Palace Potala. Potala Palace - invaluable Tibet Treasury

Lhasa is "the habitat of the gods", it was chosen by Tibetan kings as the capital of the state. Until now, the researchers of Central Asia cannot solve all the secrets of the city to the end. A centuries-old building - Potala Palace belongs to the mysteries of Lhasa. With its beauty and greatness, he is striking people no one hundred years. Every year, thousands of tourists are striving for the pilgrimage of Buddhists.

Lhasa city. Potala Palace - Main Landmark

The Chinese city of Lhasa is located in the valley of the beautiful River Gich, which flows over the sea level of Lhasa is at an altitude of 3680 meters. For many years there was a residence of the Dalai Lama. Only in 1979 the city became available to visit tourists, until this time, the entrance to foreigners was closed here. Barkhor Street is greatly held through the center. If you believe the legends, there was a lake in the center of this ring, in him died for the townspeople live calmly, the lake fell asleep, and at this place was built a monastery of Jokhang. In the old town of Lhas, there are many valuable monuments of history: the monasteries of sulfur, Drepung, Ganden, but the most significant can be called the Tibetan Palace Potala. For many years, he surprises visitors with its unusual, rare architecture, magnificent style. To admire the beauty and uniqueness of the palace, thousands of travelers arrive in Tibet. Potala - - located on a red hill, which is surrounded by the Lhana Valley.

Potala Palace, Tibet: History of Construction

As the legend says, initially Potala Palace in the VII century erected the king of Sronzanbambo. The construction was built for Princess Wencheng, his future wife. The building spread out of the foot to the top of the mountain, it combined thousands of buildings made in Tibetan style. In the days of the hostilities of those years, the Tuffan Dynasty fell, and many halls of the palace were simply destroyed. Over time, natural cataclysms also influenced the condition of the walls of the structure. Reconstruction began only in 1645. At that time, the Zing Government determined the ruler of Tibet - the Dalai Lama of the fifth. Palace and became his residence.

Considered Palace Potala from two parts - white and red. The White Palace was built in 1653, and in 1694 finished the construction of red. The complete height of the structure from the ground, stone, the tree was 117 meters. The width of the Palace is 335 meters. Thirteen floors occupy more than 130 thousand square meters, now the entire area occupies 360 thousand square meters. The palace includes more than 1,100 rooms and halls, 200 thousand of various sculptures, more than 10 thousand chapels.

Description Palace Potala

Consider in more detail what the Potala Palace looks like. As mentioned above, it consists of the spirit of pieces - white and red. In the White Palace there are rests of the Dalai Lama, the Red Palace serves as a place of service. In internal courtyard Built household premises and celi monks. It is best to start the inspection of the Red Palace from the upper rooms, in particular from the chapel of Maitrei. The inputs in the chapel are located on the lowest tier. The western part is occupied by the tombs of Dalai Lam, here are the official premises of the government. In the sunny pavilion, he lived, worked, wrote the sacred texts of the Dalai Lama, was engaged in control. The big pavilion was used for official ceremonies. The Pabalakan Hall and Fa-Wan Cave, which is considered a special part, remained from the facilities of the VII century.

Raising on Potal. Interesting places

The sacred place at Buddhists is Potala Palace, Tibet annually takes thousands of pilgrims. Raising the palace begins at the foot of the mountain from the blast wall. Winding stone path will lead to eastern gatewhere four Alohani are depicted. You can get into the pavilion through the palace wall, its height is four meters.

In the middle of the way, a huge terrace appears to the eyes, its area is 1600 square meters. From here, Dalai Lama appealed to the believers gathered here. Further, on the corridor you can climb into the largest pavilion - the expansion of the civy. It was here that in 1653 religious solemn ceremonies were held when the emperor Shunzhzhi complained to Dalai Lama Fifth Golden Printing and Literacy. At the same time, his construction occurred in the rank of saints.

Everywhere, where Potala Palace was depicted, there is a part where there are eight tolls, the so-called pathodas. The most luxurious and large is the Pagoda of the Dalai Lama Fifth. It is covered with leaf gold, spent 3721 kg. Incrucified tomb of rare precious stones.

The largest and most ancient part of the palace

The largest pavilion of the surname store stores on which the inscriptions of the Qing emperor Qianlong and amazing curtains donated by the emperor Kansey. The legend says: In order to seize these curtains, a special workshop was built, there was a whole year for the manufacture of them. The pavilion was considered the most ancient part of the palace. It is here that many years are kept the sculptures of the great king of the Sronzanbambo, all the dignitaries and princesses of Wencheng. Sasronlazze is the highest pavilion, the victims of the memorial plates and the image of the emperor Qianlong were brought.

Beauty Potala Palace

Potala Palace appears before the gaze of travelers as a majestic, indescribable beauty building. Golden roofs, granite walls, elegant eaves with gilded decorations give the structure fabulous, fantastic image. On color wall paintings - drawings of Buddha and Alohanes, truthful reproduction of life, the activities of the Dalai Lama of the fifth. Also reflected the solemn entry of Princess Wencheng in Tibet. Painting reflects all the development of Buddhism, ancient Tibetan culture. The oldest architectural ensemble - Potala Palace - is an unbreakable symbol of Tibet, the fruit of the mind, the talent of the Chinese people. He testifies to the cultural union between Hans and Tibetans.

A construction of a length of 320 m and a height of 110 m, around which the eagles flip, divides on white and red palaces. The White Palace Potal with a defense covered base in its current form arose at the 5th Dalai Lama since 1645 with the participation of a large number of serfs. From more ancient Fortresswhich existed on this grief since Songzen Gampo (VII century) practically nothing left - although the legend states that the relics of the time are the cave for meditations (see below) and the Phagpu Hall. The White Palace contains rooms that perform purely practical functions, including bedrooms, work offices and a hall for Dalai Lama's audiences. In addition, there are a monastery tract, administrative premises and warehouses. The most important shrines are located in the Red Palace, erected with the regent of the 6th Dalai Lama until 1694. Since then, the appearance of Potala has not changed almost unchanged.


The main entrance to Potala Palace, through which pilgrims follow, leads up to the side of the fortress mountain (the so-called Red Mountain), which is addressed to the old city, to the eastern part of the White Palace. Tourists within the booked program are carried on the road from the west to the northern side of the Red Palace, so that they entered the holy of saints, so to speak, through the back door. From there you must move along the route of inspection leading to all important premises with an unusually large number of great items of art.

Big Western Hall

The center of the Red Palace is a large western hall, the intronization hall. Its walls are decorated with paintings with episodes from the life of Dalai Lam, Tibetan kings and the incarnations of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara. Four rooms surrounding the West Hall can be based on their religious meaning, to consider as the history of Tibetan Buddhism: the Hall of Padmasambhava tells about its origins; He is dedicated to the Indian Saint, which arrived in Tibet in the VIII century, submitted to the local religion demons and instructed them from now on to stand on Buddhism. The following room is the Hall of the Tsongkhay Reformed Hall, whose heir subsequently became the 1st Dalai Lama. The third room is devoted to him and four of its subsequent incarnations. The fourth tait gravestones with the bodies of the 5th, 10th and 12th Dalai Lam. We are talking about 14 meter, abundantly gilded and decorated with gems of pagodas with relics. The central stupa of the 5th Dalai Lama is the most luxurious jewelry of the Potala. The death shells of eight Tibetan priests are resting in such laritsa in the Red Palace. Outside, their exact location shows the gilded roofs of the Red Palace.

Top floor

On the stairs in the northeast of the Western Hall, it is possible through the intermediate floor with wall paintings, which, among other things, depict the construction of the Potala, get to the top floor with other significant halls and wonderful images. Here in the northeast corner there is also a hall for the meditation of the king Songzen Gampo. This room with cliff layouts, designed as a grotto, goes back to the time of the founding of Lhasa and the origins of the Potala Palace, as well as generally Tibetan Buddhism. Platically, the king is depicted between the thirtieth of the Avalokiteshvara and the 5th Dalai Lama; Next, the statues of Wives Songzen Gampo, Padmasambhava and other persons are visible.

Phagpu hall

An annular corridor leads to the hall of peaceful and angry gods, as well as to two chairs, full of many valuable metal sacrificial gifts. Over them is the Phagpu Hall. The left entrance in it shows the prints of legs and hands, allegedly left by Padmasambhaw, Zongkhape and the 12th Dalai Lama. The main statues in the premises are the three statues of Avalokiteshwaras from sandalwood, which allegedly emerged as natural formations from a split woody trunk; Therefore, believers see the manifestation of the otherworldly in these figures, and respectively, the reverence given to them.

Stupa 13th Dalai Lama and private

If you go to the left, then you can walk to the tombstone of the 13th Dalai Lama, which died in 1933. Further follows the private chambers of the 6th Dalai Lama, a vitality, who did not obey the monastic vows and subsequently allegedly killed. In this room today they honor the Amitayus, Buddha longevity. The staircase leads to the attic floor with the hall of Maitrey, in which the throne of the 8th Dalai Lama is. From the roof platform opens beautiful view On the city. Next, the ring corridor leads to the private rest of the 13th and 14th (current) Dalai Lama. Since the last in 1959 fled from Tibet, the premises allocated to him practically retain the original appearance. Through the courtyard and extremely luxury portals, you can go to the leading up the stairs on the south side of the palace and go down to the city. Opening hours: weekly. 9.30-12.00, 15.00-17.00.

In the mountains of Tibet, at an altitude of 3,700 meters, in the middle of the Lhasa Valley, the Potala Palace rises on the hill. For several centuries, he was a residence of the Dalai Lam and the Tibet government.

The history of the palace leaves its roots in the distant past. If you believe legend, there is a sacred cave, in which the Bodhisattva Chenzery (Avalokiteshwara) lived, which the Dalai Lama is on Earth. In this cave, the emperor Tibet Songtstene Gampot often meditated. Since the place was considered sacred, the emperor decided to build a palace on the hill and declare this place with his capital. And it was still in the VII century of our era. Unfortunately, many buildings were erected from wood, so in the VIII century, they burned down from the zipper. From the old palace there is little left. But the cave is well preserved, and the place is, as before, was considered holy.

In the middle of the XVII century, on the initiative of V Dalai Lama, the construction of a palace began, which was preserved to the present day. In 1645-1648, the White Palace was erected, which became the residence of Dalai Lam.

In the White Palace there are personal rest of the Dalai Lama, residential chambers of the Regent and the Mentor of the Dalai Lama, the office premises of the government and the library in which Buddhist Scriptures are collected. Here are the seminary and printing house. Official ceremonies were held in the Big Eastern Pavilion.

The second component of the Palace Palace is the Red Palace, which was built in 1690-1694. It pray and spend religious rituals.

There are eight memorial stories in which Dalai Lama is buried in the Red Palace. In addition, there are many large and small halls. They are dedicated to Buddhas, Botchisattany and Dalai Lamam. There are rooms for audiences and various ceremonies. They are exposed to jewels and relics, the statues of the deities and Dalai Lam, books and ritual items.

Potala Palace was the Residence of Dalai-Lam until 1959 - that is, until China's invasion of Tibet. XIV Dalai Lama was forced to leave Tibet and ask for refuge in India. We can say that the palace is great lucky. Unlike most Tibetan monasteries and temples, he was not destroyed by Hunweist in the 1960s and 1970s. Probably because the Chinese government made a palace on the list cultural monumentsrequested special protection of the state.

In Buddhist mythology, the paradise where the Bodisans of Avalokiteshwara and Tara live (corresponds to the Chinese paradea) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Sanskr. Potala, Potalaka, Pautalaka), in Buddhist mythology, the name of Paradise, where Avalokiteshwara and Tara live. On Indian and Tibetan sources, is on the top of the mountain on the coast Indian Ocean, in chinese buddhism on the island in ... ... Encyclopedia mythology

Potal, in Buddhist mythology, the paradise where Bodhisatvians live (see Bodhisattva) Avalokiteshwara (see Avalokiteshwara) and Tara (see Tara (in mythology)) (corresponds to the Chinese parade) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Sanskr.) 1) in Buddha. Mythology is the name of the paradise where Bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara and his female energy containers live; 2) Palace and Winter Residence of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa (until 1959), one of the ch. Shrine Tibet; Named in honor of Paradise Bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara ... Buddhism

Potala - in buddes. myth. name Paradise, where Avalokiteshwara and Tara live. On ind. And the Tibetan source is located on the top of the mountain on the coast of the Indian Ocean ... Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

potala - And, g. Z їїdena, Snishnya. || Likholіttya, famously, bіda. Vіdavati on Potal ... Ukrainian Tlumachny Slovenik

potala - ІMelnik Zhіnochnyj family ... Orphographic Slovenian Ukrainian Movie

Coordinates: 29 ° 39'35 "s. sh. 91 ° 07'01 "in. d. / 29.659722 ° C. sh. 91.116944 ° C. d. ... Wikipedia

City on Yu. Z. China, c. Tibetan auth. P. It is the main religious center of Lamaism (one of the forms of Buddhism) in Asia, which is reflected in the title: Tibet. Lha God, Ca Earth, i.e. Divine, Sacred Earth. Geographical names… … Geographic Encyclopedia

City of Lhasa 拉薩, 拉萨, Lāsà Country Chinese Status ... Wikipedia


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- invaluable treasury Tibet, SAMA th high ancientpalace in China, and all over the world, whose height reaches 3,767 m (12,359 feet). He is located on Red Hill - Marpo Ri in the centere Lhasa - and the storm capital of Tibet. Potala got his name in honor of the Holy Mountain in South India in Sanskrit "Abode of Avalokiteshwara (Buddha Mercy)."

The palace was built on the place where the ruler of Tibet Songscene Gampo usually meditated. The first facility was built here in 637. Later he decides Lhasa to make the capital of Tibet and as the legend says, in honor of the engagement with Princess Wen Cheng from the Chinese dynasty Tang (618 - 907) in the 7th century Songszn Gampo builds a 9-storey building - a palace with thousands of rooms.

Later, with the collapse of the Songzden Gampa dynasty, ancient palace It was almost destroyed in wars. The image that we see today is the architecture of the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911). Potala Palace consists of 2 parts, the Red Palace is the center and the White Palace, located as two wings.

Red Palace or Potrang Marpo. - The highest part of the palace, it is devoted to learning and religious Buddhist prayers.

In terms of ideas, it is a magnifier and strength. The red palace consists of a complex layout of various halls, chapels and libraries at many levels with many small galleries and winding corridors: The Great West Hall, the cave of Dharma, the chapel of the saint, the grave of the thirteenth Dalai Lama, etc.

The Great West Hall - the largest hall of Potala Palace , with beautiful frescoes on its inner walls. Around it is three chapels, the chapel of the East, the chapel of the North, as well as the South Chapel. Dharma Cave and Chapel of the Saint only two preserved 7th century designs with the statues of Songzden Gampa and Princess Wen Cheng inside.

White Palace or Potrang Karpo sometime served as an administrative building of local self-government, as well as the residential premises of the Dalai Lama. The walls are painted in white to convey silence and peace. The large hall of the East on the fourth floor was a venue for special political and religious acts.

The fifth and sixth floors are used as residential premises and registan offices while the seventh floor, the top, is the residential room of the Dalai Lama, consisting of two parts, called the Eastern Chamber of Sunshine and the Western Chamber of Sunshine due to the abundance of sunlight.

Potala Palace has other structures, including schools of Buddhist logic, seminaria, printing houses, gardens, yards and even prisons. For more than 300 years, the Palace keeps many relics of culture, such as frescoes, stupes, statues, tanks and rare sutras.

Palace Potal Nowadays

- Center of Tibetan religion, politics, history and art, and today - a large-scale museum. It keeps in itself more than 2500 square meters of frescoes, about 1000 sts, more than 10,000 sculptures and about 10,000 tank paintings. The collection also includes paintings, wood threads, classic scriptures, gold products, jade and products of local artisans, which reflect the wisdom and intelligence of Tibetans. The burial stupas are built here to keep the remnants of Dalai Lam at the time of their death.

Currently, there are eight luxurious stations, one for each Dalai Lama, except for the sixth, who was removed from this service. The burial stupas differ in size, but have such a structure consisting of the top, housing and base. All stupes are decorated with gold and precious stones. The most majestic of all is the stupid of the fifth Dalai Lama.

It costs almost 15 meters (about 49 feet) in height, and 15,000 pearls, carnelian and precious stones are decorated. The frescoes in the corridors depict historical figures, religious legends, Buddhist stories, folk customs and architecture.

See also: