Kislovodsk. Main nasal baths

Meanwhile, the building of the main nasal baths has more than a century of history. The complex was erected to the 100th anniversary of the Kislovodsky resort: in 1803, Emperor Alexander I special decree declared Kislovodsk therapeutic terrain. The building erected after a century, no doubt if the monarch itself would not be upset: the complex of main nasal baths hit the visitors to Indian flavor, fancy turrets and openwork stucco. Eastern decor elements attached to an ensemble ease and airiness, playfully emphasizing the resort nature of the city and inherent freedom.

The resort topic was not fought by chance - during the emergence of the building of the main nasal baths Kislovodsk acquired incredibly popularity. By the end of the XIX century, the resort was one of the most visited Russian aristocracy. This contributed many factors. The first and main of them are unique natural conditions: To the purest mountain air and warm weather (the number of sunny days in Kislovodsk is about three hundred per year) added numerous underground sources of mineral waters. In the Kislovodsk Narzans, copper, iron, manganese, silver, iodine, bromine, radon, as well as phosphoric and boric acids are contained; This composition is very rare and provides Minvodas high healing properties. The resorts of the Caucasus specialized in the treatment of cardiac diseases, disorders of the nervous system, metabolic disorders and the work of the digestive organs.

Also popularizing the resort at the end of the XIX - early twentieth century, developed in 1885 by the German physician M.I. Ertel Method of treatment by terrenkur - dosed ascents on the marked routes. In the forefront resort, the novelty was immediately accepted. In 1901, the local doctor N.N. The Oblissian paved the first route of Terrenkura in Mount stupid, and after scientific study, it began to be widely applied at all resorts. This method is also very useful for the heart, vessels and digestive systems.

By the end of the XIX century, the construction of two ways of communication between Moscow and Kislovodsky was completed at once: highway and railway branches. Of course, it contributed to an increase in the influx of patients. In addition, I had an influence and fashion: to go to the resort "On the train" in those times was considered incredibly prestigious. But only wealthy people could afford this - a ticket to Kislovodsk for one person one way to modern money cost about 30,000 rubles.

By the end of the XIX century, the number of holidaymakers in Kislovodsk, compared with the beginning of the century, increased almost three times. In addition, the audience began to understand various methods of hydrotherapy and demand the most progressive, improved forms. There was an urgent need for a new, equipped with the most modern equipment of the building for nasal baths.

The complex was chosen place on the former Topoleva Alley (now - the resort boulevard), since there was a small Narzannaya Lake. The project of future baths requested civil engineering A.N. Klepinin. He decided that in spirit and architecture for Kislovodsk is ideal for a large two-story building, the lower floor of which will be designed for naradanny baths and pools, and the upper - for hydrotherpeutic procedures. There were to accommodate the halls for massage, saunas, fresh souls of various types and a special massage bath "Wellenbad", in which a stream flowed from a special opening in the wall hot water. Moreover, Klepinin thought out the location of the baths so that Narzan shook into a special engine room reservoir in itself - due to the fact that the building was located just below the main source level. The construction of the complex according to the Klepinin project began in 1901 and lasted four years - until January 1905. The complex cost the state in 393 thousand of royal rubles, which would now be a little more than 400 million rubles.

For a designer engineer, this building, apparently, has become the main work in his life. Six years after the solemn opening of the Klepinin complex, he turned to the CMB director with a personal request to add a marble board with an inscription: "Designed and built an engineer A.N. Klepinin. 1901-1903. ". The desire was fulfilled, and this sign notifies the inhabitants and guests of Kislovodsk about the creator of narrow baths so far, and the building designed by them received the status of a monument of the architecture of the federal significance.

It is worth noting that in the time of Klepinin the complex wore a different name - it was known not as the "main", but as "carbon dioxide Narzan." The building received its solemn name in Soviet times. The party leadership did not just decided to continue the Russian tradition of rest and treatment in Kislovodsk, but to make the resort even more popular and crowded. The complex of the complex was reconstructed, the number of baths has increased significantly. After that, the name was changed and the name - the baths officially found the status of the "main". This was sent to the elite of the Soviet Union - academics, scientists, writers. So, in 1935, health with the help of Narzanny Baths Kislovodsk tried to correct Samuel Marshak. "I feel better. Began to write. Now I translate the English poems, and I think to write a children's book called "Nedrolete," - wrote from there the poet to his son.

During the Great Patriotic War The development of the city as a resort has ceased. Almost all the sanatoriums were converted under hospitals, local residents Worked by sanitary panels, bear and military doctors. Their work was not in vain - after the victory, the city of Kislovodsk for selfless work on the treatment and restoration of the health of warriors was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree.

Kislovodsk literary

Many residents of Russia itself, the word "Kislovodsk" causes the association extremely romantic and literary - mountains, duels, walks, ladies in dresses and umbrellas from the sun. The image, on the one hand, is contrived, and on the other, to some extent justified: according to the number of famous guests-writers with the resorts of Kislovodsk, it can be competed by Moscow and St. Petersburg. At different times, people visited here, without which Russian culture is impossible to imagine. Lermontov, Pushkin, Chekhov, Lion Tolstoy mentioned Kislovodsk in their works and diaries, and Solzhenitsyn - and the native of this city at all.

But still most place Kislovodsk took Lermontov in the work of Lermontov, and it is about this poet immediately remembers anyone who comes to these places. Lermontov visited the Caucasus for the first time by a boy of ten years - he came to the treatment along with her grandmother - and fell in love with his peer. Since then, the Caucasus and Romantics were inseparable for the poet. "Caucasian Mountains are sacred for me," Lermontov wrote. He returned here, however, only 14 years later, in 1838, in the composition of the Life Guard of the Gusar His Majesty Regiment. It was the second visit of the poet to the Caucasus; The third, and the last, started in two years, and the reason for him was extremely dramatic - reference because of the duel, according to the personal decision of the king. The impressions of staying in the Caucasus became the basis for many works of Lermontov; Among them, "demon", "MTSI" and, of course, "the hero of our time".

Pushkin visited Kislovodsk twice - in 1820, together with the family of General Nikolai Nikolayevich Raevsky (the poet lived in the Kislovodsk fortress), - and in 1829. These were two sole trips to the Caucasus. During his stay in Kislovodsk, Pushkin even visited Mineral baths - True, the complex of major narrow baths did not exist then, and the poet used Ermolovsky.

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy visited Caucasian mineral waters in the summer of 1852 and 1853. However, most of the time then still the future great writer spent in Pyatigorsk; In Kislovodsk, he traveled with a familiarization visit.

Chekhov first arrived at the Caucasus in 1888 and was stunned. "Much impressions. If I lived in the Caucasus, I would write fairy tales there. Amazing country! " He wrote in the diary. True, the writer strongly recommended his friends to avoid resort cities "like Kislovodsk". But at the same time, it was Kislovodsk, according to legend, inspired Chekhov to writing one of his most famous works. In 1896, the writer was indicated in the writer's notebook: "On August 24th came to Kislovodsk." And immediately under this note phrase: "Lady with a pug".

Kislovodsk. Main nasal baths
Address: Kislovodsk, Resort Boulevard (Topolev Alley), 4
Construction: 1901-1904 - Main Building, 1904-1905 - Semicircular Flygeli
Architect: Andrei Nikolaevich Klepinin
Style: Eclectication with Eastern Architecture Elements

The decoration of Kislovodsk and KMV is the grand building of the Narzanny bath in the middle of the main street of the city - the resort boulevard is given in a very original architectural style, reminiscent of the ancient facilities of the East, the bathroom building meets all guests of Kislovodsk, traveling from the station to the old center of the resort.
Due to a noticeable increase in the number of waters at the end of the 19th century and outlined the construction of a new official hotel on the scene of small Scalkian baths, an urgent need for new, equipped with modern equipment, a capital building for naradanny baths has emerged. In addition, the increased interest of the resort public to various methods of hydropathy was also noted. Therefore, in 1900, a new assistant to the senior architect KMV I. I. Baykova, a civil engineer A. N. Klepinin composed for the Kislodsk group of projects of a large two-story building of new nasal baths in the center of the Topolemic Alley and a two-story building of a hydropathic institution at the tsarist site. But already in 1901, the architect created a new a joint project A large two-story building on a popolemic alley, the lower floor of which was occupied by naval baths on 38 cabins, and the upper - a hydropathic institution. This project was described in detail in "adding to a seasonal leaf of KMV" of August 22, 1901. Probably, projects of equipment of new nasal baths and a hydropathic institution were compiled by one of the mining engineers of the KMB management of this
The construction of the main building on 38 baths began in late 1901. It was built in the center of a narrow treated area of \u200b\u200babout 75 meters wide, between the right shore of the Olkhovka River and the Topoleva Avenue, at the intersection with the station Street. Works were conducted under the direction of the architect A. N. Klepinin. The general contract for the production of construction work and its own materials and its workers went to the Moscow merchant A. Ya. Ioffe. The works were led by Technologist Lazar Ilyich Kogan, trustee merchant Ioffe. Because of the high standing of groundwater, concrete foundations were made, and the asphalt insulating layer was laid above for preventing dampness. In June 1902, the base of the main building was ready. The building was built from the yellow brick of the Pyatigorsk plant A. P. Borodkina. In 1904, according to a special agreement with K. F. Takhtamirov, the counterparty of the "Grand Hotel", the contractor Micklyshevsky attached two semicircular single-storey bricks with a corridor and twelve baths to the main building of narracted baths with a corridor and twelve baths in each, which replaced previously existing Skalkovsky Baths.
The main building with 38 baths and two pools was completed by June 1, 1904, the sanctification took place on June 15, 1904. Side Flygels on 24 baths were completed by the beginning of January 1905, when a special commission from the KMB management engineers made an admission of the entire structure from contractors in the treasury. A new bathroom building with equipment cost 383,000 rubles. According to the beauty and strength of the building and in its amenities, it became one of the most prominent balneotechnical structures of KMV of the beginning of the 20th century.
Since the bathroom building is below the level of the main source, then Narzan has arrived in a special accumulative tank of machine branch, where he was heated by steam and then distributed through the cabins and pools. The large glass door of the central entrance led to the lobby with the wardrobe and in the total waiting room. There were rooms for administration and for a doctor. From the lobby, the left door led to the southern half of the building, which served as a male branch, and the right door to the North, the women's office. In both branches of 19 bathrooms Cabin area of \u200b\u200b13 square meters. m. Each, with concrete crops and partitions between the cabins. Baths are posted by faience tiles. Cab floors are made of "Pirogranting tiles" of the Kharkov plant of Baron Bergengheim, and the walls are lined with a cafeter of the Sazonov plant on one and a half meters. Cabins are perfectly ventilated. In each cabin there were special heating pads for linen. At the end of large corridors are made of linen and servants. In the cold time, special calorificates consisting of cast-iron sectional batteries are warm up to the nearest to enter ten baths, as well as corridors, waiting room and lobby. Immediately from the lobby, the doors lead to two large communal pools with flow narzan. The lockerness with the basins were made of wooden partitions with a height of two meters, located in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of meeting the extensive visitors with children. Each reinforced concrete pool with an inclined bottom from one to two and a half meters of depth is lined with tiles and had a water area of \u200b\u200b30 square meters. m. The floor around the pool was laid out by pyrendy tiles and had heated. At the bottom of the pool made handrails from two sides. Heated Narzan (23 ° C) is poured into the pools with a short side, near the steps, and flows into the holes located half the floor below the floor of the outside the pool. This is how a constant exchange of water is carried out, the full update of which is calculated for 12 hours.
The hydropathic institution was on the second floor of the main building, where four stairs were conducted. It consisted of a shower room, the rooms of the dry-air steam office (sauna), massage halls and "for loosening by the bottom method." The shower room was equipped with all sorts of fresh souls - Charcot, "Scottish ascending, wall, circular, rain and dorsal"; In addition, there was a special massage bath "Wellenbad", from the lower opening of which warm water under pressure was sought. Equipment for the establishment in 1909 was engaged in a mining engineer I. M. Puginov.
Water Management On January 17, 1906, he opened a three-year-old primary school for children of workers and employees of the Kislodsky resort, which temporarily placed in the free premises of the second floor of the main building of new nasal baths. For the college, a large classroom and a spacious lounge with a corridor and a separate entrance from the street were highlighted. The teachers were the teacher of primary classes and the teacher of the Law of God. In the mixed school, 25 illiterate boys and girls were adopted, not younger than 7 years old - children of workers and employees of the Kislodsky resort. Training, textbooks and notebooks were free. In the initial school, more than fifty girls and boys were studied annually. In 1910, the initial school was translated into other rented premises.
In the spring of 1910, on the first floor of the main building, on the initiative of Dr. I. Voyachek, a separation of dry inhalation was equipped, and in the winter of 1912 - the separation of a wet inhalation. Inhalary, who was led by the doctor S. N. Znamensky, consisted of a compressor station on the left bank of Olkhovka and 8 rooms for inhalation of sprayed medicinal substances. In addition, the second floor was translated by a gas room from annetic gallery - for carbon dioxide. And in 1914 the electrical presentation office was opened here.
On April 20, 1911, the director of KMV S. V. Tilseev allowed A. N. Klepinin, who at that time lived and worked and worked and Odessa hang on the front wall of a unique bathroom building a marble board with an inscription: "Designed and built an engineer A. N. Klepinin. 1901-1903. ". Apparently, the architect himself considered this building a better job in his life.
Over the century of history, the building maintained its appearance. Only a high brick tube disappeared, which was demolished around 1970 due to the transition to a new type of heating. In Soviet times, the bathroom building became the main balneotechnical structure of this kind in Kislovodsk and therefore received the name of the main nasal baths. In 1975, overhaul and restoration work was made. At the end of the 20th century, there were 88 cabs in the hospital, in which up to 2500 narrated baths per day were released. A unique building is a monument to the architecture of republican importance.

Few sanatoriums can pamper their guests with amazing nasal baths. Today, this procedure is very popular, it is healing the entire body and allows you to get rid of most health problems. Narked baths are impossible not to love, and from the very first procedure. If you at least once will experience the giving action of mineral water, very reminiscent of the soda effect, then you will seek to feel it again and again.

According to the reviews of patients after a bath, the skin looks, as if a good moisturizing cream was used, becomes velvet.

The rich composition of Narzan includes radioactive amanations, carbon dioxide and mineral salts. Skin covers all this is actively absorbed and drove through blood to the most remote corners of the body, with each cell.

The benefits of nased baths manifests itself in the beneficial effects on the heart, improving the respiratory functions, and the blood enriched with carbon dioxide contributes to the purification of vessels from various stoles. Reactions that are launched in the process of adopting healing baths are mainly implemented through nervous formations. Therefore, most patients after the procedure observes drowsiness, accompanied by a subsequent deep and calm bed. Under the influence of narrated water, the skin on the body is slightly blushing, this is due to the expansion of capillaries, and also binds to the rapid production of histamic-like substances. There is an increasing diurez, against which urea with chlorides are derived from the body, which indicates the fact of healthy cardiac activity and expanded renal vessels.

In addition to the above, napanent baths perfectly reduce blood sugar and residual nitrogen components.

Features of application

During the reception of the mineral bath throughout the body, heat spreads and is felt unobtrusive, pleasant tingling. On the skin there are droplets, similar to small beads. The duration of the procedure itself may vary from ten minutes to half an hour. During this period, carbon dioxide has time to feed the skin and have a healing effect on all organs. The duration of stay in the bathroom depends on the concentration of mineral water, its volume and pressure in the system.

The optimal option is a course of treatment, including fourteen sessions, on average it is calculated for twenty-one day. Depending on the medical testimony, the number of procedures, as well as the interval with which they will be conducted, negotiates the doctor. Bath adoption is recommended in the morning after easy breakfast.

Danced baths retain the resistant effect of rehabilitation to six months, so the course of treatment must be held twice a year. Already two weeks after passing the procedures, the first positive results will be noticeable.

Indications for Nased Baths

The possibilities of mineral water best manifest themselves in the following health problems:

  • Violations in the work of the nervous system. The effective impact of Narzan has also found its use in neurological practice, treatments with carbon dioxide are often prescribed with neurosis of a different nature.
  • Pathological states of the cardiovascular system. The course of nasal baths will be useful in most diseases of vessels and hearts. The main testimony is ischemia, hypo and hypertension, arrhythmia.
  • Problem states of skin.
  • Violation of the exchange processes in the body.
  • Total weakness, lethargy, low tone, which are inherent in the recovery period after suffering severe diseases.
  • Pathology of sex and thyroid glands.

Remember that the most complete effect of mineral procedures is achieved with immaculately followed by medical prescriptions. And, despite all the positive properties of the adoption of narrated baths, it is impossible to assign a course of treatment independently, as they have a number of contraindications and can be very dangerous for some.

Contraindications for nasal baths

Among the main contraindications for these healing baths, the following can be distinguished, but this is not a complete list:

  1. Violated blood flow functions (I and II degree).
  2. Heavy heart failure, some vascular diseases, recent embolism and thrombosis.
  3. Difficult coronary blood flow (aggravation phase and chronic current).
  4. Complicated angina.
  5. Attacks of flicker arrhythmia.
  6. Hypertension (II and III degree), stroke, recently transferred heart attack.
  7. Pronounced neurotic states.
  8. The active phase of rheumatism.
  9. Inflammatory kidney processes.
  10. Availability of neoplasms.
  11. Acute flow of tuberculosis.
  12. Available unemployed postoperative damage on the body.
  13. Acute stage of development of infections and inflammation in the body.
  14. Serious liver damage.
  15. Significant purulent and peptic skin lesions.

The building of the main nasal baths in Kislovodsk, which is the monument of federal significance - the present decoration of the city. Not only nearby, but in general it is difficult to find a building with such architecture, completely unique and combining so many diverse styles.

The building of the main nasal baths has more than a century of history. Built at the beginning of the 20th century, making the flourishing of the resort era, surviving the War and retaining its initial appointment in the Soviet period, the building was abandoned and declined in the early 1990s. From 2015 to 2018 The reconstruction of the building continued and today there is a modern sanatorium in his walls, which did not lose his historical flavor and atmosphere.


The main nasal bath complex was erected in Kislovodsk to the 100-year anniversary of the city, founded in 1803 by the special rescript of Emperor Alexander I on the construction of the fortress at the source of "acidic water".

At the beginning of the twentieth century Kislovodsk as a medical resort city acquired incredible popularity among the Russian aristocracy. Unique natural conditions - the purest air, mountains, mild climates and a large number of Sunny days - in combination with the possibility of rehabilitation with mineral waters with high healing properties provided the resort a huge influx of holidaymakers.

Significant improvement has played its role transport message: At the end of the XIX century, a highway and a railway branch of mineral waters were built, which connected Kislovodsk with central cities Russia.

Thus, due to an increase in the flow of tourists, as well as the growth of interest among tourists to new methods of hydrotherapy, at the beginning of the twentieth century in Kislovodsk there was a need for the construction of a new, equipped with modern equipment of therapeutic complex.

The construction of a complex of nasal baths began in the very center of the city, on the right bank of the Olkhovka River, on the Topolev Alley (now the resort Boulevard), next to the business yard, whose workshops were involved in construction. The place was not chosen by chance: it was there that there was a small narzan lake.

Andrei Nikolayev Klepinin was appointed chief architect and head of construction. According to his idea, the building should have become a two-story: on the first floor there were lobby, doctor's office, locker rooms, two halls (male and female), naughty baths and swimming pools, and on the second - halls for massage, saunas, souls of various types and special Massage bath "Wellenbad", in which the flux of hot water flowed from a special hole in the wall. Thanks to the engineering decisions of the architect, the special location of the baths and the fact that the building was built just below the level mineral Source, Narzan shook into a special reservoir for itself.

The construction of the complex began in 1901 and ended only in January 1905. Initially, the complex was called "carbon dioxide baths of Narzan" and was renamed "Main Narked Baths" only to Soviet times. During the Great Patriotic War and the occupation of Kislovodsk, the building of Narzanny bath served as a hospital, they brought their wounded here.

Immediately after the end of the war, on June 29, 1945, a resolution was adopted to resume admission to resort patients in Caucasian mineral waters. The building was reconstructed in 1949-1950, it was decided to make waterproofing more massive and affordable reaches, for this was increased to 88 the number of baths themselves. The resort boulevard was renamed Stalin's Avenue, a monument was established opposite the main entrance to the building.

The Sanatorium "Main Narzed Baths" was considered an elite waterproof in the Soviet Union - only scientists, academics or writers could receive the recovery on improving here.

The last repair in the building in the Soviet period was held in 1975. In the early 1990s, the bathroom ceased to be used in its intended purpose, gradually versal and destroyed.


The new page in the history of the building began in 2015, when the authorities finally drew attention to incredible beauty in the center of the city, the state of which, judging by the photographs of the time, was close to the emergency.

The restoration of the main nasal baths took about three years. On December 19, 2018, a modern spa hotel was opened in the walls of Narzanny Baths. Today, the Sanatorium "Main Narzed Water" offers a large number of different variants of hydrotherapy, balnese care, physiotherapy and many other types of recovery.

There was also a territory next to the complex: in 2016, opposite the bathhouse, at the resort boulevard, a monument to St. Nicholas Wonderworker was established.


The building of the main nasal bath package was attracted by the researcher of architecture. Eastern, North Indian and Moorish Decor's motifs gave an ensemble similarity with a castle from oriental fairy tales. Outside, the construction was lined with yellow bricks and withstand in a hydrophide-Buddhist style, decorated with stucco, cornices, platbands, various embossed elements. At the front of the building, multi-tiered Indian turrets are placed with letters in the form of lotus flowers.

Sculptural work on the design of facades of the building performed the sculptor Ludwig Karlovich Shodsky, it was his ideas that the appearance of the building was so unusual. A unique majolica mosaic from the Ceramic Workshop "Abramtsevo" was performed by the famous artist Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel.

The northern wing of the building, in which the entrance to the women's branch of the bathroom was located, is richly decorated with a staircase with openwork railings. The southern wing, where the entrance to the male branch was located, got more restrained design with the lack of a staircase. Such a solution was applied by an architect due to the need to harmonize the building due to lowering the landscape from the northern side.

Some art historians noted the external similarity of the building of the main nasal baths with the Hindu temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. However, it is worth noting that after reconstruction, this similarity practically sued no.

Main Narked Baths on Panorama Google Maps. (before restoration):

How to get

The complex of main nasal baths is located in the heart of Kislovodsk. Therefore, it will be best to include a landmark in hiking walk In the city, which in the healing climate is useful especially.

From the railway station Kislovodsk to the attractions easily walk on foot, it will take less than 10 minutes.

Route from main nasal baths to railway Station Kislovodska google map Maps:

City Bus Station is located in the north of the city, at a distance of 6 km from the complex. From the bus station to the main nasal baths can be reached by bus number 1, 2, 19, 23, 24 or by car.

Coordinates of the main nasal baths for the navigator: 43.902880; 42.716360

Route from the main nasal baths to Kislovodsk bus station on the Google Maps map:

Public transport of the city is represented mainly by minibuses. A stop at the attractions is called "Narzanny Baths", you can get here on bus numbers No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 103zh.

How to get to Kislovodsk

By plane

The distance from Moscow to Kislovodsk is 1630 km, so the tourists are most often used by flights. Kislovodsk is a small city and its airport he has no. The nearest airport is located in Mineral waters, the distance to it is about 60 km. From the airport to the city center can be reached by bus, train or taxis.

By train

Direct railway communication links Kislovodsk with Moscow, St. Petersburg and many large cities Russia. Time on the way from Moscow - approximately 25-30 hours, from St. Petersburg - up to 40 hours. On the route Moscow - Kislovodsk from Kazan Station should two-storey train № 004.

By bus

The bus station to Kislovodsk walks daily from Moscow, departure from Metro Station Orekhovo. Also on the bus you can get to nearby cities: Nalchik, Stavropol, Vladikavkaz, Makhachkala.

Video of the restoration of the building of narrow baths in Kislovodsk:

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