What megalithic structures do you know. Natural megaliths or the remains of ancient civilizations? When were they created

The term is not exhaustive, therefore, a rather vague group of buildings falls under the definition of megaliths and megalithic structures. In particular, hewn stones of large sizes, including those not used for the construction of burials and monuments, are called megaliths.

A separate group is represented by megalithic structures, that is, objects largely consisting of megaliths. They are distributed throughout the world. In Europe, for example, this is Stonehenge, structures Cretan-Mycenaean culture or Egypt. IN South America- Machu Picchu, Puma Punku, Ollantaytambo, Pisac, Sacsayhuaman, Tiwanaku.

Their common characteristic feature are stone blocks weighing sometimes more than a hundred tons, often delivered from quarries located tens of kilometers away, sometimes with a large elevation difference relative to the construction site. At the same time, the stones are processed in such a way that it cannot enter the joint between the blocks razor blade .

As a rule, megalithic structures did not serve as housing, and from the period of construction to the present day, no records have come down about the technologies and purpose of construction. The absence of reliable written sources and the fact that all these structures have been significantly damaged under the influence of time make the task of their exhaustive study almost impossible, which, in turn, leaves a wide field for various conjectures.

The purpose of megaliths cannot always be established. For the most part, according to some scientists, they served for burials or were associated with a funeral cult. There are other opinions as well. Apparently, megaliths are communal structures (the function is socializing). Their construction was a most difficult task for primitive technology and required the unification of large masses of people.

Some megalithic structures, such as complex of more than 3000 stones in French Brittany), were important ceremonial centers associated with the cult of the dead. Other megalithic complexes have been used to determine the timing of astronomical events such as the solstice and equinox.

Megalithic structures are subject to a certain architectural design. By appearance researchers divide them into three groups: menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs. These words themselves came to us from the ancient Breton. It was the language of the inhabitants of Brittany, a peninsula in the northwest of France.


Brittany is, of course, a country of megaliths. It was from the words of the Breton language, at the end of the 17th century, that the names of the main types of megalithic buildings were compiled (dolmen: daol - table, men - stone; menhir: men - stone, hir - long; cromlech: kromm - rounded, lec'h - place). In Brittany, the era of megalithic construction began around 5000 BC. and ended around 2500 B.C. The builders of megaliths were not the autochthonous population of Armorica. They came from the shores of the Mediterranean, gradually moving northwest from the southern and western shores of the Iberian Peninsula, first densely populating the coast of Morbihan, between the rivers Vilaine and Ethel, and then other lands of present-day Brittany, rising deep into the peninsula along the rivers and moving along the coast ...


Dolmens are usually "boxes" made up of stone slabs, which are joined, sometimes, by long or short galleries. They were collective burial chambers, as evidenced by the remains of bones and votive treasures (ceramics, jewelry, axes made of polished stone). Dolmens could be either free-standing structures or be part of more complex structures. Let's consider some of them.


Cairn is an ensemble of galleries and chambers covered with earth on top, that is, in this case, the dolmens were, as it were, their skeleton. There are relatively many cairns in Brittany, but two of them, which are masterpieces of the megalithic architecture of the West, I would like to dwell on in more detail.

Built around 4700 BC, this prehistoric necropolis could have been destroyed already in our time: it was deliberately turned into a stone quarry for the construction of a tourist road in l955 and only the intervention of one of the most famous Breton archaeologists, Professor Pierre-Roland Giot (Giot ) stopped this technocratic barbarism.
To be precise, the monument in Barnenaise is a structure of two cairns. It is, in total, 72 meters long and 20 to 25 meters wide and includes eleven dolmens (in this case, individual chambers) from each of which a gallery extends to the exit, from 7 to 12 meters long. The first cairn (A) was built around 4350 BC, and the second (B) around 4100 BC.

The necropolis in Barnenez is one of the most ancient architectural structures on Earth. Older than Stonehenge, New Grange, Egyptian pyramids...

Karin on the island of Gavrinis

This monument of megalithic art, built around 4000 BC, is remarkable for its interior design. The cairn itself is not complicated: a thirteen-meter corridor leads to the burial chamber. However, its walls are painted with amazing drawings, more abstract than concrete, carved in stone. Among the elements of the whimsical ornament there are spiral, cruciform and other elements.

covered alley

There is a variety of dolmens, which is called covered alleys. A covered alley is a series of dolmens that make up a gallery, which can end with a chamber not exceeding the width of the gallery, or with a blind end. It looks like this:

Dolmen with gallery

Unlike a covered alley, a dolmen with a gallery, such as the famous Table of Merchants (Table de Marchands) in Lokmarieker (pictured), is a round or square burial chamber, to which a long corridor leads, which is, so to speak, a passage from the world of the living to the world of the dead (and probably back :)). The plan of dolmens of this type can be supplemented by side rooms (the dolmen in Keriaval, near Ploirnel).

So, nothing is so different from a dolmen as another dolmen. Moreover, not all types of such structures are described here. There are also knee dolmens, transept - dolmens (cruciform) and some others. Frankly, some names had to be invented in the process of working on the article, since they simply do not exist in Russian, and literal translation from other languages ​​usually does not reflect the essence of the objects described here.

As we already know, dolmens are both crypts and tombstones, as evidenced by the bones and votive deposits (decorations, polished axes, ceramics, etc.) found there. We are talking about traces, burials, mostly collective, small or colossal, originally covered with stones (cairns) or earth (mounds), and undoubtedly equipped with additional wooden structures. Breton variations of dolmens are very numerous and their architecture has changed over time. The most ancient ones were large, but the burial chambers in them were reduced; this suggests that they were intended for some of the most significant figures of the tribe. Over time, the volume of dolmens decreased, while the size of the burial chambers grew, and they became real collective graves. In the town of Chaussée-Tirancourt, in the Paris Basin, during the study of such a burial, archaeologists discovered about 250 skeletons. Unfortunately, in Brittany, the acidity of the soil often leads to the destruction of bones. In the Bronze Age, burials again become individual. Later, during the time of Roman rule, some dolmens were adapted to meet the religious needs of the conquerors, as evidenced by the numerous terracotta figurines of Roman deities found in them.

How were dolmens built? If we compare the heaviness and bulkiness of these stone structures with the technical arsenal of their creators, then we can only take our hats off to their perseverance and resourcefulness. It was almost like this...

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6


Thus, we already know something about one of the types of megalithic architecture. It's time to move on to the next, no less interesting.


A menhir is a stone pillar dug vertically into the ground. Their height varies from 0.80 meters to 20. Menhirs standing alone are usually the highest. The “record holder” was Men-er-Hroech (Stone of the Fairies), from Lokmariaker (Morbihan), which was destroyed around 1727. Its largest fragment was 12 m, and in general, it reached 20 m in height, with an approximate weight of 350 tons. Currently, all the largest menhirs in France are located in Brittany:

- menhir in Kerloas (Finistere) - 12 m.

- menhir in Caelonan (Cote d'Armor) - 11.20 m.

- menhir in Pergale (Cote d'Armor) - 10.30 m.

There are also menhirs lined up in a line (let's call it conditionally rows of stones) sometimes in several parallel rows. The most grandiose ensemble of this kind is located in Karnak, and has about 3,000 (!) Menhirs

Carnac (Department of Morbihan)

Carnac is by far the most famous megalithic ensemble in Brittany and one of only two (along with Stonehenge) in the world. Brittany, and France, too, will not surprise you with a menhir, but Karnak strikes the imagination with an unthinkable concentration of these monuments in a relatively small area. Initially, there were about 10,000 (!) monuments of various sizes in the Karnak complex. In our time, there are approximately 3,000 left. This complex of megaliths (mainly cromlechs and menhirs) of the late Neolithic - early Bronze Age (end of the third - second millennium BC) includes 3 megalithic systems:

Menek is the western part of the Karnak complex. Includes 1,099 menhirs in eleven lines, about 1200 meters long.

Kermario - about 1,000 menhirs in ten lines 1 km long. In the southwestern part, the ensemble is complemented by a dolmen.

Kerleskan - 555 menhirs in thirteen lines, the length of which is 280 meters. In the west, these lines are preceded by a cromlech of 39 stones. The height of the largest menhir in Kerleskan is 6.5 meters.

