Tokyo gardens. Amazing Tokyo Parks Tokyo

Gardens and parks in Tokyo a lot. Despite the sharp deficit of the place in the capital, the Japanese are ready to walk more and crazy in capsular hotels, but not to reduce the area of \u200b\u200bgreen plantings. It may be from this Tokyo, in which over 9 million people live, gives the impression of a balanced city. I would not even be afraid to say - calm. In any case, he is exactly calmer Moscow.

Eastern Gardens of the Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace in Tokyo was rebuilt during the EDO period and was the world's largest. From its buildings a little preserved. Almost all the former Palace Square is currently engaged in a park with a huge lawn in the middle. Both the park and the lawn are a favorite holiday destination Country and tourists.

Access to Gardens is free, but not around the clock. Gate of Eastern Gardens the Imperial Palace Open from 9:00 to 17:00 daily, except Monday and Friday. At the entrance you give you a plastic ticket, and at the exit you are taken - it is likely to track the number of those who entered the territory and left it. After all, the emperor and his family still live in the western part of the palace.

The Edo period - the time of the Board of Clan Tokugawa, lasted from 1603 to 1868. Edo is the old name of Tokyo, which was built and actively developed precisely at this time, being a bet of Sögunat Tokugawa.

In addition to the emperor, the construction opens, according to the guidebook, twice a year: on the birthday of the emperor and the New Year holiday. The rest of the time I was even frightened to see the construction difficult - they are hidden behind the trees. We managed to observe the exercise of the Imperial Guard through the foliage. They didn't get marching themselves very much - apparently, very green recruits. But elsewhere tourists who frozen in the living hedge recorded the sounds of training on martial arts on dictaphones. And it really impressed! Although nothing could be seen.

The most charming corner of the imperial gardens is an iris garden. Of course, the autumn of the irises is not, but the garden is still beautiful. According to the information plate, 84 varieties of irises are growing here! I could not even imagine that there are so many of them in the world.

Creating and maintaining landscape parks is one of the arts of Japan, famous for the whole world. Here, in the imperial gardens, we met with him for the first time. And in the future enjoyed even more exquisite landscape gardens in Kyoto, what a question is lower.

Looking at these amazing forms of branches, immediately remember the famous Japanese engravings. Some varieties of trees really have a tendency to be cropping, but people help them, the spill branches and forcing them to change the direction.

Sleight of this photo is an accident. In the gardens enough visitors. We tried to come early in the morning, but the exit has already met numerous tourist groups With guides. And the educators of Tokyo kindergartens lead to the kids here - breathe air and play sports.

In muddy water, the pond swim huge motley carps.

Massive stone lights perform a purely decorative function. We never had to see them burning. But initially they applied, of course, for lighting.

The tea house was moved here from the western, closed part of the gardens.

The tea ceremony does not spend in it, it carries a purely decorative function.

This part of the garden symbolically represents all 47 Japan Prefectures. From each prefecture in Tokyo delivered and planted in the Imperial Garden characteristic for of this region wood.

Some zeros are carefully bandaged (from pests?) And are strengthened by the backups (hurricane winds are happening during typhoons).

Fujimimi-Yagura's watchdog tower, preserved from the Palace of the Edo period.

Drawings of Fujimimi-Yagura tower and general palace plan. The preserved fragments are marked with tuning, there are only three of them.

Grapefruit trees in the Imperial Garden.

Tightly standing skyscrapers of the central region of Tokyo are visible from many points of the park. In the head, it turns out: "Tokyo is a city of contrasts."

One of the most amazing things in Tokyo is a stunning cleanliness. No dust, no smell of exhaust gases, even in the very center of the city. Probably therefore fish and birds feel quite comfortable.

Park Fontanov Vadakura

Along with the imperial gardens is a small park of Fontanov Vadakura. Fountains work alternately and with interruptions, so this is a whole action. Here you need to sit half an hour, calmly relax in the shade of the trees, and then you will see the entire water performance.

Weno Park

Another major park in Tokyo - Weno. After hitting there for the first time, I was perplexed: a huge pond was shown on the map, and I saw a field that overgrown with burdocks above human growth. At the verification of "lops" turned out to be lotus growing straight out of the water!

In the middle of the pond, Sinobadza on the island is located the temple, and then on the shore - the Zoo of Weno. Part of the pond is cleared of vegetation, carium bike rental works on it.

In another part of the Park Weo, the Tokyo National Museum, the National Scientific Museum and a number of other museums are located.

And between the lotus stems, all the same huge carps are schyrigh.

Of course, gardens and parks in the Japanese capital are much larger. I only told about the three, which we managed to visit.

As you know, the capital of Japan is Tokyo - a powerful industrial, economic and cultural center of this amazing country. There are several entertainment complexes in its nearby districts in the city and in its nearby districts, each of which is interesting and worthy of repeated visits. However, the most large-scale, popular and socially significant, with complete confidence can be called " Tokyo Dome City."

Located in the heart of Tokyo. This is a huge sports and entertainment complex, which includes an indoor stadium for baseball games, designed for 55 thousand spectators, concert complexwhere world celebrities are held, spa complex "Laqua", the hospitable hotel "Tokyo Dome Hotel", shops, restaurants and, of course, the center of the fun time - the amusement park called " Tokyo Dome City Attractions".

One of his most exciting attractions is an extreme rolokoster called "Thunder Dolphin". Lovers of acute sensations sit down in trolley and rise to a height of 218 feet, from where they are drunk down at an angle of 80 degrees and rushing at a speed of 130 km / h. The highlight of the trip gives her an unusual route passing through the holes in the complex building " Laqua."And the center of 80 - meter" Ferris Wheel "called" Big-O.", Which is deprived of the central axis.

Another exciting attraction is called " Tower Haker"He slowly raises the passengers to the height of 80 meters, briefly delayed, giving the opportunity to figure out the stretching panorama, and then unexpectedly dropped down at a speed of 100 km / h, stopping literally two meters from the surface of the Earth. During this visitors' entertainment covers anything Not comparable feeling of free fall, which, having experienced once, most people dream of repeating again. For such extremals in the park there is another attraction called " SkyFlower.", Which gives the present air travel on a parachute, ending with a free drop.

Also park " Tokyo Dome City Attractions"It is famous for a barrier attraction" The Pipeline.". The opening of this Rolokoster took place in 1985 and its main difference lies in a rotating trolley with passengers, which gives a lot of additional sensations of the already extreme trip.

Map Amusement Park Tokyo Dome City

Visitors with children will enjoy the playground "MAGICAL MIST", which is a special coating with holes for small fountains. The bastard is happy to eat in the water, and parents at this time rest on the bench, enjoying the surrounding beauty. Adult visitors who want to have a little refreshing can visit the attraction "Wonder Drop", which begins with a relaxing trip to the swaying boat, and ends with an unexpected drop in the pool from a height of several tens of meters.

Entertainment Park "Tokyo Dome City Attractions" Waiting for its visitors every day from 9 am to 10 pm. The cost of the entrance ticket for an adult visitor is $ 25, for children over a three-year-old age - $ 18.

Amusement Park Tokyo Dome City on Tokyo map

Do you want more information about this amusement park?

The Okuma Garden is located on the territory of one of the buildings of the University of Vasaea, in the area of \u200b\u200bShinjuku, Tokyo. This is a gented garden, partially made in Western style, and partly in Japanese. The garden area is approximately 3000 square meters.

Initially, the garden was a residence of Matsudayir's kind and clan AI. In 1884, the founder of the University of Vasaea - Okum Signanobu, rebuilt the garden in fashionable by the time of West style. In the heart of the garden, a wide lawn was spread, and artificial hills and ponds were landscaped at its perimeter. Also, greenhouses were built here, in which melons were grown in Japan for the first time. After the death of Signanobu, the garden was given to the ownership of the University of Vasae.

In the park there are streams with floating fish, blooming plants, as well as walking paths, on the edges of which stone pagodas, statues and vintage lights are erected. The garden decoration is a reduced copy of the Korean bell, which was presented with Korean graduates to the University's century.

Classic Japanese Oriental Sadic

Classic Japanese oriental kindergarten is part of the Palace Complex of the Imperial Residence in Tokyo.

Gardens are open to the public, unlike the palace. The garden is a sample of traditional Japanese garden art. Especially beautiful garden in spring during Sakura flowering.

On the territory of the garden there are some administrative buildings, a music hall, and here is the castle of the Edo era. All this small area in 1963 was recognized as the Japanese government of a "special historical relic."

Garden Tindzan

Tindzan Garden is a typical Japanese garden, which is located in Tokyo District Bunke. It was built in 1877 and covers an area of \u200b\u200b66,000 square meters.

At the time of the Maidzi era, these land belonged to the prince of Yamagate Aritomo, who erected her own estate here and called him a house on the hill of camellius, or Tindzan-Co. During construction, the beauty of the relief was taken into account, so that all the natural wealth of this place was emphasized.

Previously, government meetings were held on the territory of the garden, and the documents found here showed that Maidzi conducted meetings with influential dignitaries here.

After the estate was transferred to Baron Heitar Fujit, he decorated it with sculptures from the Japanese cities of Toba and Kyoto. On the top of the hill, the Pagoda was built in the three floors, which was brought to this place from Hiroshima Mountains, where they were built by monks without applying any nail.

In the heart of the garden is the Xotoinistan Temple of Inari, who was transported here from Kyoto. The garden is also decorated with carved by the Russian and Buddhist images and more than thirty stone lamps. In the park there is a waterfall, streams, a source, a large pond and a sacred tree, about 500 years old

Garden Kansen-En

Garden Kansen-En is located in the Tokyo district of Shinjuku, and is a typical Japanese garden. Its area is approximately 14,000 square meters.

Initially, the garden was the residence of the Simiz family - the most influential during Edo, and belonged to the Tokugawa clan. During the restoration of Maidzi, held in 1867, the garden was transferred to the possession of the Viconts of the Sauma.

From the Japanese language, the garden name is translated as a "fresh source garden". This is explained by the fact that there was a spring here, from whose water was prepared very tasty tea.

The garden itself is designed in the style of the Edo period, in his center there is a pond, which is called Yamabuki-no-ido. The pond is surrounded by japanese rose shrubs. In the southern garden, Misima-Yama mountain rises, while rummaged on which the picturesque types of terrain can be observed. Also, the Nevdama is the Shinto Temple of Midzu-Inari.

Sky-Edogava Garden

Sin-Edogawa Garden is an old Japanese garden located in the Canda River, in Tokyo District Bunke. The name of the garden is translated as a new garden at the Edo River. Until 1965, this section of the Kanda River was named Edo. The garden covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 18,500 square meters.

Initially, the garden of the garden belonged to the Samurai Hosokava clan, which in the Edo period ruled the area of \u200b\u200bKumamoto. Then the residence of the Hosokawa family was located here. As a result, in 1959, the garden was donated to the city.

In part, the garden is located on the hillside, where viewing platforms and tracks are located, as well as a source that feeds the following ponds. In the ponds, the red carps are mostly inhabited. The garden decorate the pagoda, bamboo swelling and stone lights. The building at the entrance to the garden was built in the Tais era, and was intended for training the Hosokab family.

Garden Koisikawa Koracaen

Koisikawa Koracaen Garden is the oldest landscape Japanese garden in Tokyo.

Garden Kieusumi

Garden by Kieusumi is located in the Tokyo district of Fukugawa, and is a garden in a traditional Japanese style. It covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 81,000 square meters, and was founded in 1875-1885, as an indication of Ivasaka Yataro - the largest industrialist in the Epoch of Meiji, one of the founders of the Brand Mitsubishi.

The garden is located near a huge pond, on which three islands and a tea house are located. A walkway laid around the shore of the reservoir, surprising garden visitors with local beauties. From the noisy streets of the suburbs of Tokyo, the garden is separated by a narrow strip of planting trees and shrubs. In a pond, the garden dwells turtles, carps and a large number of Birds - CHAKS, Ducks, Heroes, arriving here from the Sumida River.

Also, the uniqueness of the garden gives the stones. The whole family of Ivatari sought across the country rolling with water and beautiful large cobblestones and boulders, which were then brought here by the memorials of Mitsubishi. From the boulders were built dry waterfalls, artificial hills and shallow paths. In the garden there is such a number of boulders and stone blocks that sometimes it is called the garden of stones.

Garden Hamariku

Garden Hamariku is one of the most unusual and beautiful places Tokyo. Initially, it was built in the XVII century by request of the local feudal, who loved to rest here. On the perimeter, the garden is surrounded by the magnificent Tokyo bay, and the ponds Hamariku fall into the ocean. it unique place For photographers, as there are many rare colors and plants.

Garden design is made in a traditional Japanese style. Here you can see the magnificent exposition of stones, as well as take part in a unique tea ceremony passing in a cool wooden house with magnificent view On the bay. On the territory of the park is a small temple, a junction of water buses, gateway structures, as well as the remains of the historical berth, from which the Prince of Tokugawa Jayus sailed into his generic castle.

The combination of local ultra-modern skyscrapers with traditional park arts of Japan gives tourists the opportunity to enjoy the original scenery, which combines a kind of weave epoch.

Garden Mikodzima Haykcaen

Micodzima Haykcayan is a garden in Tokyo. It was created in the era of Bunke-Bunsey (1804-1830) of the Edo period.

Hayccayan micodzima is somewhat different from feudal gardens, such as, for example, Koishikawa Korakuen and Rikugien. This beautiful garden opened a rich antiquarian kink sugar, united with outstanding writers and artists of that time.

The garden became known thanks to hundreds of his plum trees. In the Garden of Micodzim Hayakkan at any time of the year you can admire various types of colors. In October 1978, the garden was recognized as a historical monument.

The Garden of Micodzima Haykcayen is close to Higashi-Mukojima and Keisei Hikifune stations.

East Garden of the Imperial Palace

Eastern gardens - part of the protective fortifications of the castle that existed during the EDO period (1603-1867). Protective circles were two: Honmar (main circle) and nichonmar (second round). To date, in the eastern gardens, the main buildings of the period are not preserved, but visitors can see the fortress rs, walls, gates and a few veliage. Edo Castle was a residence of not only Sögunov kind of Tokugawa, but also emperor Maidzi. On the lawn of the central hill, the remains of the foundation of the former palace are still visible. The castle was a typical castle of that era and little differed from the Osaka-Dzoo preserved to this day. But the main tower of the destroyed castle Edo (built in 1638) was considered the highest in Japanese history. But only a few years later was destroyed, in 1657 it was destroyed during the famous "Fire Edo."

Garden of Kavatati Fuji.

In four hours of driving from noisy Tokyo, Kitakyushu, there is an amazing place in beauty - the garden of colors of Kavatat Fuji, consisting of colors of incredible beauty. Visteria Tunnel is the brightest attraction of this place and one of beautiful seats on the ground.

The feature of the garden is millions of colors that hang waterfalls. This is wisteria. And wisteria in Japan is called Fuji. The symbol of Japan, Fujiima, is the same name as these flowers. In Japan, Glicinia symbolizes youth, poetry and female beauty, healing and protection. These plants are very common in Japan and in their popularity is almost not inferior to the famous Japanese Sakura. Falling wisteria of different colors and shades hanging from special frames can be found in any park in Japan. But in Kavatati Fudz they are so much that they create, just an unimaginable feeling.

Garden Ricka

Garden Ricka is a traditional Japanese garden in Tokyo. It was built in 1702.

In 1695, Sögun Tokugawa Tsunayashi presented these lands to his Supreme Counsel and Favorita Yanagisava Yoshius. The garden was designed by Yanagisava YoshiSu based on the poetry of Haka. In 1938, Garden Ricka was donated to the Government of Tokyo.

Garden area is 87809.41 square meters. In the center of the garden is a big pond with the islands. On the very big island Bashed hill 35 meters high. From this hill offers stunning views of the garden. On the middle island, the hills of the Hills of IMO-pit and the SE-Yam, who symbolize the divine spouses idzanagi and idzans.

Garden Kairakuen

Kairakuen Garden - the oldest landscape Japanese garden in Tokyo.

Its construction began in 1629 at the Tokugava Etherifus segun and completed with his successor.

The garden in miniature reproduces Japanese and Chinese landscapes using water bodies, stones, plants and creating artificial hills. Thus, walking through the park, you can visit the sacred Mount Fuji, the Temple of Kiyimiz-Dara, as well as the famous West Lake in China.

The garden is especially attractive in the second half of November during the leaf fall period, in February, when the plum festival is held, and in April during the flowering of Sakura.

Garden Ku-Furukawa

Kyu-Furukawa is a beautiful garden in Tokyo. It was created at the beginning of the 20th century by a Japanese businessman Furukowa Ityibay.

Tokugawa Söguna built up Hill Weno (now Weno-Cohen Park) temples and sanctuations, and since then the park with his cherry trees has become a favorite place of aristocracy, especially during the Khana - love with Sakura flowers. It was here in 1867 that the first modernized army of modern Japan broke 2000 devotees of Clana Tokugawa, who opposed Meiji restoration. The surviving supporters of the military regime set fire to the structure of the Kansezi temple complex so that they do not get reformers, but fortunately, they missed the sanctuary of Tosyga, built in honor of Tokugawa Iehasa himself.

Park "Country of Miracles Edo"

In the Japanese city of Nikko there is an interesting theme parkdeserving special attention. This is a park called "Wonderland Edo" (Nikko Edomura). The park is a small town that fully appropriate to the architectural style of Japan in the EDO period (1603-1868).

All park workers are dressed in historical costumes, which adds a special atmosphere to the general image of the park. Visitors "Wonderland Edo" visitors can also rent an appropriate costume and look like a resident of Japan Edo.

In Edomra Park, every visitor can feel that he has made a jump in the past Japan, and after, having bought souvenirs, without any problems, to get back to the present and continue his journey through this entertaining country.

TOBU WORLD Square Park

In the Japanese city of Kinugawa is the amazing Tobu World Square Park. In this Park, each of the visitors may feel like a Gulliver in Lilliput countries. Tob World Square is a park that has been filled with reduced copies of many worldwide. famous buildingsscattered throughout the planet.

The construction of the park was delayed for five years. For the first time, Tobu World Square was opened for visitors on April 24, 1993. In the park presented 102 historical monument And the buildings performed on the scale of 1:25. When creating miniatures, all the details were observed, which makes each of them just a stunning find for architecture lovers.

At the Tobu World Square Park, 140 thousand figures of people walking on attractions and 20 thousand miniature copies of the bonsai tree are also exhibited.

Entertainment Park Hanksiki

Entertainment Park Khanasiki, who was previously a park of colors, for more than 150 years. It is located next to the temple of Senseodji in the area of \u200b\u200bAsakus Tokyo. This charming old park It is one of the brightest sights of the city.

Khanasiki works daily from 10 to 18 hours, he is open round year. The entrance is paid here. Visitors to the park are offered all sorts of entertainment: small ferris wheels, carousels, American slides, attraction Shot - "Space Study". A variety of exciting events, presentations, competitions periodically conduct on this territory.

Park "Tobu World Square"

There is such a place in the world where you can feel like a real Gulliver. And it is located in Japan, and called Tobu World Square.

Tobu World Square is the theme park at the Kinugawa-Onsen resort in the city of Nikko Japanese Toutiga Prefecture. The park has more than 100 models on scale 1:25 of well-known architectural and engineering structures from around the world, including world objects cultural heritage UNESCO, surrounded by 140,000 miniature mannequins of people, also on the scale of 1:25, and 20,000 miniature bonsai trees, which complement the complete landscape picture of a region, where the original architectural structure is located.

It took for a whole five years to complete the construction of Tobu World Square, and on April 24, 1993, the Park opened its doors to visitors. It was built precisely to maintain for future generations the precious heritage of world architecture. Here you can see the Statue of Freedom, and the Cathedral of Vasily Blessed, and the Pisa Tower, and the Pyramid of Heops, and a lot more.

Imagine all global monuments collected in one place! I wanted, I visited Paris, and in five minutes you are in New York. No need to fly by plane, nor trips by train, just enough from one part of the park to go to another, and you already get from Asia to America or Europe!

Park Fontanov Vadakura

Vadakura Fontane Park is a small picturesque park with interesting figure fountains. It is located at the entrance gate to the Imperial Palace.

The park, built in 1961, was opened in honor of the significant event - the wedding of Emperor Akihito and the Empress Mitiko. In 1995, it was reconstructed in honor of the wedding of young heirs - Prince and Princess.

Another fountain was built in the park and four channels connecting two fountains with each other, which is a symbol of the coupling of two generations. Fontanov complex is a pool of 30 fountains connected by channels with a new fountain, made in the form of a stone arch, at the foot of which there is a fancy fountain in the form of a spiral shell.

Park Joyoga

The Joyoga Park, opened in 1967, is located in the Sibuya area. It is considered one of the largest parks of Japan. Here in the forest is the famous Temple of Maji.

The park is very cute and nicely equipped: it consists of spacious lawns, fountains, ponds, large gardens of roses, forest zones, special sites for walking dogs and other attractions. It is not surprising that huge parking lots are the perfect place for lovers. active rest and athletes. Picnics and rehearsals are also served here.

The most suitable time for visiting the park is spring when the trees of the White Early Sakura are flourished in it. At this time, there are many people to drink sake and just relax under fragrant spring branchy trees.

Siba-Coen Park

Tokyo Siba-Coen Park is famous ancient temple Dzodejji, who was moved here in 1598. Earlier in Siba-Coen was a huge temple complexHundreds of buildings.

And in 1958, on the territory of Siba-Cohen Park, it was decided to build a Japanese Eiffel Tower to broadcast radio and television signals.

Tokyo Tower's length amounted to 330 meters, and a big viewpoint, located at an altitude of 150 meters, allows you to see the entire city from above. Immediately you can find the museum of wax figures, there are on the first floor exhibition halls and aquariums.

Monkey Park on Mount Takao

Monkey Park is located on Mount Takao, to which you can climb along the cable car in special transparent cabins, admiring the stunning views of the country Ascending sun. The mountain turns into an endless snow-white fountain when Sakura blooms. The perky inhabitants of the park will meet you from the first steps on its paths. About 80 monkeys live here, mostly Makaki, who are not sitting in the enclosures, and completely freely move around the territory. Perhaps you will be allowed to feed some of them. Special delight of ledge is caused by children.

Next to the park spread the garden of herbs, where you can see about 500 of its varieties.

Joypolis Park

Joypolis Tokyo (Joypolis) - the largest park Entertainment in Japan. This is a place where reality becomes virtual, and visitors enter the endless expanses of the rich imagination of the Japanese creators of interactive games.

Here are all novelties of computer interactive games and virtual attractions, which is still little in the world. In this place, everything under the power to soar on Deltaplane above the tropical landscapes, cope with a snowboard flying along the snow-covered slopes Fuji, or just to score all the mordes in the mink. In short, a visit is to rarely do tourists and local residents Without a visit to Joypolis.

Imperial Park Shinjuku

The imperial park of Shinjuku, located in the Tokyo region of the same name, is one of the most famous parks of Japan, which is beautiful at any time of the year.

Sinjuku Park, open for free visits in 1949, from 1903 he was a garden of the imperial family.

Every year, not only thousands of tourists have come to the park, but the Japanese to admire Sakura blossom and wander through the spacious lawns and walk along the greenhouse.

As in any traditional japanese ParkHere there is a garden with tea houses, and a French garden is located symmetrically. Not far from here is located buddhist temple Tajodi, where you can retire and plunge into meditation.

Edo Moore Theme Park

Edo Mura Park is recreated on the square of forty-five thousand square meters Medieval Japanese village, which is located in a picturesque valley.

The park is considered one of the most famous attractions of Japan. After all, it is here that you can feel the spirit and culture of the Edo era with complete historical accuracy. To visit the park it is best to distinguish a whole day - there is plenty of classes here for the whole family. You will capture numerous ideas with the participation of actors, a variety of workshops, parades and other cultural entertainment.

Visiting the Park is a real journey over the time that transfers you to the era of Sögunov (XVII-XIX century).

Weno Park

Weno is the most famous and visited park of the Japanese capital, was established in 1873. He is the center of the cultural and scientific life of the city.

This is a great place to relax among traditional Japanese plants, as well as the flora of other countries. On the territory of Park Weo is the oldest zoo, in which more than a thousand animals.

To date, Weno's Park is a museum reserve. Located here, the Tokyo National Museum stores amazing samples of Japanese art, a rich collection of works of European artists and sculptors represents National Museum Western art, in the walls of the Tokyo City Art Museum are arranged various exhibitions. Here are the National Museum of Nature and Science, concert hall Metropolitan festival hall.

Among the famous Park facilities are also the temple of the goddess Cannon, which are praying for fruitless women. According to tradition, family couples, who have a child, bring a doll to the goddess. These dolls are burning once a year - September 25, sacrificing the goddess.

Park "World of Samurai" Nikko Edo-Mura

Park "The World of Samurai" is the theme park, in which the Japanese life of the city is recreated during the Edo period (1603-1868). The park is a small town built in architectural style Edo. At the entrance to the park, you can rent traditional Japanese costumes of this period, to visit the stores and museums, and also to participate in games, look at concerts and theatrical performances.

In the town there are shops with souvenirs of the Edo period (teapots, engravings, toy weapons), there are also two wax museum and a prison house showing the terrible scenes of prison life. In the house of illusions and in the house of ghosts, you can feel yourself in a completely different, mystical, world.

Japan: Tokyo Gardens and Parks Like any megalopolis, Tokyo needs a sip of fresh air, the source of which is numerous gardens and parks, equipped among modern skyscrapers and road highways.

There are many green park areas in the city are Weno Parks, China and others. But the vintage Japanese gardens are particularly interesting, the inhabitants of Tokyo are carefully stored by residents. About two such gardens I want to tell. Garden Ku Siba Ricky
Garden Kyu Siba Ricia is located in the city center among skyscrapers and highways, but nearby to the Tokyo Bay. Garden is small, but with your story. It was laid back at the beginning of the 17th century, during the period called in the history of Japan Edo. Since then, the garden owned many feudalists, emperors, each submitted something to the garden, but in 1923, as a result of a fire caused by a powerful cantry earthquake, all the buildings and many trees of Garden Kyu Siby Rica burned down. Nevertheless, this amazing garden of beauty was restored almost per year and is open to free visits.
Kyu Siby Ricky garden is the standard of traditional Japanese gardens. In the center of the garden is a pond with several small islands. To one of them is the island of Nakajra, leads a stone bridge, which also has its name - Yatsuhasha. The island rises in a slide, accusing the trop. It can be climbed to a squat pine, in the crown of which the old stone lamp in the form of a miniature pagoda is hidden, and admire the look at the view. On the shores of the pond there is not one exaltation, convenient for review. There are streams in the garden, there is a "dry waterfall" of the carriats, which became a stone path to the top of the highest Omita Hill. The shores of water bodies and streams are lined with stones. Each of them is strictly in their place, so that none violates the harmony of the landscape, but makes it natural.
But the most memorable object of the garden is still a large stone lantern on three legs, which has become a symbol of this garden. The lantern of this type is called Yuki-Doro. It is installed near the water and is made of old stones. The roof of the lantern is flat and is made such in order to lay the snow in winter. The lantern in the garden Kyu Siby Ricky is called "Stone Lantern for Snow Loving." In Kyy Siby Ricky there are several lanterns and each of them is interesting. In the pond directly in the water there is a small lantern Oki-Doro, made of white stone. Lanterns of this type are always low and placed them or in water, or near the reservoir on pebbles.
To the left of the entrance to the shore of a small pond with fish and a stone bridge among bushes and flowers is a lantern of Kasuga-Doro. Lights such - with a high leg, hexagon roof and with drawings on the furnace - put in an open place. But the lantern on Naparase Island is rather reminiscent of the Lantern in the style of Yama-Doro - he has grown moss and installed in a secluded place, as if hidden from the eyes.
Another element of the Japanese Garden is a gazebo, seized by long branches of wisteria - attracts comfort. The gazebo itself is installed on the gravel the playground. Inside the arbor, there are tables and benches, where you can not only relax, but also work on a computer or read. Another gazebo installed on the eastern side of the garden is designed not only for recreation and admiring the garden, but also for conversations. The benches in it are so delivered that the interlocutors can sit comfortably, and talk.

The art of creating such gardens came to Japan from China. But for the century, it has gained its unique features and can rightly be called Japanese. Gardeners Gardeners Kyu Siby Ricky created unique compositions from carefully trimmed bushes, stones, colors and pines, whose cored branches look into the water, as if admiring their reflection. So "live paintings" are created - changeable, acquiring new details, if you look at the water surface from different gardens.

Nowadays, skyscrapers surrounding the garden from all sides are one of the elements of such paintings. Unwittingly remembered the rule of syntoism about the constant renewal of the world, about the combination of old and new in life and in art. Each visitor to the garden can also create his "live picture" simply reflected in the pond among the skyscrapers or branches of the pines, or the lush inflorescences of the Chinese lilac, or next to floating fish ...
The Garden of Hama Ricky is arranged on the shore of the Tokyo Bay at the place of sign up in him, the Sumida River, and its territory was originally hunting grounds of Tokugawa Sögunov (16-17th century). In 1704, Syugun Inabi built there Khama Gotan Palace, which means "Coastal Palace". The garden became the place of recreation of the family of Sögun and the place of official techniques.
On the island of Nakayaama, which is located in the heart of the pond of the garden, and today there is a tea house Syogunat times. The 118-meter bridge from the Japanese cedar leads to the island. The bridge has recently renovated and his unpainted railing whites over the water stroke of the pond.

In a tea house, you can drink tea with Japanese rice cakes and admire the mini-garden, in which a low stone lantern hid, among the greenery. Such lanterns are called Oribi Dock, by the name of the Oribe peasant who confessed Christianity, but, fearing the persecution hiding it. To pray in his faith and not to cause more attention to themselves, he draws a cross on the bottom of the lantern and hid the leg of the lantern in the green of the bushes. Since then, such lanterns began to call it name.
The house has a path from flat stones, which are laid on gravel. According to tradition, there are circles on gravel, creating a special kind of landscape around the stones with the greens. There is a philosophical meaning in it. The Japanese are the beauty contemplates of nature and create it themselves.
Looping along the garden paths you can go to a small house reminiscent of the chapel. This is Kyu Inaby Jinja - a Shinto temple with all attributes: there is Hyden - a prayer hall, followed by Honden - the sanctuary of Kami; Before Hayden, there are thorium, there is a pool for ablution.
This temple belonged to Sögun Inabi - the founder of Garden Hama Ricky. The building itself is repeatedly rebuilt. Today, the temple, like Inabi, decorates the garden, in the silence of which thought flies in the distant past, and the imagination draws long-lasting paintings of life.
In the Garden of Hama Ricky many secluded interesting corners. And in each one you can admire the surprisingly bizarre pines - Nivaki. This type of trees is used to decorate Japanese gardens, because they are well formed. If the bonsai village is miniature decorations of the inner chambers of the houses, then Nivaki is the pearls of Japanese gardens. Everything is known eight varieties of Nivaki.

In the Garden of Hama Ricky there are several thousand of various Nivaki. Once every two years each tree is haircut. So the work of the gardeners is enough for every day! Among all Nivaki, a special place occupies a three hundred years old pine, miraculously preserved at the 1944 fire, flashed during Tokyo bombardment.
Nowadays, in Ham Ricky, you can admire the floral glades, depending on the season decorated with different varieties of colors. In September it is a bright, multicolored space.
At the site before entering the garden there is a "floral elephant". His "body" is made of a variety of sukkulent baskets and herbs beams. The elephant is watered like any flowerbed, and he "blooms", pleaseing visitors.
The garden pond chose ducks, and the shores and crowns of the pines are a huge flock of Raven. Crows in Japan special. They have a humpback beak and scream them, as demanding hungry children. But it is interesting to observe these birds.
Garden Hama Rico is surrounded by water from three sides. At the moments of the tide, water in the pond rises, but today its level is regulated using gateways. In Hama Ricky there is a pier for river tramwhere you can ride along the Sumida River.
There is in this garden and hills for review, where stone steps are leading. There are stone lights that hid among the coronal branches of Nivaki. It is a pleasure to wander around the garden and always at such minutes it's a pity that time is limited and just want to see. National Park Khakon and Mount Fuji-san
If you ask any person, with how it is associated with Japan, I think most of the respondents would answer: "With Mount Fuji." Outside of Japan, this mountain is more often called Fuji or Fuji, but the Japanese themselves pronounce the name itself big Mountain Japanese islands through the "Ji" with the addition of respectful console "San" - Fuji-san. The conical beauty is sacred and in the Shinto religion they worship as a deity of Kami.
At the foot and on the slopes of Fuji-san are a lot of temples of Jinja - Shinto temples. Bright red thorias of the temple of Izukushima, flooded with water, are clearly visible from the shore of the picturesque Lake Asi, according to which the schoones are performed on the pirated tribal vessels.

Mount Fuji-San of volcanic origin, it stands at the junction of three tectonic plates and formed about one hundred thousand years ago. Fuji-san height - 3779 meters. The last eruption of the volcano occurred in 1707, when Tokyo was also called Edo. Volcanic ash at that time floated the streets of Edo layer in fifteen centimeters. And this is despite the fact that the city is located in a distance of eighty kilometers from Fuji.
Fuji-san's slopes are formed from basalt magma. Nowadays, Fours Fuji-san and her steep slopes are covered with thick forests. Softwood trees are growing in them, as well as birch, rowan, maples. Thanks to Fuji-san's deciduous trees, it's especially beautiful in the fall, starting in October, when the leaves of trees acquire a beautiful gold and red colors. And in the spring of the foot of Fuji-san blooms Sakura, enveloping the sacred mountain cloud of white and pink flowers. I also had to be content with the type of Fuji-san, half hidden clouds. At the entrance to the mountain, I managed to take a picture of her until she had no cloud peignoir. And when we arrived on the fifth station at an altitude of 2400 m, from where you wish to conquer Fuji-san go to climb, and the mountain, and the whole district was plunged into the clouds, whose shreds clung to the tops of the trees and bushes and did not rush to sprawl in basalt slopes. The popularity of Fuji-san, both among the Japanese and among the guests of Japan, huge. It is about 200,000 people annually on the mountain, among which a third is foreign tourists. The Japanese has an opinion that anyone who gets to Train Fuji Volcano will acquire immortality. And tourists drive sports interest and the desire to see the beauty of the mountains itself and the valley extending under it for many hundreds of kilometers. Around Fuji-san is formed by the Hakone Reserve, named so named the old Hakone volcano (1150 meters), located near Fuji. Now he is Pozhlo - the picturesque lake Asi, from which the suspended cable car. In spacious and open for 360 degrees, trains can be reached in twenty minutes to the Valley of the ovakandan geysers.
Gaizers of gray-hydrogen composition, but the smell there is moderate and walk along the slopes of the "smoking" mountain, where they get sulfur, enjoy. There you can also try the egg cooked in the hot source, whose shell in the cooking process becomes black.
In the northern part of the reserve, for Fuji-san, in the Misaka mountains there are five picturesque lakes formed after the eruption of Fuji-san, when the lava flows overlap rivers and streams. These lakes are called - Lake Fuji. All the most beautiful photos with the reflection of Fuji-san in the water of the lake, are made there. Form sacred Mountain Fuji inspired and inspired poets and artists to create works of art, which today can be seen in the museums and Tokyo galleries, and read in multiple translations into other languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

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