Big Rufabgo Creek (Rufabgo Falls). Rufabgo waterfalls, Adygea Rufabgo stream waterfalls

Travelers coming to the Republic of Adygea must visit a picturesque corner of nature - a deep gorge, an ancient tectonic fault, located near the village of Kamennomostsky. Here the Rufabgo stream, the left tributary of the Belaya River famous for its stormy waters, cuts through the rocky wall of the Azish-Tau ridge. It flows into a gorge with characteristic steep slopes, grottoes, stone terraces and rocky corridors reaching 150 meters in height. The stream carries its waters among the rocks entwined with Colchis ivy, falls from the cliffs, creating a cascade of various Rufabgo waterfalls, amazing in its unique beauty. Stunning beauty water world The Rufabgo gorges are represented here by fifteen waterfalls bearing poetic names. A path equipped with handrails leads to them, and the route is also equipped with walkways and stairs for the convenience of tourists.


Every season provides the traveler with the opportunity to see the Rufabgo waterfalls in their unique beauty, highlighted by the colors of the season. In the spring they are full of water and their noise can be heard from afar, but in the summer the crystal waters of the cascades sparkle in the sun with the colors of the rainbow and play with solar reflections on the foliage of the bamboo forests. In autumn, the waterfalls calm down, they are shallow, and their streams throw down the gold of fallen leaves, and in winter a beautiful winter reigns in the gorge, huge icicles grow on the slopes, the water is covered with an ice crust and only the melodic sound of water pulsating in the ice labyrinth breaks the snowy silence.

The most beautiful waterfalls in these places are recognized by local residents as Noise, Heart of Rufabgo, Cascade and Maiden braid.

Waterfall Noise fully lives up to its name, since streams of water falling from a six-meter height can be heard long before the fabulous picture of a waterfall appears before your eyes, where water dust, giving coolness, hangs in the air, breaking on Mountain Lake jets of a roaring stream. The relief allows everyone to climb to the “top” of Shum and stand on the very edge of the cliff to feel the mesmerizing power of the movement of water.

A few hundred meters from Shum you can see a small waterfall called " Cascade", but among themselves tourists affectionately call it "Baby". This waterfall consists of streams of water jumping merrily along stone steps in the form of three cascades-rifles. Having rolled down the "steps", the streams of the cascades, opening up in a wide water plume, fall into a deep stone bowl. To the left of the road leading to the waterfall hiking trail revives picturesque landscape a mountain spring that runs down a rocky staircase in a cold stream.

Pearl tourist route Rufabgo Falls is recognized as a majestic water flow" Heart of Rufabgo". The waterfall is called such a romantic name due to the fact that in the path of the water flows lies a huge block of stone, its shape resembling a heart. The waters of the “Heart of Rufabgo” break against a stone obstacle into two streams, which fall into the canyon, creating a ringing echo, which spreads, hitting the moss-covered rocks.

Waterfall Maiden braid"is the highest in the gorge, its narrow streams fall down from a height of fifteen meters. The natural well created by the waterfall reaches ten meters, and its depth is two and a half meters. The water in this lake is agitated, constantly rotating slowly, and as soon as the streams touch the lower ledge, as they rush down the thin layers of limestone in a cascade sparkling in the sun.


The Rufabgo stream merges with the Bachurin stream and in these places there is a rock, ending on three sides with a monolithic wall. At its top you can see the remains of an ancient fortress.

At the Shum waterfall, tourists can visit the Skvoznaya cave, where various religious ceremonies were held in ancient times.

How to get there

Russia, Republic of Adygea, Kamennomostsky village

To enter the gorge at the ticket office located at the bridge over the Belaya River, they charge a fee of 80 rubles. Behind the bridge there is a clearing for tourists, where there are cafes, souvenir shops, attractions and gazebos for relaxation.

