Train 104 in two-storey. Is it possible to pay the ticket card? And this is safe

This trip was spontaneous enough and was due to the 3 days of November holidays, to which I managed to stick for another 2 days. And voila - a small vacation is ready.
Copyright train No. 104 went to Adler from Kazan Station at 10-52 . We arrived at the station itself in 45 minutes before the departure of the train. We did this in order to make electronic tickets in the automata railway station and arrange free Ticket On the ultrahow - our youngest crew member. In order not to pay for the parking of the car at the station itself it was decided to leave it in Sokolniki, as they said in one famous film - "There is where to hide" (to \\ f "The meeting place cannot be changed"), but to drive 2 stops on the subway Station itself.

How and where to print an electronic ticket for the Russian Railway train and whether it is necessary to print it

Print e-ticket Railways not necessarily, you will be in electronic lists from conductors. But if you need it for reporting to work or goes small childwhere additional free ticket should be issued, then you need to print these tickets through the terminal at the Russian Railways station. Please note that after printing tickets you can return them only through the station in the station. To print tickets, we first work here are the terminals:

1. Choose the item - RECAGE TIR

2. Enter from the keyboard on the screen Order number From e-ticket
3. Leave the default system type of document - passport of the Russian Federation
4. Enter the number and series of passports in a row, without a space in the cell opposite the order number (the cell is called - Document number)

It is enough to enter only one passenger passport data and it will be possible to print all the tickets if you have several of them.
5. Press Choose
6. Press Print
7. Expect about 2-3 minutes while all the tickets are printed.
If you need to place a free ticket for a small child, then after printing your ticket, with your passport, the birth certificate and the printed ticket you should contact the cashier far follow At the station.
That's all.
And now we will proceed to review - review of company train Railways Moscow - Adler. The train made a lot of positive impressions, but there is in my opinion and things that could be made more interesting and high-quality, but about everything in order.
The appearance of the train, the quality of the outer metal case, as well as the internal finishing of the coupling cars ( second-class wagons There is no positive impression in the corporate train) left only positive impressions.

Appearance of a company train Railways № 104

Steps on the second floor, as well as the first one is made well and lifting on them, as the descent will not deliver special problems even with suitcases and bags. The passage to the tambour wagon is wider than in ordinary trainsWhat creates additional comfort when moving with overall cargo. The temple itself has standard sizes.

Please note that the steps are equipped with handrails for a comfortable lift and descent, as well as the backlight of each step for the convenience of moving at night with a muted light in a sleeping carriage.

The quality of the materials used at a high level and does not cause any complaints, especially with the fact that it was far from new train And he runs on this route for several years. The coupe is equipped with sockets 220 only below, there are no sockets on the upper shelves, which is inconvenient and somewhat surprising. Individual lamps for each passenger securely and qualitatively cope with their function, the beam of light is enough even to the very blind passenger. Also in the coupe there are hangers on the right and left at the entrance. The place for baggage is limited only by space under the sleeping place of the lower passengers. Double-glazed windows are very high-quality and do not let the air into the cabin, as it often happened in old trains.

The sleeping place is very comfortable for sleep, after it does not hurt a back. Special attachments are made on the upper shelves, so as not to fall during sleep or emergency braking. The staircase to the top is located at the entrance to the coupe, as well as in the old cars. Separate praise deserves toilet train. It is equipped with biotales and now there is no such thing as green Zone. Toilet make it very high quality and at the European level. Toilets in the car 3, but the wagons are connected always so that the toilets from different cars are near and you can always through a tambour to get into the toilets of a neighboring car by making a couple of steps.

It is also worth noting that in branded trains Railways in the ticket price includes one power portion. In a personal account you can certainly choose when you eat it and what exactly, but it is meaningless, because All the same, everything is solved directly in the car and the food always bring immediately after the start of the train movement. So do not waste your time on choosing a diet in the personal account of the Mobile App for Russian Railways. It is worth a positive to note also the place of the conductor in the car, there you can find everything you need and even warm in the microwave, such as food for a small child.

But the restaurant has somehow not impressed, it would be possible to make it whiter affordable at prices and entourage for perception. Here on such a wonderful train we traveled on november holidays to the city of Sochi. A trip report can be read by reference below.

Discounts for children and other categories of citizens on company, two-storey and ordinary Russian Railways trains

On Railways trains you can drive inexpensively, very inexpensive and including abroad. How to ride on the train cheaper will tell you below:
1.) Firstly let's start with the most banal - Special rates and promotions from Russian Railways (Link to this page on the company's website)
There is nothing easy and nothing to say, look read and buy, if you find something interesting for yourself.
2.) Secondly , everything is the same about the banal, you can buy train tickets for Russian Railways in advance (the maximum term 90 days before the trip) and then get also cheaper tickets than they cost
3.) Thirdly , everything is also about banal benefits / Discounts for children, students of pensioners for the Russian Railways train inside the country.
Brief information about benefits and discounts on Russian Railways trains:
a) Travel in the train offers discounts to children
Children under 5 years old, when locating in one place with a parent go for free
Children under 10 years old when stations in a separate location have a discount of up to 65% on all trains, in the luxury wagons, children are for free
b) the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of Russia, the full Cavalers of the Order of Glory - the passage for these categories of citizens is free 2 times a year (back-trip) for personal needs and 1 time per year for treatment
c) heroes of socialist labor, persons awarded the Order of Labor Fame of Three degrees, persons awarded with orders "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees - travel on Russian Railways trains are free once a year for any needs
d) Well, deputies and other idlers from this category naturally free unlimited count
4.) In the chethers . There is no longer it all trite. The essence of the idea is to buy tickets that if you need to say to the Baltic States, it will be cheaper to buy a ticket to Kaliningrad and go to Vilnius.

