Mountains of Caucasian mineral water name. Caucasian Mineral Waters



At the junction of the Stavropol elevation and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus Range, almost five cities forming a polycentric agglomeration - "Caucasian Mineral water" The history of this exceptional place as a popular balneotherapeutic resort is rooted in the XIX century, namely in 1803, when Alexander I was signed by rescript "On the recognition of the state value of the Caucasian mineral waters and the need for their device." Since then, the large-scale development of the district, in particular, the study of its main wealth - mineral sourceswhich are more than 130 here! There are on the territory of KMV and large deposits of healing mud. The advantages of the resort, which is considered one of the most environmentally friendly and hospitable regions of Russia, also includes a soft climate with plenty of sunny days, mountain air and unusually beautiful landscapes.

The numerous advantages of KMV were evaluated by famous figures of politics, science, culture and art, with the names of which are associated with a number of monuments and historical placesconstituting along with natural splendor, the appearance of famous resort cities.

Museum, landmark

A kind of goal in the "Forge of Health" is the city of Mineralnye Waters, located at the foot of the Snake Mountain, in the Valley of the River Kuma. Today it is, first of all, a transport node and a transit point: from here, tourists are usually sent to Mineralovo resorts - Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. Such a role is due to the historical past of the city, which emerged in 1878 as a village at the Nodal Station of Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway. The city status is a former village of Sultanovsky received in 1921. And in 1925 a air station was opened here, which made Minvodov, one of the first "winged" cities of the Soviet Union. Modern international airport "Mineralnye Vody" appeared in the 60s. The XX century, in the early 2010s was reconstructed and now is the largest airport in the south of the country.

Another "transport" landmark is Minvodvo-building building, which is a sample of Soviet neoclassicism. It should be noted that, in general, the architectural appearance Minor makes the facilities of the post-war period: the city was seriously injured during the fascist occupation. The main city temple is the Pokrovsky Cathedral - was built already in 1997.

The history, culture, natural wealth of the region narrates the Mineralovodsky Museum of Local History. An interesting visit to the House-Museum of Alexei Bibika - a proletarian writer who lived in Minvodes to 99 years old. Such an amazing example of longevity is not the only one in the region, characterized by incredibly favorable conditions for health.

The picturesque neighborhood of the city did not exception to accommodate here a wonderful health resistant - the sanatorium "Mineralnye Waters", in the territory of which there is a source with a drinking box.

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The name of the oldest resort Kavminvod Dala Located nearby the five-winning Mount Beshtau - the highest elevation of the region. The city spread out at the foot of another mountain - Mashuk, on the southwestern and southern slopes of the Stavropol elevation. In the feature of Pyatigorsk, there are also Mountains Dubrovka, Picket, Post and others. Healing Waters, Amazing Beauty Mountains and Valleys, Soft Climate, a large number of historical attractions make up the specifics of Pyatigorsk tourism. But first things first.

Pyatigorsk, first of all, is famous for the exceptional variety of mineral springs, the first of which were investigated in the 90s of the XVIII century. Since 1803, medical institutions began to appear here, all new sources are opened. So, gradually the former military strengthening in the Masheuk Mount Valley turned into a first-class russian health resort. Today in Pyatigorsk there is about 50 wells and mineral keys with different types of healing water, more than 20 of them are actively applied for medical purposes. Such water wealth in combination with therapeutic mud of the lake Tambukan used in Pyatigorsky sanatorium complexes, allow the city to attribute the city to the most efficient multidisciplinary resorts of modern Russia.

Sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk are adjacent to numerous parks, museums and historical and architectural monuments. In the center of the oldest city park "Flower Gold" (before the revolution - "Nikolaev"), fleeing back in 1828, is Lermontov Gallery - the most interesting construction of the beginning of the 20th century and the current concert-exhibition complex. From the "flower garden" you can climb along a wide stone staircase to another historical building - academic (Elizabetan) gallery, from the sighting platform of which the magnificent panorama of the city and its surroundings opens.

A number of attractions in Pyatigorsk are inextricably linked with the name Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov. Mandatory visits include Lermontov's house, where one of the departments of the State Museum-Reserve M.Yu are now located. Lermontov; Place Duel Lermontov with Major N.S. Martynov; Diana's grotto, where more than once was a poet; Grotto Lermontov, imprinted by him in the novel of the "Hero of our time". Another cult destination Pyatigorsk, immortalized in the domestic literature, became a failure - a carcass cave with an underground lake. It was here that it was possible to earn the character "Twelve Chairs" - Osta Bender, brave for visiting the legendary sights. Today at the entrance to the failure you can see the modern bronze sculpture of the "Great Combinator". And the monument to the main hero of Pyatigorsk - Lermontov - decorates the city since 1889. Numerous monuments and vintage structures are surrounded by a thick greenery of centuries-old trees and the fascinating beauty of mountain landscapes.

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Among the four resorts, Kavminvod, the first place in terms of the number of resorts unconditionally occupies a cozy and sunny kislovodsk, the main domain of which is the world famous Narzan. Like Pyatigorsk, the city arose from the military fortress and the village. Its founders and the first residents were Russian soldiers. Of particular importance in the development of the city was the activity of General A.P. Ermolova, by order of which the creation of the famous resort park began, once the largest park in Europe.

In the second half of the XIX century, Kislovodsk was already a popular well-maintained resort, attracting representatives of famous merchant and noble surnames. Today, like more than one and a half centuries ago, the Narzanian Gallery built in the Gothic style is gathering numerous wishes to correct their health. Healing Narzan not only drink, but use for taking baths. "Eastern" building main narked bathserected at the very beginning of the last century, is one of the most interesting buildings of the city.

In total, in Kislovodsk, more than one hundred architectural monuments and historical attractions. So rest here promises to be not only useful, but also informative. Be sure to visit the ancient theatrical and concert hall to them. V. Safonova (Philharmonic Building), where he gave the concert Sergey Rakhmaninov, Fedor Shalyapin sang. The great artist of the World Opera Theater was not just toured in Kislovodsk, and she took a mansion here for his family. In a historic building, known as "Dacha Shalyapin", today is a literary and music museum dedicated to the legendary singer.

Walking along the winding streets of the Kislovodsk center with its original old buildings, you can alternate with more prolonged routes that imply gradual climbing in the mountains. For terrenkura (recreation walk) it is perfect Resort Parkwhere six diverse routes are laid. Sea of \u200b\u200bgreens, the purest firing air will easily overcome not one kilometer and at the same time getting great pleasure.

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Not one legend is composed of the origin of the city and toponym of Essentuki, there are many scientific points of view on this issue. According to the most common of them, the name has happened on behalf of Khan Essentuga - the ruler of the large Gold-Horde settlement located not far from modern City. But from Karachay language "Essen Bay" translates as "live hair". An explanation of this is a beautiful legend about the healing of the boy, the son of a rich prince, on the head of which, after swimming in the local source, beautiful curls rose.

Today, the mineral waters weighing the same name as the famous balneological city resort are treated with many ailments. The richest in terms of water and mineral composition - the keys "Essentuki-4" and "Essentuki-17". There are other sources, each of which has its own therapeutic properties.

The pride of the Essentukov is the mudguard. ON THE. Semashko - the largest institution in Europe in Europe. Grand Complex In the spirit of neoclassicism was erected in 1913-1915. More than a hundred years, procedures are held with therapeutic mud of the Tambukan lake. Another large-scale landmark of the city is the largest on the European continent, a five-thousandth drinking gallery, capable of replacing up to 5,200 vacationers. It is impossible not to mention the Candiders Institute of Mechanotherapy, built at the end of the XIX century. In the building of an unusual architecture, an institution was not less unusual for his time - a pre-action of a modern fitness center, where the "simulators" were located for therapeutic gymnastics developed by the Swedish physiotherapist Gustav to Zander.

At the foot of the Mountain of the Iron and partly on her eastern slopes, the smallest of the cities of KMV - Zheleznovodsk is located. The area of \u200b\u200bits territory is only 93 square meters. Km, which does not least detract from the dignity of the resort, also distinguished by the wealth of mineral springs, the presence of interesting historical and natural monuments.

The first two hot keys on the slope of the iron mountain were discovered in 1810 by an outstanding Russian physician Fedor Gaaz. In the same year, a health resort was arranged with a bath. To date, more than 20 sources come to the surface in Zheleznovodsk. The oldest of them is the Lermontov source - still functions, being also one of the sights of the city: the great Russian poet was here.

Not the first century practiced in Zheleznovodsk mud. For therapeutic procedures in 1893, a building in the Mauritan style - baths, called the name of the Russian State Worker, Minister of State Property M.N. Ostrovsky.

By analogy with the Lermontov Gallery in Pyatigorsk, in the Medical Park of Zheleznovodsk there is a Pushkin Gallery - the original structure of iron from glass created for concerts and exhibitions. Not far from the gallery there is another famous monument of the city - the Palace of Emir, reproducing the features of the Central Asian architecture. Today, the former residence of Emir Bukhara is occupied by a sanatorium.

The resort is distinguished by surprisingly picturesque nature: a city located in the River Valley Jameuk and Kuchuk, surround the mountains and a natural forest. From the foot of the Mountain of the Iron-Main Natural Attractions of Zheleznovodsk - the route of Terrenkura is laid in more than 3 km long. From the top of the mountain, at an altitude of 853 m above sea level great view On the neighborhood of Caucasian mineral waters.

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Tatyana Solomatina

What attracts the Caucasian Mineral Waters of Tourists?

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today I am starting a series of articles about a wonderful place to relax and treatment - the Caucasian Mineral Water Region.

In the first publication, we will get acquainted a little about it. unique resort. I will talk about the location and climate, about the cities of this region and natural mineral springs. Capturing to the end, you will learn why a large number of people come here on vacation and treatment regularly, and maybe you will also have a desire to go to this wonderful place.

The resort is very interesting, I attend it regularly, so there was a lot of information, I plan a number of articles, the first one in front of you, read and share your impressions in the comments, I will be glad the response from you.

Caucasian mineral waters are an excellent choice for recreation and treatment, due to its unique location, mild climate, beautiful environment and developed infrastructure.

But the most basic, which attracts numerous guests to the region, is healing sources, water from which is widely and successfully used to treat many diseases. Having visited here you will not just rest, but also significantly strengthen your body.

This region is located in Stavropol Territory On the northern slope of the Caucasian Mountains. Resort cities are close to each other, which allows you to go around everything and make up overall impression About this place.

The natural landscape is very diverse, small hills, densely covered with unique wide forests, alternate with the steppe part, which in the summer pleases with juicy grass and bright field flowers.

Due to the lack of serious industrial industries, here is crystal clear air and silence.


This region has a favorable climate that is well suited for climatotherapy. Resortists use it as a healing factor.

Here is a moderate winter, the average temperature of -4 degrees, comfortable summer - +22 degrees.

In connection with the variety of terrain relief, the climate of all cities of Caucasian mineral waters is slightly different. It depends on the height above sea level, the protection of the mountains, the proximity of the steppes.

Southern Resort - Kislovodsk, most sunny city CMB, respectively, the air temperature here is usually a few degrees higher than in other cities of the region.

Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki - are located slightly lower than Kislovodsk, but there is also warm and very few precipitation here. And the small mountains - Mashuk, Beshtau, iron, often become a barrier from strong steppe winds.

The main resorts of the KMV

Caucasian mineral waters are a fairly large region, I will introduce you to the main resorts, which can be safely attributed - Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. More about each of them, you can read in separate materials, links to which will be at the end of each description.

A very cozy small town, located at the foot of the Mountain of Iron. The resort is simply drowning in greenery, and a magnificent park with century trees and winding tracks simply has to leisurely walks and contemplation beautiful nature around.

The city is competently melted and the resort infrastructure is located separately from the residential array. Almost all sanatoriums are built within walking distance of natural sources, which is important for the guests of the resort. This is the smallest town of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, however, it is rich in mineral waters.

The resort specializes in the treatment of the urogenital system, digestive organs, metabolic disorders and other concomitant diseases.

The main component of treatment is the drinking mineral water Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya, whose buses are located in the resort park. Also, the treatment of the Tambukan and Lisogorsk lakes is widely used, which is rich in iron, iodine, zinc and silver.

More about the resort you can find out.

Pyatigorsk - big resort town, Located just 10 minutes from Zheleznovodsk at the foot of Mashuk Mountain. The resort was picturesque fit into the mountain landscape, from Mashuk Mount, to which you can climb both on the funicular and on foot, it is clearly visible.

There are many health resorts, in which the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, joints, are successfully treated with gynecological diseases. As in the whole region, the main factor of recovery is drinking treatment, climature, mud.

More information about the resort wrote.

The city is a 30-minute drive from Mineral Water Airport. The resort is small enough, located on the plain part of the Caucasian Mineral Water region, but also very green.

Here are all well-known sources - "Essentuki". This mineral water helps well with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is the main direction of treatment in local sanatoriums.

Continued about the resort read.


The most sought-after resort of the Caucasian Mineral Water region. It is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level in a green valley surrounded by the Caucasus Range.

Very warm, sunny and cozy city, despite the permanent abundance of guests, there is no feeling of cramming and mass.

The chic park, almost 1000 hectares, which was fully created by people just 200 years ago, is now occupied by the dominant role in the architecture of the city.

About a third of Sanatoriums KMV are located in Kislovodsk. Mineral water "Narzan" helps in treating people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Here, the patients undergoing infarction have been rehabilitated here. The resort specializes in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

It is interesting

The main mass of the guests of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is going here for rehabilitation and treatment. However, these places are rich in not only with their therapeutic factors. Of course there is no sea here, but clean air and magnificent mountain landscapes that can brighten up a vacation of any person.

No wonder, many years ago, they loved to come here famous great people. A. S. Pushkin visited KMV twice, M. Yu. Lermontov - for a long time lived here and many of his works are devoted to these places. The list of great people is great enough, they all admired amazing nature and hospitality of the local population.

Now Caucasian mineral waters are a well-developed resort, which is interesting not only in terms of treatment, there is something to see, a lot of significant historical sights and surprisingly beautiful natural places.

Full tourist information In the region I wrote in the article. Look more review sanatorium.

Perhaps you are difficult with the choice of the resort, write me to the mail, I will try to help. Read more about cooperation, read. If you liked the article, share it with friends in social networks. Subscribe to blog updates, always glad to new readers. In the meantime, I say goodbye to you.

Tatyana Solomatina

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody - Famous russian brandwho trust his health many generations. Our dads and mothers walked around the resort parks of KMV, for surely there is an old and funny photo from Pyatigorsk in the album at the grandmother. The local resorts retained the amazing combination of the beauty of nature and exquisite architecture, the very subtle essence of the Caucasus, who fascinated Lermontov, not tired at the same time to develop and adapt to the requirements of time. There is everything - from a convenient airport to cozy hotels and modern cinemas. And the hospitals of the resort conglomerate not only did not come out of fashion, but also continue to enjoy mad popularity (take a look at the price!) And to improve in the issues of delivering guests from all the edges of Russia from hundreds of sores. Welcome to the cavmins!

Kavmin court resorts

Resorts of KMV are close in neighborhood, but different in essence. The first guests meets Zheleznovodsk. Sometimes it seems that tourists in this small town are more than local. Along the only main street, it is clearly divorced to the resort and living part. In the resort, on the part of the Beshtau station, there are famous health resorts, a resort park and attractions. Residential is no different from ordinary Russian panel brick cities. This costs to go to the market and in supermarkets, prices in them are lower than in stores at sanatoriums.

Learning resistant to KMB is at the disposal of more than 100 mineral springs and large reserves of healing mud mined on Tambukan and Lisogo lakes.

Important non-homework attractions - Non-raised Vulcan of the Iron Mountain, the grotto of the eternal Mountain Mountain Ripper, Ring-Mountain near Kislovodsky, Hot Mountain and Mashuk.


The variety of relief creates noticeable differences in the climate of the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In Pyatigorsk, summer is warm, winter is moderately soft (a third of the winter days - with rains, thaws, fogs) and 98 clear days a year. Kislovodsk is famous for the winter climatic resort, the winter is clear there and dry, and the number of sunny days a year is 150. The resort is also standing out by the constancy of the atmospheric pressure, which has favorably affect the therapeutic process. The climate of Zheleznovodsk corresponds to the mountain forest and moderately dry climate of the Middle Age Alps. Here are 117 clear days a year. Essentuki differ in contrast - summer roast and dry, winter frosty and rainy, the number of clear days a year - 112.

Caucasian Mineral Waters - One of the oldest resort regions in Russia. The first written information on its mineral springs is found at the doctor of the city of Schever (1717), which was sent by Peter I for a mineral examination " tabs "North Caucasus. The first detailed descriptions of them were made by I.Güldenztedt (1773), and then P.S. Palllas (1793). In 1801, studies were conducted by a hot-source in Pyatigorsk and in 1802 a special commission was made on the possibility of using mineral waters with therapeutic purposes.

The official history of Caucasian mineral waters is counting from April 24, 1803, when the king Alexander I signed the famous rescript "On the recognition of the state value of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and the need for their device":

"The Minister of Internal Affairs will bring you conclusions in the State Medical College made, about the action of Caucasian mineral sources, according to the testimony of doctors sent to their testing and description. Of these, you are asked and suggestions for the arrangement of needed in the sources of establishments.

According to your opinion about one of them, in 30 versts from the Konstantinogorsk fortress of the lying, I have already allowed you from 7 last March to build a closest strengthening. Now I will instruct you to start the arrangement and all those institutions, koi for the convenience of healing necessary. Having done to the local considerations properly to that and make up the work of the work, you deliver the calculation of the amount required to me for the assignment of it from the Treasury.

Meanwhile, one of the most scent doctors and assistant will be there from the medical board following SIM.

Between the assumptions, the benefits and convenience of this waters, providing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe settlement in the church of the linear Cossacks I give, especially for your consideration.

Benefits of this supply are obvious: but to perform it on the lands of Kabardian depends on the discretion of local convenience, which you are closer and better to determine and about which I will expect from you to the report. "

Especially protected Ecological resort region Russian Federation - Caucasian Mineral Waters Located in the territory of three subjects of the Russian Federation:

Stavropol Territory - 58% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe region;

Kabardino-Balkaria - 9% (Solsky district, where there is a lake Tambukan);

Karachay-Cherkessia - 33% of the Republic Square (Major-Karachai and Prikubansky regions - a zone of formation of mineral sources).

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is one of the most populated territories of the North Caucasus. The average population density is more than 150 people per 1 km 2.

Caucasian Mineralnye Waters include 7 cities:

- Kislovodsk, located in a small and cozy picturesque valley, surrounded by the slopes of the main Caucasus ridge and formed by the gorges of two merging rivers - Olkhovki and Berezovka, flowing into the river deposit at an altitude of 750-1400 m above sea level;
- Essentuki, Located for the river. Deposit at an altitude of 600-640 m above sea level;
- Pyatigorsk, located at the foot of the city of Mashuk at an altitude of 510-630 m above sea level;
- Zheleznovodsk, located in the valley between Beshtau and Iron, on the slopes at the foot of the latter at an altitude of 600-650 m above sea level;
- Lermontov, located in the valley surrounded by mountains - directly at the foot of the Mount of Shevoriv and Western (North-Western) slopes of Mount Beshtau;
- Mineral water, located at the foot of the Snake Mountain at a height of 330-350 m above sea level;
- Georgievsklocated in the right bank of the R.Kum at an altitude of 308 m above sea level. Previously, the city was called Gum Kala (Gvim Kyala), which means "sandy fortress" (abas.).
As well as 3 district - Pre-saying, Mineralovo and Georgievsky.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is the largest and one of the oldest resort regions of the Russian Federation. Over 130 mineral springs and large stocks of Lake Lake Tambukan (and Lisogorsk Lake) make a CMB of a unique balneological resort. The KMV region is distinguished by picturesque natural landscapes, a mountain healing climate and is famous for its enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex in Russia.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is the largest and unique resort pearl of Russia, which, according to the composition and quality of their climate-balneological resources, concentrated on a relatively small territory, has no analogues at the Euro-Asian continent. More than 115 health resorts of the region (at the beginning of the XXI century) specializing in treating dozens of various diseases determine its importance as the main, complex and multidisciplinary health resort. 118 equipped with the most modern medical and diagnostic equipment of the WEBS 26 tourist and hotel complexes Caucasian Mineral Waters can take at the same time over 40 thousand people. Their main specialization is the provision of medical and wellness services, the treatment of world-famous waters and mineral mud.

The Caucasian Mineral Water Square is more than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand square meters).

By absolute altitudes The territory of Caucasian mineral waters is related to medieval.

The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian seas, within the junction of the Mineralodian inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Big Caucasus.

The Caucasian Mineral Water Area is located within the closure of the Stavropol Hills and the Northern Slops of the Chief Caucasus Range. The region is distinguished by the unusual and a variety of relief forms.

The relief of the Caucasian Mineral Waters begins at the foot of Elbrus, where the rocky ridge with a number of vertices is clearly distinguished. In the western and southern part of KMV Mount Cool, in places with sheer ledges are broken down to the south (the depth of these cliffs reaches 1000 m), and the northern long slopes slightly (hollow) are tilted and merged with the foothill plain.

These are the ridges pasture and rocky. River valleys they are divided into a number of mountain arrays. The pasture ridge within Kavminvant is cut into two parts: Western (Ridge Borgustan, Daryin's heights of the Borgastane Range) rises by 1200-1300 m, and the eastern (Ginal Range) has an absolute top mark Upper Ginala 1542 s south of the pasture stretched Rocky ridge With vertices Big and Small Bermamat. Big Bermamat is actually considered the main peak of the plateau. But this is also a visual deception. The highest point of Big Bermamat is 2592 meters, which is actually 50 meters below the small (2643 meters above sea level). It turns out that in fact Small Bermamat and there is the highest point of the range and is considered higher point Caucasian Mineral Waters. The small name was small in connection with the smaller area occupied by the territory. It is also the southern border of the Caucasian Mineral Water region. From Bermamat to Elbrus 30 km in a straight line. Early in the morning on Bermamate, it is sometimes possible to observe the so-called Brockken Ghost.

The rocky ridge also includes Bermamat Plateau, Zhammaz Ridge (Shijatmaz (Shatzharatmaz) 2127 m) and Kichmalkinskoyeplateau(Manglaya 2055 m).

On the Zhatmazsky alpine scientific cluster has been formed. Here are organizations leading in various fields of science:

Kislovodsk mountain astronomy station founded in 1948;

Meteorological station Roshydromet;

Kislovodsk high-alpine scientific station of the Institute of Physics of the atmosphere A. M. Obukhov;

Caucasian Mining Observatory Gaish Moscow State University;

FSUE "Research Center. M. V. Keldysh ";

Between Zhammazsky ridge and Kichmalkinskyplateau In the picturesque valley of the Khasaut river at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level, there is a Narzan Valley, where there are 20 powerful mineral sources of type Narzan for the surface.

In the Mineralodian inclined plain, in the northern part of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, a group of separated from each other of the remaining magmatic mountains forms the area of \u200b\u200bPyatigorsia. Pyatigora's picturesque mountains, as structural geological elements, are actively involved in the formation of mineral waters.

In Pyatigors, there are more than 20 mountains, of which 18 are recognized as specially protected landscaped monuments of nature. Among them, the majority is Mount Beshtau (from the Turk. Besz -5, Tau - Mountain). Height 1401 meters above sea level. Located in the central part of Pyatigora. The foot diameter is about 8 km. Mountain gave the name of the surrounding area (Pyatigorsie) and the city of Pyatigorsk. Mashuk (993 m) rises to the north-west. North - iron mountain (851 m). Around you can also see a few more mountains. Mountain camel (886 m) with two humps resembles a camel. Mount Rumble (928 m), if you look from the road from mineral waters, looks like a sleeping lion. Previously, she was called - "Sleeping Lion." With the peculiarities of the geological structure of the roller, the phenomenon of "summer marbles" is connected. Mountain-laccoliths acute (881 m), stupid (772 m), bull (817 m), bald (739 m), peeling (875 m) with its appearance justify these names. A sharp peak ridge rifled crest once rose to 507 meters, but when developing stone, the upper part of the mountain was cut. In addition, the Snake Mountains (994 m), Yeta (972 m), Jutza (1189 m), Golden Kurgan (884 m) and Honey (884 m) and Honey (721 m) are located in the KMB region.

In the Caucasus, a phenomenon is known when the mountain peaks suddenly turn into the clouds.

"They left the village with a transparent dormant morning, when the first sun is allRidge, bright white and in blue gallows, stood near close, prominent every squeeze, to that close, that a person unusual remembered to spend him in two hours. He rose so big in the world of small human things, so delicious in the worldmade. For thousands of years, all people, how much lived, the duplicate solution of the hands of carrying here and plump all the worked out of them or even conceived, - would not put such a super-lawy ridge.

From the village(Saber) beforestations so led them all the time road, that the ridge was right in front of them, they went to him, he saw him: snow space, called rocky protrusions and the shadows of guessing gorges. But from half an hourto the halfcission he became the bottom to fit, separated from the Earth, no longer standing, and hung in a third of the sky and bred, did not fall in him scars and ryber, mountain signs, but seemed huge foam white clouds. Then the clouds already broken into parts, no longer distinguishable from extreme clouds. Then they blocked them. Range at all urban, likehe was heavenly vision, and ahead, like from all sides, the sky is served, whitening, digging. So, without changing areas, they drove more than fiftyworst, before noon and halfday, - but the Giant Mountains in front of them as unprecedented, and approached close rounded slides:Camel; Bull; pleshivayaSnake; kudryayaIron…»

A. Solzhenitsyn. « August fourteenth», epic« Red Wheel.»

Therefore, in order to enjoy the panoramic gaze of the Caucasian Mountains, it is best to go to panoramic species platforms in early in the morning. Contemplation of beauty also heals, so landscape therapy (aesthetics) always takes an important place in the overall complex of treating any resort.

The river flowing through the territory of the River originates in the rocky ridge. These are rivers - Kuma and deposit with the tributaries of Eckacon, Alikonovka, Berezovka, Big Yessentuk, Bugunt, Yeta and other, smaller. They are shallow and do not provide the area with sufficient water. Water on domestic, resort and economic needs, the area receives from Kuban in a special water duty. Natural Lisoga Lakes and Lake Karras - Salty.

In Lake Tambukan mined medical dirt. Illuminated mud contains organic and inorganic acids, gases, has antiseptic properties. The healing mud of the lake Tambukan arrive in the balneological sanatorium of Nalchik.

The main wealth of the area is mineral waters. At a relatively small area, about 130 mineral sources of 12 types of complex chemical composition were revealed. The overall mineral water flow rate reaches 12 million liters per day.

Conditionally distinguished the Kislovodskoye, Essentukskoe, Pyatigorskoe, Zhelevnovodskoye, Lisogorsk, Kumagorskoye, Red-East and Hague deposits.

The origin, the formation and properties of mineral waters are associated with Pyatigorshi laccoliths and high-mountain regions of the North Caucasus, where groundwater is formed. Atmospheric precipitates in the mountains penetrate into the thickness of rocks into large depths, mineralized, heated, are saturated with gases (they are released when cooled by the molten magma in the earth's crust) and go to the surface on cracks in the river valleys.