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Virtual Korenovsk. Places worth visiting

Rufabgo waterfalls. 1 waterfall - "Noise"

Not far from Khadzhokh there is a gorge where the extraordinary beauty a stream called Rufabgo. There are many legends why it has such a name. One of them says that Rufabgo is the name of a giant who lived in these places. He gave no rest either night or day local residents. Therefore, one day, a young man decided to fight the giant. And he won: he pulled the heart out of his opponent’s chest and threw it into the gorge. The petrified heart blocked the stream that flowed there and a beautiful waterfall arose in this place. Since then, the stream has been called Rufabgo, and the stone that lies there is the heart of a giant.

Every year, thousands of tourists visit the waterfalls formed from the Rufabgo stream (there are several of them). You don't need to try much to see these waterfalls. For example, the first of them - “Noise”, can be found just 10-15 minutes from the Khadzhokh (Kammenomostsky) - Dakhovskaya highway. As soon as you approach this place, you will immediately hear the sound of water. The waterfall is located in such a place that it is the leader in tourist stays near it (there is a beautiful green meadow nearby). Streams of water from a height of approximately five meters fall straight into the lake. To get from one waterfall to another, you need to go through the gorge, along the stream, overcoming forest thickets and rubble of stones. Although the road is not easy, it is very interesting. INCurrently, a metal road with handrails has been laid in difficult places.

Adyghe waterfalls Rufabgo are one of the most popular and most visited places by tourists. Along the course of the Rufabgo River, one after another, you can observe incredible waterfalls (there are seven of them). Their height reaches from five to fourteen meters. Well, if you follow the path along which thousands of people walked, you can come out to a huge overhanging rock. An equally huge grotto formed under it. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, but this place always has dry and windless weather. Nearby there is a wonderful beech forest - an incredibly beautiful view, plus the freshest air.

The first waterfall, Rufabgo, is visited by most tourists. Beautiful view the water, which falls from six meters straight into the lake, and the luxurious green meadow opposite (people settled there many centuries ago) attract thousands of people every year. As for the second waterfall - "Cascade", it is more modest than the previous one, and therefore is deprived of all attention. The third one is very difficult to pass. In the middle, the river bed is blocked by a stone of unusual size, which nature, over a long period of time, forged in the shape of a giant heart. If you look to the right, you can see how a narrow stream of blue, icy water falls straight into a deep gorge. The structure of the rocks of this gorge is quite interesting: limestone slabs, which are overgrown with mosses and thanks to which the echo is formed, are stacked horizontally one another. You probably already guessed that this particular waterfall is called the “Heart of Rufabgo”.

Moving further, beyond the third waterfall, you can watch how the gorge becomes wider and opens up a beautiful view. Water flows into small lakes, from the height of a five-story building, in a long narrow ribbon. Oddly enough, the name of this waterfall is “Maiden’s Braid” (formerly called “Lace”). Most tourists do not realize that they should not stop their journey at this waterfall. There are four more of them ahead. But to make your journey more comfortable, be sure to wear sportswear.

Where the Bachurina and Rufabgo streams merge into a single whole, there is a high rock. It is cut off on three sides by a huge monolithic wall. A long time ago, on the top of this rock, stood impregnable fortress. Today, only small remains remain of her, from which you can easily understand how powerful she once was. Large rocky outcrops at the foot of this cliff, all kinds of heaps, and stone labyrinths open the way to very unusual waterfalls called “Maiden’s Braids.” The name matches its appearance: an amazingly beautiful two-tier waterfall.

At any time of the year, the beautiful waterfall "Maiden's Braids" has a special and unique appearance. It all begins in the spring, when its waters are distinguished by their depth and incredible noise, as if they make it clear that they have awakened from winter hibernation. In summer, the waterfall looks like a beautiful moving rainbow. In autumn, he becomes quiet and thoughtful, as if preparing for the onset of cold weather.

In winter, the waters of Adyghe waterfalls are covered with a transparent layer of ice, which sparkles in the sun like a precious stone. And as soon as the wind blows, you will immediately hear a melody that everyone perceives differently.

We only walked to 4 waterfalls, although there are 8 large waterfalls on Rufabgo. Not everyone makes it to the last waterfall. But if you decide, be patient, have food, come in the morning and go ahead to all the beauties of Rufabgo!

More photos in the “Photo” section of the “Virtual Korenovsk” project

Have a nice trip

Another star attraction of Hadjokh is the magnificent Rufabgo waterfalls. 7 of the 15 Rufabgo waterfalls are easily accessible, plus you can make a short detour and walk to the waterfall on the Bachurina stream. All this splendor is located a couple of kilometers south of Kamennomostsky. This place is very popular and on weekends the waterfalls are crowded with cars and tourist buses.

There are always a lot of people on the trail. The energy here is simply amazing, nature has endowed this area with Caucasus Mountains amazing beauty. The Rufabgo stream in its lower reaches is framed by steep cliffs up to 150 meters high and is of the greatest interest, since all the largest and beautiful waterfalls concentrated here. The trail to the “Lace” waterfall is fully equipped: steps, railings, trash cans. You can safely take even small children with you; many, by the way, did so.

At the very mouth of Rufabgo there is the “Three Brothers” waterfall, I was not there, but headed straight to the six-meter “Noise”, which is considered the first waterfall of Rufabgo.

The path from “Noise” to the next waterfall “Malysh” or “Cascade” is perhaps the most eventful and picturesque. The trail goes along the very bottom of the gorge, and sheer cliffs rise to the left and right...

Flowers on the rocks.

The stream lives by rapids and riffles.

And frogs live in the stream.

And you live with all this beauty!!! With all these things going on, the main thing is not to miss “Baby”, here he is, lurking in three stages, ours!

Many people offend him, don’t notice him and go straight to the third waterfall “Heart of Rufabgo”. It's gloomy, mysterious and very picturesque here. Legend has it that once upon a time there lived a glorious young man Khadzhokh, who, with the help of the wizard Mezmay, killed the giant hooligan Rufabgo, took his heart out of his chest and threw it into a stream. Subsequently, the heart turned to stone and a waterfall formed.

Behind the “Heart of Rufabgo” the walls of the gorge recede and form a huge stone bag, where the “Lace” waterfall falls from a 15-meter height. In my opinion, this is the most spectacular of the Rufabgo waterfalls!

To the right of the “Lace” there is a steeply upward path to distant waterfalls. It is no longer equipped, but marked. It is not difficult to get through it. But... um, let’s just say that most people get stuck on the “Lace” and don’t go any further.

And to put it bluntly, the gray mass is lazy, cranky, comes up with excuses for themselves and others, and sets off on their way back. And this is good! Then the crowd becomes significantly smaller, and the number of interesting characters among them increases noticeably. After a hundred meters along the path to the right, a steep climb “With light steam” begins, and the path to the waterfall goes to the other side of the stream to the left. Soon a tributary flows into Rufabgo - the Bachurin stream. At their confluence there is a huge rock “Sail”. It’s impossible to take a picture of it completely, I just grabbed the edge.

I walked up the Bachurin stream a little and came across a stone bag with a waterfall.

Then I returned to Parus again and continued climbing Rufabgo. After 200 meters I came to the tandem waterfalls “Bowl of Love” and “Maiden Braids”. The distance between them is only 40-50 meters. There are parking areas and the remains of fire pits. In general, many people come here with backpacks, tents and spend the night in these amazing places. The energy is just crazy - you forget about everything in the world and just sit, meditate, contemplate the waterfall. If I happen to visit here again, I’ll definitely take some gear and spend the night right next to the waterfall...

Fifth waterfall “Bowl of Love”.

To get to the sixth waterfall you need to climb a leaning log onto a 4-meter ledge. This is not as difficult as it seems - there are grooves on the log for support with your feet. Behind the “Cup of Love” are the 9-meter “Maiden Braids”. The light here is very difficult for photography. The best shots can be taken just after sunrise. In general, I recommend photographers to visit Rufabgo waterfalls in the first half of the day, the earlier the better. After lunch, the light in most areas becomes backlit.

Free penetration

There are two ways to get to the waterfalls. Paid by paying 400 rubles (child ticket - 200) at the ticket office at the bridge over the Belaya River. And for free, walking from the Khadzhokh Gorge along a well-trodden path a couple of kilometers upstream of the Belaya. The advantages of the free route, in addition to the money saved, are that along the way you can admire Belaya. The cliff to which will be on your left.

And on the rocks hanging above you, which will be on the right.

Then the path will go through a picturesque beech forest and come out onto the main trail of the Rufabgo waterfalls, marked like this.

1. As I already wrote, there is a trail that bypasses the ticket office, I marked its beginning on the map.

2. It is convenient to combine Rufabgo waterfalls with a sightseeing tour. In this case, you will need to spend the night in. Hotels where you can look in advance
3. The travel agency offers a bright and eventful trip to Adygea, the program of which includes going down a waterfall in a wetsuit - so-called canyoning.

Rufabgo waterfalls are located on the territory of the Republic of Adygea, two kilometers from the village of Kamennomostsky (also called Khadzhokh). Located on the orographically left tributary of the Belaya River.

The route to them is equipped with stairs, walkways and handrails. They charge an entrance fee, about 80 rubles. But the cash desk is located on the bridge over the Belaya, directly opposite the confluence of the stream and the Belaya. You can walk for free from Hadzhokh. To do this, you need to cross the road bridge in the village leading to the left bank of the Belaya and walk about two kilometers along the edge of the Khadzhokh Gorge. Along the way there will be a tributary (Mezmaisky stream) with waterfalls located on it. And in front of him is an overhanging rock with grottoes, along which you need to walk along a narrow shelf above the cliff, holding on to the stretched cables. Soon there will be numerous parking lots and the first tourists frying barbecue.

Here is the first waterfall four meters high. Next, we climb the stairs and walk along the stream. There are a lot of small water slides up to a meter high. After a few hundred meters we approach the “Heart of Rufabgo” stone. The name for it and the waterfalls itself was given by a legend:

A long time ago, in a cave located in the local gorge lived the evil sorcerer and giant Rufabgo. He imposed a terrible tribute on all the settlements in the Belaya Valley, taking away most of the crops and livestock, and, worst of all, the most beautiful girl of every village every year. Those who tried to stop him were brutally dealt with, because... had enormous power by communicating with dark spirits. But one day in one of the villages a strong young man grew up - Hadzhokh, who loved very much beautiful girls and rightly feared that in the spring the giant would come for his tribute and take away her beloved. And then one kind person told him a way to defeat Rufabgo: he needed to blind him with suddenly poured powder, cut his chest and, tearing out his heart, throw it as far as possible. Other methods are not suitable - after all, in place of a severed arm, leg or head, another, even stronger one, immediately appeared. This is what Hadjoh did when the time came to fight the giant. He threw the giant heart very far into the gorge and it blocked the riverbed, forming a powerful waterfall.

After another few hundred meters we come to the main pearl of the gorge - the Shnurok waterfall:

Here water falls from a layer of rock, forming a fifteen-meter-high waterfall and deep lake under him. Here you can not only take a dip, but also swim in the refreshing water of a mountain river. In the photographs the water is cloudy - this is only in the spring or after heavy rains. At normal times, the water, as it should be, is transparent.

This is where the marked trail ends. To get to the rest of the waterfalls, you need to climb up a very steep path, ford the stream and continue moving, focusing on the blue marks on the trees (markings). After eight hundred meters you will come to the Rufabgo waterfalls. It is Rufabgo, because the previous ones are formally located on the Bachurina stream, into which the Rufabgo stream flows. There are several more waterfalls of varying heights.

á Description and photo - admin.


Message from:
I go there almost every year - it’s beautiful!

Message from: Vera Mironova
I was there... great

Message from:
Republic of Adygea, pos. Kamennomostsky.

Message from: Oksana
It’s very beautiful, but I advise you to visit the Hadkhokh Gorge and Lago-Naki_

Message from: Anastasia
The waterfalls are beautiful! It makes sense to take a comprehensive excursion, with a cave, lago-naki, rafting, waterfalls and a gorge.

Message from: Elena
the most wonderful place on earth!!!

Message from: Karim
I was there recently, the impressions are indescribable!

Message from: Svetlana
I go there often, but the most beautiful and interesting waterfalls- this is the fifth (“Cup of Love”) and the sixth “Maiden Braids”), it’s worth walking 800 m for them, and besides, they are located next to each other

Message from: ALA

Message from: Anastasia.
How can I order a full package of truancy? Is there a phone number? Cost?

Message from: Catherine
Amazing place! What beauty our nature has created!

Message from: Olya
89183112969 Nadezhda. I went with her, very good excursion. And not expensive))

Message from: Denis Chesnokov
There are 16 waterfalls. The stream has passed completely. An essay about this is available online at YaF, Routes and on my personal blog, with photographs and coordinates.

Message from: Julia
Very beautiful! I recommend it to everyone! We've been here since 05/02/13. Be sure to climb the path near the Maiden Spit, there are beautiful views there)
And by the way, you can get to the caves not only by passing through the Ancestral Circassian Gardens, but also along the side of the pass, if you walk (not cross!) along the ridge towards the ascent from the Maiden Spit. Carefully! There is a very narrow path, in places you need to “shuffle your feet” and hug the sheer rock! The height is impressive)

Message from: Olga
I come here often, my favorite place! The energy here is special... So gentle, loving, holy... Opposite the bridge over the Belaya there is the Meshoko gorge. It’s interesting to walk through it both on horseback and below. There ancient caves in where ancient people lived. A huge number of their tools were found there. There are at least three caves. Who loves mountains, be sure to visit the Elbrus region. From the Cheget glade you can climb on foot on your own to the city of Cheget and Elbrus to half- easy (on foot). Walking is more interesting than on the cable car.

Message from: Elena Guseva
I also walked through all the waterfalls.. The Cup of Love is just some kind of miracle! I want to come to Lago-Naki in winter.. To go skiing...

Message from: Anna
This is an amazing place, be sure to come. Beauty in its original form. I just fell in love with this place.

Message from: IRINA
I was here in winter! The beauty is indescribable! A fabulous place!

Message from: Alexander and Irina
We were there in October 2013. Unforgettable impressions. In two weeks there again. Pos. Kamennomostsky camping COMFORT. Great service.

Message from: Sergeant
I’ve been several times, each time like the first. The beauty is unforgettable, I’ll come again.

Message from: Shun
The people walked along the forest road of timber trucks parallel to the river on which Rufabgo is, until the children's last waterfall. We started from the Turkish Bazaar. This waterfall is not there and there is no path to it either. We were exhausted and, as shown on the map, there were no paths along the river, there was a cliff or a ford. You should try to go as described here in the article. That is, lower to the river. But there are a couple of high places at the top, the view is good there. Either go to the middle of the path and turn onto the Bachurin stream and then there is no point, there I think you can reach the cup of love along the river.

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Near the village of Kamennomostsky there are Rufabgo waterfalls. We visited them in June.

They are a natural monument of republican significance.

They are named after the stream on which they are located. The stream stretches along the Azish-Tau ridge and is a left tributary of the Belaya River.

View of the Belaya River from the bridge upstream

There is an equipped route to the fifth waterfall, Maiden Spit. It starts at the bridge over Belaya. Access to the bridge is paid. There is a cash register at the entrance.

View of the Belaya River from the bridge downstream

The first Three Brothers waterfall is visible from the bridge.

View of the Belaya River from the bridge. Three Brothers waterfalls are visible on the right

Three parallel water streams of the Bolshoi Rufabgo stream fall from a small cliff into the Belaya River.

Rufabgo waterfalls. Three brothers

The second waterfall is located 250 meters from the bridge. It's called Noise, which reflects his character.

Waterfall Noise

A metal staircase leads down to it.

Stairs to the Shum waterfall

The height of the waterfall is 6 meters, there is a bowl under it. Probably at other times there are a lot of swimmers here. But after the rain, the water was muddy, and there were no people willing to climb into it.

I'm at the Shum waterfall

The excursion route is less than 1.5 kilometers one way. Walking this distance through the gorge is not so easy, especially after rain. Along the way there are many obstacles in the form of puddles, roots on the road, slippery stone natural stairs and narrow passages where visitors crowd.

Rufabgo stream is quiet. With the profile of a lion on a stone :)

in some places it turns into turbulent streams of muddy water.

