Nevsky gates of the Petropavlovsk fortress Arch N Lviv. Petropavlovsk Fortress, Independent Excursion

View from the Neva.

Nevsky gate. Petropavlovsk Fortress They are the only way out of the Citadel to Neva. This exit has already appeared at the first tree-earthy fortress in the form of a wooden rectangular gate with a pier adjacent to them.

On August 30, 1723, during the celebration of the third anniversary of the Nesteadsky world through the Neva Gate to the Petropavlovsk fortress, the "grandfather of the Russian Fleet" was solemnly postponed - Petra I Botik. At the same time, a decree was issued on the annual procedure for the withdrawal of the BETIC on the Neva. This happened in 1724, and then only in 1744 and 1746.

In the early 1720s, wooden Nevsky Gates on the project Domenico Trezini were replaced by stone. After the second solemn removal of the boots, they were decided to update. In the early 1730s, they were given a view, which from the inside of the fortress wall was preserved to the present day. At the same time, the berth was rebuilt into the arched marina with the trimming descents to the water.

In 1747-1748, it was presumably on the project B. X. Minija Nevsky Gate from the river was made in the form of a portico with bearing antablement dual pilasters. In 1762-1767, the architect D. Smolyaninov and an engineer N. Muravyov was drawn up the project of the granite pier with arches. Its implementation began only when cladding the walls of the Petropavlovsk fortress with granite.

In 1780, Architect N. A. Lvov was proposed to draw up a project of new stone Nevsky Gates. In 1784-1787, this project was implemented. Nevsky gates architect were inscribed in a kind of square. Their height was 12 meters, and the width is 12.2 meters. All architectural details were performed from ground serfolish granite. Given the height of the pier, Lviv raised the Neva Gate almost a meter. Anchor anchor image on the front, ornamental bombs with the languages \u200b\u200bof fire at the edges of Fronton were given by the Neva Gate of the value as a triumphal monument in honor of the victories of the Russian fleet.

In the northern facade, Vezel Catherine II and the date "1787" appeared, indicating the construction of the monument for the year.

In 1840, the inscription "Nevsky gate 1787" strengthened in the frieze of the northern side. In the 1860s, the marina of the Nevsky gate began to be called Commandant. It was from her whoever, the commandant of the Petropavlovsk fortress floated on a boat on his affairs. From here, the prisoners sentenced to death were removed from the fortress and drove through the Neva to the place of execution.

Under the arch of the Nevsky Gate there is a plot showing the natural level of the holy island. The board with the marks of the largest Petersburg floods was strengthened over him: 1752, 1777, 1788, 1824, 1924 and 1975.

In 1952-1953, Nevsky gates were renovated. In 1998-1999, the Northern Facade returned the appearance that he had in the middle of the XVIII century.


After examining the "Nevsky Panorama", you can visit the expositions of the prison of Trubetsk Bastion. From the sovereign of the bastion, go back along the fortress wall facing the Neva and to the end.

The Petropavlovsk fortress since the beginning of the 18th century still performed the function of prison for particularly dangerous state criminals, which were placed in the hazards of bastions and Kurtin, and special prison buildings were built.
In the building of the Trubetsk Bastion prison, preserved to this day (the building of the Arrest branch under the St. Petersburg Fortress - official name Prisons) An extensive museum exposition has been deployed on the history of the prisoners of "Russian Bastille".

A two-story building, a pentagonal in the plan, was erected inside the Trubetskaya bastion at the site of its disassembled inner walls in 1870 - 1872 on the project and under the guidance of engineers K. P. Andreeva and M. A. Pasypkin. The prison was created to keep political prisoners. Single cameras, harsh conditions of content, complete isolation from the outside world - were the lotion of prisoners. In the bunches of the prison of Trubetskaya bastion, with autocracy, more than one and a half thousand prisoners languished. In the period 1870 - 1880, the prison was enclosed by the disruptions - Pavel Kropotkin, Herman Lopatin, Vera Figner, Andrei Zhelyabov and many others.
In the spring of 1887, after preventing a conspiracy with the appearance of the Emperor Alexander III, members of the "People's Volia" party party were concluded, among the organizers of which was the elder brother Vladimir Lenin Alexander Ulyanov. After the court, the conspirators were transferred from the Petropavlovsk prison to the Shlisselburg Fortress, where 8 (20) May 1887 were executed.

At the beginning of the 1905 revolution, the Prisoner of the Political Prison of the Petropavlovsk Fortress became known by the time the writer Maxim Gorky, who separated revolutionary sentiment, for his appeal "to all Russian citizens and public opinion european states". The writer stayed in the dungeons for several weeks, he was released thanks to the unfolded broad company in defense in Russia and abroad.

In the museum you will be in prison cells, where the situation and life of prisoners are recreated in detail. On the stands there are many documents and photographs of the time from which you will learn about many prisoners of the political prison of the Petropavlovsk fortress, the fates of which are inextricably linked with the history of Russia.
After such an unemployed tours of the prison incomemates, we suggest you end the excursion on the Navel of the Petropavlovsk Fortress. Coming out of the museum, return back along the Catherine Kurtin and Naryshkin Bastion to the Neva Gate, passing through which you will find yourself on the Commandant Pier, from where it opens great view On the Neva.

Initially, the Nevsky gates were wooden, like all fortification of the fortress, in the 1720s were rebuilt into stone on the project of the architect Domenico Trezini.
The current top view of the Nevsky Gate from the Neva acquired in the second half of the XVIII century. Erected by the project of architect N. A. Lvov in 1784 - 1787 from a polished Serdobol granite in the form of a classic portico with paired columns, decorated with anchor image and decorative bombs with the Languages \u200b\u200bof fire on the front, the Nevsky Gate are the importance of a triumphal monument in honor of the victories of the Russian Fleet.
The northern facade of the gate from the fortress is decorated with Catherine II monogram with the date of construction "1787". Under the arch you will see marks - these are fixed levels of the largest floods in St. Petersburg.

On the Embankment of the Neva Gate is connected to the granite pier, which since 1860 began to be called Commandant. It was from her that the commandant of the Petropavlovsky fortress sailed to the boat for reports to the state of the emperor.

Going to the Nevsky Prostor, you will again see the panorama, where St. Petersburg will appear with its front facades of magnificent embankments, palaces and cathedrals.

We can further offer two options for a walk - along the embankment along the fortress walls by the flow of the Neva towards the palace bridge and the arrows of the Vasilyevsky Island, having encouraged the fortress from the south side, you will go to the Crown Bridge through which you will get on the Petrograd side. Then you can go in a cafe and relax over a cup of coffee or to eat tightly. There is a shorter way - along the embankment in the opposite direction towards the Trinity Bridge, you will leave to the Ioannovsky Bridge, through which our excursion began. There you will see several berths from which you can continue water excursion According to the Neva, the canals and rivers of St. Petersburg, or if they are very tired to go to the Metro "Gorkovskaya".

We hope that hiking On the Petropavlovsk fortress will give you pleasure and many memories.

Neva Gate (Russia) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Nevsky Gate joined Naryshkin and sovereign bastions of the Petropavlovsk fortress, they were built in 1716, when the walls of the citadel were still made of wood and land. It was the only way out towards the Neva, building materials, weapons and provisions arrived on ships through them. The inner side of the gate has been preserved from the moment of restructuring in stone in 1732 until today. In the 80s. 18th century Architect N. A. Lvov created a project that most fully responded with the requirements of those years: new gates were not only beautiful, but also functional due to the powerful granite pier.

What to see

Looking at the gate with the Commandant Pier, you are amazing their harmonious and strict beauty in the style of classicism. The width and height of the structure is about 12 m, it is made of light gray granite. On each side, there are two columns connected below two beams, and on top decorated with a triangular fronton (it shows the name of the gate, the year of their creation) and the decorated pattern depicting anchor and two crossed palm branches that are seized with ribbons.

In the Arc of the Nevsky Gate, you can see the level of water level rise at strong floods, comprehended St. Petersburg in 18-20 centuries.

From above on the front, prototypes of cannon nuclei with flame languages \u200b\u200bsymbolizing the military assignment of the fortress are installed. Having passed under them inside and turning around, we will see a more modest composition, but in general, the repeating basic facade. The arched input shape is framed 4 flat pilasters and a triangular fronton with decorations in the form of the letter "E" - the Empress of Empress Empress Catherine II, the golden crown and snow-white banners.

Practical information

Address: St. Petersburg, about. Hare, Petropavlovsk Fortress, 3K 4d. Coordinates: 59.949245, 30.318423.

How to get there: by car from Moscow railway station 10-15 minutes, from the Metro "Gorkovskaya" 12 minutes on foot.

Opening hours: The territory of the fortress is open from 9:30 to 21:00, full closure - at 22:00. Entrance to the territory of the fortress is free. Separately, excursions and visits to expositions are paid.

Petropavlovsk fortress The first building of St. Petersburg. That is how the city was laid in 1703 by Peter I. Since the territory passed the Russian Empire during the war with Sweden, the fortress was built to protect against the Swedes. The fortress was laid on a sanctifying island, so the fortress guns should beat the city from the invasion of two major river sleeves. The sea frontiers of St. Petersburg should have been defended in 1704, the fortress of Kronstadt.

Well, already in 1705, the first industrial construction of the Admiralty shipyard was opened at the Admiralty Island, which in 1706 represented the fortress to protect the territory within the framework of the Northern War with the Swedes. Now the Petropavlovsk fortress is an object cultural heritage St. Petersburg. And at least now this is a museum, do not forget that this is the real fort, which was ready to reflect any attack.

How to get to the Petropavlovsk fortress

The Petropavlovsk Fortress is located on a hare island, which is open for visiting every day from 6.00 to 21.00. The fortress itself is open to visiting from 9.00 to 20.00. Two bridges lead to the hare island: the John Bridge and the Crossverk Bridge.

Go to the territory of the island, as well as the fortress itself, can be on any of the bridges. Not far from the Petropavlovsk fortress is station Metro GorkovskayaFrom it to the Petropavlovsk fortress no more than 5-10 minutes walk.

You can get here and walk: from the Admiralty Island through Trinity Most.. Or by Palace Bridge first to the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island, and from there through the exchange bridge in the Mantinskaya embankment to Kronverki bridgeBut this route is the longest. The travel scheme and opening hours of cash and expositions can be found on the Petropavlovsk Fortress website.

Ioanovsky Bridge and John Renovein

We reached the Petropavlovsk fortress in the easiest way - on the subway. The terrestrial lobby of Gorkovskaya station is located in the Alexandrovsky Park and going out to easily lose the orientation and understand where to go. In this case, if your natural sense of direction is silent, it is better to ask anyone else or try to go for the main flow of people.

So after 5 minutes, we find yourself at the John Bridge, the roads to historical Heart St. Petersburg, Petropavlovsk Fortress. Bridge is the oldest bridge St. Petersburg, at least nothing left of the most bridge. John Bridge, originally called red, as the main and only bridge in the fortress had a lifting central section.

The Ioannovsky Bridge is ends with the John gate, on which year 1740. This is the year of construction, during which the Petropavlovsk fortress has become completely stone, before that it was wooden. The fortress is additionally strengthened from the east and the West with protective structures, called rares. In East Rowedin or Ioannovsky, the same Ioannovsky gates are mounted. Therefore, passing through them, thus bypassing Retalin, we turn out to be in the open space directly in front of the main walls of the fortress.

Gate of Petropavlovsk Fortress

The Petropavlovsk fortress leads four gates, by the number of lights of the world and by their location.

  • Nevsky gate. It is the southern, river entrance to the fortress. To get into the fortress through the Neva Gate could only be gone to the pier. Hence the name of the gate.
  • Vasilyevsky Gate from the West, these gates serve the entrance to the fortress through Vasilyevsky Kurtin, which adds to Vasilyevsky Island, Hence the name.
  • Nikolsky gates serve the entrance to the Petropavlovsk fortress from the north. They were not in the original plan of 1703 and they appeared in Nikolsky Kurtin only during the restructuring of the wooden fortress in the stone after a quarter of a century after its bookmark.
  • Petrovsky Gate, East entrance to the fortress, the most beautiful gates of the fortress

It is through the Petrov gate that we enter the fortress. Wooden gates were constructed in 1708 and rebuilt after 10 years in stone. Petrovsky gates are a monument to Petrovsky Borowko, implemented on the project of the architect Domenico Trezini. In the niches on both sides of the goal there are statues that personify "prudence" and "courage".

A lead double-headed eagle is installed above the arch. And above it is a wooden bas-relief "Loading Simon-Wrap apostle Peter", in which Simon is identified with the Swedish king Karl Xii, and the apostle Peter with Peter I, respectively. Thus, the whole picture is a symbol of Russia's victory in the Northern War with Sweden.

Grand permanent tomb and monument to Peter I

For Petrovsky Gate begins, paving a paving slave, the central alley to the Cathedral Square of the Fortress.

The central alley will lead us straight to the Cathedral Square and its main Cathedral of Petropavlovsky. But first we are waiting for several sights.

To the right of the alleys, the grand permanent tomb is located on the territory of their own garden. The role of the tomb in the Petropavlovsk fortress went to the Petropavlovsky Cathedral, the tomb herself appeared here much later in 1908. The tomb was intended for great princes and princes, as well as for the princes of imperial blood. Part of the burials in the tomb were transferred from the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

The entrance to the Blognya Supil is available from the Cathedral Square.

Opposite the tomb, on the other side of the alley on the Kovan throne, the founder of the fortress Peter I, the Ober-Officer Gauptvakta building is located behind his back. Sculpture of Peter I, the work of Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakina, Russian and American artist. When creating sculpture, the artist scream inspiration with the famous "wax person", the wax twin of the emperor, exhibited in the State Hermitage.

"Wax Person" is completely the work of Karlo Rastrelli, who was still at the life of Peter I, took off the wax cast from the face of the emperor and made a bust and an accurate copy of Peter with his help. But "Shemyakinsky Peter" only owes a mask of Rastrelli, deprived of the same proportions to leave the body on the conscience of the artist.

Cathedral Square and Petropavlovsky Cathedral

The alley leads us to the Cathedral Square, also served by the feet for the garrison of the fortress.

There are several main buildings of the fortress at the Cathedral Square. First of all it is a Petropavlovsky Cathedral, a mint and a boty house. The acting mint of the State Summary and the largest mint of the world.

A bottle house was built specifically for the storage of Peter I boot, where he was kept until 1931, now a copy is exhibited here.

From this cathedral, the construction of the Petropavlovsk Fortress began. The building was laid in 1703 on the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The height of the Peter and Paul Cathedral with a spire was 122.5 meters. Until 2013, it was the highest construction of St. Petersburg. According to Peter I, Petropavlovsky Cathedral should have become the first building new RussiaThat is why it is not similar to the traditional Orthodox churches, but with its height, the spire almost pierces the sky.

Prison of Trubetsky Bastion

Though in the territory of the Petropavlovsk fortress, you can walk absolutely free, exhibitions and museums in the fortress still cost money. Therefore, for visiting the next attractions already have to pay, but it is worth it.

What fortress without "shy"? No, of course, it did not exist in the original plans, for punishments, GaupVankta usually served. The prison in Trubetskaya Bastion appeared in 1872, the inner walls of the bastion were disassembled for her construction. So on the site of the tower there was a pentagonal two-story prison building with an inner courtyard, in the center of which baths were located.

The prison was scheduled for 73 single cameras, where the main goal was the complete islation of the prisoner from both the outside world and from other prisoners. IN for different years Here were the conclusion of public revolutionaries, among them the older brother of Lenin Alexand Ilyich Ulyanov, the Esers, members of the deputation who opposed the shootings of 1905, among them Maxim Gorky, as well as members of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers' Deputies, among them Lion Trotsky.

Later, the situation radically changed twice, first during the February Revolution, and later in the result of the October Revolution of 1917. Thus, the prison camered cameenth cameras replaced first by ministers and police leaders, and later on the temporary government, junkers and members of the Cadet Party. The principal difference of the Bolshevik prison from the prison "Tsarist" was the abolition of a single regime of concluding.

An especially sad page in the history of the prison of Trubetsky bastion was the years of the Red Terror, when the prisoners were shot in the fortress massively, including 4 Grand Duke. On the territory of the fortress in 2010, mass burials of the victims of a red terror were named.

Naryshkin Bastion and Nevskaya Kurtina

Separate pleasure in the inspection of the Petropavlovsk fortress occupies the opportunity to look at the city from the walls of the fortress. Such an opportunity is, for this, just need to climb to Naryshkin Bastion, having previously bought a ticket at the box office located here. Since the fortress is constructed in the form of a six-pointed star, then the bastions in the fortress exactly six. In one of them, we have just visited the prison, it was a tubing bastion, the rest are Menishikov, Golovkin and Zotov bastions. Two more Naryshkin and sovereigns, between which the mill is called the Nevsk Curtains, we have to be inspected. From here, from the Naryshkin of Bastion daily at noon gives his lung to the gun, promoting the middle of the day.

With Naryshina Bastion, beautiful species are opening not only the Neva, but also the fortress itself. The route from Naryshkin Bastion in Nevsky Kurtin to the sovereign of Bastion is called the Nevskaya Panorama, so it is positioned at the box office and on advertising posters in the fortress.

Nevskaya Kurtin, it is a tree that connects Naryshkin and sovereign bastions. Folded shaft on Neva, hence his name. It is in the Nevsk Curtain that the Nevsky gates are installed, also called the gate of death.

On the wooden flooring, we, accompanied by an audio guide broadcasting from the ruptines installed on the Kurtin, are moving towards the state bastion.

Sovereign Bastion was laid first, now the monument is established on the bastion in honor of the "300th anniversary of the foundation of St. Petersburg".