Along with the mineral waters, the KMV resort resources are a favorable climate of the central and southwestern parts of the region, used for climatotherapy. The Kavminvod region climate has long been highly appreciated by the resortists and is successfully used as a therapeutic factor. The main advantages of the local climate are associated with a large number of sunny days. Here is relatively dry, the wet air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here - they are delayed by the main Caucasian ridge. A variety of relief creates a difference in the climate of the KMV resorts, and is formed under the influence of a number of factors: the difference in the high-rise position of cities, the protection of the mountains determines the features of the microclimate. The prevention nature of the terrain and the proximity of the snow vertices of the Chief Caucasus Range on the one hand, and on the other hand, the neighborhood of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast determine the continental traits of the climate of this region.

The KMV resorts are a wind regime favorable for climate treatment. Here are frequent in the winter, especially in the Kislovodskaya basin in winter (the average annual wind speed in Kislovodsk is 2.4 m / s).

The air temperature depends on the height of the place and season of the year. average temperature January in Pyatigorsk -4.0 ° C, in Kislovodsk -3.9 °. Temperature of July, respectively + 22 ° and + 19 °.

The amount of precipitation decreases from the mountains to the plains: on Bermamate - 724mm, in Kislovodsk - 599 mm, in Pyatigorsk - 472 mm; Less than them in Essentuki. More than 85% of all precipitation falls in the form of rain (the rains prevail over the snowfall). Snow cover is low and unstable, the snow falls and quickly melts. In Kislovodsk, snow cover lies continuously on average up to 10 days. More than half of the winters take place at all without snow cover. The greatest cloudiness on the plains is marked in winter; In the mountains (Kislovodsk, Bermamat, Valley Narzanov), on the contrary, the most clear winter months. Best time Year for rest and traveling on Kavminvoda - Later Summer and autumn. It is sunny, dry, rich in fruits and bright landscape paints.

According to the nature of the relief, the Caucasian mineral waters area is divided into two parts: the northeast, where mountain-lacolic mountains are tested against the background of the plain, and the southwestern with characteristic features of the mountain landscape.

In the southwestern part there is a rocky ridge on the relief, from which the hollow goes down to Kislododsk Bermamat Plateau with flat tops of the mountains Large (2643 m) and Small (2592 m) Bermamat. With these vertices, a majestic panorama is available on the main Caucasian ridge from the highest vertex of Europe - Mountain Elbrus. (5642 m).

About 40 thousand years ago Elbrus was actively acting volcano. Since then, he is calm, but scientists have proven that there are formidable volcanic forces in the deep depths of this mountain, which can be used by a person.

On the Bermamat Plateau is a mountain Shatuzharatmaz (2140 m), on which there are a mining and asundonomic station, a meteorological station, the scientific base of the Institute of Physics atmosphere of the Academy of Sciences of Russia.

Northeast Bermamat Plateau is a pasture ridge, divided into two parts of the river depress. One part is called Ginal Range, other - Daryin's heights (1300-1500 m above sea level).

From Daryin heights to the northeast of the hollow hollow Borgastane Plateau.. In the midst of the steppe zone of Caucasian mineral waters, 17 exceptionally peculiar mountains of laccolites (non-combed volcanoes) will come out: Beshtau. (1399.8 m), Juna (1198 m). Snake (994 m), Mashuk (993 m). Yeta. (972 m). Ripper (930 m). Golden Kurgan (884 m), Camel (885 m), Acute (881 m). Iron (859.4 m). Peeling (875 m), Lysyana (740 m). Honey (721 m). Dagger (506 m), Cockurstles (406 m). Bull (821 m). Cabanca (Stupid) (772 m).

Ancient volcanic processes created these mountains. The force of the magma's subsoil from the bowels was insufficient to exit the outward and magma, magmatic gases and couples only raised some parts of the earth's surface, forming dome-shaped vertices where Magma found a way out, she froze in the form of naked rocks.

A small height of these mountains, the presence of gentle slopes, rich vegetation make them accessible and attractive to the organization of near tourism.

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