Rufabgo stream is stormy

We also saw a large stone frog sitting near a burdock clearing.

Stone frog

We walked along bridges over the stream.

Through clearings covered with root carpets.

Along the stone walls, as if made of bricks.

Along the stream on a path paved with stones.

Cascade Waterfall

This gorge is amazing. Giant stones, narrow passages between them.

Steep rocky paths...

The Legend of Rufabgo's Heart

We reached the Heart of Rufabgo waterfall. From the bridge – 1,270 meters.

The stream of water goes around a huge block of stone, reminiscent of a heart. There is a legend about the stone.

Waterfall Heart of Rufabgo

Once upon a time, people lived happily in these parts. But the evil giant Rufabgo settled in a deep gorge and began to oppress the inhabitants of the village. He took half the harvest and offspring from livestock and poultry. Then he became completely insolent and began to demand local girls as slaves.

The men decided to kill the giant. But he was immortal. Even if his heart was pierced by an arrow, he did not die.

The young men went to the sage living on Mount Fisht. He said: “You can kill a giant only by blinding him and tearing out his heart.” And he gave a miraculous powder that should be thrown into the eyes of the villain.

A brave hunter named Khadzhokh went to fight the giant. He contrived and threw a handful of powder into Rufabgo’s face. Then he cut his chest, tore out his heart and threw him into the gorge. The hot heart hissed, but the water of the stream quickly cooled it and it turned to stone.

We walk past the kissing stones.

Does it really look like the stones are kissing?

Up the stone steps again.

At the top of the stairs is the petrified face of a giant, do you see?

The Maiden's Spit (Lace) waterfall closes the equipped excursion route.

It is 1,420 meters from the bridge over the Belaya River.

Rufabgo waterfalls. Girl's braid. He is also Lace

This waterfall is high, about 15 meters.

Below it is a huge bowl of water, like a small lake.

Our children at the Rufabgo Maiden's Spit waterfall

We came after heavy rain. The water was brown and cloudy.

Impressions from Rufabgo waterfalls

After the excursion trail ends, a wild path continues. The fact is that there are several more waterfalls and rapids on the stream, including large ones - Sukhoi (20 meters high) and Grandiose (15 meters). But the path is already so steep and slippery at the very beginning that after the rain, the children and I did not dare to climb it.

Left the route double impression. On the one hand, nature is always beautiful, and we are big fans. On the other hand, you should not go here after the rains. Still, it’s much more pleasant to admire clean water than muddy dirty streams.

I didn’t like that in many places after the rain the stones were incredibly slippery and not only that there were no railings - there wasn’t even any wire or rope to hold on to. Considering that there are a lot of people, it takes time to let everyone through and have time to slip through all this mud, stones and slippery places...

It’s not so much the pleasure of walking, but simply constantly forcing obstacles. We walked quite easily, although sometimes my husband gave his hand to the children so as not to fall on the slippery stones. And it was a pity to look at the elderly people and parents with small children.

Tips for travelers. Be sure to wear comfortable sports shoes. Preferably sneakers. Keep an eye on the kids! IN dangerous places hold your hand. Don't let them go to the edge of cliffs.

How to find Rufabgo waterfalls. They are located south of the village. If you go towards Dakhovskaya, the waterfalls will be right along the road on the right, a couple of kilometers from the village. Be aware that the parking lot is small. If you arrive not early in the morning, you will have to leave the car on the side of the narrow road.

Coordinates: N 44°15’39.1″, E 40°12’3.9″.

What is the price: ticket for an adult - 300 rubles, children under 14 years old - 150 rubles, children under 5 years old - free.

Rufabgo waterfalls, prices for summer 2015

You can get there for free if you walk from Kamennomostsky along the left Belaya River from the Khadzhokhskaya Gorge. We did not go this route. They say there is a very steep descent there. And there was simply no time to look. So if anyone has walked, please write down where the trail starts and how steep it is. Better with coordinates.

All materials on the Roads of the World website are copyrighted. We kindly ask you not to take articles and photographs without the written permission of the author and the site administration.

© Galina Shefer, “Roads of the World” website, 2018. Copying text and photos is prohibited. All rights reserved.

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