By 5000 BC, sites located on the island of Hoedic in Morbihan show the existence of small human groups living mainly by hunting, fishing and shellfish gathering. These human groups buried their dead, in some cases resorting to a special ritual. The deceased was supplied on the road not only with stone and bone products, shell decorations, but also crowned with something like a “crown” of deer antlers. During this era, called the Mesolithic, the sea level was about 20 meters lower than today. Starting from about 4500 BC, the first megaliths appear in Carnac (which was observed by that time in other areas of present-day Brittany).

Let's try to reconstruct the method of erecting menhirs:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

The purpose of menhirs, which are not tombstones, remains a mystery. Due to the lack of instructions for use left by the builders for future generations, archaeologists carefully manipulate several hypotheses. These hypotheses, which are not mutually exclusive, vary in each case and depend on a variety of factors: whether the menhirs are isolated or not; rows of stones are composed of one row or several, more or less parallel; menhirs oriented in a readable way, etc. Some may mark territory, point to graves, or refer to the cult of the waters.

But the hypothesis most often put forward concerns several large rows of stones oriented between east and west. There is an assumption that these are attributes of the solar-lunar cult, coupled with agricultural methods and astronomical observations, and gathering near them, large crowds of people, for example, during the winter and summer solstices. “The direction of some blocks according to privileged directions is amenable to analysis,” emphasizes Michel Le Goffy, a Breton archaeologist, and when cases repeat themselves, sometimes in a clearly traced system, one can rightfully think that this is not accidental. This is almost exactly the same in many cases, as in Saint-Just and Carnac. But doubts will always exist, due to the lack of direct evidence. Archaeological finds among the rows of stones are indeed very vague, some pottery and processed flints were found, but the remains of ritual fires dating from the same time as the construction of megaliths suggest that they were outside the habitation zone.


As an example of a cromlech, one can cite such a well-known building as Stonehenge.

Cromlechs are called ensembles of menhirs standing, most often, in a circle or semicircle and connected by stone slabs lying on top, however, there are menhirs assembled in a rectangle (as in Сrucuno, Morbihan). On the small island of Er Lannic, in the Gulf of Morbihan, there is a "double cromlech" (in the form of two adjoining circles).

Comparative table of the number of megalithic structures in France and Brittany.



rows of stones


Total in France

Over 2200


Atlantic Loire
Ile de Vilaine
Côte d'Armor

On a surface the globe, with the exception of Australia, there are many mysterious and ancient buildings. Modern studies have shown that they were erected in the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Previously it was believed that they all represent one common culture, but today more and more scientists are questioning this theory.

So, by whom and why were such megalithic structures created? Why do they have this or that form and what do they mean? Where can you see these monuments of ancient culture?

Before considering and studying megalithic structures, you need to understand what elements they can consist of. Today it is considered to be the smallest unit of constructions of this type of megalith. This term was officially introduced into scientific terminology in 1867, at the suggestion of the English specialist A. Herbert. The word "megalith" is Greek, translated into Russian means "big stone".

An exact and exhaustive definition of what megaliths are does not yet exist. Today, this concept refers to ancient structures made of stone blocks, slabs or simple blocks of various sizes without the use of any cementing or binding compounds and solutions. The simplest type of megalithic structures, consisting of only one block, are menhirs.

The main features of megalithic structures

In different eras, various peoples erected huge structures from large stones, blocks and slabs. Temple in Baalbek and Egyptian pyramids are also megaliths, they are simply not customary to call them that. Thus, megalithic structures are various structures created by different ancient civilizations and consisting of large stones or slabs.

However, all structures that are considered megaliths have a number of features that unite them:

1. All of them are made of stones, blocks and slabs of gigantic dimensions, the weight of which can range from several tens of kilograms to hundreds of tons.

2. Ancient megalithic structures were built from rocks that were strong and resistant to destruction: limestone, andesites, basalts, diorites and others.

3. During construction, no cement was used - neither in the mortar for fastening, nor for the manufacture of blocks.

4. In most buildings, the surface of the blocks from which they are composed is carefully processed, and the blocks themselves are tightly fitted to each other. The accuracy is such that a knife blade cannot be inserted between two megalithic blocks of volcanic rocks.

5. Quite often, the preserved fragments of megalithic structures were used by later civilizations as a foundation for their own buildings, which is clearly seen in the buildings on Jerusalem.

When were they created?

Most of the megalithic sites located in the UK, Ireland and other countries Western Europe, date back to the V-IV millennium BC. e. The most ancient megalithic structures located on the territory of our country date back to the 4th-2nd millennia BC.

The whole variety of megalithic structures can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

  • funeral;
  • non-funeral
  • profane;
  • sacred.

If everything is more or less clear with funerary megaliths, then scientists are building hypotheses about the purpose of profane structures, such as various gigantic calculations of walls and roads, combat and residential towers.

There is no accurate and reliable information about how ancient people used sacred megalithic structures: menhirs, cromlechs and others.

What are they like?

The most common types of megaliths are:

  • menhirs - single, vertically installed stele stones up to 20 meters high;
  • cromlech - the union of several menhirs around the largest, forming a semicircle or circle;
  • dolmens - the most common type of megaliths in Europe, are one or more large stone slabs laid on other blocks or boulders;
  • covered gallery - one of the varieties of dolmens interconnected;
  • trilit - a stone structure consisting of two or more vertical and one horizontally laid stones on top of them;
  • taula - a stone structure in the form of the Russian letter "T";
  • cairn, also known as "gurii" or "tour" - an underground or ground structure, laid out in the form of a cone of many stones;
  • stone rows are vertically and parallel blocks of stone;
  • seid - a stone boulder or block, installed by one or another people in a special place, usually on a hill, for various mystical ceremonies.

Only the most famous types of megalithic structures are listed here. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Translated from Breton into Russian, it means "stone table".

As a rule, it consists of three stones, one of which lies on two vertically installed ones, in the form of the letter "P". During the construction of such structures, ancient people did not adhere to any single scheme, therefore there are many options for dolmens that carry various functions. The most famous megalithic structures of this type are located on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Africa and Europe, in India, Scandinavia, and the Caucasus.


One of the subspecies of the dolmen, consisting of three stones, scientists consider trilith. As a rule, such a term is applied not to separately located megaliths, but to monuments that are components of more complex structures. For example, in such a famous megalithic complex as Stonehenge, the central part consists of five triliths.

Another type of megalithic buildings is the cairn, or tour. This is a cone-shaped mound of stones, although in Ireland this name means a structure of only five stones. They can be located both on the surface of the earth and under it. In scientific circles, cairn most often means megalithic structures located underground: labyrinths, galleries and burial chambers.

The oldest and simplest type of megalithic structures are menhirs. These are single, vertically massive boulders or stones. Menhirs differ from ordinary, natural stone blocks by their surface with traces of processing and by the fact that their vertical size is always larger than the horizontal one. They can either stand alone or be part of complex megalithic complexes.

In the Caucasus, menhirs were shaped like fish and called vishap. On the territory modern France, in the Crimea and the Black Sea region, quite a lot of anthropomorphic magalites - stone women - have been preserved.

Post-megalithic menhirs are also runic stones and stone crosses created much later.


Several menhirs, set in the form of a semicircle or circle and covered with stone slabs on top, are called cromlechs. The most famous example is Stonehenge.

However, in addition to round ones, there are cromlechs and rectangular ones, as, for example, in Morbihan or Khakassia. On the island of Malta, the cromlech temple complexes are built in the form of "petals". To create such megalithic structures, not only stone was used, but also wood, which was confirmed by the finds obtained during archaeological work in the English county of Norfolk.

"Flying Stones of Lapland"

The most common megalithic structures in Russia, strange as it may sound, are seids - huge boulders mounted on small stands. Sometimes the main block is decorated with one or more small stones, folded into a "pyramid". This type of megaliths is widespread from the shores of Onega and Ladoga lakes up to the coast Barents Sea, that is, all over Russia.

On and in Karelia, there are seids ranging in size from several tens of centimeters to six meters and weighing from tens of kilograms to several tons, depending on the rock from which they were made. In addition to the Russian North, quite a few megaliths of this type are found in the taiga regions of Finland, northern and central Norway, and the mountains of Sweden.

Seids can be single, group and massive, including from a dozen to several hundred megaliths.

It is customary to speak condescendingly about prehistoric mankind. In fact: what achievements could people have, barely surviving in the conditions wildlife and not much different from animals. However, numerous types of megalithic architecture prove that even with limited technical capabilities, our ancestors were able to create monumental structures.

The erection of buildings from huge stones in itself commands respect. At the same time, there were various types of megaliths, some of which seem to be the simplest, and many amaze with their complexity.

Some types of megalithic architecture:

  • The simplest type of megaliths are menhirs - single vertically mounted massive stones. A feature of the menhirs are traces of their processing and the fact that their height clearly exceeds their horizontal dimensions. It is in this way that menhirs are distinguished from natural boulders that are not related to human activity. Menhirs can be both free-standing monuments and an integral part of more complex megalithic structures;

  • due to the popularity of Stonehenge, one of the most recognizable "by eye" types of megaliths is the cromlech. A sign of cromlechs is the presence of one or more circles, consisting of free-standing stones (menhirs), or of dolmens or other megaliths. The compositional and semantic center of the cromlech is usually marked by a special megalith. Scientists consider the most likely function of the Cromlechs to be the role of a religious sanctuary, a place for performing magical rituals and worshiping ancestral spirits or deities. There is also a widespread version that the cromlechs were primitive observatories for observing the movement of celestial bodies. For example, many cromlechs have a clear architectural reference to the dates of the seasonal solstices;
  • Recently, there has been an active debate on the question of whether unique prehistoric structures of Northern Europe (the north of Britain, Scandinavia, the Russian North, the islands of the White Sea, and so on), conventionally designated as labyrinths, can be attributed to megalithic architecture. These are really labyrinths, almost always spherical in shape, laid out in several circles with stones of various sizes and weights. In fact, these labyrinths are stone spirals with a clearly cult purpose. The specific nature of these labyrinths, which most researchers still tend to classify as megaliths, has not been established. The main version says that labyrinths played a key role in the performance of shamanic rites for the transfer of the soul of a deceased person to the afterlife.

Exist., number of synonyms: 8 dolmens (3) cairn (2) cromlech (3) ... Synonym dictionary

megalith- a, m. megalithe gr. megas large + lithos stone. An ancient structure made of huge stones, which served mostly as a grave monument or sanctuary. Krysin 1998. Megaliths of the Crimea and the Caucasus. Priroda 1931 5 482. Megalithic oy, oy. Krysin ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Megalith- (megalith, Greek "big stone"), places of worship made of huge stones. blocks (treated and untreated) were erected in such different places as the Inca Empire, Dr. Egypt, about Easter. Usually M. are large blocks built into tombstones, etc. ... ... The World History

megalith- A large stone used in some past cultures as a monument or in the construction of buildings ... Geography Dictionary

Megalith S-3 PM- (TU 5730 003 43184789 2005) - is a plasticizing additive (based on C 3) with a water-reducing and antifreeze effect (up to 15 ° C.), provides the possibility of performing concrete work in the cold without heating materials and ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

M. An ancient religious building made of huge unprocessed or semi-processed stone blocks (which served in the III II millennium BC as a grave monument or sanctuary). Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Megalith, megaliths, megalith, megaliths, megalith, megaliths, megalith, megaliths, megaliths, megaliths, megaliths, megaliths (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

megalith- megalit, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

Megalith - ancient building from huge stones; per. in the original metalowa twarz metal face: ஐ Terminus shoved captured mice into a cage, his megalithic face came very close to Pirx's eyes, but the robot apparently did not notice him. ... ... Lem's world - dictionary and guide


  • escape geometry. Poems, Petrushkin Alexander. Alexander Petrushkin was born in 1972 in the city of Ozersk Chelyabinsk region. Published in the magazines Ural, Khreshchatyk, Uralskaya Nov, Day and ...
  • Escape Geometry, Alexander Petrushkin. Alexander Petrushkin was born in the city of Ozersk, Chelyabinsk Region. Published in the journals Ural, Khreshchatyk, Uralskaya Nov, Day and Night, Neva, Children of Ra, Air, Znamya, Text…

In addition to . All photos were taken on the territory of the former USSR

Megaliths, huge structures made of massive stone blocks, are also found in our country. There are a lot of similar structures in Russia, but they are not known like the famous Stonehenge in Great Britain or
Ollantaytambo in Peru. We will get acquainted with the ancient megalithic structures found on the territory of Russia further.

where to start the journey is Mount Vottovaara - the highest point
West Karelian Upland - 417.3 m above sea level. Square
mountains 6 sq. km.
The place is just full of strange artifacts after which
you begin to think about ancient highly developed technologies for
stoneworking, let's take a better look at the photo.

Mount Vottovaara.
Scattered blocks of megaliths.

The middle block was cut at an angle of 90 degrees or a game of nature?

as if they had conducted a laser :) geologists believe that cracks and faults,
formed as a result of a strong earthquake about 9 thousand years
back. The smooth planes of the stones are the result of the properties of the local rock -
quartzite, the structure of which sets such even planes at

So is it nature or man-made? Let's take a closer look.

it looks like perfectly sawn blocks tightly fitted to each other.
It is difficult to imagine an ancient ancestor with a copper chisel that is somewhere on
mountain grinds such smooth blocks.

Good angle, perfectly flat wall.

Who lost the ball?

Here, obviously, high technologies for stone processing could not have been done, or is it still a game of nature? :)

Ural. Ridge Kvarkush

Mount Pidan.
At first glance, it looks like an unremarkable pile of stones of a cracked rock.

But coming closer, it becomes more like a megalithic masonry.

between blocks, where the stones were less affected by erosion from
wind and rain, one can see man-made and how smooth edges have been preserved.

In the place where the junction of the blocks parted, you can see an even saw cut and the technology of laying these blocks opens before us.

Some blocks reach tens of tons in weight.

Despite the colossal destruction, many of the fragments are well enough preserved to be classified as building materials.

And this is all nature has created, as scientists say.

This is most likely a product of the natural processes of stone formation and its uneven erosion. Inclusions of different density can manifest themselves as a result of greater wear resistance.
More like flowing stone wax)

Stone town in the Perm region.
scientists version, Stone City- this is the mouth of the river that flowed into the Perm
sea ​​millions of years ago, this explains it beautifully and evenly, under
right angles, carved stones, their neat laying and
perpendicular to each other "ducts" "mouths".

Stone city.

See what smooth sides of the megaliths, as if cut down.

Again, the old method is to look between the blocks inside the masonry, look at the far block in the center, an even cut along the entire length of the block.

They say somewhere on the Kola Peninsula there is this pool carved right into the rock.

In the south of Western Siberia, in the mountainous Shoria in the Mezhdurechensk region, there is a small geological settlement called Kameshki.
Several educated talented geologists live in this village. This
Alexander Bespalov, Vyacheslav Pochetkin and others. These people all their lives
engaged in research of the mountain systems of Western Siberia. One day they
came across strange megalithic structures in the mountains, which, for
could not explain themselves. These were walls made of giant
stone blocks and strange buildings with vertically mounted
stone obelisks. On the Internet, they contacted Georgy Sidorov,
so the first expedition was assembled.

Mountain Shoria.
the granite blocks below were made of red granite, crowned them
blocks of gray granite, and above lay a polygonal masonry of various
blocks, both red granite and gray.

in some places melted from exposure to enormous temperatures and
flow under the weight of the upper rows. Kungurov would say about this that it is
traces of melting from a thermonuclear explosion :)

The wall is composed of polygonal masonry of multi-colored blocks.

The size of the blocks is impressive, according to one version, the find is a man-made structure over 100 thousand years old.

photo Georgy Sidorov, in his opinion, all this is a megalithic structure
may be the ruins of an ancient power plant or power plant,
which translated seismic energy into some other.

looking inside the masonry where the blocks were less prone to erosion, one can see
smooth straight edges, see how the two blocks lie tightly, it's better here
visible handicraft.

Polygonal masonry.

Mountain Shoria. Huge blocks.
Department of Radiophysics at Tomsk State University
showed pictures on the screen, talked about different types of
masonry, about stone castles that hold giant granite blocks together
and not a single learned physicist said that all this has a natural
origin. What surprised them most was how the ancients could raise
giant stone blocks to a height of more than 1000 meters and there
install them on a special platform.

in the Tomsk branch of the Russian Geographical Society, photographs were studied by geologists and geographers. AND
both came to the conclusion that the presented artifacts are

asked to comment on the find. And what did he say? What all
found artifacts are nothing but cracked at a right angle
rocks. That there is nothing man-made here. Just a game of nature, nothing more.
After these words, I am not surprised why LAI does not study Russian megaliths.

Between blocks.

For comparison, on the left is the megalith in Baalbek, on the right is the megalith in the mountain Shoria, it looks like the author is the same :)

Mount Shaman near the village. Nizhnetambovskoye, Khabarovsk Territory.

Ancient megalithic masonry.

Again, between the blocks, man-made and straight lines are better visible.

Big block megalith.

A large block of megaliths on small stones, this is done for better seismic resistance.

Megalithic masonry resembles Mountain Shoria.

Kabardino-Balkaria, a cave in the Baksan Gorge.
At first
you need to squeeze into a hole measuring 40 by 120 cm, then go down to
rope along a narrow vertical shaft. It is formed by two parallel
stone slabs. After 9 meters - the first "knee": the hole goes to the side and
immediately drops down again. Already here you will be covered absolute silence -
no sound comes from outside. Another 23 meters deep - and new
"knee". To reach the bottom of the cave, you need to overcome more than 80 meters,
and it will take an hour. But, having passed the "bottleneck", you
you will find yourself in a huge room, which the researchers called the "flask".
Inside we will see processed walls made of tuff and granite, built of
different-sized, tightly fitted polished megaliths.

Descent into the cave.

The edges of the blocks and the seams between them are clearly visible.

The even masonry is striking and the seams are clearly adjusted to each other.

The trihedral blocks parted a little.

Barely visible block seams on the left crescent wall and on the wall behind it.

how do you like the seams?

Rotate the cave at an angle of 90 degrees. Two large megalithic blocks stand on top of each other.

stone processing is amazing, and even more amazing is the comment of the boss
section of the Kabardino-Balkarian geological exploration expedition Vera
Davidenko, but she is a realist and believes that nature is capable of doing everything
conclusion: “Tuff is an accumulation of ejection products of a volcano -
ash, lava fragments, volcanic glass and, to a small extent,
fragments of rocks that make up the walls of the crater. Ejection material at
accumulation was hot and therefore cracks formed during solidification
separately - that is, the entire tuff massif turned out to be, as it were, divided into
blocks. The depression discovered near the village of Zayukovo represents
is one of such gravitational separation cracks, for which
flat contact surfaces are characteristic, ”but this is the head
geological exploration expedition, she probably knows better.

Structure diagram.

A bit of fantasy for the finale) Arakul Shikhan, a strange structure in the middle of the forest. I have everything, kick :)

Fossilized litas with ripples along the banks of Rassokha.

Sayan megaliths. Kuturchinskoye Belogorye:

Does anyone need to explain that these are not remnants, but the REMAINS of structures of an ancient civilization unknown to us?

Hope you can see for yourself. No need to comment?

This,. of course it's difficult. It is hard to imagine what this structure looked like before, but you can imagine how thousands, tens of thousands of years, day after day, skalfs were sharpened by wind, sand, water, temperature changes, lighting changes, glaciers, earthquakes (the area is seismically active, there are even dormant volcano). Sharp corners were ground down, straight edges were smoothed out, and now we see what we see.

The climate in these places is very harsh, in such a climate, Machu Picchu would have remained the same as in this photo, I have no doubt about it.

Complete this arch mentally, and imagine a vaulted ceiling above your head. Are the dimensions of the "corridor" impressive?

Built absolutely in accordance with the technology of seismic resistance, which is used in Mesoamerican megalithic structures, and in the "temple" in the Middle East: Small blocks at the base, larger ones are laid on them, and it doesn't matter on top. Small ones work like a shock absorber, and polygonal masonry is the best invention of masons of all time. It can be destroyed only by breaking off piece by piece, or powerful explosion, after which a kurumnik appears in place of the monolith - stone river from the wreckage.

These structures are also so poorly identified as "man-made" because they have been subjected to powerful influences from changes in the landscape itself. Mountains "breathe", constantly changing heights and deviations from the horizontal.

Pay attention to the sun... yes! The same "Megandavid", which is considered to be a symbol of Judaism!

Only the supporting pillars have been preserved.

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