And from the bastion opens beautiful view On the Neva and on the Trinity Bridge. By the way, you can go to the bastion and go through it, feeling in this dungeon.

The sovereign of the bastion of Petropavlovsk fortress

This underground corridor is lost, communicating between the internal structures of the fort and its external fortifications. Thus, through the loss of the sovereign of the bastion, it was possible to get into courtyard Fortress, bypassing Petrovsky Gate.

The entrance to the loss is carried out on the outside of the Bastion's sovereigns, by the Ioanovsky Rannelin. The entrance is paid, and the gallery itself is not very high, it ends with a small artistic exhibition.

On this sights examined by us ended. Of course, we are not examined by all the objects of the fortress and are not visited by all exhibitions and museum expositions, but also the fact that we covered quite enough for 4-5 hours acquaintance with the Petropavlovsk fortress. And go here is necessarily worth it. After all, Petropavlovsk Fortress First Food Northern capitalYes, and the military. It turns out that in the Petropavlovsk fortress there is a charm of Kronstadt and the proximity of St. Petersburg sights.

Category: Curious Petersburg Tags:

Nevsky gate,rebuilt in 1787 in the classical style on the project of a prominent manual of Russian culture, scientist and architect Nikolai Lviv. Gate and Pier formed a single solemn architectural ensemblewho came to this day almost unchanged. It should be noted that these works have not had a defensive value: the fortress acquired the appearance corresponding to its outstanding role historic Center The capital of the empire. The first gates are built in the Nevsky Kurtin between the sovereign and Naryshkina bastions in 1714. Then they were from the tree - as well as the pier near them, having a view of ordinary wooden bears. In the early 1720s, the gate was rebuilt in the stone of Domenico Trezini, the pier remained wooden until the 1770s.

Neva Gate and Commandant Pier (Issue 67 - Petropavlovsk Fortress)

Category: Curious Petersburg Tags:

Nevsky Gate and Commandant Pier In the picture of Ivan Ivanov "Type of the Embankment of the Neva River on the Day of the Commissions". From here to the fortress came the members of the imperial family, sailing on the Neva from the Winter Palace. Initially, the marina was called the Tsarist, later - Nevsky, and from the 1760s - Commandant. Here the boat of commandant (chief) of the fortress moored. One of the oldest urban ceremonies began with the pier - a celebration about the opening of navigation. This event was of particular importance for the city, which grew up on the islands and until the middle of the XIX century did not have a permanent bridge over the Neva. When Nheva finally cleared from ice, the commandant went on his boat in Winter Palace With a report to the emperor and presented him with the Cup of Nevsky Water. According to legend, the emperor returned the Cup, filling the top silver ruble. After that, there was the highest order about opening navigation. Fireworks flew from the walls of the fortress, fireworks were launched, the water area was filled with ships and boats of all the masters under multicolored flags. At this time, the "Executives" was usually noted - ancient religious holiday "Halfway" between Easter and Trinity. The clergy of all parish temples of St. Petersburg gathered at the Commandant Pier for the consecration of Nevsky Water. A huge sturgeon was served to a solemn lunch in the fortress, "caught not in which other river, but without fail in Neva." Back in 1715, by the decree of Peter I, a pier was reinforced by a pier - a pillar with divisions that allow measuring the water level. This made it possible to determine the average ("ordinary") water level in the Neva and marked the beginning of regular hydrological observations in Russia. It is on divisions on this foottee that the height of the water lift in the flood was determined.

"The chronicle of catastrophic floods" under the arch of the Nevsky Gate (Issue 67 - Petropavlovsk Fortress)

Category: Curious Petersburg Tags:

"Chronicle of catastrophic floods" On the wall under the arch of the Nevsky Gate. On the boards there is a level of water lift during five floods: 1752 (2.8 meters), 1777 (3.2 meters), 1788 (2.3 meters), 1824 (4.2 meters), 1924 (3.8 meters) and 1975 (2.8 meters) of the year. Bridge here specifically deepened before that position in which it was in the XVIII century. From the Swedish chronicles, we know about the catastrophic flood of 1691 (7.6 meters). This is the highest level of water lift in the Neve of the fixed ever. The first flood in the history of St. Petersburg has happened already three months after its foundation. Water flooded a hare island and washed off the forest, harvested for the construction of the fortress. The flood of 1724 led to the disease and death of Peter I (he saved drowning sailors). The most catastrophic was flooding on November 7, 1824. "Neva was with Palace Square One huge lake, poured by Nevsky Avenue, as a wide river, "remembered the eyewitness. Helping assistance to citizens, the Governor General then flooded in Nevsky Prospect on his huge boat.

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