Online purchase for 4 minutes

Online return
tickets without turn
in cash

Choosing your favorite places on the schemes of cars

SMS accompaniment before landing in the train

Detailed answers to questions about traveling or buying

Registration without registration on the site


  • How to buy a railway ticket?

    • Specify the route and date. In response, we will find Russian Railways information about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the appropriate train and place.
    • Pay for a ticket to one of the proposed methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transferred to Russian Railways and your ticket will be decorated.
  • How to return a purchased railway ticket?

  • Is it possible to pay the ticket card? Is it safe?

    Yes of course. Payment occurs through the payment gate of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a protected channel. gateway has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the International Security Standard PCI DSS. Software gateway successfully passed audit according to version 3.1.

    The Gateline.NET system allows you to receive payment by Visa and MasterCard cards, including 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode.

    The payment form of is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all the Agency's exercises on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Buying an electronic ticket to the site - a modern and fast way of registration travel document without the participation of the cashier or operator.

    When buying an electronic railway ticket, the place is bought immediately at the time of payment.

    After payment for landing on the train you need:

    Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be passed by clicking on our website the corresponding button. You will see this button immediately after payment. Then it will take the original identity card and the selection of the landing coup. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk.

    Print electronic ticket You can at any time before sending the train at the checkout at the station or in the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and the original identity card.

  • Is the information on the site up yet?

    We are confident in the accuracy of our information, because the same data from the ACS "Express-3" now sees the cashier at the station.

Contact center

Call Moscow:

7 495 587-41-05

From other cities: the price of a ticket to the jewelry car is about 5676 rubles.

Given the seasonal coefficients, you can save up to 50% of the cost of tickets.
The branded train two-storey offers passengers a high level of comfort and service.

On November 1, 2012, for the first time, two-storey train No. 104 "Moscow-Adler" went on the road. This composition existed before. However, the decision of the Russian Railways leadership wagons in it were replaced with fundamentally new ones. What is the difference between the trip in this train from traveling in the usual, and what are the reviews about the passengers?

Travel features

Where you can buy tickets

The travel document on a two-storey train can be booked in the usual basis at the RZD cash desks at the station, at the points of the company "Svyaznoy" or on the Russian Railways website. Have the ability to buy tickets and customers of some Internet banks. For example, Sberbank and Alpha Bank.

The numbering of places in the twins of a two-story train is traditional: odd shelves - at the bottom, even - at the top. So in this regard, no confusion may arise. Shelves on the second floor begins with 81 rooms (by 112). From Moscow to Adler, the composition gets in 24 hours.


So, you decide to buy tickets for the two-storey train "Moscow-Adler". Prices for places in it are still more or less democratic. However, the journey itself because of the crampedness may not be particularly comfortable. How to make it poisonous? For this, firstly, take food and drinks with me all the way. Secondly, set up smoking at stops. In the toilet it is better not to do. Think about children. Older people should not purchase tickets for the second floor. Rise and go down the steep stairs, despite the presence of the handrail, they will be pretty hard.

Think maybe it is worth overpaying 500 rubles, but it is more or less convenient to go on the bottom shelf. Take a laptop or netbook. Nearby Ot settlements WiFi in a two-story train catches almost always. And therefore, the Internet can help a little brighten up not too comfortable journey. And, of course, take tickets in advance. This will significantly save on the passage.

I have long been looking for information about the information about what is fed on the train 104 and what services in it are for which they take a mandatory surcharge, but I didn't see anything intended. For this, I am writing about your own experience.

The train is 2-storey and we, of course, like small children, bought tickets for the second floor - interesting!

Immediately I want to say that on the second floor it is really to ride only together, because you have nowhere to go now. Only lie on the upper shelves, because it is not even possible to sit on them ... In this connection, if you bought two lower places, the other two will also constantly hang on them.
Fortunately, we were lucky and in April we drove together. In a high season, I'll think about 5 times, whether I need this 2-storey train ...
The Wi-Fi referred to in the Wi-Fi train is to connect to the internal server with movies and TV shows that you can watch by entering the code from the card, which, in turn, apparently need to be checked for an additional fee. The Internet, while, according to the conductor, it works 4 times for the route, because there are only 4 towers that distribute the Internet train.

Empty glasses do not give, forcing buying to start tea and leave a glass of herself. Pour boiling water at the stop can not be, because the electro-kettle is in a coupe from the conduit. At the stop, the car is driven out 5 minutes before the start, apparently just in case. At the stop in 5 minutes they are not released on the street, and for three minutes, even doors do not open. And if you open, then the steps do not omit ... I do not know how in the whole train, but in our 3rd wagon just like this.

The coupe closes on the card, which is not offered, and give out the request with the reservation, that it is very expensive!

Now, the most interesting is the food that is enabled. See, do not decede!

Also, the price includes such a kit.

Here is such a small train overview 104.

See also: