special exhibitions, and the only national television channel of the country - KNR - in all details describes the course of the holiday in the most remote settlements.

Every three or four years, Greenland adopts guests of the famous conference of the Supilla Peoples - a whole week of the cultural forum of all peoples living beyond the polar circle. Another big festival - Asivik - is a kind of cultural and political forum, which is usually held in mid-July and is famous for its ideas of traditional folk theaters, dances under tambourine and drums, as well as numerous concerts of popular musical groups. The musical festival of catalyst is held at the end of June - early July, and immediately after it begins the Marathon Nuk.

Greenland is the world's largest island, we know about it from school years. Country of high mountains, huge icebergs, fjords and naked rocks. From the window of the aircraft, there is a view of the endless desert, in some places in endless snow they can see the serrated peaks of the mountains. But snow, fortunately ...

New Year in Greenland

Greenland is the world's largest island, we know about it from school years. Country of high mountains, huge icebergs, fjords and naked rocks. From the window of the aircraft, there is a view of the endless desert, in some places in endless snow they can see the serrated peaks of the mountains. But snow, fortunately, is not the only sight of Greenland.

Nature here presents unexpected gifts - unexpectedly green meadows and gentle flowers, breaking through the edge of the glacier. The center of Greenland is buried under the winter hat in winter and summer. It was here that the huge iceberg was born, which destroyed the "Titanic".

The eastern shore of the island is cut off from the world of packing ice, people almost do not live here. This deserted territory has become a real reserve for rare species of birds, animals and arctic plants. West Bank is famous for the largest fjords. This part of the inhabitants, the capital of NUCs with 15 thousand metropolitan residents is located here. Very large part of Greenland is north of the polar circle, and the sun is not there for long winter months. In the summer, Greenland becomes an ideal face for a huge number of birds.

Why go to Greenland?

To see what you have never seen. Russians are not surprised by the snow, but in Greenland landscapes are completely surrealistic and primordial. Where else will you see a football match on the background of icebergs? Cute multicolored houses, similar to flowers in snow, whales, glowing fountains splashes among fjords and majestic northern lights - all this is worth seeing.

The kitchen in Greenland has not changed very much since people learned how to produce fire, local residents prefer food not processed thermally. Raw whale whale with a fat designed to the table produces an indelible impression on everyone. You probably will not eat it, but know that the locals almost never catch fire, but, it means they have non-light health.

Fishing in Greenland flourishes in a completely natural way. Here you can try delicacies that have no more anywhere in the world. The most popular drink at Greenland - tea with milk deer. Where else will you try it? Another National Drink - Caffemick. It consists of coffee, three types of alcohol, whipped cream and sugar.

One of the main holidays in Greenland is Christmas. Beautiful Christmas stars hang in all windows, Christmas trees are installed everywhere. Celebrate Christmas families and communities. According to the established tradition of the star and other Christmas decorations are not removed until January 6, when 12 night of Christmas comes, so settlements during this period are very picturesque.

Greenland is celebrated, as in other European countries, with fireworks, numerous balas, buffers and receptions. Interestingly, the New Year island meet twice - at 20.00, the Danish New Year is celebrated, and later Greenland, local time. A traditional dish on the New Year's table is considered naturally venison. If you want to visit this new Year's fairy tale, with stars sparkling snowdrifts, snow, having fun creaking under their feet, go to Greenland.

Each country in its own way!

Even where snow does not happen, it can easily create it! The benefit of the world there are many different traditions regarding the same holidays. New Year is the best example. It is enough to come up with a New Year's party, say, in Irish or Brazilian style to romantically move to the other end of the world, without leaving home. Although, of course, where how often to plunge into the New Year's reality of ingenic states, taking a ticket for a plane and going to a conceptual journey ...


As soon as the ocean waves are illuminated by the last rays of the setting sun, Brazilians and tourists from all over the world, who arrived in Rio, begin to cheerfully accompany the outgoing and celebrate the New Year. For nothing, in contrast to Russia, in Brazil at this time, summer is in full swing. The city on the eve of generously decorate with luminous artificial lines. The holiday by the sea begins at 10 pm. Thousands of people in white clothes enjoy life on the beach of Copacabana in the light of the grand salute, whose sparks fall into the ocean. And in the lagoon di Freitas shines the 80-meter Christmas tree, installed directly on the water!

Closer to midnight, countless cotton champagne stoppers merge into a continuous canonade. The decisive seconds before the new year of the new year, Brazilians are counted on the coast of the Atlantic, and immediately after that the magnificent pyrotechnic show begins.

Brazilian New Year's carnival - an incredibly colorful massive holiday, which people are aspiring spirits, following the traditions of Afro-Indian ancestors. Every year they prepare the gifts of the African goddess Imange - the patroness of the sailors. These gifts serve as candles that are installed on wooden stands, ignite and descend into water, makes the cherished desires. If the candle does not go out for a long time, it means, with great probability, the desire will be fulfilled. And the Brazilians throw white flowers into the water and believe that if they do not throw a powerful approach to the shore, the dream will certainly come true.

CUBA. New Year - Day of Kings

Unlike Europe and the United States, the New Year in Cuba is celebrated with a big sweep than Christmas. This is due to the fact that it was January 1, Cubans celebrate the anniversary of the sign of the 1959 revolution for them, after which the Christmas celebration in the country was generally prohibited from "socialist considerations." Only in 1998, thanks to the visit of John Paul II, Cubans again allowed to cope Christmas, but the championship still remained after the kings day.

In Cuba, the new year is called the Day of Kings. And all because instead of Santa Claus and Santa Claus, the New Year's Ball on the island of freedom rules the three kings and the wrap - Gaspar, Melchior and Baltasar, who, according to the biblical plot, saw the Bethlehem Star and, following her, came first in Jerusalem, and Then in Bethlehem, where Mary and Baby Jesus bowed and brought them gifts.

By tradition, before the new year, the Cubans fill with water all available capacity, and when the clock beat twelve, splash it through open windows into the street. This means that the old new year is happily ended, and the new must be clean, like water. And instead of the Christmas tree in Cuba dress up Araucaria. This tree with a flat cheese can grow up to 90 m in height, but it can be very small, decorative, very suitable for home furnishings.

Watches on the festive night in Cuba beat only 11 times, and then rest. The twelfth strike is accounted for as a new year. And there is still a custom with every blow of watches to eat along the grape and make a desire! Thus, for each of the twelve months of the coming year, it will have to remember on one grape, and it makes sense to remember which berries turned out to be sweeter, which is less, because of sweet berries will come up with acidic months, not very much. And it is also believed that if during the battle hours, we will be waiting for the hours with a suitcase, you will certainly be waiting unusual adventures and travel.


Australians compensate for the absence of snow, deer and sled. For example, Santa Claus easily may appear from the sea, on a bright surf.

Unlike us, Australians do not consider the new year in the home holiday, preferring to rush a noisy crowd on numerous pubs and have fun under open sky On the embankments, squares and parks.

But in numerous micro-states around the green continent there are very intricate New Year's traditions. For example, the inhabitants of the Caroline Islands change the names each year. It happens as follows: Waking up on the first day of the year, all family members, covering his palm mouth, pronounce each other in his new names. And one of the relatives at the same time is desperately beating in the drum. It so saves information from evil spirits, which, in local beliefs, try to overhear them.

And the population of Micronesia is engaged in making money! To do this, they go to the forest, they find red feathers there and glue them in the form of a circle. The circle is in the end, it turns out a huge and weighs about 10 kg. It turns out that these are the same circles and serve as a local currency. They can buy products in local stores and even buy out for the bride. True, if the bride was born in beauty, you will have to fold the incredible amount of red feathers to get it.


In Iceland, the new year is beginning to celebrate from noon on December 31: hide fires and circling around them with songs and dances. It is curious that the mission of Santa Claus, the doning gifts, performs a whole company of trolls and elves from the thirteen "Christmas guy" - Jowlasweinnov / Jolasveinn.

Starting from December 13, Jowlaswein begin to appear alternately at night, in order to come together to Merry Christmas. And each troll has its name and intricate character. So if the house hears a knock on the door, behind which there is really no no one, lamb disappears or the licked dishes are found, the owners are perfectly understood whose tricks.

Well, children by December 13 put red boots on the windows so that each of the Christmas Shaluns could put presents there. The biggest gift - directly to Christmas - brings Jowlaswein Svelchlut. Well, the kids who give together, risks instead of a gift to detect potatoes in boots!


In Denmark, two Santa Claus - Yulenden and Yulenyns. Yulenden - Big Santa Claus, and he has helpers-elves. And Yulenynsa is the younger Santa Claus - a small old man who lives in the forest and goes on a trolley harvested by foxes. Women's dressed as a dwarf - in wooden shoes, pants to knees, blouse, vest, golf and unchanged cap.

For a whole year, Yelenissa maters Christmas gifts in his hut, and in December she moves to people and settles in Klelev as a brownie: worst with animals, helps the hostess in festive troubles. Watching children.

In Denmark on New Year's Eve, everything is put on funny hats, and the tables are decorated with balls and horns. The main dishes of the New Year's table are fish and potatoes. At midnight, the hostess serves a huge bowl of sweet rice porridge with a secret for a festive table. The fact is that at the bottom of the bowl with this porridge, nuts or almonds are hidden. It is believed if an unmarried girl falls nuts, then the next year of the wedding does not avail.

Children in Denmark is made to give a wooden or teddy Christmas tree with a troll, looking from under coniferous paws. Danes believe that the forest pamper is the embodiment of the tree soul.

By the way, the Danish foresters came up with a great way to preserve their forests from poachers, cutting the Christmas trees before the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, they treat the village with a special composition, which in the cold does not smell nothing, but in the warm room it exudes an extremely unpleasant suffocating smell.

At six o'clock in the evening, the Queen appeals on Danish television, referring to citizens with New Year's congratulations. At midnight, the Copenhagen Town Hall watches show the Copenhagen Town Hall clock, Danes drink champagne and treated Kransekage - cake in the form of a cone from several cores of different quantities. The speech of the Prime Minister for tradition is broadcast on January 1.


New Year's traditions of Greenland intrigued with an unusual. They seem to be stiffed by rigid Arctic conditions, but in the same way! By 90%, the country is inhabited by the Greenland Eskimos (Calallites), the remaining 10% is mainly, Danes and other Europeans. You can imagine how curious the mixture of New Year's customs created by them.

Greenlandians meet the new year twice per night and twice congratulate each other "With the coming!" ("Kiortame Pivdluaritlo!"). This is explained by the fact that the Danish New Year comes at 20.00, and the local, Greenland, as it should be at midnight.

Greenland Santa Claus - Grandfather Yletomt. And it is he who gives gifts to children.

Undoubtedly, in Greenland, the most unusual New Year's gifts in the world: carved out of ice figurines of polar bears, deer and walrles, as well as mittens of sealing skin, wrist tissue, National skins clothes, decorated with an overlap embroidery.

New Year's decorations in Greenland are also different: as familiar to Europeans and unique, purely local. Traditional christmas stars stick on the windows, christmas trees, candles. And in addition, the Greenlandians decorate houses by chambers, giving luck - figures of walrles, seals and deities of inuitis, carved from the bone, soap stone and wood.

But the New Year's table in Greenland is a separate story. In addition to more or less understandable dishes: fish baked on coals, dried meat, seafood and eggs of sea birds, there are such evans in the festive menu, from which Europeans are not done by themselves. Let's just say: Christmas table in Greenland is a mystical dream of Syroneda.

Kiwiismrocking sealer meat, stupid. To prepare this dish, the poor seal chopped off the head, and the stomach is stuffed in the stomach. After that, Kiiviak is immersed in permafrost for 7 months, and the new year is removed and served to the table. To taste, this exotic culinary masterpiece resembles pretty acute old cheese.

Hakarhaving rotted shark meat. For his preparation, a giant Greenland shark is also buried for several months in permafrost. The view of Hakar reminds cheese sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes. True, the "fragrance" of this disorder is better not to inhale, because even the most stinky Swiss cheese compared to him smells like violets ...


Mattak - thin layer of subcutaneous whale fat. It is fed to the festive table in the raw form, in small pieces.

Fresh seal and seagull liver -served as it is, in general without seasoning and processing.

From drinks, Greenlandians prefer tea (he same soup), seasoned with salt, lard and spices, as well as coffee and milk deer.


The Norwegian New Year is under the auspices of the Gnomom of Yulissen and the legendary goat, for which in each family, on the festive night, leave dry oat bumps. Yulissen gives children only with small souvenirs, and adults give each other extremely matches - as a symbol of home comfort and spiritual heat.

In Oslo, the holiday begins from the morning on December 31. Norwegians all day before the new year skating, skiing, sledding and snowboarding. All day, they spend with their family, and closer to the evening they are found with relatives and friends at family ever. Therefore, in the bars and nightclubs on New Year's Eve, there is a significant one. Those who love to rejoice in the crowd, go to the city hall building and, even at midnight, open champagne there, congratulate each other and admiring the colorful salute.

Of course, it is very curious to spend the new year in the Norwegian part of Lapland - in the homeland of Santa Claus - surrounded by fabulous elves and gnomes. There There is a school of reindeer herding, the Sami Theater and the Institute of Nordic countries, in addition, for 3 thousand local residents there are almost 100 thousand deer.


In Sweden, under the New Year, it is customary to break the dishes at the door of the neighbors.

As you know, until the 15th century, the Swedes met the new year at all on the night of December 31 on January 1, and on March 25, in accordance with the agricultural cycle, because it was more convenient to peasants, mostly inhabited by the North of the country.

In the Middle Ages in Sweden, the New Year was celebrated both on March 25 and January 1. Only during the reign of the country of King Gustav Vasa (1523 - 1560) a single date was enshrined - January 1.

In ancient times, the Swedes had a New Year tradition to drip into the water by molten lead, in order to predict the future on the form of the resulting figures. It was believed if the shape of the lead resembled a crown, the girl was awaiting a quick marriage if the coin was worth expecting a profitable year.

Nowadays, the Swedes often, instead of lead, dripped into the water molten wax from burning candles, as before, fortunate for the future using the resulting figures.

As for will accept, the first guest in the house - a man - foreshadowed a good year, if the elderly woman came first, the coming year did not foretell anything good

And in order to be healthy throughout the year, it was necessary to eat the day of January an apple.

Unlike Christmas, the new year in Sweden is customary to celebrate large companies of friends - to go to concerts, in restaurants, just walk, grabbing champagne in unlimited quantities.

The most numerous folk festivities are held in Stockholm, in Skansen Park, from where since 1977 Swedish television has been directly broadcasting a new year meeting. Also broadcast from the New Year's concert from the Vienna Philharmonic.


In Austria, the unwritten commandment is considered to hear the solemn sound of the "Bells of the World", established at the Cathedral of St. Stephen in Vienna. On the Cathedral Square On December 31, thousands of people are going. In the old one in this country, a good note was considered to meet a pipeline, touch him and get dirty. It was believed that it brings great happiness and good luck.


In the New Year on the streets decorated with lights, the streets of Dutch cities, especially, Amsterdam is almost continuously buzzing car sirens and sparkle in the sky of the place of fireworks.

Back in November, the local Santin Claus was sailed from distant Spain in the Netherlands by name. Why precisely from Spain, it's hard to say, however, it is considered since a long time. And comes on a personal, richly decorated ship with a numerous retinue, requires special reverence to his person.

Arrival Sinterklaasa

The mayor of the city and the whole delegation of officials are solemnly meeting on Syneneclaas Pier. And directly in the live broadcast of National Television mayor Amsterdam presents the symbolic symbolic key of the city by hanging it with many powers. Within one and a half months, this character suits nightlings and distributes sweet gifts to obedient children in the form of large chocolate letters with their initials.

And the naughty children are waiting for a meeting with the black peteers who arrived in the Syneneclase retinue in the medieval pirate suits with whites, with smeared black hotels, chains, ropes and twigs in their hands, who may jly with mischievous and threaten to take them with themselves to Spain. It is not surprising that children in these months become simply "silk".

The holiday is taken to celebrate at home in a family circle. And the traditional New Year's sweetness is considered a "Christmas wreath" with almond stuffing. Quite often, it is made in the form of animals - as a rule, pigs or cows. A traditional drink to the New Year's table is considered the "layer" - hot milk with the addition of sugar and spices.

A traditional New Year's gift in the Netherlands is the bulb of a rare tulip variety in a stylish circle and a homemade postcard, decorated with ribbons, sequins and seashells. Children give gifts in the first days of December - starting from the day of St. Nicholas. From the early morning, the kids are looking for them in the shoes prepared from the evening.

In the Netherlands and Belgium, very seriously belong to the first day of the coming year. People try to behave correctly, do not take money in debt and wear only new things. It is believed that the person himself determines its future for the entire next year. If the first day of the new year is fun, then it will be all year.

And adults have their own New Year tradition. Women are preparing for men the pie, which is placed bob or pea. So, the one who will get a piece of baking with Bob, becomes the king for the entire New Year's Eve, and chooses a queen and a retinue.


Prepare for New Year holidays in Belgium are beginning in November. At the same time, the first brightly decorated Christmas trees appear, the very first christmas fairs are opening. A campaign to the Brussels New Year Bazaar is especially attractive for lovers of gastronomic tourism, because before Merry Christmas in Brussels passes international Festival Kulinary, where you can taste delicious dishes from around the world. In a word, everywhere there is a Christmas mood, warming Mulled wine pours river.

Of course, Brussels remains the center of New Year's celebrations. Bright costume processions and presentations pass on the Grand-Place Square and spread throughout the city.

Belgian New Year traditions are very similar to Dutch. Belgians also believe in the "Magic of the first day", believing that on the behavior of a person on the first day of the New Year, it is possible to judge that he is waiting for the coming 12 months.

Therefore, in Belgium, it is customary not to take the first day of the new year, but besides, they certainly put new things on this day.

In order for the house in the house, the hostess is covered by the elder the New Year's table with an indispensable presence of calf sausages, truffles, rice, meat of the vapor and all sorts of sweets and wines. Moreover, each area has a special kind of festive waffles and cookies.

The New Year Drink, as well as in the Netherlands, is considered to be "slam" - a mixture of hot milk and tea, with the addition of sugar, cinnamon, lemon zest, saffron, cloves and nutmegs.


In Ireland, a festive New Year's evening is made to spend at home - in a circle of family and friends. However, half an hour before the battle of the Kurats, the inhabitants of Dublin go to the central square and have fun from the soul. And immediately before the new year, the doors of the houses are revealed to the lack of failures and evil spirits. And everyone who wishes can come to visit to whom will want. Guest will be saturated at the honorable place, they will coax a glass of good wine and say: "For peace in this house and around the world!" Even casual passers-by on the eve of the New Year in Ireland is made to treat baking.

On the eve of the New Year, the girls are put in front of a bed under a pillow of various herbs - a mistletoe, clover, ivy and even lavender. According to believe, it is on New Year's Eve that you can see your future spouse.

The New Year Irish table is always a lot of traditional Irish and European dishes. LED CEK is considered a mandatory New Year's treat - Cookies or Cupcake with Tmin. In addition, over the New Year holidays, the hostess is preparing three pudding: for Christmas, New Year and on the eve of baptism.


According to the Catholic calendar December 31 - St. Sylvester's Day, therefore, the New Year's holiday itself is often called Sylvester. So, the Hungarians on this day, more precisely, New Year's Eve, there are much noisy, having fun, (mainly on the street), so shops and street tents work all night, and the most popular product is a variety of twins and classes. Well, in addition to all this, it is traded with hot sausages from pork.

Budapest is one of the most beautiful New Year capitals in Europe. In the park not far from the Square of Heroes, Time Wheel's huge hourglass stands, which according to tradition, are turned over at 12 o'clock, and they begin the countdown of the new year - the sand in them is exactly 12 months. Thousands of Hungary and tourists come to look at this ceremony.

For those who marks the new year at home, a traditional treat is served to a festive table - a fried pig, which is for happiness - it is necessary to twist the tail. The bird or fish on this night is not suppressed, because, according to reference, happiness can float or fly away.

Well, if there is no piglet, it can be successfully replaced by a generous sausage dish, which in front of the New Year in Hungary are sold in huge packages.

As for the New Year's beverages, in addition to champagne, wines, cocktails, and aperitifs, the Hungarians have the so-called "Krambampuli", the preparation of which is considered a special ritual. This is a rattling mixture of wine, roma, sugar, firmly brewed tea, dried fruits, candied fruits, lemon and orange and orange sister, as well as handstone almonds and walnuts, with the addition of cinnamon and carnations ...


In Bulgaria, on the eve of the New Year, the indispensable attribute of the holiday is acquired - Kizylovy sticks. On January 1, the children congratulate relatives and loved ones, slightly hitting these chopsticks. With the last blow of the outgoing year hours in all houses for 3 minutes the lights are hushed: these are minutes of New Year's kisses that replace toasts.

Bulgarians rejoice, if someone sneezes after the New Year's table. They say it brings good luck.


In Japan, the new year is customary to celebrate January 1. The Japanese fear evil spirits that can penetrate the house together with happiness and wealth. Therefore, in order to be from trouble, the inhabitants of the rising sun, hang before entering the house and apartments of the straw bundles. And as soon as the new year comes, the Japanese are happily laughing.


On New Year's Eve in Vietnam, it is customary to produce live carps in the river and ponds. According to legend on the back of the carp, God is swimming, which in the New Year goes to heaven to tell there how people live on earth.


In Burma, the new year's offensive is celebrated by the water festival. Thus, people are cheerfully saved from the heat. When meeting, the Burmese waters each other with water from different dishes, thus, I wish each other in the new year.


In Greece, there is a custom, according to which, exactly at midnight, the head of the family goes to the courtyard and breaks the fruit of the pomegranate fruit. If his grains bloom in the yard, in the new year the family will live happily.

Going to visit, the Greeks bring suede stone as a gift, and leave it in the owners room. They say: "Let the money of the owners will also be as heavy as this stone."


In Portugal on the eve of Christmas, it is customary to give "Christmas Pie" with almonds and candied. By the way, surprises are also baked into such a sdobu - a figure or a medal. Founding the whole year will be accompanied by luck, and well-being will come in his house.


In Spain, before the new year, guys and girls pull the lot: the names of the brides and grooms were written on the pieces of paper. Thus, young people "pull out" their narrowed. Sometimes the procedure passes near the churches, and the established pairs should depict lovers until the end of the festivities.

Sources of information:,,,,, WomanAdvice.Ru,

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